HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-3, Page 4THE SIGNAL DODERICH, ONT. •
rage Rooms -SPORT NEWSPrizes Presented \ Ma Sale, External Treat
Illegal Is Verdict -
to Young Students
or ▪ Marmes to
Orgainize on Friday
Privy Conned Disraisses Appeal.
• • • 1'
(Continued from nage 1)
-,- Against Supreme Court letou, principal' of Ventral school,
then were called to the front of the
auditorium, where gifts of apprecht-
, Judgment • Hon were presented to them after
Entered in Cl. ar,;„, A. neatly -worded addresses were read by
Word NW: re.lbi‘ed from Loudon, Team to Be
tll Englund, 011 Friday last that the Ini-
iie :perial Privy CouuLl. had upheld the
decision of the Supreme 'Court of
Canada that the Canada TtipperanCet
-- feet -iis in effect la Ilerms, Perth and
Peel counties. '•
Council on an appeal by the Attorney -
t The club will once more eater 0.11.A.1 Prizes were then preseu
members of the entrance class by Mr. •
General of Ontario against thedeelidod
of the Supreme Court of Canada. the i eentectition, playing a ith St. Marys,'
parties agreeing to a diemisaal a the Stratford, Milverton. Seaforth aud ' W. 11. Robertson-
i.the medallists. Catharine Cantelou
and Good Season Is presented the gifts to Mr. Stonehouge
!and Mr. Thomson, and Mildred Videa 0
Looked For
) made the pre-vittation to Mr. Shackle -1
The. Junior Marine Hockey CBS) ton. The prinCipalP 111111 Mr. Thom -
Aim at a wie..1.1Ig rioaistrw.wrthe_tnwar after,1congratulr.tatIwtigh,thtbwei
stmas Present's
ys tiin-
Large StOck
Helps END A COLD Quicker
The matter was before the Privy
• will be organised for the venting sea- "u wrise ta"rtulYi thlied the P11108 1"r I
hall on Friday evening at S o'clock. for success in their future endeavors. I
Inimical program, which provided
Clinton.. The public is Invited to et -
pleasant interludes In the long list bf •
The Judgment means that the last*
of authorities for the sale of liquor in Jpg things are looked forward to: Prenentations, *eluded a chorus by
these counties is contrary to law. by 'the club this year since the presl- !forty-tiie girls and boys of Central 1
Premier Hepburn. however. &Ads. to Bent, Judge 1'. M. Costello, announeed oehoot ; a humorous solo fox the child-
ihe ruling of Judge Grout, of Peel ,en attempt alit be made to obtain air ren by Mr. Cecil Attridge; an organ
county, that the.Canada Temperance 'ex -pro. to coach the buys. If this is and piano duet by Mr. H. F. Player
and MIAS Agnes Forster, anti solo by
Act is unconstItutioual. although on to be AsecomPliabed, of course, the
two occasions the Act has been before , tit fistiViiiikri4d support' WE 'the public ' Miss Gertrude IlaiaL.._ _ . ___...
I The award" were as follows:
• the Privy Council on the_nuestion of wiU be a prltue net .
\constitutionality and on each occasion i At tIte _wiling Friday night an I VICTORLA SCHOOL
It was declared to be within the pow- executiii-<--fIll be appointed, also a re- l Graduation Class i
era of the Dominion Parliament which 'presentative to a league meeting wilich 1 First-class honors -James Hume,
enacted it. I will be held In the near future. ' David Mood, Chester McNall. Harold
. -direct to the imtated air-psinages.
. The aim of the executive of the Shore, Donald Stonehouse. Harold
ROYAL BOWLING ALLEYS ljnalor club- last year was to foster . Deer. Fred WhIttiughton, Catherine i ' This combined poultice -and - vapor
honors- Ingle Ander- action loosens phlegm -relieves
initation-brips break oonetstion.
; - Ideas sportsmanship among the young- 1 Cantelou, Jean Schaefer, Gladstone
Piers of the town, and it Is with this mod" riff! B„gle. ,
°Mt for the Seamet a" lelwit.:_thought uppermost in mind that' thei i1/4.,,,;;d_ii..lam
Bowline Club In Caganal--- ' -dab is icing organized again this , son. Donald Johnston. Edna MacAdiam, .. . _ ...._._
The grand opening of the Royal i year. With liberal support from tit* Liont.i 'class honors), Helen Moffat (ibretviass
; Betty Rooth, Raymond Barker,
1Cuthbertson, Pauline Johnston.James'h"1.1°1"4)•
, I Abell, 1lVilliarn Drew, Mary Wilson, , Entrance Clam Prbsi
bowling alleys on West street on tovriespeople a season of classy hockey nston.
