The Rural Voice, 1983-03, Page 35FARM ADVICE
A lot of publicity is being given to
erosion control within the province.
Most examples mentioned are in the
cash crop areas of southern Ontario. It
is true that Grey County has a lower
overall erosion potential than many
other parts of the province. This is due
to the land use in Grey County contain-
ing a large percentage of pasture bush
and seeded down crops - the best
defence against erosion. The cultivated
land though is exposed to erosion and
there are many examples each spring of
this problem. As land use changes, we
are seeing more cultivated land and less
forage cover. The erosion problem is
increasing in Grey County. Problems
due to erosion are the loss of good top
soil from the fields and the problems
caused to our watercourses from the
silt that enters.
Cropping practices have the greatest
impact on surface erosion. The use of
grassed waterways and vegetated buffer
strips next to ditches are the recom-
mended measures to control erosion.
Ditches constructed with the proper
side slopes and grassed sides not only
reduce erosion, but require less main-
tenance. The Ministry has factsheets on
erosion control that describe the caus-
es. effects and preventative measures.
The effect of the silt in the water-
courses of Grey County is a problem
that all should be concerned about.
Grey County has some of the best
natural watercourses in the province.
The challenge is to keep them this way.
The Big Head River watershed is one of
the highest quality watersheds in
Southwestern Ontario. There is concern
that if soil conservation measures are
not practised in the area, it will quickly
decrease in quality. The intensity of
agriculture in the area is greater than in
the past. The result being more manure
to be disposed of, and more cattle
having access to the streams. Since
cattle pasturing along streams break
down the banks and leads to erosion of
the sides, it is recommended that cattle
be fenced from streams. The Conserva-
tion Authority and the Ministry of
Natural Resources are encouraging this
practice. They have demonstration areas
in the watershed where cattle are
fenced from the streams. The Ministry
of Agriculture provides grants for ero-
sion control measures such as fencing
cattle from streams or grassed water-
ways. Grants are also available for
manure storages that control runoff.
Information on erosion control is
available from the Conservation Autho-
rity, the Ministry of Natural Resources
and the Ministry of Agriculture and
Food. OMAF, Markdaie
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