HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-24, Page 7a
County and District1
Exeter's nee water system N now in Ikea of George Masan. %Inglis*"
operative. ! G.s.rge Ma•ea. et• amen resident
A choral society is belling organized of Wivahauk dlev.T• Friday lu his
tit Cr•tlltou and already It has eighty eighty -es ental year F'yr forty yeses
Members. Is• roudu t5.i a 1ru1.i.e. ,. Isere' in books
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Ex.--'uud olaab.w•ry• lro•y ort+. vU'•, Intl
lot, on Rudday Int c'Irbratti the .Ix. !sot' 41I$ rout the Miklosii' had
• '"Beta anuiverrary of their wedding. �sne Ruri
Kincardine high Reboot was the 1
a 'week before the end of the regular
school tern, became) of an outbreak
of scarlet fever.
Forest Conservation. Program
Inaugurated in Western Ontario
• !1 united effort on the part o West- times of drought and It is im{srfant
ll{'d Outarlo counties to Inaugurate a '*tett 'these , Mit' lu their u,uurul
program of epnservatiop and reforests- thele, o
Heerommvadat ,us adupttt at the
tion and to put a stop to imfiscrimin- London meetiu
ate cutting of woodlands will be coal- i 1. That exirflug ' "rvunty-ow ned
itwene•ed at once as a result of a large. farms not suitable for farmjug 1e, r
du rrrrlwl bJforested. •
hi, -oil ,lack air
y�pi. V••+{ele•. the witless Ij-atiWatlyd galhering�ln 'the city. of 2'That a survey of river banks,
ilei one sur, 's London on Thursday, December 17th. ! swam 'ht1161de% and cavi es be wade
mm. daughters, Y _ Ps• �t
."tire•, j1,! �lughrue and Mrs. "al'b►s parting syr sponsored by Mr• to deter1mlur which bawl++ were to be
Ii. L. Gregor; 1 t'lluwa. Sask. W. H. Porter. editor, and Mr. Erne•" retortestbd.
Reeve l'r tit•• of Exeter, hr,d, e� ! Roger Newthtett ftp
y announce* h'he sheath tesserrd tet Exeter. on
his retirement from publie•oak*, un,• pNdeuder IIRb of liplrrh lfg��Id,.wldow'
Ing to pressure. of buritsws.. lie has of the late Huger Northc lill la her,
been In his present office for two yearn,
clghty-second year. Bornn
near Port
John Hebei', a lifelong resident of llegw, she come to the Exeter district
Hay township, tiled last week In his with her parents when a yut ppg girl
seventy-sixth year. lie is survived and had resided iu the nei ghlfathood
by his wife, a daughter. Mrs. ,"with. ever since, 'After the death of her
of New Dundee,' and two spa., Wil- burhspd twelve years ago Mrs. Ninths
e tit -
colt took up resident* in Reeler. Six
Sans and three daughters survive.
ninon Has Now Snowplow
Cilutoa News -Record: The s4rtet
comber 10th. Mrs. SAD was in her tY'mmittee of the towp council, as au-
• : to at the last •council meeting,
sixtieth year and spent nearly all her went to Goderich and inspected a
life in the I
talgrave district. After snowplow of which they had heard
farming In East Wawanoohu she and good reports, and being impressed
her husband retired to the village with the work performed by it pur-
twenty-four years ago. chased one for use here. if this plow
The death of Mary Wilson. eldow of does the work satisfactorily it la ex-
tbe late John Stewart, oeurrid in the peeled utiother plow may he pur-
Soaforth hospital on Thurwtay last. chased. It Is wider than the ones
Deceased. who was in her eighty-
ightyfourth year. had a fall a few weeks ago I-
-rats will be an improvement.
