The Signal, 1936-12-24, Page 8.,...r':te•e`--' "-Y-•„--!F. .YY+ _ ,,,a44.‘ fa" asv i --1l iy, Dees b. Um, Una vr THE SIGNAL obDERICH, ONT. 11116004ENEMENPOIROMILNIMENEWEMEMEil Miss G. Haist Heads Igat SANTA CLAYS MERRY- CHRISTM HAPPY NEW e lie comes in the night: lie tomes In 0411 • vi the night! Arthur Cirel YEAR 9 1 1k• softly, silently conies! Annual Meeting Held Monday When the little brown heads on the t Evening Reviews the Year's Work W. C. Pridharn & Son PARAMOUNT PA MOUe. M NT, De. merry C1Q s to all. spent / M ira�t 'TeUowa, trot° Sarnia, week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Miss Phyllis MacDonald, R.N., who has been muaraing in the Sick Child- rea'a hospital to Montreal, is home for a few weeks' holidays, i. - Kr. Mr. Albert Towle left last week for Wttsdpeg and Vancouver, where he will make an extended visit with mem- bers of his family. The Paramount school concert un- der the leadership of the teacher. Mr. Gordon Campbell, was held at the school on Tuesday afternoon. ssisOp. The Baptist Church Rev. L R McClung, Minister -llama "DIFFICULTIES AR OPPORTUNITIES" - 7 p.m. — F l err 'tie.., snow • ECulutteertertellittrOCIC WISHING YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Legg's Meat 'Market WE Itr:1.l'ER Phone 4*3. Hamilton Street. Christmas Slippers � FORESTERS ENTERTAIN Nearly one hundred persons attended the "UM," euchre and dance held by Court Oodericb, No. Z2, C.O.F., in the Odditeliows' Hall on Friday night last. The evening's entertainment was in charge of a committee headed by Chief Ranger Frank Bowra. Committee members were W. F. H. Price, Harry Witmer, Jack Whittingham, Allan MacDonald and George MacLeod. Winners at "500" were Mrs. Geo. Bowra and Mr. Max FriWey, and .Mies Etta Rance and Mr. Robert Powell were the g inks at euchre. Refreshments were served and date The annual .meeting of the Arthur (9rchi of linos church and held on Monday evening, with a good atteu- dance. Mrs. Calvin Cutt, the presi- dent, presided. Christmas hymns were sung, and the Scripture reading The bright Intl• sleds for the great by Mn. Jas. Hume and preyfr by Mrs. snow bills A. H. Igrskine followed. Are quickly ate down on the floor; Mies Donna Bell, recording .etre- Then Santa Claus mount* to the roof terry, In her annual report, showed a like ■ bird, ; year's 'successful work In the Circle's And glides to his seat In the sleigh; various activities, and twelve inter- Not the sound of a bugle or drew is eating and inspiring meetings. heard, The treasurer, Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, And be nolseleasty gallops away. reported almost 1700 raised by the pillow so white Are dreaming of bugles and dru` lie cuts tkt►ough the snow like a till through the foam, While the white flakes 'round him whirl; Anil sooner or later he duds the borne Of each good little boy and girl. The little red stockings be silently tills, Till the rtuckintr will bold no more • Circle during the year. lie rides to the last. letid l to the Ulm Belle MacVicar, corresponding West, secretary, reported fourteen letters of Of his goodies be touches not one; sympathy and other business. He eats but the crumbs of the Christ - The supply secretary, Mrs. Reg. Tuf- Losd, reported the sending of • bale, (lug was enjoyed fur several hours. valued at $13.75, to a boy at the In- diau school at Bartle, Man. AN IMPORTANT TASK The welcome and welfare secretary reported seventy-four visits, and the Tb f II i f Th Clinton Dower un u r g en our ern News -Record refire to a brother of members with flowers. John B. Mustard, Dederick business Mrs. N. C. Ianaway, literature secre- ttma: - ttstry-Teportcd all literature needs sn- Thornton Mestard, as old &aaley steered. township boy, and well known to many Heads of other departments of work In this community, has been commis- gave encouraging reports. Glowing stoned by the Ontario Government to tributes were said by Mrs. D. J. Lane 'draft a new course of study for the and