HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-31, Page 8e, 8---Tbur.ds,y, December slit, 1906 TO THE ELECTORS OF COLBORNE TOWNSHIP: LADIES AND (1ENTI.EMEN: 1 have been placed nomination again for the reeve ship of our township and reape'utfully solicit your support at the polls on Monday next. I have heeh your Reeve the last two years and trust that my course has been acceptable to you. cv Yours sincerely, GEORGE C. FEAGAIir TIVILECTORS OF COLBORNE TOWNSHIP IBES GENTLEriltN.- \THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. - . Colborne Electors BEIEFS ." it-..--- Will Vote Rbe request of a large ember of ratepayers I am again • candi- date for the ofnce of Reeve. As you know, 1 have had many years deuce In council matters, both In township and county and 1f you see fit to elect me again as your Reeve i assure pan I will give my beet efforts to have the byslne s of the eouncll transacted in the beet Interewtd of the ratepayers. Yours faithfully. A. J. GOLDTHORPE 1 TOUZ~VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR THE RE-ELECTION OF JOIN PiTBLADO, Jr. AS COWNOILLOR OF COIBORNE TOWNSHIP FOR 1937 WISHING YOU ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF TttE SEASON _--sip: ELECTORS OF COLBORNE: ,- - 4 YOUR VOTE SOLICITED FOR THE RE-kLECTION OF JAMES CHIrSHOLM AS TOWNSHIP COUNCILLOR FOR THE YEAR1937. -0--------- TO _------ TO THE ELECTORS OF HURON: :° I I am a candidate for re-election as Councillor of Col- borne Township for 1937, and respectfully solicit your vote and influence in my behalf. 1 have had six years: experience 1n munletpnl affairs• and should you newor me again I will on all sessions exercise my best jetdg- w• nt In behalf of the whole community. Faithfully yours, MELVYN TYIIDALL COLBORNE TOWNSHIP ELECTORS WI' With two years' experience in the Council, I reajieet- fully solicit your support on Monday next for re-eleetiaa as Councillor, and uasure you that your interest* will•alwys have my Tet careful and diligent attention at the £on»en hoard. • 7 r , Yours faithfully. NELSON IticLARTY 1 Commercial Priotio We cangive you prompt and satisfactory service in Financjal Statements hooklets l'amphlets Reports e Folders Fine Stationery statement Forms Factofy Fortes business Forms Blotters They Iles Reeeilfts En'eiopes (311 kinds) Ti*leets , Business Cardf .Personal Cards 4, Wedding Stlitioi cry--' )Mineral Folders • Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills '-Window Cards A'netion Sale Rills Printed Forms.eStiie Time and Sirneli/Y Many Ot4erusisre Tedious Tasks Better Printing . is our aim Paces Reasonable TM 8iQal Prinflng Co., Ltd. 35 mitrarrir) Mari Streei r nimmegmagneammilelstella A ...1O114 ...4%. A :anus Alamaae k will be 1brid at the Impart se Jee- wry Sth, at a oarlock - Nomi. AN IfeWiiirelFH40. jet" ' Nature was re•ele.4 last week -end by three dyes of wlhl weather and a1 fnrnn County a .a 1 The ensue tlseealeg of lie Soder (Contluueg from pate 1) Iib IlanIiculto pll twrAety alit t» YEW who In. oust by it,. Feagan W at MacKay HAIR oa Tbar..!•► eveultag. 111J6, claimed credit for the financial j,Jauuary l4tk. s. state of affairs of the township and county. "Wises Feasts sipped io he had ►.rr' not nearly as much to pay off •s wbeaI 1 went Jllt_la l91)i•' said the ex Reeve. I OBITUARY Mr. Uoldthort was bitter to bin denunciation of the high cost of ad- ministration of Justice, and placed cuosideruble ,blame on the lawyers, "it's a nice thing to get the mooey, eat those fellows are getting fat on Money poor farmers on the backroa4s t:aanot &1u without. When 1 war ea the criminal audit board 1 sent a re- port to the Government, but nothing came of lt." tie lashed out at the practice of pay- ing five men for five day for appoint- ing Juries. "Do you believe five in- telligent men would take five days to appoint jurors?" he cried. "1 re- commended three, but nothing was done about it." Mr. e•ttoldtborpe, referring