The Signal, 1936-12-17, Page 2.1161"4""•"Jaialt14••••St74';'""Itiaa'"I..- - 11,11117.111itr wr.571.111;;31.-.7-orto • '''iii).zirtiitktciwtO't-ftravl'iliia.t:,•:_ 7v. Tr, 1..,77t! s • S-**4111Sday, Doestabber ITtb, 1931 d • THE SIGNAL GODERIcH, ONT. libtablished 1448 .14 Member of Canadian Weekly News., papers Mastication 000E111C/1 : CANADA r` Tabliabed every' Tburairty morning. - liebeeriptien price $2.00 per year. , RIM le peel to enbacribers tUalted :Oates wilt !Arksadd104. vote tecreived from 0,257 to (1,e11. The and a eutuber more that 1 deal like a* ' : for postage. drop In tbe Liberal vote might repre- to' think about have, gout. Auer I bad 'TRW Sit;S. N .1 I. PR I NT' NG(). LTD. sent rqughtt the metiber of eletiors. iuy l'hrlstutaa. tele 1 get a sort W. H. Robertson, !skitter and Manager who voted to put the Henry Ilovern- kick out ut thluktug about Christ - Telephone 35 : Goderich, Ont. meet out and turned around to vote was. Just -going back 1u tbe re - against the Hepburn Government. CI -respect like ua oh" fellow.* have a The inereasein the Conservative vote hankering tor. Youug people always might repetient Conservative« e ho thiuh se are getting "duty." Yes, but • NEW KING stayed at home In 1934. Of counte Just wait until they are old tooThey will be the same 54 we are afraid tbere would be some croas-voting; but to look ahead, and keeplir ourselves the totals would apparently indicate thinking of tbe part. We lived in a big rambling house when 1 was stall. One of them places with a cheery ftre in tile kitchen and a staircase and hall -way that were like an Eiikimo's parlor -cold, windy and draughty and bow we hated to negotiate that dtstanve when we were sinall The old kitchen fire would be glow* may have been unconsciously um. lug. Uheery-like, too with yellow ,_ dame darting in and out of cracks. nuene.d by circumstanee that •• Moller would be knitting by the side seldom mentioned and Is perhaps by of the table big brother would be 1 -good many people -not realised. It asleep eu the couch .and father is that Western Ontario, under the would have juin put away what he•sias system os standard time, always has reading and be would be thinking I always s fast time. The line dividing the East- knew wben he eathinking. Meatier then he would forget to tell' ern and the Central zones of standard us to akidle iaddup to bed. time Is at Detroit, and Godertd is eli ..IIey. young to timv e ta . to that took place last week across tbe 'aster- ts that tor the future Muse. Will 1041 tnSertatise not be pictures of Mrs. Simpson in every' piper one picks up. • • • There were 3711 more Totem polled • • " iu thEas e t Mestings bye -election last CHRIMIAS TIME" week Hutu to Hie general eleetau of e Yee, this week 1 ata doing to be like 1934. -The Liberal vote dropptel from "crYbutlY else mull talk about the its1-1 Christmas dieson. Threescore years ,1439 to 5,and •he Illo PlfflOshrot Lizylisadm By HARRY J. ROTLIF 'Thursday. December 17th. 19311 'Ilse Crisis in Great Britain bas been solvedafter a few days of pub- that the chief result of the long,and lic suspense, by the abdication of King arduous pre-election campaigu was to Edward VIII, who as Duke of Wind-lbeng uut a larger vote le a riding that ear is now on the COatinent, leaving 1 IS predominantly Ooneetatiye. his throne to kis brother, the former f •. • • Duke of York, now His Majesty Ring Tee people of. Goderieb and other Gang* YL - • 4 Western Ontario mueleipalities that EdWard was made to understand voted last week against "fiat time' teat he could not marry Mrs. Simpson, • twice -divorced woman, and remain ou the throne, and he made hio choice 1* favor- Of the ootuan.