Mrs. L. L. Knox to the past exe- they aren't ch." Ile arinned a tit - public and .separate schools if the cutlet and a hearty vote of thank! cs for Trees Stolen i tle shawrfaceilly, like a boy. Previte,. A'.,.rding'to the Nlioi-ter'" was tendered to the retiring president. ouch." Gaudy plumped down in a.'hair. statement to the press. Mr. Mu•tard is ' � report of the uominating'eonr. "Hili Gandy, that serves you Just right. given a' free hand, with earhrtrity to I mlttee was presented - Miss'1f11t1 O4eef before Magistrate MLakina Thiele gloves are a Christmas t right. from use to you. You are served sell IF for 'sirs„ that Inorl banns. :II Mr I: ,•unit Good Shopper, Forgot Own Present gait on; .,t Ile yu.•-1110 oily to go to Sayvllb• t 'a'lu• dot Iefun a ,, 1st h'osand 'Moots 'o le 'on I\' was .gulug Of ...lire he , many -errands. yet ha nil. 'h• near - one "• wished moat to hare done a f ar himself. SayvUls._was the near- rsl sbupplot; pine' tIlvo the IiIR •. III ,Lae where the I:andvs wl. la ►,soil Il�l.wo miles "ver the motinfilin by a rl.k.•t% MIs which ran once isilay. Mrs. gaudy was struck with an Iden She hurried to a neighbor s house saki begged her in come home with her "Just ask Mr. (lardy If be will but for you a prair.of gloves, for your hits band. Give a large.aize. Deli never gum" Theseightor obligingly , mortars!. 'Mea Gandy felt well pleased will her bit of ■ scheme to get her hush:unl to buy his own gift (nknowingly) for himself,hut she was a trifle dismayed whoa. at live o'clock. Mr. Gandy came home, tired. hungry and tumbled an •nnful of packages on the' kitchen table. man feast, "You got the sage for the dressing? When the dear little folklore done. The celery? The red toy truck._. for Old Santa Claus does all the good that Tommie? The blue mittens for Sarnh? he can, Ti,.. ruts and raisins. and the white Tills beautiful mission is his; woad for gr:mi or?" Then. children, be good to the little I Mr. tinnily nodded and Inquired boa old man coon supper aould be re,, ly. When you find who the little man is. -And,- a.ked hi...ife casually, "the gloves for Andrew, his etre e'Nntwi?" 1-.-as.-Bandy sidled..: ;1_cleaa...f ryQL_ about them until the bus was ready Restitution Made and to start! So I lust bopped into a place g�rhbed the first pair I saw.'rtwwt enough fur old Andrew.' I thought, but travel in search of modern education- I Wiggins, and the following officers Cl ideas. This is a mo -t important wenelected for 19037: Pled- at Seaforth and daly your own sauce!"And she laughed so piece of work—perhaps the moot im- dent, Miss Gertrude Habit ; 1st vice- sot in education since the work Wingham I hard that Hill Gandy had to loin her at part,president, Mrs. Alex. Stratton: 2nd his ran :rlensr.—klartha B. Tlromad of Ryerson, and Mr. Mustard's many ' vice-preakient, Mn. F. McArthur: re- Willard d Newton St I trleuda in Brucefleid. Bayfield and cordingsecretary, Kim Donna Bell: °n an won urgConstable Clinton will realise the Importance 'of :corresponding secretary, Mrs. Arnold don men charged the County tirteen the work that he has been selected I McConnell; treasurer, Mn. W. G. Mae- from ar Ferguson with then of thirteen /'hrlstmas urea from Henn• aldwlntle from the whole Province to under- take. work on which depends the,klnd of education our children will receive. and will heartily congratulate bim. Those who know him will also realise that Mr. Mustard is eminently quali- fied for his new work, having taught Ewan; Glad Tiding. secretary. Mrw. W. Biswet, with Mrs. H. Hall, Mrs. G. bong and Mrs. Nelson Hill as assist- ants; welcome and welfare secretary. Miss F Wiggins: literature and li- brary secretary, Mrw. N. C. Lanaway; supply secretary, Mra. II. Rivers. Mrs. in rural schools, city schoolq, private It. Doer, assistant ; pianist, Kim Mary schools, high schools, technicalsectioola i MacKay. and schools of commerce. He is now I Mrs. D. J. Lane read the 15th chap - head of the English department in the ter of John and