HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-24, Page 1At tfectictortocseectectettteutte THE SIGNAL CALENDAR Make auren&f yelnr Signal Calendar. for 1937 by agp)itig in yoti'r sub- scription early. $1.50 a year in • advance; $2.00 to United States • addressee Z IOHTT-NINTH TEAR. NO. Q2 7 1• ; 4 FOURTEEN -YEAR-OLD ROBERT MASCELL KILLED AT C.P.R. BRIDGE ittempta to carry His Dog from Danger and Tails to Reach Safety Zone, Falling to the Rocky River Bed Seventy-five Feet Below - Terrible Fatality Plunges Town in Sorrow and Takes from Re- cently Widowed Mother Her Only Son -Inquest Being Held A tragic fatality which has shocked engine .topped en the bridge and see- the community and robbed a mother signs of aett►ity at the foot of the of her only son occurred ou R'edne► abutments. Instinctively she knew her wn had been hurt and ran home day afternoon when Robert Marken, to get her car. fourteen -year-old son of Yrs. Maskell She drove to the top of harbor h141 and the Mte Lou Martell, who died in and could go no farther, whereupon May of this year, plunged to death on lobe accosted • Pedestrian and de - bed of Maitland River from mended to know If her son had ben _ thurt. He was unable to tell her, so the C.P.R. bridge seventy-five Leet Mrs. Maskell, controlling her , mount- *bove. log emotional went to the station, The distressingevent occurred wben ! where her worst fears were realized. the boy, on a hike with a chum, Pat Mrs. Martell was sent to her home, he ebe was ken prostrated with grief. nes Kennedy stopped to pick op his pet I w re dog, NMI, before making a dash for 1 ReVtl p g mpau with tis safety before an approaching • C.P.R. 'lite !earl-saretricken motInherco . - Hamilton-Ooderlch Diesel train No.I Inquest Being Judd 9007, manned by Engineer J. H. Boyd, A hastily impanelled coroner' met at 8 o'clock last nitbt to v remains, then ad}ctureed to Tuesday, January 6th, at 2 p boy was hurled trom the high trestle It 1s sad to note that had the bridge by the train or If be fell in a not been delayed an hoer owing terroe-stricken leap fora nearby safe- increased bustnea.+ daring tbe Christ- ty sone. • - mats season, and had a boy's love for A board railing on the safety "island" his dog not been greater than thought was .masted, indicating the boy had of his own safety, this mod regrettable struck It with considerable force erej accldeat, which has shocked the com- beetling to his death seventy-tlt-e feet I munky and plunged a mother to tbe below, 1 depths of despair, would not have hap -1 licagiraeses Statement paned. "i saw the boys on the oxides when -1 Robert, an only son, was a bright t and intelligent lad, 1n hos second year I rounded a stelae of freight cera on Collegiate and had a wide circle of London, and Conductor Ab. Mc- Bride, e-Br1de, of Hampton. -. It 1s not known definitely if tbe • a carve," Engineer Boyd told. Th. 84g -'of friends. He was a fall -Hedged mat "and threw on the emergency beake. The train had slowed almost to a stop whim I reached i be tad (Ma•keU►. "I don't knew It the car tea* hed him," contt.0s the engineer "1 tbtnk he Jumpei -lie wasn't more than ten feet from • safety sone. I goes. It'. a •evenly -five -toot drop to the frown, rock -covered ground." Mr. Boyo' then went no to tell of the boy dashing back towards tbe on- coming train to pick up his little dog. tben running over the ties, his dog clasped tightly 1n his arms. toward the eatery ane. I didn't knew it was dog at the time," said' Mr. Boyd. "i saw him with sminething under his arm and he tossed It aside Just before he went over. "if he'd let the dog alone he would have been all right," concluded tbe engl freer. Boys on a Hike The boys were on a bike with their dogs In search of rabbits, according to young Kennedy, and were nearly ,$eros* the bridge when they saw the train coming from behind a string of box ears on the north bank of the river. Kennedy was some distance •bead of MaskeH when they began to retreat before the oncenting traio.1 Kennedy chased his dog, Rorer, ahead of him and stately reached, the.oypootte end of