HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-31, Page 1vr, woe-
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?dske,sure of your Signal Calendar
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$10/01"><'`RI'!TD TLB, NO, Ill
•rap over H. McOreath's Nbmin&tion-Nims Goes on the Ballot
Despite His Attempt to Withdraw -Lively Time at Nomimtion
Meeting on Monday Afteri#I on-Allin Drain Again an Issue
Colborne township has an all-round
election contest to be decided at the
polls next Monday.
As to just how it happened there are
different stories, but the main facts
are these:
It was expected that Councillors
Tyndall god Pitblado would be out
for the rrevestllp, with perhaps Reeve
Feagan and lex-Reeve Goldthorpe. At
the nomination nwetlug ou Monday
afternoon, however, It was made mani-
fest that the return of the 1936 coun-
cil would lee satisfactory to the ma -
man of the iatepayea' meeting which
followed and_after greeting the large
number present be called to the plat-
form Reeve Peter W. Scott, of East
Wawanosb, and Reeve Wm. Stewart, t
of Weet Wawanosh. Mr. Hill then I
called Upon Reeve George C. Feagan.
Kim Marjorie Mae L holidaying
In Toronto.
Miss Grace Rbyuas was up from
Toronto for the holiday week -end.
Mrs. Max Robins was up front To-
ronto for the Christmas holiday. .
Misr Margaret Steens, of Toronto,
'vent Christmas with tier sisters here.
Miss Evelyn Clark is home from her
school at Credlton for the Christmas
Mine Marjorie Hetherington, of De-
rolt, is pending two week./ holidays
t, her home here.
Mr. Stanley Ball, of Alpburn, spent
be week -end with his cousin, M1.
inward Wilkins.
Mr. and Mn. Elmer Cranston. of
St. Marys, were visitors In town over
be holiday week -end.
Me. John }illott, B.A., of London,
spent the holiday week -end with bis
brother, Mr. G. M. Elliott.
Mr. Prank W. Edward was up from
Detroit to have ebrietmas dinner with
law tither, Mr. John H. Edward.
Mr. Percy Proctor, of Detroit. spent
tbe Christmas week -end with kis par-'
e,ta, Mr. and Mrs. William Proctor.
'Ill., and Mn. A. J. Wilkins, Vera
and Howard Wilkins spent Christmas
with Mr. and ,Mrs. Amos Ball, Auburn.
Mise Verna Mc•Vittle, of Toronto,
Went the Christmas holiday with her
partiab 'Mr• and Mrs. Henry McVlttle.
MIs. Olive t;oldtborpe, of Toronto,
'pentwith her 'toter, Mrs.
W. G. an, and other relatives
Mr. Argas Macule, of the Bank of
Commerbe, Milverton, , spent the
Christmas holiday, with Ms psmNta
In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peter, of Hatgil-
tuot'.aVent Christmas and the week-
end at the tame of Mr. and Mrs. John
I.ongm i re.
Mr. and Mr& F. Robinson and son
Rues Fenian Speaks
"My intentions at the present time t
are to be u candidate for the reeve -
ship." began Mr. Feagan,' and his
statement was greeted with applause.
Dealing briefly with county council
business, Mr. Feagan spoke of the pur-
chase of the combination awe -plow
jority of the electors present, and and gravel truck and abto told of tbe
Menne. Pitblado and Tyndall decided lncreale.l expenditures in mothers' al-
to remain epouncillon and leave the luwanca old age pensions and admin -
Reeve and ex -Reeve to fight It out for titration of justice.
"tloweverY" he said, "1 think the -
tbe reeveship
Nelson McLTty and Jas. OWsholm, I county of Huron b to he eongratulattel•t
councillors of 1986, tiled their qualltl-
on the state of its financial again
cation* wltb the clerk. and It was sup In Inc years probably four, If things
posed that the four councillor* were go oo the same, the county will be out
elected by aeela•atlon. A hitch de- i of de1:4:
veloped, however, over the pominatlon With regard to work In Colborne
of Harry McCreath Mr Mc(r'eath, township, ;he Reeve told of • 6246
wee was l° the council some roan ago, ' Increase quer last year owing to work
was duly proposed at Mondays meet- I O° roads and bridge& A considerable
• rt of the Increase was due to the
Ins End filed ole qay
later, 10.. riat:....et_ths_age'aatdsa is settlement of the Alan drain claim,
favor of an acclamation. he withdrew
his nomination -or attempted to do
so. Towosblp Clerk Ballow• was In
doubt as to whether, once having
qualified. • nominee could withdrew
his name from the ballot end this
but to comparison with 8,160 yard* of
gravel laid last year 8,577 yards were
laid in 1930.
