The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 5. kms. ,fix{ - •
We have prepared very extensively for it with a great
variety of Novel and Useful Gifts.
—Great Selection of Gifts--
tatios* fria-:k
:wlktl, t. in bow. - '::ir up;' 1n-
diwldual lards Ir easel, ;t for 5r,
2 for br. ler and up.
Personal Chm
ristas Greeting
g .-tloestty cards, usn MON
• complete -- 11! su
Military Beni I. single -
and with to�nsUot s..
VOW x...1115e, $9.e5
Bill YeSer. $2.511
Rauh e�e
cand DwaIe (laareras SUS op
GIFTS FOR 1-11./IES1-11./IES !Milt kkt Toiletries, l'omb, Brush,
Hirt -ors, ('ute•, Glato and to
Vaal Manicure Sets 35e, .111,25
----Gift Sluliuta•r),
Ur. 111.75
Bllantlfial Ts 1s ibr—by Part.
ley‘. Ilerrblt Itullatrd Ayer, l►u
It.,rry. llsrvrtlotla. Armand,,,
)hrntng in Parts and au>fay
r, Thursittil. Deet.Mr 19th, 1938--13
ORTH ST. W M. & I tIFaE tetet EME;:EKte
church held their annual election Hon -
officers on Monday afternoon, when the �� 11!7 1 %� C for \ ' • r11imas
following were elected for 1937: .•
• .krary presidents, Mrs. Jan. Hamilton,-
Mrs. Chas. lilrviu, Mrs. Jets. Stewart
and Mrs. J. 11. Colborne: president,.
Mrs. W. P. Lane; vice-presidents. Mrs.
1. Hetherington, Mrs. J. 11. Graham,
Mrs. Rubt. Johfrton *yid Mrs. Wm.
*rattan; rewording rreretrty, Mrs.!
C. M. Robertson; treasurer, Hiss 1. E.
Sharman; t.orre4Wudlug se•retery, ; •
Mrs. Malcolm McKay; press secretary.
Mei W. Y. A. Naftel ; and the follow -
end secretaries ut departments: Chris- ,
Han stewardship, Mrs. C. F. Clarke;
stralther& Mrs. T. R. Wallis and Mrs. t
A. Buchanan; supt►ly. Mrs. T. John•-
aton, with assistant" Miss R. Rule.'
,(Mrs. J. MtOlure and Mrs. R. Ryan;
J.W.Moore: re' temper I
The •% MS. of North street Putted
Al mantle uli •our ntul lu•etuiacfron
S t the beat
and Plitest iugrvdient.s
Venus Candies
literature, Mrs.
awe, Yrs. M. W. Howell and Firs. R. ,+
J• _alantol Yltsu I tV4K EMEACKWA ItiMO 'KN
Jenkins and Mrs. W. Meru; ptanlat,
Mrs. P. J. ('aatelon; ntperlutendentr: i VICTORIA ST. W.M.S. CHURCH NOTES
aBaby Band. Mrs. P. J. Cantelon and I The annual meeting of the Women's
Mrs: A. Fulterd : Woolen Band. Mho; )ttsilonary Society of Vitiorla street The annual roasting and election of
E. Cooler. Jiro. Y. W. Wblte aad•Mrs• I United church was held Monday ofAerrs of the Willing Workers class
A. R. Scott (..11.1.T.. Miss Helen Lane afternoon, with the presedeut. Mrs. of Victoria street church will be held
and Mho M. Mollie; Mission Circle, Henry Breen. presiding, i'IH• meet 7,txuretlay I►eeemtxr 17, at the home
9tis e-•7, Buchatnan; auditors. Mrs, P. I tug Opened with, thehymn. "Whileof Mtsr Pcarl !Loupe. 1'almerstoa street.
Vit. Creels and Mrr. J. W. Moore; as- $11 ph•rds Watched Their F'lo Flocks by
The Mission Circle of North street
Ambit. helpers --$t. Andn•td t Ward. Night ;" prayer by Res. A. E. Moor- I United church will hold its regular
-Stem. -f1. Oontd- atxF Mfs• It. .1. Ilwwtat:d•:{honse-t Serlp lure lessen., (.2nd eh)pttc 1 monthly erecters oil lYednrrday even
St. George's. Mrs. S. J. Wart.. and Miss' of Nt. Luke) read' by Mlw► ti. Wort lr: ulg. December 18th, at the home of
:hamta: St. David's. Mtn. Wa111slhymn ^'It (time Upon the M1tFnlght'Mhs Laura Johnston, Newgate street.
