HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-31, Page 5- „ • 5. 44 THE SIGNAL IrannrinlintrInnt/ZIMVIMIITIVRTIVIT 4=11 1. A BUILDIrsil ......-- Vit.* Kelp btu Valuable Sea Vegetable. A food stimme olentn . ot u 14 .: liet containv s thevery mneral is needed lo the jounalc'ssl Y.111 And l• ,o111 itilis thelp its tie for. 1 assimilable to the 11 (M*inato, calcium, copper, oliospooruts, Altiohur, potalsoem ;podium. 11011, nth lig..1141.1., 1P1110ii4'Sill111. 1.1d i hit. as well a• vittonfw. VITA KELP 2 SIZES 200 TABLETS 1.40" 359 TABLETS.. MOO CAMPBELL'S DRUG S1OiE PHONE 90 22 The Sluff* GODIEBION, VV44441113)111441:144-41174_ RTATI4T311 AUSUkN JOINT INSTALLATION °Keen of Maillaiul and Morning Star Lodges Invested Tuesday Night Teestlay• evening about 125 per - i4/113 were prestoat at the Joint instal - tattoo -and initediture of the °Akers of Malthus., Lodge, No. 33, 4., F. 41t A. M., tioderich,' and ,liOrning tear Lodge, NO. 300, Curluw, eouducted by Hight N'or. Bro. H. C. Dunlop, ('ast 1).11.(1.11., assisted by. a number a taa•t mashes of Maitland Ldtige. Bro. Robert JAnston was installed as Worshipful Master of Maitland Lodge, mucceetking Wor. Bro. Wm. Bis- set. Other officers were hostalled.Aa• follows: Bro. E. C. Beacom, 8.w.1" Bro. Ro91. Distort, J.W.; Wor. Bro. F. Mies Betake %hit Mn. Waft. 1.1, Weir, cheplain; Hro. IL G. Rer f Seaforth • Mr.*aid Mrs. It Mri: ilovretie- th Mr. holds, treasurer: Wor. Rio. Geo. Mae- Vkar, secretary; Wor. Bro. II. B. M. Jewell, of Colbor Mr‘. Tlehborile, director of terentonirr with lir. Lr,.. Bro. F. it Darrow, S.D.; Bro. A. v.. i.'"h°ra; Mr. a Mrs. Sturdy, J.D. ; Dro. It, Stimehouse, 66. ;".. a M. and Mr. Rro. N'ig,„Mood, J.$.; Bro. Fred Took, •Nieh Isola. I G.; Bro. A. T. Matti -dr tyler. Mt.. M 1.011 'LAM. tewero of Morning Star leadge were •t1.1 yietalled AS f14ii14WS: itrOo Amos J. erielt. .1111,1 few, W.M.; Wor. Uro. Reg. Glen. AUB1MN Dee. 29.--VIsiturs in Au- burn homes over Christ Ulna were: Miss Helen Merrill, a Toronto, with andMr MA/1. WM. Rohertuu; Mho Al- ma Mutch, of 'Forted°, with her Moth- er, Mrs. J ,hlu'ett: Mr. Eugette Ikottle, of Ottaoa. wIth Mr. and M9'. W, J. ; Eldon and Ise Stoltz, of Tbronto, with /and Mrs. J. C. gitolts; Mr. sod rs. Gibbet. of *1(41 M. Mt,and Mra. II. etlee; and Mra. ud r. Ar - 114 with Mr. and Mr•. urdy. M Geo. Hamilton vent thri max with r mother, Mrs. W. I/. of Tts ersmith; Mr. and Mrs. E. w- oos an Seater. Phillips aed Mn. J. D. How Meaning. of 1 A. 3. Ferguson. Stewart with air n of Wingham: Mr an wth Winglasm relative,. with her daughter It. I; Knoz l'ro•bet er la ebur %cone of a large eatherine on M.. when metn4ern ..f the coneregation Sunday twhool met for • y...6a1 Gamest sod contemn were under Joan's„Unexpeeted Guest Was Her Yuletide Love NINA bad gen. will tier Donald to Chlehgo; Vera to her Granny's bowie to meet het Moo, and Dora, she had gone up to Lowell fib Bob's fraternity dam.e. Joaot wetagesed if any girl had ever had such a lonely Chriatutas holiday in prospect. 1 "Gee, there's that little cripple boy lown there Ia that:rooming il1011ie on the corner that might relleik some Mee food. eve Wt1V4-11 at hill) every morn- ing for the lava six weeks. I guess we know each other well enough and they Ir. George's church, Goderieb. ners and dances, as early ay. the mid. do say hls mother takes that early bus Rev. Mark Turnhull, rector of St. Into town to aerial. doors, every day dile of November; Immediately re.ervn., In the week." 11111. told herself as ohe anc tayeeked off on the esieuilars, Among theguesto at the (tool., an Bong to drop off to sleep. tairist.. nivetoary eelebration acre their other of tvalirooms and restatirittits.- "The was- about' dttughter, Mrs. Mae Gaitley, and her exact( form of ohser$ndicie varies will, mal RS.. . It was scarcely daylight when Joan with her mother, Mre. D. Sproule. did Rime to the little corner rooming Cougratulatious 'to Mr. tied Mr.. i11111/11.. .