HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-17, Page 5Wishing Our Customers and Patrons A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year FOR HIM—! WEHAVI•PULL LINE OP SUITABLE CHRDITMAS GIFTS FOR TRH MAX WHO $MOW HOT MEAIS and LIGHT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS FOR HR ! MARINE LUNCH Goderich J. 8. SHAM, Prop. West Street tectemeiveveateettateretteateiew VW BA YFIELD • HAYFIELD, Dec. 10.—Mlle Mary Wldcombe has returned from Wind- sor, where she was visiting her 'is - ter, Mn: Pyre, for a few weeks. Yr: lswrenee Fowlle, of London, sad Mr. and Mrs. Kellor, of Zurich, were guests of the Misses Fowlle uu Sunday. Mrs. Moorbouse and daughter have returned from a trop 14 London. A poolroom was opened on Tuesday by Chester McGillivray In the build- ing formerly -used as the postale*. Mrs. Oblin Campbell, little Miss Carol and Master Donald, of Stanley town- ship, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Mary McKenzie. W. A. OSeers. -The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary df Trinity cburcb, Bayfield, was held at tbe rec- tory on Thursday. December 10th. The reports read showed a succe.aful Winter Clothes THE NEWEST STYLES They are here for your inspection EVERYTHING IN MEN'S WEAR --`i Chas. Black East Street and Square OODERICH year., The following officers were elected for 1937: President, Mrs. W. G. Bugler; rice-presldent, Mrs. -Geo. King; secretary. Mrs. E. Moorhouse; treasurer, Miss E. Cameron: Dorcas secretary, Mn. F. W. Baker; Living Message secretary, Miss C. Wldeowbe. Blbie Ssefety Asmual--A service in the interests of the Bayfield branch of the I'pper Canada Bible Society was held at St. Andrew's United church on tionday evening. In the absence of the pastor, the service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Mongan or Clinton, who took for the telt of • Most inspiring address the words of Romans 1:18— "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, of (.'hrl.t ; for It la...the power of God unto salvation to every one that be- llevetb ; to the Jew drat and also to 'tbe Greek." The speaker stressed the power of God in the .world today,. A united choir of the three churches of the village led the praise and sang the anthem "In the Book," under the leadership of the organist, Miss Gladys M. Gale. At the close of the service the annual meeting was held, at which Dr. Dougan also prselded. Mra. R. Scotchmer read the secretary's report and also the financial statement of the year, which was passed by tbe meet- ing. Mr. F. A. Edwards was re- elected president ; and Miss Lucy Woods was elected to ell the office vacated by Mrs. Scotehmer, wbo has been a utast efficient secretary -treas- urer for the past nine years. it is tbe thinkable things of one Ven- eration that become the workable things of the next. The little boy had been disobedient. His father told him to go to bed, and be would come up later end settle accounts with him. Before getting into bed the child knelt down and said, "Please God, 1t you really do want to -help 1 Little boy In trouble, now's your chance!" THE SIGNAL AMID EZET R WIDOW Asks Lwow .tw I Haw/--Hi.Ysad Len Maw Largay to Others .tit application under the Depen- dents' Relief Act was beard by Judge T. M. Costello on Friday last, in whisk Mrs. Jane Terry, eighty -three-year-old resident of Exeter, sought an increase In the bequest left her by her husband, tbe late Richard G. Terry, carpen- ter. Of the estate, valued at $30,000, Mrs. Terry was to receive real estate valued at $1,360 and 9175 per year, The remainder of the estate, valued at 128,381, on being converted Into cash and a monument purchased tor bis gave and a fond established for the upkeep of his cemetery plot. was to be invested In interest -yielding cer- tificates, the revenue therefrom to be divided equally among brothers, eh" tern, nephews and nieces of deceased. Addreems of several relatives are un- known. o-known. A. R...Terry, of Atwood, and Jas. Terry. of Moost