The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 614-Thereday, December MIN in
ton clICIPtkak
(Continued from page 10)
CAMIPTELL'S DRUG STORE municipal accounting or auditing 11
'Like asking a man to plow a ten-aere
geld when be Dever has had a plow
, in his hands," said Mr. Cummings.
"I am nut sayleg you must appoint
BillesaelLLER, Dec. 8.-lienson Wal- !skilled meo-I am uot bere to give pleted ot the opening of 00 u n,., I Qi
tere has returned hoMe after several orders--trut it you (employ umokliled
Thursday morning, Reeve McNall, Of
week, of sailing. men and the audit you send to the
Mr+ Skillet Brown we* in Stratford Department is uneatisfactory I ail" lot the Courtly Dome being taken from
folt the week -end. Isend it back aud it will have to be
II. J. Moore, *mountain of the Dr
,yartment ot Municipal Affairs, was in-
troduced to eouncil and, spoke very
Preelossers Become an Amore ,
When routine business was +ow
at=Sunday is White Gift Bandliy
church Isere, and the C.G.1.T.
The Monday school CbriateMs tree
eatertalamest is to be held on Monday
estate& December 21st.
abroad is pidgin Preach, I do not like
to be reeds& to in perfect Emilish."-
done all over agate."
Deputy -Reeve R. E. Turner -"Is it
necessary that an aueitor 'Mould
a chartered accountant or a mon espe-
cially schooled for the job?'
Christmas Suggestions --
Large Assortment of Christmas Books
Cowboy Books Special 35c
Popular Sheet Music 25c, 35c
or 3 for 31.00
Musk Box „..20c Chromatic Mouth
Drum for children, well
made, -calfskin head...$1.60
Guitar Special 36.95
Music Stands 31.25
Accordions -312.60 and up
Clarinet, all mkal. _318.00
Mouth Organs, Reg. 50c...
, Special 19c
D'Erina Deacon Music Shoppe
242 Dundas Street Heintsman Bldg. Open Evenings
the institutiou by relativea whenever
an Inmate becomes eligible for an old
age peuvion.
tbe inmate woe not an asset
to the county. DO one wanted bine"
said the Reeve, "but when he became
Mr. Cumiolng-"No, It br not nem,- one his relatives seowed a sudden de-
sary. A chartered accountant may be !ere to have him, and the head of the
a good auditor, but a man may be a
good auditor who Is not a chartered
accountant. The responsibility is on
your sboulders and if you want to
employ unskilled men that is op to Mr. J. M. Govenlock, County Home M-
eow.'" ,s_,_____.. ,- spector, said it was not a cant bood, 11,11M041(401100041M/0401004EMICKftgiCteetertgbi
Reeve Cardiff said a•toin had of- but merely a signed sheet of paper.
be could line up eeveral municipalities. would be good a year from the date pensate farmers Weill 'cattle it a payments; also that our share of the
fered a 'medal price for auditing if He never knew, be said. if the bond .
clealrup program WM instituted by tbe cost of imolai services bas increased
"la tbat good business?" asked the it was al ed
"What is the bond for?" he asked. council to locate the armee of undu- $10,000 a year. We have met all tete
Ree"Yvese.," said Me. Cumming& "A man "1 see no seoae in the boud," said lant fever in the Dungannon district. with no increase of mill rate.
engaged solely In that work would Reeve Elliott. "If a reeve has author- The report of the warden's commit- -Our favorable showing is, the re-
tvave a better grasp of what is re- Hy to put a man in the home. he has tee was reed •nd adopted with one sult of untiring energy on the part of
•mendment, the changing of the clause I Warden Bowman He stated in Jan-
quired." . authority to release him."
