HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-3, Page 61b�Njl�ifr'i�► �ii�_
4.►Jt 49.
a ♦-. sefi'+ iMb n' 2� r t�"a ` 1. r 6t�svctard s r ►
_.:..._T01.$TSa.1ALi_.: - 5G.4D.CH, ONT.
Nomination Meeting at Sobnes-
decide what improve-
ta you wish to make to
home -then get an estimate.
umbing, heating and electrical
contractors; builders, painters,
decorators, architects and supply
firma all stand ready to help you
determine the cost.
With your estimates ready, call
at any branch ofThe Royal Bank
and discuss your plans with the
Manager. Loans to finance home
repairs, improvements or exten-
" - 'eons can be arranged by anyone
-'-'of good credit standing, able to
repay out of income. No security
or endorser is necessary and re-
payment can be made by
monthly instalments spread over
one to three years.
Ask at any branch for free book-
let "Loans for Home Improve --
merits." It gives full information
about the Nome Improvement
Plan of the National Employ-
ment Commission.'
:± & «. - ammo' DeANCM - - 1, D. EASTMAN, )a•s•g•r
BT. 811aaNA, Nov. 30. -Mr. and
Mrs. McGowan, of Blyth, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb.
Mr. Neely Todd, of Stratford, spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Todd.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuart bad as
their week -end guest Miss Ann Stuart,
of Toronto.
Mr. Wilson Woods and his mother
returned home lad week.
Mr. D. C. McDonald, his son, Hugh
David, and Master Norman McDonald
left on Saturday for Guelph to spend
• few days with friends at Morriston
and other points.
Mr. Ewart McPherson is dieting
friends in Toronto.
Messrs. Hash Rutherford and W. L
Miller attended the Guelph winter fair
i . villa a Quiet
Affair :: tl
One of the quietest nomination meet- I
lugs in yeerta was held at the Goderich
township hall at Holmesvllle on Fri-
day afternoon last, when Reeve Wil-
mot Hawke and council were returned
to office for 1937 by scciamati.on.
Uodericb township toast* tezroudly
that it hat had no resident tax ar-
rears in the lest eighty year*. This
year the township had only a smell
dedcit of $2WZ, but with a E 400 road
subsidy due in March a eurplua of
Fifteen miles of road were restir- seas
faced in Goderich township and there , With glad boraunab,c ring.
was some construction wort do.
the we struck rate in August To kuthcr, Son and Holy GGhoaft
I believed we would bare more money T Clod whom we adore, it '
than was necessary •Dor ordinary Be glory, as it was, and is,
work,' 'aid the Reeve. "I was in And shall be evermore•. AlDea.
favor of lowering the rate, but the -Isaac Watts.
council didn't think It would be good • • •
mese S S LESSON FOR DEC. 13, 1134
"As -It was, they were nen, for we r links' 41n PM -
oura bridge at twice the amount of Immo Te,io- n
our estimated cost, a culvert needed es.
year.0 will be on hand
Sunday Afternoon
• • ,a
Goderich, 0lfaglo
'•Wbere are they paying efic per hour '
for road labor?'
'"Chat is Provincial work on the
Blue Water highway," explained the Salvation and lmowrtAl praise
To our' ole turkrus King!
Reeve. "The county pays forty cents
for teams and twenty teats for men." fast heaven and earth It lid rock 'and
for the new I $ldR repairs, the relief bin was $110. Lassen mg's-Reveiatito 1:4-11.
The one big item which threw the and sheep claims were away up this Gown Text_aseveiatlen 1:17, it
finances out this year was the repair-Sheep-MingIslhgenahe The Revelation of Jelin',Christ,
leg of a bridge about one mile north sheep -killing dot. cost the tem). which Ged gave unto Him, to chew
of Holmesville. 'So far goo* was the ship an even $'J62. The lbeartest toe- unto His servants things which must
structure that repairs cost $1,400 io-irs, au. He sent and
er was Alfred Warner, who was pall shortly come to pa
stead of an estimated $700. $113 for killed and maltilated sheep. a !<nlded It by His angel unto lila ser-
erOld Council Re-elected Dan Gliddon advanced the opinion Taut John:
"Who bare record of the word of
tos g, Salads Brown Labe
A 1111111
When the nomination period was I the ratepayers' may have been paying
closed promptly at 2 o'clock by Clerk
R. G. Thompson, there were just live
nominations before him. They were:
Wilmot Haacke, proposed by Mel-
ville Sturdy and David Rodes.
Henry Corey -by J. F. Powell and
John Sowerby.
