The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 3ASSISTANCE Bele is one of the many ways in which The Signal renders valuable anis- lance to Its readers. Ask about our Club Subscrtpdoor with leading dally papers, also popular magazines Substantial Savings Are Assured It one could always be sure of ultimate results, the uncertainties of Job Prluting would be eliminated. Practical experi- ence suggests placing your confidence in The Signal. Repeat Orders Merit Consideration EIGUUTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 00 TSB SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers 1. W. Craigie Citizens Protest Radio License Fee INSURANCE and REAL '/TATE Oct oar Automobile natio lho�r T Ooderich The O. F. Carey Co. Fire, Ac M1 t sea Meter Car INSURANCE Pepresestative London Life lasaraaes Co. Ofiee :—Masosic 'Temple, west Godertob Niles Rai. tlWpr. Taws 231 Geo. Williams Son DOMINION. PROVINCIAL and MUNICIPAL BONDS Fire, Accident, Automobile eai amend lesurssee Agents OFFICE, NEXT TO BANK OF COMMERCE Phone SI °Werke Five Dollars Collected from Each of Dona Delingyteut/,betel'e Thirteen reddest, of Godertch, some protesting vigorously, /some protesting mildly and /some without protest, pleaded guilty before Magistrate J. A. Making on Thursday last to charges of operating a radio without is license, and all bat one paid a fine end costs amounting to O. - The exception was one men wlio, ably abetted by his tesrful wife, in a brok- en voice assured His Worship the radio was the only enjoyment his "in - 'awe" had. He could not afford to keep them and the radio and buy food and clothing and a radio license too. For nearly thirty minutes the couple _plied the court with their troubles un- gave character evidence for Rankin, struck when they were nine miles from but when His Worship amemad the boys $2 each the smiles turned tie looks of consternation. Some bad the cash, bat others had nothing. The situation was relieved when one spectator. probably having In mind the Hallowe'ens of his youth, tucked a 110 bill into one boy's hand. When the (otal ways pd In the gang de- parted with a 5oisy rush. WMReturn Plow After holding that Daniel Rankin, of Forest, had no authority to setae a plow, the property of Wm. Down, Stanley township, the Magistrate ex- acted a promise from the accused man that the plow would be returned. deliver It back," said Rankin. "It was a mistake. My wife had a stroke that day and I was excited and nervone." The plow was one sold to Down by Rankin, with 'a tractor. The plain- tiff claimed a down payment made was to pay for the plow, while lien notes were taken on the tractor. The notes fell doe and were not paid, so Rankin seized both tractor and plow. Five prominent Forest businessmen Detroit Tngs in. Port for Shelter Scouring Lake in Starch of Twee Scows Lost on Lake , Huron On Monday night two tugs of the Great Lakes Towing Company, of De- lrolt, were forced to find shelter In the harbor here when they were caught in a enowstorm while patrol- ling the lake for two scows lost on Saturday. b un In avnversrLLtHLs.EnalIiR_ibr .. if .. . Tuesday morning Capt. Chas. Gnewuch, of the tug Wyoming, detailed the har- rowing experiences of the crews of bulb tugs as they fought desperately when &-aught in a llerce'storm on Sat- urday white taking two scows and a dredge from Alpena to Harbor Beach on the American side. The storm til the uncials came akar breaking declaring him to be reputable .a n. Harbor Beach, and its fury soon down with them, and tis*- ttgtatrate honest. snapped the rabies attached fo the dl..jf you've d the charge. meows, setting them adrift in the moun- "It t got to 111.ct the fees- tainoua waves. why send two men e Chat P' ex- y -We thought se would lose some everted one wadi pointing to the Mar-- men,' recalled the skipper, as be told specter of the radio branch of the Ilenry how the sturdy tugs, the Wyoming Inc stable e who aceomp the R.tor b and the R. II. Good (Capt. i d. Bea- oeigtrwho acid think lea him. "Our say g Ited beau), fought their way In to iftrbor neighbors would think we were criurenter W6 Beach with tbe dredge. Terrl5c mals, seeing a uniformed °neer enter In meas raked the ships continually, but the house. It's a rotten shame!" y T they weathered the storm. "The radio was out of commission," The two tugs started out on an al - said another, but be admitted he had die , operated the machine since his 11/64 - license expired is April. --- - "My