C ki _ t
tc4444uc4444444444 The -Famous Will of .
1 Animal Christmastide timers of North North Munn tirangrnten Ark proven- j Dr. William "Tiger" Dante
Street United "Jumada Schaal
street annual y -
s oust ` to • -,-
sial Meeting at Hingham M J.938
7'br 1 seaet1SE-+.f Ibe fount
The Sunday school of Northt►rruar Isethtr at Nu h Huron war
United church held it annual
Whl �
In response to many requests, we re- from t comfort him under the stile•
Hall on
Christmaskcarols w suu&tjy she -busy. ih . nntt-4.-Theree4v015--r WpuUlhm ish kl"Tlgt`r"► Dunlop,nce more the wll�u � tint leave my books tomybrother Ate
sehool, 811. Luke's brouttfsl story of potation present from South Huron dnN':-because be haltbre`u 50 l *
w es ceded.-alug figure -of n• Invitation to North lugure- of the early days of the Juugk•y Wallah that he may least W
MC nativity war -eeeitrd_b!F-a rlrawt_Ifu7t�a
Lodge to celebrate the 12111 of.
girls. and Douglu_11911glet melted
Huron Tract. Probably no other M/ --treed with them.
The prineary. dais. cum "Alfa y elitist tipon by a motion of the lodge. a us Wary document tit Canada tee aw see enter cue
Ituulop, because she is au old maid,
heard in a solo. "Cerinmas liell• Are n strong litlnitalilla 10 Us' PrOVJD$1111 times without number, mid although ifuCptolls. and-SixtettLe...,ae will neceo-
Ringing." the "Ow°, 4illzing illP eborte, ..Grand- Lodge which meets in Owen nearly 'a century has pealed eine* it sarily take to horning, Ruff" also my
. Sound in June. requeatiog that the war written there is apparently 00 Granites snuff .usull. as it lookelleeent
Prot lutist Grand Lodge meet lu Wing- ,
'Florence Moyne., a WI $1 i•••• Agile*
Afiristmas stories were told .y
I du hereby constitute and appoint
'flirt and -4001., tiefore in "Wt. There- IN VHS NAME 01*.GOD,-AMIliti
John Dunlop, Esquire, of Guirbraitl. a untidier of cattle. When the farm- Ititechle?.... ',iwowt T.. . Yr
ig..dinweti. R. it.kish,,n mei it r fors. the Members asseintiled thought 1, Willialli 1111014/0. of .4.,,,irumid fa ....klexander ltunlop, k:ottr.. advoeste,14•r. f - ' d they had cows with "brueel- .
11. I. Lt.,. aim Grand lettlge ruet in Winghana was In- -
rendered by Mrs • .
and Mrs. A. Buchanan; St. I'atrkk'a,
Mrs. H. R. Long and Mrs F. Btahup.
1 Peterboro Examinerl-•-
j a recent meeting of Huron coun-
ty council a medical man offered' the I ylourhousr; 2nd rbrimesldent. M[s• will bring In their report and officers
assistance ut the Huron County Medi- ;then Phillips; recording secretary.' for 1937 will he elected. t full atteo-
t'el Atrxx'tation In an effort which might s. Richard Pustelethwalte: cosecs dance is reluestad.
be mate• to rid the cony --of cows twtttftag re•relary. Mrs. la*orgo 1We•h
Clear," Reports were then gites I The annual meeting of Kao: church
from different oft hep whicb
ai'. W.M.S. wilt be held in the lecture room
showed splendid work of the pint year. I of the church on Tuesday afternoon,
'Rev. Mr. Mtarhuttw• took the chair ,t,mber 13th, at 3 o'clock. The
for the election of officers, which re-1oeeratastes of the different depart -
suited Breen; as follows: Prepkeldrnt, Mrs,
Intents are asked to bring in their re -
Henry 1st cfee-president. Mrs.
portr The fibunlnating committee
suffering from "brucelie ahortis,"
-6 ler; treasurer. Mrs. Charter' Young:
the milk rit
cense of undulate' fever in humane. eyrott wit,m, stranger./ „mi..etarl.
Mrs. Robert Good; supply secretary,
erg' weretery: Seta- -Thiteracti---
E.:eft-tint of 'indigent fever. -
The trouble is at the itionsent,thew etleiukta Bawl- ,„„p„,,ifft,,wiest.;
in lin conspensatifig Muriel Moorhowie; !laity Band super.-
thin in Western ()Mario district
here Wood teete had tteeu made from suuder,ta .. auditor, mrs. George
Thorneloe. A duet, -My 'rusk.- skits
lhortis" the first thing they did was-.