- Iti-110thr so be cast aside his tralnlug through youth and yopng manhood for the high position to which ke oeme Isla thea a year ago: cast aside the great opportunities for national and Empire service which that position afforded: elotie•to the line that it Is always about bed." he would look up and say. mat aside the high regard aed sifts- twenty-eight minutes ahead of sun "But. dad, it's void up there and Host tn Whitt be was held by his mil- Hate. If we adopted "daylight sav- we 'e• lions of subject,t throughout the world. In we should have, on sumtuer days. Now. children- -Mother would eels campaign, the Opposition are It was a great renunciation; not many nearly an hour and a half of borrowed upt-froni over her glasses. "Itetneue eleettea ber that Santa Claus " 'able to teke the offensive. They eve will call it a noble one. The nevi King has Rot had ebe training hitt 'amber received for roy-al Religious Issue t in East Hastings A Conservative Stronghold in the Past and Remains So- , Government Plans Termite, Dec. 14. ---The defeat of the Government sendidate in Kest nage gol`s to, prove that it IS JUS1 11 (WAY to arouse religious titrjudke to- day it. ever it was. Apart altogether free" the merit or demerit of the sep- arate school kigirletton, 11 1* an Usher- tuuute fact that an appeal to prejir dice too atm' acute' a quick tersionte Now that the by-elevtion is over, loolithal experts are attempting to swayer the stiguiticauce of 110 ever- wbelming vklory of the 001sastvative candidate. hlanyot then believe the by-election was a much overrated af- fair. In tbe arm plates they say, East Hastings le a Cesareans', streagbuld. In thke 1964 getters' eiretioa, when •I - moat every part of tbe Provient was discarding Conservatbas le favor of Liberalism, East Hastings remained faithful to a toeing copse and re- elected the late James Hill by a ma- jority of 418 votes. What reason was there to believe that 1* .19311 this rid- iag. would lorget its traditions and turn bildcral? There wail -Som. When an Opposition party finally succeeds in winning to the seat of guverdment, It automatically ceases to be au aggressive force and becomes de- fensive. That is because it mustrae- ewer for its' policies and a waddled wile all the responsibilities of govern- ment. That is one reason why, in any cud during Phew. three weeks up to i attacking polities put into effect by daylight. That would not be too utueli for the bore whit mint n baseball game Christmas time it was the one magical others, and it is always easier to at - word that would send us scampering ; tack than to defend. after supper or the people alto, after position ; nor has he, acterilitie to re- , tilt' day's work, would like to enjoy a up to our bedseone were all thoughts k That is why in the East Basting* of the void, windy stairway. True. ,..atupeign the Conservative rotas were port, other qualities whit+ were all- 1 limn evening iti outkleet pursuits. it eas eold % 0 could feel the frost) :4bie to throw charge after charge at aired In King Eduard. Ile ha' al- 'llossever. Ate 11-0111 1114.11 111O. feet tim,• ways Levu libeled uphe on, owver, le-kuki !nerit so badlyd a• o the people cast 1 air biting at our tunes and through ' the Government and then slip away our etocking feet and there would elsewhere and launch auotber barrage wbere•t he 1 before the Governmeut (veld get its atead3.dept•ntlable *tune man, %%lei i of Kingston, %toe. statieliird time Is I be a shriek as ii touched more 'Shari his brielseete sleire of ilki:stotier• than suu time. , stocking sses worn through. 1 ausder out to the electere. Aeti the -- - - - ---- n0411 1 i eserierek-meer Prorate school questiou was used qualitiee which tuade Ills father, King I Up In our room wel-- with deadly effete by tler Conserve - George V, t41) excellent a mortareb, until TORONTO AT THE TROUGH !Junto for tie- bed remember that ' . • tives. It was an Issue made to order he hal commenced Iiikertegn with the : , I • . . lint° a 1110111Ie 10 SAV our praeere , and they Sid not miss any chute ot - 4 Peel Gazette) goodeill and high respeet of hisle11.111 .' , .The city of Toronto; is asking the ' around that stovepipe. -thee- BOWS ' 1141115 11. • everywliere. Ile has au aseet which Heminien Government ..to mend one tetiouge ran up through our mew. Rut the cam -Rita is over