The elfin drain, which had been In'
and out of litigation since 1931, was I
settled for $100 agalast the townsblp.
morning, after taking legal advice, he The township Is $300 to 6400 better1
decided that Mr. McOreatb'f name off than at tbe end of 1935," Bald Mr.
would have to go on the ballot. 4IFeagan. Tile assessment was 634.900 '
Colborne townshipelectors, accord-{ lees 1r* lt9f than last year and tax
cones"" for 1980 were 6240 in AP '
ingly, will vote bot I' reeve and for coat of last tsar's.
, lour councillors, the candidates for t
reeve being Geo. (1 Feagan and Al- "Last year," said the speaker. "there
hast J. Goldthorpe. and for council -
a° overdraft In the bank of .000."$2,701,
yore James Chtaboiw, Nelson Mclerty,of and this year It amount" to 12.000."
-Sohn Pitbtato and Melvin. Tyndall, of He referred to the reventa be cards
In the cemetery to prevent the care
,' as 1996 council, and Merry Mct(reath,
Osaep 1w B ,in tis Poae„ lees *reetla of tombstones and'
- Tis S1aa1 was OItllaformed lad tboueht It was a good Idea to endeavor
week In ssattag that Reeve Feagan to keep the plate ttslform. I
would be 'bat of tbe picture" In theNeal°'ted ter Keevesttip 1
township eieetioss tor 1197. John Pitblado, nominated for the
Mr. V. has rune 41to reeveabill, fysacked tbat, although tbgl
were trying to ecenomise yet keep op
the roads and bridges in the section '
be nerved as eounclllor In 1936. road 1
expenditures amounted to $791 with
steel bridges costing $.''179. He aald
Glen, of KIppen, spent Christmas with
Mrs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Waite. '
Mrs. M. A. Boyes ba returned to
r *pending
her home at Toronto of
he last six weeks with
Mn. A. Matte.
Meas Amelia He
turned to Ottawa a
Christmas term with
I. Hetherington.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. lie ng -
ton, of Wingham, spent Chrism:se
here wPti the former's mother, Mrs.
i. Hetherington.
Mr. end Mrs. B. Weber and festal.
of Enterable, Akar -the - -
term with Mr*. Weber's parents,
and Mrs. A. Challenger.
Mesa Clara and Mr. Lloyd Elliott,
of Western University. are spending
the Christmas holidays at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Burns.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallis and
their two boys came up from Detroit
to spend Cbrietmaa with Mr. Wallis'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Wallis.
Yrs. J. W. Smith, who has been
vlsttng In Toronto and other points
for several weeks, Is spending the
holiday season to Wyandotte, Mich.,
the guest of her son -In-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Smith.
Mrs. W. L. Hewitt and baby have
returned to their home at North Bay
after spending the past few months
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Mugford. Huron road. Mr.
Mugford accompanied her home . and
Sdsrid tswsship kis home property
en the Harm road adjol°a the town -
Ship ars with the purelase of the
Wesley Allis property in Colborne be
has a hoer stake 1n the township than he d not decided It he should, quail -
smote As alsmdy Rated, he is a can- M
fy and contest the reveship or try
dilate for r,37. Tom sea Yoneluy u once more for the cannel) board.
Reeve fpr 1997' Speaking of the work done In his
A Noisy Nesaimstiem Meetingdirinlon. Melvin Tyndall, of the 1936
At the a ond°slon of a wwnewhat
stormy ratepayers' meeting for Col- ent•c 11, reported 1.177 yarns of gravel
borne townehtp held at Smith's 11111
on Monday afternoon. the assembled
Sectors, to rerpon.e to a query by
(lbairman Hugh Hill, was practically
bnanlmous In favor of returning tbd
19311 council for next year. However,
at the qualification deltdline at 9 p.m.
