The Rural Voice, 1983-04, Page 10Toronto says that one of the key factors
in success is to dream and the dreams
are directly proportionate to your suc-
cess. If you do not have the ability to
dream. you do not have the ability to be
successful. Too many of us are pessi-
mistic and unrealistic and we wait for
someone else to do something for us.
Let me give you examples of some of
the technology which is coming fast
and furious. Right now we have ova
transfers right here in Ontario and
anyone familiar with the dairy industry
will know this has reduced the potential
for selling purebred heifers.
We have methane digesters --- there
will be a couple installed this year. We
are growing yeast on manure and using
this as a protein source backup for
pigs. And solar energy is commonplace
in the swine industry.
I haven't even mentioned computers
and the tremendous potential they have
for farmers. We are in the fast lane and
it is moving really fast. There's a farm
to implant a thermometer in one ear of
each of his sows and hook these up to
his computer. Then each morning as
soon as he comes into his barn office,
regulations. In fact, last year in the
U.S. there were 2000 laws written and
probably just as many written here in
Canada for your and my benefit. And
"If you do not have the ability to dream, you do not have the
ability to be successful."
the computer would tell him which
sows were running a high temperature.
And these are things which are really
happening today. We have not even
dreamt of what can happen in the
future. All I'm saying is we should lift
up our heads and take a look around
The other thing is the intensity of our
desire to really do something. You get
nothing for nothing. If you wait for
someone else to do something for you,
you are going to wait a long, long time.
In fact, if you are waiting for someone
to do something, you should take a
look at the 100 plus lawyers graduating
each year. They are all looking for work.
"We are in the fast lane and it is moving really fast.
in Michigan which has hooked up
computers to ventilation and the whole
ventilation system is run by computers.
Two years ago when I was in Den-
mark, a producer told me he was going
And if we're going to keep having
inter -provincial fights, and border
fights, there are going to be a lot of
things done to us. There are going to
be a lot of people writing rules and
these are the kinds of things that are
going to come back on us.
I don't see any lack of intensity or
desire or hard work amongst pork
producers. What I see is the need to
harness that energy so it will take us in
a certain direction.
I called on a young pork producer in
Dublin who was really a hard worker.
He had built his own shed, was working
off the farm and has a herd of 40 sows.
But he is spinning his wheels. He
hasn't set his goals and he isn't going
in any certain direction. In order to
harness your energy and go in a certain
direction, you have to put down some
goals --- on paper. If you do not have
your goals written down, then you do
not really have any goals.
One final point I see these good
managers have is cautiousness. They
are scared to make a decision. They
weigh it, they re -check it, they look at
it, they study it, they wait and see what
happens and they check it again. They
The Following Test Results were done by Maple Leaf Mills Research Centre
under the supervision of R.F. (Rick) Welton, Director of Feed Research.
These data indicate that pigs fed Masterfeeds H.P. Pig Starter pellets
performed the best on the Filter Eeze slats. The poorest performance
was observed in the group of pigs fed on the slotted metal floor.
The same test was repeated with supplementary heat. Although the
spread between Filter Eeze and steel flooring was not as great, con-
sidering the cost of the heat, the Filter Eeze performance was tops
No. Pigs
Initial wt. Ib.
Final wt. lb.
Gain Ib.
Feed Intake Ib.
Avg. Dairy Gain Ib.
Feed/lb. gain
Cost/Ib. gain $
Filter Eeze Slotted Metal Concrete
slats slats Floor
14 14 14
17.0 17.3 17.1
41 35.4 36.6
24 18.1 19.5
32.2 34.1 29.4
0.83 0.62 0.67
1.34 1.88 1.51
0.23 0.32 0.26
This floor carries a 5 -year warranty and at a cost of =5.20/sq.ft.
is probably the most reasonable floor on the market.
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