The Signal, 1936-12-3, Page 81 . s) 1 anti V I mew taps lar ISM amid CHAIN ALSO e: everyder len ' taste fs echo The Gudertch au' cos"' went will be bel ray' 11, In tbe Ic,ture pbu et Kan Christmas /ttv-1:611 Square, 1oren! ' evening. epsloo gifts !bode. Dertytiose mu. •1'r) "'Jr (flyer Marta of re uC *iia e to mediae jest - ter wary ONO Cita Plates. at rte. e. lithe, b1e p Caand Saucers trent lis w is SLIM BEAI}11P'UL PICTURBJ4 trammedib artisdanny trammed at the. ., bar, stir, b l .W taF--and noddle such ch lasting pleasure as a peed PICTURE. CHRISTMAS CARDS frons le up te !Sr CANDIES and POINTMETIIA Just pop in and see all the pretty things. We park freeall Pictures and China. Smith's Art awl Grit Store EAST ST. PHONE 11N rc 1. and y and delirious or tbe child - nitwit -bee and ger Club, Bt. aid will bold a bale suttabie for Christmas dee prises, on Wednesday y, December 9th Mid loth, home of Mrs. Frau& Lawrence, Market street. The public is rdialle invited. LDEBURN LEEBURN, Dec. 1. -Miss Dove Hor- ton is *pending a couple of weeks with ber aunt, Mrs. H. Tlchborne, In Goderich. Pupils of school No. 9 bad a holi- day on Thursday of last week, wben their teacher was Indisposed. He was able to be back to school tbe next ditty The Signal's Classified Columns *` THE SIGNAL — GODERICH, Celebrate 79th Birthday William Waite and His At the County Council II - At the drst of the year Warden Bowman anuuuuced he waa saving the %usual treat until tbe anal meeting of is. John Vodden, Mark tel council, so that the patiou, wouldbehave lhe anti work bard. Joint Anniversary On Tuesday be invited all to a ban- -_ quit at the Bedford this (Thursday) \ talo brother and sister, Mr. Wil- evening. • • • Ilam Waite of Goderich and Mrs. John Reeve'lereitaer objected when • Mb - WANTED WANTED. -UMW PIANO, BUST BE rOR HENT.-OOIfFQRTABI.E MOD- " its good coudttlon. Write HOX le, la ERN butsee. Central. Foresee and THE SIGNAL. couvenieures, M. W. HOWELL. • f • TO EENT I MALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE alAN WL.NTk'1) FOR RAWLEIGII Trip rum SAI.FLY TO route of )100 families Write today. CWM. W1'OTIUMR$, Victoria street. ItAW1391GH'S, Ik'pt. M14-216. 9A-1., Mon t rea 1. - HOUSE . FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY Ruda house ou Netaoa street, Eight rooms and bathroom. Good itwatiuu Would exchange for bungalow or cut. Itage. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. CARD OF THANKS Vodtkn (Elisabeth Walter of ("Hutu!), rico was Introduced to petition the {i11321 MAIttAItICT TAYLOR were xeventy-ulue years of age on Gu%erument for permleejun to carry wiehes to thank her many frIe da !Saturday last. The unt* lou was ikenatrtree arms in a war against for 1ttndttrssew received while she was jackrabbits. He thought the farmers In the hospital for a nose operation. Bet! elPentecbotal • Assembly -fie• SOUTH STREET- Snnday, 8 p.m. -"Evangelistic." Tuesday, 8 p.m.-"l'hrlathun Teaching." Friday, 8 p.m.--"l'ruph,-ti.'." Fester -H. J. UNDERHILL Eslitln•F: tvi-i('1 \l' celebrated quietly with a birthday dluuer ou Monday at Mr. Walter bone on the Baytleld road. This) remarkable pair, wills art Intl rbould be taught to ,boot. • "1 can't even *hoot," be mourned, "and I've got 300 acres of land with ho many iark•rabbtt* thee" eating the eojoyutg the beat of Meth, dere bora , 1 The Baptist CJzurch —REV. S. R. McCLUNG, Minister - 10 a.m.