HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-17, Page 91 For Christmas Shoppers What more suitable Clift iii there than one that will be Put to oonato,nt OAP end thbe u continual reminder of the • Giver? • • -.4:41 • • YOU WiLettelrerits:at W. -HER S!SHOE" STORE --- Ma; w e r+ug«Put a -pair or • Blippent---fur curry wtvuber uC file family Velvet Furitriu►nrcd-Holoshen rpt affi 4MuIt1Ptl'a, mosses, l ritild' Mita. • t1 Wool .k%rtwy I"ur•t ilunN'd (lnloshea for wiiinen. Iyvegiuc'uhta or MIraj Slippers fur wo'titen. One, two, or four-tniekle Overshoes for stet amd.bo Overshoe" with Zijry►t•r Fasteners for wen: Travelling Goods \1'e hove a 'titur,k of the most up-to-date Travelling Goods on the market, eonsiatiog of Isddies', )ressing Cases, Over -night l'ase:J.Liut) Bags, Whetstone Bolts, Suit rases, etc. Special prices quoted on our entire .stuck. YOU can save. dollars by buying your ('bristtdas.Qifts or Footwear ne4d11-'tot Ws Hern's Shoe Store The Square Goderich a • THE SIGN NILE NILE, I►qc. 13. -Mr. and Mr . tiro 'I'wawlt•y, of Ashfield, visited on Sun day with the latter's parrots, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. bkcauu - Hr. and Mr.. Harry hull, of Oven. Alberta, .{sent a rrntple of days 111.1 DERICH, 0 Sunday Afternoon • • By ISABEL HAMII.TIIN Ooderich. Ontario week with for lady's eoarin, Meg. T U mean may seem this house of clay Nlxou. Yet -'Swan the Lord's alsek ; • Yaster Murray-Jobnetdu, roti. of Mr. (Jur bet lily !mourn this thoruy wgi, and Kr". llunard-JuZastoL'Tip quilt y0 pro Emmanuel trod. 111 with pneumonia. We bopst9e hint i. r speedy movers.. - Our very frailty trings U 'Iwttr r Mr. and Airs. l'artueu reagin and tato the `!ar[d art hrltven ; trails visited VIIt3uuday wltb Mr. Tu every. grief, M every peer,• r1 pawl wrote. two letters to •'1.tpoth,) and Mr'. Stanley \'austone..:' Such glory rtrlage.is giveu. me whom he bad placed ata set'etnttgvll.t Cuugratulatious to Mr. and Mr.. for twe years at Ephesus.. ,in today'.i~j Karl MtNee wt the arrival ut'a little O mighty grate+ our life .td tire, lerwon lie Karns Timothy_ jo withdraw' To mike our earth divine: ' hlums•if from wen of corrupt, -untruth- daughter un N'tslsetslay; 1)attmbcr p mighty grace, Thy heaven to, give. Uth. Iful winds glveu over •ts perverse di. And Sift our Iife''tu '!'blue. Aiwa. utlu s The rather he urges him to Mr. Ed. Nlxoa and JMiar Stella Mc-. -T. 11. 1111E ! p g 'g` s day with' the fortner's brother, 3dr. s. s.. urssoN FoR Dix. 27. 1,36 nom and Adam of lktnuybrook, visit:AI on Mon. ' • . . . , !cultivate rlghttwlwttestl add true hull.to.cuattuue the good tight of In his w•aond letter he mem• Paul Sreta,411s Homan prison house to ; !Paul friend l'hllemem In Ololoemte, ttue.twus bad brru au uuprofltable scream. alas beeuwt a thief before ruunlug away. uu reat-hlug Rome to became owe of 1'aul'a converts and naw 111. duty was lo, return to hi- forwa•r waster. Paul maker his pia'.. to Philemon a petronal one. 'ft'4 tut lours sake, but'Mat Paul's to Philemon or Pbilemuu's to Paul alone, but !sic for tr'hele, that be reg"neals-S1b:aw.1• be taken lack. - ibr. 6 -Paul's Parting Counsels. -- ' l Thtaulh) 6:6.16; 11 Tinwthy 4:16-18.• -11 Tiar.tby Telford Nixou. The Sunday ilchool Christmas enter- ' talnme•ut will be gtvel on Wednesday evening. dlea•emb.r 115, hf the church. A Christmas service 111 be Deal in Nile church text !Sunday, D cemha•r 20, %%lieu Rev. D. W. Pomeroy win • Ike. 13--.lahn's %fabs on Patoaa t etre a epeeist Christmas message. IOet. 4 -The Alkttedottiart ('all. -Revelation 1:4-18. -Act. 16:6-15; Romans 15:18- -mei/asthma 1:17, 18. 