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The Signal, 1936-12-31, Page 2
It',., .. 11.11 MlMay, beaaaaher [1st. 1986 THE SIGNAL C�- GODERICH, ONT. { Established HAS {'Member ot Canadian Weekly News- papers Association OODERII'Ht : CANADA Publlahed every Thursday morning. Tonal ,,. altbser4p,tlon price $2.00 per year, O $1.60 Is paid In advauce. Subscribers in United States will pdeaee add alk ter postage. THE SIGN.\1. PRINTING (N). LTD. W. H. Robertson, 19dltor and Manager Telepbcue 35 Godertch, Ont. Thursday, December Slat, 1996 1936 -1937 voNOT 8° "MINH ArrI R AIL I ins of these torturous devices whtch (Ghana doornail ,the dentist baa on hand I believe ASHFIELD s Ar6Aela Presbyterian Church. -The Preabyteriau chureh of Ashde•Id will hold regular roi ship services next Lord's Ilay, January 3rd, at the usual horn, 11 a w. and 7.30 pm......11 is hoped that arrangements can be made to hold the aIusual social gathering of the' Sabbath school and cougreiatlo at an early rate. T1 usual time Is the week before t'Iarixtmas; but the meeting had to he cancelled at that time owtnkj' to local ....editions The anunal mcetins of the congaed:7ton will probably be held about the third week In January; definite anuounoe- 'Dents will br wade at an early data at the regular church servile. MEN Phll Osler of Lazy Meadows 11 By HARRY J. BOYLK FALSE TEETH Nature decided this fall that she had been too generous with me. IP al- luw4eg too to retain wy 414molars and bicuspids as long as -'I had. Then, as u result. 1 began to get some strange little quivery feelings in wy gurus and teeth.' Three week, of c•ou- t(nual and iueeaaant walking the floor, that was even wore* than when the twine were holding their 'famous how -ting tle•rtry," wade we hitch up sod travel into Coen. Ul the Way lntio town I was tbdnk•- Another year 1s closing and we stand am the threshold of a uew year. Whatever tbe year 1936 may have =emit la our private Uvea, it 1s cer- tain that it will figure ib history. Un silly to wear so much clothing; that riot in Europe. the repudiation by the tale sex on the otherbond showed Germany of the Versailles treaty, great good sense in relu.•ing their Italy's conquest of Ethiopia, the civil Icovering to a minimum. It was sup - war In Spain-al1 these Maud out in posed that thereby tbcy increased the story of the year and will have their powers of resistance, toughened their influence upon the course of I their system/1, were lett. r able to withstand change•' in temperature and world events in the future. Within I shift winds than pampered males who the year also are recorded the act -es- went about muffled from toeto chin. eton and the abdication of King Ed- I Perhaps we shall have a second Toronto collegiate principal has t yhalf want to do8lithls,that you will forget which is the worst. Down by lEggina' store l began to get feeling that the tooth -ache bad stopped permanently. That is, I was trying to convince myself. Time had taught we, • however, that such was net the ease. The ache would slop for a short time. but Just as noon as I get. home It would strike up and be as bad as ever. No, i was going to get that tooth fixed and so accordingly i wade my way up to hid ogee. I.rri:41y be- did not have any other patients In the of- fice and as a result 1 did not have too long to think about my toothache. thought in this matter, a reaction to He plumped me down In. that squeaky the belief that the men aren't so fool- 014 leather chat, of his, and then bah atter all. At any rate men, so we rolled up Lia sleeves and pulled out staled -and n dolor on his hoard agrees wile him Chat tow• pre valence of colds among his girl students may be attributed to their leanly clothing. We used to be told that wen were1 ward ViII, one of the shortest reigns in British history concluding in a lsode. On this Christmas Aboard ST. HELENS the Royalton Sailors Awad from Home Enjoy the Del1R FeetiVe 'Odsbrrtlon un At novii"Friday-L.ah, Chrletmasam 141 r. tweuly lawttr sailers, copsring theafter-crew* of the stewmrre lkery tun and Royalton, banded together for yl Ian11'y Christmas away from bow*. tine eau