HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-07, Page 134iA. For Sale General BREEZY BRAE SIMMENTALS SPRING SALE April 10, 1 p.m. Berkey's Auction Centre, Claremont. Selling 40 polled fullblood bulls; 15 1992 4-H heifers. Call (705) 357-3595 or (705) 458-4842. -- 14bc 1-400 GALLON BULK MILK TANK, flat top suitable for liquid storage. Best offer. 529-7640.--12-14nxc * I Farre Credit Corporation Canaria • FARM FOR SALE Farre Credit Corporation offers tor sale DESCRIPTION: Part W 1/2 of Lot 2 Concession 4, Eastern Division Ashfield township, Huron County LOCATION: 6 kin west of Dungannon LAND: 99 acres 01 Berrien Sanely Loam soil with approximately 60 acres workable Balance of properly bush and recreational land 1 his property hacks on the Lucknow River BUILDINGS: Nil ASKING PRICE: $55,000 00 Offers shoulri,he made on form': obtainable on rorluest'from any office of the. Corporation • A certified deposit of $3,000,00 must accompany the offer. ALL ENQUIRIES AND OFFERS TO PURCHASE SHOULD BF ADDRESSED TO FARM CREDIT CORPORATION Att : Paul Seholten 50 Sguth Streit. Goderirh, Ontario N7A 31.5 Telephone No 519 524 5366 I! no answer, rail 519 881. 1490• Farsinrlle No 519 524 1522 Please refer to File Number 24056 590 1 i E: Livestock YxL GILTS and HxD Boars as well as purebred Yorkshire and Landrace Boars and gilts available. Tim and Rosa Small 529-3240.--48tfar 11F. Farm Produce 500 SMALL SQUARE BALES of hay Phone 529-7408. --13,14x. SQUARE HAY BALES, 1st and 2nd cut, Alfalfa Timothy 'mix; 4-6 cents/ib. 395- 5225. --13,14 - 900 SQUARE BALES of good quality 1st cut"hay. Phone 529-7568. Iulpen JOHN DEER 8350, 21 run grass seed and fertilizer like new. Stone picker for loader with gauge wheels. Three tan- dem hitch land rollers. Call 529-7663 after 6 p.m. --14gp NO -TILL planting of cereals and beans New 5400 IH drill with yetter coultercart and liquid fertilizer. Phone Steve Alton 529-1041..--13,14,15nxc - --G tCHRIS-T-FARM-S�LV--Patz-fee and manure handling systems - Agrimetal feed processing equipment, 12, ROO Estate For sale GOT A CAMPGROUND membership o timeshare? We'll • take itl America's largest resale clearinghouse. Call Resort Sales International. 1-800-423- 5967 (24 hours). --14bc ARE YOU LOOKING for a hobby farm? A place to grow•your own vegetables, cash crop? Live in the clean country air -this small 50 acre farm may be what you're looking fort All workable land, house, barn, and modern 3 -car garage. Situated on paved highway, four miles north of Auburn. For .sale by owner. Phone 519-526-7732. --14-19nxe PROPERTIES TO BE,SOLD for unpaid taxes. Crown Land availability. For information on both, write: Properties, Dept. CN, Box 5380, Stn. F, Ottawa K2C 3J1. --14bc 23, FCR LEASE MEDICAL CLINIC - London near Vic- toria Hospital, ground level, wheelchair access, free parking,, examination rooms, labs, washrooms,' large recep- tion. Call Kelly Laughton (519) 472- 5801 or (416) 961-4840. --14bc TOP PRICES PAID for medium and heavy trucks, gas or diesel for wrecking. ONTARIO AUTO TRUCK (519) 843- 1126 Fergus. --14bc REMAX PRESENTS.,... LUCKNOW OPEN HOUSE Attention $1000 Per Month Guaranteedr IT' GONE BED & BREAKFAST - YOU BET l , WHEN YOU WANT YOUR PROPERTY TO DISAPPEAR Contact: CLETE DALTON REMAX Executive Club Member..Using Sales Representative 21st century technology for increased Sales and Re/Max Centre City Realty' Inc. extended service to vendor and purchaser in the 90's. 667.1800 Call today, Put your listing in the fast land. 140(acations CRUISE CANADA'S CALM RIVERS in exquisite comfort aboard a modem, elegant replica steamboat. Outstanding scenery, world class attractions. From $839. Free brochure 1-800-267-7868. -- 14bc . IMMACULATE HOUSEKEEPING COT- TAGES, sand beach boats, Halls Lake, hwy. 35, Haliburton area. Available weekly May & June from $195. Glengar- rian Resort (705) 489-3779 or (416) 283-0473. --14bc 17, Apartments Por Rent;; 2 BEDROOM GROUND level apartment in Lucknow, suitable for senior citizens, available immediately. Phone 1-848 2215. --6tf MAY 1st: Apartment #3, 1010 Yonge St., Walkerton. 