21. John had beau banished to the ls- HOLMESVILLE -Matthew 28:16. land of Patmos and there he hada vi- . When on the t11t% LO Imine.%• Paul aeon 111 which Jesus appeared to hem 110L31DSVILLE, 1)ec. 15. -Mr. was given a %Salon t Christ and his iu Ills glorified person.and gave him Norman Trrwartha was kicked by a lite work was changed. 11u lily Jour- a message to the ++t:j'tRi churches Of horse one day' fart week. Four vibe oey through Western Asha he .,was Asia. John fell down before Hun as wrrr knocked out of position. The given a vision in the night of a man one dead, but Jesus, the same kind young wan is impruclag nicely fret, f.rom..Europe Balling for help and his friend, laid Illy hand upon . him, what might have proved to be fatal jplace of work wan changed. Ile be- raised him mend *lake to him say - laws the Apostle to the Gentiles in in I aot�tii* that IN•eth, and was iraimintdmanzuvramtanriannmsra WHITECHURCH his Ston George, of Westfield during T.pte-Itrcle f The Spread of tions hi. trial before Nero and how Cbajatlanity in southern Eunme• all his t'hrtstiau friends forsook him Lamm Passags`Hrbrrw, 2:1-1; 11.32 but God stood by him and encouraged -12:2. him to witness for Jesus even before Q.lden Teat -Revelation 11:15. ;the emperor. tM• past week. and the new store- tulurlrs e I t. •i keeper, Mr. McLean.of Gowanstowa, Mr. 11 g • Ma :11 th _!sited relit- l Europe and, afterwards when writing dead a rod behold 1 am alter for ecer- W5fiT»'Ill 11111, liee.,1a. )Irs. H laud his family were moving here on tires and friends to that neighborhood1te the Rot-' w hr spine of the sum more and have the keys u[ hell and J Ross *pent a few days last week In i Monday.- 111bs oommuafty is going to for a few (lava last week. Ile rr teas of this .%or► and gate all the death."• 13eaforth, at the home of her brother. ;•miss Mr. W(ghlmau and Mlaa May, tunw•d on Friday W Toronto, where Iglory to Jcstls Christ. Dee. 214 -The Supreme Gift of Lela. Mr. l:ertrgr' Haigh. '', but wish thew the beet of health 'sad Ott. 11-1ferotning a ('tleistian. (I Itri+lnatt l.esalou). . l be and ]Its Mrcldath spud each aim Mr. aril Mn John Kilpatrick awl' g'a'd times art their new home: -.arts 16:"2 -:ti; i('hilipplarts ' -I John 1:7-19. children, of l.ucknow, visited•at thel. hire at Usr•lt.-Mr. Daniel 0'0 11- ter. Mrs Wit! Jervis, who underwent au I� 3:7-14. r,- %c ::1L h. home of her p.arsnts, 11 r. and Mrs. Wm, !alien pasted away at his house lo i)r Diaration in ('lanton hu.pital recently.` ' -A 16:31. In their. sena•• John sets furl the HnMnsrnl. un Freda last :troll on Saturday and is being burled Paul and Mlles had been n,ughlc duty., power and tutluetwe ref ere. y•1s rapidly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mare-wrrr' is .:t. Augustine Roman Catholic Mrs., Albert•Pk'kard it quite 111 with treated and thrust- into prlwtu smut- 'rids Pi a taverite subject with Jle►hn+1 tailed to 1'olliugw(vod last week on ar laemete-ry on'Tursday mundu Rev. ( madly; but Cowl shade use thew the beloved disciple. - count of the;lianas of their f a severe told. We hope flat rhe gra11grFF'atber Martin w-Il�cr.barge of the' all soon 1 moll 1 there ami the presettingis of the word daughter, Marie r seals. pppa Slug ars., services. Besides his wife furwrrly I A apiarist -Christmas 1 oma ne +' III he itq t6.