which resulted In the tract arc of her
hip.A ar"t"s of Italie" township, " Helmesville ('bees* ration
Mrs. Stewart lived with her hu+tocol '---At the' anncgtl mewling of patrons
1s Clinton until Ills death over thirty
of the Holtuescille cheese factory the
years ago Of late y4 ars Mc bad- audliurr' selfsrt .hawed there ---was
lived with Ger daughter, Yrs. 'toy
lb. more cheese manufactured
Lawson, at l'ouatan,r, in 11118 then in MI5. Frank Hearns,
fuer{-Beer Provincial dairy instructor, was pees -
rut and Save alt i4MnstIllR wddreee,
The Marriage of Lille Irene. only in the *rouse• of which be ttated'that
daughter of Mr and Yr., -':'W: Krtr, prospis•ts for Hie cheese -Industry are
('redlti•u, to • Frederick A. ILlbert. better it the present `time than for the
eldest son of Mr end Mrs Wesley "last ten years. ' Western Ontario
Colbert, l.+:nl,. was .r.fetr,nir,,sl by ctsrw•, he sold, was the beat in the
Her J 'W Johnston at tip,• 6nme ..f world. Patrol,. exprcterl satisfaction ,
the bride's parents on It/member 121h, l'with tbs. mauaigem.ut of the'Bolmee-
Kher the omitting dltuet the newly- 1 rill.- factory, whom• pr duet occupies
weds left Mr a short honeynnem trip j• high plater in -point of quality. The
----triose •wttlmg In their Gnaw hear ofd die,°tuts and ndbwra , W•ere see
- Luna. I elected. -
iiteiuded :
Weld, pubiisher, of The F'arnlers' Ad -'i. & Tat an educational program on
vocals, and it was atteetted by.e*ar, conagrvation 1w circulated.
dens, agrleulturej - represeulattser, 4. That an amendment be mads to
the Ar
municipal emeera and newspapermen ttesrltyeut Act whereby land uu-
- -r tree growth be taxed assessment
from the folio/dui nine' •mantle! of "lk
Western Ontario: Essex, Kent, La.b. .slnatlun rather. than on the heels, of
ton, Huron, Perth, Middlesex, Oxford, :the crop growing on it.
halm, Hay township councillor, and
David. at home.
After an illness of only nine days,
Jane Walsh, wife of Havid S. Scott,
died at her home in Belgrave on les
now In use, being a- four -foot width.
Elgin and Norfolk counties. Mesas, l Frank Newman of the St. Williams
E. J. %avita, R. S. 1)uua-an, F. S. New- teforestry station declared that ape
man end J. A. Carroll, representing proximately (weir* million treys were
the Ontario Departments of Forestry planted to Ontario last year. "We
and Agriculture, also were present. are on the eve of a tremendous boom
The meeting was a sequel to a pre -In reforestation," be predicted. "Na-
vipus gathering held under auspices tarelly it will coot wuue'y to wa.utwiu
of the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce all the plantations, but if you will
In Shreve, when the seriousness of the visualize the profit and the work err
ated for eeuntles
situation locally was discussed anda men ly • compara-
when represedtatives of other roup- lively small expw•uditure. you will see
ties expressed themselves, as eieepty the ler-alta of nh murk."
concerned over denudation of the laud,' F., J. '/.avitz, Proeinclal fnreeser, de -
the lack of moisture end shortage of dared that so-called waste -land, can
'water aupply. The 'Loudon meetigg produe• n revenue of f 0 per acre ■u•
crystallized the opinions of men from nually it' tyre pleating is carried on.
all parts of Western Ontario who have vent the spread of the flames.
given serious thought to the subject. WILLING WORKERS CLASS ample for the light, firemen laid, with
Smoke damage extended through the
It 'resulted in the formation of • ('so- Meml ..re of the intim Worker" gdod'-ptvstaun stippile•el by the pump -
teal Conserv}tion Committee copp►rla- claw of Victoria street United entire block to the clothing store op Ing at•tlu0. w'hlch Is only a block away
tug three replresentatives from etch of church suet on Thursday last at the ("'rated by the estate of the. late Sam -
,from Ili busitw.oe i. block
�e lel Boyle/tone, the Benjamin W41,41
Two Stores Gutted
Only Good Work by Tire Brigade
Sives Entire Business
Myth, Dec. 1M.- Fire which at one
time threatened to wipe out all ea-'
tiro buslueas block was brought under
control by Blyth dremeu early this
morning only after the flame had
completely ,gutted two sloop -the J.
K Munro hardware and the W. J.
Thompson she repair shop.