then conducted the Normal School at Toronto, professor installatfon and dedication of the of oho science of education In the pewly-elected executive. The new 1'n iversity, and lecturer In psychology I preuldewt. Miss Halite took the chair. for the Workers' Educator A-sot•ia- and her four captains for the coming lion of Ontario. Mr. Mustard is well year will he- Mrs Rod. Johnston. known throughout the Province as a t lecturer and welter on educettonal (sub- Madeleine Lane. Tje- -fisnore e Wish bim . In the Mrs. Alex. Stratton was appointed to responsible position he now takes on. , delegate to the Pre.bytsrtal meeting to Misses Donna Bell, Ethel Elder and --- - be held in Clinton on January 12th. The meeting cloyed with a hymn aid prayer. All the latest styles in Felt and Leather for ladies, men and children at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES are to be found at GEO. MacVICAR'S SHOE STORE BOUDOIR SLIPPERS are here in all colors. GOLOSHES make a very useful Christmas Gift. Also . HOCKEY OUTFITS for the boys or girls. --We have all sizes at the most reasonable prices--- WISHING rices—WISHING ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS GEO. a MacVICAR The Practical Shoe Man _ NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERiCH, ONTARIO 4,_.. ..L.4, _ ._ . .. ., a, . .- , a, ,. ._ . 4, �.4 _ The sole of membership tOketa for the Alexandra Marine and .,'neral h.npltal will close December 31st. MRS. K F 1TF.RALi), %_)ars. Frank Lawrence. 12 Market street. Phone - 149. 4 land the township of Stephen. appeared, before Magistrate J. A. Matins at Sea - forth on Tuesday and pleaded guilty to the charges, elating restitution had been made. Sentence was suspended Yu mwvmerit of coots. t Sidney Bryson; also of London. their foraging companion. was unable to ap- pear to face similar charges owing to illness In the family. -- "1 will adjourn the Hryenn ease un- til this Thursday, at Goderich," mid .fsgistrate Makin.. "Will you tell �dm?" he asked Sturgeon. "Yea sir, i'll tell him." "But that's the day before Christ- mas,- nt,je-'toe! Crown Attorney Holmes.. 'That's rT hit:"- Td Tflk' Worship. "We'll make it the following Thursday. Will you tell him, Sturgeon" "Yes, sir, i'll tell him." • "But that's the. day before 'Now LYear's," protested the ('rower -That'sriatht," pad the klagistr4'te. "It will have to he the following Th irs- day" r ''I'll tell him." Volunteered Nturgedta. A charge against Willard 'Wtargueo° and Hrywm, of the theft of $12 worth of apples from Alex. Weston. of Goderich township, was adjourned till the lest ;TIsur".h,u In May. Banned frssv Healer b Peter Murray, of Seaforth, Is a versatile thief, according to the charges he faced before Magistrate J. A. Mak- lino in court at Seaforth on Tuesday. He was found guilty of stealing two bottle* of "Christmas cheer" from a Hensall truck in which he rode from Strati'- to Seaforth, and with steal Ing a pa of overshoe* and one boot from Thos. Carter, of Seaforth. Sentence was 'amended two years, during whirb time he M to keep out of Seaforth unless accompanied by a relative or his employer. Brussels Young Mea Wised At Wingbam on Thursday last three Brdssels young men, who_ were em- broiled In a battle royal with County Constable J. C. Smith at • dance at Brussels on Der,•ember 3, paid a total of $30 and Cost. into Magistrate J. A. Making' court. Participants. charges and Anes were as follows: Stanley Wilson, drunk and dianrderly, $13 and costa: Eldon Wilson. disorderly and obstructing an officer, $12 and coats; Mel Thompson, disorderly, $5 and costs. Next Court Here January 7 Ths:rc will be no Magistrate's court at the, centre until the first Thursday of the New -.Year, Awing to the fact bat the: two intervening court days Iii the day before Christmas and the I day before New Year's Day. b GODERICH MARKET PRICES r Poultry liens. over. :) I ,- . !I. : I-; Ilts.. Sc: ander 4 Itw..i7c" Eggs sad Butter I Rog, per dos., 1St• -tic; dairy but- : ter,•lb.. Me; ereame•ry butter. lb., 2,3e. Live Ste& Bacon begs, art" $7.75: beef, lb., tee—be; veal. lb., 7c --S.