HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-26, Page 7County and Distric SNAPSIIOT LUIL SnapshootingAndSharpshooting Peter J. Dodds, a Melling rewldeut of solemnised' by Rev. Father 1)antacr at M'sdClllap township, died November 1St. Oolumhau on Saturday dart. Mr. 1Tth after a protracted dines).. Ile is and lura. Sharp will reside 1e Seaforth. survived by his wife uud one rou, Accidentally Shut Alvin Dodd.. Arnold DesjSrdeue, of the Blue Wa- T. T. Carter & Son. eater's of «In - ton, have sold their burineea to W. D. William*, who vomer from -Ethel. Mrs. Williams V a daughter of the tate Mr.. Mellveen of Clinton Mrs. Andrew 1)ealer:hie died Wed- nesday of last week at her home ou the Blue Water highway_ near Grand Bend. Sbe was In bur 14gbtleeth year and is survived by tour daughter). and two SODS. An explosion during a i•hemk•al teat to the science room of the Wlnhham High *boot one day last week sent particles of glass eying in all direc- tions. Prltx•Ipel Hall tied three stu- dents received cuts or hurus. Miss Myrtle Armstrong, teacher In the Clinton public school, war struck by • bicycle orae day lust week and was thrown to the pavement with such force that abs suffered a broken, • ter highway near St. Ju.. -ph, bus gout to a leindun hospital to undergo treal- meut for a rifle wound which he re- ceived lit a buutLng trip on Manitoulin Island through an accidental diet barge of his gut. The bullet penetrated his arm at the wrist, leav'ug a painful would- • A- trsve Weems' Attbougle ebe had 'never driven a tier before In her life, Mre. Rimer Welke, of Carsick township, drove three faller to Walkertob to Wing ler Injured husband to . bospltat. Her husband lost hie left hand when It was drawn Into the cutter of a threrb- Ing machine at tbetarm of his father- tu-law, John Lerch. three miles from Walkertuu. Lague of Nativism Vhldleated to a debate held under the auspices of the Ullotou Home and School (Aub, shoulder and a'scalp wound which re Linda„ and A. deet week, Mlw rate ) gnlred Several attleht-s. tIbe wag -Pliable, tsetse the seirtive of the taken to the hospital In an 'meow. eubJec.t "that the League of Natloue has failed to 1usilty Ile exletenet.' (ut- ergueli the alermative sle•akere, Ken- neth 1)ougau and Miss Gladys Ginger - tell. The debaters were students of Clinton 1'0Ik•gtate institute. I'ractimen Profession at Nhaety-three Dr. J. W. Browntug of Exeter, why aelous condition. James McQueen. au old and re- spected resident of Brut..•feld. died at his home there last week after a brief Meese. He was In his elghty-aec•ond year, a native of Stanley townablp and a lifelong resident of the district. He V survived by 'his wine, two aunt, observed Ills ninety-third blrtbdey on Artber McQueen. of Stanley. and W. Petunia), is 5•!d to be the client V. M,QU.eo, of Toronto, and lues I peaetlaing phyalclan lu C.uada.4 Ije aaaghker, thy. W. 1 ]►orrr•t. ut Itrww has practised in Exeter ricer. 11187. Held. I�arr.lra{awey Many of the more tlwn two tholYand Infants be has ushered into the world The marriage of Man Thensr, only have become grwndp,trentr. Ile .Is in daughter of the late Mr and Mra. good bewlth and eplrit.; and expects Patrick Maloney of Mt Knipp. to AI -..to live for ruse year's yet. vin K. Sharp. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Sharp of Scwforth,war THE KIDNEYS W lids Fatal "It Only the kidneys can purify the. Dog and From Summerhill in In a a story of a impurities which enure arrious and blood and rid the system of oma d battle between a collie des and a wlld- painful ailments such as rheutnatiam cat, resulting in the de:ttb of both. and lumbago. The kidneys are Robert Johnston's collie dog was quickly ermined to action by the use of this time-testedpresenptioa DM. L7if�0 - Klemm, Dstl h of Mrs. Merles Amy The death 'of Mrs. Kitraleth Amy, widow of l'harle: Any. oecurred rath- er rpddrnfy-st- k3xeter on No- embrr 18th. Deceased was In her lwrt;uty- 411ith year_ She was bore In Stephen township but after her marriage went to -reside on • farm near Burford. •Itir- Amy died in 1910 nal she then came to Exeter W r wide. She is sUr- vlred by one daughter. Mrs. Ilerman Mitchell of Stephen township. Liver Pi Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS _-_.- AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours, day or ntght PHONES: Stere Ile. Rea. g17 GOI►F:RICiI J. R. Wheeler Funeral IHreeter and Embalmer All calls promptly attended 'o darter night -AMBULANCE SERVIC rl- PHOq' ES Store Cis Residence 356w Hamilton Street. Goderleb Walter -Dalton UNDF.RTAICFR Huron Old Roy. Graduate Goderich Collegiate Institute 13!i10 West Warren Ave. DETROIT, MICH. Telephone Oregon 8668 H fond of bunting rabbits along the riv- er flats. One day he did not return and wbeo several day.. passed Mr. •Jobnatao went Looking for his tet. The sight which met hls eyes along the river bank was a groesome one. The dog lay dead. badly torn and ripped, and a few feet :Tway was the body of the cat and evidence of a grim. terrific struggle to the end. Slinelalr-Fothrrin1ham At the United church parsonage, Brumfield. on Satnr.lsy, November 21at, Rev. W. A. Bremner solemnized the marriage of Jean t1.:1)ougall, ohly daughter of Mr. and lest. 1). F'other- Ingham, Tuckersmlth, to William C. Siniclalr, sou of Mee. Stu• lair and the late William Sinclair, Stanley. -. The bridesmaid was Mia Nettle Sinclair, sister of the groom, and John Fother- Ingtham. brother of tee: t-rlde. was best MUD. A reception was held and din- ncr served at the home of the bride's I parents, and later the happy couple j left on a motor trip. They will re - 1 side on the groom's farm In Stanley. Death of Mrs, J. W. HW The death of Sarah Grace iavIa, ).ted by W. J. 1'eckaltel ry, widow of J. W. Hili, occurred Sunday McQuillan drain, 910; lance Grain, morning at Clinton In her seventy- Inspecting contract on the Coulter use its boat, "Islet Prince," on June i fifth year. A fall resulting In • brok- drain, 15; Chu. Robinson, crushing 'til and tontinucd until July 11th, en hip bad weakened ber condi- gravel, $2:$; G. Godkit.. trucking gra- then from July 19th :o July 30th. tutlon. She was bora at Holmes - • *273.91; R. Mammy, gravel. p11 During the time after June 2leth, it b kl rel t47 40 S Mc wai estimated the Islet Prince car - Hers we WOO how a sharp picture was spoiled Mummaw t o tripped the shutter release violently. HAVE you ever watched a sharp- shooter to the act of palling the trigger of Ws gun? It you have, you will agree that there would be little excuse for blurred pictures, It the snapsbooter, in pushing the shutter release of his camera, would emulate the sharpshooter's technique. When the sharpshooter gets a bead on the bull's-eye he does not pull the trigger with a jerk. He ex- erts a slow, steady pressure. The reason la that, if he does not pull the trigger to this Cashion, his aim will be jerked off the bull's-eye He probably will hit the target some- where, but not ring the bell for a perfect shot. So, with a camera, vio- lent pressure db the shutter release Jenks the camera and epolls the shot. There will be a picture on the film all right, but not with the sharp out- lines that make a perfect snapshot, because a camera in motion while the lens 1s open is like a machine- gun sweeping its fire across the whole target. The result is blur. Just as the