HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-01-20, Page 5LCPS student voices his concerns
• from page 2
elementary schools. He'. said in
some cases it might be best to split
"chatterboxes" yet other students
'may need to be together to survive
Lucknow Central School student
Chad Freeman asked how
destreaming will affect students
who move on to other provinces.
Mr. Murphy responded that at
present any student moving to a
new school from out -of -province is
monitored to determine academic
standing. Chad also asked if univer-
sities may see Ontario students as
less qualified since less credits will
be earnedatthe high school level.
Mr. Parr said more should be
looked at than just the superficial
counting, of credits. He said the
Ministry of Education would ensure
that both sets of institutions mesh.
Mrs. Gibbons said since she sees
so many unanswered questions
concerning destreamirig, she hoped
that further nm clings would, be
scheduled to keep parents informed.
She said communication is import-
Mrs. Gibbons also asked how the
new curriculum will work around
the present timetable of periods.
Mr. Parr skid there have been no
firm conclusions or recommenda-
tions. He said they are trying to fit
the program within the constraints
of the current .timetable - but added
that he did not know what the final
result would be.
Although the Ministry of Educa-
tion will not allow the steaming of
classes, Mr. Murphy said that does
not stop the school from having a
group of students excused from
class fol either intensive tutoring or
enrichment. He added there is
already a system in. place wherein
students are excused• from class for.
enrichment purposes.
The panel was questioned on the
merits of provincial benchmarks
versus standardized testing.
Mrs. Homuth said the benchmarks
are a set of expectations on how
well a student can accomplish, a
task. She said there are a variety of
ways to test students. She argued
that standardized testing spreads
students apart while benchmarks
ensure everyone reaches a basic
Mr. Murphy added that ' similar
methods are used in many pro-
fessions. He said mechanics are
tested as to whether or not they can
do a specified task - not how well
the task is done. -
With a student it would be if the
individual can add one and one -
yes or no.
March of Dimes canvassers will call
"Ontario March of Dimes needs "We've launched an aggressive
to ' raise $600,000 to , provide new advertising campaign to
assistive devices for teens and ,encourage public support."
adults with physical disabilities, in "The people featured in our ads
communities across Ontario," states are not professional models. They
Executive Director Andria Spindel. have all been involved with Ontario
"A leg brace, an electric wheel- March of Dimes in quite different
chair or a communications aid ways, and have volunteered to tell
meanss,,independence-living at home, their stories so other teens and
rather than in an institution, the adults with physical disabilities
possifiility of employment and a might benefit."
more meaningful dignified ' life," January is Ontario 'March, of
Ms. Spindle continues. Dimes month in _your community.
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Thursday January 21/93
• 7:00 pm - Howick vs Novice "A",
- ' Friday January 22/93
7:00 pm - Wallace vs Atom "A"
8:15 pm - Minto vs Bantam 'B"
Saturday January 23/93
3:00 pm - Wingham vs Novice "B"
'05 pm - Blyth vs PeeWee "A" .
6:00 pm - Mildmay vs Tyke Hawks
8:15 pin.- Wingham vs Juveniles
Sunday January 24/93
• 5:00 pm - Ripley vs Jr. Ringette
Monday January 25/93
7.:00prrt'- Ingham vs PeeWee "B
PAULZINN • 528.2411
EDGE OF TOWN - 1/2 acre lot 22'
x 52' modular home in fair condi-
tion, septic, no well. $35,000.
$99,900 - Newer home approx.
2400 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, fireplace.
POWER OF 'SALE - $24,900.
Country home on acre lot near
Lucknow, well, septic tank. House
in poor condition.
99 ACRE - pasture tatm Kinloss, 2
ponds. $70,000,
REDUCED TO $73,900 -, Excellent
3 bedroom ,bungalow with carport
& basement, family room. Ross St.
$72,000 - 4 bedrooms, Victoria St.,
new family room and roof. •
$89,900 - 2 storey back, hardwood
floors, fireplace, 4 bdrms,. Ross St.
$49,900 - 2 bedroom frame, home.
125' x 132' lot. Ludgard St.
46.6 ACRES.- 2nd Huron, 30'
workable, balance bush. $42,000.
• $72,900 - Duplex, 4 and 2 bed-
room, landscaped. Original porch.
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Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday.
Holds . salary
increases to
a: minimum
Kinloss Township
Kinloss Township council held
annual salary increases for its clerk -
treasurer and road superintendent to
a minimum this year. A .50 per
cent increase was received by clerk -
treasurer Mark Becker, with Henry
Clark, road superintendent receiving
a .74 per cent increase.
At the January 7 meeting, council
agreed ' to donate $125 to the
Lucknow Agriculture Society for
the 1993 fall fair.
Mr. Becker was instructed to
purchase an additional five bins for
the Kinloss recycling program from
the Bruce Area Recycling Associ-
Council acknowledged receipt of
a building permit application for
Paradise Lakes (Bruce Clavette) to
erect a residence, subject to the
chief building inspector's approval.
Willard Downey expressed his
concerns regarding the Doelman
drain located on his property. The
drain inspector will be instructed to
visit the site again, as well as: view-
ing a water problem on the 10th
-Mr. Clark gave brief updates on
the status of the MTO road detour
on the township boundary road and.
repairs, needed to the bridge on the
second concession.
.January.20; 199a --Page 5
• Lions Bingo
January 24, 1993
Friday January 22
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To discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of .orga
nizing 'a chapter Of the
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opposed to being a Business
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area, Wednesday January
27; 1993, 7:30 p.m. Lucknow
Town Hall (upstairs). Mr.
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Rep of the O.C.C.' will be
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individuals and current
Business Association mem-
bers are urged -to attend.
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