,Herbert C. Cot -by J. Harris and
C. Sturdy.
Ben Rothwell -by W. H. Lobb and
assessment $96,
Reuben Grigg•
Oliver Jervis -by Russell Neal and
J. Leslie Cox. the ratepayers would be relieved of
Reeve Haacke Is returned for his some expenditure. The result wee.
salaries" were reduced ten per can.
and wages 'reduced twenty per cent.�t rich reward in be(rtg chosen to give
n at Paisley •an rummer, moved
This year ten per cent. has been gives back to Own. bone here last week.
back' an tapoetollcat benediction on seven
Asian churches which are named in Mr. A. E. Purdon has been laid up
Councillor Jervisfor the past few days, having got a
Co cild 011e Jervis who us en. en- ver11. He may have had superin-
for sheep killed by a well which was
shot near Bayfield recently.
"It never was proved that a weld
did any of the kiting," said the Be
"but if such were the case we we5
not have to pay."
He pointed out the subsidy to be
received next year would easily wipe
out tae fit=deficit, and stated far -
Cher: "In the last six years we bass
reduced by 55 per cent. the 1R-ratS
of two mills, and have lowered the
■ 000.
"In 1931 when I first was reeve Iw
had the idea expens should be cut es
seventh year as reeve and twelfth
year 1n the council.
Themeeting was well attended In
spite of the snow-covered roads, near-
ly one hundred men being present.
Mr. F. H. Powell was made chair
God, and of the testimony of Jesus
Christ, and of all things that he saw.
"Blessed is be that readeth, and they
that bear the words of this prophecy,
and keep those things which are writ-
ten therein: for the time la at hand
(Rev. 1:1-3).
It is a blessed privilege not only to
read the Scriptures ourselves, but to
-hear them read by otters, who are
to give us the venire of what
they read, and to lead us lute an un-
derstanding of them. John, the be-
loved disciple, was banished to the Ude
of Patmos, not for evil doing, but for
the testt�ony d Jou+, for bearing
witness to Christ as the Immanuel,
the Saviour. This wits a cadge
worth suffering for, and be received
mous number of 'hymns of universal
praise" (Jhe new Union Hymnal)
which have akeady been sold la now
confronting the 4'hrlstlnn Literature
Society. Some idea of the task mai
be gained from the following figures.
If aM the copies of this -first edition
were piled on top of each other the
static would be 7,71311 fust high, about
one and a -half miles, twice the height
of Talehen from the plain.
If ail the books were Aced end to
end, they would reach ninety-eight
If. all the leaves c,f all the books
were placed end to end they •would
reach 3,261 miles, from S'ungbal down
across the Pbtliradne Islands to Au-
stralia. -(By Mr.. Donald Meet/1111v-
rag, in The Link).
WSITPJCHUROH, Dec. 1. -Mr. and
Mrs. John J. McGee attended the
Rs al Wtatirs?Mr ,1a Toronto last
End vliited at :be home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Broomer.
The W.Y.S. of the United cburcb
are bolding a tea at the home of Mrs.
Ears Hc•bolta on Wednesday, and on
Friday are holding their annual
Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Coultes, who haze
dose of carbon monoxide gem from
an of the ratepayers' meeting which parsing hisothirteenth yeas at the tour- tendency over them' es Timothy bad
t over the church at
working with an engine of his Delco
til by acclamation. the Powell called ness. was: "Grace be unto y.u, and peace, w
the coueitiHora to platform, and, "1 am particularly pleneed we Dace Root_ Mowbray.
M O H with ne todaJ" De •old from Him wMch U, rod which was Mrs.Walter Lott spent the week-
end at Ripley, at the borne of her
son, Mr. Wesley Lott.
Mrs. Harry Brown has been very ill
during the past week and is under the
doctor's care.
lila* Florence Beecroft was brought
to her home on Wednesday, but had
to return to Clinton hospital and have
the cast removed Rom her broken leg.
♦ pretty wed-
ding was solemnised at the manse.
Wlsitechurch, by Rev. J. Pollock on
Wednesday, when Miss Plorsece Mil-
dred, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Pardon, became the bride of Mr.
John Angus McIntyre, eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel McIntyre. The bride's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sector
DOunc Diem followed re the clerk's air ail board,
*Dote highly of Dr. Wb te- The 'Arising which he pronounced system.
todiutxement of the return of the conn -Tore dealing with 1!orrnabtD bud" on all the Kaltbfbh !n•lbete churchfa�' 'Miss
Tuesday: Mr. Miller Is an eaWht- (Grant, of Teewr� r. spear last
eek ■t the Dome of IIs and Mrs.