to the county treasurer's report, *aid tbe county was not as well off as was re- presented. "Tbere'. a 13.500 or $4.000 surplus In the County Home that is Included in the assets. It shoutdo't be there at ull. The amount is 10 estates and its soon as au comate diets the money reverts back to his relatives." The Alibi Diems ALBERT T. M•UOFtORD Atbitt T. Mugford, well-known Col- borne townstt(p farmer, died at Alex- andra hospital on Wedneedas' la Me slxtrnintb year. He had been tit poor health for some tine and win gravely 111 In tbe hospital the last few months. He was born near Lindley, a aon of John Mugford and Fanny May, and moved to Colborne town- ship with his parents when a boy. He continued terming after the death of his parents. Mr. Mugford was a Presbyterian and In earlier years was • member of the C.O.F. He wee united In marriage to Jessie Burns, d Colborne townehlp, ado survives, with four children, William, of Colborne, and Anderson, Mrs. Russell Potter and • second married daughter, Loey, all of Detroit. Tbere are five grand- ( -Widgets Fred Mugford. of Ooderlch townsb!p. le a brother of deceased, and Mrs. Mary Klppe n, of Toronto, is a Aster. Ker, D. J. fiat. will conduct a brief fusing service at Wheeler's teneral home Ma Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Interment will be In Colborne cemetery. 1 proar broke out for the first time, although laugbtcr and "wlsecraets' had been hurled freely at the speaker, when he spoke of the Allin drain. "1 don't ore why we should have to pay Allen's lawyer. Someone made • mistake somewhere." Councillor 1'ltblado leaped to bis feet and cried: "lf anyone made the j blunder you did," pointing an aecuslnn finger at the speaker. ' "No each a thing,' declared Me. Goldthorpe. "You're falsifying the trolls." ".Yes, you did," came the vole* of Reeve Feagan above the den. "You were advised by our solicitor to re- fuse to hear the Alltn drain appeal when it was not entered withire the ten days allowed by law ; but you didn't tell es. • You let us go ahead 11 and hear It and 1t colt un $100.' "You're fel...tying the truth," yelled the accused man, whereupon council- for Tyndall ranged himself with Meseta- Feagan and Pftblado and the speaker found three data shaking un - • CLINTON i At Cltatou all municipal offices were I filled by acclamation. Geo it El. Ilott retired from the reevesblp. but dropped bark to the council. The lira council will be as follows: Mayor -W. S. R. Holmes. Reece -iced Livermore. Coulltcillors-W. G. Cook, O. 11. El- liott, F. W. Johnston, J. W. Nediger, O. L. Palau. W. Walker. Pe c UtiUtte. Commissiooer- Thom Churchill. Pu c School Trustees --Wm. Nedi- ger, O. E. Hall, G. C. Lobb, Geo. T. Jenkins. SEAFOETH The council of 1936 was returned for another year without a contest. as follows: Mayeor-A. 1). Sutherland, Reeve -John 11. Scott. -Councillors-M. A. Reid, J E. Keat- ing, C. Holmes, J. .1. Cluff, R. G. Parke, F. Sells. E. L. Box was re-elected to the pob- llc sutltltfes eommisiou. BLYTH m. keeve-W. G. McNeil. councillors -Jasper Cook, Jame* Watt, Wm. Morrill, Delos& Taman. Public School trustees -Wm. Thuell, Wm: Mills, Absalom Taylor. Utilities Commissioner -,lames l ioddea All elected by ace•lamation. A MILD DECEMBER In celeparison with official figures of the mime period last year, the past week has been exceptionally mild, with a high temperature of 55. compered with the week'. tlgh of 23 last year. In fact, It was not once as cold the ' past week as on the "warmest" day of 118. same week. last year. i 1 Ree month as a whole has been mu 'i milder, with hely 9 inches of snow and l 11.51 Inches of rain as compared with 130 inches of snow and .21 inches oft ' rain In December Fat year. Temperatures of the last week and of the corresponding week of last year I were recorded officially as follows: 1 i 1936 1965 I Max. Min. Max. Min ' Thurs., Dei 24 --..42 27 23 10 I Fri-, Dec i5 ..... -.43 