Tgeeday. It was revealed that Ex -
Reeve Albert J. Goldthorpe was oppos-
ing Reeve George 1.'. Feagan for the show that on an average day twice as
reevtwbtp, and qualifications had been many carr used the Ssltfonl iie°mll-
filed for the office of councillor by Mel- ler or "River mad:' a township road,
ern Tyndall, John Pitblado, Jamie 1 SP need a boundary road seemly taken
Chisholm. Nelson McLarty and Harry c,vor by the county.
lie Creath.
More than t undred men were
jammed in t small all and many of
them stood d 2 the whole three and
one-half hours, nose standing on
benches and chairs at the rear while
others poked their bean through the
hack windows.
. The meeting was quiet soil orderly
until Mr. Goldthorpe took hie place oo
the platform. As it at ■ given titguai He refmwd tin Indicate him inten-
two hundred voices were nfsed In tion definite?y, bot left him sudlenee
Swats, cheers, jeers and laugh * and tth : "i never felt it was a good
from them on. Intermittently, thebeet- hing to csdee an election and i am
Ing was one of wild disorder, with t perfectly satl•aed to re In on es
speaker raising his voice above councillor. f will not mi(\ute my in -
shouted Interruptions and indulging In tentlons at thin time."
heated word battloa with at many as It waw brought to the attention of
hese Individual. at •time the tressnrer, Rtee�t. Glen, that there
It was with considerable difficulty were mistake• inethc• statutory report.
t Chairman iingh 11111 kept some The treasurer'explafnerd that, although
mblanc• of order. mime were made by the printers, others
The Nsalialatlmm west' enamel. by preen .of thee In ret -
The lint of nominations was teed by ting out the report.
clerk, Win. Callow', as follow. Councillor James ('h' •m's ad -
was brief end to R fluent: "1
oho Pitblado-fry B.n,,Mugfnrd and intend to run for a final 1937 and
Million. I do not Intend to go ont_canvamming.
lvyn Tyndall by W. C. Penman i think my post record of three years
Amos Stoll. - will eland me In Rood-4ttead."
C. Feagan- by harry Shield*, 0491 ('raunchier Nelson McLartl com-
Gnlnm, mented briefly on the Mlle drain and
. L. Tonng-. by Vere Cunningham cemetery question.' end slated there
Been', (IrigR wan con'Iderable Improvement In tbe
J. Goldthorpe by Gordon Jewell weed eituatinn M the township. He
I. E. Baxter. objected. however. to one men rutting
rry McCreath --by Wis.-J. '(:'ilk weed. at 33 per tiny while the men's
and W. J. Meyer. boy,. was 4)41(1' 22 per dst"- •
. FOR C0411NIC11.1.OR8 Although there was a lowering of
ex. Watson--hy 1.0.11e Johnhion ' the comity rate per 101) arra, In the
41141terd MoNeII. . lied few years, the general school tax
y McCreath -by Thrnnk Wlleon to 1936 wn• 11,443 as comparted with
Vere Cunningham.
rr131,36. In 11144, said the .pecker.
rya Tyndall -by Vere Cnnning- Aileen*. Tax Prrpaymist
and Frank Wilson. "i wonld like to we a bylek► adopted
PIthIado-by G. C. Feulgen and to permit anytvne to pat tate. In the
Million. . .4441. of the year, getting is • rebate
lald as compared with 925 yards last
11e wanted to know what qualifica-
tions a road move hate to �t',e taken'
over by the county, and w inforlmd
by the chairman that geographlenl
situation with regard to main trafie
arterlee and traffic were the major
Mr. Tyndall then gave figures to
He quoted the Deputy Minister of
Municipal Affair is raying fifty per
ewe. of municipal audits were not
wofth the paper on which they were
written. He was of the opinion the
officers of this municipalities should
derlee Aome uniforth' ee'heme of book-
Weald Net Case an Fiediesl
iehoia-by G. C. Feigan and
Mclsrty-ly Brats (Trigg
(toed ---by Wilbert Thom and
ATlla-�l $o'w'ed Tessin
lnbsetns-by Alex. Watson
tett-1y O. C. Pagan and
1!11111 wu appointed cite
tbe percentage the township wnnld
have to pis on a bank loan." fold Mr.
