The Signal, 1936-12-17, Page 12.4 • eovversee- . A § AANNAOMpsallpreraelpg4 -.4111.1164. ; •vmd„,.v 114,54a44 - ? t 411‘ TZfr'it'.' le7r.:' tIWYtreal °TA Itef' THE SIGNAL — .GODERICH, ONT. lo__trettridau, December 17th, 1936 hat Ort(tetelftgteCtete I • • BRIEFS GODERICH MARKET PRICES Akilegga;r4 Do VouR ' Remember the Hanford* &today ' ssebool entertainment on Monday eveu- (leeor. 12' las thicken., Hie- 1Se Poultry f 4 STMAS SHOPPIN at M. ROBINS' .14:1A S. We have, Gifts for the MAN, YOUNG MAN or BOY Every Article in a Gift Box if desired VTAITIVIIIVRTITIVVVITVITTITITIVIIVIIR74104VreaVVVVINV FINE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS BOYS' LEATHER HELMETS 1 Give a Fine Shirt this year. Fine Broadcloth Shirts. Plain or stripes. Sep- arate collar or collar attached styles. PRIM AT 95c th $2A5 A. EN'S NEWMAN A handsome those from. vierrrawsr?-- A beautiful range to 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c Wins MPS GARTER AND SUSPENDER SETS good amorinselit to cheese from. 75cam$1.00Perikc' SCARFS Hundreds of Scarfs. Fine all -wool Scarfs in beautiful shades and patterns, including Tartans( PRICED AT 49c, 75c, 95c and $1.50 Phone 384 owes. NICIO Lined fur Winter wear. A very popu lar Gift for the boys. All size*. PRICED AT 89c MEN'S FINE WOOL HOSE An extra large assbetment Men's Fine Vanoy Wool Hose. 25c, 35c and 50c Men's Handkeichiefs - Neatly boxed. , 2 for 25c, 2 for 1150, $ for 50c, or 4 for $1.0i) OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS CENTSFURNISHINGS W! South Side of Square Goderich, Ont. Agent For Tip Top Tailors ins, December 21. Admissiou 23e. A tine program is being pretwred. The wile of membership tickets for rhe Alexandra Marine and General hospital will door December 31st. 1114S. E. E. HERALD, % Ifni Frank Iwo rence, 12 Market .treet. Phoue 153. i413 OBITUARY zirJ.: A MRS. ANDREW ItOUGVIE Mrs. Audrew Ilougvie, who passed away at her home, Lighthouse street, on Bonder, IDetvinber 7tb, after a brief Illness, was held in peculiarly high esteem by her circle of friends. An alert and wellorajtivated mind combined with a kindly, cheery disposi- tion to make a charming pereonality, and her courage under the aftlietiou ot blindness which is.t.e bore for milky years endeared, her still furtbtr to thus* who knew her. Decesesed, who prior to her marriage was Mhos Mabel E. Jones, was born lu Indiana, her fatuity later removing to Philadelphia, where, with a abort interval at London, Out., she spent most of her early years. .1fter bee marriage she lived for some time at sarnia, where Mr. Rougvie was- IS business Ind some twenty-five. year* ago the (Ape to Goderivh, Mr. Roug. .Eggs and Butter Eggs, per ilea., 23e, :Pt', 35e; butter, Mike, lb., pc; better, creamery, lho 27c. Live Sleek . ' Bacot, hogs, cwt.. SIAM; beef, Ib., 4c -5e; veal4 lb., le -8e; lamb, th.. to Wheat, pe* % btelo 91-91.09i but•k- e heat, bus., (Mk; eat% 4ge-:45..; feed barley, bus., -55e-811e; salting barley, 80c -83e. li'egetables Potatoes, 'tee, 9(k-.$1.rsatt? Flour and Feed Bran, 100-1h. bag, $1 75; !shorts, 100 - lb. bag, $1.85; Maulteba flour, 100 -Ib. bag, O3.23---$3.75. THE FINEST FOR CHRISTMAS For those who %lob to give the fin- est for Christmas this year, E. C. Rob- ertson, jeweller, has a complete Ilat of lovely Bluebird and Lurie registered diamond rings. also beautiful modern toilet seta. SKATESG CARNIVAL Nevi Wednesday night will he a big night at the West. street skating rluk, when a grand pre-4-hriotuots carnival will be held. There will be cash prizes for costumes and raves and also for the oldest couple participating. A carnival ueen will be chosen and she vie engaging in the smile orchard busk - will receive a spetial prize. There nese on the itaytield road a few miles will be a mann „barge for eiseetaiara from ,town. and, tiest of all, there will be a full two hours' skating after- c r- the arnhal i is .1 private funeral service was coo - dueled by tiro. A. l'. ('alder, rector of St. tleorge's church, at the residence on Wednesday. The pallbearers were 11. 