The Rural Voice, 1983-11, Page 56eleae emote, 9ede/telt4me ob¢geeedreete
Plans for directors' seminar
The Bruce County Federation of
Agriculture met at the OMAF boar-
droom on September 26 with 23
directors in attendance.
Fieldman Doug Gowanlock is set-
ting up a directors' seminar. Ron
Garland and Grant Collins will assist
Doug in this venture.
Doug reminded us of the annual re-
gional meetings to be held later this
month. South and West Bruce meet-
ing will be at the Hillcrest School in
Teeswater on October 19 with guest
speaker Harry Zwerver. The North
and Centre Bruce regional meeting
will be held in Tara on October 20
with guest speaker Lynn Girty of the
O.F.A. executive. All Bruce ISM's
are urged to attend the regional meet-
ings to select regional directors and
delegates to the annual O.F.A. con-
The B.C.F.A. presented a brief to
the N.D.P. agricultural task force in
Wingham on October 5. Copies of
this brief may be obtained from the
Hanover office.
A delegation from Brant township,
black and white
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including Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cullen,
Gord Miskie and Ron McCready,
gave a presentation opposing the
hydro corridor through Bruce county
at this time. These people were
members of the Central Ontario
Coalition as well as ISM's and made a
very good presentation to the board
of directors present. They were arm-
ed with a petition and many facts and
figures. After hearing the delegation,
it was decided by those present that
we would send a letter to the Coali-
tion stating we would agree not to
take part in choosing a final route at
this time. We want to see Hydro pro-
ve the need for a line at this time, and
will be drawing up a resolution to
O.F.A. requiring Hydro to prove a
need and to make sure as little as
possible good farmland be used, and
farmers fairly compensated. Ken Kel-
ly will be preparing this resolution.
Several ISM's have voiced a con-
cern that the Beginning Farmer Pro-
gram is less than desirable. B.C.F.A.
has received a letter from the Bruce
County Pork Producers Association
indicating their disapproval since they
feel the program is discriminatory.
It was moved by Jim Powers and
seconded by Ted Fischer that we in-
clude the following by-law in our
Bruce county constitution regarding
Farm and Country: The county fed-
eration should use the proceeds of
membership fees in connection with
activities approved by the Board of
Directors for Bruce County, in-
cluding the provision of the Farm and
Country for each farm house in the
county. Carried.
The B.C.F.A. would like to thank
everyone who took the time to fill out
our bank harrassment survey. Plans
are now being finalized as to where
we will take the survey. If you feel
you could give the B.C.F.A. pertinent
information regarding bank harrass-
ment please do so immediately.
The next meeting of the B.C.F.A.
will be held Tuesday, October 18 at
the OMAF board room in Walkerton
at 8:30 p.m.❑
From the Farmer's Digest
Politicians have tried about every
way to help farmers except to leave
them alone.