son was up town getting the Ilse The Btgeal's Ole- - —, Qoltia•tie license when the Inspector walked in," objected a third, but It was the same answer: "Two dollars and costs." Another said he tried twice to pur- chase a license, but the vendors were sold out. It was noticed that the women paid their fines without a murmur, the men being the only ones to unburden them- selves before paying. Sidney Crick, who was arrested in Howick township by Constable M. For Sale at Port Albert Nils* Weeded Cottage lets HYDRO CONNECTION —Also Houses in Town— AUTO, ACCIDENT a.d rum INSURANCE W. J. POWELL PHONE 212 GODERWCH IF ITS Plumbing, Heating uR— Faestroughing WI IIAVE IT Repairs for all makes of y --stoves or furnaces Prompt serve a sod sea+moble raw. John P. der BROEKEI_WHITE ()n Tuesday, November 10th, Harold Louie Broeckel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Broeckel, of Chagonese, Sask., and Miss Roberta McIlwatn Wblte, daughter of Mr. and Mss. Josey lte also of Cbago, were un matrimonyIn St. Thomas' church. Star City, Sask., at 3 p.m. Rev. Mitchell officiated. Miss Cecelia Broe- I sister of the groom, and John James Greaves, of Valparaiso, signed the register. The young couple are making their borne In Chagoneas dire tract. The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. Robert McIlwsin. sr., of God- erteb township. DR. TOME' A1,1011AL Viktor The Signal. Dear Sir, -1 was greatly interested when I read of Dr. Yokes' appeal to the county council to do sometbing about testing dairy herds for both tubercular and undulant fever germs. 1 war very much disappointed the following day in hearing.the views of the agriculturist repreeentative, Mr. Ian McLeod, when be advised the county council to go slowly, as there war no provitiou for compensation to the owners of the cattle if tbey bad to be destroyed. Evidently Mr. McLeod has never had a case of undulant fever in his fam- ily, or he might change his opinion. I'm speaking from personal experience of a case in our own family which lasted fur three years, and has loft a case of shattered nerves that tasy last for another three years. Tho money It has cost 1n doctor's bills would have bought a couple of cows, to say uothlog of all the suffering it has caused. If cows are more valuable thau he- man beings at the present time, per haps tbe best thing to do would be to approach the Government to grant some compensation, and give the reit of us a chance to steer clear of a dir ease that brings years of suffering. Wishing every success to Dr. Vokes iq_h18.tdorts t0 dear up a bad -situa- tion, and th*i king you for the spate. AN INTERESTED ONLOOKER WRITE 1T OUT (Owen Sound Sun -Times) There is quite enough irreverence. quite enough Indifference to sacred most hopeless quest of the scows on things In the world now. Surely al Sunday sod were off Goderich on them season, when the thoughts of all Christians—"Xiaas„ '-me- might haw said—are turning to the greatest event Attractive Clubbing Rates Available at The Signal Office Renew for Daily Papers, Magazines, etc., now Monday evening when they were once more overtaken by a 'storm and forced toprut in here. ' The second storm Um regarded as an act of Providenve, for while here — the skippers learned a scow and a ‘ sixty -foot gas boat from the second Clark by the American coastguard cut- ter Cardigan. and taken back across t By HARRY J. HOYLE the lake to Harbor Beach. This was confirmed by Capt. Gnewuch, who corn - "TUE EMPTY HOUSE" municated with Herber Beach hy Nash. pleaded guilty to a charge of 1 was just Jogging along rae road in telephone from Goderich. 11 PH Osifer of lazy Meado tis scow had been picked up off Point The tugs left on Tuesday morning dealing 115 frompAubrey Hutchinson the old horse and cutter and sort of for Harbor Beach, believing the second and was remanded a week. d.reitmlng along, without a good deal scow to be lost. The two &cows were . What Is a Vagrant? of anything in my mind at all. Had rained at about 3100.000, and the Alfred Waechter, of Mildmay, gave search wag carried on by sea and air. the court a lengthy dissertation on law a good meal and was feeling warm when be •ppeared On • vagrancY under the old fur coat....contented like, THE DOG CAME BACK charge. ,, when a feltow doeen't want any trouble A little doe, of doubtful parentage, "You can't tease me as a ragrant, or nasty feelings to bob up In his mind. which has endeared itself to one or he complained. as if from