the bridge. Voting Musket! oma* following eloaely behind when he turned and saw his dog cowering between the rafts. He ran back In the face of grave danger, scooped up his frightened pup and re - owned lits dash for safety. Although there were no eye -witnesses • to the fall, it is believed, from the Injuries *uetained, the boy tell on his right side, hie head Striking a rock. The bead sad face, rlgbt arm and right leg were said later t• be badly amasbed. Djd Not toe What happened "I didn't eve It of all," said young Kemedy. "i was running away from the train after my dog and when I reached tie other side and looked beck the train was stopped. i met Murray iteer, who wail neer (here, and we walked hack. A tan took me by the hand and we went Into the train. I beard someone say something about a boy gots over the bridge. 1 didn't see anytlAng, though." Seventeen -year-old Murray Dave, wbo wart at the eonth end of the bridge, said be didn't tree the boy to over. "[saw the train coming," *raid Inter, "and i hollered to the kids to gest out of the way. They didn't our me, i Herwk Effort M Vain Yotmg M..kell'n heroic Attempt to rave his dog esu futile, for when be tossed oho pup aside before plunging to 81I death the little anlmat was Bruck by the train and terribly in- urd. A few minutest isteF it Joined Ita vel int master in death. s Th. train Went on to the station with Its passenger;, leaving a mem- ber of the crew at the scene, after which the engine returned to the mese ' bring back the body. Matter Seeking Her Sem levels/nee of bhp insight of ■ mother'* was mhown when .Mra. Ma*ke'll ass. red at the station *feortly after the tom arrived with It* gni.*ame cargo. nrried hy her only *en's pro - absence from the noonday meat, Maakell was calling her 460 Rohe -of the riverbank, knowing ole fe Dikypenad to be In that. 'A- lerts* J,le to as 'Ube called her .on'a body lay In th. shadow of cess the Maitland and, to tense weld planes v6 ors tapes Beide ty Hieing beef to * •lwaeber. Mn► Machell feted the A Boy Scout of ,tie 2nd Goderleh Troop. The a neral will be conducted on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at 4ls bome on Napier street, with full *vat honors. The nag -draped casket, !bearing the young Scout'. bat, will be borne by eight of his comrades and flanked by a uniformed guard of hon- or earryls( the Troop colors. Inter- tareat will he In Colborne cemetery. Retires after Many Years of Service Mrs. A. D. McLean Succeeded by Mrs. Ju. Bisset u L. A. President The aanual meeting of the Iad4ea' A1A Society of Knox church, held on Friday afternoon hast, was marked by the retirement of Mrs. A. D. McLean from the presidency, the duties of which nlfice she had diacbarged abrf and faithfully for *Ixteen -Years. Mrs. James Bisset was electedpre.I- dent of the Sx.lety for the ...ming year. "I have seen the ladiesAld grow from a mere handful to what it 1s to- day," said Mrs. McL.•an In announcing her wish to retire after twenty -.lx years In various capacities in the So- ciety. "1t was always my wl*h to see the Society grow and I feel I have been rewarded. I hope we shall con- tinue to work together and do our best to have th1 debt removed from our church," Mrs. McLeam expressed appreciation of the loyal support which had been accorded ber and asked that the name loyalty he given to the new president. Several of the meml';efti are ex- pre.mlon to the regret felt by the So- ciety In the retirement of Mrs. Me - Lean and the4i' 'apples -WW1 of her efficient services. There was a large attendance at the. meeting. Mrs. McLean conducted the opening exercises, during which Mrs. R. J. P. Walter read the Scripture lesson, Like's narrative of the Nativ- ity, and Mrs. D. J. lane led in prayer. The hymn; for this part of the meet - Ing were all favorite Christmas carols. During the business part of the meet- ing 41* treasurer, Mr.. .1. A. Barton, reported a very successful financial year, and a substantial cheque was' voted to the board of managers to- wards tine reductio of .the church 1 debt, _ Arrangementitere made for the