The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 8JW r1d�. 11-4tratw as. leettmhee ice. lea Christmas Gift Suggestions Oarrtespondence • Garda, Papeteriea Linea anti Kiel from !bo to =5.00 -- 7 Parker'L Water - man's, Sbeaser'a PBXS and PIN CII. NM At . 41 paoNs DIM= S=TS melte an ideal Gift for Christmas 9Epiec a Sets =1496 ir • lhirearro \ KOOKS ee maw le Use family Pieties. Bibles. redraw acrd Hymn Beek* It&DIES' HAND BAGS in leather, from $1.50 to $7.50 See then! Waste Baskets and Sewing Baskets The very latest 50c and $1.00 See our Pictures and Mottos In all sizes at 26c and up This Store invites you to come in and look around. You will find we will make you very welcome. . MAKE 'PSIS YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE ' COLE'S BOOK STORE. The Square Goderich telEtetetetteltbitelPIENPROOPINEtettatlItiEtite SCOUT PRESENTATION At the regular meeting of the 9M Godertcb Boy Scout Troop 1n tbe rooms at the library oo Thurs- day last, Jame* McItwatn, patrol lead- er of the laid troop, received his Sni- ck's Scout padge. The presentation was made by Scoutmaster G. C. Lodge. THE SIGNAL OBITU ARY MR'S. IAN R4Y LL Mr. Ales. Smltk, of the Canadlau Bank of ('otnmerce, has revived a cable from Inverness, flcotland, notify- ing him of the destb of his only sis- ter, Mrs, 1 )0 Russell, of that place. RICHARD O(ri.SINS llfelouj resident of the dlrlrlct, I lin the person of Richard Cousins,I passed away on Monday morning at 110. farm home un the Colborne -Ash - geld boundary near Sbeppardtou. Mr.l Coualna, wbo was in his sixty-fifth l year, war In hie usual guod health tbe , previous day, when be dib the farm chores, but un Sunday 'night be was seised with head pains and later suf- fered a stroke. He lived at Dungan- non Dome years, and after marrying Misr Agnea Johnston he purchased and operated euccesafully a farm owned by her brother. Samuel' Johnston. Sur- viving, braider his wife, are two sons and a daughter, all of Goderich. They are Warner and Richard Cousins and Mrs. Victor Hoy. Tbe funeral service was conducted on Wednesday .after - 00011 at the farm home of deceased. Interment was in Dungannon cemetery. PEACE REIGNS AGAIN All le not plain sailing for work- men on the Bell Telepbone project, especially for those who are placing poles along property lines. The by CATHARINE VAUGHAN A blgbly-regarded worker in St. Peter's chur•h, Iu the person of Miss Catbarlue Vaughan, East street, passed away •t Alexlndra transitat late last night, In ber etghty-thlyd issued to a smaller band of the more year. Miss Vaughan was In the boa- scare and efficient members of the pital teu days after suffering a stroke, conotabulary. brougbt on by a heart condition from - wb1ch sbe suffered for years. She DK tiTILLWELL ON MThHIONS was Dorn at Toronto, a daughter of interested congregations ■t Joao uR n a Baptist church on Sunday beard Rev, l ,TrT • GQDERICONT. t10 TORONTO FOR TREATMENT Carl Clark, who was palutully in- jured while working at the plant of the Goderich Manufacturing Com- pany about a month ago. was taken to Toronto yesterday to have his In - Though (be majority of elections In Jared hand attended by spevIa11,41*. r • NEW FACES IN COUNTY COUNCIL 1 HEW WANTED _.� • IAN WANTED YOB "RAWLRJOH RA W ILIOU* Dept. Y=�4-R►-L Montreal. - route of 800 fatalities Write saes. • furou are le to to be held, there will 111.' left bund was paralysfed when a Ply lttlTll"S be several changes in the 1937 county c'onncll as the result of tbe clecttoas already held. Goderich sends a new man, DepU1y peeve llucklns; .t'.I cld will be represented by two new men. Reeve Johnston and Deputy Reeve Frayne (though Mr. Jobnetun was in tbe county council a few years ago) ; aid from Hensall comes Richard E. Shaddick in place of Reeve Owen Geiger, dean of the 1936 council. Reeve "Bill" Stewart of West Wa- wanoeh was the only member of the 1936 county council who passed suc- cessfully