• a'nitluus Jailer resulted in the tpw• r r m r nr• + 11AI'`EKING Moore %111 %A -it there Mi. week. :Nellie Iteswond of Ashfield. he leaves held In the church Sunder. 1)e.s•mher 4corrvenr(on art him ami his family. Jo mourn bleu thew• ams, J.a and ' c ( I From .wall la•gintilugs a . Lurch adds guile :. winder fn m Khdos at -20 .Ili choir !s busy ere w.rI g 4'brlrt- I \I.\F1a:iNe;. Ihc. 11 - Slrs. �r . Frank of Ik'troit and William of Ol- I formed to Philippi and !enol after- the .duos.• at I�ntg•111a• Du Frl mar muds fur the occasion. I Naylor, of Lmcknow, spent u few r day r•%eairn:. lana, and two daughters, Hex Fd. (hiwand+. wrote to ths•w from Konw• me N"adnrsrlay,-Ihi�•wls•r :K• a I MO week oil!' )Ir. Hud Mrs.. ingh •M"nahau of Detroit Mrs. Frank spring them of• his interest in them The Sunday school children of ('ctrl- 1 i!Chrlitmur enlrrtaiuweat will be bred � Mc•unn. merw Presbyterian church are holding O'Shea of Detroit, +Iso (vnr ahpter, Mrs. and. his purpoee In spire of ls•r,o•e•u- yg Ile the thtlrch at K p.m. (bme sed Mlrs Mary Alton, / ,teric . 1'oruerr, 1'a rick $uJllrin Of Arht%.ld. 'fromI flim to (nerve them. Ile Iodated out their Christmas concert thlr FYldns, ' enjoy the Chritllmrs musk and alleles tethrued t.. heti home, on Saturday, g Whose Dom.: the funeral' wilt hr held II',that he had but one aim :n life. .ay evening: K.�. No. 10 are Mddln their s. flirt erru(ng. • holing spent the mist three weeks eon..•rt in the hell an Monday. Iseceln-'and two brothers., Throe children pre- v. P. 1•. N.tTM- Y.I'.1',. bvi11in*: "I pre.* towards the wart for elsltiig r-lariras. the prize of ti,.. high • an itg Of (lode. her '-'1. and N V No. ll. lewd Nnwa••dnllised hldt. TM• many_ friends of an Int. • •sllug in ting F !day 'night : \lr and \t r:, t'nsl Audorsan, of nosh. will Hold their concert In the' the famlly-tn this community'rxtea4 which was hi i'hrit 3a.tt. 1„ to r y prepared by. Alma 11.:thur• t yb spent Monde With Mr.'unel Mra. *school on the evening of TM•.emb.4 n. swp:ub% to them in their bereave. the+ missionary couveuer. After/he Rev. J. Pollrs•k and DMI itwn, Jack,':n.iut. f opeiang hymn the presiding othrr•r led motored to :Sarnia nn Mmirtay tart ' • 'lar prayer. Kenneth Trewartha read Oct, Ill -Tile S sk.0 ad the !!brit.. K. .1- Kllpatrle•k. Wim' and Mrs. Tho*. Ferguson, 01 -lets 17 a. 5-11: 1 '1 ho aal.n- 4 O. V OMFICBRB FUR 1137 1a+are+; stent Sunday with Mr. and The r hoop e•hlldren of this district I • I the deg on, which was followed by lass 247-12. airs. tonere Phillips. -Heibr ewe 4 :12. enjoyed tlw holiday on Monday. .1 E. 1'. 1`kveland again heads. i..(1.L'tommenta ou the Scripture. Afters I Mr. and Mrs, itlram Moffat mall • Moine leen driven out -of Philippi l Mrs. 14.E Patten, of Immo; ,grrttt Na. tftt1, this hetng his vr•ond year. brueint sia dlscumelon (;rat* HarMatbj children, of Union, spent the week - few at the home of Tole Installation war r.tOductwl b Paul and Ailgs went to TMrr+aloaiea dav►�ast--weraky Rare an interesting' and appropriate lend with Jlr. and air*. Richard John - bet met with great favor among the h.r mother. Mrfi. A. Rot. WOr. Bro. J. W. hell on 1)eember Ib, I folie, "l'hrlsti as in 111s Name." The dw it' ('rake n'-" mule " re - I etim M and M J D. 1(e'e•rof Wer the followingracers twine Installed: meetingelo.4•4 with a hymn and the1"1 M Th W M M. U. Cleveland D. M. J B. Mf b benediction. It Is hoped that and Mr. and Mrs. Vert ',lover, of .oda amount of the redone ,ondtiion of