The Rural Voice, 1983-01, Page 42RE-ROO F RE -SIDE CALL US .. . frIMITtp . FARM & INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS 364-1880 R.R. #1 HANOVER PG. 42 THE RURAL VOICE, JANUARY 1983 OVER THE BACK FENCE WHO WROTE THAT LETTER? by Tom Maplewood Have you looked lately at who is signing the letters you get? I was quite excited recently to have the following arrive in the morning mail: "Dear Tom, This is a letter of appreciation con- cerning the article you wrote in the newspaper concerning the origin of the stern look. It was a real gem and many of the thoughts you expressed echoed my own. However, in the matter of stating "the majority of stern looks, based on a survey, stem from cases of unrequited love", I beg to differ. In my experience most stern looks are found on people who don't like to get up in the morning, mainly those commonly referred to as -night people". There can only be one out of every ten or so who are anything paralleling "chipper" in the morning. The rest are sour as Montmorency cherries. You should check out your facts next time before writing such rubbish. Mind you, I do acknowledge that you didn't let the "facts" get in the road of a good story. Perhaps there is something in that. Moreover, it is good to see articles of this nature as it makes the balance of the publication "easy reading" by comparison. You may renew my subscription if you don't charge too much. Yours truly, F.T. Thornpeck per s.f." Now, this type of letter should not be taken in on an empty stomach because only a full constitution can properly confront the emotional heave-ho that comes with it. The first paragraph warmed me and made my day. I smiled a bit and squared my shoulders and thought maybe there was hope for humour as a profession after all. The second cut like a knife. I reddened at the cheeks and grew hot. What right had this know-it-all to tell me I didn't know the facts? I glanced angrily at the letterhead searching for a phone number intending to call up the writer and give him a dose of Maplewood medicine while I was at the boil. Just then my eye caught the curious closing at the end. The initials "F.T." didn't suggest a sex which might have offered some measure of the thrust intended. Worst than that, 'Thornpeck" hadn't signed the letter. Someone with the initials "s.f." had. This only added to the mystery. Since "Thornpeck" hadn't signed it, had that person even seen the letter? Or, had they anything to do with it whatsoever? And who was "s.f."? Was he (or she) the author? I looked for a return address but found none. I burned for awhile on the matter then decided I might just as well filch a few bucks from the deal by renewing the subscription as requested. A search of the files produced no "Thornpeck". It dawns on me that I am perhaps the victim of a hoax. There is only one civil thing left to do. I will pay a visit to the tavern of the Queens Hotel on my way home and there, in an atmosphere more suited to the purpose, ponder the matter further. Keep smilin'. Tom Maplewood, originally from the Ottawa Valley is a Stratford resident and freelances as a writer of humour. The name, Tom Maplewood is a pseudonym.