The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 2Deesalbm 10.b. 11Si '"""'""10V..o.;.-'-'7114,141411111WR7Mt7z:117J1W7-=,'-'77---=NIf 7'- .+55111, '115i &Ga. -V5•7?iir • • THE SIGNAL COUNTY FINANCES IN GOOD -- 41505 • sor • CH, ONT. Mae, Brucena abortioa, which is hir Wald Owing more and more twevalent. Ilis CONDI'FION, WARDEN REPORTS- laid milk front cattle suffering this afillictiou, if not pasteurised, mused nedialitat fever in butnauo. lie %UMW itrengly that Huron county council be the drat to take united action againot the disieacto and stated that one ease of undulant fever from this cause was being treated at Dungannon. lie asked permission to have all cattle oupplying milk to Dung/moon tested for the Maumee; as tbe Ord step . toward elluilualing the affliction ;from ' . '- , . . When IluroilCountY commit colt - stead of working at It. 1 don't -bs- -They'rc ootnatertialising the . job iu- ..tibm_i}4'11,'1:hcliill'ultitiYo,.sottotiwriat:itical siluggisu-iotikloutolaiiintyo vaned for the dual star/ion of the year on Tueday, recommendation. 1 know for a fact, tested for both T.B.ia8tntilleitrihitaotielit akbotn, sDecember ist, Warden R . I liete we shwdd do •a""l'ing abiUrcrtatil Penton unicss the J. Bowman, iti bla opening address,;.i.r„rtut,tat t.0„tuide moony has Air tlion," be *mid. "It It 'high time you -Mated he" wag mum pteassesTielrebe-poi-e-frd eftttuty ,.onst,arer throughtnit mon tackhol this vital problem. It's GOD SANS THE luso Work done this year. ' 'braid 1 believe there is considerable fries emotion. There is nothing that is nin the CO11111. without eonsulting us." got to Inc.: -kit wort, not a moue{ die - -IL ant happy to "Y we ba'ala '''; tion at Baytteld between the present rotting away your cattle herd,. more within our "timare'" be Id. "all ' elon5tatile and the one suggested,* iltaid quietly Dieu Brucella ubortion. . s Witlia recent days a crisis involving th •1111110.11irltish 'Throne has stirred the June our treasurer gave us en eat- .ite,„.t. sou •icotl• -1 suggest oe 'elle* "Br /muted," he said In conclusion. figsmIse to its depths. For some time mate and we are going to be within the matter to Reeves Wesley Turner "the Moron Medical Aswoclatiou will ' the United states press has been pub -lit" • and Sweiteer to tiring in a report." work to the last ditch with the coon- .- wads( et„iee of the compumio„,,mip lie referred briefly to unoontrol- i Reeve Eckert -"I'd like to know en," table expeliditure as in mothers' al- , how many county C11115111lill'S WlVe t 01 Reeve Matheson. and R. C. Hays. ef Slag Edward and a Mrs. dimwit& tlotownanottes, old age peusiousi, adutinistra- uow. We had too many a year or county solicitor', were appointed to '4:47- aid to Oanada there has been 2101* Of Justice, etc.. and thosiked the ,so axe mei no.h. _w're _getting .1111 ter with Dr. Yokes on the Probietu• ',.._ leas private discussion of tbe affair; committees for cutting expenses to a more. 4. • 50 '', • A comprehend*. report of the bat it was only laid week that the minimum, especially thr property and I; Reeves Turner and Sweltzer were school for municipal otticers, held at asked to look into the matter. Yecitiab preos, seizing upon some words roe& csoramIttees. 