4'. Dunlop, 1)r. 1. 11. Mabee, l'hIlip Carey „and Percy Naftel. Tbe re-, mains were conveyed to London and laid in the !Couple faintly plot•Iii Woodiamiienuetery. , • • a _ jiJ A M EsS .1. CIOISHOLM The death ou Friday last of James A. Chisholm, of the 'Ate Shore road, Colborne, removed 0111of the known and teost highly regarded re- sidents of the toe iisints. *r. Chis- holm succumbed to a •troke, atter au AMuesli of over two years. Ile was lu Ihis sixtyoniuth year. The son of liugh 'Chisholm and his wife Ann Yourg, he was horn In Colborne .nel was a life- ai.resident of t,.... toeiuship. He j was a euecereful fairer and with the !assistance of his industrious family i he built up a forth equipuseet whicb is outstanding in the dhstrlet. For somel f;year• he was especially Interested in ;the breveting of Durham cattle. He • .hip council and hie advice on cons- '1Inunity and municipal affairs was a1 - ways received with respect. He mar- ried Miss Sarah Whaling of Stott- lford, who survives him, with three' 'sons and a daughter, sll In ('olborne 1tewnship. They are William. Jewels; and Hugh Chisholm and Mrs. William ; Meyer IJoseptsinee Also surviving' , are three sisters •nd • brother: Mral tiltfEttlIteltet(tegtel0C4110111111104MeCtetillEtIrteletCt(tCt(tCtCt(tCt4tCtCtCt(tCtOCE 1J. J. Moseeend Miss Jennie Chisholm of Goderich, Mrs. Ann Beeehler, of 1Port linron, and John Ctisholm, of Colborne township. A sister, Mrs.! William McIntosh (Elizabeth o and • ibrother. William C'hisholni, beth of ; tioderich, motes -eased him. , The funeral took Om* on Monday trimming from the family risililenee to 81. Peter's church, where requiem high 0 ma es wait sung by Her. thirty Ohio - 1 j holm of West Lorne. nephew of de - 1c,.'4. Iter.Fatheri. Nagle and Callon..! of Sr. Peter's, also wire preisrnt. In- , ferment WOO III the Colluirne Boman Catholic eemetery, the pallbearers be- ing %Intern Yraing, Ernest Young.' 'Clifton Austin. George Fuller& Leo !Chipholm and Roy Llnklater. In ad- ditIon to a large concourse from town and country. the following from a Ma- tinee were in attendance at the fun- eral: Mr.. Aran Basohler, Port ilurOa. I, Mich. : Charles Finnegan, William Whaling. Mr. and Mrs. Jo -'ph What- ' Ing. Mrs. Daniel Devlin, Mrs. Joseph Brennan and daughter Bromeo, Mho Marie Wtraling, Mr. Ferguson. Mr and Mr.. Dan Flannagan, Mr. and Mrs. X1101111 Thee. Values are Effective fee Irkambee 016. lad.. amid MIL. CHECK THESE! \ 1, NUTS' lb- .21 IN 911I (1 %Almond 5 HALLOW!. % Pates II 3 lb' .25 sFAN:( V "Mil I ti Figs 00 ft or SPkg .1 0 ii 1.1 ( II GRAPE JUICE no. .24 Ib. 25 IN SHELL Pecans lb' .23 111,1FSII "A Candy Rocks & Spoolt Jelly Boons rs Crinsm• C h\oe„oisi‘ Drops £rIb. 15 Satin Mixed 2 lb. .25 23c Super Values for Your etbriemat Mable („lassro's Pure Seville Orange Ito, •25 Dossiniou Choice nom" peas .25 Maple 'Leaf Pure 1-1b. 15 Pkit • — Bright's Fancy---iim 2 -Tin Peaches2F°r .31 liaysidr Pack 11 -oz. Jar OnVeS kat 'lath"' 023 Itrown Label Black '4 -Ib. Pkg. Saladia Tim .31 i_hristie's &sorted IV. Creams all/Mina 17 113CLaren's Assorted Jelly PM' e14 Australian seedless Raisins 2 ob...2 Re -Cleaned Currants 1b. a14 Box CheeelateS•95 1 hriitie's MuriasctateL439 %lintDinah -so 2!5'S TM Molasses ••111; (iten,..s,‘S flips 15-nt. Tin Aft 5 Asparagus.A FRESH NAVEL ORANGES 19 17 doz.