!crowd; in fact. quite ji large number ' badminton club will play in a friendly Elva Snell. James Carey.
Arlill-s-Jamev Graham, Kennett'. marls in the class (donated by Vie-.
. LOIS Carrick. ilorothy Medd, ,
F.rtie-'t 3Iaclasal, Jnek Lea. tor Iseuriston). 40.! --- . ----I-
I Medal James Meltwater- Isighest
Second highest -41elen Moffat' (do -1
Tuesday night, under the. supervision may be.expected.
of Ste Goderich Lawn Bowling Club. ,
*Melt baa taken over the alleys for , TO PLA' AT RAIIVIELP
this winter. attracted , a eanaeltY 1 Tonight members of tha, Onderlett vimnic.
Goderich- i of would-be bowlers were turned i Invitation tourney with 'members 44 F.drieanne Johnston, Elva Worthy, tinted b) Wornt•ti's InatitnteL i I
;away. tthe Hayfield club at th8t e111111ge• Helen MacLeod. Eileen Ensign, Owen Greatest ith•rease In pereithlase
1 Phone 57
-r ...... I .111•Ulta _being as follows' lat T. Me- -At a meeting last night in interste. ' Medal- Jame% Ilium% highest marks Art Myrtle Stoddart (donated tir I
tfltetleetetekrteteltgtetet0CtegifiteKteXtegtetett Vv6kiPs were gliosen and aeennd- n Pre ' •
----:i..V.j;.-..•...A;e - - 1
C. Pridham
3 -MacaZ 7/ Matsdafe
Massage VapoRub briskly on the During the night. VapoRub keep,*
throat, chest and back (between and tight on working. Often, by morning
below the shoulder <blades). Then die worst of the cold is over.
spread it thick over the chest and Avoids tisk wi %moth urea.
cover with warmed cloth. 'This safe, external treatment cannot
Mince I:etnee you finish "SW"' possibly upset the stornacb, as cow
VapoRub starts to bring relief two imam anwmai odoono,,. o to opt to
ways at once --two dyed ways: do. It can be used freely, as ate/16
1. Through the Skin. VapoRub needed, even se the youngest AM
acts dfrea through the skin like a .
pOultice in plasm.
2. Medkated Vapors. At dm histkerst Lank is
your weaken
same tune. Its medicated vapors, re- = ear tun &ma, al Wks
leased by body heat, arc breathed in mactscal It nada us
graster freedom from mills Is ask
for hours -about 18 un tes a minute tuts mama 17.353 peopk, die Ms
cut dames liont cald• mw,ss big
Follow Vicki Plan Inc
letter,Contra a Colds
• Marian, Allan Bosnian Ahrough 3..ar Janne) Mellwain (do- I
drawn for play for fowl prizes. the . INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY 1 Entrance ('lass netted I.) 11, M. Slia.•kletonl.
346' 2nd Ala
itebert.on, 4,.. lc. it,shin...an as ine,ith.at and in the dies (donated by NIetgt . .. •
Ms. Jas. A. Mato% olio spent tbe-i- Ev.:--.101.---11.---Clitt attended ail Dermott and R. L Lloyd. I . . te hockey (gab wee organise& snit
after a visit to the Pacific Coast. hal jell ------W. 'Asseelation IAA 12:17: :Irti, I 11 Eastman and Ted -------- ,.ty
Te club will I Seeond hig-heat --David iood (do- lir "Conner -tdelwtted bY A- la COki-4,
Last two mouthy at Mount Carmel. open mestins of the Blyth T.11.- Frank Martin, and C. E.
returned to town tor tbe winter. seek. ' Plante, 1219. 'enter 11.A. competitirated by the Wornen's Institute). I Proticiency-- Mildred %ideas fibri-
• ____ Ckunposition - -Ingle Anderson. gensi... netted by home and *jowl anbl•
' . al proficiency (donated li, W: H._ Iliatorr. geography. arithmetic sled
gramme!. Janie. Mritwain ldenated
teltaVelitigtOetWegt00004telegteeCeetCtCtOVVVVVOCKt0000CICCA Doug. Graham's G„ arc 1:.bertsim).
thr lead' in the bowling league at toren •irimmar ,James ..11time. geuer.11 1.) IllUt!e Lea Chanter. 1-0•D•EL
11'. 1.0..D.E.1. Literature Colin Campbell (donated
nan's alleys, with the Lions in stssoid ..fich•nry (donated by the Jingler':
place .and the Lucky Strikes third i,‘ A I tins.k t 'htt toter. I 111.13.E.).
