The Signal, 1936-12-10, Page 1hrislmas Shopping Number
Second Section
'a ,a rye
mal" 1 i1` 7g:r?; ,.
-kett mar
- Christmas Shopping Number
Sixteen Pages
dard VIII Abdicates the Trooe
ktotYortSucceeds as Cooro VI
The •bdicatiop of Flag Reward VIII a Prime Minister.
amounted at 10.42 today Eastern Nevada/hagek
tkag ter Wes
rd time, ;be Duke of York sum Premier Baldw1n has been negotlat-
, log with the Ktng on the Simpson
hLs bratluer, who will leave
ng 1 topic tante mid,october. His us.
Ragland Immediately after signing the lenity told Baldwin, "You and I moat
bill providing for bis own abdication, settle this matter together. I
probably tomorrow night The text not have anyone luta rfering " Hak3t
wtn pointed out the danger of dlr_ored
et the Klan`s abdication announce- proc'eedlags which would tug dui
matter out In the open. Bil dw4a
saw tbe King Novemberx16th after t
decree Mal had been Issued and eves(
up to this time the Cabinet had not
been In the picture." :The King pro -
most Is as follows:
"Roallslag as 1 do the gravity of
thin Mop, I can only hope that I shall
have tep uaderstaDding of my peoples
to the dedabon I have taken and the ped enabling legistatloD allowing
1 willd sootf bane led me to take it. ershim to marry Mr*. Atmpsos, she to be
I wouter now tato my private file wife but not Queen. Tho wa
ret, but I ecoid tbe that It .bould not possible, Mr. Baldwin advised. •
be membered that burden which
eo"reThe new moment, who takes t
Con•rrtly two upon the shoulders of tale of King (George VI, will be tort
a so/ is so pe•vy that It can
one; yore of age on December 14th.
only be borne in circumstances differ -r- The Dominion t7■binet Coda, ps
rat from [bass In which 1 now find my- an order -in -council authorizing Britain
sett. I conceive that 1 am not over -
to include the I1om1Mo11 In the net of
looking the duty that rests on me to
acceptance of abdleatldn.
place to tbe forefront public Interest
whew I declare that I am conadou.
that I can no longer discharge this
heavy task with efficiency or with,
The "Christmas fair" held by the
satisfaction to myself. I have ar Margaret Seager (flub 01 lit. Georges
cordingly this morning executed an church in a vacant More on the
instrument of abdication la the terms Square on Saturday afternoon was
following: quite a success. Santa Claus gave him
Terms Ab satllm patronage to the event add a brightly
.sof"1, Edward VIII of Gree; Britaindecorated tree added to the ebristmea
and Ireland •nd the British Doman-atmohere. a
ions beyood tbe seas. King and Emper- -'
When making the rounds en vont
or of India, do hereby declare my ir-
revoc*bie determination to renounce
'Christmas mashopping
the Throne for myself and for my de- pplag expedition, don't
mcendantr and my desire that effect forget to drop !n at C. W. Worsell's
wbere you/111 find a great array of
'Mould be given to this Instrument of at a suitable for gifts Skates,
atrdkatlon Immediately. IStigned) hawdsletgbs and many other things for
Edward R. I" the boys and glrl; cutlery, ovenware,
"My execution of this Mitten -
sent has been witneaweb by my 'etc., for the lady of the house; razors,
three brothers, their Royal Higbnesses flashlights, etc., for tbe man. Bee
the Duke of York. the Duke of Glou Worecti s ad. on page 3, of Ibis lance.