2 bedroom apartment, $409.00 per month, plus hydro. Swim- ming pool, garage, quiet exclusive com- • plex, across from Bruce County Build- ing, OPP, near school. Apply to Joe, Apt. #7, 1016 Yonge St., 881-3794 or 881-7930.--10tfgp MAY lst: One bedroom, Apartment #10. 1016 Yonge St., Walkerton, $.'83.06 per d month plus hydro. To view r all Super 881 -3794. --litter bale choppers, Hurst equipment - flex augers. Custom belt lacing. RR 5, Luck - now. 395-2851, -8tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. RR 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, •feed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 or 395-26.16, or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost.--42tfar 30-50 ACRES of pasture land. Phone 395-5946 alter 5 p.m. --12-15 LOCAL LIVESTOCK -BASED farm operation would like to rent good quality cropland 'for 1993 crop year and pos- sibly beyond. Contact Tim Small R.R.#6, Goderich, 529-3240.--11-14ar WANTED TO RENT cash crop land for '93 season. Phone 357-2286. Wayne Colclough.--14-17x throw torn n milt=... FOR ALL OF IIS UnOaa wry NICE LOCATION IN LUCKNOW. One bedroom apartment, $260.00 per month plus hydro.' Phone 528-3635 or 745- 2363. --10tf 18 Hold ForRt";m 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE house at 1018 Yonge St. Walkerton. 2 fireplaces, pool, utilities not included. To view call 881-3794.--13tfgp HOUSE FOR RENT NEAR KINLOSS, 3 bedroom, available Apr. 1. $400/month plus utilities, References. 395-3439 atter 7 p.m. -13,14 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, completely renovated $600/month plus utilities, first and last months rent. References re- quired. Available May 1/93. Call Garry at Montgomery's 528-2813. -11tf - DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine. Three bedroom, 1 month free rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332, 03,04tf POINT, CLARK, . FOR RENT - 4 bedroom bungalow, oversized garage. Finished basement. $760 plus utilities. Call 1-745-7762. --14-179p Lticknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 7, 1993 - Page 13 .6 l'lelp Wafted 26.: Hell Wanted •u jobsOntario • Training (' (linty of Huinn Planning & Development Dept Huron County jobsOntario • Training program requires TWO PART-TIME MARKETING STAFF The County of Huron Department of Planning and Devotopmerrl is managing rho 'jobsOntario • Trauung•prograrn In partnership. with employers workers and local organizations to promote dohs and training In Huron Courrty New staff will market the.Ir4nurr9 program to employer througlnrrt the r'nnnly Strong nrn,kptlrrq.ilhrlittesmotivation. a solid-.Iirlderstanfirrg el the husrness roar munrty .aid a vehicle are rnrllnrnti Familiarity with the r Canty 1- v, rte sef One year contract po';Itions wage to commensurate will' e.xppru'nr'e Please reply will a resurnr• by Friday Apnt23 1993 to 01111 N Kennedy • jobsOntario • rfarnrnri 'o liuron•r;nunty Planning and Development Department Court House, nollerich. Ontario N7A 1-M2 H.E.LIPII Unemployed 'and MOTIVATED to. work? Are you receiving • Unemployment Insurance or ,Social Assistance? The HURON EMPLOYMENT ' LIASON PROGRAM is eorrrrrrittrd to helping you find trork. I:uii 482-1700 or 1-800-265-1772 Fired Out How To Get Involved. 