35 23 15 'Sat.. Dec. 26 ........47 44 22 12 !Sun., Dec. 27 50 38 21 11 M on., Dec. 28 -34 38 21 6 ins.'s., 1)ee. 29 37 24 18 -2 Wed., Dec. 30 55 35 21 5 der his one and three voices shouting' in unison, "You did-" "nide' and "dldn'te,' were batted bark ind forth like shuttlecocks and the Targe audienee was on Its feet roaring approval when Mr. Hill (brought the meeting to order. -We- sad "I" On snotber tack after the storm tbe speaker said: "Your rate was four mills to 1930-1, and then for three years 1 lowered the rate a half mill." "Why don't you say 'we'•t' de- manded a voice. l "There you go.' burled tack the speaker. "when l d" something good !you want use to sly 'we,' and when we do something bad you &ant me to -city .1." "I don't know what 1'11 do yet, but ;I think my lain.' will be 011 Ih.' tallut, ;and I want your support." $ "Hear. hear." came tiu-L :e lope voice. 1 Demanding to he allowed to clear up the drain situation. 4'onnelllor Tyn- dall mounted the platform once more. -•Ooldthorla• was advised 1A Mr. Hays once, in the presence of the late clerk, Herbert Morrie, to refuse to hear the A11In drain appeal If it was net etstere'4 In time; and it was not. "arisen the conned met Goldtborpe said to hear the antes' and later, Miring the meeting, Mr. Morris said to Mr. Feagan: 'I eaaeot understand Mr. Goldthorpe's attitude after bear - Ing the solicitor's advice. He kept that advice nosier his hat.' " ' Mr. Fergon backed up tete state - meet and said he made an amend- ment to the motion to bear the appeil, -.which motion had be•w-ec•ouded by Coasetllor Tyndall. "When I learned the eetreumstances," said Mr. Tend8ll. "i wIeh.sl to with- draw my name from the motion In Order to .acosd the amendment. Our peeve' refused to let me de so." Dentals hurled by Goldthorpe were "touted In his teeth" as the three men who 1earl been `t'nntmtllorw nnd.-r him I turned In unison against Dim. "Tecbniealty," said the chairman, after relining the roaring audience, "a He.'ve's duty Is to lead and a•lvl*e his connclllors. lila. appureatly, waa not Harry McCreatl. w'a+ one of i-vetral who said he would like to .v tbe 1930 ceuncil returned by acetaniation. "I think the 1034 counirll' should bt congratulated." said Learn.. Johnston, another nominee "i hare boat% a tax- layer for fifteen yeers anti;my foxes are the lowest 1. that time' 1 Those stating taterely flint they would not quality were Atex. Wntsnn, Albert Good, Kenneth Arlin and Jas. iF:Illott. Reeve Wm. Stewart addre.-end the gnthering briefly and in humorous vein, a• r11d Reece Peter Se'ntl, the latter objecting to the aifohg term noted during the prevlons mewl little when the participants. whited to ex- press their belief of the inaec•urney of another's, statement. "The correct parliamentary term," M. sold with a smile, "le to (is -write another's InaceuTste statement n- terminnloglea1 'neva/nitride." 'Ilw well-known and popular Ree to of Fast Wawanosh stated h town- ship had ent expenses by Ing patrolmen on the roe& and ting the e.ouneallors do the work. "They have 11311+ enough to do as It let" be said- H. coagrefnlated the 1936 ennacil on It. year'* work and eoneluded by saying: "1 believe If the Legislator* were handled seitit.ltip qtly as mate ty eonnllls or township ncoaeets we would be better off," -fir - Cai' The Signal's (Laatfied (Wti)11ae GODERICH MARKET PRICES Hens. ever 3 lbs, 9c; 4-5 lbs., 8c: ander 4 lbs-, 7e. ` Eggs aad Better Eggs, ler dos., 18c -27c; dairy hot- ter, 1b., 22c; creamery butter, Ito.. 28e. Live Steels Eacon bogs, cwt., 47.75; beef. lb.. 4e -5c; veil. Ib.. 7e -8c; lamb, lb., 7e, frisks Wheat, per her., $1-41.05; buck- wheat, bus., tine -65e; oats, bus., 43e- 45e-; feed belie,. hes., 55e -35c; matt- ing barley, bus., 80r -85e. Vegetables Potatoes, 90c- 11. near and Feed Bran. 100-1h. teat. 11.75: shorts, 100- 111 bag. 11.85; Manitoba nqur, 100.1b - hag, 53.45--14. DECLARATION 1, Robert Cockburn hays, of