Dennis, executors of the estate and nephews of deceased. expressed willingpess to have the be- quest to Mn. Terry increased. The will of the aged retired carpen- ter. who died on August lett this year, was written on June 14th, 1915. A VENTURESOME LAD Twelve -year-old Jack Melvor, who In the last few years, In varied accts dents, has broken an arm and a lee and fractured his aknll, on Sunday added to his list of mishaps by falling through the ice about seventy -Ase Leet from the beach. The adventuresome boy was clambering over Ice -hummocks when he stepped on a soft ,.pot, saving himself from a complete docking by throwing tats arms out as be telt him- self going. He 1s none the worse for the partial immersion. • RECIPE FOR OLD SUBSCRIBER In response to the request of ".An Old Subscriber" in last week's Signal, the following recipe for English pork pie has been banded in. Perhaps someone will give a recipe for onion gruel, for which also "Au Old Sub- scriber" asked. PORK PIE .� (Warwickshire Recipe) Cruet: 1 1b. lard, 14 lb. dour, milk and water ; pork filling, to every 3 ib. of meat allow 1 os. salt, 2% os. pep- per, small quantity cayenne. 1 pint water. - Method,: Rub into tbe door a rpor- tion of tie lard; the rematader put with sufficient milk and water to mix the crust, bpll this gently one-quarter hour. Yourwlt Dolling on the dour and beat and knead till perfectly smooth. Raise crest in a round or ovat form. (alt pork 1n pieces slue of nut, sea- son 1t in the above proportion; press compactly into pie, in alternate layers of fat and lean, pour in a small quan- tity of water; Laky on the lid, cut the edges smoothly round and pinch them together. Bake in a brick oven, slow- ly* as meat L very solid. To prevent the crust from falling handle sear fire, where It will be kept warm. As con- siderable dexterity and expertness are neem ar to raise the crust with the hand only, a Lissa bottle or mud jar may be placed - in the middle of tbs paste and the crust moulded on this. Proportloas for one pie: 1 lb. flour, 3 lb. meat. GQDERICH, ONT. Christmas In The +t. I(•...nolJrl on CHRI$T31A8 In the Rockies! i felt thrilled. excited, as our train wound Its way In and out through the mountains. thundering through the crisp, plum -scented 'Sir. Now, we were climbing an almost pre- cipitous grade, now. slowing down for a dangerous curve, while every Ilttle while as a stretching plain was reached, the steady hand upon the throttle sent the king line of cars speeding like an arrow through the height december sunshine. We were on our way to spend Chrlst- as with Uncle Jerry and Aunt Emma. 1'hry had sent •a hearty Invitation for ua to come out; and now we were al- most there. I held any breath at, the .herr beauty of the. ...elle that stretched before our rye NIoI,ntaltl peak - that seemed to bollen the sky. can „rats dropping thou .Mill', of feet. lake r"tcrell by glitter ink thjcknuxars of Ice, vivid green plow. booking illo giant Christmas trees. I had neve/ wren: never even aisualized anything .o beautiful. A loud shriek from the big whistle, a slow crunching and grinding of brakes; and Our train came to a atop. Uncle .ferry. rimy and smiling. stood waiting upon the platform• giving dad. mother. Helen and myself a true west- ern welcome. "Aunt. Emma la" 17"ex tied about, your coming." he beamed. A short drive through a wohderland of beauty. and the hog sprawling ranen house came In flight. Aunt Emma stood In .the doorway. and • cowboy, who was grooming a pony. looked curls ously at us. I wanted to look around - before going Indoors. hut tantalizing odors from the kitchen made me sud- denly realise how hungry I was. All was bustle and excitement, burry and preperatlon. Even the bones and ponies In the corral germed excited. as if Mey-sensed something In the air. The afternoon and evening went by on wings. l,-brlatnaaa morning dawned upon a world that looked even lovelier than It had yesterday. A million jewels bong on bush and tree. a sky of turquoise stretched