The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 7- THE SIGNAL .-
County and District
Milton Leltr, garugewan, of Zurich, atul her passing was quite unexpected.
while crauklug a ear lust wvit•k broke dletWes her buuhand she *tree a son,
Ida raw at the wrtdt. ;l'te11 Lowry, by a former 'marriage. a
Mrs. Elizabeth Schnell of Zurich stepson, Juhu Wilmington of (Mutes.
slipped and fell In her butue nue day , sad a brother, 11. E. Chapman, of
last weak and suffered u fru,lure of Turuuto; •
the hip. She euM rewutvd to the' Prettier Marker, at Sed@RN'
Clinton hospital.
Jahn, Storey, of 'Puck,•r.wUltt,, d lion. William .\berhart, l'rewk•r of
Alberta, *pent the wtek-e* with his
to the tiraforth hospital 'ae Seturdd:• I mutlu•r mud brinier.' Charles Aber -
after au Illues+ u( about a %%eel,. Ile i Iutrt, fit t(eafurlh. r. Alwrhart come
was In We eeveuty-ninth )our. Ile
(vest to mlteutl"$'"rvi ie of` Piiirin•
woo never married. idol Premien+ at t)ttaw$' bud seised
Ytfteen residents of 11'iuglgw ape the opportunityto t,1Nlt old ol•1 bonne
t,rarr,l before !tr[t_wtrute \Itakihs al
Wlugbaw on Thugsdlay last and acre pthe pulpit ut the Presbyterian
tined ih aut4 coots if $:t curls for not : ehnreb and uddreseed a large ruugre-
bavltig radio licenses. !elitism.
The ..hath of l)aniel Ayutte occurred I - Demtaerlhag—Warden
suddenly November :Tub ut the home!At Northside I'ulteil Church pareon-
of his won, Tuttleld Ayutte, 11th eon ,
tysailnl-':rt�ttwy-townshlp. Uesrua•tl age, Seat rah,. uu.Nrtrmher 1st, Enoch
was In his elgldy-st.ond year. Ldouelwlle, cuuegeM daughter of Iona h
R. H. Lloyd was on a ladder at the',1\anlen anti the late Mrs. Warden of
Lloyd door factory, �I'iughxw. when Ilarristun, wait united in marriage. to
It alloyed .l4d�lie fell, iuffertn a ir�on • lou Henry, only son of Mr. and
en jaw and a revere shaking up. -Be ▪ 'a"'tr. a tt .ny,r•c. ' uf.- erewitb,
was taken to the Wingham hospital. formerly of Itarrlwhro. 1'lae ceremony
MrWI{liam Manley, of ):xeter, i ear performed by Rev. T. A. ('ar
died December 2nd iu her Atly-tirst I ntithael' The happy couple will re -
year. Mw had been iu poor r health r1+1e in Seaturth.
for over a year. Iler husband prede- I kreher of Dulwich Man Dies
ceased her 111111 %heel% surtir..d by too 1 George Speiniti, of Ethel, brother of
daughter,. Edward Spelraq of God erlch, died
The death of Harriet Piper. aidaw suddenly last-wuek- ate was In Carr's.
if Frank Carrick, arorrtd in the harness %imp end said he was not feel-
Wlogbam hospital oo Sunday, Iu her lug well, ,tai a few mingtes tater Mr.
clghly-first year. Uemawi1 was born Carr found he had passed `away.
at Glenannan and had lived la the wain his recenty•ftret year and lived
vicinity all her life. (alone at Ethel. his wIfel'ltaeiug died
The death of Caroline Uucllow', wi- in 1913. He leaves a son, Alex.. of
dow of Gills•rt Thlbidorou, as urrnd yr" Grey township. and a daughter, Mrs.
Wingbsm after several mouths of ill- sinnIey Hammond. of E1me.
new, fotlnwtng a stroke. Dere/teed, • Death at w. w. comae
moved to Wingham front a Itrw,'el After a wtrat ttyl 11lat e.. w
twenty years ago. Two daughters alai
W. Coopell of--Mtaaley tow•ruthlp just
Three sun+ survive. north of the tillage of Kfppen, died
The depth of Marr Yc9tlrhnel, wi- November '4SM at th e.a a of sixty-five --
Thursday, Deeember 10th, 1936--16
Oldsmobile Six for 1937 Entirely New
raker art new tripl led agelsat i
water', Aust or mud. TI braked are
suppleOented by au Independent eater-
geney uteetianlcal braking system op-,
erat'ed by Ia '•pistol grill' uu,k•r the
left ut the dash.