*lipped a little note of invite- Earl Swam hi whoa s son was born Con under the floor of the cripple boy's Deeember rp. , door, and was nn her way to the store Mims Flo Durbin, mho la conduct - for a sootily of everything that belongs lug a three-montlut' Course In doom*. in a traditional Christmas feast, plus tie science at Piekert0h. Is' holidaying a few gifts for the lad. There was barely time to exchange her home 'diem for a streetfrock so she might run down to Me* eitiner to push the youngster's wheel chair to her house as ahe had promised. But at - the very moment she stepped forth Into the-, ball, ahe met not only her guest -to -be but a linitaldld. hantleome young man. "You see, miss. 1 got the Invitation - the note was tucked under my door, but I gathered at once who you meant 1t for so 1 delivered It to Jimmy and made friends with him -we've beep* ,101lether the past two hours, taking • 'toot ride and now I'm turning him over to you. Sflas-Mitta--" ''.1.41an Burke. and you are -r Jimmy terdan. With your permission, 'Larry King, Miss Burke. and this la tainmeil ser 1..kyl111.11 with a few re- mr. and mes. Jas. Mehl:whoa' auu, en, meek from the theta, 11 1 rclorti for my charge Rev. A.E 1 . ,,e. Christmas -Tame Mishap . lbelearen. -- „ ary to Northern Ontario and Mann. - pulpit of Knox In thi. day. What hetwolo yogi, mai*" I'S ti* chairman' • E. snow health nearly a weer loi• ie I P.11.; Br.,. Ja.. Feagan, S.W.; low?" ' - Moorbea-e. The program was. of tore Clirtisteins and when the great e ildren, Mary and Keith. of Lou- Preebyteriau church. Mr. MarKily dflY• Bro. Ciba.. Comerniu. J.W.; Woe Bro. number-. Among there vt 1114 a reel - high . ler. with many tiutetanding , , ,, f .114 , . t ,,,, 4,, r,.. an.,,are spending the Chri•inias *ea- 6,,,wribed Ttodo. oprmiar .0.,i,rice,,, 4,,,, oay Nrro.ey, ii i NVI1 r) V. !Jario,GrIvett. chaplain; Wor. Bro. C. bnjaana;iii"terr. talislii,lr:iiiiirnialie:710117 "to 1 ternher t time when It 1114111'1 siiiio n with Mr. and Mr, ii. A, aleKettzle. . had condueted In Canads'e North and the ihe•e!" ..,,,,,,t ,i.,,timush,,,,iv owl ...nore North I ity Karnes the old% tiler - the United chute! nre the mammon. of The Young People's A•eiclation 01 by eanoe to a little tn tale hiqe knd West. Ile told of st•ttft•r* travelling and . A ow- A: l'itoiseeiwati, -trettsniaeli-t-Vror. Bro. 111. -- intim) ti Howdod Aitken, who proved • GODERICH, ONT. Thunder, stkeensber 31st. litatt - DOVKIX Qiriabaas in Shanghai Just One of Their Days IdLn."11,.,. .11" "Li"' "ttmarr.a k'd uuttEN christurta e.co.• to Steitz street, -Were the bote'red ign""" "" falls to got the meriting of It, but moll ' - -...'.--------ta"." ----lir . • • hal. k cross section of the world Me sad Mn, WI I ia w Birtve, East mosso noway. Suuday of*thelr .os -law and tidogie The average China L111111 ter, Mr. sod Mrs. Donald Murray ,,f a fun loving people can do will mei. the Ran& hotel, Hautittou isreet, the zltentumot:e celebration. So Ole etlili•I 04.41141/11 being the forty-third limit- ,. itself 11111141 to the din with lire venery ci tkielr wedding. It was al- flickers and gift -giving. 'tartlet 4 1111 wi4 Mr. lithrrity's birthdny. the making of calls Mr. and MTs. Hind • were netyrit•d There is a distinct wesiern 10111.i1 Ai De\4euther 27th. 1803. Int the 40114. „f the iihservatice of the season by tide Mr anik.Mrs. ('baric" Itettuall- most castneeelJtan eity. Stepagietee • he • • belt ertorneti hy "Aerial registeitites' start 1111111' for daughter Hazel. Mr. anti MI» John McLeod, Jr.,- Mr. anti Mr.. Murray and son Bill of Ingrid!. Mr*. Agnes Murray of Bayneal, John Mut. the mititinallty ditisiona of the It, ib.' Russian .et•tiota. the tiny is or, *erred RS it 111 on the steppes or114 Mootetiw. The Fr.eat•h greet Santa DUNGANNON 5. • 4-- , ,DUNG AMNON. Dec. 311.