the Town of Ooderlch, County of Huron. harrister-at-law, do nolemoly declare that prior to one John Allyn making appeal against aaseeement ot. the Allis drain 1 advised then Reece Albert Goldthorpe sod the township clerk not to accept the tetice of ■ppeal, as I considered the staid John Allyn was too late in appealing, tied this conver- sation was either tbe day before or the morning of (be Court of Revlaioe. And i make tbit enema declaration coneclentlously believing it to be true and knowing that it Is of the same force and effect as if etude under oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. (signed) R. C. HAYS. Declared before ase at the Town of Goderleb, in the County of Huron, this 301h day of Deeembpr, A.D. 1930. (signed) M. L. Griffin, A Commlanloner, etc. THE ALLIN DRAIN BYLAW At the request of Mr. A. J. Gold- thorpe we publish. the following ex- tract from the minutes of Colborne township council: Carlow, June 11th, 1981. A court 'of revision on the Allyn drain bylaw, No. 7 of 1931, was held at 2 p.m. All the eilembera of the 3stbnell present and signed the oatb of oStce. The Reeve (.t. J. Goldthorpe) ad- dressed the ratepayers who were pres- ent, stating that as there ball been no appeals sent In the council were ready to go ahead with the final passing of the bylaw and would start the digging of the ditch as soon as it was possible. Nfr. Wm. John Allyn claimed he had sent in an appeal against the amount he was aswesseal on the drain. It *as proved that he had not done no. Mt. lMnnelly op behalf' nt Mr. Allis applied to have Mr. Allin's appeal heard, stating there were other steps they could take If this appeal were not heard- 1t was mused he Coun- cillor Thom that Mr. Allin's appeal be hostel. Neeonded ht' Councillor Pit= blacks. The Reeve asked 1f there was any amendment to the motion. and as none was made he took the vote on the motion. 6onnelllor Tyndall voted for the motion. Tben Councillor Feagsn nbjeNcd to the motion being 'daielared curried and moved as amendment that the appeal not bavlsg been pet le at the proper time Amulet not be beard. Ccrone111er Tyndall wanted to with- draw his rote few the motion, and to inroad Ossicular reagen's amendment bat was net a110wsd to do se. The Reeve dedated Pals motion carried EXETER At tbe nomination meeting on Mon- day three men were proposed for the reeveshlp: James. W. Morley. Thos. 1'ryie (the 1936,lteevel and William D. Binders. Mr. Sanders was tie only one of the three to qualify .tad be will therefore be Reece for 1937. There were thirteen nominations for councillor, but only two qualified, L M. Dfguan and J. W. Hern, and It win theref+ure be necessary to hold new Dominations for connelllors. L. J. Probate was returned by aft,_ elamatlon as public utilities commis - stoner. School trustees re-elected by ae- clamation are C. V. Pickard, J. M. Soutbeott, A. O. Elliott and Mrs. R. E. heavers. BRUSSELS Robert J. Bowman was re-elected Reeve of Brussels by a.clamatiou. For councillors the nominations were William Clouse, Walter Kerr, Wm. Little, W. E. Willis, R. F. Downing, Wilfred Cameron The first four lined and arc elected statue( ceutlawouse. rslu[all HMO washed away the j•st. slice of stow and lee wen:eh blanketed tie dlatriet. Green grass .bowed once more seed Is • sheltered evorner of W. S. Bowdea's dower garden psnaea poked their purple heads through the green of lbs plants. At the home of T. H. Mit- chell on South streitt to -o buds Imre sero en Iliac bushed. WEEK OF PRAYER _ The local churches are' Joining in the world-wide par-ilclpatloD in ,the week of prayer and service, will be held each evening next weed at 8 o'clock as follows: Monday, January 4th, at Victoria street church. Tuesday, January 8th, at the Bap- tist church. Wednesday. January 0th, at Knox church. Thursday, January .7th, Ge. rge'a church. Friday, January 8th, at North street church. The minister or the church In which the servlet is being held will have charge of the service and one of the other ministers will ,leak, each to turn. 1t is hoped that tbe Christian people of the community will uulte la a great witness for (incl at these meet - at 8t - lags. BORN HICKS. -At -U, niotra 11044tal Geml- erk'h, nrf Tllew.la)', IIerrmter :Mels., to lir. and Niro. Walter ilh•ks, of Gude rich township. a sun. DOt'GIIEICTY.