The tire, bt•itevei to have started in
the baaelnegt of the hardware shop,
quickly spread throughout the brick
building, the dames seeleng through
partition* to the adjoining shoe re-
pair .store. Only a brick tire -wall
prevented the dame* from spreading
into the bake shop next door. •
The tire drove Mr. and Mrs. Munroe
and their three children, Lena, Alma
and Duncan, out into the cold. They
1. Thursday, December 24th. 1 'r
Blyth Endangered1
Godericli Old Hoehne Week
August l --7,11937,
-Persona ;who Sauer uf•dutli•ihh Old /Boys or Girls. at • dial flee
aro invited to till in the time anti addre as below and mill 4t -
Dr. W. F. Callow, Cgldertch, Ontario
Thle tall) i•ulAde N.u• Committee to 1 an herniation in due colt -e
with smoke and *locks are expected - CREWE
to be considerably damaged. • j _ +
When the fire raged at its height -
villains believed that the entire block
to the. south of the (bmmercl,al hotel
would he wiped out.
The local firemen, with all the ose
%,res In c.ptratlon that their pumping
equipment would supply, did not call
were able to carry ou, only two trunks for alit of any outsltio brigades, ex=.
of clothing. Their furulture and en-htg.evtltldence from the pest that
un, house -mod suer is were ban iu the ' presse►uld control the' fire without •the!
dames. bakeshop burning.
Firemen Work Hard The beilliing that was ilprned .te
The lire had gained t'onniderahre °trued by .1.- Andrew Coombs. of 905
headway before It was discovered Wellington street. istndo,e.
als,ut 10 o'clock and firemen. using -'.Mr. Munro said that his stock and
four lined of hose, battled valiantly furniture of hes apsurtmeni.re :large-
argeagainst the roaring flames, Iy covered by insurance. It is *leo
Today the falls of the hardware understood that Mr. Thompson had
store are tAandtng. The roof *earned some insurance coverage on his stock.
in while firemen were lighting to per o
'Me village water supply wale found
the nine counties, with a provialonaI home o Miss Pearl Roope. Palmer -
executive comprising W. II. Porter of ,-ston street. The president. Miss Marv'l bakery, Webster's undertaking par-
-I - 1 Y I McKinnon presided d i t i lora nett the• -Br W J Milne drug
Mtih 'sex ■s chs man Monroe
War Veteran Peewit I' Aa Unison* Emeatntrr
- t .Ir named H
aA nn pt
i t' a n, •II war Glenn.. .
David 1 .n li t e 1 died
•I►eeemb•r 11th est hi• II; in Hay 4,alled-St a Turtiherry farm mime days
township mar Hensall, 'ii Eta sixty -'ago ituseurchof work. The folks W-
and year Two years age, trouble' Ing in bd, the transient deckled to
developed in one sof Mr. itlg(•twrH-s-.a- -1 Into tl�e haymow anti wait until
legs and amputation was found nese- morning• . n 'stripes
wary. Some ttestens neo tis• trouble had alien entered the barn, and was
recurred anti the end eame after much on t111q'� floor when Hawke came in and
suffering. Diet -eased Is snrcied by tri 'over "it." The odor was ter-
eh, wife, formerly Mian ,Ute Dignan rine, but be atayel'untll morning, only
of Vey township. re find that the tarsier•would not al -
law at., near the hpuse. A kind house-
an- c noon, u ng
tr anti 1 anti 1 (odynMore
F M Thomas Elgin ry prereatatice as rte. These reports showed a sue-
CREWE, Dec. ?J. -Merry Christ -
Was tQ The SMetlal, and its readers.
• Mr. Orville i)uraln made,* trip to.
Toronto on Saturday last. .r F
Mrs. Rea Comfort bar returned to
her beige in St. Catharines after spend-
ing a civet with her brothers, Messrs.
Harold and Cecil Blake.
Mrs. Stuart Finley, of Elstow;, Reek.,
is visiting at the home or ier brother,
Victor iVhitley.
'Mho Berpkw Iturnln, of QoderlciSy,
Oolle•girte, rand Mr. •e'olln crosser, of
Stratford Normal. Scheel. are spending
the Christmas cacatip'f It thojr re-
apetive homes. •-
Mr. Jack Curran, Jr.. made a busi-
ness trip 'to Stratford on Monday.
