HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-03-24, Page 9Committee will examine new structure
for delivery of health care services
by Heather - Boa
Paul Carroll and a band of volun-
teer workers are preparifg to gather
public input on the future of health
care services in Huron County.
Carroll was recently appointed by
the Health Ministry to be chairman
of the Huron County District Health
Council Steering Committee. He "The ministry's position is that
has compiledra list of 18 people he they would love to see a district
would like to see sitting on the health council and want one bet -
steering committee. That list, ween Huron and Perth," said Dr.
including four representatives from Maarten Bokhout, Huron's chief
the municipal government, seven medical officer of health.
service providers and seven
representing consumer interests, is Carroll said, "My job is to see
now in the hands of ministry of- that all the issues on both sides -
ficials. and there are many issues - will get
Carroll is hoping for approval of aired ,and considered. Committee
the recommended list by the end of members will not be permitted to
March, so he can proceed with an make up their -minds before they've
organization meeting slated for Apr. examined the issues. This is far too
14. important to be looked at with
blinders on, with tunnel vision."
"I'm a tittle worried about that,"
Carroll told the Huron County "I'm learning very quickly it's
Health Board at its meeting last much more work than I imagined to
week.. "I know how things take a work on the question," said Carroll.
long time once they get. anywhere Ninety-eight . per cent of the
near Queen's Park." province is governed by district
health councils. Huron and Perth
The steering committee will be counties are the remaining two
charged with the job of deciding, areas of the province without a
based an public input, whether or district health council.
not the county would. like a District In 1970, a steering committee
Health Council. If the answer is rejected a district health council by
yes, the next question is whether to a one vote margin. Carroll says the
establish a stand-alone council or delivery system and planning of
amalgamate with Grey-bruce, health care has become more
Lambton, Perth or Thames Valley. complex since the '70s and eon -
Ministry guidelines require a
population base of -at least 100,000
for a district health council,
However, there is a possibility that
a community with an overwhelming
demand for its own district health
council may be accommodated.
Jewellery reported stolen
A 33 -year-old Tiverton man was The driver's side window of a car
taken to a London hospital after parked at a Campbell Street apart
suffering back and leg injuries in a ment in Lucknow was reported
snowmobile accident on Mar. 18. smashed on Mar. 16.
The man had been in a field on Thirteen cartons of cigarettes
Concession 2 of Bruce Township worth $682 were reported stolen
. when he hit a knoll sending the from a Point Clark variety store oh
snowmobile into the air. Mar. 16. A window had been
OPP Staff Sergeant Al • Neville forced open, breaking the inside
said when it landed, the man was lock. Staff Sergeant Neville said the
thrown from the . snowmobile. He identification unit from Mount
was taken to the Kincardine and Forest was called to the scene and
District General Hospital by ambu- the. OPP are still investigating.
lance before . being, transferred to On Mar. 21 • at 6:20 a.m. an
London. . ' officer was on his way to the
A warrant is outstanding on a 17- detachment and came across a car
year -91d Tiverton youth after steal- facing north in the southbound lane
ing a car on Mar. 15 at 4:30 a.m, of Highway 21 in Huron Township.
The 17 -year-old was at a Queen . Staff Sergeant Neville said the
Street residence in Tiverton. The driver was found slumped over the
owners of the car heard a noise and steering wheel. The 27 -year-old
saw the suspect leavingthe drive- Ripley man was arrested and
way in their car. They attempted to brought back to the detachment for
stop the youth but he drove away in a breathalyser test.
'the car. • He . failed the test and was
The car was recovered in Amabel charged with driving with, more
Township on Mar. 17. than 80 mg of alcohol in his system
A Lucikitow woman reported the and care and controlof a motor
theft of a gold necklace, matching vehicle with impaired ability. .
bracelet and a school ring after He was also charged with having
moving on Mar. 1. open liquor and four bottles of beer
$h a jewellery was valued at about were. seized.
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100 ACRE - 2 bed''room home,
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tion $135,000.
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$72,900 - Duplex, 4 and 2 bedroom,
landscaped. Origipal porch.
cerns have been raised that Huron
County is missing out on funding
and , has a less direct voice in
decisions affecting the nature and
direction of health care'.
The District Health Councils of
Southwestern Ontario are currently
discussing such issues as planning
for children's and women's health
services, multi-year planning for
mental health system in South-
rwestern Ontario, geriatric medical
cafe needs and strategic planning
for regional cancer care and South-
western Ontario emergency care
services. While Huron is affected
by these issues, it does not have say
in the planning process. .
Following Carroll's presentation,
Health Board member Dave Gower
said, "I don't see any mechanism
where we as the Board of Health
are going to make a submission."
"If we don't, are we going to sit
back later and say 'What hap-
Medical officer of health Maarten
Bokhout said he would prepare a
Submission for the board's ap-
proval. The board discussed
devising a subcommittee to review
the position paper and draw on staff
The Apr. 14 organizational
meeting, to which the public Lis
invited, will be held at the Clinton
Town Hall, starting at 7:30 p.m.
For more information, call, leave a
message or FAX 519-527-1860.
More .on the
IPM events
Family Lifestyles, the programs
directed to all phases of family
interest during the five days of the
International Plowing Match to be
held Sept. 21-25, just outside of
Walkerton, have come 'up with
ideas that will bring thousands of
visitors through their tents.
Arts, crafts, quilts, food and
fashion ideas and first class Bruce
entertainment will entice visitors.;to
the four tents to be located near the
main entrance to the match.
"We are seeking the cooperation
of all those who hold Bruce County
near and dear to their hearts, to
consider donating one or several
gifts to be given as door prizes to
our visitors," said Karen Ribey,
chair of the hostess and door prize
committee. '
Karen Ribey says the value of the
prizes should be approximately
$10.00. Ribey may be contacted at
368-7405 and she will be delighted
to hear from anyone prepared to
provide a. gift - from Bruce County.
Door prizes should become
available by the end of May so they
can be catalogued, wrapped and
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 24, 1993 - Page 9
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The winner of the
4 tickets to see the
Edmonton Oilers vs
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Simon de Boer, RR #2, Teeswater
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Corrosion of -Mass -Insulated,
Factory -Built Chimneys
The Office of the Fire Marshal and the Underwriters' Laboratories
of Canada have issued the following public safety notice.
Corrosion occurring in some insulated metal chimneys poses a
potential safety hazard.•These chimneys are commonly used for
fireplaces, wood stoves and furnaces. •
Corrosion of your metal chimney could ultimately result in the
chimney falling off the roof or nearby materials surrounding the
chimney catching on fire. Corrosion can potentially lead to a'
metal chimney becoming blocked by its own insulation. resulting
in poisonous carbon monoxide gas building up inside your home.
—SlirdieTharrcragrosion riyirrsome-ehfrrrneys-th-at---
were less than three years old.
•Homeowners are responsible for maintaining the safety of their
• own chimneys. The Ontario Fire, Marshal recommends that you -
have your chimneys (both metal and Masonry) inspected,each
year by a qualified chimney sweep'or heating contractor even
when the chimney is only subject to light and intermittent use.
• .Efforts should be made to inspect those portions of an insulated
metal chimney. installed within concealed spaces.
A certified chimney sweep or heating'tontractor can determine
how safe your chimney is. If your chimney is unsafe, you will be
advised on what repairs are needed. Until.repairs are made. the
fireplace or dther heating appliance should not be used.
Make sure your chimney is safe -- it's your,responsibility to
inspect it annually.
For further information on this public safety notice pleasecontac
the Office of the Fire. Marshal at 1-800-268-6187, or your'local
fire department.