Adam.: chaplain, R: Bloomfield : R.A.,'the weather and the condition of the!atlrred up opposition anti they were of t Id upside' - r r• s v - n -. - Mr. and Mrs. H. e'urran. Kirk took a torn for the hitter, how- F. S., J. McNeein: marshal!. J. anazel; tending the meeting will's. e•k, whichdown. They left and lagan again In Nothing meld daunt- their Mr. Mr*. t e y r. and Mr*: Jar.'Hlsner find Nola, eared the gospel ala s.nge• ihtt envy el £t to ll'if itttb on uvular tart zpa 't De ' Stratford, Spent the• week end wKh • acetified turning the woe 1 I' her father.Ile Andrew Kirk. Hr, 'J. M. Huhn r, treasurer. J. Lincklns, road. will not prevent anone gum at Itlake's young folks are busy pre - ever, and Is Improving. first leeiurer. T. ityan: w•eond lector- will he eomluetrd by the eiliaenaI Ip Bei' g iprring for their Christmas tree, which "Orate. for they were not men pleas - Mr. rhe. Ntghtmaa has been mor- ' er. D. fiehwaaa; first committee man, t convener, Harold Yen. This -will be tern but servants of God in writing twill be held in the Mr. hall on Wednesday. w�e km his Maur- itraltpre M oke borne of A. McN.iln. tbe Christmas me•ttng of the 8oe•lety i la f A h IWringM r ard. i"t+P -.min. - -are 'hursday, December 1711, 1} --•� This C':,ristrnas meson We will have -h choice yloek sot Seaaottattle t'ut ('lowers, itlan a.fmod-«tock of It'Io y rittg-Plallti auelt as 1'uinxt'11nt,, 1'�'elanl:en. Azalias, Begonias, rte:. CHRISTMAS WREATHS for Memorial and home De-eorstion at reason- able prices. --Wc telegraplt Flowers to any part of the World - GEORGE' STEWART PHONE 106 GODERICH meortoctivetectmcwwwwictettentotecectc Grand Christmas CARNIVAL at the West Street Rink, Goderich Wednesday, December 23 7.30 p.rn. � � CASH )�PRIZES 4t(�4 ►j Roy. -IS • atld Ire $I.no $ 30 I:irl•.---la and ler 1,1111 511 11r.ys ot,-r fifteen 1.111 • 1.00 thrls (vier fifteen 2.W1 1.00 •(idem Couple on Skater 2.00 -MI'E('I.'41. PKI%F: 1(111 TIIE CAKNI'4'Ale Q(7r.1:N- K.11.10.8 Iloys.-lU year•s old uttelaI-, :t laps $ .�$ $ .25 larhe-10 years and under, : laps ... 71 25 ho)e-16 'ears and ler. 6 hon..... , 75 25 Girls. -16 )eau and ler, 1 Lane....;* 75 , 25 Itoys outer 16sgean., K laps - - .. 1.00' 56 Girls burr 16 yrar•s, 6 laps 1.81 5e 1:111 111.1, 1-141.1% 141 uutli Nlonda% night, Deeembee 21 !lust tw• five ,•art viva in esti! race - Adults 25c ' Children and Spectators 15c SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE E. R. WESTON, Prop. `to the Thema Ion n* rcun t enc Pant refers to his preaching and mode KeC",%awl►`)� "rwVV1wVVw w"•t►"v► ►w •f►ti0aSsit* •fryE "ft► 1•r4avlaVrl►C Ks +%latenabledinbin1.ytoh1 alrw tesiim ny GIFTS FOR ALL Only Six More Shopping Days Until Christmastrovvemecevetwoctortemovirvetweetiec�a�ctepp QQ HOT WATER BOTTLE $1.1 9 PIPES, CIGARS _�pIOA�'i OWESLIGHTERS, TOBACCOS • CLOTH BRUSHES COMPACTS 50c to $1.50 ZACE ELLE, 300 sheet .. 23c D je�tiss Perfume 25c vials Pocket size THE GIFT FOR MEN - Williams' Set r ...$1.00 RO -"$6.95 GILLETTE $1.00 to $6.00 COTY'S FACE POWDER .... 