Reeve alert wasted to ksow If the A lengthrdtecusidon ensued, at tbe asking that farmers be allowed to ! uary that we would havf to bear down
council eould extend the time for conclusion of which a resolution ask- carry firearms free In a war against lea year to live within our eatimates.
equalization of taxation. The lavt hog that the Old Age Pensions Cater jackrabbits. ___1. "The inspector qf the County Home
equalization in Huron was in 1927. ' nilsaioe make monthly deductions from The executive committee report watt , has been very energetic in looking after
"Technically," said the speaker, -the pemeons for burial purposes was drawn adopted after one clause was @truck i entices of the inmates and bite turned
law says you must revaluate at least up. The resolution was defeated when out, mown voting down a grant te , In an excess ot 87,000, the result be -
the El' let Huron Women's Inatitute. I ins that the home has cost us nothing
every ten years, but if you are all one i pull to a vote. ,
happy family I can .ec no reasou why During the dIsetige1011 Reeve McNeil Meths. , I and will dose the year with $3.000 in
you cannot extend the Lilac ii`‘e or said be knew of a family in whi
Moved py Reeve Feagan, seconded !the balsa."
dven fifty yearn mother arid father were receivi
Reeve J. II. Ikott. that all bins ' Criminal Audit
We will select a te. young own willing to
eisecisilzed training deeding with
meat dereloomealis In Tales ision The
men selected. &ad who take the training
will later be required so cone to Toronto
(expenses paid'. and will be teen she op-
Foriunity.ot otseiduetinii Te vision and
Cathode •Itay" electronic experiments
D▪ o aot ask foe an laterelew unless you
e re meehealeslly or eleetrically inclined
sad MVO taken eiwneaVary savors or
(Trete school. Good character einem
Americas Institute of in-
Monuments !
To those contemplating
erecting a Monument :-
Cemetery Lettering • Specialty
-Alt Work Gnaranteed-
aisles Markle aid Granite Works
John Groat, Clinton, Ont.
Successor to Ball & Zayre
municipality was Dot consulted.
Warden Bowman explained a 8200
bond was posted before au inmate
could be taken from the Home, but
from 31.50
Ukuleles- :.from $2.50
Guitar Cues. . 31.00 to 310.00
Violin, Special 33.95
Piano Accordion, 120 bass,
Saxophone, reliable make, re-
oonditioned 348.00
meat memorialise tbe railways to me to pay thee" mid Rose. MA•Nali, whew
form the set dealing with the trans- a lawyer's account for $10 tor serriese
purtetion trawdents, thereby mak- rendered at the request of an °Sem
ing it more ()Moult for transients to was preauttel. "This °Meer had no
travel about tee couutry. airtburity to get a Beeforth lawyer."
3. And we further suggest tbat Mr, ifeNall then gave Intorno thew-
legbolatiou be enacted making it an of- lug !Mit the officer rewired Stie par
fence, under the litglivsay 'Prank Act hour %bile ou a case, free tell/phalli.
to couvey traueleute along our high -
This resolution was adopted e ith
the third clause Mriwk out.
Model by Reeve tlardiff, seconded by
,Reeve liamke, that tbe eounty clerk Mid. -We should •liz a permanent
be inerueted to notify all wunitepal salary, for under the present spasm
clerks that lo their final reports of old we don't know what be* getting."
age peneion applications tor tee year iteeve Mathevon--"This must not
they attach details of mileare in cou-
Moved by Reeve Hemingway, sec-
onded by Iteeve Matheson, that we
extend to Mr, !Hugh Hill our beartieet
coogratulatIone on the distinctioe
has brought to Huron coutrty by the
position he won in the prize ring •t
the Royal Fair with his purebred
Guernseys. Carried.
Delegation frees Perth County
At the Friday afternoon session a
delegation from Perth county, headed
by Vi'arden Doneldnou, attended on
tbe council with • request for Huron's
backing of a requme to the Govern-
ment to take over the road from Am-
"I am trying to give you practiml ' penelons and a daughter with one by
from towrkship clerks re old age pen- Reeve Peter W. Scott. reporting on
advice. If you think it is better to child .a mother's allowance, while a
leave tbe equalLsation as it is then it ma was employed. dons must be O.K.'d by the reeve of the criminal audit for the year 1936,
4be municipality before being paid by sald•: "We hafte-enelleed the,,,,nrst
is good business to do so. In these Rene Swearer said he considered
tbe county clerk. Oirried. Lbree-quartera of ill; current year and
days. I do not care bow good value- it the they of any reeve to report aucb
Moved by Reeve Cardiff, seconded he had occeeion to 'make some changes
tors are, it ta, impossible fur them to caste. by Reeve Haacke, that no action be in the amounts as presented by coun-
nate the exact value of • property." It was decided, after the matter was
Referring to the wideaprVad d jr Introduced by Reeve Feagan, that the taken in respect to the Farmers' Creds
dltors' Ace as the matter is before the
proval of the Formers' Creditors* r -
iraogensent Act, Mr. Cumming ' are'
flounced tbere would be it test case
!to determine if a municipality can re-
strain for taxes when the Farmers' return. •
!Creditors' Board has taken over a Reporting on a meeting with Dr.