Ai- untilbnngnet, which ix to be held on January- 15th. Omens Elected Miss .t It. MacDonald presided tor the 0e -thin of ofifeere and Mr.. Wr J. I Raker presented the report of the(I nominating committee, which wa,s as"{ follow.: Hon. preoldent, Mrn. A. il. McLean; p'e.ident, Mrs. Jame, Bls- let: first cite -president, Mrs. Glrvin Young: ascend vice-pre.ldent, Mrs. P. t. • MaclOwan ; third vlce-pre.ldent, Me. Con. I.. Bissett; aa,i,tants to Iriee-prOsldents. Mrn. llfgglnrnn, Mrs. AapFowlie, Mrs. Newcombe; /secretary, Mrs. N. Niacin -nes; treasurer, Mrs, J. A. Radon ; prelim secretary. Mr* '.F. (I. Weir; 'ptani*ta, Mew. D. J. Lane and Mrs. J. W. Framer; auditor., Mr*. W. P. A'b`I1 and Mrs W. J. Raker; cnl- lerEdli [" PStrfegt'a ward, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Mac6e, Mr* O. H. Green ; 8t. David's ward, Miro. J. A. Barton, Mr*. Wright, M». W. Pbilype, Mr.. A. D. McLean; St. George'* ward, Mr*. A Kaftans; St. Andrew', ward, Mrs. Robert Moir, Mrs. Malpass, Met' S. Mentip, Mrs- .1. R. Heade, 'tie vellfltaw was Mewled with the dastag oI the Menem! Anthem. GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936 SCHOLARSHIP AWAfI) Among nine students In }he course In hotel administration at Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N. Y., who have been awarded .ebolershlps on the basis Of outstanding work during the past year, is Jubn F. O'Neil, whose award is the Harris, Kerr, Forster & Co. scholarship. Mr. O'Neil le a brother of Gordon O'Neil, formerly teller In the )tank of Commerce here, now at 1Vlarton, and is known In Ooderich through visits to his brother while tbe hatter was here. _- THE WEATHER Temperatures of the last week aver- age considerably higher than those of the corresponding week of last year, as may be seen by the following fig- urea, taken froom the official recorder'* I books: 1936 1933 Max. Min. Max. Min. Thurs., Dec. 17 38. 26 tri Fri„ Dec. 18 28. 17 :16 26 - Sat., Dec. 19 - 8` 18 33 23 Sun., Dec. 20 33 28 23 10 Mon., Dec. 21 33 26 13 6 Tues., Dec. 2.2 28 21 18 12 Wed., Dec. 23 .33 21 21 12 ORNE NOMINATIONS e,'u Tyndall Out for the . Reeve - p -A. J. Geldtbarpe May Oppose 'olborne township adheres to the old for its municipal elections and e nomination meeting will be held at the township hall, Carlow, next Monday afternoon. George Feagan, who hu held the omce of recce for the last two years, has remover, from the township and will consequently be out of the picture in the elections for 1937. it Is understood that Melvyn Tyndall, who has been in the council for six years, will stand for the reeve - ship, and rumor has It that he will be opposed by Albert J. Golor who was reeve for the five yea rictus to Mr. Feagan'. term. Several names are mentioned in con- nection with the vacancy that will re- sult from Mr. Tyndall's etepping up, and nomination day next Monday will probably tiring out a number of aspirants. SALTPORD 8. 8. 'Christmas Entertainment -Pupils Hest- er Superintendent Harnwell On Monday evening the annual Saltford Sunday school entertainment was held In the school !Tom at Salt- , ford, with Rev. W. P. Line In charge of a lengthy program which Included recitations, musical numbers, songs'' land dialogue. An Interesting item on the program ' was the presentation of gifts to Mr. !J. E. Ilarnwell, Sunday school super- intendent, by Santa Claus, In behalf Iof the children of the school. '" The program, which opened with the winging of a carol, and prayer by Mr. Lane, was presented as foliose• --. - I Chorus by the Obeid, dance by Jun- 1 ' for pupil., recitation by.Dorothy Steel, ).tong by Reda and Em'ly Wilson, reel-' latlon by Lawrence Wllilams.. solo by Claire Bisset, dbglogue by F:i-tieds,Rv- ' an and Patsy Nivins, violin duet by Donald Viekers and Robert Bisset, re - !citation by Ret. Wilson. solo by Mr. !Herbert Greene, recitation by Peter 1 Walter, harmonies selections by the Westlake brothers, recitation by Irene Benoskh, duet by Claire Bisset and Danny Walter, recitation by Leonard Dodkln, solo by Mr. S. B. Walter, re- citation by Emily Wilson, solo by 'Mimi Dorothy