1 .Lontion in October, nes given by the 'tise roads commission purcbased a ; Norman Sanderson: of Blyth, in a treaaurer. A. 11. Ert•kine. in aa address by the Bishop of Brad - snowplow and it was well worth the 'communication asked the support of Insists en Better Auditing ford. began to aequaint tbe British., lexpenditure. ; The machine, a truck, council In obtaining registration for Igravet box and plow, can be used all Middle White pigs, he had imported The Department of Municipal affair* mink with the circumstances whit -h ; year round.' from England. Agriculture commits of tbe Ontario Government, said Mr. "We have paid off FA5,000 account- tee. sated debt of 1934 and $4000 accumu- The finincial report of the Exeter established 1848 Member ot Canadian Weekly, News - pipers Association GOOIRRICII : FAN ADA Pabilsiked every Thursday wonting. •oilso BabscrIption price 1200.per year. um is paid in advance. Subactibe.ts to United States will please add 50c 1.14,41 tor postage. TRT 81(INAI. 00.T.T1) W Robartima, klditor awl Manager Telephoee : Godrich. Ont. “str.g, 11411111dity, Dseetabee-10th, 1911111___ Debt Substantially Reduced in Spite .of Increase in Coat of Adminis- tration of Justice --List of County Constables to Be Cleaned Up - Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs Addresses Council and Gives Advice on Various Matters -Presentation to the Warden • *or lave suddenly taken on such signiti- MOM Tbe Wag In his desire to marry tbe woman of hla choice has run counter to a sentiment in church, in Perils Krklue, tt insisting -on improved and standard systems of ocvounting and lilted in 193.5 on the Provincial roada. Agricultural Society, , ,,„, uttditing, which will neceseitate drat- -Vie t•ounty of Huron will have 142,- pins of 1414.79, was read anti referred 8bawing a -11' tic changes in many municipalities. 000 lees debt at the beginning or 11M7 to the Hoene*. comtnittee. Quutiug the Deputy Minister, Mr. grft meat, in the nation, and in the royal than at the begiunins of 1936 in tbe Fanners* Creditors Areabgesieng Mg' 1pallties in (toted° • kit* "itt: "There are 040 taunt - faintly itself, which admits of no cont-igetteral account. and the net delyenture i o, and only 100 bare Requests of Bruce and Perth\i-oun- a proper audit: the remaining SW promise. Tbe obinction to Mrs. Situp- I debt will be 446,000 plus a $4.000 ear- ty councils for the endorsation of a !audits are not worth tbe paper they son is not that she is a commoner, not ,riover. I think the year's buoiness resolution that the-YarmersCredb are written ou." I hia been most noteworthy," aid Mr that she a au Amerivan, but that abe ' - ' tors; Arrangement Act be thoroughly Mr. Erskine continued, saying: "The has been take divorcedbas two ex- lic'wn'arE ' ''Investigated awl adjoined, or repealed; iTilepartatent dor,. not 'oda on an audit muideations were dealt with as . hinuabasliv indeed, is dot 'et .ITheet cosecomplendtedivoCom Therce.wtowaieutt:er from M. A. sor.oien. omit. . were referred to the legislative com- ' by a chartered aceouutant, but It is ita*. The resolution held that the ;going to limbo on competent auditing, Let hay des -reefed fano calves and tee that iu the near tuture." standard:, established by Queen Vic- i man of the MotGero' Allowance Board, created an unfavorable impression! Aa an cc -moony measure tlIV treasnr2. tort*, Queen Alexandra and 9Deen i requesting the natio* of two municipal with investors. Mary--standerds which aimed to sic' norineeto the iota! is t nourti, was filed... ! . • ter 'urged that ODP auditor be engaged rate the British 'Throne above alt poir • ter l'ol. W. W. Denioon, in- on, suppoc rt• in a petition to the'Onv- , Ilealngs county council:asked Pia- for.atillniuuleipalities. - ..„.t- . 