1 -
don of-.):ecfulk as vk*.chs man no.,..a.: on preen a o re- -
Nu estimate of the loss could tae MAFFKINII, lIeu l - Mr.^wad Yrs,
secretary, t gather with six -directors, ihadul year. Mrs. A.-E.'Moorhouse, given this moruing, although it was Harvey Webb and tan little girls, of
representing the other counties, as fol- teacher. presided during Ole election 1e•t{eved the figure would he acll ester M. Helena, spent Sunday with Yr. rad
lows: AngusMcKeoue1 Essex; ii. of otters, tajeieh resulted -as follows: f111•mat• Yra. 'rhos. Andrrwar.
dlnly II fireman sins nicrcnne by!- , re, is
H. N`Ilwni, Kent; Rut �kw'ste• Lamar I'resldeut, Miss Fern l4rallon: rice- lyi
Mrs, Walter moot.. of Iteigrs,
II""ke, tuluntwr liremsu oss
Ion; R. E. tVblte, Perth; Ian Mcleod; prerldeut. Miss Pearl ItoupM••; secretary,- i visiting Err pwrrut., Mr and Yrs. -Nur
Huron: William Dammars, Oxford. Ills+ Mnrjorlr-Prous;•: trslurer, Yds» ,nrue "styes treated be a physician• mrd t4h.'i,iets,
It was decided to Issue as_early invi- Annie ale auou; platlst. Miss Hel&.n its ax+ 'rrdereti 1 bol r•fusiuR� 'Yui. II. M.'Qulllia anal t4,ia,-`f .uek-
tad to the remaining fine counties Snell, en, repnder, Miss Mary Mo t I the t r mails I t, h4•lp now. bra. 1. elle nn and dour Pearl11".
• n ,•u c,• u• ser u• e r ,
of Western Ontario to juin In - the Ennio : look-ont iomnriNvw,'•-Miss hta'comrades tight the blaze . Tlwtu{won, of lwupurors_ wish ed at
movement. -Motel Juhn*gnu (cnntenert, Miss reared Bock Would lie bums of Mr. end Yr+. i 1`Mh
I Ferer that 11w hi k wit.. d,sonnet
The exec•utive hill meet in the near listen well rod Yisr Mury YeKiuu.ne. �e s on t(utwlay
t a felt after the roof crashd in IDs
future formulate a program of ac-
` "
tion and worm It to the central err about 11 o'clock. Mhoarr»++t --sparks The�� hltm` e'f �Ir»'1'JIII itrlA
RTO�'VNSIiIP COUNCIL ,Inured over the neighborhood .nl it n•tie sorry fo Hann, that sae• In, but
mitt** shortly after the. New Yeaf' 'waw feared the entire block would I»• 'lett• wo well.
O t the prlm•ipwl objectives.. will Memorial Witdew 4+avellsiL--ern
lu prey' to the Borneo. tundra. at the regular morning
The dee broke out at 10.10 p. m.. pr
eataiiou throughout' "hl. area of On -i The township- coul,cil--mtf In the,/ church -swiss, at beautiful tseleorial
tarto. It was pdulrlt out that then mal iv in ow cellar of the wino,
1 for the "Arae
he to stimulate nil,* interest in refor - C4OLBOlt. E TOWNSHIP
hall on with All hedwmlwe. Mth, at 2 'sO o • winder dwlit•at,t and urtvett.iE
are lard• t_ ra— to e- submerge 1 and
a doe k with *111 est. The window tan I n tt
Id b• offered b the me n hand who hanlwarc• a 3.31 use
ai d • •s o •-e•1 el by Mr. Ww.
waste land that ahpnld be anted to Minutes of last regular maepling trod • discovered the tire and turned in the Ibok, rv„ It nw•ueury• of Els Parente,
young trees. One drawback hr» been apd adopted. fhr late Mr. and Mrs.Samuel Park,
• that the landowner in undertakingto alnrui.
Bosco est Health mcwth,g :age held p and his brotle•r, the late Mr. John
' reforest hit land faces the prospect i prior to the regular nee•t1uS of tome 'nee hardware and on.' Thompson'. shoe *took. The Ivester, Rev. J, W. Patton,.