Greene, a story, "The Tale the Fire Told," by six papllw; plane duet hy Mr. 11, N. Livens; and Mr, 8. B. Walter, reeitatlon by Bentson Go(xl, song by Miss Dorothy Greene, Mr. H. Greene and Mr. 8. B. Walter, recita- tion by Audrey Pulling, duet by Mea.ra. Greene and Walter, recitation by Dorothy Williams, chorus by the senior pupils, reeeftation by Elda Good, a drill by a group of pupils and a re -1 citation, "Good Night," by Elaine and 1 'Leone fwmh, I"THE SAME TO YOU" Three hundred and fifty pupils of Victoria public school, assembled on Tuesday afternoon for their Christ- mas euoeert, bad a good laugh at the expense of Rev. D. .1. Lane, Presby- terian minister, who addressed them brledy. "Merry ()hrlstman to you all," said Rev. Mr. lane, In hla cloedng remarks. "Same to you," chorused 3110 voices tet{toci ►;CRE;Cz elf E ,YOUR READING FOR 1937 1 ou can gave tone and money ' by tieing The Signal's clubbing service in obtaining your papers and maga-, eines for 1937. We can give you a price on almost any periodical pub- lished on the continent. tete;t(tEMECte THE SIGNAI. 1'I1IN'1'INC col I.IVITFao, Publishers R. Cockburn Hays I PERSONAL MENTION Is King's Counsel Named by Ontario Government for Coveted Distinction in Legal Profession - - R.' C. Hay., who since the death of his father is the sole member of the dutifully. law firm of Have & Hays, received "And a very happy New Year," con- word on Tuesday that he omas among tlnued Mr. Lane. a number of Odtarlo lawyers who bare C"Same to yon," came the thundeeslu been raised to the rank of King'e e coon - p y' Ise!. Notice of the appointment came "And don't forget," admonished the by telegrjm from Attorneyeleneral reverend gentlenuin, "to work hard and Arthar Roebuck. behave yourerelves and you will be wel- In March of this year Mr. Hay. was cowed back In your places next year." elected a'beueher of the Law Society "Same to you," bellowed 360 voices ( of Upper Canada, the first in Coderleb triumphantly, and Mr. Lane sat downfto bold that position .Ince the death amid roars of laughter -t of Senator Proudfo t in 1924. r -Tire -you 1 . counsel -be Is CAR GOES VISITING ' _- fortyroos years of age -Is a graduate When hla car got out of control 01 of the L'nlbertine Qf..Ternnlq. and_fize the icy surface of Britannia road nil gee Hall and bite praetieed law.,ln Friday afternoon last, and swerving the town of his 1'rlertil for fifteen year., across a boulevard crashed Into a He is secrefar-j 87 the Huron Law Ate house, Philip Rundle, Warren etreet,tsoclatlon and 1s solicitor for the cone- escaped wltp a shaking up. The car ty of Huron. • .kidded sidewise and left the road. The telegram advising Mr. Ilan•s of straightening away when It *truck the the appointment was as followai: boulevard and crashed into the steps - of J. H. Fowler's housee after careen• R. C. Hays, Toronto, Ont:; Dew 22-1 Ing over the sidewalk. The steps Goderleh, Ont. • were demol:ahed. 1f you have a visitor, or If you are going ou a holiday, let The Signal know about It. It will help make the Personal Mention column more Inter- esting to you and your friends. Dr. L. M. Mabee 1s speuding Christ- man with his relativer in Norfolk county. • y, Miss Margaret Rusted, of Dresden, • at her hone here for the 'Christmas vacation, Capt. John Vickers 1s at his home after spending the sailing waitron on the Likes" Ray Lawrence is home from Weet- ervult 1'otlege, London, for the Christ - Inas holidays. Miss Ellen O'Brien, who is teach - lug al Oakville, is smutting Christ- mas at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Drew and child- ren,, 11111)' and Deme, are spending Cbrlatwus with relatives In London. Miss (;race Strung, of Guelph Cu.' nubile Institute, ba. arrived at her Mane hero too the Christmas race- tlun. r - Mn. Thor. Anda ekon lett last week to spend a mouth with her son, Mr, J. A. Anderson, and hos wife, at Day- ton, 0. Miss MuuJ llo ttII, of the Ctilverslty of 'Toronto, is spendinig the ('hrlstwas yuentlon With -her parents, Mr. and Urs.'