The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-03-17, Page 32• Page 16—Farm Progress '93 • - - RUGRE S 9 44 Pork producer adapts to changes in his industry by Ron Wassink CHESLEY--It's pretty difficult to pencil out profit in the pork business if you are considering expansion by building new, and often expensive facilities. Richard Ross, a Fergus area pork producer, knows the value of a dollar. When he was faced with expansion a few years ago, it didn't make sense to invest a lot of capital in more buildings. Instead, he chose the least expensive route. When Ross spoke to fellow pork. producers at the recent Swine Day in Chesley's Grey -Bruce Fanciers' Week, he left many skeptics. However, Ross has proven that pigs will grow just as fast acted just as healthy in inexpensive quonset type "finishing barns". Beside his old bank -barn are two such quonset huts, or Port -A -Huts, that hold 45 pigs each. The building are on skids and are - WANTED - Crippled Disabled, or Downer Cows (must be alive (St drug free) / Winch equipped truck ✓ HIGHEST PRICES PAID Phone 356-2479 or 1-800-661-0078 before 8 a.m. for Same Day Service EARL LANNIN RR 2 ATWOOD open at one end. Pigs are allowed to roam -in an outside penned area, winter and summer: The way Ross tells it, "pigs like playing in the snow as tong as they have a dry place to get in." The only down side he's found is the system requires straw. Ross' experiment has paid dividends and he advised farmers that he never lets himself forget that "I'm farming for the profit. When the profit goes, so will I." Ross also said the days are gone when governments will bail them out in tough times. He blamed governments as the reason Ontario is one of the highest cost places to produce hogs. • In explaining his 118 -sow operation, Ross said his farm has very little disease. No veterinarians or other hog farmers are allowed in the barns, • except in rare circumstances. Dead stock removal trucks aren't allowed on the • property. Medication is only used to treat disease and medicated feed is only usedin a prestarter until shortly after weaning. "A 100 ml bottle of penicillin lasts us about two months." Fly control is 'achieved using Muscovy ducks. Ross said he used to spend $25 a month for fly bait. Now he buys a dozen ducks a year for 55 cents each, and they keep the fly population "down to a very low level." Ross offered several ways farmers should look at to minimize expenses. He said he seldom buys new machinery, preferring to build or rebuild his own. If he can't fix it, he buys used machinery. He also said farmers should negotiate with the banks for the best deal as "some will be willing to sharpen their pencils to get your business." taton Ring -drive, dual -auger silo unloader • Adapts to,single-cable, 3 -cable tripod or 3 -cable hexapod Suspensions. • Ring drive with power transmitted to a'gearbox and drive sprocket at the ring. • A radial pin overload clutch protects the drive • 'system. • Both augers includeripping teeth that overlap and interlock. - • 1/4 -inch -thick auger flighting. • Giant 28 -inch blower with stainless steel blower band. • - • 4 cupped; cast-iron, swinging paddles with 1." stainless steel pins. • Proven -reliable Patz electrical joint. • Electrical control panel with ammeter and ' remote pushbutton station. •.Heavy-duty double -sealed auger gearbox with synthetic gear lubricant. Affordable Financing Directly From Patz Contact: - MILDMAY (519) 367-5358Putt• SAFETY!: ti's no acc,oe l He said' he vies to keep abreast of the latest in technology and installed a computer system about seven years ago. "Always remember to be a business person first and a farmer second." He said farmers should not be influenced by the traditional way of doing things and that they should not allow themselves to be influenced' by their neighbors. At the same time, he said farmers should not be afraid to adopt new ideas. "You are the best judge of what's right for your operation....don't expand facilities with borrowed money." He also said farmers should look at diversifying, either in other business of investments. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Lastly, he said farmers should take time for vacations at least once a year. Ross • is a private pilot and is involved on the Canadian Owners • and Pilots Association board of directors. He said farmers should have off -farm hobbies or outside interests. By doing so, he said you keep a . healthy perspective on .business. Nous PINTLE CHAIN Pintle Chain made with heavy-duty heat-treated - forged links. 1. More material at wearing points 2. Wider bearing surface on.wheels and shoes . 3. 1045 high carbone double swaged pin 4. Heavy -gauge paddle, 2"' x 2" or 2" x. 3" x 1/4" thick 5. Bolted paddles - reversible links for longer life 6. Larger wearing shoe 3/8"' x1, 1/2" x 3" FREE. STALL ALLEY SCRAPER Heavy Construction RR 1, Neudstadt 799-5584 "Where Price And Quality Meet"