through a contest at the polls. RECALLING POLICE BADGES In accordance with a resolution of Huron county council, Provtnctal Con- stable F. >a MNoy haw issued in- structions recalling all badges and uni- form beld by seventy -Are police of- ficers In the county. At least there are seventy -Ave Duren flirted, al- though several are dead and many In- active. The first badge was turned+ In on Wednesday. Tbey will be re Jos Vaughan and Arideet ()Keefe the sad lade to Goderich near in 1tt71 atter Dr.H E.Stilwell of Toronto in Jill, - her " s a taro near ngiinnon with ping missionary addresses. Dr. Still - onewere held up tbla morin ng her parewte, She 11 At Rn.•heMer. welt spent years ind e c and R81111 - one trete huueebolder on Newgate 11:1" from 1171I to 1914. *hes she re end Id In graphic• fashion of the street after they had dug • post boy turned to Goderich. A devoted church- �' work of the missionaries. At the in his back yard. He refused to sore. she unfailingly attended oars -lees - Tbe Signal to Janna 1st, 1988, let them go fartber and threatened .at IL Peter's church, and was a meta- morning service an anthem was sung for $1.50 to new subscnbers. to set the January 1 by tbe Mission Band. At the evening dog on them. it was a ber of the Altar Ftodetg` Catholic We. ; aeric! Dr.ion Ball told of tbe most race then for reinforcements. the taeo'a League, Prepalptfon of rho; sent among the "uatouetrables of head! f Dfsolicitor's rams and League of the Racrtld t i D t tettlittlettlittetitetlailei ORDERS takes Ise RADIO STOOLS and CHAOS A1s) Upholstering of every deierlpIkk REID UPHO TEW Haneten Street - Gedrritr fid be nerve wa" damaged to which his band was jammed he. tweets g toy and b taeehlan !'lark expressed the fear that grout' had tact In. TART OWNER "May 1 bave some rtatiepery?" be *eked of the hotel Berk. "Are you • guest of the Douse?" the clerk asked haughtily. "Well, hardly,". he simmered. "I am paring i39 a. day to live here." lu We accident, - -- -� RBF:.--ilO�1TAf. TRAINING-- wants RAINING wants patients la own hos" or will. day. Bate.i reasoaaMe. �'- sNAIJ1, Myth, • 0I Phone 13e. P.O. 121. - - r, ROUGVIE.-ln Goderich, on Monday, December 7th: Mabel Ellaabetb, wife of Andrew Aaugvie, Lighthouse street. COUSINS. -1n Colborne township, on Monday, December 7th, Richard Cousins, In his 115th year. 1'AJUG11A-N.-At Alexandra hurpltal, on Wednesday, December 6th, Cath- arine Vaugban, in her 88rd year. The funeral service will be beld at St. Peter's church at 9 a.m. Saturday. Interment in Colborne R. C. cemetery. LN MEMORIAM HOWBON.-In loving memory of Chat. A. Howson, who passed awa>; six years ago -December 9th, 1980. Sweet are the memories that never fade Of our we loved but couid not save. Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a wonderful memory he left bebind. -Ever remembered by his WIFE AND DAUGHTER. STEEP.-ln loving matael'f ' Of our dear son and brother, Ortat Edger, , who passed away December 16, 1935; also a beloved daughter, Phoebe Estella, who passed away October ratepayer ng a s India. who are n tnR t office, the workmen for tbe town ball. Heart. She is 'arrived by two alr�of liberty t• the Christian religion. Differences were soon ironed out, tor,.Misses $sale •art Largeret 4, 192 . rcaror however and the post stays Vanillas. with whom she lived on Wearing robes of Snowy white, Oast street. The funeral service will MILITIA OFFICER$ THE HOLMIUM WAY take place at 9 o'clock Saturday morn -t 'Napoleon said that armies marsh leg fro15 ber home, followed by re- Honor Paid to Major A. H. J. Wbs on their etomachs" quiem blab mass at the cbureh. where Amounted His Retirement march au MEET teectinecitetwittere'CHRISTMAS "Yeah, cwt today they the tazpayera' backs. Thank You l st tab to express my appreciation of the _splendid vote given me on Monday, electing me Reeve of Gode- rich, and to aaaure the electors that I will use my best endeavors in their interests during the coming year. Robert E. Turner Here are some -recent Trade --ma in 1937 Dodge *airs 1934 DODGE SEDAN with Heater 1933 DODGE SEDAN, with Hester, froster and Radio. 