—BIBLE SCHOOL 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. DR. H. E. STILLWELL OF TORONTO KEEP 111E CHILDREN HEAL a as a WITH — Maple Leaf Bread and Buns Our whole wheat Bread is particularly appetizing, nutritious and healthful, and ix made with the finest ingredients. MAPLE LEAF BAKERY BREAD, BUNS, PASTEY, GROCERIES, ETC. Phone IIIW The Square i PUBLIC' MEETING J. E. HUCKINS, Deputy -Reeve -elect, has arranged for n public meeting to be held in MacKay Hall, Friday Night, Dec. 4th commencing a: b o'clock, fur the discussion of municipal affairs Messrs. Moser and Turner, candidates for the Reeve - ship, are invited to attend and address the electors. e ALL ELECTORS WEiA 'OME • on a farm ou the 11:u cone -melon et heels off 1117 cows" , • • • Hullett, about three mites from Bum When a motion was read on Tuesday Waite!. TDelr parents, Richard , afternoon to adjourn until 9.30 Wed - from the w Elisabeth ItWcllffe, moved'afternoon morning. Owen Geiger, eighty - homestead the township of Whitby is We two-year-old /lensall Reeve, etrenuous- homestead elgbty-0ve years ago and hewed a home out of dense forest. 1 ly objected to so late a Mart, and moved au amendment for a 9 o'clock These early settler* were much troubled with Dears, whit h ma.. I freres voted him down and in fact many raids) un their piggeries. Wolves advanced the hour 10 u'cltnk. Rtev also were common and deer plentiful. W Geiger etamped trona the room with The twins attended school at Nu. Ian exaxperated frown on his face opening. However, his younger con - law abs Base Bne. 1)ttrtng [arta t , He has not averaged more than five four teacher! taught the intricacies hours' rivep per twenty four lours In of the three "H'ei' and maintained dib- cipline In the little tog building. These the tact fifty Sears (so he sepal and teatd M F l • • . later taught for years at Seaforth,I It k burner and J J.Moen, who Samuel Walker, Joseph iiabkirk and I n each other at the John Wflsun. Mr. Wilson peered areslatedto opiate 1 away a few years ago at Auburn. Mr. trite for tbe reeves/lip of Goderkh on I Waite, remineseing.- said sadly that Monday next, still are the best of CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS J. W. MONTEITH, 3 Chartered Accountant S9 Ontario street, 8tra"ferd, Ontario (Member Ftrstbrook, McLeod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) VETERINARY SURGEON DR. G. E. mums, V.S., B.V.Bc., VETERFNARY BURGEON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterlr:ary College. -Office at T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton street. Phones: Day 21Ne; residence 249W. AUCT1ONEERINO her• were Leonard c 'au , who he objects to the "wasted time." r 'ILUMAS GUNDRY, OODERICH, LIVE STOOK ANI) GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 'Sales &[traded to anywhere and ever u ns) y' there were and sit side by side at the effort made to give satisfaction. TENDERS WANTED - TENDERS WANTED. • Tendert for buildtug a new vault and alterations to the Town Hall of - aces will be rewired by the Town Council up to 6 o'clock p.m. on Friday, LEGAL December Ilth, 1906. Plans and epcetflcatlont may be DUDLEY E. HOLMES, *ten at the Town Hall, Barrister, Etc. The lowest or any tender not areae- Ofike-Court blouse, Goderich. eerily accepted. I Telephone illi. L. L. KNOX, Tower Clerk. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, — _ DOUGLAS and Solicitor EXECUTORS SALE 09ke- 41amlltoo Street. Godericb. Telephone 512. Greetings! Smart Cards for Smart People When selecting your Cards iatt't it important to make sure that you are really get- ting the best! Make yogr aeleetion helm this year and play MK v Cole's Book Store PHONE 91 GODERICH thewere very Ira of tete old school chums lett, but mentioned that Mrs. Liberal table discussing 'moat every -1 Farmers' sale notes t'I,wounted, EXECI'TOR'8 SALE. Wm. Hill, FJst street, Thos. Huuking, I thing except electionsae l Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Cox (Della Sprung). Mre. .tr -hie Jackson and the late Mr. Jackson all went to school with his slater and himself. Their little ofd log tebool, which had the seats running around the galla, was torn down and replaced , by a frame structure. Their (ether Bas truetce at the time. This build- ing 1n turn was rased a few years ago and a handsome brick structure erected. Mr. Waite will are lived thirty years In Goderich by June next year. Prior to that he had lived on the old homestead where be was horn. Elisabeth Waite was married fifty- seven years ago to John t•oddes, and they lived on a farm on the 8th con- ; cession of Hallett until they celebrated their golden wedding, when they moved to Clinton. She has rix children .• William, in Goderkh towneblp; At- bert, on the old home in Bullet; Rob- ert, at San Francisco, Calif.; Ernest, 'In Alberta: Mrs. Robert Scott, of Lon- de -Ahura and Mre. Richard Nimmo, of Toronto. Mr. Waite has two child- ren, Mee. .1. F. Robinson, of Klppev, and Bessie, at home. Both twins are Presbyterians. They first attended the Auburn church, then Mrs. Vodden attended at I.00desboro i and Clinton. Mr. Waite was elder of the Auburn church for fourteen years, and bee been a valued member 'of Knox church, Goderich, for nearly thirty years, and an elder for elgb- FOR .1N.AESTHETIC MACHINE Contrlbutiens to the fund for a gas oxygen ans.-stet-tie machine for Alex- andra hospital: Prevlou.•ly acknowledged ,...........,?+a) 00 Miss Hoer Strang ..._ 10 00 • • • Take notice that ou Friday, perem- Havintt been returned by acclama- AUCTION KALE - (`her ibth, 11)3e, at 10 a clock __a•m , fico for 1037, Reeve,- Haucke (Coder- there will be offend for sale by prl- vita• •itucti a other Goderic- - oma--Wee1c. August 1--7, 1937 Emma who know of Goderich Old Boy. or Girls at a distance are (lith W 111 In the name and address as belovr and mall to tea. W... F. Callow, Goderich, Q11lf7io • NAME .. ADDRESS .. ..... . This will enable the Committee to send an Invitation in due course Used Cars 1-1936 DORGE SEDAN, D. 2 ""1-1934 DODGE SEDAN, D. T. 1-1932 CHEVROLET COACH ,1-1929 ESSEX COACH se- - ._ —1926 CHEVROLET COUPE . - Era, f-1935 V. 8 FORD t/, -TON oOKMUu ZA a t - EXPRESS The Latest Model Cars Are In Ezcelleot Waif. Reg. McGee QLTON STREET PHONE 270 teem years. Friends of the couple wish them many more happy birthday celebration together. Mr. Waite nays; that If they are spared until next year they will ;have a big celebration for the passing of the eightieth milestone. OBITUARY , ich tuwue•hlpl, Mugridge (Hallett), l]OTIO'V SALE OF COWS, YOUNG tribe m Qt F H. ATTLE AND 1sORSINVI 14trr Scott IEast \\'awanosh) and . Darruw, t;olldtOr..Plumtwr 3i1't The Uavidesrn (Wtngbam) greeted their ' -• 1, Square, to the Town of Goderich, DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER colleagues condee endtngly and smiled At lot 00 BaySeitli line Ooderk1 , estate property brills all and singular t ERNEW1 M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Bedding, Adelclde and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Eagle 5301. smugly on their lee• fortunate breth-,township, fire and -a -batt >' tt`itbo.e parcels of land situated, lying ren -Turner and Moser (Goderkb), ire•[ of Clinton, on !awl bring in the town of l;uderkh, Stewart (West Wawanuah), ]Iatheaonrfff. .. . WF•D\FJIB)AY, December - land more particuarly described as the ■ori Sherwood (Ashfield) and Geiger 1.30 rifer! + whole of lots Running Numbers One (Hewett), who have election tights on TERMS -Clash I Hundred and Twenty-two (122), their heeds as a result of tbe nomtna-A. IA TOWN-SHEND, Proprietor. line Hundred and Twenty-three (123),. GEO. H. ICLLDOTP, Auctlttmeer. Six (6), and the east belt of Fifty-three (53), together with all the PUBLIC NOTICE - buildings erected thereon. I TERMS -Ten per cent. in cash de- NCR$E,-PiOSP1TAL TRAINING - wants patients 1n own home, or will -go out by day. Rates reasonable. J•HAN M*CDO!NALD, Blyth, Ont. Phone 136. P.O. 121. tions on Friday last. • • • Note to preys desk from Reeve Peter W. Scott: -Married-On November 23rd, at Toronto, Mims Kellam Mall - Empire was united In the unholy bonds of finance to Mr. George C. Globe, atter a abort courtship. They will shortly take up residence In t hand- some home of the groom at !ng and York streets." • • Warden Bowman• is a fine leader and a gentleman, but he lacks one thing for which his predecetisor, Reeve , Sweltser, was very popular. That thing is a sweet tooth. Mr. Bow- man's associates in tbe council -and the preen -this year meati the sweets which littered the warden's desk dar- ling Mr. 1weltzer'r regime. I • • • I Wish was probably father to fire ' thought when Reeve Murdo Matheson of Ashfield suggested that future De- cember• eeesions of council ire held after voting day. The Ashfield Reeve 1a forced this. week to sit In council while his opponent, Richard Johnston, elec- tioneer. up and down concessions and sidelines Sam Sherwood and Owen Iger are In the game boat, but Turn - and Moser of Goderich are all even Nth are tied op. ' IOwen Geiger, octogenarian and dean •of tbe council with twelve years' county ioii . it experience, the first in 1907, i' oiriosed at 1leneall by a thirty-year-old painter, who 1s a can- 'dtdate for the first time. The elec- LINE LAU•NDRYING.-ALSO REGU- 1 LAR `family washlne. Each wasb- ing handled separately Special at- tention *Oen to dc'itate fabrics. 'Kai AUSTIN, 4 St. Vincent street. Intone 213. MEDICAL I R. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR, DNOSE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Ooiden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S. Stratford. Telephone 307. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, December 23rd, from 2.30 tib 9 p.m. only. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice 1s hereby given to all persons having any claim against the estate Mees have a choice -of two extremes. of Jamey Holland, late of the town of , Goderich In the county of Huron, who posit on the date of *ale; balance pay- able ay able in ten days from the date of sale. Subject to a reserve 1,141 and to with- drawal. 1 For particulars amply to F. R. DAR - ROW, Executor. NOTICE TO ELECTORS I - I.TO TIfE ELECTORS OF THE i 1 TOWN H!'P OF AS/WIELD. Having been nominated as a candl- date for councillor for Asbfiel, I • hereby solicit your vote mad indueoce. If elected, I shall endeavor to serve you to the best of my ability, my pot- s icy being "F]mciency with Economy." OI'LBERT, • Concession 5, Danganoon. TO TIIIE ELECTORS OF TILE TOWN OF GODERICH. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS { THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341._ _ Equipped with electromagaSttc Laths. Electronic electrk treatments and chiropractic. (br'nlc, organic and nervone dlseaeeed. Lady in at- tendance. Office hour, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. IMday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or consultation may be had I by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mitchell. A. N. ATKiNSON Residence and omce--Corner of South street and Britannia road. Ladles and Gentlemen: I have again been nominated for the office of Reeve, which I have held for the last two years, and at the re - INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. eKILLOI MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- E.ANOi OO. -Farm and Isolated town property insured. Officers -Alex. Broadeor.t, President, Seatorth; John E. Pepper. Vice-Prea1- dent, Bromfield; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer, Seafortb. Directors -Alex. Broadfoot, Seas forth; Jamee Sboldlce, Walton; Wm. II<noz, Londesboro ; George Leonbardt, Dublin; John E. Peppin' Brocefeidr James Connolly, Goderieb• Thoma* Moylan, Sesforth; W. IL— Arehibald4 tleaforth: Alex. McEwing, Blyth. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton; James Watt, Blyth ; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Brucefield ; R. F. McKercber, H.R. 1. Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm. Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get tbe•Ir card,. re.ripted at the Royal (tank, (Tinton • Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingeton street, Galerlch, or , quest of a large number. of citizens I have decided to stance. i have treeu ,chairman of the Important public ; worke committee, and bate given a great deal of my own time, without i remuneration, to the work of that CHURCH NOTES died' on or about the 20th day of No- vember, 1930, to send same to the un- dersigned on or before the 18th day of December, 1930, as on and atter that WILLIAM WISSER The regnler monthly meeting of the The death occurred in Columbus Women's Asiux•latlon of ortrev date torr ezerutors will prdxeed to Yours respectfully, J. H. Reids General Store, Bay0ela. committee and have tried to keep the I_ - -- - - roads and other public works In good condition. if again elected, you may depend upon me to continue my efforts for the town, both In the town council and at the Bounty board. hospital Buffalo, N.Y., on November I United chnrch will be held at the - make distribution of the said estate 23, of William Wieser, a native and parsonage ou December 10, at ;,laving regard only to the claims thea J. ' - 1fOSER' ceased, -' I 1pn at eltl. Ike . o'clock. • - t Pieff '-r es) Er MI> 'tllt t year, who was n him eixt7 tiil a.Iiet'sr deet` ted d. A.D. 1938. Zi' i son OT the late Wllltasii+ebnn•h will meet on Monday next, De HAYS k HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, E81011- brown. year, w and Medellin. Wieser. On Novem- I cember 7th, at 3 o'clock. The election S011dtors for the Executors herein. ben 10th be suffered three fractured of officers will take place an ribs, and when bronchial pneumonia ' attendance is desired. I MOTiCE TO CREDITORS.;spentto d loped h reereves--•t's--.moss• .Tho pulpit of the Baptist char& A Special FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY + err til: iudbreak- elft, warmly lined, with tilt - ted wool cuffs. Blac or d a fall ; Ladle. and Gentlemen, -Having seven year. as your represen - p{•cp r was tive 1n the County Council, I am pital, where he palmed away. - --_ ill be occupied nest Sunday bj Rev. Nottee 1s `P5D11i'tet i6 711-01' 5 ;standing this year for the omce 0F+- The funeral took place November Dr. H. E. Stillwell, of Toronto, were- having any clalias against the e'tate Reeve, and if you lee iC-lo elect ME— W e W from Mca'st's Funeral Home to I.- terry of the C.nadlan Baptist Foreign, of Charlotte M., McCreath,' who died to that office 1 will be a contestant for maculate Conception cburch, where Mlsdlonary Board, I)r, Stillwell will ;on or -.shout the 3Ist day of October, I the wardenshlp of Huron for 1937. requiem blgh mass was sung. A mill- give,a missionary address at the mum- },\:11. 19x#1. to send same to the under- Goderich has not had a Warden since tary servle at the graveside was con- Ing service and will address tbe Semi reigned on' or before i)Ccember 12th, 11908, when the late Robert McLean ducted by Fred C. LeVIne, boyhood day school. He will be at Auburn 1a 11936, ao on and after that date the j held the office. chum of deceased and cbaplaln ot- the afternoon ;fila will conclude a , adminl.tratrfz of the said eweate will I I have served you on both Town -r*pnoum day by preaching in the -i prneee) M make destrrnntion of the .and County Councils to tbe best eel Goderlch church at the evening service. aetets, of the rotate, 'racing regard my ability, without fear or favor, and only to the claims then filed. !In seeking your support for another OODERICH MARKET PRICES ' bleated at Arinderleh this 25th day of year i have only one object -oto ad - 1 Nocemlter, A.D. 19fk1. I vane the Interests of our good town HAYS & HAYS, God' -t ich, Ontario, and of the /splendid County of Huron predeceased her husband by fifteen lien+. (i lbs, 10r; 56 lbs., ye; .i. Solicitors_ for the Administratrix'1In every way I can. Bucky (['Neill Camp No. 15, U.B.W.V., of which Mr. Wieser was a member. Comrades from the camp were pall' bearers, and a company of five formed a firing squad. Mrs. Wewer (Philomena Kieffer) yearn. A eon, Anthony Witmer, of In,.. Me; under 4 lbs. ie. -is 'Y- herein. Sours faithfully, !N(YI'ICE TO CREDITORS, a aet W dairy, Ib., _ser : natter, creamery, lb,' IN TII F:QST.