HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1993-01-06, Page 5Driver urges others to be conscientious
To the editor:
As we all are Excellent'and Con-
scientious drivers, you should may-
be not read this. But maybe your
know a, neighbour or a friend who
is not as ,good as you. You could
help him/her with some good
advice. Then we could all make it
safely through snow and ice this.
winter. Just be sure it is a really
good friend - he/she probably thinks
they are excellent and conscientious
Snow and ice are nasty things;
they belong on a ski hill, not on the
windshield, side windows, rear
window, and the "hood" of a car.
The Conscientious Driver will take
the time to clean all windows of
snow • and ice before leaving the
driveway. You will feel great shciw-
ing your neighbours that you
observe the law and are a respon-
sible driver.
The not so responsible driver will
Reader can
with .Rambl
To the editor:
- Those yellow stickers will soon
be showing up on my subscription
labels, so I am encloysing a money
orderfor a senior citizen's renewal.
I enjoy reading the column
(Ramblings).and after the first page
skip to Page 4 to see. what phobias
you are dealing with! The one with.
the parking in ticket in London!
Reservations in a restaurant - could
have hired more help to serve you
and your family better! The car
wash episode and getting in the
mens washroom was the payoff.
However, we all have these phobias
so to speak. Mine is serving myself
at a -self-service gas station.
Dummy me, I stand there looking
at the nozzle and forget where Iam
supposed to put it, so I avoid these
circumstances if possible.
Also don't . leave . me in a city
parking lot and ask me where my
car is (the lights at night change the
colour of cars); also in hospital and
sooner or later face the OPP, will
probably be charged with dangerous
driving, get a heavy fine and lose
points on his/her driver's licence.
But maybe it will be luck it was the
OPP the driver must face and not
the victims of a fatal accident - an
accident .that could have- been
avoided by spending a few minutes
to clear snow and ice from the car.
Ice and snow are our enemy when
we drive during the winter. Treat
the enemy with respect and be a
little afraid of his power. The
enemy takes 70 per cent .of our
traction in snow and 95 per cent on
ice: But even with that low traction,
we get our 2,000 to 3,000 pounds
rolling. Our steel box is now mov-
ing with a contact to the Earth of
er's phobias
high school parking areas - I get
lost just turning around.
In this -new age of words, it is
amusing to see how our mayors,
reeves and leaders of governments
hide behind the word "optimistic."
It seems in every other paragraph it
is used so I am optimistic ifyou get
this letter, before the deadline rolls
around.Please don't use French
words as this is my biggest problem
- i.e: signs on our highways stating
speed limits etc.
In closing, I would like to repeat
a senior citizen's remark: "When I
get up in the morning, I have noth-
ing to do and when I go to bed at
night I have half of it done.
Seasonsgreetings to you and your
Your faithful reader,
J. Russell, Armstrong,
Colbo . e.
N.B. M. Armstrong, your letter
dated December 30 arrived in our
office January 4. '
Postage goes up
Effective January I, the price
of a basic letter increased by one
' cent. The price of a stamp went.
front 42 cents 'to 43 cents for
Standard letters mailed within
• Canada, an increase of 2.4 per;
cent. ,
The price of a basic letter to
the United States increased by
one cent to 49 cents, while the
price of a basic international
letter rose two cents to .86 cents.
Other, price changes, included •
the GreetMore staine.for 1993 ak
38 cents, up one cent, and vary-
ing increases on TraceMail prod-
ucts.. e including registered, mail
from $2.85 to. $2.95.
There will be an overall aver-
age increase of four per cent on
lock boxes as a secondary con-
venient delivery option. Lock
boxes remain free for those with
this method as primary service.
Farmers check out
these .computer courses
Introduction to.Farm Computers
A three-day introductory farni
computer Course is being held at the
OMAF Board Room, Walkerton, on
January 15, 22 and 29. The course
. runs from 9:00 .a.m. to. 4:00 --p.m.,
and costs $60.00 per person. •
This course is designed to show
farmer-s=the capabilities of micro-
-computers through hands-on .work
sessions to, DOS and Lotus 1-2-3..
This course will also provide par-
ticipants with information to assist,
in making an informed computer
buying decision.
Farm Business Management
This four-day computer course
will examine four different,account;
ing programs. This course will' be
field at the OMAF Board Room,
Walkerton, on January 21 and 28,
February. 4 and 11, Thecourse runs .
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and
costs $90.00 per person.
Farmers will be. able to' test the
following programs; Simply
Accounting (Bedford), Quicken,
Farm Management Systems and
TSL Accounting (Farm Hand).
Farm Financial Management II
This Farm Financial. Management
I1 -Course will be held at the
Walkerton OMAF Board Room on
Bruce County OMAF
the following evenings: Januar y`l8,
19, 25, February 2 and 11. The
course starts at 7:30 p.m. and costs
$45.00.per person.