center and the Duke of Kent. I deep-
eeply appreciate the spirit which has ac- ROAD TO THE HARBOR
'sated the appeals which have been
made to me to take • ddffereot deli- ! Deputy-Rserreket Humid= Holds Out
.to and In reaching my final deter -
Glowing Premedmination 1 have most fully powdered "An engineer is practically engaged
but ny milia is made up. More- to eurvey and lay out the work," raid
over, further delay cannot but be IJ. E. Hocking, councillor of 1900 and
most injurious to the peoples whom I l deputy reeve -elect for 19e7, ahem be
have tried to serve as Prince of Wales I dressed a ratber small audience at
and as King and whose future happi-
ness and prosperity are the constant
wish of my heart. I take my leave
of tbem in the conddeet hope that the
course which I have thought it right
to follow is that which in beet for the
stability of the Throne and Empire
and 'tbe happier" of my people. I
am deeply sensible of the consideration
which they hole always extended to
me both before and after my acces-
sion to the Throne and which I know
they will extend In full measure to ever lnvceted."
my successor. 1 am most anxious Mr. 'Hucklns painted a glowing
that there should be no delay of any word picture of the waterfront of the i
kind in giving .effect to• the intern- future with all available apace oecu-
ment which 1 have executed and that pled by Industry, when access is made
all necessary steps should be taken possible by the proposed new road.
immediately to secure that my lawful In his seventy -five-minute address
'memento, my brother His Royal High- the speaker, wbo called the public
nese the Duke of York, should ascend
to the Throne. Edward R I."
Speaker Fitzroy submitted this owe -
sage, after which Premier Baldwin
moved the neer be discuseed, may- from enthusiastic when it was sensed
tug it was the gravest. moat dimcult the promised verbal pyrotechnic die -
and moat repugnant task imposed on play was "all ea." •
MacKay Hall on Friday night last,
referring to prospect* of baying a road
befit to the north aide of the harbor.
=I anti hoping we will be able to
rush It through this winter," be con-
tinued, "but if tbe roadway doer not
go through by this time next year, 1
might say there is no opposition in the
council to the project, you will have
your own say.
"If the roadway cost $20.000 it
would be the best money this town
meeting, referred sketchily to the Rob-
ertson trial and Hydro affairs.
R. E. Turner also spoke.
The audience was small and far
That majority of 34 against
daylight saving might have
been reversed if some electors
had paid more ■ttentlon to the
question on which they were
After tbe polling • prominent
business man was telling of his
objections to fast time. and from
the tenor of hff remarks It was
apparent he thought the vote was
on daylight saving for Goderich
alone. When Informed that the
question was un daylight saving
for the Provinceras a whole, he
said 11 be had understood that
be would bave voted for It.
And. tbe prominent business
ma l a near neighbor bon at
businesrs •nd at home, of the
member of the town .ouw'll who
was the chief sponsor of the vote
in Goderlcb.
Percy E. 8t eardown, of Toronto, a
former (loderich boy, was a member
of a Canadian team whirls carried off
the mateh point contract team -of -four
championship at the American Bridge
League's annual fall tournament at
Chicago. The other members of the
team were Mrs W. M. Anderson and
D. G. Farquharson of Toronto and
Mrs. .1. A. Faulkner of Belleville.
Skating on the Maitland River has
been a popular sport since tbe 1reese-
tip, but the river Is not frozen from
back to bank yet, much to tbe sorrow
of two local young men.
Bill Lomby, Jr., and Allan Fisher
were disporting themselves on the
gllatening surface wben the former
took a tumble and slid on his back
across the Ice to plop into open water,
which fortunately was not deep at
that point. Others had a good laugh
at /its expense, but when Fisher was
the second casualty In a similar acci-
dent the party adjourned to the
warmth of Fisher's garage at Saltford.
R. E. Turner Takes
the Reeve's Chair
-- 1
Daylight Saving Proposition De-
feated -Quiet Election
Goderieb had a quiet election day
on Monday. the only contest being for
the reeveship, between Robert E.
Turner, tbe present deputy reeve, and
Reeve J. J. Moser. Mr. Turner won
with a majority of 102, the vote being
3d0 to 414.
On tbe question of Province-wlde
daylight-saving, 481 voted "No" and
447 "Yes," the Noes having It by a
majority of 34.
The vote was comparatively light.