experience, two local merehants since it was -because I was looking tor work. beet Houses I kept looking at them all orphaned" by its owners leaving town, that so?" he appealed to Use Magia- along tbe road. Big thze-look ng " was given t6 a farmer a few days ago trate. and continued: "A vagrant is houees that looked like fat old ladies to male the eagle eye of the dog tax a person who wanders aimlessly with a cheerful grin on their fares. collector But "Teddy" didn't like around not looking for work and hav- ing no vieble means of mipport. "I left home just before bent," he as id. "Wine year?" asked the Crown At - "This year," he replied, "1966—or bit aggravated. Never know how they year. Already the tin eup contains torney. !come to happen or why, but they just Is it 1937?" several smali coin.; and slugs from 8 "Itemand a week," said Ills Worehlp. -eem to happen. 1 slot machine. . Waechter sat down with a dejected Aud then 1 came' to the old Moore It bobbed up like n skeleton.' . .alr, but his face brightened slut he Plare. trate told him to be quiet. the 0 as 1 wasn't prepared. for it after Then a cosy -looking little house where farm life sled trotted with unerring instinct the eighteen mile* back to ly, if a house could just up and telt what It really knew went on. All Ills leyaleY havtug thus shown it - Geese little apats that somehow perelet self. a collection Is being taken .up to in happening when a fellow gete a wee provide Teddy with a licenne for next ibegan to speak again The masts- ut a wedding, and somehow made me: 4Y-FIELI) be Wet as did that real nice philosophizing of mine BkatirE ; Dec. 9.—Mrs. Agnes Attorney told hint to ;el , the J. P. and the attending constable,tithout the different nice houscs. AI- Currie s g , • an blurted out, ail a though the word nice does Poem to Kltehenati 'set resort : "1 have a job td go- pretty inadequate_ __-____ Mras H. homes has returned from Mimes 1111 P. O. Be: 131 rigifelfway where I can get my board." r gave the line% a little chuck tie , Teredo-,- %here she was visiting "Very well." naid the CTOWI1 Attor- and Amiabelle, who is always willing relatives. to slop, was quite obedient. Some -I Mrs. 1). ith, of Ingersoll, is visit - be will help you." lhow for moment.' didn't see the old , Ira her tas, Mr. and Mrs. W. _ _ _ ney, "you explain to the constable sod Waechter jumped up with a mill. empty' house, with the sagging back Iliggies. Moo and the empty windows thht Chester cGillIvray met with'an ac - West Street --ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARR.Y A COMPLETE -STOCK OF Electrical Appliancos, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of ell kindle Estimates gives se epplicatiee FRANK WARTHUR him to the police car his face fell once looked en black. I saw a new house, icident on ue,day afternoon which on his fare, but wben the officer more. and a young man and his wife stroll- !necessitated medical Attention. He out and hit ire With such -411(166.414414 in opring,.....and the air felt like soft in Ids forehead. Eeho of Hallowe'en 'velvet against the skin and crickets A commuhity party eiass held In the Ten Hayfield boys—an eleventh was and from, •nd a Oa of funny liflie town bell tin Wednesday evening of "It doesn't do a fellow reputat on pete ,can remenrher that night just na plain !spring ilc plained as anything. it arras- staterinrit- snowed In and unable to atten —ap-1_,,ea. , peered before the Magistrate mei told i`r",;,,,_ "WY went Ws hew neighbors then, him they had made replacements and and I felt thit it was sort of a duly repairs of several outhounee which __. with me to drop in and Dee them. they had up -ended and deposileu I Just to sit out on the hack steps per - throughout the village on Ha.11owe'en harm and emote and chat. I went night. The Ilne-up stretehed right acrose the old line fence and up the acmes the courtroom in frqnt of the cow -path and then I stopped, befall,* Maeletrate, who delivered a kindly I teedd bear voices; not to be an eaves - lecture in which be advised _the boys dropper or •nything of that 'mare, to have a lot of fun but "don't go out but 'somehow I wanted to tind out If and destroy property. I'm here to my company would be Intruding. punish you hisys and I don't want to They were strolling In the orchard. hare to do it." There were smile" of relief at this. Chris!mas Slippers ! All the latest styles it Felt and Leather for ladies, Men and children at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES are to be found at GEO. liacVICAR'S SHOE STORE. , BOUDOIR SLIPPI411 are here in all colors. GOLOSHES make a very useful Christmas Gift. HOCKEY OUTTITS for the boys or girls. 