--M Kitiough, Toretdo, spent Clirl.tui and the week-eed with leer purvut , Mr. and/ Mrs. Jos. A, ,K111ough. We are glad to' report, that Mrs Win. Sproule; who 1111• beretUI hatcl,, is stonechat butloved 'iu Mr. Cohn Crosier, who .Is atiteatilug urinal School Stratford, l. home or the holiday, owl with otlit•r MUM' hers of thJ"-ittwily vett:cutlet d clirlafware IN1rt ou Taredny taight. Mr. ..ti Mr.. Lsiter.pe Petitland, of Detroit, stela ristma4 oh Mr *:&. 11. Pentland' and tutuil). , . Miss Isabelle Moalgtepery, Otteu Sound, visited re'eeo(ly onto, Mr. awl Jab., J.loutgotuery. Mita Clara Sproule, of ilitrattord, spent Chribtutar and the utek-tatti ray and Donna Murray. grandsson and (laus in their own way, even though grandvisuatter. the was dolls have to be brought far from the Champ.; Elysees. The Jap - GOING THE ROUNDS *nese prefer to make merry by drink - A lone "phooy" nickel has been do- Ing saki. The English must have their Ing a lot of travelling about town the plum pudding and holly. late few days. The foin, aptutrent- ly composed largely of lead, lo an ex- At the Wanton schools. where boy. aet replica of a ap, muter Itie-t-eut and girls are raiiebt In aeparate Aliases piece and is dated ligit.. It was drat litristmas carols around the tree 4144, noticed in a keel reetattrant. and modest school girls • chance not 0111y liainet anti son (Airman ItAiitti bowling allay« on Tueoday night. of sInglna hymns but of "'peke him." Mr. 4:111is water. */, ! „ Four chicken prime( were won by from there it went to a tobacconist's .pent Seedily' !lib friends et Tees - and tben a bosiipx: alley, wit, Ns it _oh) interinr China. however. most o. '• Frank Martin and .Tom Ilebermott, was taken up le u souvenir hunter. people prefer to celebrate their Mr. auk tic •Itichardson and first with • total of 1,430 for three The coin Ls badly battered. but still own Illragon-twat. Mid -Autumn. mid two children peIt lyristmas*Sh the ssow,,, nod vir ii,ituihn and P. lb 4 _New Year. holiday... rather than this forinves mot ,eel . - 1 Carey, ees-ond with a total score of - imported pew. lhey 110 not Oven 1 r% • Mil.. SieWlr1 'Finley. sit Fergus. eould he passed off as the real thing. VICTORIA ST. S. S. Seek., was reneeing old acquaintances of ElstoW, r 1272 Has Fine Christman Entertainment- day 1-Eninces Grin/grad. for a few days ott the 4t14 of Ashtleld. HOICK MISSION WORK Mks Jeau Stothers, of Toronto. is I , Sante Claus There -- holidaying with her parents. Mr. and trinnrinrvvvrovvir *Thank You Ladies of (Itologiell and el- eittity, for your 14etterous patronage during the liatit year and wish yon a very IIAITY NEW YEA': C. A: & S. MCKINNON EltY Phone 155 The Square ---'„•4 47/4,,ThapirTZT1Tinzt rn two sisters, Mra. W. Benjamin I•tilty, Mrs. W. Hamilton of Ethel, Out., and John Andrews. Dungannon, with her pareac..;. Mr. and Wm. It. J. a brother. The floral tributee were Donna. • • tunny atol beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. John McClure and daughter.. Mrs. Moue Weetbrvok. and AT ROYAL BOWLING ALI.EYS little son, of Goderleh, visited on Mon- Eight mire participated in the re' day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure. guise weekly fowl tourtuttneet at the to understand these (Peer toreigm'r. To them Doeemtwr is Jost soolto-r The annual Cliristina- convert er 1080$000geritkomglogo 1,Ir4,uvIroa. :hot h.' -r'. Rer. W. M. MacKay GIves Stirring Victoria street i'nited church was I Ms. d Mr. lered Treittl‘rn. Arldresent In Knee Church night, December 22nd. The t•nter- (Made Best of4Worst of vvith the fortiler" mother, Mrs. Rohl. heard Itev. W. M. MacKay. misolon- hold .11. the schoolroem on Tuesday Toronto. gite.ts for Cligkstmas Large congregation* on Stilida‘ tart Di Munro, secretary ; tiro. FAruer Ore- -, , • chlinl• r Or" l'rr getting iiil"ti""Pi'll": • ‘04•141 4.11411 111: 1.ti Thor -430Y aupervieion of Mimeo Eleaner WI n. hum. S.D.; lir... Fraud: Mellwain..1 D.; -To the lunch wagon. If you must Banta t•laus." Diminutive Nvelyn h it, 1 t,,, A . supply a i erte'were no g • oi night in of how, with 114.4114.