is front Wiunipeg, severalu are from Montreal, and the rewlucler from serious Ontario points. The oak -panelled dining salon of the 3V,-fout It oyaltun, flagship of 11e Col - (mixt Steamship Company, cheerily're- fle•ted the gay Chastities spirit, and although a chilling rain tell outslde all was cosy and comfortable wiehin. Red and greeu streamers, holly wreaths and flowers feetooned the skyllgbta and wail• of tbe salon, -la. which was a long table. covered with snowy linen and laden with good timing,,, the centre of which was a huge decorated Christmas cake, the work of Chief Steward John McArthur tit Port Colborne, formerly of Goderich. The chief steward, well known as the most popular steward 011 the Lakes, wax ao 4ated by Stewards Bert Vince, of Welland. and Tom Dunn, of Court - right. The menu, flt for kings and featur- ing fifty pounds of turkey and duck history -making ep are told, show 1101 the least incline- a roll of murderous -looking tools. continent tbe emphatic endoreatlon of mus as 's awe: Cherry reamaof tion to wear nothing from the knteft Atter that he give that "buzzing -um- e.jttewn olives, sweet plc►lee, cream of President Roosevelt by the united I down but a bit of thin oak, They chine" two or three shots Of juice and tomato wimp, peach fritters .aaet wine States electorate, after herr years of realize very well that War manly It sounded like a rip -saw. - ' sauce, young roast turkey with eran- he sauce, young roast duck with straggle with a financial and Indus- ''limber thus' d would beisplayed to •'Nice weather, isn't it, Mr. Chiller?" trial depression of the first magnitude, great advantage, but men are old -fa- "Yeah, but 1t looks stormy." iwalnut.dres.elug, whipped cream pwota- shionet int many ways and prefer Ile raised 141.4 eyebrows then. In a teen JUDO erten peas, old English was an epochal event. "`� their own selfish comfort to confer- sort of funny. way. Thought for a plum pudding, almond ranee. hot mince 8o much fur 1936. What of 193'7? ring Jen• on the populace. minute, gave :a silly little "bell -Itch" Ipie, Boehm cream pole, [cult cake, Will the nation., of Europe maintain an armed peace, or will the dogs of war break their leash and' engage In a conflict that will -rock the world? like a defaulting talc -clerk would give mixed nuts, smarted candles, grapes. HiNL9 GOING (Simile, Lte•formerI Jaw. Tear....", .....hang imiltrR ::, end crae ens decorated Ilse lung table. The ramtaagu for abolition of slot ;ugh out they came one. Astro; Aa exchange of small gifts among The Anglo-Sazon nations, at any rate, machines l+ waking rapid progress three four h'mmmm "This else;tttemaelves helped the boys celebrate will use their iufleeooe for pe•aee, and across Ontario. Tbe town council of :looks (ac1__Jetter remove It aline • the season in true fashion, hut many Listowel this week announced Its 1n-; of decay. Might even be plehuret•er- a faraway look appeared in a sailor's It to �o he hoped that the elements of troller of batwing the leefarious de-ftftie log of peas herr. $1" /wu they ',eyes during the happy (evasion as he diarorQ)nay be moderated and that vices at once. The Berate Examiner 'came again i a�. �„�/y•,� dnkht' t,f, .thooe back home: the nat1DMlt uay-leArn a better way of announce* that there are no slot ma-' Well. air, gol (mule W Ile Ythirt Tie, sailors enjoying the frust mem compoethtg thelesdifferences than by chines operating to that town, the keep at at until he hail them all net. a. follows: reeourae-ta-the sword. chh•f of police having put them Ont of Then next day he jammed my month Str. Royalton -Chief F:npdn.'er V Caned t t tutelj sc in a post• husltteres over • year ago. Year- full of poste that was sort and dirty- Parker. of Montreal; Second Engineer [T b 1 1'h I t h II 1 d Ttld F SLOT' MAC ' to his lnspeetur and then granted my Huge red apples and ludicrous toys a, oro while the city sol icltoe oToronto as taxi u: at was w es na a M. KeWIear, of Mldlan ; 1 r .n tion in which she may hold aloof from adtisecl the Police Commission there making an impression. Ile didn't • ' ' - of the disputes which threaten Oilers George ., of Montreal: Ebel It has power to make the exdn• nee fie dr. that Weimar he hod al- Oilers Alex. Watson.attwoof Toronto and Christmas Y.nter/sln.e.t ST. 1if:LENS, Dec. 2B. -Mn. A. Mur- dle, of 'Toronto, is ,pending New tear's with ber ldreuta, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woofs. Mrs. Mclntustl, of Vinland, cud Mr Neely Todd, of Stratford, ,pent (brine- MAY YOC ALL HAVE A NEW VK.1R OVERFLOWING cues al b(tGe with their parents, Mr mud Mrs. D. Todd. • WITH llOUl) HEALTH, IIAPPINB88 „'i atujCongratulations are eztenekel to Mr. r -- the Mrs 1' J. Todd (Helen Miller) on M AND YROFIPEItITY ' the llhrtstuiaa gift of a daughter. - , Mr. Jar. net and holidays. of KIq earllye, anent their hulldaya at their , - bows here. '' - Miss Dutmida McI)uuald, of Imhk-. now, smut the Neck -end with her pre eats; Mr. and Mrs. ltuucau M*Uemald, a. Dentin annus, spent d Mrs. hone 317 TAILOR Goderich Chills - may with iter pwrcula, kers and Mea. P Oarrk, • Gocierlclt. Mrs. John \Ve•bsicr is spending her holidays in Toronto with her daugh- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster and family elenj Chrlatreas with 'Mrd LEEBURN Tuesday evening the ionise •t SM. Wrl,ster's mother, ]Ira. Taylor, at Sa- ,,. I No. 5 entertained the parents and cave - :girth. Dee. 29. -Our two) ratepayers of the sectien to a splen- 'lettehern and students are home a : tI$ berg are both spending their did progratp"ot recitations, drill, dia- for (`hrlsttiao holidays at the homed of logues, choruses and an old -Uwe square peer• their llmattats. dance. Thla haat number was enpe- Me- Mr.,and Mrs. Hamilton Clutton and chilly well received. as the boys and Willa of Sandwk h Irene W of nun Stuart eapentOhr•tstwas I)sy at girls were dressed In costumes of fifty Waterloo; Dorothy Webster of Lonii•d' I•ueknuw NiIA Mrs, l`tuttun's mother. year* ago -wide skirts, leg-o'wutton '« Dorine Webster of Carlow, Jean Web- Mew. D. Wilson and her .on David, of sleeved, collars a0 high that It was *,ler et Wingbam Juurtion, Ruth Ram- Nile, spent Christmas afternoon at the almost aetereary to move the ears op age of Toronto, Norma Weatberbead borne of Mr. and Mrs. Lock Cook. i a noted -and ohl when that skirt n- and 'Kathleen Thom of 1.ucknow High Among the relatives who attended teen yards around the bottom got 5. lk,bool, Me•tarrs. George M(•Qu1111n of the funeral of the late John D. Far- ',swinging the poor psrteer found it the G.A.C., Guelph. ('harlees McQull- rich were Mr. Wm. 2ttrachan of God- difficult to keep from getting burled t .W Ihu of Qlat:dcboye, Herbert Taylor of erleh, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Giro from under its blllowa. Another splendid ' near Clluton, Mr. Wm. Jewell of Ben- number was the Highland fling In miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Keunetb Far- ' Scottlah kilts by Beth Hayden. rlsb of Aandeld. i , This also Was a very pleasing number. Miss Blanche Shaw. of Brooklyn, . Then we must not forget the dialogue trinvvvvratvirrarvvvimrsimirszir Happy New Year FRANK H. MARTIN 211M1417 RT/1114 T1��TlVVVVIT® the vacation: Mlases W. D. It ford of Kirkland iake, Iloroth tilt Ke•tnptvllle Agrleultural College, Gor- don Miller of Lucknow High School. CREWE N.Y.IWO-, and, Miss Ruth Shaw. of Torun- "A Core for Rheumatism" by Mon t 'to, spent the Christmas season with Torrance And Bill Harris,. This -- etterrR, 1lese. 28. -Mr and Mrs. ; tpelr brother and slaters here. Miss brought peals of laughter from the lien (iowfort and low Et.uL., of 81. lanehc returemi on Monday, but Mills audlence. Ivlaon la quite at home (I'atlarines, spent the weekend with Ruth evill nnwln until the end of the on the platform and some day may Messrs. Harold and Cron Itleke. KIr li week be one of the apeakera In the IMmin- nls Le remaining for. lye holldaya. I Mr Fred C. Horton and Mr. Arthur , ion ilouse at Ottawa. A drill of ten re. iiaymwwt-F4*afgats end-dalyb-)i arrived here the da+ before • hoboes), with their beadles of worldly ter Isms. spent a fete days la,{ week I('hristmus. atter spending a season on poserwaluna tied up In a red bandanna at the Inane of her mother, kir,, Jos. I the Lake*. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. llor- on tie end of a stick esrrled over the i l*uwne•)�larnoch ' i tun also 1un1 for theft- guests on &boulder. was good. But let u* hope Mlx.e.4 il••rnic•r and I.orralne )s,'. I Christmas Me mother. Mrs. Ellen Ilur- that none of thew boys will ever lire niu spent 11w. *e•k-end with friends I tow. of Golerich. mud their daughter, to see the real life of a hobo. Then in Luc know'Treleaven was nryhd on • Listowel, ala Mees.. Wes. and Joe'>i'!lved and them mew-_pso+•nte for Saturday night t„ Goder eti ho•pttd. ")/oore. - '-"lfl teem a wNl-lades tl'tM. ■bm raM- where he uude•reeent a aerial+ opera- i Miss--Era•_Rorlon 1* with' her sinew lss.aad nuts for the eblldeet) Tbe.. Zion. At Ibe present time be Ls t,•et 'mother la Goderich . a few Na. papib 1■ turn did not forget their ling along as well tis cite be repealed.' ' ' ' i teacher. Mies Elva Elliott, who re- p . KINGSBRIDGE ',rived a beautiful flower vane. Meas most Elliott certainly deserved credit for i Alive Grant. of idtcknow; Firemen Jet I (•REN'[•:, Dec _'s. hose more• ('hri4- Kl\(.,1BRIg)(GE, Dec. 28. -We wish the tralnlog of the children. Mr. the world's peace. After the Scars glen of slut machines. a cosditlom on , read mud, a lasting Impression oil housing licenses for various businesses. tae, mod Ntwn 1 was all through be Stubbs. •of Sarnia ; R. Murphy. of ' was has come and.gene with Its con- j very happy New Year to'all Our Christmas ennuis thin year 1t i ccoYettlos *aa tate"' end the prroe•eetd- i dMr.14111Dal t°. cd Da to 0 t Detroit, 1)t. of Ceeland, MierHelena sa Foley I were coa1 def with "God Save of Guelph. Yr. Frank IaltraLap ofisdtrkbf *thee emKjolagyabk•".-_(4rugrWamrine•rfa wanpuy tenesinOg•Detroit, Miss Rta Foley Pias Mary M. D•iepp;,of Toronto, Minthe d(rectlon of the tlunday wrbool. medics Kamen* O'Connor, of Loi Agnes King of Tees ter. The Droerams though not an lengthy, I was well carries out. , There were spent the weekend at bee home re. :lantern .Itdes, chorused by the school. Miss MunJea Maztl gad Mje Nau ,dialogue, mode 1, the "kitchen erne,• nalit_llopn.'of Gob, ase' hiving' era-' * 4Arlwtaas reading by :batch: Fred a few holidays lessee; Elliott, •.o a leery thonrbefnl addtres Mb.. Marprrt i'oley aped Mr. and by Rev. R. M. Gale. Wilmer TLarH- Nrs. Fd. Johnston, of OOderleh, spent ' son anted as chairman and Santa wail ('hrlstmas Int at Mr. Mkt: Foley's. prevent at this grtherlag ober and ran Johns, Nc- an and Mrs l)l'onnor diets toes and pre•.eent• were Pard Frena Christmas with Mr and Mr*.'out• Mrs. Verna Harty+ was organ - 'rank Ie•ddy at St. Augustine. Ise for the evening. Mrs. Courtney with ber three sons visited her daughter Fay et Byron Santa Claus with a sleigh trailer Sanatorium on Monday. would be right up to date. -heir• t Free Press. of depression the son of proep•rity Is once more beginning to shine, ,nnl- barring unforeseen event s -this minion should tin i.lteelf In the coming year well on the way to another per- iod of merked advancement and del relopment. May it be so! This confirms the action taken by the matte u sizable dioit in my bank -roil Kingston P. Fortretti of Ransil; • P. council In Smith., Falls and It la ex- . with bis hill. Young of Goderich; O. Pelf -Ileo of petted ,that other mon&iDalltltw, in- Well, eller a long while of stalling Winnipeg; A. Rice. of Collingwood. eluding .ttitneoe, will quickly follow around 1 got my "clicker*" Tom. and , Set. berr•toe--Obiet itndDwr 0, salt. The Toronto pollee commlaelon they were real ones It that, too. WIa•n Wllllame, of Montreal; MI -rend ))ngIa- bas not yet,taken final action. a*ait- I get them in my mouth. It )ext seemed e•R J. NIeohfAsoe. of Midland : Oilers lag representations by counsel for • us if i was trying to swallow a whole P gndle of Toronto, and P, �'wn- mapufacturera and distributors of the. roast gowns- or. better. a block of the,. of Victoria Harbor: firrdiln 1'. machines. The argument may be wood. Every time i elo'scd my jaws. Cbnreber, of Hardin: R. (Orr, of there w -n+ a click that seemed like a Owen Sound; M. Nie, of Midland: R. rat trap coming shut. I pinched my M. Baker, of Lion» Hayed: W. McTee•r, tongue, and then wben I got really of Ifamilton, and .1. (look. of Toetatto. angry I nearly gagged. Every meal that come along. it was torture. Berry seede would think that they were meter -skates. and before 1 realized it the arttflrial molar, would be skating around like drunks on ■ sheet of slippery bee. Every bite 1 took was torture beside» being the general *orae of amusement for ■11 [tor faml1 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS -presented that id would affect adverse-' �--- ly certain business and induatrlal in-' Discusaing municipal election dates, The Amheretburg kkeio observes that moat of the municipalities that adopt the earlier dates in recent years want , for to change [neck again. The Echo is 1 menace., of opinion, however, that the change• , should be, not to the end of Deem- I SHIPS THAT PASS ber but to the middle of January, to 4141 •'give time for the auditors' report to Vessel ?raffle at Aotherwthurg Great- loe made up and placed In the hands est in the World of the electors PO that they would! Ltmherstburg Echo) ' If a person were to stand on the Antberstburg water front throughout tbe season of nai•Igatlon be would see more lasts pass than if be were at any other port in the world. This re- Larkahte toed was proved by the an CHRISTMAS TREE AT UNION anal marine passages recorded by Irv - tercets in that city, but this ateument does mot apply in tbe case of small town, and cities which aboald not! tate to take ;be necessary action nation of the slot maehine 1 • know, and be able TlSi4e in black and miler, Just how the council of tete previous year managed the finances ot tbe corporation." The Echo sug- gests that the Provincial Legislature Mould amend the Municipal Act to provide for the altered date. Another fad -a two-year maroralty Then I took to leaving thorn out for a spell got a heap of comfort by not having them In, end Po i Juat natur- ally give up. The last I tow of them the dog waa burying them on the front lawn. %S' +..•,,...ry_� 1 T Kelly. h is Incharge of the Mg a T• w n tine ?Mrs" Preae.ted at Am" Westcort Marne Acmes at Amherst burg, wbo.e figures show that as a •�•! �•""�'�`�' ed by the city .Int to watch a steady flow I GODPJRICH TOWNSHIP, De. 26.- I � vantage g pertence of ()wen Sound, and that dry term -had been dtscredtt ex - let marine t-afac Amberstburg has m0' Th? annual Christmas tree and ern• • is returning to the one-year term. •;peal not evea In the other great cert, under the auspices of ['Mori Bas - staff writer on the Owes Sound Soo- Times ar Times says: "1f we elect a good �8y will have no trobble getting, ports of the world Including the Sant' day school, was held on Wednesday Camel. Panama Canal or the iIo o Canal 1 es -ening. with the church filled Co caps - The panacea this year total 21.747, 'city. A well -laden tree occupied one Even though be ,Meeh Mks the year 11106 the great• corner of the churcb, while the re- e„rtrr� / the history of the Great lake., malnder of the Milk/ink was nicely elected by acclamation, the pio+.11.' : au its reale era 1.413 over the decorated with garlands of rad -dad ' et • tight for . the seat *111 ■wake•m brat year of 11v-'9. when the prisms, W green. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Moor - the eletfaei: aitd it we hatww•n to'tOtalled 20,([67. The reason for the house, was c abman and Mr. liar. Mike a mistake. -.....we'll not hare a Increase is clue ehI ply to the greater wood preeld at the organ for the en- edt10 wtabed ss us for another levels, ore. cal end automobile traffic. it Is tire •program, wbk•h c'onsistsd of: attoatba whether we like It or not. ' beanew of the lade two claseet of 1 Opening chorus, "There's a Song in (relight that more paelage• are re- 1 the Air," by the entire school; drill, ,corded here than at Detroit. awesome: "Mercy Citrtetmas," by the. -,Juniors; EDITORIAL NOTES the coal and automobile boats embark • diatoglm', ,"The Opening Speech," by �► I from and arrive at porta below that I Lorraine iastatine, Eric Spelran, El- city.Goed-hye, 1936! tea Orr, Armand and Artbemire Las- . • • • It Is a peculiar fact that 1n every , aline; "rainbow drill," executed by Come on In, 1937, and make your- self at home! • • •, Tbe Editor wishes' all his resaleers a year tiw•re are always more upbonnd six girls with colored flashlights: din - boats tban downbound. During 1996, i logne, "Writing to Santa," by I)oro- frotn March to Uesemter 15, the mp- .thea' T1cbborne and Herold Johnston: bound passages tMs11ee 10,922 and the violin Polos by`"-Matirtar Harwood; downbound 10,8x. The blithest peak !vocal solo, "Season of Peace and bright and Prospered New VI -em. was reacted in July, •whet there were Gladness," by Mary Harwood;- "rooster * • " , 1.5)4 up and 1,0la.deen. October was parade," by' eight juniors; rei'ltation. mat - This year's weather annals are a ''1(:e second with 1.5116 up and 1.5ea -.save eye Little (7ttrletmaic-...Maz- !owh. By months the passage a. me ire McAllister; dialogue. Writing -omewhnt out of tbe ordinary, The and downhound Teepcotlrely, were: Poetry;' by eight boyo; pantomime, summer neo marked by n record hest .march, •dt--37: April. 4(Ft-.7211: May. "Silent Night," by six Orli; dialogue. wive and an uuusna 1.587-1,000: August, 1.53ft- i 061:tI•reda Powel; drill, "The Christ mot Just when the unemployment crisli seemed over they added a, king tt It. -H, 1. I'htllipss, in New York Sen. I drought, and 1,470-1,3110; June. 1.472-1,4112; July. I "The Lonely Man," by Jean dell •fad W IITECHURCH 'eerts, testhitles and merriments. On Tuesday evening. December nil, i '»' the annual ('brislma, concert for t?revre Sunday school was held In ' 1 C•yeew-e• United -church. Arlr-exetmdlnll- ly good program bad leen prepirml by the pupils of S.S. No. 16 and i l young"people of the --Sunday se I Great credit 1s due the school teacbe .1 Mr. John Martin, who had socelklen - ly trained the pupils. especially:tor the gymnast le performances. which were grsrefufty tarried ant by the bnyw, and i -slouch enjoyed by the audienee. "The Maple Leaf," sung by the' echoed, opened the program. Other' choruses rendered during the evening were "The Jolly Old Fellow," and a weiei the song by the entire la hoof. Tbe "A II C Song" was very well awpg by the junior toys and Runde Several recitations by the smaller -children displayed promising orators. Little Shirley Sherwood, In a white. frilled frock, very charmingly Pang "The Birdies' Ball." Another sweet solo. "Away In a Manger," was song by little Gwend4n Treleaven. A very ;ouch) tableau was' pre- sented resented by Shirley Sherwood. kneeling motionless at the toot of, and her eyes fixed upon, a white cross adorned with cella lilies, while "Rock of Agee" was sung by Lorraine Drennan 1 Cod Lorraine Durnln off-stage. Ken- , meth (lanky rendered a pleasing moutborgan selection. A pageant. centred around the birth of (,larlet, I entitled "The Christmas Kxerclae," and I introducing the shepherds and wise 1 men, depleted bow the weary pilgrims' were turned _away_ from the Inn and forced to seek shelter In ■ *table', where our Saviour was born in a man- ger. A reading, "The Lest Hymn." and two dialogues, "Harry's Pockets" and 1 "Lulu's Picture," played by 'senior , pupils. added much to the program. Mins Beth Mc('.onnell gave a reading which was quite fitting to the Cbrlst- mac occasion. . Toro numbers contriiuted by the Sunday school were "The Firer Chrlet- Inas Morning" and "The Angels' Mes- sage to the World." The former showed a group of women gathered about the well with their water jugs and displaying their eagerness to see the i'rime of Pears upon hearing of His birth. in the latter pageant people of all. ages were on their way to Jcruuelem to' he taxed and the ehepherdx were gathered nbolt their fires when an, angel appeared and ■n- nouned the hirth of the long -looked- for Mesulah. immediately 'they -;hs tended to Bethlehem to find the yomeg child. A quartette eomlao"!-! of Mrs. Drennan. Mrs. Mei'nnnell, kir Menary and. ]rev. 'P. R. 'Turner . sting upper 1prlait, hymns at Intervs:s during then Ila grant. Verb i costume* representing ititl1- Weep. c•1 •ttlre mete theey taecnnt . much Fred Pirko id meted as oresniet Mr. \VH ITE('HURCH, Dee. '..1). -Mr. and Mr.. Cecil Falconer and sons. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas Falconer and family spent a few days lave week with their perverts and other relatives at Cale- . Nola I Mrs. 1) Martin was in London on tlatefday lest. Amelia Lerer, of London, spent the week -end at the home of her par. refs. Mr. herd Mrs. Peter Lever. Miss Addle Rove, of Toronto, and Mr. Malcolm Rcra, of Sarni*, aunt the week -end at the home of their parent, Mr and Mrs. 11. Ross. Mr. F. MrK. Paterson trent tbe we .-end at the home of his sou. Mr. /'rank Pa'erwon. of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Mara Weilwood and family "pent Christmas at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Falconer, of Wingbam. Miss Frapces Robinson, of Singh, * spent the week•**d et the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. The Christmas concert. of B.S. No 10 was a btg Pt1ecess, as •wet *Lw the concert held at 11.8. No. 14 on Toes- day hee day evening. Tbe play "Kidnapping Betty" was a round of merriment. and WWI well presented. Misses Louise Martin. Jean Well - wood, Marjorie Pardon and Frances Robinson accompanied Mr. J. D. Bet croft to Clinton hospital lent Thurs- day to visit their school -mate, Flor- ence Beecroft. The Women's institute Is bolding a contest pro,rram in the halt this Tuve day evening. Mimes Muriel and Marjorie Purdon and Archie are vlsiting thin week mesh their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Aro vide Anderson. of 8t. Helens. Mr and Mrs. Sam Reid and family, of Aehfteld. 'spent the holiday at the biome of lire. Rein's sister, 'Mrs. W. R. Farrier, who were celebrating their thirtieth wselding anniversary. Con- gratulations. Mb year end'. with a premature Ja•- a1tj tbaly. - - • • • _ The shortest dry lino passed and the 3 dna September, 1.460-1,4 1! (toles,,-Be11e;" reritation, "A Tithel) Sugges- t tlgges- 1,536.-1,r1119 • November. 1,227-1,3i1 : Hon," by Arnold Bell; dialogue, "The Dect,mber, 150-222. Thin Is an 1n- Sutrage,M'etlnL" by six gime: *else, -oyer the Trevioux year. tion by an orebirstra courprael of inn 1s again climbing in tiro *tr --at I"""''' Everett Mellwaln, Arnold Porter, Stan - any rate. It should be, bot se done 1 THE STRAIGHT ItOA1D ley Mellwain, -Jobe Olementa, Everett • .me much of it the'ec days. We nil's( i dreamed last night I walked the road Craddock and Eric McAllister; organ remember, thongle,_thc old wring. "AP I meth one . eeiectrttd ilii Mrs. two"d•_ The -eow- the day lengthens, tbe'rold strength:}1.Sheat beside -MP, drewseF-111.-Wifire eliding n'''I1((iliber on the children's tart I v, .. of the prngrem was a pageant entliltd LAUGH THltaEOPP Thatnoise you'll hest •lm1(gbt at 1111db*gl 11a .r t'o.i 1--T> oief • • • rel for eight or tea ' v • Thirty-two:persons arrest, d in Trr ens,' and be preepn y1,'hhe• mad wa yowl and banished was , ••Through a ('hrlitmax Onrland. ! mato on ('hrieamas F:cc.- tleacltl•r. Q the .un, , This pre�•ntrel an oletworl,l pnfeantry • • • (And sew walked gale even aa the day hi'Ittding. courtiers. heralds, coroner-4.The tragic death of young Bob Mat 1 W*e quiet. The twrren countryside I and proved a grand Oriole M w- 11 nrth- tell shows that heroism ben not died- IMreteh•d far ahead. There was be while program. The(emir fnvor.4 oat In the" generation. The lad had h"(ilp• linseed ........ I with an Md Christie/4p carol eW1111nd a sot flower nor mountain 1 impatient. play, "Sauce. tot the'Goslings,' not mach time to think when he maw emir: weeks of winter yet • "' presented by the older folk Is fie )---4 bia dog in danger; but the compelling ..Ars you, alutw, to girt re eo.1111t:jll+fMev. 