YcLarty,ibrfor. •nnonneing he would
cave more qualify as eonnctllor.
"1 ea not standing as a candidate."
nidi W. L. Yonne. and ie added an
1ptlmistfc note for tie fntnre by re -
Marking. "i think we have got over
tbe *out of the deprewmton and tbtge
pre a little brighter,"
tx-Refire deMlb•rse
Albert J. Goldthorpe. gory -t-119411
(Costtnned on page 8)
A turkey which' "flew the coop" in
the west end yesterday In an attempt
to escape the MAW tTomer dinner table
escaped death bt e, but met its
Waterloo before expert ulmre6
after an exciting
Unknown to own•., stili turbot --
had cashed a wlpdow In the
toop and was ding for the bush
on tbe lake bank1 when several boys
and young mea ve chase.
The gobbler y was cornered in
a field, but the upant of a nearby
house ran out trued with his trusty
shotgun, thinking be bad a wild tur-
key on his Lad.
But the turkey wasn't nearly as
R 31, 1936
D. Harrison to Be
Inspector of Work
Town Hall Alterations -Tax Pre-
payment Plan to Be Con -
tinned in 1937
his low. Some tallceptaluing and
the cash,.quivaleet of the bird in lbs
irate owner's pocket lett the mark. -
man with one tur y gobbler, ,liberally
sprinkled with Ies dressing and at
quite ready toe.
After Quarter -Century as Mao
The anal meeting of the towhcoun-
ell for the year 1936 was held Ned -
Tuesday evening, and the business sit
the year was completed. All mem-
bers were present.
Owing to numerous requests on the
part of hell taxpayers, the council
decided to make arrangements for the
prepaymentames t of 1937 tas, as In 1935,
allowing Interest at the rate of five
per cent. per *noise. It was retorted
the number of persons taking advan-
tage of the prepayment scheme was
increasing rapidly from year to year.
Dan Horn/ion was appointed In-
spector during the work of construct-
ing a vault, in the course or altera-
tions to be completed at the town halls
by February 15(1. by R. J. Doak, con-
The town received a ebegoe from
the county of Huron for 62,347 07, be•
14th .118.-Mseewing the refund on the county hishwaya
Tetley Ur. -J.
wise ter 4fwen•
ty-tice years has i acted as public
school inspector fit Bast Huron, goes
tato retirement. 'Por a quarter of a
century, dueing which time he has
seen many lmprovetmPmt_ln education
mud ...hoot eouditiens, the kindly Doc-
tor has at all timer taken a progres-
sive attitude, at all times be has been
!notching out means whereby the eeta-
tort and education of pupils might be
bettered. His sok-spoken klndnees
will be mise*d in the future.
Dr. Field is to be succeeded by Mr.
John Hartley, late of the Degd4tment
of Education at Toronto. 1t L be.
lleved Mr. Hartley will live at Clin-
ton, where he at ooe time resided
wbgo principai of the Clinton pebik
school. -
MRS. $.&Tess PDDZN baw?S
Estimable lady Passes Away , Thita
Mens( IMexpeetedly
The unto) friseas of Mrs. Kate
linghee Sale mid Pie tow•nspeope• to
general were sh and sorrowtel to
hear of leer sudden this (Tburs-
day r mornlug, lit of a stroke
mug found b drug''', unwept
r suffering the seizure and 111141
ffteap minutes' later.
We. gide, win we. In her Piet)
tirst year, was the widow of the 1st.,
Major ldarlee E. Sale. who gave hie
life In aeteon while with the loth Bat-
talion overseas. She was born In God-
erlch, ■ daughter of the ills Mr. and
Mre. Edward l'nmpaaIgne, 4rnd -wets
mneried in Ma}. 11Mrt. Since the death
of her husband Mrs. Sale led a quiet,
retlres1 life with -her 'con, Edward F.
elate. and her daughter, Mies Cath
-rine 4'. Sale. who te I10w at home do
holidays from caching at tit. ('leni-
ent.' 'wheel, Toronto. -
The innOn.1 .'•rutee will he ,ossuc"'
tel rat her home. et. Geo•ge" s ('n'scenll
on Soinrday-atterncs,n. at 3 o'cha'k, by
Rev. A. C. Older, of 8t. Georges
church. and Rev D. J. Lane. of Knoll
church. Interment will 1s• In MaitMml
rate. It was decided at the meeting
to pay the balance of Huron county
rates amounting to 31,533.70.