1932 CHEVROLET COACH, with Heater 1929 ESSEX COACH 1971 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1936 V. 8 !!,ORD 1/4 -ton Commercial Express. _,.11 the lale"t models, In first -vises condition- - De - Reg. McGee :----- --DV= A DEBOTO HALES AND SERVICE- ` )II PHONE 379 • HAMILTON STREET GODERICH, ONT. .vitw#.a Rev. rather Nagle will officiate. In- On Sunday afternoon the first meet- ' will be in Colborne R. �`' Ing of officers of the recently organised cemetery. Middlesex -Huron Regiment was held LEGION OFFICERS at Strathroy, with Col. A. P. Malone pre'IdlnR. Committee* were appointed sad. it ' t . 11111111tter aler" Prtaldeat el was decided to hold the annnai, ratUal e Goderieh Post ball at Stratbror the first week la Officers of Goderich Port 109, Cana. April next year. Lieut. D. R. Nairn. dian Legion, were elected for the 1937 of Goderich, wbo attended from beta term at a meeting on Thursday night with Major A. H. Jane and Ltent.A. Me lda)or A. H. Jane is honorary B. Sturdy, was appointed a member president and J. W. MaeVtear past of the sports committee. president. A pleasant feature of the meeting Other officers are as follows: pres!- was a brief address given by Major deet, Chas. Barker; vice -p1' fleets, Clarke Wright, of Stratbroy, In which F. Rooth. Jos. McNevin ; secretary, he referred highly to tbe career of Wm. Mood: assistant secretary, A. F. Major Jape. who has announced his Sturdy; treasurer, Joe. Jack; assist- 'Mention of retiring. The assembly ant treasurer. A. H. Jane: executive drank to the beatti of ttye retiring of - committee. Ales JecNevin, Geo. Bas.leer at the Enron of the address. - tet. John Juok, • V. C. Dennison; aodl- ia;-J.- H. Bollaeta - M is_.Ttmrner. The audttors'.report, which was mltted and pasesd'at tbe seeded, re- vealed a most sweetest year bran - 14. HARBOR NOTES Last week -end a large ship- - tment of export grain .by rail from Goderich was made under un- ' usual circumetan,s .. The shipment, wbieh tilled twenty-seven freight cars. was taken dire,•t from the holds of the steamer ikrryton by the elevator I leg and transferred to•the waltlaRl train. The Berrvton, one of the larg- er boats calling at this port tots year, bad a cargo of 314.000 buabels of grain. but not all of this went oat by rail. The export grain was taken to Montreal. leaving Goderich under the power of three locomotives. The steamer Royalton arrived a day befnne the Befryton to unload over 400.(1 ° Mrahpis of grain at t* elr� These ships may mitt herr' once more If they are not frozen in at the bead of the iAkes. D1ATR Or B. W. YEO /11• - Parser Resident of HebneavUBe Passes M Weston Weston, Dec. 9 F'uoe•rat services will be held tomorrow afternoon for the late Benjamin W. Yet, weld -known resident of Weston. who was found dead at his home Monday by his house- keeper, Hiss Jcasic Smith. • Iltwtb was attellwted t0 heart Conditions and no Ingiiett bill beheld. .t native of Huron county, Mr. Yeo wnA seventy -sever, years of ago'. For thirty-eight years be was In the apple - growing business and at one time served,,+ an inspector for the ikepart- . went of Agriculture. inter he man- aged the old Central hotel here. He was a member of Central I'nited church. which he attended last Sun- , day. .1 week ago he was Me/led mas- ter of L.41.i.. No. 216 and wig a mem- ber of the RSaek Kelleher., Cbureh serrl.es will be conducted bF Rev. Harry Pawson, of Central United ehureb, with • Interment In Rlveraldo cemetery, Three misters halve. tabram bitCtetfie'aMiNSCI ak"aaMsi"V+ e MEAT SPECIALS DUTHIE'8 MINCE MEAT 2 lbs. for 23c LEG MTTTOM 14c STEW MUTTON. 6c MUTTON CHOPS,. .2 lbs. for 26e SHOULDER ROAST, alit 12c BOILING SUF......... . 8c 71.nd 9c WING OR SIRLOIN �*AL .. - .