1 spectorof legal office-. cntmended tbe tiling equivalent ernment to amend. the .11luulcipul Act , The ;_kiiitiwi„g „nob, wet e pre. sibllity of scaudal-would b „„ e casti„.it or the ue„. oIMO that only persons litho are property- ' iie,eteo, aside were tbe proposed marriage tO' be carried out, and the King *ppor be faced with the alternative of giving up his throne or giving ap Mrs. Simpson. - There is not waning deep and gin- cere sympetby with Ilis Majesty in the posittolt in which he finds hitoself. There is a not inconsiderable only of opinion, which las shown itself in London and elsewhere, in favor of Co- ln; the King his own way in the mat- ter of his marriage. Wisoton OhurclailL always tbe op- portunist, bas put himself at the head of a faction in Parliament which would set aside the objet -tions of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin and Ms overnment. The overwhelming voice 'or- to be h Mr. Baldwin In his mere and unpleasant daily. The "monarchical system of Great Britain Is being tested in tkortgilmasys as it had not been for n century, And, It IS fervently 10 1/0 hoped that the present crisis will pass without too great damage to an in- stRution which Ls held high la tbe regard not only of the people/. of .tbe British Empire but of the world. THE RAILWAY PROBLEM( Our attention has been called to s pamphlet containing an address by Professor W. T. Jackman of the Uni- versity of Toronto on "Tbe Railway Problem Today," with the suggesileit" that we make some comments ttpon it Mr. Jackman no doubt has studied the question more thosonahlg than we have been able to do; but his addreek Tilde! has ill the ear-inaiiTgRailte falls to convince. He to an out -and. out adrocate of unification of die two great railway system& and of unifies - don under prlrate owneroblis hoidlag that It would be Impossible wider palate ownership to avoid political is- terference with the management of the railway. Mr. Jackman sets forth his argu- ments ably, but he falls to deal set- isfeetorily with several aspects of tbe matter. If the C.P.R. is to take overt the Canadian National Railways, it certainly would not assume the existing physical asseti. of the railway would pate into private bandit, leaving the debt as it burden upon the taxpayers Witb nothing to Show for it. Would private ownership of the tuft- fied railway system take the railways oat of politico,- We think not. Any- one who knows anything of Canadian political history since l'onfeth•ratinn knows that privately -0o nisil railways 'hive had a great (14'01 10 110.1.1011 poli- ties- in foci, were never out of poll - ...tic" Would tint the iiiiineallon of the railonyo under pritate ore norship cre- ate a monster corporation which would overshodow and control the Govern - Ment, instead of the GovernmenCo , y titn- trollbng the railway? If unification iilduld be round neves- , ears. we bel_ ta spite of all area - Sank . aeons to the coats --dial It sbelad -- lie unitleation trader --peddie ownershipMAitonttol. MA control. Political Interference IIS) the railway might •he ;referable. -1W.Iinterfei cal r it y . it UCG. I owners can qualify for offices on UMW- 1 - -iitand ilirrIP-rell"r4 on the' ili°1* 1 cipal couuctls or school boards. Eckert -Davidson: That Mrs. Mer - bounty Home and Cbildreu's Shelter imutt,t, t.