Votes and the town imitator, Rees'
I "I am of the opinion it can he dene," Sherwood Mated the Government, Ile- "(Pleat the eiectorsot the laulliciPalitY lefactory."
cording to an existing ad, ntay tow of Brussels to return tbe preseet war- The speaker said tbere was no tredve
he said. den, that council may receive the bene- ally for the presence of "an army of
fit of his pate experience. Carried. constables at school reunions or polite
for the payment of burial expen•es of
old age pensioroers was lost. ..
A motion by Reeve* Geiger and
!Renck asking that the road from Hen -
sail west to the Blue Water highway
I be made a Provincial highway waa
higher courts, acd it would seem bet -
ninety -day period 14 an indigent pa-
ter etiquette to leave the matter mi-
tten is discharged from a hospital at
DI such time as they have made tbeir
his own request and then forced tot
decinon. Tabled.
Moved by Reeve ifrweitzer, seconded
Reeve Matheson that Ibis council
free muted -pee, free smoothie, nu.
lug Ilse -Comity over $100 per awns,
and $1264147 per month salary.
"L (vatted that is too muvh to pay
Aar one Lunstable in this county," he
go on"
Warden Bowtnan-"Has a traffic of-
ficer any right to hire any lawyer be
iteell fit, outside the Crown Attorney?'
Tbe query was met by a chorue of
tee discussion :
Elliott -Cardiff: That the Haye
Meir account for $10 be laid over we
tit tbe January session, and that the
Warden get information from the
county serilitor as to whom tha leaf -
6c °Meer has authority to ening* to
+hal with ouch cases. Carried.
Other motIona:
Mattis -son -emit: That this council
reconmemi• to ilia Incoming council
berley througb Apogean), Llstowel, El- that TraMc ()Meer Norman Leser be
mire to Guelph as a Provincial road. Pieced on stated salary. Carried.
lu addition to the %gating warden, threltser--Pryde: That as our
speakers were John Dinpey, peetii county treasurer attended the school
county engineer; Dr. G. H. Jose, Reeve at London and obtained valuable ir
or Blanchard townsbip; Wm. Good. 1 formation for t he county and tbe
Reeve of Wallace townalep; Reevel inualdpalities we pay 8-10 towards his
---esysases- _Carried.
Preastatiost to Warden Bowsaws
-- The bulginess of tbe sesoripn having
It nes Sated that Hurou, Perth. 'been concluded, Reeve Elliott of ()Un -
Waterloo and Wellingtin countiesIwn ,,,,t, plaeed In the chair to preside
appeal to the Government.
The support of Huron county
Peew°°111 "over the presentation of an address
Was !th4. retiring Warden, Reeve It. J. Bow-
' and a handsome gold -headed caw to
should be represented in a
given in the eMowing-inotion: ' man of Brussels. Tbe address was
Elliott -Matheson: That we concur read by Reeve L E. Cardiff and tbe
with tbe ideas of the county of Perth. can, w„ pi.„ents,d by ih„„ own,
iutrodudel today in coneection with . Geiger, dean of the council.
the road from Amberley to Guelph, and 1 Mr. Bowman responded briefly, and
that the warden, chairman of the rood ' three +-beers were given for him. The
commisalos and the county engineer National Anthem was sung asd tbe
adompany the delegation tu interview council adjourped to meet on the third
Le constables. We were informed by the Minister of Highwey• in order to Tuesday of Jawary, 1937.
the CrOw-li Attorney we had consider- place the road under tbe Provincial
able power to make rulings uoder tele system. Carried. I Never let--aVlle-potson your
head, lied that 6 many branches+ there
Question of Authority !mind. It has enosigk' poisou of Its
was no appeal from our decision.