The emu (ouucil of 1937 will be
composed of Mayor H..1. A. Mae-
arEwan, Reeve Robert E. Turner, De-
puty Reeve J. E. Huckins and Coun-
cillors W. J. Baker, F. E. Bingham,
E. D. Brown, J. W. (kalgie, Chas. H.
Humber and 11 L. Salkeld.
Mr. Salkeld le the only new man
on the board.
Poll No, e't 1 2
R. E. Turner .22 60
J. J. Mower 18 33
- ib?. ....'v ' SI 411 46-4111 24 2'7 35 32 5n
Against 12 44 50 47 35 20 54 80 34
3 4 e 6 7•.x 9
b 214 25 211 30 21 54
42 Sit 34 18 54 43 31
Majority for Turner
Poll No.
R. Johnston
M. Mat Moron .
O 1'rayie
Majority aa'alnst
1 2 3 4
97. 117 92 56
41 25 3.5 21
all. • Sherwood
Majority for Johnaten .,
„„. 57 71 54 51
75 (10 70 22
10 11 Totals
76 40 63 - 526
30 18 57-424
Matheson and Sherwood Misted by
Jebnston and Frayne
1D Ashfield Richard Johnston de-
tested Reeve Murdoch Matheson by
1 majority of 151. The vote was 470
for Johnston, 319 for Matheson.
Deputy Reeve 8. Sherwood *hared
the fate of the Reeve, being ousted by
Dr. G. Frayne, who bad a majority
102 of 48 votes.
Lorne Johnston, W. A. Culbert and
Alex. McDonald were elected to cone
10 39 42- 447 plete the council. Johnston headed
52 27 76-4+ the poll, followed closely by Culbert
-- and McDonald. E. G. Zinn failed in
84 his attempt to come back.
E ,.e7 Total
40 27 35 - 470
67 119 n-311/
40 114 - 40e
43 64-,356
43 00 _Zoo
42 48- 456
72 101-440
33 19 31N
5 A Total
21 28 -302
NR 2A - 241
88 60-- 460
set 24 -371
as is ->)1M
79 16 - 969
14 611- WAS
41 13-170
• ' Majority for Frayne
1108 001I6t711.1OIDR
Lorne Johnston .»„ 102 87 (10 57
W. A. Culbert 9(1 NA 97 9N
Alex. McDonald 42 00 782A
F. G. Zinnr' 17 Art 67 20
Johnston. Culbert and WeDonald eleet.d
Poll Re.
1 2 3
' W J. $I19wait ..e... ,..w...,.„ 106 120 31
3. d „s. „.„ 0o 9 40
..s.-oe' ' t lt:K -11119.4*- kr iltewart
S. Smyth X107 76 ON 71
tl', Webster ..,,„.,„,,,,„„„«„„„ .. ,„ „„,.„ , 116 410 58 68
0. Aitrblwna „„«..... ,,„_.- .,,,.„."..„,.... D Al 42 76
A. Oammie..............„...„,.w,..,,,,,,„ ,,.„ ..,.w 24 54 40 60
,,_ D. Hamilton ,.,e.,. „ •« * „.. v 45 7R IA 17
'r •, t,gigbNga At 20 14 17
r-f1111ylb, WebaMt, Alte►tmo• and OadMale elected.
Reeve of Nest Wawanosh Returned by
Large Majority
Ina West Wawanoeb Reeve W. J.
Stewart was returned for the reeve -
ship by a majority of 111 over John
McQulllln, a member of this year's
council. The vote was 352 to 241.
Brown Smyth headed the poll for
Councillors, with 4(10 votes, followed
by Thomas Webster, (:altos Ale -Moon
and Albert Gammie. The Incoming
council will bare only one DPW mean.
ber, Thos. Webster.