-,.:>:,� 17c lbs for 25c 19c 2 lbs. for 25c SAUER KRAUT CHOICE CHICKENS • . ,,,ew • LARGE BOLOGNA LEGG'S MEAT MARKET .r - WE DELIVER Hamilton Rt • 4 Wearing crowns ot spry -bright. Out of reach of sorrow's blight, - l'p In gory... . TJteir lives were one loot sacrifice, Their hearts were true sod tender, 1 Tbey tolled so bard for those !bey I loved, Then left us to remember. -Sadly mused by MOTHER AND SISTER DOROTHY. FOR SALE COR SALE. -TRAILER • (TWO I wheel), new tires and stock rack; capacity 1800 lbs.; in first-class con- dition. LEGG'S MEAT MARKET. Phone 4116. FINE. LAUNDRYINOi-ALSOC O Bm- LAIt family waehlne. Each wash- ing ltaudled separately Special at- tention given to delicate fabrics. Mletl. AUSTIN, 4 St. Vlnceot street. Phone 213. r THE ELECTORS OF 0O11tSR1CS. Ladies and Gentlemen: 1 take this opportunity of thanking all who gave me their support on pol- ling day. Altbougb I was not elected. It it a great satisfaction to me to know that so many of the elector* turned oltt, without solicitation. W give ms their votes. Wishing all a happy Cbrtatmat and a prosperous New Year, 1 remain, Yours faithfully, 3. S., R. 1111[dDIR6 WANED AUCTION MIR ' j"L.} AltINU AULYTION SALE or RC1- SIDENOS I'itJ1'EKTY AND HOUlikIHOLD FURN1TUIIE. We are Instructed by Mr. Jame* Sennett, executor, to sell by public auction at the premiues, Regent street. l;odcriele on Tt'Llel)AY, DEernaQIER 1St b, at 1.30 sharp: Tie brick cottage belonging to Iii estate of the late Mary Deur, contain- ing ale rooms,,!1 good cellar, town wa- ter, electric lights. etc- All In good repair. At the same time all the content. of the house will be disposed of. tuned- {, rrN'1ant8 WANTED. Tenders for bulldlug a new vomit and alterations to the Town Hall ot- Ikes will he received by the lbws Council up to 6 o'clock p.m. on Friday, December llth, 1936. Pians and spee1Acattoss may be seen at the Town HalL Tbe lowast or any tender pot neces- sarily accepted L. L. ENOX, • s Tows Clerk. C/IARTERED ACCOUNTANTS . J. W. MONTEITH, .r °bartered Accountant 89 Ontarlo street, Stra:turd. Ontario (Mepber Flratbrook, McLeod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) VETESINARY SURGEON r .- - DR. O. E. MYERS, V.$, B.V.Se., - VETERI'NARY SURGl0OX Graduate of the University of To- ronto and ()uterio Veterinary College. Omer st T. T. Murphy's. Hamilton street, Phones: Day 2o6; residence 249W. AUCTION CRING THOMAS GUNl)RY, OODEAI(*1, LIVE STOOK AND GENERAL AUCTION lcV1t Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes di.eousaed. 1 ing solid walnut sideboard Itntlgae) . and solid walnut centre table, very DRF. J. R FORSTCR. CTE, RAR. .old, ao 1 other paces of like. N4.)8E. TUROAT. TERMS ON PROPERTY- Twenty Late Huse Surgeon New Iork 'per cent. cash at time of sale; balance Ophthalmic and Aa I in thirty days, On household lura'- instant sol o stant at Moorefielddal Hospital gtal !tire-eaeh. I JAMES SENETT, Biecutor. London. Log. T. W »ID*Y ! SQ 4. Ast s etisera. EYEI T'F1W1eD, GLASSIERS i'PPLIED 11:1RVETOSS SAM• 6S Waterloo Street S. Stratford. Telepbone 217. L'dt'0 TOR'S SALE Next visit Bedford Sold, Oo4sA. rt Fi Wednesday, December 99x0. fros Take notice that on Friday. Decea- 230 do9 p.m. oaty. ber 18th, 1936, at 10 o'clock a.m., --- - - --- - -- - - - tbere will be offered for sale by pal- LEGAL rate auction at the once of F. R. Darrow, Solicitor, Number 92, Tbe Square, in the Town of Goderich. DUDLEY E. ttgrrlU0LstMEer, B. Etc. estate property being all and singular odltt-Court House, Ooderkb. those parceis of land situated. tying Telepbote 30. rind being In the town of Goderich, and more particuarly described as tbe gy,('OLAS R. NAXL'i. whole of Lots Running Numbers One u ltarr4ar andSolk-itor Hundred and Twenty-two (193). 0 ,ee-_ itamllton Street, Gods der. One Hundred and Twenty-three (1911. Telephone 512. Six (6), and the east ball et MEDICAL and (!olden Square Throat Ho.pttal, UOUSD FOR SALE.