11.F.I..1', is a hnmpr fit FREE ser ie*.! LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT RECREATION DEPARTMENT Instructor/Lifeguards Requires Instructor/Lifeguards for the summer :of 1993. Under the supervisionof the Recreation Co- ordinator and Head Instructor, the successful candi- dates will help teach swimming lessons, will do life- guarding dutiess,, partake in ongoing staff training, and do daily staff duties for the swimming .pool. Applications should state past work experience, all - qualifications attained or presently being taken, and any other information pertinent to this job. As well, photocopies of all certificates and qualifications and/or awards attained are to be included in your application. Employment from approx: mid June up to, and/or including Labour. Day weekend. Application Deadline: Wed. May 5, 1993 Applications will be received by: S.M. Whitcroft Joint Recreation Board Box 40, • Lucknow, Ont., NOG 2H0 LUCKNO-iEV- AND-DIST-RICT R.ECREATiOI DEPARTMENT Head Instructor Requires a Head Instructor for the summer of 1993. Along with' the Recreation Co-ordinator, the success- ful candidate will "help co-ordinate activities, lessons, on-going staff training, and daily staff duties, as well as life guarding duties for the swimming pool. Applications should state past work experience, all qualifications attained or presently being taken, and any other information pertinent to this job. As well, photocopies of all certificates. and qualifica- tions and/or awards attained are to be included in your applications. Employment from approx. mid June up to and/or including Labour Day weekend. Closing date: Apr. 14/93 Applications will be received by: B.M. Whitcroft, Joint, Recreation Board Box 40, " Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0 STUDENT WANTED FOR SUMMER babysitting in Lucknow (June -Aug.). 8 year old and 4 year old, approximately 32 hours/week. Please apply with ex- perience and expected wage to: Box 495, Lucknow, NOG 2H0. -13,14 CAMEO LINGERIE and Loungewear now expanding in your area. Mangers and representatives needed to introduce exclusive line. No experience needed. Catl Betty Thomson. 263-5072. --11-14 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. International marketing corporation seeks 2 reliable individuals to. build solid foundations in display merchandising. Expect minimum $900+ commission weekly' Qualified applicants. (416) 398-0919, (416) 398- 0924.--14bc DO YOU LIKE CANDLES? America's fastest growing party plan, PARTYLITE, has come to Canada and requires Con- sultants/Mgrs. in your area. Outstanding commissions, no investment, no deliveries. (416) 443-8857. --14bc l� {{ 27 Wanted, General RIDING LAWN MOWERS for parts or repair. Call 524-1933 daytime or 524- '671'6 after 5 p,m,-12-17nxe SPRING CLEANING ?? - Puddleducks is looking for trikee or any riding toys that you don't need anymore. Please drop them off at Puddleducks. -14ar WANTED - TREE TOPS and firewood logs. Phone Ron 395-0340. --14-16x 28. Business Opportunity THE FUNDRAISING TOOL or THE. 90'S. Imagine purchasing current cas- settes for $7.47, CD's $14.35 or LOWER. No GST or PST with Federal Music's Program. 1-800-263-1900. -- 14bc LOCAL SWINE BREEDING STOCK OPERATION is looking for multiplier herds to better serve our expanding customer base. Individuals with above average facilities and management are ' necessary. We are interested in someone who would like working with and maintaining healthy swine seed . stook-from---an-excellent-health.,siatus herd, who likes working as part of our team to generate a higher level of in- come for everyone involved. For more information contact Tim Small, Naturally Pigs, R.R. 6, Godench, 529-3240. --11- 14ar MINI DIVISION FOR SALE. Wrapping paper, ribbons, bows. Quality product includes raw materials, fin. goods, machine as new. Excellent potential, national distribution, financing available? Mr.•Livinstone (416) 977-6424. -14bc EARN EXTRA MONEY. Income tax or Bookkeeping courses by correspon- dence. Free brochures. No obligation. U & R Tax Services , Ltd. 1345 Pembina. Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 21363,1'-800-665-5144. --14bc CANADIAN WINDOW FRANCHISE. FOR SALE - Location major Ontario city. Competitive product line. Turnkey operation. Well established. Serious buyers only. (519) 753-0931 Leo Teahen. --14bc LUCRATIVE NETWORK MARKETING business opportunity. Explosive new concept in travel. First of its kind in Canada. No selling. No' Investment. High residual income. Call (416) 622- 1810. --14bc