' of inereaaing taxation. In this con-' reit. From D• , nels•r mot,
1!15"0, to i `tore ore both in the one brick hptld
dila, having a the o•d frontage of had charge of Oct. seryl*. Mr. hru-
pectlon the Norfolk Chamber of (Am- December Sth, 111 d, 12 deaths,11 forty feet on Main street. With only '"'t Make spoke on behalf of Mr. Coati,
reser* has already asked for an ■mend- ' births and 4-mnrriagela were reeotded,e "'uses* divlMon tM•tw's•en, there was I►urinS•Ne ewrri.es-.Iw•tii weer, ren -
—Registered Ilptometrlat'-
■Byes Examined Glasses 1 ei
(17 year. In Stratford I, at
Rsberts•n'a Jewelry Stere
"Ratfsfactlon at Moderate Coat'
Brophey Bro$.
Ambulance service at all hours,
day or night
Mere ere Ileo Kea. 217
J. R. Wheeler
Femoral binder sad dabeilmer
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
Store 3^..7 Residence 365w
Hamilton Street, (l'oderich
Walter Dalton
holder equippd trim with tome new imeat to the Assessment Act which tin town. -hip records, -
['1 1 g do the training to check the--derear 'lt>r-rad Jlfrr Ile
1 gliadistrict I g bark t The wind increased a pre -
clothing and Harry beaded hack to vide Van oder tree' Y _A Nuck.,kls. wed ho {xe•tor, °o"1"1 of the "lamer tram end to sad., itrs!t,t•:>a,�}uli'tr and'MT .
Turemo, with the intention of getting growth be taxed on an airs----- , pr Met a complete report of ' lit. p trurmtck.
a the
would pro that u i r. , .
firs nr
uatlou on •harts comparable with wy�,__I stored that he noticed, x
Only the kidneys can purify the
blood and rid the system of poisonous
- impurities which cause serious and
painful ailments such as rheumatism
and lumbago. The kidneys are
quickly unitised to action by the
use of this limeteste,l {prescription
Kidaey_Liver pills
through wplyk n t or going r o sal " •'-r..-
th,--OW e"""" Ili' ills fondest hopes , that Imposed on neighboring alma- I,aRed Improremewt- raster former I Isreseaed and smoke sou blow n t g
are that /he may ,never again most a ;planted land of similar soil and rite ; year.. ' Wild carrot Is the w.'rst weed all the rinser to the south In the blw•k ' Tracarr On 1'onrAkdY'p►tlgl rYWrPi•'
rknuk. ti - !conditions- They ask that thisbut streams of hose playing eoehe',•hula •a dWttor-?
on the roadie and della In the town I Witty tkedlnt- A man aIw urea
• Haat Masi 'Dawn train Car amendment he made optional with the p on the 'wick the wall saved the, bak-
P aft lig peps (ander* to pay next era, although Mo'k and equipment money.
-tteaforth News: Falling from a mar -j county and that It come into force only lattentton to this weed and said next were largely e�auinged by Bumke. Teacher -Asti what Is n rrwlltet?
101* automobile, W. E.. Chapman. well- In such counties as would pass a by- year the Department of Agriculture
0633-11-Tseirfclw,t anti w
ne.rt4ent dealer la W ralIda tlrig it. would pay Mrkier attention to era- I Meeh finning, from Smoke j Witty Student --A man who thinks
t lseafurth. had a narrow ,•seals• frutu The question of the farm woodiet Mention of It. . Ile was of the milli -1 All the w"il"es to the south were tilled he lir going to get it hack.
wore merlon■ injury Ile is confltsed retelvi-d close consideration at the Lpo-, ion that the Weed Act should be
to St. Joseph'» hospital. Il i,lpdt. for:* don meeting anti a enmmixt' of edu'tamended, compelling farmers to cut
t_Itfew days se a result of brraking"na eaten among the farmers for adenli-!down wee& In front of their places. 9
Term. itur;ug the week -end Mr. Chap- i de management of wruuilrrt" Is in pros- I Motions: That 1200 feet of meek
matin went to Guelph, where he mea lair. It was felt that every- farmer fence be potehasedt. That R. 11111 he
met be his,m,n, Ilv• Carnet ('hapman, should nim to maintain at lowrt ten ! paid 11t) for Improving road on 4th
of Itrietk"M•rg. and the two were drit-- per rent. of his farm as u wondlot. ; concession, That Mr. Brown be re -
la towards Moorefield in 11w latter's The Government has already realized'
Huron Old Boy. Graduate
Goderich Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave .
Telephone Oregon 8558
To Shove eofltetnpiating
ereeting a
p In •nt :-
Cemetery Lettering' a Specialty
-All Work, Guscnnterel--
Clines Marble sad Granite Wert
John Grant, Clinton, tint.
Flurrrsanr to tall A /mete
hated r2 on dog tax. That Mr. rot -
ear. A short distance out -of Guelph. the importance of such a practice by gan be given rebate on "Axen due to
Mr. Chapman apparently mistook the granting exemption from municipal barn fire. That Jtylaw be passed dx-
door handle for the window and was taxation for fenced wood(ots up to that ing day Ind hour of nomination for
thrown out on the road as the door 'amount. It was pointed out that a December 25th, to 1 o'clock. also ape
suddenly opened. A broken arm viiia 'farm with a good woodlot is easier to pointing officers for various polling
the only apparent iftjury, anti-' his 1 sell and brings more money than. when 1.,b -divisions.
many friends are glad to know he Is ' minus such a woodlbt. it provides The following bills and accounts
recovering, as be Is over j`lgiity years
Death of Mrs, i1. Mountain
fuel for the hoose and lumber for , were examined and passed for pay -
buildings and repairs. It gives work meet: Road superintendent's vouch -
In the winter, lending to relieve mem- ; era, $04,1St: Board of Health, $20.40:
The death of Harriet Howson, wl- ployment. In fact the aelentiflcaliy Goderich Star, account, $0.26; A. Nock -
he of (Meld Mountain. occurred on managed woodlot area may be as pro- ,olds, weed inspector, $70.10: V. Cues
December 7th at the home of her fitable as qtly other phase of -farm ningbam, 71,4 cords of wood, $20: Hue -
/laughter. ,Mrs. Robt. Ttingblut, in operations,--=----- - 1.e/1 Hill, part payment on Allan drain,
i.ondesboro, la her seventy-eighth I The indiscriminate cutting ed 00,9 $210: Russell IOW. Snag road on 4th'
year. Deceased was a II' • •tg rest- trey in farm wosdlots was heartily ; cooceawlo,u. $10; Reeve sad council -
dent of the town,4,ip of 11 • t. She deplored. This practice hail grown to • lora, salaries. $200: Wm. Sallow.,
was married to Mr. Moan iia fifty- considerable proportions. especially in ' balance of ;Mery and expenses,
Leven years ego- They 'naed in the tobae•o-growing districwhere fere.05; It. J. filen, salary and ex
Hultett until eighteen year ago, when fuel for kiln. Is required. The land penes.. g144: A. II. Brown. la-
the; retired and settled In Ibnciesboro.'is being denuded, streams shrivelling hate on dog tax, $2: C. C. Feagan, re
Mr. Mountain tiled a year later. Two , up and.e•wa_�ter well, going dry. The }Date on taxes, $1'..10; Wm. Mallow's,
daughters and one son cursive: Mrs. !Proposer -et' the Norfolk Chamber of delivering notice., bylaws and trip to
Tungblut (Myrtle), of Iwrodeeboro; Sboitmerce that lee/elation be Passed 1Oode'rleh, Million and Thdh, drain,
Mrs. Glover (Ellzaheth1, 'Detroit, etroit,' td ptohlblt the cutting of any treeI(I•„1Nt
and William, of Hallett. . Another Under ten inches, two feet from the I Council adjourned to meet Ie•c•m-
claughter, Mrs. Jame* Pipe (Alice), of ground, without permissIon of a coon--! her 15th: at 2 p.m.