• ilirhiceed tbeY Bernice I.awson and litiltli Sh.its. A know." Larry acknewItialged. lireekno delighted !err audietwe with „ , . . ___.. „.,,4 ' the church, eith refreshments. elm- paddled to the centre of the hike, Bro. John Itieharthem. dirtetor of cere- . .. I to 11.. horilgill bir Noe or trocle! ' tneneIng at 10 pee., to be followt.d by. he.tosi their canoe- together and there', (lbristman tree woo Weil laden with mettles; lir.. Herold .4.'Ongrant,' J.S.; You are not-,......Jf you don't stay te several number% on the violin. when ow* (4441 idiom that the train ,,, have Christmas dinner with us. I'M . Nur.ery rhyno-- ,,iitig by Mi.. Mary .Watch -night • service. in 111. vast *latitude heiti-• wonderful **or. Itro. Th,... Willem. teller. . right Atte tato t e stret• • . It t ed MeICInuoti'-4 claws eve. amusingly aliew, do t n the. rffillrioni siding was snifs w 1 in 1114.11011 COY. old iand y4.41111t. i • tent ehristiuns and the week -end with 3 Mr. Harvey Finnigan, of• Detroit. , ._ *erV•ve. gifts for the ebildsilli .t.t4i1R19114 Atm,. __Frairk cis rt.. 1.4.I. and o'rellsiMig, - t I k r I% I f • I • . • On another arraskin be conducted their dintribution a dainty lentil woe .. served by the !mike. hall the lirsitottyanger 1 see. Yon gee each girl repreeentine a different , Death ef Anti. Rehisee.-Tbere repaired to 1 111., Inspect hall. where a 1 tion't want ntiy-turkey left (WV for nuroery rbvme. The girls 1101 441 r. t,o,f °mot a mato 11,.' g the prealdent of the road with hi 1114 and Mr'. •Pa" .a serilee in • tkioetefyi"tt etty of the ' After the teremony those present dinner was ..erVed ttnd toasts were turkey hash. t llllll gated laughter anti applairse when Tnf( dead." hear Winnipeg. passed away In Auletrn Tiii-elay. • 044 Wawano.h, Mr. fields.' farmed In • , • . wan present, too. Love was therein'. 'Vo *umbers of outstanding note weal" that a great lit 1....no. soi ...er th...1""."Pltr'-ne•ole,..itiitf,j•-•:..1;-::: 1 nitipt711:11.1znutge,dtolors.:hh. oemiline:of M*rs.111"444viLor tilivt:4'17ear: Women's Institute. -The re elghty-fourth year. Bien In Enid ' roisead to the Klieg. the Grand bodge tel the visitor*. . , hut the fourth gieat. though' unseen, Three partook Ocioan's roY111-ferist they ceucluded their mamber ,with a lei nettle, -Three Blind Mice." the snnwhound I "God'at.greattee left- wa. III• Son." December 2.2nti, Mr. A itoteem in hie i tarty isad• a apecini car on the rear 4%std:RMitti.wlia*ms •Klial:'‘..h.auirenlitil..hertil*ticl: glamithte tie. who predeceased itu twenty ."1/1115 in include limo Jimmy Jordan at their ,arttaitriek";I:itialloatirimtyrsoSeette ." kby• the went dewn 10 the Dole MI& paraded Annie. WIWI- through the length of in.. ,,,,,ii...•, "telt 1 brayngtht7tueit.titlatit"avi•eit'at:rmillearde 4101Witrt!emigiliftr-s 1t1.111'llterb:Irne$12''Iljinpliet ' work of the elinet are taking it up with a SeRSC of ...Pigott* reeponsibility," • few ;earls ago.•wben he retired le '. OZOROltif II: , ever and a day. mom invitation a sir; ' Bethlehem."- hy the Willing Werkers president reported visitors In time for the oryninlititlial i 114:tirtainnot:tit Or the Kingdom .,; God. glad to be able to Mate that Auburn. Ile married Idle. Mary Cur• ..,___,._,,- preemie chriatalas prams., in . and Mrs. 1.tirry King who never forgot clans (Mee. A. E. Moorhouse, teicher I, of a huge choir of reed singer. tliet -welch *1114 prese.n;ed:11771tbegro . young men who are bikini( up the both F.set and Wiest Wavtanosh _until ,. invited. But that ?myth remained for- , were pantomhpe., 'IP little Town ,of In AnitIng for the che:1 and the porters where tnotti needed. Mrs. Da% Moon. he ,40,1. and, of course. tali the train men tcomploted her report of the omits t i..Mn r.,41M:411:14:1121 ly:s..Ninad.rili.r.cn::.