„„mitt„.. ._, 4 Ler. ton Reid. •'t Seaforth. and Jr M. Ito', tit waa Med. _ •- Elgin county outinoll naked ierts be reappointed to the Mothers' Reporto cif public libraries receiving R resolutionatehaNTAllowances Board for the year 1937. ..'i tri county grants were referred to the mune" support et oa.). esccutIve committee. in case -a requisition ,from a' oehooliCillirfraetietike-Sweitacir: That a reado- 6 t board lo excessive, the council mal and pre/tented to ilon be drawn up Luckn•w Wands eibrarY Grant 'submit it to the Ontario Munieipal tthe . Oroper committee for adoption, 5f A commubication also was received Board for inveotigation; also that the requesting the Prbvincial Government .114i from the Lucknow library board, ask- tonnage of large trucks and trailers tw;t„ permit the carry long of ni.o„io, opread of readers in the adjacent pot- In 1°11 rl',1100 10 a query entered at combat the'JackrabbIt menace within iwithout paying a License. In order to Zr..... log for a grant because of the wide reduced. Legislative committee. tion of Huron county -the Wawa. the last meeting the clerk advioed Y ; tbe county of Huron. Carried. /torches and Asbfield township. The council a Warden's picture. suitably i ' Elliott -P. W. Scott: That this coun- i3di ' communication revealed tbe library's framed, wouhl cost $4.7110. It wa•leil desire.. to express its deepest sym- ,,,....c intention of cutting off the rural suggested at the last meeting that .pothy with Mr. Fenian, Reeve of ('01- NI readers.. , pictures of all past wardeno he framed.' borne tor 'whip. in bit recent series of fig Warden 'Montan said: "A pub-18nd bung in the chamber,.. !misfortunes.: in losing his barn by Are. , 'the tragic death of his daughter and Z' Ile library under tbe act is free -open Want All en Same Footing mu% rlioxpequesittsifrotomr athe Sick CbIld- ' tbe /tedious accident to his wife iu a Nr to all. They cannot stop people of thir-reed1Wntr theanclibi:14'.6"rr--Anekl front for the 1107 eouncil grant_ wall lied ' motor aceident. Caraled. ,• IfsiFesiiii--Stewart: That tbto )0444,1 Satin -Bound Colored All -Wool Blankets 5. size 60 I $4 inehes. Saab.. vinrArat-4.0.; 'fttliziniuttirtrinnrirMi $435 • 441; HAND EMBROIDERED MADIERA PILLOW CASES Variety or designs from Mbiph to choose, with scalloped edges. Rises. 42. to 'l4 SEAMLESS AXMINSTER RUGS Ni/W 01111 beautiful effects with deep r ool pile. Size 6' 9" x 9' Size 4' 6- x 7' 6-.. 9• , 9•. 9' x • 519.00 510.00 525.00 429.00 t° 534.00 9' 12'..K.Tair.. 535.03 to 545.00 wormy sill sroaaNcs -"A 'very large shipment just received. Mer- cury, Cirele-Bar, Richmond, Crepe, to'hiffon, and Service. Pure all silk in latest shades. - beautifully 69c and sap to 101/2, Pair -11OP . nu= LINEN DOUBLE DAMASK TABLECLOTHS Beautifully woven mut in good designs. Finest Linen and nicely boxed., 2 a 2 yards.,.-. 2:x 2',4 '-*r& • The communication wae•referred to the executive committee.' A wide% range of emits was *yea 111 111.5 arcounts of township clerks for filling out old -age pension applications. Reeve Owen Geiger insisted tbe ac- counts be read and then expressed tbe "This hoopltal." said the clerk. "re- , coons -II authorise tbe clerk to draw up 0 , Reversible in 2 eolorg te compliment any bed 10/021., Rose, laveider, green, gold $5.95 Infirrillrilralt17/4111ZU HANDKERCHIEFS FOR MEN Pure Iriab linen, band drawn and hand em- broidered in every initial except X and Z. .2 or 3 handsomely boxed, or 25c and 50c a MEN'S FANCY SOCKS fio Hundreds of pairs in Smart checks, dia- monds, and plain effects. I'ure wool Sizes 10 19 12. At pair soc and 75c FLOOR RUGS AND SCATTER RUGS Reversible Smyrna Rugs, "Liarrymore maker in a dozen new patterns and color- -hip; to suit any room, Sze 31) x 60. Also Wilton Rags. Size 27 x 56 with heavy fringe atid without. Regular0 it $6.55 8c • kw speeially priced, each WOOL BLANKETS 'Oiliest pore woo,' white Blankets with ,rain- -how or blue or roseborders, at price. away below what ue eati-repeat sit the mitts. - Rises -72 s 86. Regular rabid 23-25.