sharpshooter practices pull- ing the tri`ger, 1t 1s a good thing for the anapshooter to practice pressing the shutter release. The longer the exposel�a UM the more Important It Is that as c g e!a be stationary. An exposure of one twenty�atth of a second seems to most of us such an infinitesimally brief instant that it Is difficult to imagine that any motion of the camera could make any difference, but that lea long time in terms of the speed at which light travels. Some persona can successfully hold a camera still for an exposure of 1/10 second. but they are taking a chance every titre. For this exposure or any longer one a tripod or other firm sup- port should always be used. Another thing the ahaspsbyoter does Is to use the rlgtt er1p on his gun, the one best enabling him to -- hold the gun steady as he pulls the trigger. 8o, in shooting with a cam- era. find the grip that is sureat (the Wintering the Breed Now • manual that came with the camera The brood *ow deserves her fair raising Is to cull out the calves that will tell you) and practice it so that i,ihurc of winter necommud:uien. A are Inferior from ti breeding stand - it will beeome a habit. --open that 1s well bedded: dry and free Print. In other words, brother snap- from draughts Is teoenti C. Place the 4 shouter, follow the technique of the feed trough some distance away' so Ertinomy is the Shing that *empties sharpshooter, If you want to hit a teat she Is foreed 10 exerl•lo.e out- oki age with an away elralr. Klttite•ta•r the pictorial bull's-eye eY doors daily. Eradicate dee and round Its -ors. urY time. Sharpshooting. sharp pictures' worms; the -re is no Market fur them. fly JOHN VAN GUILDER. Feed n mixture of grains to malutaln I the sow in fair tleeh. bat use iwrlex sparingly unleae the POW 15 very 1hin.I TOWNSHIP COUNCIL TOBERSIORY FERRY CA$E Provide clover or kiwi hay fsow, emtteu at will. Be klad to the sow, best sot "too kind," or *rah. unthrifty- EA nthrifty EA PT WAWANOSH l ei A""�- Operation will result. Y Against E ve Charter • • r• Council met on November 10th. with ''Ky g = �1 all the members ['repent. Minutes of I Owen tetuud, Nov. 20.-A legal I ')� Apple Market previous meeting were read and age battle that has trailed over a two- 1 Accordklg to fruit :sop reports re- proved. Iyrir perled tooduded 11. the Appellate leaved from various pans e,'f the Pro - The annual report of the tehairman Vourt of Grey county before Judge vinre, there la little evidence of late of the local Hoard of health ).hosed (1. W. Morley when dai•agea of g1,1/N)'*cab developwent and apple maggot In - Ne the Farm 10buraday, November 2eth, 1SM.-T pleats, so that Ter, U,tt Was Afraid tial boas of ropier will result. Apples have sold fhb fall at Weller p1 ,.w tear tor sc,.,.ii yc.c•e. Maty 1 ■A \�'!�P ��:1111,� seeei, .old their «ultra *lop for lid r 1 er haemal ptekM . tt,oti cnIlr. eat, end , he buy. -r alert -alae • 'ISO' -evatwli. Icluto.•h have 1 (14 lu gaud dea.ui.l at i:t.M w i4 per barrel trlea raa ad 14 K Notes and Comments on - Agricultural Top s Get Rid .1 the Barnyard Boarders Iv preperlug for buualug the rto-k for winter, all surplus work borer, barrels supplied. More tippled- iil[f- been processed than fora aagber of years, with factories paying float T5 liulrhkal beef cattle. harder dairy lents to per barrel accord/mg to tees or decidedly pear type heifers. 'VwNty, and to wrote coats more. • • • 1 01d ewes and old sow* Abeuld he cullet Winter Care sr Calves out and disposed of to the best ad- Me•tlwde ut raIri •elver bora it, the fall require careful .tudj and currying out; and this Is a subject of eomasiderable concern to junior farm- ers who will have the care of hun- dreds' ut calves duriur the winter. More anti mere experience teaches that 1a1ys can successfully teed and tend calves, and by w doing learn the es- sential principles of cattle raising. The calf that gets a (good start In lite e'aUlagt•. Milk ('coling la Winter 1)o cot attempt to cool mill by settlug the caul out•uf-door., eveu 1u freezing • weather. -11- -talon- far- too lung fur the milk to cuu1 to 50 de- grees F., for air Is a good ivaulatur but a pour cooling medium. tier a cowling tank with water as cold as possible, and keep the level up to the fleck* of the cans. has the beat chance of becoming a • • • prolitablc animal at maturity, be It alerting 1.e;rtaeks ger sinter male or fewale. Aud the care of the cow or steer is not essentially differ - Select well -grown, dlseaar-fns, uu- ent from that of the calf, as regards blemished material and handle It care- eating and drinking and saoltation• fully to avoid wechankal injuries. Au after weaning age. earth door basement uuder a dwelllug It Is poor eeoeumy to teed and care bouse or a regular root cellar may for calves In any manncr other than ventilation le ver Ise used. Proper c 7 that which will allow them to grow important and a temperature of la4 de- and develop normally. A well-mired- gnes Fahrenheit abould be ma►ntuloed. for heifer hug a much better opportun- '1'he beet, cabbage., carr -M. celery, pars- 1t) to develop Into a high -producing nip, potato Sad turnip require dark. vow than one which Is poorly fed and slightly moist storage space, while t-artd ler. onions do beet under dry, cold, dark int clew of the short teed supply, t•onditloets. and in many carer a scarcity of milk, Perennial Borders for Winter dairymen raising calves this winter need to do a careful job of meeting A very good thing to remewle•r only the bast calves to ratite, feed them whee mulching plants for winter In adequately, and Rua rd carefully Met the Ideal, protectlou keepe ant• against. dlseat,a•. _ planta cold• which mutes that the Tbg Importance of rullldg cannot e').e The Signal's Classified Colemes mnh•h :Mould I1e•apptied whets the la utas-emlrhaslnosl. .\e a rule alarut t ground le frozen hard for the first one-fourth of the txlves bores are re - ..eilMstism in Joints Caused Her Intense Pail . Bowl this letter from a wade scribing (M! manner In which she was affected try rheumatkm. "For several years," .-be writes, "I suffered with rheumatism of the joints, especially iu toy beads, and this caused me .latenee pall I was even afraid to shake hands wllh anyone, for It made me suffer Iernbly. 1 began taking Kruacheu Sults regularly. and after a little while my pains dLsap- pelred completely. 1 am naturally delighted with Kruoebcn."---(Mi:wl K. I The pains and atlfuess of rheuma- tism ate tuequeetly enured by delimits of uric acid in the muw•len and joints The numerous salts in Krusrhee-assist in stlmelatlot your liver and kidneys to healthy, regular actiou, and :to help them to get rid of this excises uric acid. PICTURE WORTH $2 FREE A handsome gravure photograph of H.M. King Edward VIII i ■ waiting for you at yourdruggiat'a--a picture every home will proudlyflame. Free with the purchase of a bottle of Kru.chen Salta. Supply limited -get yours now R. A. REID -Registered Optometrist.- Eyes ptometrist Eyes Examined Glasses fitted (17 years In Stratford). at Robertson's Jewelry Stere "Satiefactlun at Moderate Cost" time that senator. Corti fodder or strawy manure, W- eider 1s ng easily ulrt.,Iualrle. are kr be teeterrctl to hwxex. u). 11*- latter form an aimed air -tight mat and may often re-trains in 1routde by Cleft.