A Former 8t seism PasterRev.
our M. ' and which is to come, and from the
During his fifty years with us he has - - -iris which are before His
H. G. Wbitseld, formerly minister of after urging that the ratepayers take
St Helene church, who for the last an interest in their council and town-
Northvilleshl affairs to the extent of offering duce much for the township that can
seven years has been pastor of the
tt- throne And from ]eros Christ who
(Mich.) Presbyterianship
criticism, asked Reeve not be estimated in dollars and testa
is throne.
faithful witness, and the first
church, has accepted a call to the Hib-
bing (Minn.) church and will move to
his new charge shortly, with his wife
and family of two girls and one boy.
Mr. Whitfield's outstanding achieve-
ment at Northville bas been the band-
ing of a $21,000 church hoose. The
membership of his congregation in-
creased by over one hundred under
his ministration.
Stop, end let the train ;o by -
It takes leas then a minute.
Your car starts out again intact;
And, better still -you're in It
Your Success is Assured with
Best for all your Baking(
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec. 3, 4, 5
Haacke to address the meeting. Our doctor at all tinea Das given as begotten of the dead, and lbs Prince
The Reeve first addressed Dr. J. B. good service•" of the kings of the earth. Unto Him
Councillor Jervis, in charge of ward loved us, and washed us from
Whitely, who this year concludes his
fiftieth year as medical health officer
for the township. Dr. Whitely was
the guest of honor at the meeting and
an address was read by Clerk Thomp-
son expressing gratitude for his ser-
ervices, after which Mr. Haacke pre-
sented the Doctor with a substantial
cbeeue as concrete evidence of the
esteem in which be Is held by the
council and ratepayers.
Reeve Haacke congratulated Dr.
Whitely and remarked that his con-
tinuance as It. 0. 11. for fifty years
was "something unique and possibly
without precedent."
County Council Affairs
. , Hillcr'etrt„
2' 1-1b. Prints 23c
7 -lb. bag .. - 1 23c
24 -lb. bag
Magic Baking Powder
4 or. lbc. 8 -os. 20c
16•oz. 30c
Pitted Dates 2 lbs. 23c
Sultana Raisins . - S tbs. 260
Currants 2 lbs. 27c
Mincemeat 2 lbs. 23c
White Raisins j �� Lb. 20c
Lemon and Oran a seel..Lb. Sic
Citron Peel „ Lb. So
Raisins with Seeds 2 lbs. Sic
'Shelled Almonds 1,4 -lb. lick
Pineapple Rings •..3/4 -Ib. 2k
Cut Mixed Peel Lb. 25c
Quick Quaker Oats. Lge. pkg. 21c
Tomatoes...2 large tins 26e
Salmon 1-1b. tin 26e
HEINZ bottle lie
Catsup -• Large
°bipso Large pkg. 210
Peas or Corn 217 -os. tins 210
Coolies Lb. lac
Lb. 16c
GOLDti Xtiiii►
Huts t -.r! lbs. 460
Coeio 14b27111-110
Toilet Soap
PHONE 116 or 216 PHONE 46
5, in which the costly bridge work our sins is His own blood. And bath
was done, said "We can congratulate
ourselves the Job was completed wimade us kings and prfe•ts unto God
th- and His Father; to Him be glory and
out plunging us in litigation for dam- dominion for ever and ever. Amen."
Then John describes himself and
Ms present condition when the vision
appeared to him. He gives the day
upon which be bad this vision and the
frame of mind 1n wblc:t be was. It
Mr. Jervis emphasised the impor-
mportante of good roads, when tourist re-
venue of 309 millions bas increased
one million over lad year.
"I do not think they are alt going was the Lord's day and be was fit -
north to see the 'quints,' and maybe tingly taken up with things of a spirit-
ualthey won't come to (Godlrkh township, nature ere became the servants of
but we will have good roads for them God who hallowed the itsbbath Day.
It and when they do come."
Herbert C. ' is another long-glomThe apostle glom an account of what
enteringbe beard when thus in the Spirit. The
term man, into his eleventh Lord Jesus gave him notice of His ap-
year on the councu. araace a with the sound of a trum-
ingspeaker gave figures in speak- He pointed out that a large item in Pe
Ing of county council work to show, pet. He turned to see whose the voice
Increases in almost every department sale of a leaning -wheel grader for was and a wonderful vision met his
of the work during the last four years. $775. Sheep claims were $200 more eye.