A quiet wedding was solemnlz.4 at
the rectory of St. Petee's chnrcb by
Rev. Father Fallon on Wednesday
morning, when Mira Ann Walsh, of
Montreal, was united in marriage to
Mr. Charles Frederick Kelly Mr.
Kelly is ship -keeper on the steam.?
George R. Donoytn, which 1s winter-
ing at the harbor here. Mine Walsh
I arrived only this week from Montreal.
A low-flying plane, with lights clear-
ly visible. which circled Goderleb
shortly after 7 o'clock Monday night,
was the Indirect came of an acci-
dent to Mrs. Joseph Fisher, Bruce
street. Mrs. Fisher was visiting with
friends wben they heard the roar of
the flying engine and ran out the back
door to get a centime of the •Irehlp.
Mr,. Fisher slipped on the steps and
fell to the cement sidewalk, fractur-
ing her hip. She wart taken to •her
home In an ambulance and the injury
se, 6ivM oedipal anemia --
G. 1, Baird, C•P.It. freight clerk,
who has ben'bere only a few day.
relieving harry Sanderson, who is
holidaying, was mentally but not ser-
iously injured late Isst night when be
Win ,kn.tc•kc•d down Ansi run over
be a ear driven by Bruce Vol -
land. The Injured man was takes
to the hoapltal for the night.
Mr. Baird was (rotetlng Hnmllton
etr.et on the Square from Robertson's
grocery towards the Royal Bank when
he wan knocked down by the car. He
-was bruised suet scratched badly. but
no bPnee were broken. Visibility was
tkdriver alid pedewtrlan ow-
yy rain blovrn by n strong
Ing to p
souther) wind.
The accident victim Is a Galt man,
reelding, at 13 Sprue,_ street 1n that
will remain for a short Visit. e•rmetery. laity. a
r'Rirro newelnarruuta vimialy rinr
A Baps, tar ti all # ~
tiabrr� of alit $'ignal
May each of its 365 days �hay.e,enough sunny minutes to
let us forget the clou4 and the shadow
_..l4NUARY 1137 1137 FEBRUARY -7_ 1p7 U47 - ' - 1l*RCB
M. T. W. T. F._ 8. S. L. T. W. F. A. . - S. M. ?. W. T. F.
" 037
4 S.
1 1 e 2 3 4 6, -(f" 1
3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 7 3
19 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18.-_19.. 20 14 iP
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 20 27 28 29 30
21 n 23 24 2.i 16- 77 Il - 222
31 .e 2/ 21 rt, 2A,•
APRiL 1937 1137 MAY '8. ,,x037 1137
C. M. T. W. T.'1 FI. S.
8. M T. W. T. E. S. 1 8. M.
1 2 3 2 3 4 b 4 7 R
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 ..,15 g
16 17 18 '19 20 2h" 22
11 12 13 14 15 ' 16 17 M 24 . 29 27 O8 29 12
10 19 20 21 22 24 24 23 24 25 26 27 !28 '29 II
25 26 27 28 29 30 33 31 / 27
S. M. T W.
6 7
12 1R 14
19 20 21
26 27 2R
T. V. S.
1 2 3
R 9 10
15 16 17
22 24 21
29 30 R1
1917 AUGUST'
8. M T. W. T
1 2 -:1 4
l 9 10 11 12
15 16 17 18 19
22 23 24 2'r 26
23 30 31
} Si
f 7
13 11
20 ''1
27 2,4
2 3
r9 10
18 17
23 24
30- 31
T. W.
1 2-. 3 4 5
7 4i 9 10 11 12
14 15 141 17 18 19
21 22 23 24 25 211
2R 29 30
4 Ads ors. rot sit. (At harinees,.were Christ-
i!. ' ma. -we ekrml Joest' at the bump of
1937 ..
You can dlrie tune and money by
using The Signal's clubbing service
in obtaining your papers and maga-
zines for 1937. We can give you s
price on almost any periodical pub-
lished on the continent.