$: W. lluwc•11., 'Miss Jessie Chisholm, of Brantford, returned to her home there 00 Monday after syeudlug a mouth with relathe• and friends in Gcnlerleb. Mr. and Urs. E. Curren, of Sanford,.. arc speeding ('hrlstmas with their .eau awl daughter -In law- Mr. • and Sirs. Lloyd 1urrelh of °sluwa. Dr. Florence Smith, of the 1'nicer- i sits of Toronto, arrived on Tuesday to I spend the Christmas reason elft her 1 fatter,,Mr. Arthus. Smith. Rev. S. It. and Mrs. Mel'Iung and family- are speeding (1nrbatmaa with Mr. and Mrw. J. L. Marton, of Toronto,' the parents of Mn. McClung. Rev. A. t'. sad Mrs. poorhouse, of Yarmouth Ceutre, are spending Chrlst- mar with the former's parents, Rev. I A. E. and -Mrs. Mourhouse, at the Vic.; torte street parsonage. kr.•O. J. Rerr of Stratford, Inspec- tor for the Provincial Ietertme'ot of I Labor, was In town this week making an official survey In conneetioo wltb the work of his department. ..Mrs. C. 11. !lumber returned this 1 week from Hamilton, where she was I is considerably improved after ■ SW the hoepdWl for several weak..) he eery serious illness. Mrs. Jas. Hamilton Is spending , Cbridmas with her daughter Mrs. Morrison at Kincardine.: Liter she will visit her daughter Mrs. Larkin at j Windsor and will be out of town un-' 111 the spring. Mrs. John W. Taylor, with her41 daughter Margaret, left on Saturday for Long )teach, California, to be with her son Wallace for Christmao. They will remain In California for the rest of the winter and w111 visit Seattle and Vancouver on their way home. - W. IL -A. DRAW The straw for the doll'. house and tbe lady'. work hag, for* which tick - eta were sold by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, took place at the Capital Theatre Saturday afternoon, Mr. D, E. CampOell making the draw. Mr. C. C, Lee was the winner of the doll'. house,, Mrs. Dexter won the Lady'. bag. Hu-' bert Wlgle won the prise for selling the greatest number of tickets. The memI.'rs of the Hospital Auxi- liary wish to thank Mr. II. J. Suther- land, of the Capital Theatre, and all who -helped towards the Rumens of the enterprise; from which $40 oma. real- Miss Jessie Matheson supplied for 1feeA Miss Ball at the ec•hool this week. • • -_ - - •i •ABSENT-NDED 11• 1•_ to • MI Pleasure to .dv!w' your app011tmeilt one of 1111 Majesty's counsel learned In the law•, May i hope that this re- cognition of high *tending In your profession will enhance your enjoyment of the Christmas season. )test NI.b', nor new year, Arthur Ro.•buck, Attorney -General for °lntarin. ARM FR►CTl•RED Miss N'Innifrsl Ball, of the draft of Central public school, on • Saturday MI on the Icy sidewalk near the in- tersection of Victoria and Nelson tercets, fracturing her arm. aaaasapemds Busier I it is commonly known Gulf rabid tans replay hockey or baseball games long after the event is over, but here Than for Some Years Ila a story of a, woman who apparent- ly was going over a bridge game step by &step, with embarraxming re•mults. 1 Postofflce Overwhelmed with Kalil It happened at a meeting of a church I -Merchants Report Better nrgaoisatlon The roll call was be - Ing made when the woman beard her Business name through a mental hare. "I pale," she responded antomatical- Poeta! authorities here report a eons4-17,-cud went on with her game. siderabie Increase in Chridn,e•. mall - -- - i it preening years, and attribute the OLIVER--Ht'NTER Inerease largely to the fact that more A quiet wedding wax solemnized at people are becoming eegnizant of the St. Paul's Prenbyterinp ch:erch, Tnton- one-.ant rare on unsealed envelope; to, on Sntnrday evening, December to any part of the Britis1 Empire or 111th, when Miss Mary 8-eatrlro Hun - the I nitesi State.. ter, daughter of Mrs. Hunter and the An extra wail' is on hand early and late Dr. A. C. Hunter, of Gtderle-h, working late, but .4111 is unable to was united in marriage to Mr. Sam - with the avalan.te of mail. mal-larcbltt Oliver, of Elmira, won of ' .One thing regarded as o blessing fa Mr.. Samuel °liver, of Warkworth. Mit more prstple apparently are get. Rev. B. 1'. Mclermld, formerly min- ting the "mail early" habit. Inter of Knox