The course will enable farmers to
complete a set of financial docu-
ments,to complete the balance
sheet and an income and expense
statement on the accrual basis..
A Day in the Woodlot
Management Day has been part of
the Grey -Bruce Farmers' Week.
The theme for this year is a "A Day
in the Woodlot."
The new Trees Act and graded;
lumber are issues that made news in
1992,.Both 'of, these topics will be
addressed during the day.
Extra revenue can be generated
from the woodlot..A panel will
discuss various ways of turning the
woodlot into dollars.
The highlight speaker of the day.
is Andrew Dixon, a retired farmer,
teacher and author. He will talk
about his experiences with refores-
tation and integrated forestry and
the same grip as .four palms. Only
on snow and ice, the four palms are
coated with oil. On snow and ice,
we must control our vehicle, accel-
erate, steer, and brake with the
friction 'obtained from 80 square
inches of tire. Compared with a dry
surface, we only have five to ' 30
per cent of the friction.
Accidents do not happen
accidently. Accidents occur because
of the negligence 6f the driver. A
car does not have its "own will." It
is managed by you, the chauffeur.
Accidents are a result of driving a
car with no vision through the
windows, driving too fast for the
road conditions, bald tires, brakes
and steering failure and last but not
least, the driver's mental state.
Think about it and let us have a.
safe and pleasant 1993 on our
Best wishes for a happy New
Air Cadets
say thanks
To the editor. .
On behalf ,of all the staff and
cadets at 183 Squadron Air Cadets,
Lucknow, I would like to thank you
and your staff for your support and
coverage this past year. It is very
heart-warming to see the amount of
support and encouragement given to
this group of young people, by the
businesses, community groups and
people of Lucknow and area.
On December 19 past, we had a
new commanding officer take
charge in ,a formal ceremony here
in Lucknow. The event was a huge
success and drew many a favour-
able comment from visiting digni-
taries, military brass and parents.
Staging a military event of this size
here, would not have been possible
without the extra efforts and dona-
tions of time, money and decora-
tions from such people as Jeff
Taylor, Delores Cross, John
Bremner, Rod Furness and the
members of Branch 309 Royal
Canadian Legion, as well as Margie
MacPherson of This'n That Country
Crafts, and Frank McKenzie of the
Lucknow Legion Pipe Band,
I thank you all again, and invite
anyone interested to visit us at the
Legion- any Wednesday evening
during our regular training.,
• Yours truly,
Mike Burgess,
R.R. 2, Lucknow.
1993: a new
year for corn
The Ontario Ministry of Agricul-
ture and Food invites producers to
a one day seminar focusing on -corn
production in the nineties. This
informative day with feature
speakers will 'be held on Thursday;
January 14, at Centralia College
from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
. Don Bullock, from Illinois State
University, is in' the heart of the
U.S. corn belt and will be sharing
emerging production practices in
the corn belt.
Another feature speaker is Warren
Gear, with the Toronto -Dominion
Bank, who. will be speaking on the
to,ppic,of Marketing with an Interna-
tional Perspective.
Other topics and speakers include:
•Early Season Growth -Russ Barker,
Pioneer Hybrid Ltd.
•Managing •Fertility -Gary
Kachenowski, University, of
-Integrated Weed Manageinent Tarsi.
' Hartman, OMAF'
-Hybrid Registration -Jim O'Toole,
Centralia College
Innovative production, marketing
and management ideas will be
featured on a producer panel.
• Cost is $10.00 (including lunch)
and pre -registration is advised due
to limited seating. To register, con-
tact your local OMAF office.
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 6',1993 rage -a----
Worship Service - 11:00 am
Sunday School. - 11:00 am
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcosi to
Sunday, January 10th
Worship Service - 11:00 AM
Sunday School - 11:00 AM
Rev. Margaret Kinsman
Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome
!nibs You To Worship With Them On
Sunday, January 10, 1993
10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
• Nursery dawrutairs morning &
afternoon •
We're marking
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All the best for
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for.Job Site, Real Estate, Product, Truck Door
Silk Screened on a wide variety of materials
for inside or outside use - small or large •
also Computer cut letters ready to simply -
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fa0 "KARATE"
Open_House Thursday.January 7, 1993
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*****FREE CLASS*****
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Come out Thursday Night For Free Class. Children 6, Adults 7:15 PM
1879 -1992
—Prank Foran, Lucknow 528.3824 --
Lyons & Mulhetn, Godench
Donald R. Simpson, Ripley
Delmar Sproul, Auburn 529-7273
Clinton 482-3434
Chapman -Graham & Assoc.
° Insurance Brokers Inc.
Owen Sound -376-1774
Slade Insurance Brokers Inc.
Kincardine 396-9513
Laune Campbell, Brussels
Kenneth MacLean, Paisley
• 368- 7537 ,
McMaster Siemon Insurance
Brokers Inc. Mitchell 348-9150
John Nixon, Brussels 887-9417