Owen Geiger Meeks Defeat in Costed
for weemeldp
The veteran Owen Geiger, for years
one of the most prominent figures In
the Huron county Nemell, was de-
feated at 'Ocoee!' on Monday, the vic-
tor being Richard N. Rbaddick, a re-
turned soldier wbo has been 10 the
village council nos year. The vote
wag 171 to 149, • majority of 22 for
0sunelllorfi elected for Hensel' are
Geo. E. Brock 246, Orville Twitchell
221, William llbepberd 219 and Wil-
liam J. Ione* 1, The only other
coatestaa , 'Archibald ilamilton, re.
eelved 107 rotes '
Mr. Andrew Breckenridge, of Obi-
elgo, was a recent visitor In town.
Mr. Itotit. C. Wilson bar returned
to his home after a summer spent
sailing oo the lakes.
MIs. Geo. Jenner, who has been ser-
iously 111 at Alexandra berpltal, Ir re-
ported to be greatly Improved.
Mrs. Cbaa. H. Humber, who bas
been in the boespltel at Hamiltpn the
Met three weeks, le reported to be
making good progress towards recov-
ery after a serious operation.
Jaek Oltver, of Yergua, le acting
teller in the local branch of the R a1
Bank, having come here on Friday
last to substitute for W. C. Bush, late
of Woodbridge, who came to Goderlch
about two months ago, and who was
taken to Hamilton for a Opine' opera-
[ ion.
Mrs. G. Reg. Elliott and .two child-
ren, who spent tbe last fdur moatha
with Mr. G. M. and Miss Ivy Elliott,
Victoria *tree[, left on Monday ter
Conservatives Win
in East Hastings
Hard-fought Campaign in Which
School Tu Measure Was
Bis Issue
Medoc, Ont., Dec. 9. -Dr. Harold E.
Welsh, Conservative forty -year-old
country doctor from Rualln, Ont., to-
day was elected member of the On-
tario I.rgl.lature for Hastings ' East
over his Liberal opponent, Dr. H. A.
Boyce, of Deseronto, after a bard -
fought Provincial by-election. -
Election of Dr. Welsh to the Legia-
lature seat left vacant by the death of
J. F. X11111, Conservative whip, was
conceded by James Cox, Liberal cam-
paign manager, after thirty -Ave polls
had reported.
8hreteport, Louisiana, where they will Unofficial returus from fifty-nine of
reelde. Mr. Elliott spent the week- the eighty-four polls gave Dr. Welsh Sunday. Moe was lsavtng the boom
lend be@re *tth his father and slater a majority of more than 1,100 ovef the when Phe tell down the front steps
and acktompaniedhis family to their Deaerunto physician. The vote wa I and fractured ber hip.
new home where Yr' Elliott has tale- Welsh 5„54l and Boyce 4,413. The
Are you wondering what to
send that friend or relative at a
dtotaom as a Cbrlatmas gift?
If be (or she) is a former re -
oddment of Goderkb or the dis-
trict, we venture to say there 1s
nothing that would be more
gladly received than a year's
subscription to The Signal.
1f your boy or girl is away
attending school, or working.
why not ensure him or ber •
weekly bit of cheer by 'curlew
the bone town paper?
Only 11,30 a year. In advisee;
75e for 6 months.
Mra. Ph1. Lynn is laid up as the
sult of an unfortunate strident
Tax Collections
Continue Good
Town Council to Arrange for
Annual Community Christ -
mu Tree
The town council bold its regular
nesting last Frl4ay night. All the
i embers were present except Conseil -
tor Bucking, wbo was holding a meet-
ing of his own at MacKay Hall.
The tax collector reported collec-
ollecttion' of 36,501.89 In November. This
-}w•e as lacrosse .ot 3x2,10¢.34 over the
November collections lift year.
The cemetery sexton reported three
Interments in November.
rte, The ammeter pay roll of 3810 for
on the year •nd a requisition for rubber
goods for the brigade were referred
to the fire committer.