litany other mYrllaaleal improve:I
-'uie-ute. enutribute to the exa•iknee of
tlw new Oldsmobile $1i. ,•Aniting them •
uie rturdier near ,CJs. lees 1-netioa. i
larger wheel Warlugl h+loh (a,.ut..and
1 river. iwitrtwerl valve desigh `and a
new type of Kldral•ract1t couch which
eugpges tuns eneedhly and bar
greatly itterea rd tactor of dutibllit
(:rued ,Itapids Press _ Atvording to i
u event niewei_story, hail as large as
IhtvtouJatits fell In Afrha. Nutting i
Uke tits ever happened. in Africa un-
NI Aurlettn ttitevapapers .stationed I
r•s{oudehtti over tber.. i
The Oldsmobile Six for 1937, an-
nounced by General Motors Prod-
'•ttleta of Canada, Limited, is the most
-beautiful car in Oldsmobile's four
• decades of production. Bodies are
distinctive with a new massive radi-
ator treatment, and mechanical im-
provements are numerous. Above,
the coach with trunk, powered by
95 h.p. motor. Below, left; tits eom-
modious luggage trunk. Centre, the
rear compartment artment of the sport
coupe with its two occasional seats.
Right, the luggage accommodation
in the convertible coupe, which also
has a rumble seat.
cthitor walkltlg in a miuiug ins-
et'-eame upon an old man turning a
windlass at the top of a shalt.
It was a very hot day, but the old
man had thrown aside his hat and the
Wusbine was streaming upon his bare
head. 14f.
. if you expose your bead to the sun
in that way." said the •traveller, "your
twain will he Injured." •
The old man looked wearily at the
speaker and- shook his head: "If I
had any brains to Injure, 1 wouldn't
tie doing 1L71 g'dar Intl`"' bet *
dow of John ',sale. occurred Friday I %errs. lksvasel w -4M :1,0rL un 'the • p Six im{Not,tauce Ur neer p,asotngers who ride evtmGortsbly la either front o[
evening lost at her Make to Clinton. Inuidwa road, Tuckersmltp, the eta
e[ Oldsmobile (uuw rlok un'a 10wer keel sort loxattd roar mal
to her eighty third year. De•eaaed �wou of the late Jaws cooper. and..bis
and Der husband farmed in Mullett daeath Is ala• fled heroic In the family
and Tuckcre.mlth ti•fure rettrtbglotlreirinb of wren slstp[+ and two broth -
In Clinton right years ago, 1.11r. Dale' era. Bealdes lila wife. he leaves a
died In 19844. seven soar .-. • -73;,,o., William R., it. home, and two
daughters s t
rondo and Brace of (Atoka
The marriage of Mary Ellen. trot- -Pneumonia Fatal
ly), daughter of William Stokes of •'
WI D Harold Martin, son of P"'""onia ("11"w lug attar►* °C -
Rev. Is-
a ' j•poping people In Currie vicinity..
atop, -was wntelnntned by don Wrir. Iw'avaty elghtyear-oia. tato'
Smith at the Ttapotiat parsonage. Wing-
er, residing on (moe..on 17, Howldt
Dam, on November S`lth. Mr. and«Ntectohlp, died on Saturday after a
Mrs. Martin sill n side tit I.islclwel' four days illness. Ile was the only 000
Zvi-Whet—Marlin M Willi Weir Ital-
in a quiet e,remt,ny at Wnl'.aoelown,
performed 1•y Itee.' 1. H Macli cubiti,
uncle of the groom, on November 2sth,
Margaret Isobel Martin. Reg. N.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mar- ,
tin of Meter. was united Ir marriage
to Charles Gerald Zwk•ker, tem of Mr.
and Mr.. Charles Zwlcker of Crediton.
The young coupe left on a trip to 1*-
trolt, Chleago and New York.
Bed les f wl
day night last and was found dcad.b7 was scents -lice years of age and wa• psrotrmenta In both p•rforuiline anti Upholstery
her htatwnd In the morning. scar rapier-lrarti of hanri,,f. whlt'b nrol'a _ II found only In custom two Important results achieval b
. t.•r:eai»+g eeaauaty-..-_ bu�i lbs sad Ytnr trtrvitmr. heat width pdh dlartPuf sn e
our. te:
Martin- 4Stdt0 daughter*, Wow* Margaret of To.