Player sant. "We Three Kings of winithien was entitled to have the 11.11.104 the Touusutp of Co.ournv, •_ouuty and Edinburgh. Ain"-1,Thilti.0P, Esquire, la
--1./istriet of liurou, Western Canada. to to wet rid of them anti thev
1fter thf• general businesa of , the 14"1---nire,• bein in,t'uuiialte I William Steward and -Arintam fitaaffaff. I would sell them to other farmers as
Opeidisg Services to Ile Held mond,' -
• • . merlins eas Completed election of of. and tuytmludgjuat as u•-kikkit.11110t 014,'":„.14841_, Roderieb. to be the elms soon as woeible. There was tett Ling
nt I to prevent such -a sale being madteatiet in Free Methodist Church
Orient Are," With the Joining ool'Illut held inert', •
t I cls who Hatter take say is uo great 1111 1841 will "Id te*Itatue--
.• whereof I have set me nothing to make it obligatory, for tin. The new Free Methodist churi•b, at
h • ner Vittoria and Park ',rivet*.
The Baptist Church
spoke briefly of the slant .11
(1 M. Robertson, &IN% t,"!..011.. i Nan tiw hand' and seal tbs. thirty-tirst day ef
lir, as 1107 and wan. a Ihe Rats, .is. man', master. W. T. Miller, Wioghato; this my last Will Anti testa nt as foie -
"White Gift." the •uperititendent. Mr.
with and resulted as follows; past u
county master. Melville Culbert; Dun- i°,11,. revoking et Veel-lie ail f°tPler -Thousand eticht htiodred- and-
Auguet . in the year of our Lord one
Lee I' Then. by (gnaw., 'h.. *.11„,,i Smith, Bluevale:- chaplain, Rev. .1: le. ;* I _lenv.e the property of GaiThrskei
rum.ett pa.g. _The sini„0., „f oaii. cannon: depot...county master, Alvin 11
Button. Fordwich; recording were- 'and at1 other landed property I may
Y. Belgrave; in- die possessed of to my 'slitters Helen
belle testator William Dunlopi,Easquire,
weireat the date thereof &stared to us
In white. and laid them settled : lir larY. Rubert Mcillurra
Boyle Story and Elizabeth Boyle Dun -
manger on the peitform. to be hie last will 'atid testament and
andel secretary.- Thomas Greatly,
A committee appointed for the ?ash Myth: treasurer. Graham Wray. Wing. lop, the former because she 14 mar-
. ried to a minister whom (God help he then ackuowledged to each of us
will park the in . s' Isin,,...uitketvror_ furry Dane. wroz„ bins) she henpecks --the litter because -that V
,es. fortunate wh.s.l. while the morler"
fel or 0 et rt mon io assirtind to nobody nor is she we ar his request aligned our names,
like's tu be, for she. Is au old maid hereunto as &Belding witneirees.
Joe Taman. Blyth.
farmer melting the cow to istate, 'A 0 .
known to he ditreatied. Dr. Voktes of la to be opened with a series of ser -
Dungannon, who brought the matter vices on Sunday next. !Sabbath school
ore-7•21iuren connty council. openly will he held at 10 o'••leek kr the morn- ,
advoented boiling raw milk in such Init. and there will be praelillog Per-
db.triets for three minutes to gu'ard vices of 11, :i p.m. ind 7.30 p.m.
against undulnut fever, , ' Rev. it. H. Hamilton. district elder.
Those who have follimed the matter of Sarnia, will,be the viiiting speedier.
closely Mate their doubts 84 to the . The Desjardine orekestra of Grand ,
possibility of tickling any particular Bend is expected to be preeent and
territory of this dises•e, ao new cases there will be quartette and congre-
will keep coming' up, and the amount ;rational singing of old-thue gospel
of money needed to compensate farm- hymns. • , _,
destroyed Rev. M. A. Marlatt Is pastor of the.
