The Rural Voice, 1982-08, Page 19market period is also small. A surge in prices usually is necessary to stimulate such thoughts. Despite the aforementioned comments, most people will agree that the ideal time to expand is when the market is perceived to be at its lowest. Hindsight has suggested that by the time construction would have been completed and pro- duction fully on -stream. the market would have recovered, and the operation would be taking advantage of the improved prices. Unfortunately, predicting the exact bottom of the market and then borrowing money on the strength of crystal ball gazing does not make sound economic sense. Thus, it is usually quite difficult to convince a lender to provide financing under such conditions. A lender will be receptive to discussing new financing proposals that are well researched and reflect objective as- sessment of the market conditions, the impact of the change on the existing operation and alternative action which might be taken in the event that projections fall short. Farm financial management is no less complex or important than financial management in any other business. Historical financial information, cash flow projections and realistically valued assets pledged as security in support of loans are all important considerations in a lender's decision making process. He also wants to be sure about the character of the person with whom he will be dealing. Several advisory services are available to Cana- dian farmers upgrading the level of their financial record keeping and manage- ment. Proposals to expand the farming operation which require financing must be thoroughly researched and objectively assessed as to their overall impact on the existing operation. William H. Bearss, P. Ag., is Regional Agricultural Services Manager for The Royal Bank of Canada. This is the second of two parts of his lecture he gave at the Annual Ontario Pork Congress. OG ALFA -LAVAL and LENCO Dairy Supply Ltd. R.R. 1, Atwood 356-2282 ANNOUNCES: Mr. Jim Boak R.R. 5, Lucknow 357-1220 Sales and Service Jim is well qualified to serve you with the latest in dairy equipment as he was himself a dairy farmer and an ALFA -LAVAL user. Phone him and he will be glad to discuss your requirements with you. Pipe lines - Parlor - Bulk Milk Tanks - Plate Cooler - Energy Savers - Milk Meters - Water Conditioners - Water Bowls Ration Master Computerized Feeding Systems. <>CropHandler STORE YOUR FEED IN A CROPHANDLER UNITS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY & ERECTION Your Local Representative in GRE f, BRUCE. PERTH, HURON, DUFFERIN & SIMCOE Counties. NORTH COUNTY CROPHANDLER INC. Affiliate of Fritz Concrete Limited Suppliers of Precast Agricultural Slatted Floor- R.R a 1. CHEPSTOW. ONT NOG 1K0 (5191 366-2661 TOLL FREE (AREA 519) 1-800-265-3015 CROPHANDLING SYSTEMS LIMITED YOUR CANADIAN MADE Head Office 12iU Atruwooa Dr Mississauq.i Unt ALTERNATIVE THE RURAL VOICE/AUGUST 1982 PG 19