111 --Ye.lave all insets at the moat reagonable WISHING ALL A MERRY ORRISTKAS GEO. MacV1CAlt Also last week te honor the bride and groom, Mr. And Mrs. Ivan Steckle. The evening wail spent in eards and danc- ing. The happy couple received many L 0. I.. Ofbeers.—On Monday even- ing members of L.O.L. No. 24 met at, their hall and appointed °Were for the ensuing y•ar as follows: Master, Fred %item; deputy master, Chariot' Ian Heard; financial secretary, E. A. Featherston', treseurer, Harold St Talking to each other in that sort of son; marshal, Limlaay Smith; lecturs voice that only lowers seem to use ere 11 •Datrow, W. 1/-. Ferguson. interestiugtime in St. Andrew s Inked church badement on Friday ev'ening, when an illiustrated Korean story was Ise Maud Sterling: "How errie Got Her Wish." There forty beautifully -colored es. A short piano recital in the injerminsion by a The Practical Shoe Man NORTH WIDE or WARE GoDERWII. ONTARIO bitelLMOVEIVIPPEWL • nometimes--e throaty whisper and a happy kind of smile Ora I could see in the moonlight and a gentle laugh that had more music in it than the hest ermphony. nomething ramie their talking sheorbes1 roe kept me lis- tening when I elicited Wive tiirtuel on and gone back home "And we'll al- w•yor be the happiest people in the read by Kim Pek were eotn lantern si was give world of course, and Well alwaye number o piano pupils of Mire Gladye lire here John, dear, I love skis Gale. egnong those taking part were place let's you and me promise never to leave IL" I Dirtied and went away. Now lit te twenty years Inter and I'm going thing in front of that place where Cs - two young 1011`,TIO had been talking. Nen' the barn Is stagging down end the windows gape with trIghtlese eyea and the apple tree by the side of the kitchen door is blaekened and 11m1m are falling from it. I wonder if there are mernotlies In that home. Motet voices, Mut seem to go flitting around the rooms. Haunting whiners filled with pathetic *ashram. There Is something sari abont an vapty brume. A sane. mat one. had the mound of voices ....child- ren padding op end down It* Matra in atecking feet a house with a thou- s/zed memoriee gone sled leaving only • grim old terly building like a fort of ogre. Mary Sneeelen, Ruby Reid, Della Mc- Ewen, Nitride Atkinson, Floyd Mc - Ash, Vert Peruse. -The carton* num- ber,. wer iwell given. Dewar, litn of Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar. *as runhed to Clinton hos- pital on inaturday lent and underwent , an operation for ruptured appendix.' Latest reports are that his condition favorable. Mra. Dewar ia staying tn Cflinfoni to he near him About 2 Dort* Feithersiton, who hail come home from Clibton Collegiate no Monday afternoon, became very 111 wird was taken to Godericb hoopitel, where she underwent an operation for the remov- al of bet appendix. The, le the sec- ond operation Dorfa has had In • short Gibe. The many friends of these two tick members of onr com- munity Irish them e speedy recovery. GENERAL wammittettectectectictmctocutvectotem It's Just Good Business to Look Your Best - - CHECK UP on your Wardrobe; maybe you need EVENING -CLOTHES, DINNER SUIT, a smartly tailored OVERCOAT, 'dr a -SUIT or 'two for business wear. Martin's Clothes row old u slowly and gracefully as a true gentie- rms. because they, too. come from good stock. FRANK H. MARTIN Telephone 317 tlEtittCWWWWWW TAILOR Ooderich MOTORS ANNOUNCES NiEw 1937 `A - New Diamond Crown Styling . . . makes this new ear the mod beautiful in Chevrolet history, a speed - line masterpiece! New Valve -in -Head Engine .. . more powerful than ever, faster on the "get-away"—with the lowest operating eosts ever proved in • full-sise car! New All -.Steel, All -Silent Bodies ... Built by Fiaher, with the famous Turret Top of solid steel. Unisteel construction throughout. Plus •All These Features . . . Perfected Hydraulic gliding ride; Safety glass in every window; Fisher No -Draft Ventila- tion—and many others. See the new Chevrolet—"The Com- plete Car, Completely New"— at our showtooms. Monthly tertnis to suit your purse on the General Motors Instalment Plan. e-tPC •Os Muter De Loa, II odds PRICED FROM Bossiness Coop') Master Del.uxe Models from 11819 noorW torn. Aron. and PHONE 234 GODERICH. ONTARIO