'leas Last musl•tel of mew. `-; ,•a-.tlact "-•., to sere his canine pal, i Who are yon, then, tan t0 cease ei my I Gordon Orr, Marion Porter. Mrs. Mr' heart? • 1 Alllwter, Ererett Mcllwain, Harold I•�,� ed for freedom, for, cad ie.l! Gardner and Gerald Orr. A dolt, lawtenQ "Santa 111111,1 1. ('omin' to Tivee-n," by but be did not stop to t'liculate-he Of talo loi,,ek towed Why did i hire atkrld (]tirdner and Erertt MellNaln. could not leen, to . ill?r'iftftf* tate 40 Wert - brought the program to a eke e. Santa mal crashed to death and lin; rushed Witt all my batopine+sY' Bending her Claus arrived according to tuhelnlc to save it -with what Ad conscgneuee• head and gniekly dls4aoael of the gifts from ore all know. The memory of het 1lbe tiered her eyes on me -and Oh,' the tree and distributed candlesi and sew will to hallowed 10 the mother b their (cant,'!-- nuts to the children. The work ht of five heroic act rtbi Aaswering law and sweet • "My nand proved Po +,donor that Sento, lust the thought M Duty.^ - ' mnalderable weight. The giver rol- brougbt his "bort life to a close. • 1 -A. Jacqueline Shaw. lection amonnted to about 510. and he did not hesitate Ills life wan worth infinitely wore than the dog's, wore efe•livr e 4 Miss Francs i?rozlet, Sunda% schoolorganist, wn• the nc•omlwani.t thronged Jost a hunch of Yule-Ignns, out the program ' After the priegrem Sents ('ban•• paid Stents Claus ve-ux some [fader Ole ycarlr ,i -it and relieved a Iron It. wear. We're tickled to death with It. Wally -laden tree to anxi,nr• hey. told girls. , A largae nninlw•r Orf rood fntalltka tee". :barrel the ('hrlsunns holiday. - Monde The Fred ><tsdth. of the t i I:r1 line. INatea fee going to gel tocetb-r fur e Tbc motor -ear approach.,1 t1.• aur- Mullet neat 1111.7iith inability ;. A- one, at sixty milk an hoar. _ - eons a plain hie eh.ngh will prerrnt C- the John Smiths from following the!. Heard on Cbrlatmaa' : ettampb',--l.terlwrrongh Eiratatne- "Mall we have a Alendly item, of (seder, • - l A CHIN PI ER1l "No. . Leri.etay bridle tat,-... If you eleh to 1e IltlppT for an • • • ,hour, get (ntntkrnted, if yon wish toy Ther ertsy tbtagw [ted 1a Ml�MO: he happy fbr three 1110.. 54-1 inn riled. The muscle (tee 'rdl pall Yeend. 11 you wish to fee happy foeNrht dare. Knock, knee!. ©' - ION your pig enol eat if. int If 70111.. IMyl1Rbt saving, tetardf down, wl.h to be Milne forever, loon* • • , (renf!Ibeted.) ' prdcner ' -e e r. Mr. Fred Wainwright, of ieo•know Ittgh Belem!, le spending the helldays with Jack O'Connor. Ree Father Garvey. C.B.P., of To- ronto. arrived at hts parents' home last erening to »pend some• holidays here. Messrs. Victor A., Michael G. and Ignatius' J. Martin were home to speed t;brlatmae with •thelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Martin. The 'keno party In the parl•h baU latt evening way much enjoyed and drew a big crowd. These blankets and other good prime are still being distributed. Burry up and win one. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Dec. 25. -Quite a number of visitors were In the dis- trict for the holiday season: Dor- othy Cox, of London University. with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Leslie cox: Irene Woods, Mt-tropolitan otf(e. Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wdods; Evelyn Cox. of TW.C.A., London. with Mr. and Mts. Herb. Cox ; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMillen and daughter Mar- garet, of London, with bin brothers here; .Mr. Erland Bettie*. of Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. Thom. Bettie*. We wish the editor, staff and read- ers ead- qy �y� �y ersChr nota, and Proeperous New 'Year Elalerfat.nenta.-()n V'H V 7i '9 V'F1 V'fe V VV1' Greetings TO OUR PATRONS AND FRIENDS We extend our best wishes for a New Year of Health, Happiness and Prosperity. and sincere thanks for your patronage in this cloning year. J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Merril/lire Dads► . . Hamilton street. Work' PHONE -4: Store 335; Res. 3,'i • wry F( set I'si 'Ft Ft ••1 v v 7•(t Sivr7i rI si 'tq vilai The Signal Calendar f o r i937 4 The Signal'w 1937 Calendprs are at hand, and as , Ion" as the supply laati one will be given to each 40111(1iher pat'tng in adie0( RENEW NOW AND MAKE su1E OF YOUR CALENDAR l'Ir,e.e oM not ask for it Calendar if your eubscription 1v not wild --- The Signal is $1.60 a year in advance; I$2,00 to United States addresses. tinCteletete The Signal Printing Co., Lt Goderich rfI,, ,e` •e,' ruiMitanntwatVintinzlorlit t S , w Y n .5 s d • d ,.. iJs1-