The Rural Voice, 1982-03, Page 5the rural
Special features
Pork at the Crossroads
The Bowman report lays out the marketing
Farm Kids: Part of the team 10
Sick Cows 12
Could it be stray voltage?
U. of G. research farms 14
The Grey -Bruce Crisis Centre 15
Regular features
Rural News in brief 16
Keith Roulston 20
Voice of a farmer 22
The rural family 24
Gardening 26
Gisele Ireland 28
The young farmer 30
Country Calendar 32
Grey federation 35
Perth County Pork Producers 37
Bruce federation 39
Huron federation 40
Cover: Ross and Carol McIntosh from
McIntosh Poultry Farms
(Photo by Dean Robinson)
This month's Rural Voice looks at the big choice facing the
province's pork producers. It is, as Dr. Gordon Bowman of U of G
sees it in his report, the choice between improving the present
marketing system or moving to set up a supply management
system, one that must include all the provinces rind possibly
govern beef as well.
We talked to a number of thoughtful and articulate pork
producers in Bruce. Huron, Grey and Perth. Perhaps what they
say is representative of what many people in the industry are
thinking. If you're a pork producer who wants to examine all the
options, we hope you'll get some food for thought.
We also have a salute to those hard workers on many
farms...our kids. Writer Dean Robinson talked to three farm
families and came away with a lot of respect for their youngsters
and their contributions.
There's much more in this March Rural Voice, including an
up-to-the-minute report on stray voltage. a phenomena that
accounted for mysterious symptoms in one dairy barn. But if
you're a steady reader, that's what you've come to expect from
Rural Voice.
This month we'd like to leave all of you with a special request.
Over and over again we hear from readers that they value what
they see in Rural Voice, that they keep the magazine around, read
it from cover to cover and consider it an important source of news
for the whole farm family.
If you feel that way, will you tell Rural Voice advertisers about
your preference for the magazine? Farming -related businesses
are going through the same tough times as the rest of us. They
need to know their advertising dollars are well spent.
Advertisers naturally want to know if Rural Voice is doing a
good job for them. You're the only one who can prove that. If
you're a Rural Voice fan. we're asking you to pass the word. Don't
worry that you're not in the market right now for what a particular
advertiser sells, he's eager to hear from you. Don't assume all
those other readers who like Rural Voice are regularly telling
advertisers so. We need you to say it too.
A mention that you saw his ad in Rural Voice to a dealer in your
area, or a quick call mentioning the magazine's merits will go a
long way towards reassuring farm business that Rural Voice is
both trusted and valued by its readers.
As we say, those are the sentiments we hear regularly. Now we
need your help to pass those views along to a very important
group of people.... the advertisers who make each Month's Rural
Voice possible.
EDITORIAL BOARD: Bev Brown, Sheila Gunby, Rhea Hamilton, Gisele Ireland, Dean Robinson, Adrian Vos and Susan White.
ADVERTISING: Laurie Erb. Telephone 527-0240
NATIONAL ADVERTISING: Laurie Erb (519) 527-0240, Box 10, Blyth, Ontario, NOM 1H0.
Published monthly by McLean Bros. Publishers Ltd., Bok 10. Blyth, Ontario, NOM 11-10. Telephone (519) 527-0240 or 523-9646. All manuscripts submitted for consideration
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