i'resbyterian church. Goderleh, officiated. The unusually heavy call on stamps, particularly for parcel.. cense; a Shortage In live -cent stamps on Tues- day, but a rush order soon was filled and complications thin avoided. The idaff at the post office have worked as late rte 4.30 a.m. to relieve tett dense a congestion or mail. At rme time fifty hag* were steered b tbw hall awaiting distribution of huge piles .. Expresso c'e°t also repast an in- crease in shipping over previous Chrf*tmes seasons and doff* have been working long overtime to keep ships ments moving. Merchants have had the beet season The ceremony Wan condtu•tel very quietly. and among the few friends present, with Mrs. Hunter, Messrs. Colin /I 1•41 Kenneth Hunter and Mrs. Oliver, wee, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Asp- den, spden, Meet* Catherine flays, Mrs- Mon- tggue' Bgker, .11 of Ooderieh, and Mr. Joha- ONFi of -Ton io. After the wedding about twenty frledds attended a retention at the Royal York hotel MAIZE LIFE MEMBER Mra. Robert Mutch, Victoria .trs•1. who recently celebrated her eighth birthday, was honored he the' members of the W.M.S. of Victoria 1 street United rhumb on Sunday, when the prewldcnt, Mrs. henry Breen, pre- , rented her with Ai tik'-mephe'rshlp ecr- tineate. Mrs. Breen was accompenled on her visit to Mrs. Match by are It. T. -Phillips first eier•yretltk-et of W.M.S. Mr,.. Phillips rend an Illum- inated address which she then, pre- sented to Mrs. Mutch. The couple will lice at Elmira, where SANTA WAR,ML1 RECEIVED Mr, Oliver la acronntant In the Royal Thank. The bridegroom Ix well known On Sahrrday nftermron," promptly, at C. E. Marko Named -Welfare la Ooderteh, having formerly been on 3 oelock, Santa Claus made his an - the Staff of the Weal Rank here, nual call to NI* the children of Get- Board to Be Organised -Last erleh. Ile arrived as usual on the lire a Night's Meeting truck and after circling the Square drove downitu the fire ball, where if hurts' of children greeted him va•I• The town Ironed met In s1 ••rt nlr.g ferously. St'veral firemen nodded fn elem. rap .a bumiw'r of matter, ren Christmas Music in Local Churches Carols and Anthema Repeat the Glad Message of a -- Saviour Born Several local churches on Sunday - last heralded the coming *of Christ- mas with spee1a1 song services which Included anthems,_ Illmns and caroler proclaiming the birth of the Saviour, while sermons contained messages of the gospel of good will toward men. The churches were attractively decor- ated lu keeping with the seasou, and large congregations were In atten- dance. 011 Sunday morning at Knox Pres- byterian church, with Mr. 11 N. Liv- ens, organist and choirmaster, fa charge of the musical service, the an- Orem* "buy -1u the World" end -*lag, O )leaven,.," were sung by a full choir. A quartette, Mimes Dorothy Gheene, Mary. -MacKay and Gertrude deist and 4,114.•-Iieehert (lreeae, sang -Angels from on High;" and Mrs. W. F. Saun- ders sang "Toe First Christmas Morn.' The beautiful cantata, "The Adora- tion," was suag.at the evenins service and a solo, 'lioby 'Night,' was contri- buted by -Mr. S. R. Wetter..- GI Mr. R, F. Player at the organ, the choir of North street United church on Sunday norning sang ''Chis Blessed Men." arid. "Natereth," with Mrs. Player taking the/ solo parts, and Mie* Helen Lane sang "The First Christmas Morn." In the evening Mr_ CecilAttridge was soloist In the an- them, "Je'su Itambino;" it duet sae rendered by Messrs. 8. E. McDowell and Ralph Henderson; a solo by"Mlse 011re Forster and a pian and organ Instrumental by Miss Line and Mr. ('layer. Special music was rendered at Vies• torts street United ,church with Mr. Harry itarker at the organ. Mies Muriel Mhorbouse was the sololrt at (be morning service, when the choir sang "The First Christmas Morn." la • the evening the choir sang "!ting, 0 Heavens," and Misses Pearl Roope and Fern Cranston contributed a duet and Miss Helen Snell a solo. The Christmas service at St. Peter's eiwr•h midnight tonigbt (Christmas 3ve). -St. George's Anglican church and the Baptist cburch will hold e'hriet- mas services next Sunday. On Smedley loot at the Baptist church the congregation sang carols under the leadership of Mr,. Wilfred Donnld,. n, orgapl.t, and the choir sang the anthem, "Tbe Child In the Manger." - • A VISITOR FROM ORFA.ON Mr. Stott F. Aitken. 