HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-04-07, Page 12'Page 12 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,'Apr•il 7, 1993 Phyllis Matthews INDEX Classified 52$-2822 01 Articles For Sale 02. 03 Garage/Yard Sale 04, Antiques & Art 4A. Crafts & Hobbies 05 Cars For Sale 06. Trucks For Sale 'chic E00tpment • 7A For Sale General 78 Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D Bicycles 78 Motorcycles, ATVs, Etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & Equipment 7G Rec. Vehicles -Campers &Trailers 7H Boats, Motors & Marine 7J Service Parts & Repairs 7K Swimming Pool & Supplies 08 Computers, Videos, Etc 09. Automotive 10. Pets aket 1 1 4, 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C, Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Land 11K. Farm Real Estate 11L. Wanted To Rent 11M. For Rent 12. Real Estate For Sale ' 13. Mobile Homes 14. Vacation Properties • 16. For Ren 17' Apartments For Rent 18 Houses For Rent 19. Rooms For Rent 20. Room & Board 22. Lots For Rent 23. Commercial Property For Rent 24. Wanted To Rent • 25. Wanted To Buy 26. Help Wanted • 27.\WantedGeneral ' 28 Business Opportunity • 29 -Tenders 30. Employment Wanted . 31 Service Directory 32. Babysitting • 33 Miscellaneous 34. Personal '35 Notice To Creditors 36:Announcements 37 Mortgages .38 Auction Sale • 39 Educational. 40. Lost & Found 41 To Give Away 42 Death Notices 43 Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46 In Memoriam 47 Card Of Thanks 48 Coming Events 11/4 Articles For Salo ENGLISH SADDLE in excellent con- dition, bought new, 18" seat, $200. Phone 529-7416. --14gp RIECH I.D.A. Pharmacy, Goderich, carries a full line of breast prostheses. After breast surgery, our certified fitters can help you. For more information call 524-7241 collect.--14eowgp Word Classified Rates (25 Words) 1 week - $3.75 - 2 weeks $3.25 ea. - 3 weeks - $2.75 ea. Ad • i9nal Words at .16 each. Additional $2.00 charge if classifieds billed after 7 days. Maga,Carq. I v1 J SPECIAL RATES $2.75 Thursdays and 3+3. (pay for 3 get 3 free) on person to person ads. Sell it in or we'll run it another' Ari issues "Free 11 Person to person ads only please. Run your classified word ad for 3 issues. If your article doesn't sell, we'll run it for another 3 Issues free. Must be requested when placing ad. When your arti- cle sells, simply call to cancel. CALL PHYLLIS AT 528-2822 A buck in the hand is worth more than a garage full of junk X2.75 THURSDAY Drop into our., office any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 25 words) and pay only $2.75 (paid in advance). Plus G.S.T. " That's $1.00 off regular rates. hp I"' ntine COURTNEY SEWING MACHINES -sale on new machines, ,semi industrial and used, repairs to most makes and models. Phone 395-5341 Mon - Fri. -- 14-22 CHICK DAYS -order April 14 for May 14 delivery or order May 14 for June 11 delivery - day old chicks, ducks, geese turkey and laying pullets. We offer a full line of equipment and feed. Call Thompson/ Feed, Ripley 395-5955. -- 14bc _STEEL_BULLDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES -Steel Strait - wall Type -not quonset - 32x54 $7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50x90 $16,622; 60x126 $25,375 - other sizes available. Final year-end clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. --12bc KRANENBURG'S BUTCHER SHOP LUCKNOW 528-2242 Boneless whole or half Smoked ).391b. Hams Bruce Packers Sliced 5Ib.Bx Bacon 7A9 Tart Shells 3.39 Pkg.30 QUIET HORSE - part Appaloosa; english saddle and bridle and western saddle. Phone 528-3717 after 6 p.m. --, 14, 15 LANDSCAPING OF FENCING RAILROAD TIES suitable for fence posts or landscaping. Various grades, very competitive rates. Call now 529- 7691. --14tfgp PATIO RATTAN WAREHOUSE We stock ,a fine collection of leather bound rattan & wicker furniture. Check us out 71 King West, Forest 1-786- 2180. --14 1. Ar lctef For Sore: FOUR - SPOKED WHEEL covers for Caprice $250. Audio Vox AM/FM cas- sette car stereo for Chrysler Plymouth, excellent condition $50. Phone 529- 7021 after 5.--14-16gp, 17-19nx ,BIG PROFITS. ATTENTION JOBBERS, retailers, vendors, fund-raisers. Quality mugs, notepads, greeting cards, t -shirts, wrapping paper, stationery, buttons available 15-20% off retail value. Call Mrs. Lee (416) 977-6424. --14bc NEEDED. Lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 clays. Try our new Cellular Nutrition Program. Call (416) 841-0977. --14bc 18 CUBIC INCH ADMIRAL refrigerator, 6 years old, excellent condition. $250. or best offer. Phone 529-3612 or 528- 2940. --13,14x DISCOVER NEO -LIFE NATURAL. FOOD source supplements protecting the health of your family for over 30 years) Improve your health and longevity today. Call Joyce Cuyler 1- 396-5045. --12-14gp THREE WESTERN SADDLES in, excel- lent condition, different sizes, 'adult' and childrens' $150 and up. Call 524- 7990.