-At Alexandra Mew sal. on Thursday. December 3114, t.. Mr. and Mrs. ()romp cls y. R. R. 3. Ge.derlcb. ■ sou. %l1. 11011111N.-- At Alexandra bcmote t•t:. Healerleh, oa Thursday. 14retnber 241h. „tit Mr. and Irs. Thomas J. Cards -1- A LAROS £8NO11ETI12241 TO CHOOSE FROM Cole's Book Store PHONE 91 CHARTERED ACCO tN TANTE 1 W. MONTEITH, d chartered A tent 140Ontario street, Stra:furd, Ontario(Member Ftrstbrook, McLeod & Mcr- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) AUCTIONEERLNiG THOMAS UI:NDRY, UOIIeRIOIL 1,1%-E STOOK AND GENERALA I •(YFION OIER Telephone No. 119 Kates attended to anywbere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' mils notes d1 counted. H rton, of Gocl Prl Ph a ...en DIED MI'GF'*)R'‘-At Alexandra bo-pital, Goderlch, on Wednesday. 30th. Albert T. Mugford. In bra A funeral service will be Wheeler's funeral tarlor ea sewrday, at, 2 p.m- Interment is :Colborne cemetery. SALE. -Iii 1;..lericb. oil Thursday. camber 31, Kate Hughes Campaign, wIk,w of the Into• Major C. E. ;tale. In her *list your. The funeral sertb-e w111 be held at her • bete r.wi.k•ner. :it. George s CYee.arnt, on deturday. at 3 p.m. In- terment in Maitiswl cemetery. qua Public School 1'ttifit'ee.s2-1t fcTav- lob, John Gibson, Pbrey Mitchell 1 A, (Fleeted by aeclamatlon). rift". 16, WANTS POSITION AT Public Utilities Commissioner - 1W holey -work In res4ectable! bole. Cleve Ilaekrt (Dc atrlatiatlon). Phone 243, Clinton. or write P. OBox 2514. ('lintoa. For Reeve -Alfred Y hellck, George Armstrong. For Councillors -W. H. Haugh, Max Turnbull. Roland Geiger, Fred Hsb- erer, Henry ebilPe. STANLEY In fit•nley toonehip the council 01 1196 was returned by acclamation: Reeve -Webster Turner. CouncllLore-Fled Watson. Ed. C. Mew, John IC "Pepper, Roy Lamont. For It eve- STEPHEN Goetz, Chablis Maw blowy. For Deputy Reeve -Edward Lam port, Alonzo McCann. For Councillors -Thomas Love, Jobs Morrissey, Merman Powe, itoy Lata. Edmund Shepton, MORRIS . Tor Reeve -Elston Cardiff, Finlay McCallum. For ('oasclHore-FA ward Bryans, Prance• Duncan, James Pba'en, Role nt' Wallace, Walter Nbortreel, W Hi Blisnderssn, Gell Wheeler. USBORNE All by acclamation • Rete! -George Westeott. Couaeillo,s--Perry-Plsmorsi. Jobe Ballantyne, Hoath Merry. Hugh Cooper. G For Reeve-LIeY A. 1 Jabs M 'N abL. For Deputy Reeve-Walroe& ' foot, Thos. C. Wilson. For Count -fliers -The.. berty. Alex. Alitsander. Leslie McK -fee- elamation I . TUCK/MOUTH Council of 1934 returned by heels - matron : Reeve -W. R. Archibald. Councillors -Chas. McKay, Samuel Whitmore, Andrew Bell, I)svld Gem - fell'I. McEILLOP J. M. Eekert 1s returned by seclama-,, Hon as Reeve of M(•Klllop. AUCTION SALE ,FARING AL'VIIOY SALE OF A otsot practically sew furniture. for Mr. Gordon J. Staph, at the store at Nile, on SATURDAY. JA (VAHT led. 1117 T. OENDRT A SM. Ane Isseeew V.'r lNAa'r wwo+ r R. G. E. MYEERS. V.N., EP VETERINARY N1'Ri1EON Orpduate of the 1-nlrereJty of Tor Hints and Ontario Veterinary College. Office at T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton etiset. Phones: lay 216; reddens* t CASH OP THANES MRS. J. D. PARRiSH ANI) FAMILY wish to tender their eordlal thanks to neighbors and friend.. for the many ktncfarewses extended to them during the illness of their htuhand and fath- er and In the time of bereavementt, and particularly for the floral tribute. and for the loan of cars fer the fun- eral. FOR MLR r,OR BALE --LARGE TRACY' OF a• TIMBER, chiefly hydro and tele- phone poles. Inquire first at SIGNAL OFFiCF tiorsia 1POR SALE.