% tinhrooupgehntianuit They had remehffsereel intake elope .1- ,tion at Wiartop, Which' Was very 1.n- wn.1 laribillyi illu•trat.d toy the relit - 1 tree decorated with the millbodriit ..r tere.:ting and hominidl tv the mem- , temente they had OR ,11114 from, ore hers. Mrs. Chas. Contralti Vire til. „i, missions 1„ on. „„gg,,t t.i.0„tti.,,t ar s 41,1115 )4•11r14 tini minwhow. tbey' isi;ble current events. Mrs. Bert Roach gave the Weal . a dentonetration 01 11 door plop. Mrs. .../.1o,re ho,4 ,,t teen a weak diw leers -held a conitlit on, magazine a couraging rt t from a roleolon, he vertiaements. Iaineh waa nerved by 4,h4o.n.4,1 elatioodwowiiiis. ,,i, believe Mtge 'Ind brought „tip hooks. hove. 0 the hostesses. Mrs. lirown. Mrs. Ivens tiw darkest ays are past and we are ready for 11111rch* onward candy, candy hen, (lel.. I,0.') ...an. *ad Mr*. l'opir. I be roti call wait an :Intl bath stilts, hithly perfumed I.,. swered by the exchange of gift* Mr. Mao y al --e spoke itt the even - clothing. weitriirg •ppare: And lector% The bite John Andrews. -The fol- Ing beryl and again gave a moving tiful towels •nil even to‘..I teite In fact. not a *eel leelgfr lowing is from (4 4' Unity Courier of .1 di:delete of Ontario and in...Manitoba. tale or mission work in the northern mem was wilt 1 onehkeihe Ititioronno .1 totto-wert,.---4.1:nity, Sask.: -Jbek Andrews, a ow. !eer of "Heroes elee.virriey" and one or 1 . efts. The pasisenirerS rereo..ii „IA I the begit, passed away Saturday morn - alert: aelive and ethelent. Jack wan a I ng IN cember 121 la I • nassituaing. ' grand fellow, a sociable 111/1 11 and one, who could appreciate a joke. even tf 1 It we5 egainst himoelft 1 r "114. 01117 1 deal in nuperlatives--whicil Is not dill- , Scutt in this cane -I think Dint 1118:1 frienda will always regard Jack an the greateet bachelor they ever met. Mr. Andrews started on his homestead in 1907. putting in the long hours behind his ozen, and successfully termed the Paw land ever slnee. Above all be will be remembered se a wonderful neighbor, always hospitable, and ready to do a good turn to royone. The derearted was born te Goderich. On- tario. le 1$'M and moved to Unity in 1907 to settle four miles south of Bet- tor( The funeral service wan held in the United cburch, the Rev. Jae. Douglas officiating. The pallbearers were W. tlirre, John Ifirrs, John Har- rigan. Sid Gibbons, Geo. Nutt and John Andennon. John Andrews leaves to months. Two RODS apf•elal ()cession celebrations the y , hl.: WM.1 . , Robison of Auburn and Nelson .liold- , 411* Tue,day evening hofs awl title . - "kr non's elate. vanw lanky with tore to of sti around!-Luelik B. Lyons. ,,,i117 „soots's Etre*" • moli of insoffsot,...siberto. also Iwo ef the main 'Sunday te•hoor granddaughters. Elsie and Miulge p,,, .(,-,,1(.'y -rhurrir Ptvsellted 11---thzel --- • -- - - . Two smill girls who were titillated 1 *son iif Alberta. The funeral ems' illrIP"talum eitierflinntent in the Parish I persimoss$ZiaLpejseposame , by the nmunine words Of their dnet ------- horst into merry peak. ad Laughter. held from the family home ta l(:014 hall, the Lecture of the program be -1 --- cemetery on Thursday •ftertmon. Rev- kg a uativity taidenu, played in a de- i Silver Weddnig.-On Sunday Mr. said People in cossl ume.- - The group WKS, on the 25th of December • Invni nr the nualio'nee." la"gM"- Mrs. Oliver Whitten. of Ilullett. i i s •-k to hay, 1 Recitation. were given by Evelyn go:*.t. 1 under the direction of Mies C. Lewis. I tiftis.fmAs *..4. Rev. A. C. Calder was" in charge of , C a flrat a,...1, . . a aproul. Helen MeLean, Jimmy alit- !, celebrited the tweoly-tifth snot- matt m -Inlay instituted folloe • : Pantomime. .1,1(11 Church feast day by a dee. ree of Pepezt11,ebell, Tommy Mel.ean, Keith Atehenon vernary of their aveddine. Mr.. Mt- ;We program. the remainder (4 IFhicis j Brien wt.., Mary laatrelle Straughan, ; 011‘ •• and Verna alsetersan. Exerchtee pa - 1 Mother Hubbard ;' violin duet, Domicil