and more his brother did nut have- a happy 'million dollars ou Toronto+ parks: au- ileow Refit skein we would peer tip at serious mutters are engaging the at- home circle with a charming, sensible , ether Ill 111 1011 OA widening city pave- 1 the window expecting to see the myth- tention of the Government. In a few wife and two lovely young daughters ' nisut-: a third million on airport and ' teal bearded man peering in at its. ami k months tbere will be another session fourth iu protecti armory. and already tbe idols of the BrIttshspeuple. ' -- ; level rat -any- creamier. a ng I reeordIng all our movements In the far-famed bank that contained our i,of the Legislature and it is certain to be au interesting one. The Govern - King teeter VI and Queers Eliza!** ' There may poseIbly he justification inames and all the'emisdemeanors of the,ment OBI announce its balanced buil- . will revive the eradittons which sur- , for asking a million for the protection-1year. Then for h quick and. hasty 'Yet, a'redlletion in the Voile debt of rounded and protected the Throne in ;of level railway croesings. But Toron- i Jump Into bed with our breath „.ht„... j the Previte*. and plans for unemploy- ' the reigns of Queen /Victoria, Edward to already has all the armories It 1 Ing as a little (-loud of vapor and 1 event relief. A comprehensive pro - VII and George V. • l really needs mid te ask (8*? tl* whole soon to sleep. gram of highway building will be be - I of i meads should &Heist la building But the. dtivs leading up ii. Christ- I gun In Northern Ontario and this is - i 1 : . t In the outcome _uf this crisis the Og..7 ---...-.- -__,... •••• .. ,s1111•WAlkS and improving parks for a max all missed away. True 'It Is that sure. to benefit agricultural commune- British constitution is seen to be a city in which two-thirds of the tax -1 they !teemed to drag. hut Christmas ties of leoutbern Ontario. It Is not ; great Instrument of democracy. The, able Ineontes of the whole Province Eve eame and we hung up our generally known that large amounts monarchy Is subject to the will of the are reeelved Is an exhibition of gall I stockings the largest pair that we jet farm produce are daily seat to Government, which le turn is respon- I which only Toronto would Is ramble ' ma met. Then tn 'tied to dream of !Nortbern Ontario from the south and slble to Parliament, and Parliament 011 that this trade is amble of being prndueing. j meeting Santa face to face, or trying Ito make atmselves sit up and see the igreetly expanded if the proper road' to the people. Prime Minister Stan -1 ley Baldwin played a difficult part! LONDESBORO f ' teem of reindeer as they dabed 1 15(111055 are provided. with solid good judgment and iirm -1 Ilet01111 the snow: but somehow the Reeently Hon. T. B. McQuesteu, re . .sandman threw a larger dose of he. Minister of Highways, announced that salve in setting before his late nsaJes--I LA1N1)EdD01t4), Dec. 13. -Mrs. 111 mand.on our eyelids that night. , . the Government would commence on a ty the limits beyond which the Brit- ' Ross we are /sorry to say, received a 14ome4nw on Chrletines mernIng we comprebeesive highway beading pro- uasly fall down the leaks. Although always get what we wanted. If not gram In the spring and he stressed the ish people would not allow him to go, no bones were broken, she la sufferiug just what we' wanted.- Mother ex- advantages that would accrue. Not and as a result of his fine handling of from brulees. plained in a satisfactory way the res- only will it benefit the farmer's, he the situation, combined with the in- Dr. and Mrs. Whitley, of Gorier, son why Old Santa hadn't brought aid. but tbe actual road construceion nate common sense of the people, what spent a few day. with friends bete, what we wanted and that Cerise itself will provide work for thousands former'e aunt. Mrs. David Mountain. ewe Round. Inas and a good many more all passed foolish for an old fel- of men. With a good system of high- ways, farm trucks will be