Itself across .the snow-cov- ered mountains and valleys. Inside the ranch house s are. of crackling' lugs threw Its ruddy glow over the living waist. The dining table was spread with tempting fords. Break- fast of bow. -cured ham and sausage, fluffy flapjacks and syrup. steaming dot coffee with thick cream. Thea $ short drive to the little church. sn Inaplring talk by the pastor, and the strains of rhe raid andlwautit'll t'hriatias hyIrina ; arlghhors and cripod•,s1opping I' net a Jerry And %rant Emma to a lel, them Merry 'hristman." . Rack again •hrotytb the clear. frost') air. and In - Thursday, December 171b, 196. • J, . , . • . 4. 4. You Can Save Money at Blackstone's teVAIRVENEtetaitetliteitetetWEIVIIMOVEltantefeCtrefitalki 2 Stores -Furniture -Candy Cfjristmas Suggestiogs All new raereYaeiw Kindergarten Sea $2, PM CYe112ade Bwr;s.... , .... 125 up Reeking Horses sed Sea - $1,51 Card Tables 11.58, WO Mmgasine Stands $L49 Smoker, $3.50 Bridge Table and Four Oaks • 111.96 large Dell Beds 11.25 Kiddie Carr, special ne Bradlee' Wagenettas Alt 136 Studio Couches $21 Comgotare Rugs, 9 x 12 es Marrball 1MatM'esees, si+ecial for one week only 111 Dressers UP up .r What could be mon corplsts than a combination offer that gives you a clerics of your favourite magazines — Sends you your local nswspapsr—and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year—Why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means a real saving in money to y TAKE YOUR CHOICE! OFFER NO. 2 Three Magazines from Group 1 ind This Newspaper OFFER NO. 1 One Magazine From Group 1 and One Magazine From Group 2 and This Newspaper ❑ M41'- s (241u8 s) 1 yr. ❑ gMla>rl Hon Muddy 1 yr. p Carl Mode • 1 yr. ❑ Mild= 1 yr. El MOW Wow ' - 1 yr. p Slur Sam • • - • 1 yr. Q Amir by • • • 1 yr. Q Panels' Mapzl, • - i airs p Cr. H rtledl as sal Huls Mapzlin • • • 1 yr. o Linty Ms.(52 snss)1 yr. ❑ lip 1 yr. ❑ Pantos' Mapzio - - 1 yr. ❑ Inn SW" " ' 1 yr. ❑ Samind ' • 1 yr. ❑ Hwa & Gales - Suis. This Offer Fully Guar- anteed— All uaranteed—All Renewals Will Be Extended. _ USE THIS ORDER BLANK Please clip list of MApazlwes alter checking Publications desired. Fill out coupon carefully. - dentl omen: i, enclose 1 Pleat* send me the_ magazines checked with a year's subscription to your newspaper. • r NAMEa ,1f'l- '� a 'A STREET OR E.R. ' TOWN AND PROVINCE f AL1! 101 FOR 1 ter the hog ('hrlst inns dinner. (lnlden- hrnw•n turkey and tires/ling on a. hog blue platter. a huge Ramrod o1 showy potatoes'. native vege- tables arts rellahea. tempting, pieces of mince and pumtiklp pie_ And brit of all. an appetite that only the mnan- tslns rgive. - A hunandred -things to see during the ■fternonn. the horses and pontes. the ranch equipment. the.ldlver fox farm that Uncle Jerry had Just started, abd- a special show the cowboys put nn for our benefit. Food again In the evening, and af- ter. a happy time arnnnd the fire. The cowboys standing around the piano, where Brien played the old Christmas carols. their lusty voices JMning lu,ehe iwnntlful. words. 1 thought of the healthful getting tottede as they sang: silent Niaht. Holy Night! All I■ caim all la bright. Roung yon L'Irglt, ttnth.r and Child holy infant so tender and mild. . 'SIeel+ In h.ay.nty peace, , I Mole n111ebIP for 11 few minutes as the) went nn to the next linea. A dew Mixon was iPnding Its .livery light down opom the world. n million Mara added their smaller gleam.- Aronnd ore 1 felt the Nat mysterinna nuke• of night Iii •the open plat**. the stirring of tins.Pn. unknown things lly pips sod heart Joined In the words that floated mit from the warm. lamp -Ili room Rollie Beaches 13 3 any Liselenn Rugs, 12 x. 13 113 Oeeaslsoal Chair W Chesterton Tablas 12 tog BOXES OF CHOCOLATES hie a84.N to SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MIXTURE Cress, Mlles and Chemists. 2 IM. for 26e RUSH SPECIAL Se Chocolate Mixture—lb. 21e EXTRA! EXTRA! Mixed Ossdy....2 he. for 2k `.HURRY FOR THIS ONE t she Choeslate Mlttpr•o...at 1Ne Gift Packages el agar, awl r Cigawt.eo \\'E POSITII ELY :ME MOI' MONEY INNS' IN—THESE ARE lot* STORES—USE THEM BLACKSTONE'S---"OKn,the ,LBroadway of Goderich" Cll.ek�'atl;"ElE CREWE --V_ teQ lie CREWE. Dec. 14.—The j'utera l of the late Mrs. 11. J. Blake took place on Tueasday • last, her. pastor, Rev. T. R. Turner, having charge of the ser- vice. During the service Mr. John Menary sang -'The Old -Rugged Cross' The -peRbeareik were D. McWhinney, R. McWhinney, J. Meyers. Wm. Cro- sier, John Menary and M. Shackleton. Friends from a distance wbo attended MJoint: the funeral were r. and Mrs. Jo atop and Mrs. Gibson of Stratford, Ur. sod. Mrs. Stanley lines and Mrs. Gal- lagher of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. n'Comtort and Entfbetbf at. Cathar- lnea Mr. John Martin 'pent the week -end at his home at Paramount. - Miss Margaret Lcdnor has gone to Goderich, where she has secured a position. . Old and young from this community gathered in Lucknow fast Saturday to see Santa Claus again and to volt community him•around the comunity tree. The teacher and pupils o. S.8. 18- obeerved the birthday of King George VI on Monday by having a holiday. The tossers clubbing _ rates will save you time and money. ChristmasIsHereAgain • + -- Christmas Don't forget •'ths� we oarrli a full Zine of Cakes Puddings and Pgatries —SMALL FANCIES MADE •T0 ORDER— It Rn cheaper to buy than to bake. Come in and see for yourself. E. U. Cleveland PHONE 114 ;= WI DELIVER iv rv. steps into the Christmas Picture %Vith Iluutdreda of attraetive. (sifts for Men, Women, and 'Children. We believe we have the' finest ieleetiotl -youl'11 find anywhere -anti at the lowest priees. Come in and see our Ilisplays. Courteous service always. •. —WATCH OUR WINDOWS— - You'll VIII them new and interestitl7. H E S I C NAL" Goderich, Addrossw T • Ont. Scent Pliant, Holy Nylht• 'Shepherd., quake ■t chi aught' Olnrle• etr.am from hem en afar Heavenly hosts sing atl.lula. ''hrla( the Aavlonr Is horn' 1 heir *(rent many a happy and memorable ('hrlstmaa. hot never one as wonderful• es nnfoerettnble. as this rip -times spent In the Itocklei _•._. m Christmas Twenty Days - IA t"rwny 111e 1 'hrl4tmaa ,•elrhlntlnn continuo. rim 211 ,InvP .tltractive GIFT SLIPPERS f',nnfy, •Velvet Slippers with Morns, trimmings. Itel. 111111., block or roae...11.5* tt'utn1.n'. F*11 Jnlleta 11.35 Women's Felt Cozy Slip Perm +s, sat children's slippers Ale. 72r, We A COMFORTABLE GIFT—BY "GOODRICH" VELVET MOTOR BOOTS 615 Made in a newer and better way—with fur border on outside—anti inside smooth as silk. Wen 't mark your stockings. Black or brown. Others styles as well. • ' ClHld's sizes, $ to 10 $2.50 Misses' sizes, 11 to 21/2 4245 See the new 7'' Sable -Boot with velvet heel and sheared fur. It'ilgtomart. Priced at $3.25 GIVE RED SCHOOL HOUSE SHOZB for ehidren, made by Hurlbut.. A tvondertnl (lift Prised from $1.95 to $2.41 , TI11 I'RA(TI('Al. (;11,T roll MEN_. OVERSHOES made by "Goodrich." Prioed from $1.35 to $3.96 for Zipper GIVE HIM SHOES from WILLARD'8 THIS CHRISTMAS Smart styles in black or brown. $2.98 to $10.00 CHURCH'S ENGLISH SPATS $1.96 and $$.00 Give mum Luggage HER GIFT PROBLEM SOLVED A pair of Willard's smartly stylet) Shoes for, Evening, Dress or active Daytime wear at the prise you want to pay. Aoetlosser—"Wfist am 1 offered for Ode bsaatltai boat of Robert Borms?" Vas iii atrowd—'That als't Bares; that's libakegsarm" Aaetlesesr—"Well. 2.1ks, the lobe's ea ass. That shows what 1 know elect the Bible." Men's 1ipmeos- - :.$4.96 11and-tura Soles Men'w Romero; ...$175 Illlttek,or brown Men'w Leather Cozy Slippers .... .51.26 Brown, bla..k of wine •' iloye °Slippers ....Ake THE GIFT FOR EVERY OCCASION Easy packing "Aeropaeks," as modern as her ('fothcs. Priced as low aa $5.00 Overnight Cases to match, from $2.25 For the Man Who Is Particular— tate give hint. a Wardrobe Gladstone $11,50 up Club Bags . .54.60 up s M -k A. •. Suit ('.awes.. 51.2* up teleti tg Willard E. Knechtel Proprietor _ OX THE SQUARE PHOEZ !!!