-4425 M, eaeh 51/ DRESSES AND SUITS Two-piece and three-piece, very stylish and' practical, beautifully tirade. "Knit to Fit" and "Dupont." Made of fine botaby wool and range of shades very new. Sixes 14 to 42. Prices range 57.75 to 510.95 cantly Allied the town of Goderleh un- Wring itiMoInthut Tuesday following emirate, Weed in tooter beam. Instil. and tbe account was paid to the first Monday in December for !pre 11s four boy. and two girls at avoid the cosi of litigation." 1 fall county setiodon. Flied. shelter; Reeve Elitott-"I think we should: Matheicon-Weiacott: That this ; Jail Governor J. B. Reynolds re - hive a statement from thits• hospital counell reciprocate with tbe Warden ported there were sixty-four oommit- the same as any other. 1 understand In his expresoion of thank% for the co- I meats in the last six montho, and Just ionerstion of the heveral committees ° opinion that • considerable saving it is a very rich concern." , half of them were for theft. Ten went tolhe clerk instead of tbe clerk Deputy Reeve Turner -"1 agree liongratulatIng bit with his two otb- IrC.A., four each foe traffic violations would be effected If the applkents • were sentenced for infractions of the interviewing tbe applicant on travel. with Mr. Elliott; we should Imre a 'Ma's for their splendid and success !linnets' statersear from the hespiiat.iful effort in remaining within tbeir s ling expenses of 15c per mile plus hie *1.50 for filling the application form. .... The clerk pointed out tbe aet under estimatee and paying off so mach debt. .I !which the hospital operated required ;Carried. This was termed Impractical. bow - re- the munici lit to pas -11' the parents Archibald--Prycle: That in aecor- over, because the clerks, were quired to investigate the circumstances et children treated there ne gleeted to ; danee with the Municipal Act, Section 17, as amended la 1933, a bylaw be of the applicants as to home life. ear. 30 Diseussien en County Constables i Deputy Reeve Turner "All hostd-Idrawo up requiting all boards to have telu should be under the same act. litheir estimates In the hands of the A communication from the Crown don't nee 'Why the Sick CbIldretek1 council on or before March lat, 1937. Attorney, bearing the recommendation Hospital should be singled out -.--ter The council adjourned to Wednes of Stesley township and he tillage Pririleges." - day morning at 9.30 o'clock. of Hayfield that George Little be sp.! Mr. Turner introduc--ed a resolution, i At, An additional objection to the Ferns - pointed county constable, resulted in , to be homed to other council" for sp. er4' Creditors' Arrangement Act was a heated discussion'prove', -to put the,. Sick ,Chlidren's introduced o00' Wednesday morning . "1 think there are too many county , Hospital in the same eatrgorT se when a letter from J. R. Johnston, of Apringford, was read by tbe clerk. isIdelVetvw,". said--Reeer•-alls.,NalLstier il_Iserpriitals.",rgutettiyr re know44,43bar. Johnston wrote that the Act was i bandtat Wade Individuals pay and , destroying firmer** creches's& making - zigironuonm I -tripe made the county pay ikpo, .1 lt increasingly difficult for farmers to - ! 'mow they're done it in some easea,•• obtain mortgages. He urged that tbe I Tbe familiar word. or the National he deelarekl. . council conoider requeotiog a change Antiipni bate bait...a_aur_ligtintrequest ot the East Iluron Wo -1 I The in the Act. The letter was referred `-""tv .