t11 aro c ar flumes has tone"' 111e death° 0f two
Mr. and )Ire. John Marton of Pelmet-
Ie.twten'tlte [foul soul rear whcels7u• I Tli' Instrument panel. o1 new and
Features 1.937 Mead of over the rear axle fitatwn-
modernistic design, carers two tarter
centlona1 body (9 gas -'dials 1111 either side. of a centrally -bo-
- i -- Drivers of short stator.. sill appre-f._eajed. louvered panel which 1.' special-
' elate another 1a14Z feature which lu- ly designed to accommodate a- radio
A Beautiful Car with Many Ad-, %Dire° the adjustment of the front masker. Fur the convenience of
vancements in Style and 1 seat. When the seat is moved for I titter who desire radio Installation,
' ward. the rear of the .c..1 cn•hlen • aer':nly are mdlu1let into the running
Construction arises and the back eusl' tilts for. bards. Two dials on the right of
-- - I ward, uffurding- -comfortable support the instrument panel are Inset into
f-' .t An entirely nt•w Oldsmobile six for ; and tuaiutuiufng the line of virtue Itt the door of a spacious package t•11m-
1137. distinctively different and °right- , the prop ` eelevel.e the he *raw -
thaw. . pertmhe,ve tt -with umbun aslr k. O The
al tae tNNly ettSling, and offering many somewhat, eliminating the utetl ut un- other 10• an illuminated electric dock.
ImportanC adraneemtnts in methanl ' comfortably bending the keoes in or- !Installation of the clock includes a
of Mr. and rs. William /• cal design; I§ being given its first pule I tier to reach the pedals. \ spring small light w]tfeh Illuminakw liar par-,
was married four years °go and 15 Ile showing by Oldsmobile dealers 1 unit is -included ill' the front *eat as- eel compartment when the door le
survived try hili wife and one ehild. throughout l'anuda. ' sembly to assist iu muting it forward. '1 hpened.
Mies Gladys )filler, eighteen -year-old Announcement of the new Oldsmo- 1 The 111(17 all -silent, a11 -steel Turret I The engine 14 three-point mounted In
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Top bodies by timber are of 1'nlateel , rubber. The displacement bas been
Ir wa° 111 about ten days She bile Six culminntes the busiest develop- , construction. they Include a heavy increased to 229.7 ruble inches.
of L.,rr
Is survived by her ptanots, Are broth- meat period ID the four decades otstructural frame or louder steel slick -
operates at the comparatively
tri dud 10 i ratio t 81 to 1
girder -tile high e t tpre*a ou ra u n
Killed by Train The new nixes are - longer, lower, steel doors. All doors and windows Motor blocks are cast integrally with
A fatal accident occurred at the roomier and more comfortable than 'are sealed against wind and rain by the crankeese and provide full length
Wingham C.P.R. station on Friday rubber windIaclug. Safety glaze is water jackets which completely our-
ur- -
those which mala Vldsmoblle �>"; standard throughout. (_1osed bodies round each cylinder. Direct "pipe
--Registered llptometrlst -
F)es Itxaaaloed Gleams (Fitted
ICI years in Stratford), at
itobertson's Jewelry Store
"Satisfaction LLL Moderate Coat"
('w The •S►gu1a1's (Unsettled l'olumns
Tltey_are here for your
•., inspection
WEAR '• •
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
Goderich Old Horne Week
August 1--7, 1937
Persons who know of (wlerleh Old Boys or Clef,• at a diKanee
ore Invited to 11/1111 the name and address as betoir and mall to .
- Dr. W.F. Callow, Godttrich, Ontario
This w111 enable`Ihe Committee to seed an L ivitotlob in due course
18titi: The motor provides
passu sway some time durt1 irThet* ba('klnE out of the atetleo,-Mr. Mallet, speeds, with .•ursarrponding._lm- l iN ut the lnxurinva yll- feel and d>41 and longer engine lite azo
_ Fotr Dead M afternoon, when Harry Hay .O ng' history in
are equipped with the Flsher no-th•aft line" cooling Is provided fur the ex-
Mtat, Thosie Wlggtngton of Cl stop ham, was *truck by a ti'itln'as tt was greater reserve of power at lower en- !are
� bawd
velums. Greater economy o[
alt 7 he cosine -sow Ins type usually 11 t f swat ant#
failure was the cause of death. She prevented bis hearing the train, whsle de,..l 1, 1r'•: brake horsepower, agaltwt t
had been apparently in good health a Ilglar fall of snow may hate ob- I Ito horsepower in the 1'938 model.', is exceptionally generous, being more rein rely lot` speed of opera hydraulic
— %cured 1114 clew. lie waw -oaken to the �\•LTellwse ,has been lucreaaed to, _I (than ample to permit there persons to Powerful, elf energising,
fWiagbnw hospital, inhere he died =tiuehl•s. --
'few hours later, having suffered serene If The 1937 Oldemoblle Six preeenis on '
wounds in adrtltlol to other In- eutirelt new Interpretatiuu of radle-
Broph•e dos.
