HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-12-3, Page 2i y ••ser.;. :7r,w,...a.r.... THE SIGNAL — ,GODERICH, ONT. Jeatay, December 3e0, 1906 .v d► jrtabli.bed 18411 Ille.her tit Canadian Weekly News papers Association 00 011111011 CANADA P.blitiell every Thursday morning. ttabattiptlon price $,.00 Per year, PAO le paid to advance. Subscribers be United States wlta please add 50e 9.r gsatags. 'ITEM SiGNAL PRINTING 00. IJ1ti' W. H. Robertson, Hditor and Ma nal' r Telephone Ooderirh oil iimat Thursday, December :<.e =UNICIPAL ELS The Amherstb a 'mistake ago, ted Jews s taws• Not oat of them trued when (peabera at the neminadoa meet! We them about the, -Improved 461111 condition offfit! town. ttincardtse a4 taken • Qoderich's . , k by wood! e ho elections In that derward a month. It at pa time that with tie date away from the Christ- that a are. he Ill And ful as f officers tic Clergyman Deplores Presence of a 'Polish Jew" in the Cabinet 'Toronto, Dec. 1. -Political history is lu the waking In .the riding of East Hastings, where ih a few days' time the electors will chcxotw• a member to repro ent the lull •lrltlxlateee. Til! opposing fortes are making a deter fo Wilson, when a for the maidru names of the mothers .,teed bid for, victory -the dud the Lib. otry Shows Its Head in Hastings town's safety deposit dos.-8eaforth �irngafa to, phet or the suit from n of a l The Federal Parliament Is to con- vene nu January 14th. It la taped to have the work of the masks co.- , a, tied r.tepayers would take pleted by the end of A.infii tegi... ter interest in the municipal members of the Governead flay at- tetend the coronation ceremonies In .t w but, says The Echo, It London. If prorogation isnot reached work out that way, and now It be generally conceded, we believe, that, before the coronation there will be instead of forward, municipal elections an adjournment until the members ldover until January- who go to England con return to Ot- atW be taws for the remainder of the sea' both nominations and actual elections "ion_ if any" An election date well on in Jan- u ary would allow of the' presentation of a complete financial statement for the year, instead of the Incomplete statement which is the only thing pos sidle with the early elec{lona. Goderlch L trying the early dates the weekly press of Ontario and he is to be hops n s this year for the brat time, and it can- who had not favorable. No right ttritkiug John 161. During the aerrier, a interested many in his paperI person, whether he -be Liberal bolt! u- *ohsJoh ••Pear. Perfect Piece." baa` olio: not be said that the change has led no Interest whatever In the locality in GODERICH TOWNSHIP GOIDInliftliff TOWNSHIP, Dec. 1. - The Dramatic Club meeting which was to be held on Tuesday evening at the home oa Mr. and Mrs. James Young was postponed fur a week, ow- ing to the heavy roads Mr. Eric McAllister has returned home after visiting with relatives in t►etrolt. -. The dame bald In the Orange hall' last Friday evening twan well attended in spite of the snowy weather. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. A. McNevin. of Goderich, and Mr. Jas. tloung. Sleighs slid cutters are making their. appearance quite early. It is with difficulty the cars get through the road in places where the snow is driftttd. Mrs. Wm. Wilson has been seriously ; We hope for a speedy recovery. f Union Chaired Nates. -The Christ- mas tree and concert will be held at Union church on Wednesday evening. December 23A ether collection will be taken The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held at the church on Friday evening, with eleven present, I Harold (ytrelner was in charge of the Meeting, which was opened with the -i hymn `Breathe on Me, Breath of God" followed by the Lord's Prayer In unison. The Scripture lesson (Exp.- return a Conservative on December 9th. due Sul µ•ax read by John Harmer. In saying this, the clergyman was The prayer from The I'athender was well within his rights. But be went i read be K. Mcilwaln. The topic. Mach farther. He attacked lion. ' "Mars 1.b1." was read by Maurice t Wel- - V► Worsts the fare, as a '•Pstlsb Jew"and deplored King" tin was sung ■td the meeting David Croll, Ontario �Iintlater o I Mcllwain. The hymh D• a B1aIiktsFine All-rvoolGrey ` Seouretl"ant1411talik, wiLil Wide outside `toe borders' Weight :i lbs. Regular $6.96. SLEEPING PYJAMAS, $1.48 By ' ` Mereuty -just warm enough. Soft, downy and elastic, beautifully woven. Sizes small, medium and lat'$e. MEN'S PYJAMAS, $1.95 • Made, of highest grade English fancy -11iiinelette, welt finished • -and -trimmed. Sizes 34 to 42. WOMEN'S CASHMERE HOSE Finest botany yarn, all wool, Jersey top -full-fashioned. Greys, and, taut*, biset -a----Sizes 814 to 10. lair � • pai ■ rw TABLE LINEN wavy till linen Cloths, with colored bor- der*, gold, green, bits 'rose. Size 56 x 2 yards. Regular $2A0. Each $1.39 Size 66 it 56. Resttlar $1.50. Each $1.10 PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Ilcut}' till wool rib Shirts and Drawers. Sizes ;t4 to 42 Each $1.25 AXMINSTER RUGS , ' itarrymo or, heavy wool pile in fine �5 signs. Size 4' 6" i 7' 6". Regular $9.95 $12.00. Eaeh ...