The Rural Voice, 1983-06, Page 4HURON FEEDING SYSTEMS Service, Sales and Installation of Westeel Grain Bins and Elevators M.C. Grain and Corn Dryers, Metered Grinders, Rollers, Mills For Complete Feed and Grain Handling Equipment JOSEPH SEILI 519-887-6289 Brussels, Ontario GIVE YOUR ANIMALS A FLY -FREE SUMMER Come into Ryan Drying for a range of products to make the summer more enjoyable BOVAID Insecticide Ear Tags Season long control of horn flies Reduces face fly population The Unique Barn & Stable Fly Catchers 61/2' long x 71/2" wide PRO Livestock Spray SANBAR - for control of house & stable flies PURINA FLY Patrol Bait PURINA Malathion Spray For Farm Buildings and Livestock Don't let flies steal your profits! Ryan Drying Ltd. * Brussels 887-9261 \A1 a 1 t Q fl 527-0527 PG. 2 THE RURAL VOICE, JUNE 1983 FEEDBACK Cover to cover We have been receiving the Rural Voice for a number of years and want to tell you how much we enjoy it. It is read from cover to cover and we look forward to each issue. Mrs. Lorne Klein RR#3 Mildmay Ontario Lively style I am a native of Grey county (Holstein), I am delighted to discover the Rural Voice, a lively much needed style of rural paper. Alex Sim Rural Learning Association North Gower, Ontario The Rural Voice welcomes the views of readers and will publish as many letters as space permits. No un- signed letters will be considered. Letters should be concise and be- cause of space limitations, we re- serve the right to edit. Letters should be addressed to: The Rural Voice, R.R.1, Dungannon, Ontario. NOM 1R0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION As most of you know (and for those who perhaps didn't), The Rural Voice comes to current ISM members of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in Bruce, Grey and Huron courtesy of your county Federation. Over the last few months, The Rural Voice has been working with these three county Federations to update our mailing lists because we felt they were in- accurate: i.e., there were current mem- bers out there not getting The Rural Voice and some who had dropped their memberships, were still receiving the magazine. Our plan was to compare lists (from two different computers!) and make the adjustments. To those we removed from the lists, we sent letters explaining why and asking that you buy a subscription (for only $7.00 per year). If you think it's hard to get people to talk to one another, try a couple of computers! Inevitably, we've made errors and for these we apologize. Bear with us, it might take longer than we anticipated. but with your help ( and letters ) we'll get it straightened out.'_