Golerich, did four years ago. Mrsty forester,., is likely to receive ser• I wli. NALL1►11'M. Township clerk,
Mountain was an Active member of the ions -consideration by the new e•ntraf 1 .� s lot -,r
Methodist (later Putted) church and committee. Drought conditions thronRh' i P'k-I Meeting of Year--
was made u life -member of the W.M. out. 'Western tintxrlo In the last four I The council met in the Itpll Ikdrm'
S. a short time before her death, for live years have made
farmers and her .15th for Its u,eetlpil with all
__ __ _- -__ vcounty officiate attentive to the tact the trs(misra present. t. Ou motldll
The difference between a prejudice .that continuous removal of our for- minutes Adopted es rend.
and a mnci�lnn is that you can ,'x- eats without proper replacement ,,f A re uses” from u,d. 11111 hale
plain a eousietRttt-uithu,t getting ms!1•' young trees Is imperilling the Nura• rebut* vest ",tees, d, to house "sing
-Buffalo Evening News. of agriculture.
g .- �a f (Nullity cronncll. will Ise sells' Ip burned, ails granted. ----h- -- It was mover" ted. . A. jloting tri.
Professor --"('n11 you glee me es lend theTi if°itis so`p`prrf:#a+ 4t►r now.. n i
--e-s,„,... •d,- ui arren room o rr
example of. wasted'entergy?" • program, partleulariy'In the wily of - II--t
Student-"Yea, ehr; tell" bdlr- undertaking. to reforest fend_ on their the y,'ar Bra.: .
on- mntlotf ' A. Vesknl4e was
raising story to a bald,)Ieah man.", own account, ma county council/. of
- P11gin, Norfolk awl MI(hllesex bare Often perteission to rent the sonh•s st
It vetted that a 1-1711114,4pe In already d Norfolk has 10111- Meliaw 'for the year' illn7 at $15.
and talk. at the rate of 2110 north. aerelgof land -tinned and reforested by - The iy'ntpathy of the council was
a minnt That whonkl enabl4 hien thlreounty. it is felt that•p0,-lt roup- esttruld to Mr. Chisholm *nil fame
to get f ppougb a great many sentences ty should pnrehaw:• and reforest each `-fly In Ow- Ins,. of their (ether.,
hl'lan1't'- treasurer. R. J. Glee. -rr
a tire. Brantford Expositor. yearuntil •al muchlas 10(2 acres is felon
teivei• thet.froliow-hrg - payments: A.
iiuntilall available cheap land Is taken
- _ sp a Nor•kolds, rent for ideates to March 1M;
The ,omm
Tcentral lttee will alb., un- fdrin, $17,:8); \ioniMhal Telephone Ryw-
I:derMke, to dlseemlnate literature in tem, note, STIll.iU); Presbyterian. tent
the schools of Western tintarlo in of ball. $:11.45.
order to acquaint '411dren with. the On motion the road ,up'rtnt('pll*nt's
I necessity of fore* conservation 01111 vuw,ehere and other ac. mints were ex•
! planting of toles. ieemnnsttstlon • emitted and ordered paid: Head snp-
wmailota in connetion with each rural erinten,Mnt's rotlehers, $107,41: Hays
Ischool will he urge) Mill essay rein- R Heys. account. p20,g0; Municipal
; test•• on forest culture $neirnraged. it• World, •eolleetor's` gd((de, $1.2'd: COI-
, I,. Dieu suggested that a textheek on !rime Telephone Rystem,4Ll73.'l3 Wm.
refnra"fatI.'n and couti'rvtttinh he tae 11111, ret..ti' on dotes, la: Wen. Met-
snel by the Colert,netel and add. ,I son, salary for tnlhi. )'
to the curriculum In ow rural shoots_
rI1Me bars paidd othefinlif of'
of c►nfarlo. each memis•r'e ielp thrnuglt"ht the
F:mphssls ass aka,Isld by spankers
!tin the Impnrtsnr of not draining land year. After singing ' -told Gong
that is not sulteel to cultivation Rjne • and "God Ire the King- the
I. Than tract. often form moisture re. meMln4' adJouraed
lkgreirs intended as ln•nrente against WM RALlAYWO. Clerk.
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i-' onf. ewes, Street, as...,. waaMshus its
Phase enter to, .nhserlpton to The ch. ter an ar leer* Monitor for
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