An Increase of $8000 since 191"1 and this year than last, but the 1987 road "I saw seven golden candlesticks;
a $4,000 Increase over last year wasanbsitly will be $800 more than this and in the midst of the candle -
shown in. mothers' allowances, largely year. 'sticks one like unto the Son of man,
due to the decision to grant allow- , Better Of by VAN clothed with a garment down to the
antes ton mother with one child underfoot, and girt about the taps with a I
sixteen years of age. There are 105 user, revealed for the first time In golden girdle. Ilia head and His"
retiring the alloy. once in Huron public Dow the township had a $2,0011 hairs were white like wool, as white
county. _ --- surplus instead of $1,000 as was as snow , and His eyes were as a flame
Old -age pensions have increaxd l printed in the report. of fire; and lila feet like unto tine
$2,100 since 1983. There are 813 old -
Mr. Salkeld confessed be was far' brass, as If they burned iu a furnace;
age pension recipients In the county. I from an expert bookkeper and had and His voice as the sound of many
There were seventy-five deaths der- to indusia some tax collections waters. And He had in his right hand
fag the year in the ranks of pension- from on- 1 in his financial statement. The book seven stars; and one of His mouth
went a sharp two-edged ;mord: and
8. S. N0. 9, COLBORNE
Report for the months of Espies^
her, October and November:
Sr. 'IV -Keith Parish 7516. Harriet
Horton 74, Eileen Bogie 70, Lillian
Obtsboim e9, Douglas Bogie IID, Don-
na Fisher 65.
Jr. Ill -Maxine Cbishoim 00%.
Sr. II -Gerald Fisher 73%, Made-
adsline Chisholm e8.
era, thirty-four persons received Ln- were audited and Lound correct trio
creases in pension•, and seven were was sitisHed with the $1,000 >� countenance was a+ be sun shin -
everyone reinstated.d J + not until Mr. Salk ebb In his strength."
surplus as t- as_
Hospital costs have -been uereastnd i old visited the bank that los dlscov- a Ttaprertton fist°` ai'p' ararttr e[
Christ made upon John, he says,
from $18,400 in 193E to $24000 in 1906. ibaturedly chaffed by those present caused him to fall dowdt et His feet
lee one dead He was overpowered
gradually over the last tour years, I eyed the omission. • He was good-
ulte a large amount of this, said
ve, s'fflfle l
trdama. 'but the teams .clerk bas
taken quite an interest in this depart-
ment and is trying to reduce the frost.
*ben be confessed.a greatness or the lustre auk
` ouminor Henry' Corey; -in c�
of ward* 4 and 6 during his six years tgbry in which Lbriort lar wit,`ttitflM3
In council, claimed to have instigated be bad been to familiar with film
rte[ ue r� d Jesus to be the
the move to reduce salaries and wages � ore.
He has had a number of patients re- insame kind friend, for lie laid His hand
moved from sanatoriums, although I ponnetllor Ben Rothwell, on the upon him, raised him up and *peke
they need periodic treatments. This council three years, spoke very brief- I kind words to him. it was the same
change has meant a reduced cost of I oaks aayl•g again. "Fear not." Then
500 per year per patient." V of the work done in ward 1. IHe acquaint' him with ills divine us-
$ All reported keeping well within
The increase of $4,000 in the cod I their estimates. !lure, "the First and tiw Last ;" refers
of administration of Justlre, he pointed I After Councillor Itathwell condnded to 'ills former sufferings: "I was
out, was due largely to the trials of I els remarks the chairman called upon idead," the very same that His die-
Huggard, 1iacLaren and Fletcher. 1 others for abort addresses.ciples saw upon the Qum, dying for
"in spite of the uncontrollable costs, Nelsen Trewartha, ex -Mayer of I the sins of mea. But He goes on to
which tThcnr an increase of more than I Clinton, was the find to speak.IM9e 'Behold I am alive for ever
$15,000 es compared with.193,1," said "I am very glad to be hers to ex- j more.He had conquered death,
Reeve Haacke. "and in _spite of the
$27,000 reduction In debentures In the
past three years and the paying off
of $70,000 on the highway account in
the sante period, we have been able
to operate on a 5% -mild rate and have
only a comparatively small overdraftand hie statement: "We are paying pleasure of Jesus that John should
at the end of the year of approxi•ice much for government -there are write both the things he had seen, and
mately $7,000. ---- .wy.I too many men governing In the Pro- the things that are. au.1 that should
FAuestien Coate Reduced I vine and Dominion," was greeted be hereafter. After thio Jesus ex_
"Education ass the one branch In !with applause. phlned to John the mystery of the
sever" stars and of the .e•ven candle-
sticks. The seven star- are the min-
isters of the churches: and the seven
candlesticks are the seven churches,
pada to within estimate e l p to whom ('briat would now send by
paying for a $9,000 truck snowplow,"
ro -In is John particular messages. (From
said the Reece. "The Pmcincleyieulgs• Henry's Bible.)
tend felicitations to Dr. Whitely,' be
said. - "I was with him eleven years
as a member of the board of health in
this township and be was an admirable
man to work with."