Telesphorns. between 142 A. It. and , daughter of Mrsi. Straughan of God- , scants, and tableatut were done by erich ana 1a. late j r. At„nah,tn. I vickera and Robert Motet; piano 5010.1 174 )1" 1)" WaS a m"vable few"' di' , the Itt•ginners. Mies Muriel 3loorhouse's tbse as colbor„ to,t„.hip. In mu! oordoeillarrison; vocal .01,.. r I the Christian festivain. It was motally deed. it WAX the most movable of all . I clase Miss Worthy'n class. the Itolly- elle was married t.. Mr. Meitrien. whose ' lanwrie; violin redo, Gwendolyn J it. I celebrated by the eastern branches of anna elem., Junior boys and the Tried and 'True elates. A song and • Plano parents s-cre Mr. SieltrItm. of Whit.- , l'rtate and diplomas for attendaice i the Christian church In Aprli or May, ...it) were given 1114 Joyce Itrecaow,and church, 104 the late W. J Meerien. anffeleporment then were preeented while In the weetern part of Europe /fele_ Tee orrego„t,y es. poyforM.4....at....the . to A large number of ` children. e Wilson, reepectively. (4111 Presbyter is n mat".' In Auburn 1.y i " nit program wee brought -to a close days in January or other months were observed as Christmas. i Mew. Ward end Fred Jewell played V" the fire few after Santa Claus had, appeared and I several selection% on (wir mounter - In A. 1.)..1017 St. t'yril, bishop of 'sone, accompankel hy Fred's guitar, and a duet by Lorraine and I'hyllis Allin. . The evening was brought to a ste- (-eyeful elope by the arrival of Santa logical archives of the Roman censors, Claim who diatributed candy and establishing the times of occurrence gifts. to the immense satiorfaction of of certain event* of the same period of youngsters and old alike. the Roman government of Palestine, the theologians of the eastern' and Tin LAST SAD After their shOrt apasm, -they con - T W. Mills condueting the servier. , ;Wilful nanuuez.by,,a group or young Why ChristiMaS Ther,,,Coenes eluded their nong to the accompani, :I great. hit with all the *tree:wee-who Milted Pleural) in thm,ron_ ° The iiniowngers 4144ie Int. their lista itaa J. R. years Mr. and Mrs. McItri. n made ; distributed candies and oranges among their home In Colborne. but for the IOW etfildreni 'kat twenty-one years they bare lived ren; Roll and Primary Dewtalent 11,1. active . Saturday afternoon the children le u workers -in K11,01 Presbetertan church l.a the font roll and primary of depart' je and they have the best elobes of • . meta, Ss t. George'hurch, with host of friends for malty more yeard their motin•rs. gathered in the parish of happinese 8. 8. Fatertalosemet./Tbe member* of Rao: Loped Sunday school held a social evening and entertainment Mon. day. Tb. Suoday school eaperinten- dest. William Streatham acted es chairmen. and the 'cholera presented tbe foliowing program: Chorus. Le 5015 Vaeteer. Betty Craig, Zeta Mun- roe. Vivian Strangban. Joan beppa • - I Rote Wilms. Billy Craig and John . rweived a prise for perfect attendanc. a; ncitatioes, fltewart King, I Mines Joan Groves and Gladys ---- - Joan 'Cougar. gobn 1.44d. Dottie i Shore, teachers *a the &tinder school. Beadle. Orneim lieppdle, Leneret Meet- torolsted aritlithe pros:rani. Afternoon ' - ' ' see. Flarrey Wightman ; duet. Roth Amid Ilea was .SciVir by 'Mrs. F. B. Riley, Jobs H. Wilson; sotha. William Creig.iMrs. A. ShbW Mrs. A. Gori and Mime jr., (Veleta Million. Stewart Toil. Le- ll'hyllia Lawrence. tore Plaetser : moutborgan musk. Amy ' The program, warn 'opened eith the chorus "Away in a Manger," was as follows: Songs by Joan . Peggy and Dawn Stubbington.'Marjorie Overholt, 'Mary Graham and Clara hall to hold their aur 1 luk•tide en- tertainment At the conclusion of an interesting program. of which Rev A. Calder wan in eharge, Manta Clam. arrived and presented the children with glfta of candles and oranges. Special prizes were prevented to Wm. Vick- ers, for haring the molt Sunday school cards for the year, and Nora Willis Toll and One Petterson: chorus. 