-29c doz.-34c dos -59c dos EXTRA SPECIAL CHRISTMAN lifiAd CANDIES 2 lbs. eel iko ' 33c MRS; RE-ELE('TE11) Mrs. Geo. W. uplinan was re-elected president of tilts 3untor W. A. of 51. George's church wliee the annual meeting was held In the pariali hall on Monday afternoon, and Miss. Belle Brocklebank and Miso Beth Schoen - hats were named as her assistaMs. Mies Helen ildean lo secretary for the coming year and Miss Madeleine Viek- . e . year reported a oueeosoftil year Ilnase eialle and lu work done for Alexandra (API a andeanlilIr 041104111._. • • teteteteetetetweevetestormematemetwom Christmas Gift Suggestions rottiespondenoe Cards, Papeteries Linen anti K11 from 25e to $5.00 Parker's, Water man's, Sheaffer's PENS and PEN CIL SETS At all prices DINNER SETS make an ideal Gift for Christmas 96 -piece Sets $14.95 , BOOKS for everyone In the family Children's. Fiction. Itibleo. Prayer and Hymn Books LADIES' HAND BAGS ni leather, from $1.50 to $7.50 See thein e. Waste Baskets and 'swim Beaked The very latest. 50o and $1.06 See our Pictures and Mottos In all sizes at 25c sad up This Store invites you to collie in and look around. You will find we will make you very welcome. MARE THIS YOUR CIIRISTMAS STORE COLE'S BOOK Si ORE The Square Goderich teitetettgletaitintMCMCIVOCKWAVIVIN CARD or THANKS MRS. JAS. CltifflIOLM ASti ILY, who!' to fruiter their grati•ful tbeinks /for the many kindlICA:WM ud eepremions of in/malty received in !bele beret' vement, a uki pa rtieularly to them ho lent their iars for the faaesal. CHARTERS:El ACCOVNTANTS . MONTEITH. MAL fil'IFLEY HOLM48, Barrister, Ete. Otliee--Court 'Houses, *skid& Telettheae 33. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. 1 Harrisster and- Solicitor - 011Me--Ilasallton Street. Galselek. Telephone fill NEW M. LEE, Barrister and Solicitor Chartereil .10countent Sas Life Building, Adeloide and Vic 91) Ontario street, F:tra.fird, Ontario tette Streets, Toronto 2. (Member Firstbruel, Melovel AL Mon. lepbone. 3/01. 401th. Toronto, Ontarie.) -m.asmiev mow* varEam.tivi SURGEON sj--- 0OV0ISM8 PIACTITIONER MeNEE. -At Alexandra hospital, -01111- . edit, on Wednesday, December Mh, to Mr. and Mro. Earl MeNee, 3.'Auburn. a daughter. BARGER. -At Alexandre hesphal, GOAkriekl. Sani May. December 12th, to Mr alt Niro Howard Barger, It It 1. Port All.ert, a daugh- 'DR. G. E. MYERS, V.A., 11.V.8c., VETERINARY SUM:EON Graduate of the Unireralty of To- roWo and Ontario Veterinary College. Ciffice it T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton street. Phone.: Day 2016; reohleoce 249W.4. ter. DIED CHISHOLM. In Colborne township. on Friday, Deeensher Ilth, James A. Chisholm, in his lillth year. Goderich townohip, on Sunday, Deeember 13th, Amelia Ede Kirkpatrick, WI/ow of the,late Wil- liam J. Wilson, in her lEth year. LN MEMORLAM JOHNSTON.-le leving memory of., MEDICAL AUCTIONEEEENG rimiOr ItAt'TOR AND DletYGLIOSS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 Equ4pped with eiretro-magoetic baths. Electronic electrl- treatments 1and hiroprsetle. Chorale, organic and nervous diseases. Lady In at- tendanee Ittate hours 2 to 3 and 7 Ito 8 pm. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday. and on Wedoemlay 10 to 12 CID. 0111j, or con.sUltitl.ni way be had THOMAS GUN -DRY. OODERICH, LivE-irroari-Axia amigrAr._ by aPP°Intment' AUCTIONEER r. Telepbooe No. 119 A. N. ATKIN*" Salto attended to anrwbere and eve y 1 Resides..e sad onice-O-orseir ad effort made to eve satisfaction. r South!'street and Britansila roat 1 - Moods.; an•L Thursday at 1litchelL Mary townie Johnston, who peewit away Deeember 20th, 1935. If we could epeak with her today. Laugh with her in „,the....eame uld way, To hear her voice, to see 'her simile: - Then life to us would be worth while. -sadly missed by D.LUGHTER MOTHER, FATHER AND FAMILY. • WANTED • CI RL , 18. WANT$ PoSIT114N. AT tabotesework in respectable honk.. Ap. ply by letter to THE SIGNAL. , MilISE.-MOSPITAL TRAINING- ileants patients in own home, or will nit. E. J. R. manta. EYE. EAR, at NOSE, THROAT. 1Ate HOMO Bargain' New York iOnathalmic and Rural Hospital, as- *dant at Moorefield Eye Hospital land Golden Square 'rarest Hospital. London. F:ng. EVES TEWPED. GLASSES SI'PPLIEI) 'et Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 217. - Next *left Beille,rd Hotel, Godorick, Wednesday, December 23rd, from 2.30 1111 9 p.m. may. - - - - 4 EXECUTE'S MIA go out by day. Rate-. reinionable. JEAN Mat -D1 sNA ,‘Itlyth. Ont. Phone 1311. P O. 121. rola SALE L'OR SA LE. -TRA I LER ( TWO 1 wheel), Dew tires and stock rack; capacity 1800 lbo.; In arat-class con -1 XFJCUTOR'S SALE. Take notice that on Friday, Doom- ber lSth, 1936, at 10 o'clock a.m.. tbere wilt be o ert e by p11 - tate auction at the once of F. R. Darrow, Solii.ltor, Number 3/2i Tbe Square, In the Town of Gotierich, estate ro ert bein all and singular INSURANCE, LOANS, licKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE 'MIER- = ASCE 00.-Irarm and isolated town property insured. Offieers-Alex. Breadfoi4, President, Seeforth; John E. Pepper. Vice -Presi- dent, Itrovegeld; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary • Tres su ref.. Sea fort h. Directori-Alex. ,adfuot, Sea - forth ; James Sholdice, Walton; Wm Rnies, loradroboro; George Leonhards. Dublin; John E. Pepper. lirueetield JIM,* Clinnonv, Goderi.h; rheum,* %Wan. sestorth: W. it. Archibald. Araforth: M. -Ewing Itlyth. Agent- W. J. 1.9., It It 3, clinton Janie, Watt. Myth: John E. Peetler. R.R. 1, Bruce -field; R. F. McKereber. R.R 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; It. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Bern - bol m. Perky -bolder. eau make all pay- ee -Tito and get their ear& reeelpted at the It.oal Bank, Clinton. Calvin Cutt's Grooery. King -eon .trcet, Goderieb, or Jr Iteld's General Sr.re. Bayfield ordon Finnevin, all of etratforoLesed-rtil.._11°11- ,,,P171436 a MEAT __EASICW__. I Pi g Mr. and Ifr-.. John Cbleholm, of at tat'• liabiser ntfbelittwolwnigtof Godelftekt Aug ugt Inc. for stubboi.nWilif.,,.„..gp for iinfoc'wxlainwiworecobint: One Hundeed and Twenty-three (173), room. and hathroom. tlundred and Twenty-two (1224 litirli•k I se on Nelmon .treet. Usti -SE FOR SA LE.- TWO-STORY Eight land more parttcuarly described as 0)141 1whole of Lots Running Numbers Ono ; Gallriatinan *ampere . to make someoue bappyl nese himpers are made up of fh,minv,o's regular high gpality FRESH mer handise, coutartung srnde variety ,1 fresh tom. parked in •ttracto, oolplay hove.. The., hamper, are ;lade up 01 vari,,ua prices nr you earl have one put up to suit your fancy 111 lump,' delivered free m Imme- hate ,Icinity. '1'3 '4 '5 YOU NEED, to -When You're Chilled 2 -At Bridge Parties 3 -When You're Tired 4 -At Bedtime • ti Or- '. 4- 9 TINS OF 10-234 1 -Warming 2-Plessing 5.