-reetee involute for this_ ..inoria,,,,,Erhia to the legislative committee. the last few daps '' • ' • • 1 • was referred to the executive commit- I toe:Agrkaltaral Connell A report 1 of the Advisory Agricultor- Goderich had plenty of company is; Another Prevtarial Highway al Council was readtelling of the its re/v.1-(1.n of daylight re ring. Lon- I The council received official word I work done during tbe year. At the don. Gilt. Kitchener and Waterloo al-Itbat the Provincial Highways De. 1 mend -annual meeting at Clinton on No - ;pertinent had taken over as a Provin- °ember 9, with Bee" HewingwaY. Pq/ polled majorities against It. ehairman, presiding, the members un- . . ;dal road county road No. 7. tbe Daoh- forwarded the recommends- ' 1 1-itood road contacting No, 4 and the anim°11411 As ac write, the ballots are r°9" don that the series. of nine meetings 4Blue WatOr highway. ping in }loot Hastings. Both leaded; I Lincoln moot} council asked endor- held throughout the county to discuss claim the victory and only one thing . station of a resolution requesting the cattle problems be repeated next year. Is certain: -Both can't be right. irerision of iteetion 370 of the criminal The Council highly commended grain. calf and foal clubs in the county. The national railway debt. The valuable. • • • code, with regard 10 the theft of pool- - It's a fine liltLey /wool. Kra In, feed. end vegetable', of advertinanents . I f County Fsaineer T. 11 Pattosson gave • in I ; no these are impossible to identify, the ' a ilctelled amount of the work done 'this ISRUe of The Mans'. The Christ- . mss shopper wit' 1104 it to his (or her) advantage to•opend a half-hour on the suspected mon to account for emir tie • changed to thron (he onus on the roads this year. A Moons - shin stoop regarding the use of Raft i 1 looking over them beffore beginningu thelany ouch goodo twilleveo d to he ttilen. ` - the road., and Iteeve Peter Scott if there had been any complolots 11;1ft-buying tOur. • - Illrorimlative eommittee.asked F. W. Andrews, or Clinton. wrote. . of salt (1111.111f( snot 4,n 10rs. Ile hod 'asiking 5.'Wi for damages to ills farm , heard of 0110 or 100 such eases. Tbe 1937 town eeontil will have a"No ecimplaints hove 1/0011 0111110 to kl, . cenged br hide drifts hell' hy a snow - ' problem mi bog bomb, in the appoint- tenet-iie roilinied the snow linger. Ine," mihtitr. Potterson. 'hut renbithi y .went of it chairman of public works to ing cm Into in the imliiig smothered a ; is' it'd to "1'4.'44°1° any 51111 Nt 1,rd a „tr.„.wrfi..i knit made early , working of the soil Intpcoodble. Ati- Ian, Mt•ikod, orrIvoltoral repre5en- NI inerecci the defeated Iteeve Mofter. Mr. Minter gate a 1.55111 deal of time to (trews plated he would po _i. in tun ratite, thaiikeil M5 CIPM101 for grant, Ni -• o -in b1.51101111r1/111.01 /111145/Y 11/0 Junior ev- 6,4 the work. and there will he no rush (twos._ The coMmunieution, waalas - Mon fund, and s stoit ttie farmer to till hie Owe. larErio the road's commisidoff: .. O a anepias of 11,ori.i.,, the hotter „, • • • A communication front lAneolit r . ip1mt of PIO 2'7 e• Reeve Murdoch. Matheiton poked the rid The Strathroy Aire-Deopatch has ty, advocating that the Ontario Agri- . had a ehange of ownership, the Melon's. etioltrinsrgiolneafoUrneall be pritolitalioned, t ° inrke; troffeeentative if he would advise zir ;Ilse tnarket for Ontario pot0ato,P.:Pansa-- Evano having sold tire paper to F. A. i plinginst headlong into aetion In an lir Spence, late of The London Free Prem.:referred to the agricuiturst committee. 