0- 011nebey and Kltlougb children: Piano duet. Harold and Garth MeClinchey. The ehdriren were given orange*, after which a social time was enjoyed and Martin. Virginia Cbamney,Dona the ladies of the congregation served Ilolman. Ituth lioey, Aileen Rouse, ice create And (wale*. Evelyn Welsh, Dorothy Bradley, Flor- ence and Irene Renown, Arthur Brad - ELI SYMONDS DEAD ley aud Peter Patteroon, Ru( and 'Ur George monde of 14.1140141. 1.1411n Irwin. Lenore Beadle. Roberta went to IVrantford on Tueatlay to at- Swnn and leeenuirle Ilunfelry, Loot, tend the funeral 01 bin brother. Elf White; recitation* hy Ruth Reid, Wil - Symonds', who died at his home there Ham Vickers n.1 Murray Garrick; on Saturday Further particular; chorus. -The ringer t'anally," by the have oot been received is yet. 1 primary children. 4 Slipper 11114111i All the latest styles in Felt and Leather for ladies, inein and children at tale LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES are to be found at GEO. MacVICAR'S SHOE STORE. BOUDOIR SLIPPERS are here in all colors. GOLOSHES make a very useful New Year's Gift. Also HOCKEY OIITYITS for the boys or girls. We have all sizes at the moat reasonable prices WISHING ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR GEO. MacVIGAR Th. Practical Shoe Man O NORTH SIDS OF fiQl ARE GODERIC H. ONTA RI vonaarvirausavvvirryvviztaarrmtt. Jerusalemobtained from Pope Julius 1 authority to appoint a eommission to determine, if posedble. the precise day of Christ's nativity. From the chronc. western divisions of the Christian chnrch *greed upon December 25 as the date of the hlrth of Jesus, and thereupon this became the ()Metall,' decreed and enormity accepted Chrlet. inns day. CHRISTMAS SMOKES Aliee-ThVy 141' 11 Wet Christmns Mny-Nonnenne. I Ing thy lienhand and tIght cigars. All you match the *Mole woman can't 10 - have tarn sound - he says he likes have to do 1. to RITES Lane Campers. at Funeral ef Young Robert IleakeU On Saturday afternoon hundreds of.* persons tethered at the home of Mrs. I.ou Maskell. Napier street, to honor the fourteen -year-old lad. Robert MIR' kell, who went to bin death on Wed- nesday of last week while trelag to save his dog from the path of an In- coming C.P.R. train. As reeorded in thew columns lest week. Toonit Mis- ,jclI ran , across the bridge ever the Maitland River towards the Diesel train. 'cooped up Ida cowering pop and Was Mining to safety when he went to his death. seventy -Ave feet below on the rocky shore of the river. Robert, a popular Scout of the 2nd Goderich troopwas burled with full Scout honors. At tbe eoncluidon of a service eonducted by Rev. D. J. lane. the flay -draped cresket, which had reeted among high bank. of beautiful floral tribute., was borne through a guard of l'..nor of Scouts by ,el* com- rades of the youth. The pallbeercre were Troop Leader Fred Whittingham, l'atrol Leader Jack Graf and Semen Jack Iftergarth, Colin Austerbury, Jack Wiloon and Robert florrie. The flowers were carried reverently hy Patrol Leaders Rud Johnston. Ernest tlalkeld. Colin Campbell and lidly Hill R 111i Semen Bill We.throok, Shel- don Baxter. l'at Mame and Don 8111110• house. 1.114. lone funeral corthe "retitled Its wny ulowly to Collsorne eimetery. Holiday Garnish for Salads where, after n ohort grave.i.le service Eranberry Jelly .iteed and rot Into P Mr. Lane, tile were &nen up In n sem.1-01.ri lc,. flied rancff *hare. "viih past the e,are for a Snit e bate be- • It'll?' mans" "n tIlrlleti4P 1401 110 usual garnish tor, *Ala+, and de.serts fore tht• remain. of the ea ant 1014 teat -res 41)1101 the holl,hr re3..th 111111111111111...0111111181"1111" -"----- Glen C. lboilee and Earl Elliott. Unelee-Eirms, "q., Mistletoe. • Tree Parasite it% popielority as a Christ- ians green. there 's little worry ahont flatiotervIng Ilse • tiliettry'S supply of ni.th•toe For flit. JittrnetiVe pinnt. •aitli h1 Rhin), dark leave... end *axe white berrie.. trom RR 4. parasitelJdith on the lirancliem 01 treetintul doe* een eidernbli• Inmate to it. ho.t trees. Seience1115 revealed that the mistle- toe Peed% are enrrled from tree to tree hyttirtla --44041t01.110-1- Christmas Wareing -De selfish man." meld Lurie F:hett, aorpritted if de' only way to. ono he 111114. of 11 'Merry Chri.tootor 417 taikiit' it loto a phonograph re& 01 Mrs. J. A. Beattie sad mon Ronnie „ttere up from Toronto to stir nd the thilvtmas term with the 11. 