able to pee, - might have been a very awkward, il and also attended tbe funeral of the not dangerous, eltuation passed with a minimum of disturbance. trate into dialects which cannot be Mrs. Riley, of Toronto, attended the low to be talking this way Well. funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Mountain, tbey were tbe happiest days of my reached it the present time by ordin- Britain and the British comititu- and spent some days with relatives toe. ary means of transport, the Minister ire. . Lbelieves. tional system emerge stronger than here. - aeti ever. King George Vi is stolidly on Mrs. E. Crawford has been eald up A GRIM JOKEf the throne of Britain and the Emp the past two weeks after receiving a - ' nasty fall OD tbe ice.We are pl . (ondon Free Press) to say she le,haproving Maly. And Edward VIII gore down to hie- By what freak of ironic coincident* Mrs. (Rev.) Gardiner, atter spend- was Prince Edward carried away from int a couple of weeks with Shelburne Britain's shores by the "Enchantrees," u friends, has returned lame.5 admiralty yacht? e. ' Mr. Albert Brundsou is under the - - di/4A Del (carr,-- ._ RADIO LielKN801 PORT ALBERT tory as the man who would rather be Mrs. SImpison's third husband than •• sovereign of one-quarter of the world's people. Messes. Watt and Stevenson, . of ' (Amiterstburg Echo) EAST HASTINGS - Clinton. called 00 friends here 011 The Echo does net agree with the Wednesday. present system of issuing radio II- - EMOI Haat-Rita last seek elected Dr. Wassest's Inalltute.-The regular,(enact,. the default to get which Maas IL E. Welsh, Conservative. by a Rue !monthly meeting of the Woolen In- beteg vbited by a government teepee-. joi-ity; of 1.147 after a botlyeetete.44,atitute was beld le the Community for emptied by a member of the Reyal !Hell with Mrs. E. Adaues president, Mounred Police who. finding you with- eimpulgn. It is the drat victore..-elie_ isn the chair. Aft4r the business part ,out a Become, lays a charge which surt•- Conservative.; have had in Ontario la splendid paper was given by Mrs. ly bringa fine and costa Just because slace the enteral election of 1104, and 'Robert Fainservice, after which she the Aiello owner in nine ease,' out of naturally they are making the- mast • recited a number of poems.. A duet kten-cereleitely overlooked tbe matter of of it. East Hastings, eorreeee has was opsg by two small children, little securing a Meese, which !Mould have I Puld K. liesk, Miss Ruth Shadilkk been aid to him either by the man always been Omeervaelte, and re- ! accompaqtylne them, after which some from whom he got his radio, or by malned Coneervative, though with a 1.ctirion,froi,estais.were sung with Mrs. some one person specially appointed reduced majority, In the electftpe. of 1 Armstrong et the piano. -- A oommit- for that purpotes.and who would give • .1934 In which the majority. of Conger- tee was appointed to consult the true- some publicity to the time when II- eative eoestituencles went Liberal. tees of. the local schools to ere if tory Vells444 are due and when they may be Its Couservatixm, therefore. is seen , would he willing to have a dentist ex' procured. In most eanstAhere would !amine thi• children's' teeth. A dainty be no fault to find. for et7IIng-the 11- ----ter- be- k ribbed:. •- 1Tunetr *es eer•ed hy ebe bantawaia. cense would beeeme a Matter of eounie. Another factor in the contest wad or if meet a plan wen. adopted the &- the Suet that the Orange enter is ter) k The Signal's chtleting • rates. will linquent would have (only himself to • strong in Eget nemesis, anti 'with the 'save you tftne and money. ' blame If he neglected hia duty. - separate sehool tax question an I. a Liberal vatiory 0110U111 hate 114.4.11 genii'0 only us a miracle. Tbe telloperame °retaliation In tiding eiltto was against the Hepburn Trim*Irp--rrolmarvirvirrf ,,1 •••kl- Goiernment candidate, and this tri a ' factor *1114-11the Gou ierment will Shepherds Chis ristmas ong have tk. !seem on in many ether rid- / (Austrian Folkotoug) age unites It makes some conMation I ;' • to teniperance sentiment. •• Shepherde now go we to yon fair Bethlehem town, The flepleirn Governmeek on the To um the angels from haven have romp di.vrn, , Told a meat story that there In Italy stall whole has an exeellegt record: lout it - - -. - Lies the (tilt' Jesse. the des? Lord of us all. cannot nen (minter to a large element I In the iftwrni petty without cense- ('.ret' to earth ham He, Ood'a love to 115 10 411;W., quenees ii bleb It would not welcoMe. Seethe men and weak, rich and poor its joys may k EDITORIAL NOTES- * vf Kingannotw, owand shepherds advance where He dotb 111. 4 • - - 1;Itile Lord Ian.; who arise down from the site. - [lag George will get aloog all ••• right. fie hoe a sonsie tests the to • „. --- Eater we soft, lest the baby he asleep. look after hint ;ti tl keel' hIM fen= • Angela from heaven their watch o'er Him do keep.4.-- aalla- Mary, Els mother. meet lielleby doth sing: stepping loto any holes. We bear, I fear me, sant treasure for a king • • One Vatted - pee• ' -• pin Apo have pawed since ow that drat ObrIstMas d.r k a 1fthenbeette went elegiac their sweet tender lay;. - titre of Mrs. 4111.M..11 no,: :h. .111 . .m Yet sing we Christ's love to all Hti little ems pone ••• "Tbe hoe that Balk, Ip an I:iuptre»j And by tbe manger Itseel down and Odom. Rat the tspire M sr.' - :IL- ii ....?“‘ , .ti . • oVitIZTISTUTIVIZITIZIMVIZITIz . pnd as ever. • • •.. • ! . , ........... ........, ap _pm taiss &MIK the cbitepe • .4..:-.......somm.ani....04e7.,..........5.4....- • PORT ALBERT, Dec, 15 -The poen; people of Port Albert United church are baying a Christmas /octal In the basement of their churcb 011 Friday. December Miss Mildred Johnetola steel the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston. Miss Matilda Quaid bad tbe misfor- tune to fall, injuring bet shoulder. Ne Meets were broken and she Le mmiste what improved. Congratulations. A baby daughter wee born. to Mr. sed Mra Howard !larger on December 13th In Alesand% hospital. Goderich. We are pleased to report that Mr. John McKenzie, who recently under- went an operation, Is making good reeoverr. The W. M. B. of Port Albert United' church held a social evening on Fri- day. December 11, at the home of Mrs. W. Crawford. The program completed of a solo by Mr. Wm. Naga a riedine by Mrs. It. Oraham, and musical num- bers by Messrs. Ben Brown. Harry %Vilna and Wm. Rage. and Mr. Earl llogitand Mips Margaret Crawford. j WESTF!ELD WEWITIEdige Dee. 14. --The WM S. of Donnybrook rote at tbe home of Mrs. W. A. Campbell on Theesidny efternoon. "Sir. Marla. Wiegman and Me, MAP, of Whitechurch, have moved their ihnutiehold effects to the home of the son. sett Oro. Wight - man. where they -IIi reside. W. M. to Meritiere-The nwmthly meeting of the W.M.M. was held on WeffnesdaV anemones with twenty-one members present. The metelne was In eharg. of Mee. !Stanley Cook and wa• 011PAC4 with the hymn. "Hark. the Ilene(' .Snerele Ping." Prayer was offered he Mrs. Stanley rook. rot - '01\40 It the Lord's Prayer In unison The-Ilamitionial leaflet, "In the root- sestt." was reed le Met "high Biter. Tice memo empter of the 0414 henk. "Men and Wntoon of leer norlsena." was taken le -lir. Semler rook, Mrs. llareee Meek. Mrs Fred W. ('nok and Mtn. Marvin McDowell. The president. Mr.5J M4n111. had •kharde of the beisinese pert of the meeting. The roll **lis railed and twenty-two responded viellf a eerie st Scripture. 1* wei derided feet...) the group system for another tears The meeting WAS dismissed el the president,ff-I*q_teir . 10001104Beettett tatittilt~11114140111111111411101141100111111114141110411111111111 FANCY PLAID BLANKETS Satin bound (part wool) in gold, mauve, kin rase. Size $1.95 72 x 80. Each MEN'S SHIRTS r • Tat Nest stripes and checks in English broad cloth. Blues, greys and browns. Collar at- tached. Sixes 15 to 161,4. Bach $1.35 • MEN'S ALL -WOOL SOCKS Anions British Richmond make. An im- mense choice in very new patterns, Spliced heels and toes.Sises 10 to 121/4.. 