1112.1emt4 In rig-ITur°1/ "Me "f the T110 new publioher annmotees that bli A ,„ftun„nifttion fro, mi.,. a.leisease Brueellis short'''. or fillenld Go Slowly piper will remain strictly indepen- iliDavicloon7 tif Dungannon. nskina ter -f „__, 01 0/1. ne „ ,_ _ r5p,wo, -N.. "I should polities. The gignat etteags 41te usual grant fee the Trustees' aaLt.art...n, , i le the matter. I - allsiopoyera' Association. o as referret„ win- on- r -is ilaynn"virisnii; ,,,,, 544. ima. e, Inn* wlehmi for Rumwns. the eitivestIon committop. ...._.... • • • ' I rent. of the farnVer5 behind the plan A letter from the Minlmter of High - Volunteers of as nationalities •re wily*. adviwIng that no 'lotion would right sway." 11 . , , hooking to Spain 111. Caron either with he taken with regard to the enuneil'a the Government spent on•-tifth of the OWL ..5- lb* eaaP for .tiri'".•14"3; hclire*Ter, the loyalist. or fifth the revolution- suggestion that the Blue Water high - fifty million% to go on the honalnk If , waxy, bit' red-oroponte:innponrtthomotb.t4walaatforndipdto impf yet conciliate ' ids . Why not rope off the eonotry !min. !tripoli., sbortiv rook! he entire- . and let anybody who wawa a hlt of P" ly wiped not of erase herd In Cara& . ----- Absentees in Cattle 1 The Children'. Shelter committee ' 1r1110641 'mini 141Fi'ete"1 o'lm'''''offel fighting get into the scrap and lame Dr 11 A. 14 Vote., of Dutevannott, tenort highly tdmmenchol the matron. lbw" be" al" e'llie" Peel".4(''''' 11110the re* of the world at Penes? in ' who was allowed a fon minutes to adios Mrs lever. "10 her we feel the r ilescur tble::"drow.tbehatkor7:41' 000 rot has fourid /mewl nye for it trophy enp. mute he pretty well ruined by this *fug. the menet'. werned the molten ehildren lied 2 friend Obese good In ille I line, ItnrirnY• . - , of a more or lou omunknown es ttle.dfs. Silence goat M'f( them when are titer__________DIF.ekrbireVIENCOVeNEAVENNINPICOVCCOVeleekteeeeinIIPIPIPIEtig may and forgery. three each for false pee- tense*, asesnit and vagrancy, two for insanity and one each for fraud, car- nal knowledge, attempted suicide, lir corrigibility and defrauding creditor& The Jailer reported the cost of food for inmates at 101Se per man per day. Mr. Ciummings' Address For three boars os Wednesday after- ' EiTiliSs' noon, occupying the whole sashaI00, council was addressed by H. L. Cum - minas, Deputy kiloliter of the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs, *Ivo spoke authoritatively on almost every aspect of municipal affairs, dealing chiefly. however. with auditors and audit.. "To employ an unskilled man for Wontinoed on page 14) cc Suggestions 'that arPqinfel, please HOT WATER BOTTLE,,$119 THE GIFT FOR KEN - Williams ' Set $1.00 .ssali ROLLS RAZOR $6.95 GILLETTE ,$100 to $6.00 COTY'S FACE POWDER39c FATIBIR NEY-Ds A LATHER BRUSH' 50c to 25.00 FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL SETS $3.50 to $7.50 STATIONERY -Christmas „. ,TOOTH BRUSHES 29c Boxes t° SIA THERMOS BOTTLES oftESSING COMBS` POCKET COMBS 15c POCKET ROOKS CARD CAW Rip SALTS BATH SOAP BATH POWDER BATH OIL Baum BATH ch'L" CUTER SETS for Sister 35c to $4.50 CHRISTMAS CARDS 5c up MANICURE SCISSORS 35c CLOTH BRUSHES, natural ebony .. --0110 --The Young Man's ROW - GILLETTE with ten Blades -the PIPES, CIGARS CIGARITYZ CASES LIGHTERS, TOBACCOS CLOTH BRUSHES COMPACT8..,...3011 le $150 FACE ELLE, 300 sheets' 23c Djer Kiss Perfume IN Vials Pocket sise Yardley's Set... 85c CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES Boxes 25c, 50c, $1.00 PERFUMES- -Honbignt's Quelques Fleurs 21.00 Bourjois' Ashes of Rosie $1.00 PLAYING CARDS 39c, 42, 913c amintes and Kodak' prices AMA the Drutiteri,First---- Campbell's -rj,auder's - Dunlop's --Wigle's Drugstore Plume 90 Deep** Phone 19 Drugstore Phone 1 Drugstore P...46 R`I't 4' • • // • co' we • ismiohm, _:.,MMMmpwst.a.00asnmomamw.....-I--CPdoelz.rtWedov*4-t.om.,,v,.o