� ••: ;16.00 • c_. 6• y'• x 9'. Regular $19.50. 75c Each - W. ACHESON &SON • • • the fact that a Jew should be in the ?closed with the Mlspah Miction....._. I PIULMI R KING responsibility of the Liberal After a long tight with failing Cabinet when there were so many Air (mere was a fair-sised congregation from. fids when the pts,tor.l !l The gentleman ec A. K. of The Canadian Echo of Wiartoe, 1 t pen audience received this mlµ- tit+ only begotten ban. that whoere was one of the brightest writers an erabte (tree of religious spleen, but It erer is.oe..eth in Him should not per- il that the reaction was i h tett hate everlasting Life" (St. lcrSaxooa to choose Union on 'Sunday. health, Edward A.Duncan• publlaDer + [ tl a who thus made an � R \ F Mcarhwse delivered a appeal to religious prejudice was a miorionary sermon from the text. "For died last week. Until illness struck i lieu Mr.Price. There Is no record God go loved the world that be gave hefrom his hand Mr.Duncan I of how the a t• any greater interest in municipal _ ' hu.oe-_ bar encd man 'We notice that a number of moa- . ltd the ipallW,, i tuditlif leheter atm K► t ae.athtas draw ti ttlia-jjort or the townspeople t which it was published. 'Sts pungent T-r-ee�nMr -_ it servative or anything else, will con- by Harold Gardner. done such an appeal to the baser etitte is of .mans and women. Mr. "rh rn are .sd'ijT fee a let of plat w a rd+chl is stow- snort The a uoe is that t'> - hins whTcb--i�7 be ecrattnised-isd cwt fa - Croll s political ste P eves tleombets4t_ssm- (Windsor Star) r Yet it The stability of the Oansd{apollti-' 1919 that cal system -as contrasted withaye• I tents elsewhere -is Illustrated try the Hon. J. 41. N)lliott'e remark at an Ob taws gathering to the effect that Mr. King has been leader of the Liberal party for more than seventeen years. In no other country, the Postmaster- (:eteral pointed out, has anyone held it party leadership so long in a period of such trouhIous tithes. Withteoests- o -interesting led him., e+foTT of ttte nallse• parxjng taptdly, It ie bard to apDre- leader, r Mr. King as Canada's "luckiest poUtI- was in I clan." auk at the same time, called ship seventeen year his old opponent• Mr. IdeMben. "the he was chosen to suees.d uniuckiest." Ise this as It taay so the Rt. Hon. 91r Wilfrid Lacier. can q°estloo the atrNlties of the And he has had a large measure if present Prime Miniser. He is a jsuccess, , having spent ent eiderabrs clever man µb0. In his ell's North, more than batt of the seventeen lean aid to have deter.tnad to become as tithe' of isle h Government and basing head of the Canadian Ooverameat and lilt the party through no less than Ave to bare aha ped bis edaotloYl caper election campaigns. itis greatest rr with that in mind )sew .en aim verse carne in 1930; hie chief trlamph so high and of those who so aim, few was in 1!►ta when be was returned he indeed reach the goeL Ipower with the largest majority ever given a party leader In the whole hte- Mia Wawa to January let. INK UR dg Sew eahaeteaelR the- imam!----vetea.G _ t. _ . cite' t5`it-Yt;-tqg-tea carsfed-� 1 . _ .z -2- --. c °C were always- the mar o two townships in this county, at.e► an criticised, but his religiousatlhing to iw•rr„It Free I're• tss, experience of We early elections arc' well worth reading.The bereaved n 'Is his own burrito's* seri ha • tto tiat to reverting to the old dates. The 91g- tamely have the sincere sympathy of do with the work he does as a public Mr. Duncan's fellow -publishers. I servant It would b• tad enough Ito nal b of opinion that the I,rgMlatare — bare a layman make the remark••i should make it permissible for muni- cipalities to hold over the elections un - TOWN MEN'S WAGES • I about a "Polish Jew." but to hate this come from the lips of a man whose: tit late in January or early in Feb- vows Wad Mm to spread the (lox{x1 of when a financial statemen— t to leer Mr. Edit or, -.i we fn your brotherly love, who ere Saviour war the unary, paper Iran week where Ouunciilor great Jew who gave Christianity to ; December 31st of the (receding year' Hueklnn rayµ he ti going to try and the