"I don't think we are called upon I own. -Quebec Chreekiii-TelegraPh•
"I ortrongiy recemmend the adoption
of tbe salary sperm instead of tbe fee
sywtem, which is proving most unmet -
Donald McCallum and Reeve Joeomb
Nagle. chairman of the roads commie-
sion of Perth county.
T e Whole Store
cal picnke., just because there was
some beer present"
-There is no need of caters •t
type of gathering. except as. traffic of-
ficer,. and surely there are enough
men in tbe various localities to attend
fairs without bringing • Mall from the
opposite end of the county," be said,
citing • concrete ewe "I feel a
I referred to the roads tommission.
I Mr. Jas. ettirling, of Godericb town- great string could be made In there
;ship, a well-known apple grower, cases."
!brought to the attention of council on Mr. Scott estimated there would b,e
' Tuesday afternoon the danger of tbe an expenditure of $6,000 in criminal
'increase of the apple maggot. He justice amounts in tbe next quarter.
gated the apple maggot always is "I am sorry to think the county of
found near hawthorn trees and be Huron Is becoming so notoriow with
asiced the countil te consider the cut- cases such as those of 'Hugged!. the
:tine of all hawthorn trete+ as a re-1Erneata, Yield -tee ane Fletcher.
!lief employmeot project. He urged ''We are free to exprese ao opinion
that fruit growing. an important without going to jail for cootempt of
branch of farming. be given protection. court," said Mr. Scott, "and I think
!the tectences, are exceedingly lenient
__"*The Morkey_CIMMille. yin the wont: ot_HuZoll."
11. J. Deachman. M.P. for North _ Reetse constable um
Huron, gave an interesting talk on fin -
%VI, revealed the county een. -TUBES TESTED in your home .free of charge-- „a
ante in .his At 'ddrefet on !•The Money ,
Queation." Using a chart adopted by Twegook`41°1-411-11we4m-"mtaimi
the Itureau of StatIstic-a he tracett the tive name*. m°113 of the men beinE
trend of bank loans from private to °Mire aml "me long (1"d-
lt was decided to call In all badges
Government channels and urged that
e‘ery e ort oe ma e 'and uniforms except those of County
-Our money in going Into Govern -14-, ionnty Tratlic °Meer lever, of Clin-
rnent rather than into private enter- ! ton, and reisoue on recommendation of
Provincial Constable I'. E. lielL70y. V4-47P111/11474.44741110TVITV/42TVVVVIZITTI
ence between ptosperlty and depres- No action was taken reprding the!
prise," lie mid, "anal that le the differ -
provide employment, private expenl' momable• It".s., Easy to Save at the
',ion. Government expenditures do mit appointment of G. Little as a county
(Mures do." The road commission's report *ma
read anti adopted and Reeve Wilmot
Ile urged that steps be taken to Im-
Haack., chairman of the commisrion,
one between the Govern- ,
tnent and the binrs-iiirik-Tireen
banks and the people. . ;entwined mat ,Itsr fli,009 enowplow
I purchased this year was //combination
Mr. Deachman invited questions ut
Gloves re7r,
New diamond :stripe and plain deAigns. ilimdreds and hundreds fur your seleetiop,
“oo(11 weight. All W not lioxe( I 49c in -Gift Boxes. Priced f ro 25c to We-
Best for all your Baldnst
Cakes, Pastry and Bread /
Whether your Radio needs Circuit Che$0,44,,Spe• aker
jtistment or one or more new Tubee--whatever your trouble,
-tool 4)iir service prompt and reasonable.
62 Britannia Rd. RADIO SERVICE Phone 204W
Woicketil variety, zipper or buttons. Men's from $2.50 to St95
Boys' from _ 31.75 to 32.50
All well-kno‘%n
make,:. New fused collar, attached or separate.
Sizes 14 to 17.
All the new Christmas styles
and eolork Flannelette or
broadcloth. , A --
Priced 31.35 to 31.96 I
itt Beautiful Gift Hoses
Men's Fine Leather Gloves,
black, brown or grey, in fane:.
Gift BOXPli.