Mr. Trewartha delved into politics
opened the grave and entered upon an
endless life. To this lie added, "I
have the keys of heft and of death;"
a sovereign dominion in and offer the
Invisible world. Then John received
a command. It was the will and
which there was a reduced cost, from
$92,000 in 19AA to $61,000 in 1936.
"The county roads commission ex-
pectslivetheti t after
Toe Many I speelora
lie said also there were too many
inspectors, and using eggs as an ex-
ample be claimed that often as many
as three men inspected a shipment of
highways account will show a deficit "i claim we are paying out thous -
of around $4100 and on all account. ands of dollars we could put to better
there will he a deficit of nearly $7,500. use than paying several inspectors ou
"We hive had a very successful year the same job at different points.
In the county, in view of the fact "The abolition of county councils is
that we have been faced with an nn- Icing discussed considerably of late," of the new Union Ilcmual which M
controllable Increase in the cost of he continued, "and I understand the being published by our S clefs. The
administration of justice .,wing to so matter will be brought before the
many criminal' trials. and yet bare Nouse this winter. I contend we
managed to live within our estimates. 'could do wltheut the Provincial Gor-
-Consider also," he continue], "we evnnsent better than we could get
here paid off $2.1,000 from the 1934 along without the county council."
Provincial highway account: $4,000
from the 19S5 road account; we have
hotightjit $9,000 truck snowplow and
all on Est% -mill rate. The whole debt
of the comity outside the overdraft
at the end of the year. will 1s' only
$46,000, jest a trifle over one mill
on the Bounty assessment."
Seventy -dye miles of all resurfaced
road were included In the work pro-
gram thisyear.
John Sowerby wasted'- N-kd►wt
• • •
The New Hymnal
in 'I previous Link y',u were told
preparation of this himnel was nc-
con>g(llshed by a comml•tec represent•.
Rig ninny thrushes. The printing
has been s tremendous task. At
first our Society de•Idat In print 16,4100
(Applause). cooks. Finance* forbade a larger
Mr. Trewartha said another matter „rder. ,tis, mem ' facl.,r+ had to be
to be brought up soon would be the ,•on'id,ved, amongst them being-sup-
ring-supestablishment of totrnahlt, , rhool ;„Hing they did not sell. But orders
board*• flowed in and the 10,000 had to be
Other sleeker* were IT I.. Salkeld. 1w -roamed again anti Bouin. 1'p to date
John flowerby, W. H. f,ol) and George 114.000 coping have been sold.
Litbwaite, all of whom congratulated Nr. Terry has prepared an intere*t-
Dr. Whitely and also the returned Inst statement about the Hymn Hook,
cennc•Hlors1 who have completed an- and i am going to let you have it in
other year with flying colors for their ter:
Iowa/Any. - 'The problem of shipping the eeus
Mackay, witnessed the marriage. After-
ward, the immediate relatives attended
the dinner at the boom of the bride's
parents. In the evening a reception
was tendered them. They were the
recipients of many beautiful gifts,
and the evening was spent in games
and dancing. The next day they left
for their home on the 4th concession
of Kinloss. -
They are here for your
Chas. Black
East Street and Square
The Studio
1QET ' _- ,
It can be used as a chesterfield
or in a momeet can be converted
Rao • double bed or two single
beds. A wardrobe compartment
can be added at a alight addi-
tional cost. A livingroom and
bedroom combined. Too may
choose your own cdterings.
J. R. Wheeler
?mural Amager and
Aa asters Dealer . .
duel les Street, Csisrlck
PHONE: Store RES: Rea. 855
A void ria Uhl hold giddy sod •
. Won't 1M • cold Who
bold as eyoe . Atthis aria alga of o odd
•~fir d Caro 1 a�0Y0 a
Oren's hes whim k taboo u hooch dee
cold right eat d year wain the kw
aye found here
the article you need!
-,:.Prices for the Week 4th to 11th December (inclusive)
I lb.
XTRAIlb. Jar lldtand
Cad Liver OS
with picture of the
King fere--We
7k, $1-N, $1.5e
35e, 60e
Witch Hazel ('ream
Hind's Honey Al-
mond 23e
Italian Reim .. Rte
Smart, 2k
iNG BOWL,. $1.N
Box 23c
llkop-at the Drugstore
for your Christmas
Dunlop's Campbell's Lauder's Wigle':
Drogdar• Drug .tare Drugetsee
Dniga e.