A request from the 016 Home Week
committee for the use of Agricultural
en a position. Conservative majority was placed un- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED
officially ■t 1,2% because many polls Friends both in Vancouver and In Park for the reunion week next year
AT CNCLE'si FUNERAL sent In majorities only. H111 had a the Interior of the Pmvlose share In- was laid over.
lir. A. M. Robertson was at Toronto majoNty of 418 in 1934. I ferret In the engagement, announced A eommunlextion from F. F`Ingthe re-
on Tuesday attending the funeral of 1)s(. Welsh took an early lead In the 10(15, be Dr. and Lr' Walter K Turn -
of Clinton, regarding
voting, which followed one of the bull, of their eider (1augbtrr, Lar- cent accident to Ere. A. W. Anderton
hardeet-fought political campaigns In tfan't Harriet. to Mr. harry Edward on North street. resulting In • serious
Ontario's history. I White of Edmonton, elder von of Mr. fracture of her leg, was referred to
SdisuI Tax the R
I Harr] hlte and the late ]f r-5 White the public works committee.
his uncle, W. E. Whitehead, who died
at his home there on Sunday at the
age of eighty-four years. Deceased
wee born In England but spent the
;greater part of his Il1e in Toronto.
His wife predeceased him and he
leases a family of four: Charles, He:-
hert, Miss Gertrude, mod Jin. J. Held,
all of Toronto.
Official temperature, of the 7ER
week and of the eorreepondiag week
of last year were as follows:
Main issue in the campaign Rat
0f Vancouver. The wedding will take Applications from M. N. MacDotrtfld -"-
legislation passed last cession giving
separate schools a larger share of cor-
poration taxes. Conservatives argued
It was placed ou the statute books
place quietly late b December.
The above from • recent issue of
The Vancouver Province will be of
Interest to many In Goderleh. hath
parents of the bride-to-be being form -
and Chas. A. Olathe for the position of
relief officer were referred to 18e
special committee.
A letter from hays & Hays enclosed
'Rhein ■ 'mandate from the people. a Omer for $50, being one-half of a
.Preinte[,-„lgpburn, who mold the ear well-known residents of this town. bequest for perpetual upkeep of the
w f ntwll t d. f lato plot to lLattland tensile,.
pool legislation be he
re ur s a daughter o the to
school a suema to
t Mr and Mrs. Reps Price of Goderich. This was referred to the cemetery and
chief Mow," pleaded the measure be
given, a trial.
1936 193.5 This was the first by-election Inst
Max. Min. Max. Mln• by the Liberal Government that was The finance committee recommended
that the uecersary steps be taken to
obtain judgment against tbe forgoer
tax collector, J. Howard Robertson,
for the balance of his shortage on tax
collections. Other recommendations
were that tbe rum of 3125 be accepted
from the Joseph Martin estate as pay-
ment in full of taxes against lot 8.
Maitland road, and lot 21, Cypreis
street, including 1936 taxes, and tbat
37.88 be accepted as business tax on
the store occupied by A. E. Colborne
for some mouths.
The epeelal committee recommended
that various communications respect-
ing relief matters be placed OD 61e for
future reference.
The public works committee recom-
mended that teamsters on snow plows
be paid at the rate of 60c per hour,
beginning with the weekly pay roll of
December 5th, the teem• to be out not
later than 7 a.m.
These reports were adopted.
Arrangement. for the usual .rom-
munity Christmas tree were lett in
the hands of the special eommittee.
The •ppolnjment of auditors for
on Milton Kilpatrick, of Ashfield town- 1937 was referred to the dnance cone
type of young man and one who I ship, for the payment, with Int/rest, mlttee.
believe will de credit not only to tbe/-0? a promissory note of 3500, signed Harold Kaitting appeared before the
riding which he will be representing In March, 1926. The defendant seta , council with a proposition for a Christ -
hut to the discussions In which from out that he merely affixed his ■ilea- mss parade. to be held a few days be -
time to time be undoubtedly will en- tore to the note as surety for the , fore Christmas Day. He was irked to
gage," the Premier said. original maker, Wesley Twamley. The I look further into details and report
"Dr. Boyce (Liberal candidate1 put note, on the late Thos. Shac•kteton, who attain to the council.
up a splendid fight and no doubt will died In January, 1932, was bequeathed The meeting was concluded before
he the Ark to congratulate his fel- to the plalwtlff. 9 o'clock.
low -practitioner on his victory.