Priced from 95c to 31.75
imal reeves took advantage of the ey-
elid sel"- PIOW and trucIt .and could be Med
the conciliated of addreota,
1portunity to enlighten themselves and' •
bunch of bananas, they gave it cares
volee their own opinions on ,
ling and tuture relations of the farm- ,
that ths
' machine be accepted ns a piece of good
was earried unanimously. The transient problem sed4 intro -
Children's Aid Work , dared by Reeve McNeil and It was
H. T. Edwards, talk 'inspector
;i.e.! thoroughly aired, many speakers be -
ported briefly on his work, Mating that 'lag beard for and •simInst the sup -
problem' in this department were la- po_rt Of transients.
ereastng, in spite of the fact that every neete tteott, of Ken ((nth, It et of
effort is made to re-establieh homes. tit. °Pink'n a mulliciPalliY °till/rated
to tranaientm as strongly as to relief
Ile reported 302 vislus-and 67 children
in foster homes, with Mx In 'the Sheller. ree'Plentft*
ReeVe Stewart -"It's up to the
Thos. J. McLean, of Wiegham.
dre.oed council with the proposition of municipality to feed them or not, as
they like. lf we put them to work
having a hi.tory of the county .con -
we won't hare so many."
piled. Ile stated the last county atlas
puhil.hed le 1879. and „ was out-
dated and ennihermonnt.
This was 181(1 iffe-r-W7M Januaiy
i Then were eight -define in: the
a total et 92 ernreent If your niethod Is under Gov-
! lock reported,. leaving
!perilous, la 'the Institution. eminent eupervIalon."
AR termed with Reete Cardffi"s
Reporte'rof the logiolative. finance,
property. 'deem that all unempleyed he re -1
icommitteect were read Ad adopted.
was drawn up:
',Dewey Treasurer A 11. Erskine an- Moved hy Recto Seolt, mesenled be
flounced the county had kept sell' Reeve. that' *e. the members
!within the estimates. there brew of the Mime rounty (soinctl, remm-
Reeve Mellet-"It In essential that
We feed them. Tbe consequeuce other-
wise would be drastic."
Deputi Reeve R. E. Turner-"Y(eu
are in duty bound to) look after tram -
I Ootinty Home in 1036, InspeetOr Goren- MeDta' Imt terms° from the 134se.
• ROBINS Aficrt
South Side of Square ar4A=
&deli of oni:t In th.• getEcnil Mend flint the Welfare Beard of the
*doubt and' POO in the blithe aes ne- mrtment of Public Welfare for the
count% making an ectImated Nos'
$7,306. • ovInce of Ontario emend parngraphs
Vs+. et owl 12 of 9rder,In-{Imincti
-Again* thls deficit.' said CRU)1141%(1, 1711. to reed is
Tip Top Um, hp in eetimated toesewelin folk/win- --
thp County Home of COW. t ing ' I, All tinemployed people Ain tie
Tailors net deficit of EOM. In the eafl-Srecluired to register In their natl.&
mates In Ione Ire figured on a deficit muntripality and such municipality
$7.54x) In the face of an uncon- shalt provide them with the neoperithe
frollehle Inereaise in administration of of life. If no employment can he me-
JnortIce •monntIng to nearly 43000, It cored for them.
would appear to hove been 'ea very 2 en ail eel) +weft the where
good year " they were last employed for a period
"c °molder also the fart that we have of twelve mlatittis *Mere whin he
mpe et oar Ity. Ind ire anggeat that the Govern-
Goderich, Ont.
Larffe pkg. 19c
Rasp. or Straw.
Large 32 -oz jar 29c
3 tins 2.5c
1/2-1b. tin 22c
Large 32 oz jar 25c
liligapore Sliced
Tin gc
Citron Peel lb. 35c
Lemon Peel lb. 25c
Glace Pineapple...1/2-lb. 15c
Lexie Raisins 2 lbs. 25c
Lexie. Seeded
Pitted Dates 2 lbs. 25c
New Nuts, Mixed 2 lbs. 45c
'Chocolate Drops lb. 190
French Creams 19c
Satin Mixed Candies lb15c
"Xsple Lest" Rich Red
1/2-1b. tin 190
1-1b. tin 35c
Lipton's Tea. 1/2 -Ib. pkg. 28c
Superior Raking iowder
1-1b. tin 25c
Clorden Pitch NM
2 lites. tins 250
VskIdal IMP Pkg. 2343
Finest Loom Soap
PHONE 116 or 216 PHIQIIM 441
"few -OWN