Tbe bug fumed tram, with only three Heading winiaan flimsy. „porno Ham, and maw nae prima
pt1 U!
-,,,,.•74ipwal:44.4, 'IMF 4°41 11411'-'1°.1'
Imr.-1•41';;,• •
‘•'• •••',"*.rr-A1F,L44.
Gift Lingerie
Lingerie that- is. -attractively made of fine satins
and silk crepes. -The one item 'that will help
. you Avith your -Christmas list.
- -. •
GOWNS and PYJAMAS of satin, lace -trimmed,- 'Vic -$375
new styles, shades tea -rose and white 'wf
PANTIE SETS in crepe and satin, well .etrt). giving $1.49, $19$
smart fit -tailored or lace -trimmed. Set
PANTIES -Satin. Special value for Christmas shoppers. sc
11EDDIESS--smardtloodo of lion'orik-orePe-in-togi4°°°.4139.
lamptrimmed .......................... ......... • • . • •
Christmas. Gift Suggestions
Handkerchiefs 25c box up
Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs
25c each
Scarfs. White satin, colored
taffelb; up
Gloves. Wool, fabric and kid.
Attractive styles 49c up
Hose. Crepe, chin' and ser-
vice -weights 70c pair up
Gift"Stitgestions for Men
Shirts. Arrow bvand, new and
attractive patterns --stripes,
checks and monotones --at-
tached and separate collars
Scarfs. Wool Scarfs in plaids
and plain white, yellow and
beige 75c up
White silk crepe Scarfs, silk
fringe -ends $1.96'...
Socks A large range of tine
all wool Socks--sttractive pat-
terns 49c, 75c pr.
gamer played. has a good illative to
pr•diciesey (donated by L. L. Knott 1. .1r IV. deport ment - I leleu V Melia.
i step up ,:o the heed in the coining week.
lbe Standleg G'cography -limes Hume. general Jr. Hi. deportment -Phyllis Allen. ,
. _a. Palm_ pr •h•lency (donated by H. R. latngt.:•-: II. 414. 'tor t moot -Ruben& Grant.
, 4 8 c , ,v.ite...g LA. caTrieh...4,esaeal our i gr A.,.sfrportegent-Ituth Reid.
. Go Getters,,,..- „Iisr.._7. ..txtubf;_tio _ted, _ Hie Home sod i Primary. deportment -Nance Sol-
& A • I ions ... ....... ..,..........µ........r.........4 r -5 •
All Stars '..... ,..al_... S ! I.1, ratere-aa flume. general Jr. fv..prodeigney--.-taiblees Mac -
'iron :racy Olmsted by W. K. Thew lilwau (delisted by Mrs. L. I.. Knox).
N Lucky Strike* .. • • -II • 4
laToilers) ... .. ; .... ........,........r.:....-.11. .4
Z▪ t !loupe of David .---.....-.6 1 4^ *A.:Ting-David Mood, general pro- 1 . sr.. iv 40. K. absekie,40.), wood
firien.y (donated by Mr. and Mr.. HI proeckwy_marsork sword, .
' Teatime' Mims .
Tigers ..................................A1 . a
CARPET BOWL1310 • *,. Caniollan history -James Ileass..proliciency_aptty Smith.
,clency donated by nItAall'e Art atera".;• I. prgroti.cilettall•y(11-11eissieWn. ‘11eldeall)s' :Iirsetidiardil"-in 1 lirrett Boor
g King Pins - .....S 0
, Maple I.eafa ' 3 0 t, An Ail" Boatman. general_ Pe', 1 Belency -Eleanor Mare:wan : weed is I
t.. uoici. .
Legion Leeds After Whodng To* Maple Lest Chapter. 1.4.).1).E.). Jr. III Miss McDowell). prod-
iceneral proficiency (donated by the
Games Monday Night Arithmetic -Ernest MacLeod, I*
- It. Claire II I KAM : highest in aritlimetk
clency Florence Riley : proticieney- I
The Legion team went into the
the Goderich Carpet Bowling heave house). during the year -Mary Gallow ; high-
Inhe lead eral protieley (donated by it. ncStone*
'est In spelling iluring• year--Pettni,
ouuthat_thp..i,..0.4„ team. ,, _L241/41111e. yr. iladSeh
first eelin geneeritabal orliadarodeiesey- 1 Brupbey ; highestyear-Gordon Sutcliffe.st In apell log during
on Monday night, with two wing, ,
Result of games on Monday night: -Ruth Cornfield. I II (Mrs. L. Thorn/doe), first In pro -1
C.O.F. No. 1 22 C.O.F. No. 2 " 11 Sr. Ill, first in general prufielency
fielency -Cayley 11111; second in pre -
Legion ......... „„....12 L.O.L. --Maxine Martin.