world, is a blow at' the principle •woaid De available. get the town men's wages back to ot sof liberty and dem�x•racy. As for the wealhgr-we believe mer hour. as it should - t in country of .cars. we mirk municipal elections In Quebec are held bale been dropped to 30 centsourselves on equality of citlaens,hep, of was supposed to have been lowered W I ted selves of all met tot worship as they in February, and that Province eer ec•nte by Counctllbr Hocklns' tach ,Ree tit without Interference. Lir• mince has not milder winters than I bar• Fred Seabrook, and when the i('troll is a Jew and a Canadian who Ontario. And the weather we are teamsters asked for a few more cents (' giving the best that is him for experiencing lust now is not much per cord for hauling the town's weed his fellow men. Ito political actions Getter than the usual February in from the bush S"hrook's answer I My be wrong and there is no denying was nothing dol That was his, to him to weather. reply. a'taken Cciunci4lor ! l right of those opposed piy. Now, it it en ierltlelxe Nm with all the energy at Hncklns, as long to get that Ao five cents their command. But to attack a man BEER PARLORS NOT WANTED work as it does to fin per hour hack for the men on town t4etause he is a JJew,µ, and to deplore n Ang lo -Ser son was no d out where the ' t Premier Hepburn's attitude in the shortage went from the tae collectors chosen for a Cabinet position In his the fact that • ,..eft tr nn matter of the beverage rooms 1n Hor- oetce, majority of the men on county continuos to be an ember. the old age Deflates. EDWARD BRADLEY. reasment to those who would like to support him but who cannot *Morse Bennett Street' people. -The vert majority of Cot t _ 6e(lerfch. ayr •fives will be Just' as much din - ISE BALLOT ON DAYT.Iiti UT gusted with this kind of thing as the SAVING Liberals. Fortunately, such an at- tack from a clergyman Is rare in Can- ada. All intelligent. liberty-1°ring stead, smacks of Naziism and has no place in this country. The Rev. Mr. Price has left a hal taste in the menthe of decent -thinking his course In this particular INS No one who knows the history of Her- on county can believe other than that the people of this county do not want theme dispensaries of beer. The lien- Sir, en To the Editor of The Signal. Canadians should make It their burst - theme Government respected the wishes 81r, -At the forthcoming election nem to see that such appeals to reli- ef the people and refused to establish for Iheece a plebiscite will be sub Sloan prejudice and bigotry remain a any liquor stores in the 'county, and milted on the question: "Are you in rarity. tbousnods who voted for the Liberal favor of l'rovitx•e-wide Daylight Say- concerned.Sofaras the by tion itself is one ts lion believed In Huron aa the tyst ciuld ing?" nsible for introducing feature. The separate school bill has lbs that the county would As I was nempo become distorted out of all reeognf- at least be no worse off, from a tem- this question to Connell a few words ire aerance standpoint, from the advent I°f explanation May Ontario Mayor' tion and sue in Eastsbeen made 'Hastings. Itris notsdif- At the meeting of a Liberal Government. at Orillla last summer, the subject of limit to amuse the electorate on a ------- Is Atte of repeated court decisions I saving came in for consider- religious issue, but It. I.e a harder task t ._ - �� a he gem to +'hale . tine-.damage..d4ec by...,H L+ adverse to the stand which he takes able discussion, Mr. Hepburn et111 refuses to give et- ''of the confusion caused by some munl- tact to the law enacted by the votea'cip!lities' Daring it and other:' not. of Huron and proles," It was decided to ask the urban coun- ot the people elle of the Province for their opinion to rely upon the decision of a county ba province -wide doyilght Rating. en he who lore cMidr*n will have had Judge which is contrary to the twice (tat If the general feeling rias terror your hearts thrilled many times at declared opinion of the Privy Council. I able the aProvincial IGtolnto elfatveinment c ould Oudr the work of the (.loon Club for method of attracting political support. TO LOVERS OF CHILDREN At any rate, there is no law which ; be pe__-- - obliges the Hepburn Government to Connell to devile. ed to submit the matter people, you will be asked the Tawe beer authorities in this county to vote on It next Monday. contrary to the wishes of a large ma- IYon will note particularly that you jority of the people of the county. are asked to vote on Province -'wide Mr. Hepburn's course In the matter daylight osaviing r ngeand ald one. on Strong- tlame will inevitably make the