• premature-getetit -+vf •- the -pia../s. • • • quircd to maintain the herd. Too many dairymen attetupl 1u ratite every calf. Obviously, many wows are In- ferior and ahuuld not he allowed to prulrtKnle their kind, as they will do if t.rel to bulls flu brute time thent- awrree--tt costa -jlret irt).rat.- as morn 10 raise an Inferior calf as a good •v, one of - fbe eriii *dein lad' Tait the township, as formerly, to have woe* assessed agalnat the been particularly tree from any con- I Transportation Co. in favor of the litigious or virulent diseases. during bwte, Vianrportation Co. the past year. 1 '17ie dam>Ige action was Instituted A communication wus received from ' as a result of the Blue Water icy) riper- the per the township of Kinlos-.• stating that ating a ferry service from Tobermory that township was withholding pay- in the summer of 19:t.� agalnat the anent of K. Weaver's aeseesment bn the exclusive charter `ranted by the On - McQuillan drain until a satisfactory tarlo Government to the Owen Sound outlet Is provided Mr. Weever. The Transportation Co. Title charter ex - clerk was Instructed to forward a copy tended for a period up to 1937. of a letter from the township engineer, 1 An Injunction was taken out re - giving his version and npininp ft We straining the Blue Water Transports - matter in dlspute. tion Co. from operating, hut this in - The following aeeounls were paid: junction ass lifted, only to be clamped Chairman Board of Health, services down later. The damages were as - rendered In 1900, Pei; The Advance- ar'.•ed for the period of'ime the Blue Timer, printing and advertising. Water Co. operated against the char- $11.tti: "Wan. ti. Jsneen, repairing the ter. The defendant company, oper- .taetaA to rifle and spent her fitly years there. Alter her marriage te Mr. 11111 s lllJslli at Mptow act later for or twenty years at (►i`Trow, Sisk WbE lir. Uel was in boalaesa and wee ,j,op{gd Jtl21+. ''theta then Mrs. H be o r fa fie re 111 bpd reddest with mem f hr m- Ily• She leaves two sons, Fred C. 11111 at Oxlaw and P. B. 11111 at Wetaakawln. Alta.. and two daugh- ters. Mra. W. .1. Plumsteei, Clinton, and Mrs. R. E. Moir, Cnigary. The remains were taken It, Oxbow for in- terment. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COLBORNE TOW IS1114% Nov. 3t. - and c e ug gra' , .ted 47A automobiles end 1302 paasen- lturney. salary as road .,imperintende9t, $•1$.801 other road accounts, W.25. gers. Dec•Ision against the Blue Wa- touncll'idJour`w�" 121ei'ylI.8 'Rr-ter . waa"pima by cording to statute, on Decewlret 13th. Mr. Juatde Henderson In Appellate A. PORtTERFiELD. Clerk. ttofrt and the damages were assessed •- • by Judge Morley. OO▪ IIBR ONE TOWNSHIP The township council met in the RECIPES WORTH CLIPPING township hall on Turselay, November . ----- 10th, at 2 p.m- with all members By Betty Itarclay• e 1 With several holiday dinners to pre - Minutes of last regular meeting pare wIt.tin'the next few weeks, woe adopted as read. men are -tucking their tiles wilt) new (M motion 31r. Noc tulds was tip-' end llttrartire•recipta. Here are two present. thorlsed to notify the port) or parties that you *111 lips purl elm.arly pleas - who placed refuse ow rhe roadway lug: to remove same at a ce. Mr. Geo. 4 - Hydro Electric Bean d *ng refuse empowered to place signs . 11'spngbettl MISS Thelma -Allis, of (loderieh, spent forbidding refuse dl,p►crsed of In this 1 4511 lionatoe5 the week -end wilt Mr. Nnd Mrs. Frthk w.ay. i !.s Ir,. boiled h.lm Mcllwaln. A bylaw to provide !Of the tete 4- dall 1 "spaghetti. Spanbsh Style y I On -ales TOR Tina CHILLY-- Kiss, Eleanor Tyndall, of Stratford Rmrt Std care of lrtwds In perprta tJ Normal Scharf. *pest the -Week -end -It -- -—1ltxel� .PpP I .... FALL Iii for cetalterl psrposp( wi 's time Sat rand` gelrper • --.