"The erooemle problems were relr •
h Jh
finance committees jointlyReports.
elected In the 1934 Provincial general ms's Cases en Deeket-One Settled.
election. Before such contentious the Other Adjourned
11 the Quebec power cancel- Two civil cases on tbe docket of
.38 24 29 24 'anon bill and the sebool tax legisla- Huron County Court and General ties -
24 14 39 24 tion were passed, the Government won 'dons before Judge J. L. Killoran on
Tb u rs., Dec. 3 ........33 15 31 15
Fri., Ike. 4 ............34 22 27 7
Etat., Dec. 5 • 28 23 35 27
San., Dec. 6
Mon., Ike. 7
Tues., Dec. 8 .27 15 42 39 four byelectlons-Wellington South, rueeday occupied the court leas than
Wed.. Dee. 9 - 26 23 40 ' 86 Grey South, Nipiaaing and Kenora. one hour. .
I a -- Both party hIVE egdquarters here There were no criminal emote*, one
FIRST JACKRABBIT DRstopped gatber(ng returns when toe which was slated for the court having
i Yesterday nineteen hunters waged Conservative vletdry was assured. been removed when an AsbAeld town-
, war to the death In Colborne town -
Returning Omcer Floyd Ashley w111 rhlp youth, charged with theft, elected
ship ID ■ drive against jackrabbits,not make his compilation of the rote summary trial by the Magistrate.
whieh fast are becoming a menace for cereal days. A settlement was reached In an ac -
rather than a nuisance. Thirty Standing of the Legislature, nn. lion by the corporation of the town of
"jacks" were killed la for onslaught. [changed after today's election Wingham against Thos. B. Holme■,
welch raged up and down the lake Liberal, 07; Liberal -Progressive, 3; solicitor. of Toronto, executor of the
.hank north of Gw. Conservative, 17 ; United Farmers of estate of the late Felicia 1'. Holmes and
Thews drives will, ire held every Ontario, 1: Independent, 1; Co -Opera. 11. R. Leff, London wreaking contrae-
Wedneedey, the hnhtpra usually con tive Commonwealth Federation,. 1. tor. The claim was for the recovery
gregating at Horace Fisher's shop be- Total 90 of the sum of 3847.80 for taxes on
fore allying forth. .
The action taken be the bunters is
very opportune, for only last week In
county eounell It was stated that
jackrabbits are doing a great deal of
--.1W10114 ii IYe Eta
Toronto, Dec. 9. -Premier Hepburn,
commenting tonight on the victory of
Dr Harold E. Welsh, Conservative. In
damage to count[ oreharde On the the Hastings Dart by-election, said
eounty. the people bad spoken and he accepted
their verdict.
NEEDLE ICE MAKES TROUBLE' F `i will ix glad to meet Dr. Welsh
With hundreds of thousands of gal -in -the
'Legislature, for be Is a Ane
lons of water at her very feet. (:oder-
Icb suffered a water shortage on Wed-
nesday morning. The vhortage, whirl)
resulted In personal d4scomfort for
many, but caused a boom In the soft
drink Indn,tfj, was noticed partbeu-
larly in the upper Boors of reoldenc s
and boffin, where for a while hardly a
drop could ttP obtained, while the pres-
sure on the ground floors was much
below normal.
The shortage was caused by an Ice
formation known as "needle lee,"
which, during mild weather such as
devey to .Ink In the lake In large
mas0c•s. _ •
One such mass was drawn Int- Qom'
entrance to the water intake, beyond
_property •I Wingbam:
By the terms of the agreement T.
11. Hulme' will pay 3100 towards the
costs of the plaintiff corporation, whlcb
also retalos the property.