-TWO-STORT 'shriek house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot_ Mgr- Apply at SIGNAL OFVICF SNAPSI-I Fifty-three (531, tosstber with all the buildings erected QRNEWL M. LEC. - OT CiJ1tdi 115iale; t TEng, erTea prt£_.leat 1a carD dra' I,ltc Bu.pIsr . 4 I.dde and Vit posit on the date of sale; balance pay- able In ten daye from the date of gale. TREES Subject to a reserve bid and to with- For particulars apply to F. R.•DAR- DRl'GLa88 P'RACTITIONRR Row, Executor. CI1M)PRACI'OR AND DIbVGL SS Barrister aid So►Icitot torte Streets. Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5301. Wet pavements add IAtsreat to night street scenes.. BELIEVE 1t or not, Ilghted street scenes can be photographed - even with the most inexpensive cameras -with ?table more experi- epee than it takes to make a snap- s'tnt in bright sunllglyt. The lighted theater and business districts of the eremite town or city offer opportuni- ties for strikingly attractive pie- ,[ores. H the paremepts are wet, so ranch ;he better. for the resulting re- pr.4-lone•4111 add charm aid inter, st, Inde. r1. a rainy nightshould be pre- terse(' for bight street seene•s. Stets pictures require falr,), long time es U*aunes. Donor be concerned by tile le11Aing of persons 0r relyslea "l the 11, -Id of vision be•suse th. y will not be terorded oa the film pro- f ided they .io not'atop anti prodded 1he'llehts from autotspblIes do not shire directly ihtn the camera len*. If ..n automobile or troiiey car coma e .award the (hentera. either Anse the shutter or hold something dark over the lenapntI) It has passed. Re earefnl not to move the camera. The kngth of exptlwnre will necee- Aarli; deporton the quantity and quality of the light on the Arena and the Rise of the stop opening of the camera. With stop tttAtAA, as es- OODERWEI 31AJIIILIT YAM= PwM7 s Ilene. 6 ibey-len; 3-t1 tbs. :M: 4-3 i1►s., 1t+; ander 4 I*1.., Te, EJlga sail inner Egg", Or doa.'n. I ee-34: < 'TIM , dairy. lb.. .e2:; butter, creamery, Ib„ tic. Live Week flacon hogs, cwt., $7.:.0; beef., lb.. 4e -5r; real, Ib., 7e -Re; lamb, ih., le. Grab Wheat, per bus.. 90• -it : hurt - wheat, bus., 56(•-d0e; oats, lee -42e: feed barley, Mia., 35e --65c : malting barley, !I �a Potatoes, new, 90e- 11 Pleur ami reed Bran. 100.1, tag, $1,45; aborta, 106- lb. 04Ib.bet. 9'1 1!Ota moat,100-Ib, bag. $4-13.J0: -. posers of from two to ten minute% for a well lighted subject will give satisfactory results. if the illumina- tion 111 weak, the exposure may have to be increased to twenty-five min- utes or more. Rulldings all or party outlined with electric lights Ithe lights show - Ing as tiny white disks on a black background) make fantastically In- teresting pictures. Details of the building shotid no' show in the fin - itched print or the effect will be spoiled. therefore. rare should be taken to avoid overexposure. Use Atop opening 1.16 and allow about fire to flfteey seconds depending on the brilliancy Of the. Lights. This set - flu; 'should ¢Iva detail around the Iigh s only And make them standout. Many pubite buildings are bril- liantly illuminated with flood- lights. These I*Rhting effects eaa be reentered tin film with five alit'•af ten mince eminent -es. using step ("'"' f.1t. Make a rote of the diapbragla setting and the length of foe et. phare on your first picture. If 011111, Of underexposed, profit by your first experience and try again. Dent get diecn,raged by a fallen+. Experience is a great teacher. 