►TE OF .\1.FRF71) CUIt st1i AY 'm► side Lite Steele . NF.i.i,, i)i!CF.ASF.D. • Bacon logs, rat., I7.2.i: beef, lb.. Notice lo hereby gleet' that all per- ' 4c -Se; „id, 11'.. 7s); Iambs, 15., l!, song haring any claim or demand 1 brain against the eetate of Horace Cornell, SUCCESS • IVheet. per bus.. 90.--$1; beck- who dl.d on the 2nd day of June, llX13, wheat, ens., 5(M -4i0'; oat.. 40c -42c: at the Town of Chaldean. are required fetal barley, tam, : M•--(iiia•; melting to wend by post prelxdi.: or dellycr to barley, 90c--RSc. The Trust• & Guarantee ('ompony s Veg.lables l.lmit.rl at Brantford 1'.0.. the admin- l'utntrre•, new, !eke zl ; Instrator of the .•grate of the gild de- Flertrr and feed 'crewel, their names and eddrc ,ces and Bran. 100 -Ib. hag, ;len; shorts, 100- , full particulars in waiting of their Pi,. hag, 41.70: Menitohn fluor, 14(0-9i. elatm+ end statement• of their se- beg, 1t3-✓18.tS). '4(1)101..)(1(1 the nature of the vrnrttles, _ _.. . - = if env. h.7d by them. -_,..- oderfeb, 1s lite only survivor. Eggs ami flatter j ROBERT E..11iR.NNER. O r Eggs, per dozen, '2Oc--30c ; butter. BAKING IPi.At4$iTgb;I) IF YOi' (iET YOUR Srl'i'LIES iiF:RE! Raisins, Currants, Peels, Cherries, Figs, Dates, Cocoa, Shelled Nuts, Lard, Butter, Etc. - 41.1. Fltl'ITS ItF:(p.F:.%NEII A full line of Nuts, Candies, Oranges, Grapefruit, Bananas. I'RI('E` H1(:11T - -- THIS WILL BE THE BR8T CHRISTMAS iN YEARS cell to :nil esnmine our steak Iadore buying. (;et the Hest. WE DELIVER Sparr's Grocery PHONE 1419 Hamilton St. Goderich eftIPVENKIVIVICIVISCIEW 11011124'dnt of 1)e ember nett Ile maid ad- 41'NRHOD.M.- -At Alexandra hmoltnl, ' mini-erator will proceed to distribute on 8nnday, November M), to Mr. and thc__nsy;t's of the cnld dece0se([ among Mr.. Ben Chtshot. Int'R. a, iI'm,'rtcn, 1111 persons entitled ;hereto. had Ing R ton. 1 rogardl only to the elelms of which MALLOWS. -At .tlexn)Nlre ho+phial, 'said administrator ohs!' then hare bad 00 Saturdays,. November 2S, to Mr. woke, 8011 that flip ndm,ni•trator will and Mrs. R. 0. :billows, of (;oder- ,,,,t tee Itable for Ili,. aseete Ar 507 leo, a moo. .111,1 lake notice that n'ter the 20th DiF.D WISHER. --At Buffalo, N.Y., on No- vember 23, William Wisoor, husband of the late i'httomena Kieffer, In hla sixty-third year. (Walkerton paters please cops•) 3' .40P-(". a. • part thereof to any pe?eon or persons of %home elelm the raid edminlatrator shall not then hare received notlre. i)ated this 16th day of November, 19.38. i%)FTi'8 E. DAN('1Y, Solicitor for Administrator. Sizes 26 to 32. Ilovo' Leather Coats, with fur collar, in black only. Sizes 30 to 34. SPECIAL $6.95 M'ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors PHONE 384 jO • Do You Realize , the big saving you can make in your feel account by burning FORD COKE at $10.50, or MARNE DOW= LU COAL at $8.50 per ton?• : Give u4 a trial order and prove this. My customtirs tell me that they use four coal hods of Ford (oke in 'place of five of other coke. This means quite a saving -one in five. Ford ('oke burns similarly to hard coal. Also, we' stock the Famona Cone -Cleaned i). E H. Anthracite, Foothills Alberta and P,oCahontas Coal. , FOR HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND HEATING—TRY lmarrmisv Chas. C. Lee. t•(IAI, 1-ARl)4Nl) STOKE AT HARBOR PHONES—STORE 42--11OUSE 112 0' w_.r kca.:.ars,..:....aaudwaec_w_raaJ'i ist sr s -swruxA mlliT9"stfiow•