50c Per pair NEWS PYJAMAS Made of guaranteed English Pyjama flan nelette, neat stripe., blue. pink, mauve. Sizer 32 44. Suit HANDKERCHIEFS $1.95 100 dozen -hand-embroidered finest cambric. Daintily worked in many neat and pleasing patterns, all neatly boxed. Christ- 25c mu Spe- civil-. 3 for . . . . BATH TOC1ELS ' .r* Iat nit,' 1'anon Jacquard Bat) -Too el*, Double uarp, cane) weaves, its-bhas, gold, mauve, rose, etc, Size about 24 x 88. Paint- $125 . ily boxed in pairs BARRY/400R RLJ Seamless heavy deep pile Axminster Rugs. Designs and colorings for any room or sur- roundings. Specially reduced for Christmas. E.17.1. "WIMP ragiv .1,, 1 Size 4' 6" x 7' Sine 6' 9" Size 9' x 9' .. Size 9' x 12'... BLANKETS Largest size, with borders, Size -72 x 86: $9.95 pure *bite wool rainbow, rose or blue pas Each W. ACHESON & SON tfilfitRINEWRINEWEIELMENINEICEPOIMMEMCNIEWOMINEWERVEMOMENE ST. HELENS ST 11101.10Ndt, Dec. 14. -et. Iielens school its holding Its Christmas enter: talement on Tueeday. December 22, in flitest'ommunity Hall. Sirs. R. O. Martin and me Aimee, of 'futon, were visitors with her fath- er, Mr. W. Woods, over the week -end. Mn. Wilson Woods left on Monday for Toronto. Thirteen. adieu - eel:tiled the annual me -ting of :11t14:7 -tete et 'the treme of Mrs. R. J. Woods on Wednes- tin . The devotional leaflet. "Jesus in the Villages," witteread by Mr*. John rrnseron and parts of the chapter from th. study book, "Men and Women of Far onetime'," were reed by Mrs. D. Phillips, Mrs. L. Woods and Mrs W. A. Miller. The patches from the travelling,apreu were removed anti it was found to tentala $12. At the elec- 1 eon aeon -era tluit followed. the old 'officers were all re-elected for the new year. The V.P.U. net m. Sunday evening. the president, Isobel Miller, preyed- ' init. The (peening privet teas given by Earl Durele the Stelpture Ieson by Marie Swan. Mrs. Hier read an article on Christmas. The topic. -What Oirietmas Meanie to the(lIvlduala- I," waonyatal l keeby Ted.. wasu RIs.esA duet, 'The R by Mrs. Rltt and Dorothy Miller. The meeting was closed with the *iamb benediction. After • man tads oat be can sake a speeeh, be stares on the slightest pro- voation.-Kitehener Record. S10 Reward for any corn or cal- lous wideb cannot he removed by the new Arleen' LIA)Vlett TIIVMOLA- TED CORN SALVE. This new naive desensitises corns and canonises with the first application. Call your drug- gist to -day and order ties WONDER- FUL SALVE, 40e. Lloyd Chemical Laboratories. For sale at Campbell's Drug Store. NEWMPIENRCICEPIPILVIEWEEIVORIEVENIIMIRIEVERCIVOIVIVIMM1041tette NI= May Your Christmas Morning Be Glonous. and Your Smile of Christmas Cheer Spread on Throughout the Year . Your Christmas Shopping will be much easier with these Gift r Suggestions • BUSTER BROWN COASTER WAGONS...2400 and $4.75 puma BROWN HAND SLEIGHS. .81.00, 1125, and WO FINEST QUALITY POCKET KNIVES 25o to $1.50 HOCKEY STICKS AND PVC= «J. SKATES, C. C. M. Mc to $2.00 COOLY .22 CALIBRE RIFLES $7.00 and $8.00 CARVING SETS, Guarantood Finest Staol....$2.50 to $5.00 Gillette, Anto-Strop and ProhliellAFITY RAZORS Mis to 21.00 PREMIER WWI= SCISSORS AND BUTCHER KNIVES.t. 50o to, $2.00 RELISH DISHES IN SILVER AND CRYSTAL 21.00 to $1.50 PYREX 'OVEN WARE STEP -ON CANS, PANTRY SETS AND BREAD CADDIES (Enamelbld in ivow and red, ivory and:Ireen) ENAMELLED TEA POTS, PUDDING DISHES AND SAUCE PANS ROASTING PANS, ALUMINUM AND ENAMEL WARE from 85c to $150 ELECTRIC IRONS AND TOASTERS WO to $3.50 King Cutter Straight RAZORS • $2.50 EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS AND MAETtidattlITS. fific to $2.95 -- TOOLS FOR THE TOOL KIT - SPECIAL ON VACUUM CLEANERS. .217.05 for Christmas BRIGHTEN UP THE FARM HOME THIS OBEISTMAS WITH AN ALADDIN OR COLEMAN KEROSENE LAMP • ri 1 lettatteelgiCtlitglegigigte Phone 283 Heating 1' The Square TiO littiekedeeinisk rfirlittspiZirdwg,===allieireltems mrssalWalea) taawesesese.• • .":117.1.72arkitgraV me • 4 •