12 ' ficiency-John Graham.
Band Is Victorians Jr. III. first In general proficiency -
i Sr. I (Miss M Baillel. general prod -
' 20 C.O.F. No. 2
16 1..0.1... 15 Verna Miller.
8 Helen Graham. -
Sr. II, first in general le, ck.ney--Eunice Milne: highest marks ,
In work books --Jackie MacDonald. i
in reading -Jean Kershaw ; neatness
Legion ......... -......17 c.o.r. No. 1 proficiency -
1 'Jr. II, second In general proficiency-. Primary (Miss D. Durnin), general
The Standing „ , -Ralph Deer; second in writing- 1 proficiency -Elisabeth Taylor: high -
1 Legion _
. L.OTa • --7777---'-----3 3 132 102 12 ,
W I. r A `- "I' ' John Mohring.
8 I 122 190 16 I.
Sanderson; second in general
I. first in general profieiency-Reproryl i
irtariseet number of stars-Bbella Hill;
teens In work -Mall Joyce iltra-i
4 5 131 122 ', Primer, first In general proficiency -I
' Victoria** ...........,..4 5 101 107 8
Baud • . ciency -Douglas Harrison. Perfeet Attemelamee Certideales 1 •
, one year-Madelelne Viekers. Helen ;
C.O.P. No. 1 .i...-.3 6 108 136 6 , Ilonald Scott: second in general pro- , Videan. Hateld W111166, Phyllis Mc. I
CO.?. No II .......2 7 88 125 4 i delesey_Jack Needham.
Dams tor December 7
vs. L.O.L. 1 Kindergarten, second In proficiency,
morning class -Ruth Bogie; afternoon
-- • .• .... . :ailbolann.. MaxCull.tly.icDoimm_naldff_c___H............_)fillan.-i--- _
Marjorie Hays. Shirley Medd, Donald ,
TS. • n." -M '-''".--4-iiiiirLISiary tainbaetril - - --itibutir* 436 -----
Ahl Two years --William !Ana way.
Victorians ye. C.O.P. No.- 1. Tenelsers' Prizes '01111Tbree years--Kathieet. Eaeltpam .-.1'94---
-,.... ........
. -
-C.O.T7No.-t-vs.-.Bits& I Pr III (Miss G. Sturdy). second in miktre41-yukon.
Four yeer.--Rarierle *alert
.111.CRAFT PAINTS are high in
opaline-Wet tow ter peke.
au will, And Bro....MR-Rs value'
In our stork of
We positively Alive you money
W. H. Blackstone
' I lit the 'tr.:oh% ay of I:, sierielii"
12 CHURCH sTgarr
Sweaters, Pullovers. New col-
ors, new designs $1.95 up
Drawing Gowns. Moire, sat-
in, flannel and eiderdown
_ $2.49 to $4.50
Linen Cloths. 54" square, col-
ored,' checks and stripes
79c to $1.45
Gloves. tine leather Gloves-
pull-ou and dome styles
Capeskin, in cream, brown
and black . E1 69 up
Lined Gloves $1.25 to $1 95 pr.
Dressing Gowns. Eiderdown in
smart design of small check.
plain trim, silk yoord $2.95
Sweaters. Pullovers with sip-
per fastening in brush wool,
fancy back... .$2.50 to $3.75
Sweater COO. Heather shades
$2.75 up
Suits and
Well made of good ma-
terials at the right prices
CID "Shop where you are invited to shop
'2Phone 418
• • 111,
Leith* vs. Victorians.
C.O.T. Ss. 2 vs. L.0.1.
general proficiency -Robert Blank,
'firstIn geography scrap book -Robert
- Jr. III (Miss L. Robineon), second
. in general proficiency -Donald W11 -
There Will Be Plenty of Hockey -101*-41a031.
ti&o. sw the job Sr. II (Mien E. I. MacDonald), first
There will be plenty
of limos is for child life project (giria)-Irene
the hockey field this winter with the Bradley: first for child life project
juniors and intermediates re- (boye)-Donald
organIned and Peck Steep's Fx-Pros. Jr. II (Miss E. Wiggins). first In
general proficiency ---Irene Laithwalte;
and Jake McDougall's House of David
teams getting under way. Without
VIA the One outfit that believes at--* 1 (111", 1' Johnston),,...,_11art. tr...,..,...ehtli-
Urns 'Teak louder than words Is the life Pre'eet """"---"-"""'"" ''''''•
mprovement thy-
Els.Pro squad under "'Peck" Steep. pupil making most I
Ing year -Donald Sager; neatest note -
president, 'secretary, treasurer, man--
hooks during year -June Baechler.
ager, coaeh and trainer who provider)
Primer (Miss H. Hartwell), reading
the financial hacking for the teams lie '
--I.:144mill, Martin and Ruth Allison;
has organised.