--12-14gp,15-17nxgp NEW FURNITURE - at Shuett's Mildmay includes Sklar-Peppler livingroom suites, Braemore Sofabeds La -Z -Boy chairs, Bogdon and Gross dinette suites. Free delivery in a wide area. 367-2308. -14gp POTATOES -$5.00 per 751b. bag, while quantities last. Call Jack Wilkins 395- 5693 or Larry Blake 529-3418. --12-14 FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE for new or good used barn boards, an old standing barn with excellent timbers in Kingsbridge. Call after 6 p.m. 529-1143. --10-12x,13-15nx PIONEER TWIN TRAY CD PLAYER, one year old, excellent condition, asking $250. Must sell. 529-7422. --9-11,12- 14nx THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is available at the following locations out of town:, Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's Store, , Dungannon; MacNays Store, Amberley; Triangle Discount, , Goderich; Wingham Stationery, Wingham, MacAdam Mini Mart, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, and Keith's-RepairService White church.--9tfnx FURNITURE - AT SCHUETT'S showrooms, east side of Hwy. 9at Mildmay. Look for "Stock •Reduction Sale" tags on furniture this week. Phone 367-2308. --14gp STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS: ONTARIO FAC- TORY OUTLET DIRECT. Huge savings, special sizes only 20 x 30, 25 X 36, 30 x 42, 35 x 46, 37 x 48, 40 x 64, 44 x 56, 46 x 86. From $2,988 to $9,678. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. --14bc GOOD CLEAN HARDWOOD SLABS, $11.92 - $12.98 per cord. Delivered to Lucknow. Phone 529-1302. --13,14 STEEL BUILDINGS A cheap building offers no flexibility, may even cost more money. The answer for Quality, Integrity & Service - FUTU'RE STEEL. Thousands of people can't be wrong. Call 1-800-668-8653. -- 14bc SOFABED COUCH, light brown, $100.00 or best offer. Phone 528-3523 after 6 p.m. --13,14x FAX SERVICE The' Lucknow Sentinel does custom faxing. Drop in and see us or call, 528-2822, for full details. 31 tfnx WOODSTOVE & FIREPLACE /glass, Will not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape. The Chimney Sw,eep's Stove Parlour & Gallery Inc. 368-5274. 41 tfnbcpnx THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL now has the t1bllowing papers available in our office on Wednesday: Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine News, Port Elgin Shoreline News, Walkerton Herald Times, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor, Zurich Advance,--16tfnx CUSTOM TYPING tl The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing for customers; resume's,4 letters etc. We can offer you;,a number of different print types and sizes. Call our office or drop in for more details, -- 8tfnx 1, Artcs For Sale ONSAT Canada's weekly Guide to Satellite TV is now available at The Lucknow Sentinel $2.00 per issue. -- 12tfnx Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL any of the following Lucknow businesses: Beckers Milk, Bell's Discount, Lucknow Village Mar- ket, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Ser- vice Centre and C.E. MacTavish. --62tf VACUUM SALES and service. Specialty - Central, Electrolux, Filter Queen, Kirby, Compact, all other makes. Phone 395-58.17, --45tf TRY C&E FURNITURE, (new and used) Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Highway 21 south Goderich 524- 7231, --30tf sh Gars For ;5a 1987 NISSAN 300ZX-TURBO, 5 speed T -tops, electronic dashboard, fully loaded, mint condition, one owner. Certified $10,400 or best offer. Call (519) 396-4678 after 5 p.m. -13-15x,16- 18nx 1990 FORD MUSTANG LX, 4 cyl., PW, PDL, air, cruise, 53,000 kms. $8900 certified. Phone 335-3911 after 6 p.m. -- 13-15,16-18nx 1985 CHEVETTE, 4 door automatic, good condition, $800 as is. Must sell. 529-7422. --09-11,12-.14nx 6. Trucks For Sale 1984 CHEV full size pickup, 134,000km, 4 spd. standard, recently painted, good condition, $3500 certified 524-5244 after 6.--14-16gp 7G. RecreatJonal 1 `ehtfcles CITATION TRAVEL TRAILER, Huron Ridge, Chariot Eagle, Northiander Park Models. Good selection of previously owned units on campground sites and sales lot. Also a Variety of Trailer part supplies. One mile south of Kinloss on Bruce County Rd. 1, Fisherman's Cove, 395-2757. --14tfar 1978 22 FOOT PROWLER, twin axle, two way fridge, 3 burner stave, oven, double sink, furnace, three piece bath. Sleeps six. Two year old fully retres- table-awning-lnctuded 8-x 22' treated . Wood deck, ani many pots and pans, dishes etc. 'Everything you need call 524-8270. Asking $5,000 or best offer. -- -14-19nxe 'Hr t r O1't t arine TWENTY-SEVEN FOOT mahogany yapht with twin inboards, $8500. Phone 395-5263. --12-14,15-17 GIVE YOUR CHILD a treat. Get them a real angora rabbit for Easter. $3 each. Phone 524-5916.,--14gp 1tA'F rSalo MF33 SEED DRILL, 15 run seed and fertilizer, single disc. Phone 395-5225. - -13-15,16-18nx HEAVY DUTY 6 -way blade attachment $3200; new Chore-matic flex feeder' $550; 1 pr. 16-9-30" dualling rims with excellent rubber $550. 395-5263. --12- 14,15-17nx