THE CHAMELEON , to them. and their heirs, my vhare "Patrick M..Naughton" .era for all stock ordered
-Elizabeth Steward."
and. not market rife. and also I leave
who looked st tile magazine ads.. aml of the atock aud implements on the would, be formidable.
item ovided alwa that be en- I. have perused the show/. will. It
Detroit Free Peva,. I'DnEcr that' the reit (4 the l"tlY• ,elosu'rePrround my brja8ther's grtave be is eccentric, but it is not, on that
F. will went ow sec.: horn.. e‘er% dai threw:1i
reeerred_end if either should die score, illegal or Informal. To a mind
- ' without issue thee the other tn inherit who knows the mind of the teatetor.
t lie e hole. it "rill remain “ relic of him perfect
, inctifferenve (an indifference. to be ad -
1 lllll lop all my share of tbe household ; mired. In my opinion) to what ii
1 furniture and such traps with the ex- ' --
Paned "Fatthion" even in testamentary
eldest son or old John 'as the repre- ques---tion its legality In point of form
'proper .will. and no person ran
i tentative of the 'family. I sewed have . et ellb"iall14%
%mild melt it down to make temper-; 116ntreal. :sth July, 1847.
lett it to old Join himself, but be
I lege. However, 1 Wive my big born : ASHFIELD
I ance medals sod that would be atterfr
I onuff-bos to him; he can only make '
temperance horn spoons of thaL
I leave my sieter Jenny my 111ble, ' byterian church Sahbath school and
the property formerly of my great- congregation will hold their annual
great-grandmother !Sethi& Hamilton of Christmas s(wlal gathering on Toes -
Wood Hall; aud when she knows as day evening. December 2Cnd, with the
much of the Spirit of it as she does' usual Christmas program and re- 1
tvf the letter, she will be •nother guise freshments. Everybods welcome to
Chriatian than she la. come,and •njoy themselves and one
I also leave my late brother's watch another ...... On Sunday morning. De -
to my brother Sandy. exhorting him ember 20th, at 11 o'clock, there will
at the same time to give up whiggery.,,,tbe a "pedal Christmas service of 1
I leave my brother Mitzi illy 'big vtith epeeist snots appropriate to tbe ,,....._
hi rather 0 decent Christian with a school are requested to meet at 10.30
swag belly and a Jolly face. eharp .that morning. 40 fa.millarise
I leave Parson Cbevaiuse (Maggy's themselves with the songs on the
husband i the snuff box I got from tbe program The Women's Miaslonary
Sarnia )111itia, as a small token of my Society annual meeting bas been
the family in taking a siker that no 1 thin of the risailti-fd Wet Wednes- ---••
man of taste would have taken. day. Dece h. t the usual '•
I leave John eladdle • sliver teapot. 1 hour, at a home to be announced at
lid S. It' Meettlfte.-1111ffItter
"The Church and the
The relation of . one to the other
-04 squill STREET -
LaLuttopply you with Christmas Cake, Bun', PHR.
etc., gilds festive season.
GROCERIES for the holiday season also in stock.
West Side &pare • 1.* Phone 11
What Better -Ziff !
to the end ttist he may drink tea thert- i the church 141 vim next Sunday.
The Signal Calendar 4
for 1937
, The -Signal's 3937 Calendars. are at tiand. and '-ite
long as the supply lasts one will be given to each
subseriber paying in atiyanee for the eoliiin't year. s.'
de not fo, 1, 111-011.1r If your .iiitocriptioii I, not paid, -
The Signal is $1.50 a year in advsnce; $2.00 to,
Unit*d States addresses.
Shebhercls, Shake off your'
drowsy sleep
trettrtcww Mew...1g
The Signal Printing Co., Ltd.
Klieptierds. shake off your drowsy sleep.,
Rise and leave your silly sheep: .
Angels from !leaven nround loud singing.
Tidings a great joy .nre bringing.
Shepherds! The chorus come and swell!
*Sing Noel, 0 Ring Nocl!
liark! Even now the bells rIng round,
Isititen to their merry sound:
ilark! How the birds' new song"' ere making.
As If winter's chains% were breeking.
Shepherds! The chorus Immie ovr•II
Sing Noel! (I sing Noel!
Cometh at length -41m erm of Peeve; .
Prophet. foretold' the wondrowt story
I of tilts Ileaven-horttPribec of Mary.
Simr Noel! (1 Max Noel!
SI vpherds ! Then lip and quick lawny,
seek the Rohe ere break of day
He I- the Hope of evert nation
A1 I in, Wm .hall Mot et Ration
efeepherrl•! The chorus come Hurl •it ell
Sing Noel! uing 140el!
Beautif ul and Practical --
Call at the HYDRO STORE and see all the electrical con
veniences that you can obtain at a moderate price
Electric Fiat Rate WATER HEATERS, Etc., Etc
What about that Electric Range -y- gur
wife has setiler heailOn)..
he'llychto Store