•; lamb. lb., 7e. Amis I Wheat. per .bus., 11-11.05; bock- -;1 wheat, baa.oats, Mts., 43c- ' 46e: feed barley hos , 55e-0.-0.; malt -- 1111g barley, bust, OPliniffite Potatoes, 90t—$1, Figur geld Feed Bran, 1(o -M. hag, 51.75; abnets,-4O0- lb. hag. $155: iankoba- flour, 109-11, hag, $3.45—,$4. w r WEEKLY BROADCAST The Huclwm Coal Company's 1) le II 'anthracite radio program now comes over (IFRR, Toronto, every Saturday night at .5.30 o'clock. The program has a real entertalnmegt value anti features "'Phe thug's Men," a quer- I tette whist broadcatrt for more than a year with Paul Whiteman over the . Red Network: The commercial talk, ativertl■Ialt D E H anthracite. has i been held down tea minimum and con mimes only forty aevonds at the be- ginning and end of -the program. ('has. C. Lee, at the harbor, Is the Gwk•rtch dealer in I) h IT anthracite. MORE CASB&1FiNES LESS Although there were seventy-eight mare eases In the Magistrate, court` rliit year tan in 19(33, fine* totalled +1'21 more la`i ye!r, Fignrew taken front the retort's )ptflmw 52f► (case* in I9s:, with fines ttttalung $1,5311 and cost's $l',T:11.14 ' whereas In 442 eases last year fines insposed totalled $4,I 5) and contra $1;137.30. Fine* under the L.C.A. were more numerona last fair, accounting for the greAtee part gal' the, difference In the total of 520 rases thi+ year tie KaeTmren. Haggard and Fletcher cease are counted only. .e one each, whereas there wee a total of 110 ebargla against the brokers and lam- er. There were 174 Margee tinder the cede in 3945 aed the same , 1d ar Mothers (tight, Ancient English Christmas Name THE 'idea English name for (hrlst- Was Is Moddra 5;gi,t, or Mothers' Night. In the early ,bays. when our Saxon h)fefathers had just settled down lu the country that was to be England. the day of December 'lith was given up to games and feasting. but the night was dedicated to the special bonor of mothers They or cupied the seats of honor. mod every- one brought them gifts Sons and daughters who had lune uul lulu the world stro.e to be at Imre on that one night in the )ear A little later the name Yule was giv- en to Christmas. and the rejoiu'nrs of the ,lay were prolonged into moil. hien niru sang and told stories sitting Mewl the cheerful Mate of the Ynle log v. The old oust s or M.sh rs' Night gradusity diel out. tloofah they still survive Ina few ports .,f the country. its place hes been taken to owner ex• Iry bothering Suudav in the North *f Kuglantl tin that dab everyone who can do it, stilt makes I pilgrimage hnuewanla. slid t11e mother !Wei .% the homage of her family.:—London 'rl It,h. Mag:,zlte --. , r�•ea10/3 *1 IKE DAYS REFORF . N h..I store manners the pubo' III tb•-Yh.tggtaon boys have!" They- are always like that Lust before I'I,rtatmns" • -• •• Prayer Sirs for Tor Sleeks Four inches) zltifig by two Inches «phare Is s. good site for children'. hulirlin¢ block), n.T"rrllng' to -ethers• Itglottal experts. These ran he Mede at hots?ole; enttink them from a 2 by 2 --efinv5l Iola, sandpwtperine thea- traisq and ,'mere to a slight mnndness.-nnd p-ol ithng them in bright-roln'es. orb. worn tel,.. k. can be given a new—lease on life heennmcllnr them In its hues Shakespeare and Cletistaltaa I't rlatnas is mem ion* but twice by Sletkewpeare ,stud. rhea InsMentally. Yuletide esie.lrnweyer. an iti?pnrtant time 15 515 ttvac tteetlifee R `Wirt 'then (hut his pairs were fsreafaerlsdiy enm- mond a.the-el rt..of Queen. ElIraluefi ami lames itb Shoktaapeare titthe .41•7. $IweWrhhgtio tate CMM . 