J. W. Tayltt. vbtled'witii frlendla'gt'
Windsorlast wed -end
11r. RINK. C. N an in spending New
leer'a with relatives at Sarnia.
Mies Norine Dunlop was home from
Toronto ter the Chrtstemit feria.
Mr. Dean Brennan has returned from i
a season's saltine on the Lakes_
me Leona Webster, of Loudon.
it ('hrlaWus at her home here.
c Itobald Blume, of Toronto, spent
Chrietntaet' with his father and slater
here. '
Miss Elva Snell, of Londeaboro, spent
Christmas bolidays with friends In
Mr. ani Mrs. Clyde Carter, of Lou-
don. slant (`hrl'tmas with their rela-
tives here.
M1v.'Ed11b Wiggins is spending the
.t:1' e1'1 wa. vaatiou w iib friend'. in
4h,Yu rlto.
,Lea. (tole. E. Wilacnt is ugpu uding the
New Year holiday with Y,'laticea at
Mi'w Maud Walton, of Toronto,
spent the Christmas weekend with
relative. here.
Mr. Merrill Baker, of the Royal
Bank, Ceiling, was at the parental home
for Ottrlatmas.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ainslie and
children spent Christmas with rela-
tives In Detroit.
Mra. Dana id'ft•Nevinand-Miss Myra
MuNeviu spent l'hrletmas with rela-
tives at Detroit.
,Mrs. W Henry Is visiting with
friends in Toronto and Otdtawa for the
New Year holiday.
Mr. Reg. Pinder, of Oshawa, was at
his home on St. David's street for the
Christmas holidays. �1
Mrs. 1'etereou 411141 Mara, ,R - Toronto,
are the guests of Mrs. A. M. -Shar-
man. Britannia road.
Mrs. E. W. Came has gone to St.
Petersbertr, Florida, to speed the re-
mainder of the winter.
Mr Will Webster, of the University
of Weeteru (moires Is spcudlug the
creation at tris home here.
Rev. Wm. Weir, of Huntsville, was
• vl'ltor this week with his parents,
Mf. and Mrs. F. G. Weir.
Mr. Walter Rufelh of Toronto Uul-
versity, Is ep'nd1°g the Christmas
holidays at his Leine here.
Messes. H. C. and George Fllainger
and Stanley Wilson were home from
Owen Bound for Christmas.
Mrs. I.. Sherwood, of Toronto, was
a 'leiter the. week with her parent's,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. !kinking.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schade, of
itrstlMA He iritis, tM s.tr et lir. alai*
Mra. iia ter ltni n on Sanday.
Mr. and'''1Iva( J. B. Panes, of
Toronto, are .spending the New Year
holiday with Mrs. 0. L. Parsons.
• Mr. aid total harry Martin
Miss Grelta Martin, df Toronto, spent
Christmas with -their relative. here.
Mr. C. Murray -had his daughter,
Mrs. Potent', and her family, of Ile-
troit, visiting with him for Chriatma'.
Mr and Mn,. Reg. Munro and child-
ren, of Stratford, were visitor's with
Mr. and Mrs. John Pinder for Christ -
mus. - -
Mr. and Mtn. Floyd bodge, of Lon-
don. relent. ('hrlstmns Day with Mr
end Mre. Rohl. E. Wilelen. Cameron
.t reet,
Miss Beatriee irjuder, of the St.
Catharines ('ollejlate Inewltute MaR• 1s
spending the enc.ititol at her home
Mrr. Agoee Stokes. and Mr. George
Stokere. were at Stratford for Chri,4-
mat, the gueuds of Mr. and Mrs. W. Y.
1 Mr. `anis Mra. J A. Barry aryl child
4' 'n. of Detroit, were Christmas guests
with the lades parents, Mr. and Mrs.
• M. II. Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. 'tweet! O'Neil •ntT�'
Mies Marion l,omprcey, of Toronto,
'peat Christman with Mr,, and Mrs.
j 14rfi. immprel•
Mr. Donald Lane, of Shaw's • Rud -
Hess College. Tomnlo. 1. apendeng the
holidays with his parents, Rev. 1). J.
inuel Mrs: hilae. ' --
Mr'. 1'Ilsab•th lfeitmnn and Mr.' Al-
liert Move', of Stratford, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Heitman
orev the weck-end.