1" par- ent.. Mr And Mrs. P. W. Currie. Mr and Mr, Durnin Phillips. of St Wenn were Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Currie. lir- Phillips- remained for a week. ' . • raaltiotted Malted fowls and it 4r1u1 mings of a generous feast. What one beth not, the other Mel. 410.1.111,91 MOM terse explanation of the hap,. eondillon1-Lnella R. Lyons. OM HIS WAY Green -44016m away this C1.'1.011..00 Wise -No. but I gees* I'll go WA) light after Cbristioas Oren -Where ref Wise -Te It se a 'had debtor. rses5lEfg•i Peps:ere Proossta Apples, jelly or canned fruit, and even big cherry homemade wreaths done ot "Christmasy" make practical presents; but the gayest and most wet come of the off -the -farm nrid-on-tothe city preasnta seem to be pop corn and hickory nuts' With a basket of pop eorn and 5 hag of hli kiiry not. all kinds of Chriatman b.1%,.. fc anItntile for every one from grandfather and grandmother who lived 4iii a farm and picked up chestnut. W11011 th..1 Wprp young. all the way down to the littleal boy conain. Inordinately fond of „rend, Ciigt0V0*-414 hero were loseered to lb ing place. 'The I4n7.14emita. /defy in number, were In charm- of 1841101Scontmaie Iter II L. Wataon and' Scoutmaaters "Illant• Clans will 41t4.1M"....1. It hoe been stated tact a framed said raw, chef,. „and „dn., no How philtre of the youth wilLhave et, yah finatielal *1,11115 If pus of honor In bile Scout track". wrfrfr. hltn * letter. doe'( write 11 in Young Ms•kell, wit° was n membet 1 rad ,oh.. • • of 11*' Wolf Patrol of the 2n41 ()oder ich Troop, wax aemehtted with KIWI • Mr. Reg. Flatter, of Wertern ehurt.h. being n member ver*",. ton,too, 1. "tending the hon. HEADQUARTERS - 411 FURNITURE and PAINT AULCRAFT PAINTS are high in quality and low in prier. You will And first -claim value* in our stock of FURNITURE sad STOVES We pordtively nye you moneY W. H. Blackstone "On the Broadway of Goderich" 4 mromtif the d ylienunrdasyt 4e1rite000l.lievaniral s47-ast:tv;;I:11,1,riiis parents.' Mr. Mei . .7rarnft ow' lsrg "ml"'r In "f"Ir Mr. Jaek Calder, of Toroten, dome at the enteral were Mr. R. I Mr Franklia Calder, of linnilltott. Miaa SMIth weri• holidny vIsiterti al filr. Or Smith. of finelph t Mrs. Hilton Sleiltiler. tiosir parents. Rev. _di. M ra. of Kitchener.. and Mr. and Mr.. George roitkr„ Walker. 1.1 41intee. • • The Signal's Clubbing Rates Save You Money. The Signal and Stretford, liescotellerald 74$633:11000045010 1,'., The Wallet and The Toronto Globe The Signal a The 11811 and Empire The Signal a The Toronto Daily Star S11:1111 1 /Ma The Canadian Itagnxine...• Sis7121312f45,401 The Signet a Toitinfte Telegram l'he Signal .ent London Advertiser The Sitaial 1111 t• 1. on Free Prene The Signal and The Catholic Reel:1rd $11.311 The- 814111141 and The Cantellan Home Journal Signal and IbieLewn's Magazine ' $11$24.244.210), The signal and Tenant() Saturday Night The 81711.14 nod The Chateleine 1114.1i .24151 73.21..171 The signal tool The ,New tholook The Signal mut Canadian !lamented/Hardens The Signal The The glgilal and The Toronto Star Weekly :Ind National Mome Monthly end Woman's liome Compaillon -414111 N( HATES wail OTHER rtionicAts M#Y 144 DE HAD ON APPLICATION id 2.1 9123 33.00 WK ttAVE A RATE )"OR PRACTICALLY EVERY WELL KNOWN, PERIoDIvAl, ON THE CO:stTINNNT ••••••••••••• _ The Signal, NORTH STREET - woo= A • see.. ,,, •••• '4-