An action for payment of s note
was adjourned eine die. Yrs. May
Mat.heeon, of Petrolla, ask* an order
gated to the limbo of forgotten thing* osJuniper and Susie Are
sod, In the last week of the campaign
the Opposition surcesafully pitted the
e"fvt.ltt>r h.„ a /•_ ov ?rpelming Protestant majority
age net the too ca ow irj*'FeTy
ligious Issue. We are not In the least s.....
coneernerl.pvet en issue of apt kind.
"Next year the amendment of the
the south breakwater, [hoe cuttingirff. Asaesotneat ALt Tproaldtntt for -*
the usual "trong flow of water, ami it 'larger grant o3 corporation fazes to
was some hone, before the ebetru i'tton separate schools) will come into et -
could be blown from tbi pipe. feet, and *firer that the people of On-
tario, Protestant and (]atholle alike,
will be able to peas judgment on the
effeVeregeeliWeektelefitig effect of the !etiolation, and It In my
sincere belief •t that time that the
Ontario electors will realise 'tbat'the
measure Itself ba. been designed to
bring equity and justice to all coq-
cerned, and 4e In thle respect on a
parity with the legislation now in
forret In Quebec, Saskatchewan and
Getting Ready for the Reunion
• • r-. y .
This weak we premed again
the ('hriefmag Shopping Number
of The Signal. In Its restunne
gre the *nnoeneewsente of (ied-
erleh'e mate-evicing nwrr$,ents,
who hate prepared liberally her
the teethe season with exten-
sive stocks of geode he their var-
iant' limo.
Once again we would impress
upon reader. the Maims of
shopping In the hoose stere.,
where the, are keown and their
individual wash; ran be met
more satlsfaeiewily than in We
machine -like promises of the
mail order houses. In the met -
of prime, too, quality for
C irisin,, the house storm earl sort
ds eompe4e sneeensInily with the
city establishment*. And by
shopping at house yen keep the
Holness In Sewn.
This is esasmll•Vy a .hopping
retmsber. but fir' reader "rill And
Ins It mime sperW artlelew of in-
terest es well as a generous
ammmast of keel stews.
We would flaunt out. alms. that
this entire hems. osier platens sold
all, is prisled in the Sigmol e3'
Mw 14 has mengst a good deal
of eats work. 'bort the Signal
stmt tniims pith he taming oat a
(Wisdom nmmtbar seri ma Is
nom* the widow sat, 51 a
sky sties w
The ('hrietmas at-home of the agror
.stung Canoe ('101) will be held on
Wedneeday. December 30th.
I)atew of Old Hoarse Week Remake ala
Fixed -August i to 7
At a meeting of the (lid Home Week
exerutive at tax town hall on Mon-
day evenlog, It was decided, after
roneidering the varlous aspect^ of the
matter, to'arake%'00 change In the
date. originally flied for the reletrra-
tlon next year, namely. Augu.t let to
Angled 7th. Ineluelve.
Monday, August 2nd; will he civic
holiday, snit It 1. eipeeted that the
morning and evening will he given up
largely to the Ituron (11d Hoye of To-
ronto. while tate afternoon will he no-
rnpled with the annual rectrfg program
of the ttn.lerich Trotting and racing
AsNnristlnn. .Dr. J. B. WhlNdy, presi-
dent. end other members of the rar-
ing a-soolatlon were preeeut at the
meeting, and a wflahetnry arrange -
most teas made a* to the division of
the aftern..on's receipts.
in view of the holiday veaawn, It
was deelded to bold the next neei'ng
of the eommtttee on Monday, January
Jon !per .`Ilidln ',._
'December 7th, 19311
to the editor [he •ignel u ware tlx an 0 luk jus ua yung as
Goderlele Ontario. wen u An C pr'g0 live nt the sidle
(lert mr editu - -"' -"tin .Ayln to inc dont n think we Joel*
Mat time 1 rote u Ore an poste was an uv corse on akount uv me always
goln to eta op the farm ma akount we i thlnkln that way i spoke up quirk ao
cud* Rel It except we wari to wit, " re ell tel the world .o heeds u eant
I11 the feller what wanted to by It cud trete emir no how an ur .ors.• that
' leeed her valet' 01 to t me nu coed')
borotbemnn, wile D t•'
an Intrust an MOW we .t to hey let i cif to RP the nee show that romev (0
It go am It's len terlhle hard work an ;tax sldin. .lin Jes wonterlu If awl
moth's to eho fer it but a lame heek ,them fokes from hitoWa alt ,ha all
In soar fete' but .urge spz Int young' the hurun old buys wIII l.• cumin up
an .tromgt ■n 11's hepar ter nx to jre to the big town nex mummer they sure
1►uq op the .farm Than Italia ull titre 1 did 'Linke an oful noise h.. t itee jus
1n town }to lofts round au watctlln i like e'L wud c m
Ilse [totes slum In -aa watehin the trines •folks eatat w:,R gladexpeto getfrouse,ae Cru:otmof
to gat an mete Minn Into the counse is plies• like ao( tha lire In an kum
mit -mum other kind Dy truhle an it' I brick home ware the air le free an the
Corse what finale Res Is like wen 1 went Polls force mel.• not so fussy as 1n
-attsc8ero1D.tM .1RefzRnen
uatn, aetauo amsalro yneveenivee r 1bedetrek w•nmare gdulaacahrient gea1 nteeoshunet ttJeharella aslwnckl like
no argymht aboutnone') beton 1
tifiljfe a apeiin mateh nee
ways lea find out wat she thinks an Ramer an 1 sure wud want to ire 16 on
fiats wet we do at fur afi sheno tha. apello esu •Iway- my bent
P'beh ltlwMY her rn i. *1 the same 10'satsatet'k *t Rryml an b bet i can bete
me. , mewl of them yet exceptln tnebe ed.
wel mr editor It wud hey dun yore I Audy hies eat nRed to tech wool out In
hart good to hey heal mole wen the j tipl.•ntrp an tole every word In Cita
eignel rum to hand with the nue spelbn buk an In the ole forth reader
that the metin nv the boy. and gens i an cverytbin. besides the ep.Iln match
waf. ward to g0 t0 fico01 fngether eat eto(1e•gd ole time k
firs sal the ole teoya
re -union 1. gotn I awtnn
knoteaotatup vahleh■goo1. grate sportbucas
10 Is' nee sumer It Ink'd fer a long tette golf alholnw betidesInelpin to
wile like there wasnt goin to be nun I ket.• the house warm an If a want to
in stile wae teen prety had rater 'make a 11(le patty muny mr editur u
lelIn all her wedin thing. made over
can bet on me Loth fer the ••;.lin seta
buck ..twin only I goes are to gud a
.tort to want tp'wrin 0n a vire thing
plow kepe tertian the signal even It 1
slut pride tip so will bar nose wet
we ken belere an tache t can *end sum
m*ney wee 4 get cot up a 11tie hopin
this And. n in tbe miaow eel as 1t
levee me an ausle the sante only she
knmin In every evenln .dmirli foe dont lige the kold wether an so 1 bar
thing. an .ayln eat level, e'lnee 11 gut to hang out the Biose oa womb day
an tele', watt to d0 sum adverb'
with Glut much to tn4 llklw.
In them an sum sayln stale If 1 was 3411 JUNPPDR,
u id leve them jet tike tba are beth'
tha cudnt be more perteck an u cadet
luk biter no mater eat u ware or bow
waf *he brat from town we, we wee
married and Nettled on the farm bnt
now she's got them, awl tint igen Alin
the tenth rune tato* en the 'hares
an sots eo there mint no rump to Net
down 41417 -mgt to •at Mir MAGNI
etendln up wbbeh I. kind nv hard on
the knnMtltnshlnn an awl the ashore