The Rural Voice, 1982-05, Page 44MORE AND MORE SWINE BREEDERS ARE USING THIS KEY! GENETICALLY IMPROVED PUREBREDS FROM G.I.P. FARMS CAN BE YOUR KEY TOO! rhawartegr t 897 GILLEBO 960 GILLEBO LORAN Unlocking profit potential in pork production today can only be done with excellent pigs. The excellence we put in our breeding programme is what you need. Better mothering ability, larger and stronger litters, higher weaning weights, structural soundness that's adapted to confinement, and uniform performance in the areas of backfat thickness. average daily gain, and feed conversion is just an example of the excellence we offer. Our newly appointed herd manager, Hank Haveman, will be pleased to meet with you and talk over your swine breeding needs: Landrace, Yorkshire, and Duroc breeding stock is available at all times. AIPQ G.I.P. FARMS OF CANADA LTD. R.R. #3, ST. MARYS. ONTARIO, CANADA NOM 2V0 TELEPHONE (519) 284-2735 1