Amhnlance aervlee at all hours,
day or night
PHONES: Stere 1113. Res. 111
Juries. . r; 1;Te3Tes,wss born-lw-1 aa*
-crud. grille -design. Thr -new teestawat
land. cowing to Canada thirty year* employe eight die -east hurhwutal
ago. Ile was an old arms mail and '. grille louvers, deeply recessed and
served in the Egyptian and other cath plated In chrome. Below are three
Ayepips. His wife survives. with . smaller louvers which extend at a alight
sons and three daUghters. upward• angle on•either aide of a ver -
Death of Mrs. C. Bailees.," I tical Oldsmobile emblem. hood louv-
• ng, w ers
away at I alga which harmonises with the rue
distor grille. (}fateful, stream -lined
headlamps are mounted directly upon
the side panels of the hood.
,Deeply valanced front and rear
f�ndere, massive chrome -plated hump-
ers and bum r guards, running board@
covered w atty.-ribbed Mead
rubber, and steel wheels with mainive
Margaret Ann Mann
. Wheeler
ffftmsrd Director and rallabiet
• I
-All,_.callto promptly attended to
day or night
Store 335 Residence 356w
Hamilton Street. Goderich
W alter•Dalton
Hares Old 1107. Graduate
Ooderteh Collegiate instltpte
13510 West Warren 1Gaf:
Telephone Oregon IOU,
I idow of a are of a triple horizontal bar de -
Christopher Bolen pa
the home of her daughter, ]ern.
Finlay, Goderieh township,ln her Satur-
day, November
fifth year. Mrs. Beacom was born in
Colborne townehlp, a daugtiter of the
her parents moved to Sommerhlli
when she was very young and it was
there that the greater part of her life i hubs of polished chrome, add further
was spent. About sixteen years ago I distinction to the smoothly contoured
Mr, and Mrs. Beacom gave up farm- allateel bodies,.
Ing and moved to Clinton, where Mr. I Complete Individuality has been Ine-
rteacom died ell years ago. For the served oleo in the rear body treatment,
last three years Mrs. iteacom had !which offers an Innovation In the plan I
been with her daughter. Mrs. Fifthly. I lug of combination tall and atop lights
Surviving are two sons and four 'high on the rear sides of the bodies at
• Wap Beacom, Detroit; I the termtnatton of the chrome bode
moulding. The lights are Sharply
streamitnel, almost reverse miniatures
of the front headlampa. The license''
plate bracket is on the centre ftf .the 1•_
iiehe, l'0 n r
Flsher, ineamltyrinn: Sin. C. ]t..lipg--with trunk: sedan with trunk: coareR- "--
bl sent; and
the big saving you tan melte in your fuel account by burning
GOAL et $8.50 per ton? —�
Ilive tis a trial order and prove this. Mir customers
tell me that they u'ae four Coal hods of Ford - Coke in
place of live of other coke, This means quite a saving
one•in' five. Ford-Coke`bnrns similarly to hard coal.
• Z Afso, a stock the Famous Cone -Cleaned D. & II.
• .lnthraeeite, Foothills Alberta and Pocahontas Coal.
o sls[era. (►Icteeu+ubile progress.
!ton all -steel floors and
Ol�o� �93 ..
Bert. Toronto: Mrs. Wilfred Biggln
Ind Mrs. Bert Finlay. Goderlch town-
ship: Mr.. W. lioltshaner. (%!P'1 Rraab
Mrs. Cecil ('toper, Toronto• _
or and sisters surviving are "Tilpea rear compartmt•ot lid, equipped wltb-t_
Mahning. Ernfob . ark Mra• Robt. a license tight.
thl ri -few Mt'• Tawe Four body choices are offered: Coach
esu, Kitchener. The funeral took tilde done with rltnt e
•place-De'ember 1st to -the Clinton /sport coupe. _
(*meteryy1'mt.uaIly generou. .provision for !
- lugtingol apace hes been made In n11 of i
' the'lody ousels. This results from;
!the Increase In body length permitted
CENT A WILE ROUND TRIPBARGAIN FARES !listhe w hbeiay.a from the
401/mon STM, Admits Me.: Children W.) fact that the ear floors have been mw -11
- e dal by three and Date -half tIIebes�='--"
from GODERII:H and ill adjac/s11t E.N.R. Stations Ili inti added death to the bases
A new
t111e; orris
Nalatnee, .EIugstotb 1:llI . 'Au' . Cana ln�Ilf�atT-- '•
hr,ry. Ivit1rnw• 11. 1•ibrldlh•. 'Audrey, ,._j eterlor0, 1 •
Newmnrke1,.M1fadltle, Prtwlaut• I iUingw''KNl• JT,'ntmd, third... Ortllitr:'
hl Ilantatine, Callander. North •llay•
- neauv w Oldsmobile. development In
t��lf �I).haa•n• for shaft ck•etptti ha
18 port-itr+sf elf•+ ' j wopwl �i larrmttt d
Fri., Dec v `Q 1• unlit ('n1Nturg. Itell4;ihhl;,
1 � 1 rewotl M
Miellntid, OrYvenlmrat, /tramp r ge'.
Rbt, , inches In diameter, employs .three 101i• I •
Parry Folio, hndlmry. All towns in New• Oilia�gn k1i 1rtR m y vers:al joints" lnite d of the cont.**.
kerning & Norther) Rly.:.Nipbwheir' centrist -4M•.:
(lenoldtnn. Jellicoe iwerthoore, •tional two. Th' added, centre joint ,
Itr--. --.i Chatham i% locked' In and supported by the mato- 1
Thtrham. etre A-heam of the hfavv
frame. With thea new typo at ,h5R, r
it tw unne(' Lary to obstruct the rear 1 _'
compartment with n shaft “tunnel."1,
(lead an leg room Iavt#Atren added
without increasing overall height, I
•1l„0, 11 has aided its aaittl.ttm--e!R'4}`
ddarahly lower matte of gravity alibi
u-Srr,spntoling 11111? enteht- .tee' elf
etab111ty. n factor finer, owl still ftfr-
iher by the employment of add! etablls,
fret+. both front and repar. , •••►.
.1n, tiler vital b&1 lttiproviment Is
the,ia et that the agate have been
imaound forward approximatply six
Mien. Mt change l* of especial'•
the car doors to be lowered without 1
Imposing the ineouvenienee of a "tun.; s
nel" in the rear compartment. The
new "stabilised" Oldsmobile prop'IUW;
shaft, which, Incidentally, Is tau full t
Toronto AIRi ,tn
Sat.,Dec. 19, to (tarslry (Iinron,
CurlptI 1lwapliiL�.,; Il hover. •'4lnrrlstnn.
Exeter, FeKine Kincardine.
, ftilattel, Mitchell Mogen,
inReranll, Kincardine. KRMMtMr..al0rid �n, I.
Fella. ()wen Smoot 1'ni•leyonthlnteretampton,• Stretford StraElgin.
rnytI WalkerNnea. S•. Mars. Sarnia.
fon, tt'iartnn, ITtnehem.
tt 1MNlwt Kb.
I,ocallc btwern Impert*M Stitfloai"'iT *Milt
sad Sat., Dec. 19 Evenrrtinn Tleket% are sold- Ask Ticket Agent~1
Mor Fares. Return LImiM. Train lnformethht Tickets.
consult Cilt �hearatt
Agetat. tire Handhlllm for cewrP_ -
• e' w
a- ..fy:�,w.riA:.►4.°•fare.-..•. :.s x...o:,sa ::nT'' ". (f} 41,4i
QEE it today ... this bigger, finer Oldsmobile that sets the,pace for
J 1937. You'll be captivated by its new Dy narnic Beauty . . and
impressed with its roomier, luxurious interiors.
Oldsmobile for 1937 offers you the newest and safest Unisteel Turret
Top Body by Fisher ... built as one sturdy unit of steel. Higher -
powered engines in the new Oldsmobile deliver greater speed, faster
pick-up and more miles to the gallon. New Super -Hydraulic Brakes
ensure quicker, safer stops. And new Dual Stabilizers, front and rear,
improve the smoothness of the Knee -Action Ride. To judge what's new
in motor cars for 1937, see and drive the new, low-priced Oldsmobile.
Voe1 can buy your new• Oldsmobile on the General monthly
.- - Inaba/avant Plan with onthly payments to. .,1I ty.rh
PHOiiI Ilya
t. Wheelbase 1937
N� ltigber_Pew,�idEn roes has ale
Turret To =twee s •
° Beal Stabilisers blew Super- HydraulicBodttBrah Fisher e
Fhb., No -Draft il °on
Cewfae Cawtr h Y•wtlteU� °w
Pado� 31 O sl gtdserywt
hcwomPP •0N end I." i)nII �)
•dill pone/