Mie. Beatrice Campbell, of McMa•.
;er leniterlty, Hamilton, Is .p•rsling
the vat•ntlun writ' her parents, Mr. and
' Mn. J. A. Campbell.
Miss lh,ria Riley and Mr. ('las.
18 • lir. Hurl ND's. ,F. R. It11ey.
23 26 Mimes 'Ethel Whitely, of Toronto,
and 011''e Widely, of Stratford, ere
•pe'ndlltg the . vsuatkm 'withs•tl.e+ir
toother. Mrs. J. t. Whitely.
1927 1 Bev. Charles M. livaber and Mrs.
T. F. .. FllumtN•r, of St. i:niuhet(,"'Qli.•,. spent
e'hrlsnnn' acini •iiia former's parents.
lir. and 31 r- 1' 11. ilnmiser.
Mrs. E. Drew has returned from
l'ontlac; Mich. , where Mre bad been
vislting for some time with her dough,
ter, Mrs. N. Warrener, and Mr. War -
rimer. -3
Mis Ann-)ltine,murse-In-training at
the Toronto Wemtetii hospital,- en-
joyed Chrl•tmaa -' with her par-
ente. Mr, and 1/ J.,B. Milne, Bruce
street. '
Mr. and Mr.. flaield R. Currie and
daughter Madeline, of Detroit. visited
their r,'lnIlve* In town over the
Christmas week -end. Mrs. (`nrrle And
Madeltse are remaining for the week.
Mr. and Mew. Roe* Thompson and
little son Martin, of Peterbnro, .pent
the.,(brlatmaw •week -end with the
lady's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Frank
111r. and Mrs. P, 11. 14ehweyer, rd
%eek,* Caresses, sod lir. and Mn. W.J.
Depsldana. of f aslton, *pew ('hrtet-
mss wltb the iodlas' parenta, Mr. and
Mtw. C. H. Hualrr. Mr& nehweyer
Is rgsalning for a Vme.
Major Jane !Ionored
on Retirement
Long and Meritorious Record in
the Service of King and
Major A. If. Jape, whose retirement
from military service beca.ne effec-
tive today, was the guest of bonor at
a banquet tendered him at Wong's
Cafe on Monday evening by of-
ficers and men of "("' 1'e any,
Middlesex -Huron Jtegiux•ot, of which
he was commanding officer. A vet•
erau of two wars at the age of fifty-
six, Major June's military career tic-
gan thirty-nine years ago.
Thirty-nine persons were present o■
Monday night, the g u•.ta, besides Ma-
jor Jane, being Lt.Col. 11. C'. Dunlop
Lt. -Col. A. T. Sturdy, Regimental Ser
geaut-Major Geo. James and Padre
Archdeacon Joules+Bateman. Lance -
al Jack Plotkin., who was lo-
in In a motorcycle crash some
mon s ass, was remembered by his
eomra es, who' Pent a dinner to his
After w dinner the company pro-
ceeded to armories. on Hamilton
+street, where -Maier Jan€ received •
handaome gift front Lieut. D: k. Nairn,
with the compliments of the see of
the company. The recipient thanked
his men briefly for their thoughtful-
ness and for their co-operation In the
last, and asked that they continue with
tbe' tame co-operation and good -will
towards his suceseor, Capt. H. Mc-
lutynu, of Clinton.
Another (nterestiog feature of the
Informal gathering at the armories
was the presentation of efficiency me-
dals% for continuous efficient service
for twenty years. to two of the men.
The recipients were Company Ser-
geant-Major Harold Allen, W.O. Class
2, and Company Quartermaster Ser-
geant John 8nasej. The medals
were presented by Lt. -Col. 11. C. Dun-
A social time was enjoyed playing
keno and cards, with Major Jane,
Oapt. McIntyre and Lieutenants D. B.