'e'Timl (*WW1*** tnz.'to..PMese;thM-a- child. r(M Is Amami the atlahs In Ai.. • fsmfly summit./ r 1 DATES. Dates for Hut -Court dttltags in Goderieb are: 3 . ry', Febrdary I0. before Mr. Jurtlr•e Kelly; uonler7, Intel :7. . s', .. ' • i' %, • - KHOKT-SIGHTED POLICY (Farmers Advocate) 1 Township counitlb pursue a -eery or. short-sighted policy when they refute exemption from taxation utt woudtots and do not encourage .reforestation. Anyone who conserves trees or brings along new piantatieyus .is a public benefactor Aid makes a worth -while/ contribution to the munk-4)11We- STOLEN CAR FOUND A car stolen at Seaforth Tuesday of last week, the property of J. H. Weedmark of that town, was found Thursday afternoon about tour miles east of Shakespeare, deserted and out of gasoline. Provincial Traffic Of- fleer Charles Anderson found the idoi- en machine abandoned at the ,ile of the road. - Qualitkatiana to Have to Get a Wife A nice ear. Money. Some title to your name above as ordinary laborer. Make over $3 a shy. If you haven't any of these don't expect a girl to marry you -1 Nevi Year's Cards —t— A LARGE ASSORTMENT To CHOOSE FROM 50-10o Cole's Book Store PHONE 91 GODERICH CHARTERED A��� L W. MONTE1TH, i• an't • girl living who would marry ♦ Chartered Accountant an ordinary chap and be contented. 90 Ontario street, Stra!ford, Ontario Mon - That's why 1 lost the -one girl I (Member Flrstbrook, McLeod • Mon - still love and meant everything to me tenth,- Toronto, Ontario.) is this world:-- - -- _--- TROY A BROKEN HEART AND ONE i Wil() KNOWS. - - 1111011.66 OVNDRY, MCl/MUCK _ LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL • _MORN AL''CPI0N FSK toanywhere Tr -PEACH-lY.—At Alexandra 'hospital. Telephone 119 Taira attended to and every (]gderl.•b, on Tuesday, December effort made to give satisfaction. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peach . Farmers• sale note. discounted. ey, of Goderk•b, a daughter. rye• HAGGITT --At Alexandra htltrj'dtal, Goderich, on We•Jnertlay, t)'o•mher 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs.. Wni iiaggltt. 'of Auburn. a daughtt r, DIED FAIth1SIl.-1n Colboruc• tow,n„hlp oa Monday,-ilecamber.21st, John Darla Parrish, in his 69th year. s MEDICAL DR F. J. R.- FIORITER,$IJ, -SLR. NOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon '3 wr York Ophthalmic and Aural Fiespital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital Noed Golden Square -Thereat Hospital. London. 'Eng. EYES Tl.'91UD, GLASSES SLP LIED 53 Waterloo Street B, Stratford. Telephone 207:1"^.`••-• Next vWt Bedfog4 till Wednesday. January 220 2�0 till 8 p.m. only. l'lIELAN,—At Alexandra hospital, • Goderich, on Saturday, December lb, Robert W. Phelan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Phelan, in his 21st year, -- MASKF.I.L.--4)e Wednesday, Deeem- bee 23ed; Robert Maskell, only son of Mrs. Masks!' Yawkell, and the late fouls Goderich. The funeral service wilt be con- ducted at his mother's home, Napier street, on Saturday at 2 p.m. Inter- ment in Colborne cemetery. WANTED GIRL, 16, WANTS POSITION AT housework In respectable home. Phone 243, Clinton, or write P. 0. Box 258. Clinton. AUCTION RALE �LEA� �_AI1t t SALE OF A lot of practically sI�vr furniture. for Mr. °Orden J. at the store, at Nile, ao SATURDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1967 T. GUNDRY A SON, Auctioneers. WOR RALE • � R SALE. -LARGE TRACT' (IF TIMBER, chiefly Hydro snit tele- phone poles. Inquire first at SIGNAI. OFFI('E. UOUBD FOR SALE—TWO-STORY brick house on Nelson street. Fight rooms and PO/trona. Good location. Would 'schnaps for bungalow or cot. tage. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. — CASH OF THANKS_ VIE WISH TO TARE THiS OPPOR- 1� T1'NITYin thank our many friends who eo kindly extended sympathy dur- ing our recent bereavement in the loss of a non and brother, Robert Phelan. We also wish to thank those who sent floral tributes or loaned cars for the funeral. THE FAMILY. P'IBLW • NOTICE 1IVora -NA BBR2S1hth. MEETING, I)t)OE:M- TOWNSHIP OF (Y BORNE Nomination. for Reeve and Counc•il- • kita for the Township of Colborne for the year 1967 -will he received at the bnuO4I! 1lpll, Carlow, on Monday. December 26th, 19(11). from 1 to 2 o'clock p.m. if a poll Is required, the election will I. held on January 4th, 19: