The Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-01-13, Page 2Page 2 — Lueknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 13, 1993 Cailin Clarke, daughter of Sheila and tan, of R.R. 5, Lucknow, was- one of the 1992 recipients of the Ontario Agricultural College Alumni Foundation Awards for the degree program. Presenting Catlin with her Certificate of Recognition is'OAC Alumni President Everett Biggs. In addition to the certificate, Cailin received a scholarship cheque and the book College on the Hill. separate school trustees say there is a positive side to the Youth News Network 13Y MICHELE GREENE, There is' a positive side to the Youth News Network (YNN) that is -iping overlooked, said a Huron- Pe;rth' '-�•R'bman ..Catholic .Separate. School Board trustee. Parents recently met in Stratford to denounce they board for opting into a five-year contract with YNN. .The parents didn't like the. fact that two -and -a -half minutes of commer- cials are a part of the 12 -minute program which would be viewed by secondary students every day. "There is a positive side from this board's point of view," Trustee Gerry Ryan (Seaforth, Tuckersmith, McKillop) told trustees at the Dec. 15 board meeting. He said the parents' meeting , concentrated on the commercials and overlooked the nine -and -a -half minutes of news prepared by and geared to youths. "Students will be able to dissect the news with their ,teacher from a Luckrto Vill� arkct L UCKNO W 0.1 : • 528-3001 We Reserve The Right To Limit quantities Tq Normal Family Requirements MERIT TO 1 Lb. T 3= ' GO Margarine UU GR GROCERY SWEET RIPE Pure 48 oz. Glass Bottle ' ' • 7 9 Apple Juice WELCH'S McCAIN Frozen 12 oi, Tin Frozen 1 Kg, Bag . A French l 'Juices , Fries - ■ ' SEALTEST HIGHLINER Parlour 700 g. Box . Ice . , Fish In Cream Batter or1% 2 Litre Fish Slicks, Fish Fries, Cap'n Sea Tfingdom Fish ADMIRAL a RAGU Chunk or Flaked Light Old World Style 6.5 oz. Tin Ass't. Varieties 750 mi. tight Tuna - �. Pasta Sauce ,: ° 9 9 FRESH YOUNG CANADIAN PORKqi1+ .... SCHNEIDERS Economy Pack 3.51 Pkg. 454 g. Pork LoinBeef Steakettes 9. ill , . . Chops . il .3V, , TOWN CLUB ' CUT FROM CANADA "A" GRADES 6,59 Kg, Boneless Smoked•4.39 Kg. Boneless Beef Hips (Eye Removed; ' Dinner -"--".99 Outside Round . Hams lb Steak Roast&II 991b, PRODUCT OF U.S.A. . rPRoou E 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Seedless, Navel Fresh; Tender "Sunkist` Size 113's 10 oz. Bag oranges' . . ,,Spinach .99e�. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF ONTARIO CANADA FANCY Fresh, Red 3 Lb. Bag • extra Large Size 2.16 Kg. !da Recd Tomatoes 1.99 lb. Apples .99b.' Catholic point of view," he -said: Ryan received calls from parents concerned about the channel. Ryan believes people don't know much abaul. the channel artd are cerned about what may be broad- cast. The parents plan to present their concerns to the board in the new year and Ryan is looking for- ward to it. "I think they have to informed," said Ryan, adding that the parents will also be able to help the trustees better understand their concerns.. In September, the board chose to bring the national, news channel into the new St. Michael Catholic Sec- ondary School. The channel pro- vides the televisions and VCRs to the schools. At the tithe, some trustees felt they would be allowing this channel to invade their classrooms. "I think it's an .invasion into ohr separate schools. I'm suspicious of Big Brother coming in on us," said Trustee John Devlin in September: Trustees were assured teachers could preview the show to be sure it was appropriate. "These are high school kids. It's all around them. We can't live in the dark ages. We have, to go high tec," Ryan told the trustees at the same meeting. In October, Devlin and Trustee Ron Marcy, bath well-known for their opposition. to the channel, urged the board to discuss the issue again but were unsuccessful in bringing it back onto the table. The Perth County Board of Edu- cation decided.not to implement the youth -based channel m its :five secondary schools. . • Seeking herita. e designation The financial committee of the St. Joseph's Roman Catholic CtitlfC atKirigsbiid'ge.is investi- gating the possibility of having the ,church designated a heritage building. Francis Hogan and Frank Doherty attended the Ashfield Township council meeting Jan- uary 5 to discuss .the possibility with council. As a result of the meeting Clerk -treasurer Linda Andrew will contact the Ministry of Culture and Communications to obtain further information. In a telephone interview, Mr. Hogan said the church, con- structed in 1905, presently requires extensive and costly restoration work, particulary on the exterior. With grants 'avail- able under the Ontario Heritage Act, the committee was pursuing that avenue •for assistance. Funds ,previously raised by the congregation for restoration work have been depleted. Mr. Hogan „pointed out that if the township should proceed. with the application and .be successful, other buildings in the ' municipality, could qualify for assistance as well, The formation of a Local Architectural Conservation, Advisory Committee (LACAC) is in the process and interested persons are sought to sit on the committee. Mr. Hogan would welcome any volunteers. for the LACAC. He tray be reached at 395-3431. • Tenants aresatisfied with _ accommodations Susan MacKenzie, the Bruce County Housing Authority manager, recently released the .highlights of the tenant survey conducted in the fall of 1992. The survey was under- taken as part of a Quality Customek Service initiative directed by ten- ants, board members and staff par- ticipants. Slightly over 60 per cent of all tenants responded to the survey. Tenants identifell The providing of . good housing/a home as the main strength of the Housing Auth- ority, and affordability was rated second most important. Maintenance, rules and pro- cedures, the rent review process, staff communications, the building lived. in and their unit were six individual items tenant were asked to . evaluate. All six items received 75. per cent or higher excellent and good' ratings. Thee buildix gs and units were all rated at over 90 per cent good or exgellent,._Staff com- munications and the rent review process both received 75 per cent excellent and good ratings. Areas of improvement identified, by.tenants included frost free fridges, more shelving and clip- boards, seniors/disabled only build- ings, elevators, talk to tenants' to get - their input prior to undertaking major repairs, leave screen doors on, be frugal and-..tallelo tenants, improved water and electrical 'con- servation practices, stop/reduce unneeded changes'. Most tenants did not want lo see, the role of the Bruce County Hous-. ing Authority change in the future. Local housing authorities carry out the day-to-day management of Ontario Housing . Corporation's 84,000 housing units. They provide accommodation for families, single persons, seniors, couples without children and -persons with .disabil- ities. . The Bruce County Housing Auth- ority manages 398 assisted housing units including Lucknow, Chesley, Kincardine, Kincardine Township, Mildmay, Port Elgin, Ripley, Southampton, Teeswater, Walkerton and Wiarton. Church may be ciesignatea as ' historical building' At the January .5 meeting of Ashfield Township council, Francis Hogan and Frank Doherty discussed with council the possibility of des- ignating the St. Joseph's Catholic Church, at Kingsbridge, as a histori- cal building under the Ontario Heri- tage Act. Clerk Linda Andrew was directed to contact the Ministry of Culture and Communicati 1t is to obtain information. Endorsement was given to a res- olution by the:County of Essex that urges the CRTC to consider the proposal of Bell Canada for Maple - mentation of the 911 telephone emergency system. throughout the province. ' Council also endorsed the resol- ution of the County of Elgin regard- ing their conCerns over the recent provinetial planning initiatives per- taining to private sewage systems~, COUNCIL NEWS. Ashfield Township Authorization was given to keeve Allan Gibson and Mrs. Andrew to sign a Mutual Drain Agreement between the municipality, Jennison Construction Ltd: and Donald and Jack Culbert. ' ,Council voted in favour of pro- ceeding with the necessary applica- tions and authorizations in connec- tion with the installation of four street lights in Port Albert. This project is being undertaken at the request of the Port Albert 150th Anniversary Committee. The various council committee designates will remain the same until the January 19 meeting.