question -An ' savingm i am in favor of daylight uv lame in the next election, and it re- ly 1101%1: ug i do nut favor r It would bwise quires no gift of prophecy to deter- to bate It for Goderrich alone, with surrounding towns and villages on Standard time. - .Tie lack of uniformity In this Mat - mine what the result will be in the two Hurons. The King Government is not alto' gether blameless in the matter, either: ter is the only valid objection to IL, and a Provincial edict making day- p should not have da ofedolla - land general would confer an aetditure of thousands dollars it Inestimable boon on the vast majority lawyers' fees and other expense,. Mt e[ town dwellers. say nothing of the delay Involved.,te . The farmer is his awn bosh, and If decide whether the Canada Temper- he wants to be out by sunrise he can do so, regnrcltess of where the hands lice Act. was orf was not more r Con.tric- of the clock are pointing The life live than the Iwh le Liquor Cmc- of the town dweller Is governed- by aro! Act. The whole thing could have the cioek, and In a country like this, been determined in twenty-four hours; where the winters are orb long, We rbye one of the proplent'are being :newt to tslt aemeha hile of everystawe I tare When the phave lived under daylight saving both fazed right and left for the costa of in England and In Winnipeg. and 1 government, unmec"sap expenses on'know its benefits and the pleasure of eoneeessary "lowing' might well be the long light evenings for recreation avoided. _ 'and relaxation after the day's work is done. ZDITOZ1rsL NOTES The only oleje"toda come from people who stubbornly refuse to adapt them- -, selves to changing conditions and wild Ito far am we are concerned, we are fighting it all the tlrnr-flgitrinR t mould prefer to have our January out "whet Is the right time or say- January, Ing, "I can't get up we early," or "the grsrthel 11!• I children won't go to bed." The thing Christmas shoppers are advised to' to do Is to put the clock on and FOR- GET iT and enjoy the leneflia of send carefully the advertisements in work Anne In the cooler part of the 're. Antral mod petronine the home • day and a long light evening for what- ' x Merchant& • ever kind of sport or relaxation yon ;� ,,ru,,, - •-. !- • • I tote beat. ° "., ' l "seater hieighen's I hope to we as overwhelming ver - Fr '1'here r• a1u diet In h}o► Oil derlight saving. and sataMt,hlrlg a, aeb/ feroing piper in trust that oil chinesis will mats e "Dorsett.. . Haas's the Senator had paint of narking their MHot on this *mat trouble ■bandit ' matter. Teem fitly, OodsMt4 rsbQayefe are Monty fel- • R. T)U' hf.Ati 1IROWN. 7f -147404" - .. •.dil1 - . _-11.... crippled children. What a lovely sight to see crooked limbs made straight, eyes straightened, lameness corrected, etc. Again when we turn- to the Ohildren'a Aid Society that takes the children from homes that hare broken up and puts them in the Children's Shelter and gives them the teat of care under the very beet surroundings, everything being done to advance them physically and spiritually, our hearts are -moved again. These children are ambitious like other children (one of the girls, was In the recent 4.ioua ('tub play); some of them are musical. One of the girls, especially is talented on the piano -but, ala,:'fie piano is no more. 7b there not someone who has an old piano that is not in ISP that they would donate to the Shelter. where it won be so very, very melt npreeptiited? 14 -so please ..pkelfF' S1ra.Edwards, Na. 144. Signed on behalf of the children, CA'itl'ARiNF, B. LEWIS. 14 1s boped flint l'tem'er Als•rharts word Is better than his hsnaiv. - ('bat - ham News. - "in my Judgment the teat majority of crtminsl+ todutr are tial NMI that way: !bey are made ttutt„paj by relit tnaladjustneuts. J. S. bora swarth, N.P. Monuments j To those contemplating erecting a Monument, - GET MY PRICES BEFORE BUYING ('ethetery i.ehtrrine a epeMalty - AA lVork`(atarSn(eed Chains Marble and Granit. Webb John Grant, Clinton. Ont. Successor to Rall it Zapf* rtliaolosse For G�&rich's Cars this winter... ous" %OEO QUICK STARTs, p SHOT 01, niiwor 419 REG. MCGEE Hamilton Street DUMB varAoontost r HARRY MITCHELL PLAY SAFE! HAVE SURE- FIRE URFFIRE QUiCK STARTING BLUE SUNOCO IN YOUR GAS TANK, AND FORGET THE IDEA THAT YOUR CAR NEEDS AN EXTRA PRICED GASOLINE FOR QUICK STARTING. Change to Blue Sunoco and you'll change your mind. Blue • Sunoco splits the seconds even on coldest days—and follows through with lightning -like acceleration; power -packed knockless action and long mileage. Britannia load and Blue Water Highway -e I0R GRAHAM mak, S,. Einguton etre", "V a• t•;