Nairn and A. B. Sturdy, of Goderick,
and 11. C. Lawson, of Cllotou. presid-
Major Jane's long and colorful car-
eer began In 141914, when, at the age
of eighteen years, he joined the Doke
of Cornwall's ldgbt Infantry, "Terri-
totiat*," Bon within
Bells, be bad the urge to travel and
In 1901 tended ,with the South Afri-
can Constabulary, being stationed is
Swaziland after spending one year and
five months in the Boer war. ole re-
turned to England on furlough in 1905
and in 1906 came to Canada and to
Goderlch, joining the 33rd Huron Re-
giment. Ile was • member of the
Atte tram which proved lovincil,l.� 1■
j district competition about that three. --
iu 1!116 he became a lieutenant la
the 33rd and later enlisted with the
191st Oversees Battalion, becoming a
company sergeant -major while In Eng.
land. .. He was drafted to the 47th
I Battalion in France In February. 1918,
las pritate- and stem regained bit ser- •
geant's rank.
It was at Amiens on August 1@, -'1113tH
Ia few days before his birthday, that
1be ".toped nos."'A bullet caught hint
In the upper left ato'and fie was
toned to Brawl on bit knee- ami one •
elbow threugb acres of barte..I-wire
entanglements ton -sunken road Re-
wettant complications kept him in hi♦
pital until September 20, 1919
Back In Canada once more, he
atepp.d back into barn's ■s Ileutee-
ane when iii 7.7 Huron Beglinent
authorised in 1020. wl(p 1d.-Coi. '
Combe, of Clinton, In commend. He
was promoted to the rank of camels
In 1tr241 and to Major in chores- of "A"
company. Huron Regiment. hr Heel
This. quit -mannered, gnlek-witted
Moldier, who has 'served( ender five
monarchs- Queen Victoria. F:dw.1r I ViI
George V. Etle and VIII :,rad 'George
VI has the following de,..raifoo•'
Quten'n South Arrival' medal, General
Service and Victory Great War medals
officers' Long t4'•1rlee In4'dni 1twenty
Yellin.), Long Se'rnlee.Jneda ' -the .tanks (twenty years), and tin Kwp'.
'George orge V Jubilee medal. .
S. M. T. W. T
1 2
5 1, 1 R 9
12 13 14 15 10
19 20 21 22 23
' 26 27 214 29 30
OCTOBER 1937 1937 NOVEMBER 1937 1937
le. T W T F. V 14. M. T. W T F. 14 S.
1 2 - 1 2 8 4 0 0
.415 16 14 15 18 s 9$ 9- 10 11 12 13 5
1118 19 '20 21 22 13 lill' as , V. 17 1R 19 20 12
SS 2e 17 2R 29 66 , Si AI ` sit 2s 26 77 16
it r''
tlk,.LJ.Gr,�,,,.1..�`�[i..y •..z--: �.+� 'r :ifll ..Jrr4,t .:�rrC�'
1M. ,. • T., W T.
V"' 2
e 7 11 9
13 14 15 16
20 21 D 23
27 28 29 A0
F'. S
3 4
10 11
17 114
9'. • R
tit itinrz
With four handled and v,tth
guesses orad.. on the` weight •..f t
huge candy cane at the Venn* re
'taurant, eetlmates ranged- from
pounnf Vsrlce mince, to Otto hatted
po°nd', but 1114' right weight 'wan ten •
Epounds four ounces. No one peer NI
the corset weight, but three tied with'
the rice.' (gore of ten pomade three
'emcee They were Eileen Enmtgn.
Harry Bloomfield and Mary (tallow.
and In a drew They came not in the
order named. Mist Ensign won the
cane, 11r. Bloomfield a pound of candy,
and Miss (:allow a brick of ice ereaa
Mr and etre (` W. Rills, lblhoree
street, yeeterelay quietly celebrated the
fortieth sunieersary of their wedding,
entertalnintf • few Mends to dinner
In the afternoon. Tbs. table liaa
centred with • sliver ha'*et of Snnoet
romes, the variety carried by Mrs. Cl -
Ile at her welding st W. Cle,ree's
church forty -emirs ago, with Rev.
Mark Turnbull °Metering Sine*
their marriage Mr and Mrs Mlle re -
eleed at Detroit, Toronto d Inedes
before making their home la (:otleelrb
Kra. Ellis, formerly Ise Bettie
Smiths was born 1■ , • daugh-
ter of Mr, and Mrs. R B- Smith, ••d
Mr Elea was berm In London. • au
of Mr. and Mrs. Gsery* 1MiP.