-TWit-S'T'ORY ▪ brick house on Neiman street. Elgjt rooms .and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot- tage. Apply at 6IONAL OFFICE. VOR SALE BY 1FIINDER.-100 ll acne pasture land with running wa- ter on 4th conces.lot' of West Wawa - nosh, lot 18. Htgbeet tender net nPcea- saHly accepted. AFI tenders mn•t he !n by January 30th, 1937 Apply to IIOBT. BORMAN, R.R.r. Leamington, Nominations for the township court- Ont. c11 are: Russel! Dormice, F,lmer - - lite-kr/PT , Ilagh Alexander, ,ioeeph O'Rourke, Peter Malo•ey, CHRiSTMAS AT THE JAIL / Fire intpi1e•s of the fall on Chri.t- map. Dey were the-.gbeatsof Governer J. B Reynolds al 'I Christmas din- ner. a goose' diener, with a0 the trimming*, wee a big treat for the boys, 184 ,they were profiler in their thanks Odell* Jovial Jailer, who al- wayajo.'4`0)at "his'boyi'-are not for. rotte# nt the 'festive godson. - THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF Tommie, December 24th, 19* 13w Nfgnsl,- (..wlerkh. Ontario. Gentlemen. -May we congratulate yes en your excellent Christ/visa ja- 'Se, From the front color page to the butt page It M an Maue of which yes may wee be wend. With a vent' read wilds ter the new year. we are. Yaws very troty, CHARLES RUSH LIMITED, W. C. KJotYytnI, E. FOAL R. F. J. R. FbRSTER, EYE, ELK. Nosh:- THROAT. Late Mouse Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, •e Mosel at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden square Throat Hoeptts. London, En$. E1 -Ey 'fCWPF;D, H1_4 lS®B 81-PPLIED 53 Waterloo Street K-, Stratford. Telepbone 2 7 Next visit Bedford Hotel, Godertch, Wednesday. January 20, from 2.30 till 8 pm. only. IZGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMKS. Barrister. Etc. • Oe*'e--Coart Howe, GotierlcIL Televione sa. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. W Benlatrr and Solicitor Once -Hampton Street. Goderle . Telephone 512. L'R . RNEST T M. LIRE, ' Harrtster and t.alcitor Son Life Banding. Adeltlde and V.e- torts Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 3x91. DRUGUIEfi PRACTITIONER C11llt(N'ILA('TOR AND Uitds.i .DNS THERAPINT (;oderlcb, Phone 341 Fqulppe'.F with electro -mage de firths. Electronic electro• treatsheats and chiropractic. tbr'ole, organic mnd nervous diseases. Lady in at- tendee's.. Omee hours 2 to :5 and 7 to 8 p.m, on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday. aril on Wednesday 10 to I11 a.m. only, or cementation may be had by appoint meat. Monday and Thur+efay at MltrlsMi. A..N. ATKINSON Reeldenee and oAes--Corse e[ Smith street and Britannia road. INSIiEA.NCE, LOANS. ETC. KILLOV MUTUAL FIRE iN9f1R- ANOE (X). -Farm and isolated town property Insured. (Akers -Alex. Irnadfo. t, President ileaforth ; John dapYiepper. Vhe-Preasl- dent, itrucefield ; M. A. Reid, Seen. tary-Treasurer, Seeforth. INreetore-Alex. Rroadfontr Sec - forth; Jamey Sholdlre, Walton; Wm Knox, Lon4e46oro; George Leonhardt, Dublin; Jobe E. Pepper, Itnieeeeld ; James Connolly, Ooter;ob : Thomas Mnjlsn, Seaforth ; W. R- Are hlbald, 8saforth: Alex. Mcp)wlug, Blyth. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3. Clinton. James Watt. Blyth; John F:. Pepper. R.R. 1, Rrueedeld; R. F. VeKercher. R.R. 1, Dublin: Chas- F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine: R. G. Jarmath, H. It. 1, Born - bol m. Policy -holders ear mite all pay- ments and get their ear' tar at the Royal Rank, Clinton. Calvin Cott's. Grocery, -Megaton street. Goderlcb, or J. H. Reid's AtMgyal ll ore, Bayfield. fits- tc- 1-1936 Templar* ' Coach. 1-1985 Dodge Sedan with Heater. 1-1934 Ford V 8 Deluxe Coach. 1-1933 Dodge Sedan, Hester, Defroster and Dual Horns. 1-1932 Plymouth Coach. 1-1932 Chevrolet Cough. 1-1929 Plymouth Sedan. 1-1926 Chevrolet Coach. Aid, T1IE LATE MODEL ('ARS ARB IN FiR.ST-CLASS - CONDITIV AND HAVE BEEN LOCALLY OWN IN 0ODER1CH • REG. McGEE DODGE & DESOTO MIME AND SERVICE PHONE 379 HAMILTON STREET OODIZION Jr •