89c FATHER NEEDS A LATHER BRUSH 50c to $5.00 FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL SETS - $3.50 to $7.50 • ' ATIONERY-Christmas Zips 35c to $1.00 DRESSING COMBS POCKET COMBS 15c Yardley's Set 85c CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES Boxes 25c, 50c, $1.00 PERFUMES- Houbigant's Quelques Fleurs $1.00 Bourjois' Ashes of Roses $1.00 PLAYING CARDS 39c, 49c, 98c Brownies and Rodaka,•all prices -Visit the Drugstore First- . POCKET BOOKS CARD CASES CUTEX SETS for Sister 35c, to $4.25 CHRISTMAS CARDS 5c up MANICUtIE SCISSORS 35c TOOTH BRUSHES . ..'25o THERMQ' OS BTLES BATH SALTS BATH SOAP BATH POWDER " BATH OIL BATH BRUSH CLOTH BRUSHES, el$ony _ -•-the Toon`( Man's Razor-- OILL1l1''1'E with ten Bladen 59c natural $1.98 everywhere h. (luted hitt risen Lord. (kt.. 25 --Christianity As Live. -Arts 18-1.4:--t--Cerathisi x- 13:1.13. i-1 (lorinthiaus 13:13. Paul diseur.tc I love under the title bf charity as expreswsl an the 13th ebapter oflt t rinthians. 10- Lid heard tbe people of Corinth -{.:eking elo- quently and summed it nil up as sounding brass Sid 11 tinkling cymbal because of the alr,entc of the spirit ofd love. N. 1 -law. love and Temperance. .-Resaltrse 13:1-14. Romans 14:21. f.oce 1a the fulfilling of the Law, therefore Love i•• the Divine principle of right living. t'aul ,tresis. this In writing to the Romans about their duties to magistrate' and those 1n air thorlty over them Ile enjoins upon them to render to all their dies: to owe no mon anything tmt to love one another, for this le the Ideal life. f.oce worketh no evil to h4• neighbor; therefore lore to the fulfilling of the law. Nee. 6 -The Christian Warfare. -Arta 19:11.12, 18-26; Bphe- sfatw 44-43.41111e---- -F.phenlana 6:16. Paul stayed for over two year with t the Christian (-urch at Ephesus and .. afterwards when o prisoner it Rome sent them te letter full of admonitions. A part of thl. letter iMalt with the armor they moat wear am (Christian soldiers They must put on each piece with prayer and eontlnue In fer- %ent snpplientiont against ihr wile. of the dee;!. Nov. 15 -The heroism of Chrhetlan Faith. -tete 21:1!. 13, 27.34: Ro- mana 9:1-5. i -John 13:13. :After twenty year. of strettonn. merrier for his master. I'anl journeyed to .lernsolein_Lo-o aeric the taunt of Pentecost. While there he toot the agility of Si. Jaynes and gate proof Atli • nl4 odller tree to the Law!;, or Mnmem 1 though _preaching 10' the Gentiles: fie was arrested by, it mob 'stirred hp i - ' by him entmlea from F.phestts. After ftj tribi 1• n long time of trial before .MRerc8f ltnls'he w•aR sent to Rome to ip. " Nev. a twit 1letOrP ` 22- AntAutilinnis .r In Chain", ./' -filets 28:1'x'24, X), 81: Ro- marts 5 :66--11. -Philippians 4:13. Kt. 1'inl by hl. long imp / - ®I' ` did per - In Caesareaanti Rome 'welt et liberty to p r �1 rnna•h to ern .er . (Sneer In svnatttgues, hut b *opal ev*ngellantlon. The imtrdine film. the pimple coming a - hint wet, . tnhe the gostml Alen' •ntel iyzeven the honsphold of the ('at•nrs seas btemwrd by hi, tnllnetiiie end soul. el ew nn e wrote era remain with not Find liewettvisn'tmehtetlr•eastst • natetulr?or the (botch or. Ii Ares. • ' Nev. 111-('lrriatlan WOr pryore Phone 45rugitore =etp Phone19 Drugstore Phone 1 D, ngstore Phone 90 Plellesann 12n 1 a • Lauder's - Dun1op's = Camp•ell's TT t h left flintw�gl�s�TwirMN. 14-.(iaLttlanm 3:2g. to/,+ !ct debet f too r 'eretoOtrr Nte eg leiteof amnty n Lehnlf wsy stlate ens pPnnr gt. 411 a. ._Beautiful and Practical - Call at the HYDRO STORE and see all the electrical con- veniences that you can obtain at a moderate price IRONS - TOASTERS VACUUM CLEANERS GRILLS PERCOLATORS CURLING IRONS HEATERS WARMING PADS LAMP STANDS Electric Flat Rate WATER HEATERS. Etc., Etc. What about that Electric .Range' your ,,.wife -has set her heart on? • -THE BEST - IN ALL COLORS AND STYLES The Hydro Store ..IQUARE AND COLBORNE STREET GODERICH 4,.te - •.