• And Peek makes a real job of , writing Ilelen McLean; spelling -
too. it
The boys always have funds, Peter Patterson.
among them being newspaper delivery ' Kindergarten (Miss E. Hume)first
in prtMelenry. rn o r A I nit elass--Ileket
boys, sailors, clerks, helpers and stu-
Inglis: lift..rn"mi (M.o. - Murray Gar -
Laid year while the (lode -rich Jun- rh-k.; ....._, ..........._ ‘,....,
lora were worrying along, digging ' eel' ‘"'"'"""'""r•s‘-“Ineades
1 hie vi -mar -Joyce Jfilioston, Margaret
first In writing-D.14d Carrick.
through almost impeteahle roads to
Itowra. Beryl .tianderson, Coleen
play schedults1 gnaws, Peek took Ida
team to play Clintoh- and took them
Tterffili'linmir'"Willl'soninenMrellireell fir.ii4Crfeedley.14;111171:::
by train'.Bradley, -may' Healey...4.10u Benja-
This young romoter ix doitig the
sporting eletncipd of this town a lot of min, Margact BrIndley, Benson Dam
yi enpacity a. manager-coaeh-trainer the
Wattle Edwin Bennett William
Two year. Doialas Harrison. Bash
good. too. With hith in his official I"Itlam M enmulhl•
hut they play clean and fast hockey, Grate Morgan. Morley Bloomfield.
Wilson. Ilayniond Snell, F.Ivi Snell.
Three years -Frank Kneeshaw‘.
Emir yeare--litett v Rooth.
Graduation Claes
boys do not loaf along I let.' a gal u
:etraari.glit wins la -a year. The boys ert Carey (first -elate Armors). Piggy demonstrsteil the maxim "(teflon*
speak louder than Woffift," for the boys
obey orders or else! They are A
tough lot, as far as baring ability to
hand it ont or take it is coiserned,
s.1 was f r 'flowed by their record of ;men* Black, Colin Campbell, Roh-
a ill play Clinton and Sertforth this Cooper (second-class honor.), Wilma
; Gruff, Robert Hawthorne (second -
Peek has the worries of all promo. chose honors). Helen Holmes (first -
tem for no sooner does he build up class honors). Glenna Johnston. Mar-
/4 couple of grid players than organ- Ion Lanaway (meaond-class bonnra I.
eanleed slIths pl. k them off. It is moil,. maelionxid (first -Masa hors -
iunderstood the Junior club Is Nesting. orsL James Mellasin (first-class
Iovetoint eyes upon hl A goalie and' a honors I, Evelyn Proms,. Harold
forward or two. Pronsp losecond-class honors). Holes
The Square"I will not stand In the was of thole Sheardown, Myrtle Stoddart Oteenml-
bg .sreer.- •ax••• Peck. ittftt a Kiri nil class honors). Whllim Perigee. Mil.
Ir. quoit gesture, ere mooching off on tired Vtrklin (fieit-Mass honors). WM'
tcwtortreirc expedition for more talent. ter Westbrook. Charles VVIgle (.eeond•
'4.•'14••; .•
• ••••••s- •
LIRCIMIWZIraittti"I mV.uaea' "11314. 4
Dickens' Christmas Carol
Pri.sented by
. St. George's Church Choir
Thursday and Friday, Dec. 17, 18
at 8 Web -wit p.m.
Sew the Villinnons Scrooge. the -humble Cr -Melting and Tiny
Tim. and hear Ihe Old -Time Waits in this
moving story of Christmas . -
Capital A'
Phone 47
Goder, c h
Now playing Irvin S. Votitt. in "Everybody's Old Man.': anti Geo.
s ill/rite. in "Whispering Smith Speaks."
heed a mince' cast In the pnrtrayal of ai brilliant brielcsanSIS 11
Acclaimed by many as Mie star's beet effort.
"I Found Stella ramsn
THLENI).‘1. F1111/.1.11 and SATI'RHAV-
ui sophisticated anal headstrong as lety headliner, premed• 's a Ini•
orlon. and illviovlike-valvinte comedy romanor
"I Live My Life"
xtattnara Wednesday. Swords" and Holidays at 8 PIP
• 0110Ing--W. C nem. In -PUPPV.7