--Piek• you up 4-Sooshi•g i. MItqiiViatidIR(itiatillIMAGIORWIR(1111011/0111MOVIIRGIOUM PROVED BY 2 GFNERATIONS Smith's Art Store 1, the ter) place to celeetb-ju4 the (Mir ;410 want for mem one --- 104.1) English thins Plates, at 10e, 20e, 2.ie, 35e, 54)r DOJO) I up. and Saucers from lie up to $1.50 RE VI TIF1 I, V'I(T(RES artlatirziII framed et 2.1e. 35e. 50e, 75e. $I.00 nm --end nothing elites such la•ling pleasure ao A good l'I('TI RE. IIIRIOT11 15 ( 1R1)5 from le lop to 2Se INDIES and POINT,NETTI • /vet pop In and Fee all lb* pre, things., Wtpeek tree all retitle and 14, Saiti's Art sad Gift Store EAST ST. PHONE Itage. Apply at SIG4AL OFFICE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1140TICE To CREDITORS. INotice Is hereby given to all persons hiving any claim against the estate of James Holland, late of the town of (lode!** In the county of Huron, who ;died on or about the 20th day oj No. rember, 1936, to send same to tire nu- clei -feigned 013 or before the 18th day of December, 1936, as on and after tbat Idate Nae executors win t proceed to j make distribution of the said estate, having regard only to the claima then filed. , Dated December 2nd, A.D. 1934. HAYS & IlAY8, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor, gee the Keecutors herein. 111/x (6), and the east half .or Fifty-three (53), together with all the legs erected thereon. TERMS -Ten per cent. in cash de posit on the date of gale; balance pay- able in ten day.. from tiie date of sale. Subject to a reserve bid and to with - d wal. or partleulara apply to F. R. 11.1.11. , Executor. TI i941 RE P.111OENT TI418 TEAR, a 11 Aleinintt against the Town of Goderioll Hope be rendered at once. 1.-KNION, Town Clerk. Na NI I NAl'It IN MEETING, DISOEM- 2:sth. 1 Tow‘siiiP 010,colmoltNe - - Nominations fur ItPerP and Conrail: 10fti for the Town/ship of Colbornsieet lossr 19(17 will he received TewasItip Mil, Carlow, on Mondit-Y,' December 2Rth, 1411110, from 1 to 2 o'ciest nm. M a poll is required, the eleetlou he held on January 4th, UM. WM. SALLOW, Clerk. RADIO Modern Testing..Equipment 1. lorato triedsle in all raaksok of Radios. TCRES TESTED in your own bease-EREIK J. H. FOWLER LAI/I0 SERVICE 61 Britannia Road Phone !84W The Royal Bowling Alley WEST STREET, GODERICH Them Alleys are being run under the auspices of the Goderich Lawn Bowling Astiticiation, with Mr. :act' Assist sa-mannier. - whIrte-rerreetv-talse talpression which Is abroad drat the *Heys are for the me of Soirling Cliff ramnbers.only. Such if not thee's& We cordially lathe all who wish to indulge Ia this health- ful reereatkr, and to take part In the many tournameste wide§ SRI • be put on during the winter mouths. Y • There will be a eemalentlen for ladies mei 'Thursday alestat 3 p.m sharp. Special retell foi ladies -it games Marc. .0n Tear day algilt of peels week there -will be a doubler townsman for mtgs. Thio ik to h.. knoWnmr"chIcligi night." k • .1 fine turkey will be elven In each emu (ladles Mid nests) tot the Iliglie•-t 'Angle some turned In between Deeernber 7th and novem- ber 24th ineinsi.e. These score. /molt 1* bowled in enmpetitIon with one nr noire ployero. The closing hour will he 11 pas. (sharp De- cemtvr 24th. Math month a prize of $10 will Inc played off for by those play- ers scoring 300 nr more durlpg the month. Ladies' and gents' leagues are help& formed of team. ennoisting of three players per team, with one substitute only. Team. wish. Ing to enter will 1144411111P ba na in their entry to Mr. Jack Annat. Goderich Limit Bowling Association • 7 F. HLWIT. President • 17 1 OS. • dr.",SIS-Mpsiospiessmos-os, • 4