1,1 Hood Rlv,-r, Oregon,. Is 'letting et the hem.• of his mother, Mrs. J. L. Aitken, fora few days, Mr. 'Aitken, who is pr..J,1.'nt "f the Apple Growers' .tesocintlon of Hid Rifer. leans' cast on business and will visit New York. Wnshlnetnn and otber ;lake In the Intern-, of hi. niwtitiatloa. He made the transcon- tinental Washy one of the nes •dreit m - lined (rale., covering the 3.e00 miles from Portland, Oregon, to 1s•ndos un t., In fifty-one hours. Relief Officer for several years. People are said to During the last few week*.the bridie- oe buying more freely and bnying a to -be was the guest of honor at num- settees etgxx of goods. eros* social event, In Oodcrich. �i • Tilristmas •Vfifth adivOignill extends greetings to . all its 7iiiitOr477/'-tirruttillert ani atisfleo fur tit die hest that Or aeaann affords Vents, to heed -bre -nut tb.+„Ifeats, which retiring aft'ntiup !,fore the Mal eotns- - had been pnneltes(d by •w.•mte'rs 1.1 the !ell la es. Maple Leaf Chapter, LODE.. More •ton, who has a lease et than 1l orb children filet• ., Stouts More; Wesf'stF. R. Were'f rink for the skating (Claus during the afternnura --- - seasnn for the• peat three years, Asked*. ' DR. H. P. MARTIN'S DEATH if arrangment. eomld he made for an fill -year round lease for, ,the N'Indaor Iieeletket Well-known Kummer years. T!.is was h -ft- ;err to the %latter in Goeeridi 1937 round'. A latter .from i.,-C.A, ('ommfssinnere 1t'INlnttetlt, 18.. 17. Stricken' with i8le4te, asking the in -operation of the `a heart attack, Dr. !.henry 1'. Stiletto, eognvil In sceurin observance of the roe -verity. prominent 11'ind,wnr dentist law, was sent to ti' epeeist committee. 'for the Iaat thirtymtx year*, died and- A circular letter from the ('anadla* dimly .t hlo home here Ia*t night. Fire 1'u.Mrwrlters' A**n•iatiun, a*king -Aplaerently In the beet. of health, that the fire-1lghung egnipne•nt be put he had pract(*ed him prnfems in the In 'gond condition for the winter and mdrning mod had spent the regents' that all precautions be taken agatn.f Wedtwminy afternoon lalldny driving tare, was -sent to the ere committee. his ter to Eames. NP waw stricken Porn Vlc't&la Home end School Dint ,shortly after ht. return home and died wrote drawing the c'tnenell'. attention Within a few minutes, - to the uncared-for condition of a fair !torn neer ltnrrle, Dr. Martin re• I1jz In St. David, ward atid, skiing orlvel his elementary education In tSat something be done about it. this Barrie w•Mrola and later graduated In watt sent to the .pedal committee. dentistry frmm the I'ulversky of Toren- 1t ens left to the nuance committee to. He opened his firer ,,me. In Es to make nece*snre arrangement. for sox forty four yours nen and eight the hooting of tar prepayment receipts yenrs later came to Windsor. for 1937. (tr. 1h,rtin was also well known Bylaw No.. -4A oma* meted, appoint. - throngheitt the Windsor, distrtl fir 1hj .1 1V. Monteith auditor for ►ilft7 • hie activity In fraternal ti Ircles' end The mpee•Iml committee o- -omnPnbch the Liberal party. A'Ple ngh never the appointment of a welfare hoard, to }s-wadMste for middle oAke, t.P w** ennnl•t of F. G. Weir, .1. Hlggtmenn, regnrk'I ns nn• of the mood active Mr., (len. Johnston and I), la (['Brien, perry enipporters in the ditaj el,e ps together with Councillor, 8. D. )trews •-Wer Martin U mutely/hi by his widow, find C. H. Humber tic representatives Martin: a ann. Frank, ami it of the eonneli nntll the PITT .vtnnetl remold-dmnghter, Betty VartIn. le organised. The appoistne, nt 6f C. 8. Clarke a; relief Investigator, at (jag Dr. Martin wan well known in (Jud- per week for fall time, also wee renes. erleb, he sad hie family having perm mended. MmMeM at ,las summer colony hero Tb• rc•eowmendatteas WPM aNpsee ; by eove'tl. ai t , 'Zit": ,a vr. - e P