117 JOHN VAN GUILDRR. • THERAPIST - NOTICE TO CREDITOR$ t;alerlch, Phone 341 Equipped. with electro-magnetlr 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS.b.athA. Fleet electric treatments ■rad ebiroprae•tie. Cbr.'ak, organic. and nervous diseases. Lady In at- tendance. office boars 2 to 5 Sad T- 10 Pt p.m. on Tuesday. Friday and Sat- 9 urday, and on We.law•-•lay 10 to 12 a.m. only, or consultation may be bad by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell, 1 N %TKINSON Residence and otle--- orner et !South street and Britannia road. • paving regard 01117 to the claims then t Sled. INSURANCE. i OANS. ETC. e -t Dated December Sad. A.D. 1936. _ HAYS & HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, cbILLCri' MUTUAL FiRE 'NINA-- Solicitors for the Executors herein.I AN(7E CO. -Ears and Isolated NOTICE TO CREDITORS. town property insured. OmOere-Alex. Broad(oe t, Prealdeot. Notter is hereby given to all persona Seaferth; John F. Pepper. Vice-Preat- • having any claims agalust the e+tateldent, Rruosfieid; M. A. Reid, Seem. • ('harlotte M. lfeK'res;h. who died •tary-Treasurer, Seatorth. 00 or about the 31e( day of October, .Ikrectors-Alex. Brnadfont, t3ea- A.;D, 1938, to send same to the u#der-i forth; Jame:. Sboldlce, Walton; Wm signed on or before i)Fcember 12th, ;Knox, leondesboro; George Leonhard_ 1936, as on and after 'hat date the I Dublin; John E. Pepper, itruoefield . a lminiatratrix of the said estate will Jame, ('onnoliy, Geiderseb - Tbomae 'Worre.J• to make dietrinntlon of the !Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. tr hlbald, astwM if the estate, 'solos regard 'teaforth: Alex. McEwine. Itlyth. ods to the claims thea Algid. .!gents-- W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, t-,'lititon Dated at rin,lerlclt .this 25th day of James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, \ovetnber, .1.D. 19!30. 11.11. 1, Bru-efeld; R. F. McKercber. 'HAYS licittors iiAY9for, Ooderie•h tb!Ad, ntario, 1t.R. 1, Dublin; ('has. F. Hewitt, Rin- SominfatratrixOe'srdine; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Bore-' Notice Is hereby given to all persona haring any claim against the estate I of James llolland, late of the town of 1 ',Goderich in the county of Imran, wbo died on or about the 20th day of No- vember, 19!18, to Arad same to clue um dereigned on or before tbe lSth day of December, 193tf, as on and atter that date tee executors *111 proceed to make distribution of the said cetate, berets. t holm. Policy -holders can make alt pay. lh►TIC1i 1'U ______ )RS, meate and get their card, reeetpted at 1I�� the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Oath's IN TILE ESTATE. OF .11.FRF;1) COIL- 1Grteery, Kingston street. Goderich, or NEi,f„ DECEASED. J. H. Retd's General Store, Rayddd. \ntfee iA hereby given that all per- i - sons having any claim or demand agalnwt. the (%tate of Alfred Cornell, who died on the 2nd day of June, 19311. at the Town of (3tapleau, are required to 'tend by 1w'r prepnl.l or deliver to The Trusts & Guarantee Company Limited rat Itrantfnrl f`.•)., the admin- instrtuor of the .,late of the Bald tie - matted, their name+ and addresses and tall (rrti"ilnre In w -icing of their Claim and statement.' of their Ile- manta -and the.1IJnn' of the s,.•nritlee. If say, bald Ivy them. -' And tette), e notice fist sorter the 2111 t"1.+TeriJtrinl.er next the said ad minietrator will proeenl to diatrlhnte the nseete of the said divested among the persons entitled :beretn, having regard only to tbe chums of which said adminletrator *all Then have had entity, MA that the administrator w111 not be llabie for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whoop claim the ,flet admlolatrator shall not thee bate received ne Dated thta 10th day of Noven 1990. LOPrV8 E. DAN'O'SI, Solicitor for - •Adtniaistrakse. - -- - _ .... -. A... . Smith's Art Store i% the eery place le select jest the Gift j -ort want ter every Ate Isnely English (shin Phages. at lee, 29e, Pik. Ur, Ilk Dainty Cape ami Rowers tram i5e upte=1.69 BEAIIIFI'L PLCTC'RES artistically framed at lbs. 26t, Mk. 15e, 41.13 up--awd sathisar girrs ,sett lasting ptcs.str" M a good PICTURE. (HRIRTM.%A ('ARDS from le up to 26e ('.ANiiIISN and POiNTNETTi Just pop In knd see all the Pretty thing". We pack free ail Pictures ami China. Seib':Art aGiftStore RANT NT. PHONE let • max, • • Vii;,