-,• , her Mome here. it was mewls that It HJIi'a tame 1111 _ Miss lkrruthl <apero, of Goderkh, the Allis drain' contract tie axtenni' to !Incas spagl.ettl into Titch pieces. spent the week.ud with Mr. and Mrs. lkeemlrer Irk 1936. t\ark in one oytart bollIeg; 'alt4'd w• - Electric Melvin Tp•dall. Rood superintertdetut'e voesheee ter unlit tender. Add tumah t move Mr. Vere Cunningham and non Lorne other amount. were passed for pay _elenk telt en fli OULrsluslrl�" RPmeve are spending a few day. in Torusto taw rat - Rand replete► cfldrat'ti veyuebt -Die fat from ti.e h cif' 1.1(1 try it amt. abteuding the Royal Winter Fair. H It782.IK); Homed ILII, part oaf- Itt•e emoo and R^st'n�epper, and try; � ^~ iloriij lrt th15 "fel mill tender. Chop Heater M a label Tyndall, curse In truln• IMMit,rs�$12.S JlJOS.tap, ne talar! , Ing in Toronto General bonnie', has relief, lj12.t13; Jas. Adv1m pumplsg the barn and tied It, w1:1 the onion, returned t her duties atter 5p*ending teen helepu) d 8 atoning, 1,' the to wntrr la cemetery, Pi Jas. Adams. R INT vacation with b.r parenta, Mr. and care of Green and. Ili4llt pion', ri; epaIgl4.lt. ..rad to "atcres. I'ttt in stir•. WARMS THE ROOM INA 1'E \' Mrs. Melvin Tyndall. ' Mel. Jewell, sheep killed by dog... apt; 'ero.e and barer fifteen minutes. •MIINUTES 1 Rev. G. E. Morrow, of Winthrop, a Wm. Sallowo\ trip to Stratford, re Y. 4tlararwtl Dressing r caplet the pulpit In the United chun'b C. A. Act, RIM: Wm. W .iaoo. trip Roasted, 51uffed chi( k•. t1 .it • prime ndfl lee. In exchange with Rev. fico. to Stnttonf, re F.C.A.. Art, $A•h•S; fall and winter fas1?'rTie. When' `H;Ck' c clean Q%Id Wylie. A mixed quartette from Win- Rrrelvrr� neva! of •C::nada, Insprc Monied left!' uJ..emronl dosssing it I• Quick, ' throe also wee present and gave Spe- tion of rales, 14.54; Arthur-Nm+tell, not only, lighter, more sadly digested ' cial music. cutting Russian thIatle. 11184, M: A. ee• onotmtCAi' and piety aatraouS, bel generally I -Mrs. Wm. AdJ15nn tied slaughter hock s, R fertation b reported to be exe•ptlua- ally light. High wind.' early In Oe -1 tober blew down a large quantity .of apples In Central and Eastern Ontario t orchards, as well as teeny In the i Georgian Bay and sorrel► di+trleta. The windfalls will 1*• told on local markets or readily absorbed by pro -1 TELEVISION ENGINEERING w• wall ...Wet a (4441 young oleo willing to 4tr ■peclltllrel traedug dealing with 0Yrnl de,r,.pm'•tlta to Tel. .taloa. The .urn •rl.4(.•1. and whu.take the training. sill Mier he required w noir to Ton mu, " reetiereerprm :'San K111' he given tete ore eewmnity d rnnduclat g Telerl•4a and Latitdu -Lay- alttlrunit'. el perlmenta undri the pnrsneat nu.•rvbloa of our E,,sinernng IIn1•rtm. ut Iso tint a•k for an Interview lindens you are m..cham, 511, or .l..•tn rally Weaned .11,1 hay.• hair elementary Niceties or 1'htaita al r•hearl. li..1 charard•r stern nal enU•h 1mrn�wn In•ntnte n1 Rn 1' 'ring. 11111wu."u Ituddlns. Hat al . Tur„1114, Goderich Old Home Week August 1-7, 1937 F 1'erlanls who know of Goderich Old Bore or GIrIS at a distance AM Invited to till In the name uud address as below and mall to Dr. W. F. Gallow, Goderich, Ontario . ADDNESS .. - This will enable the Committee to scud an invitation In due course r tai old eight hoer* cutting chic- wet welcome, and ,ph: how tardy! • Mary. of Ismdestxrro, wieder! with Mr. cry. $1.IN1. Iagredlmj and Kr. have Bean on Friday. "'Council adjourned to inert Breese ori Ib. elbow or broken macaroni 2 egg* yy tea.'..cons paprika Flo ! "g.Tltr TselveW tboriet111►Ip 2 h: . n,.. , n . ehoft.se! ern• 2 taleepwae salt • Mitbpd (•ooklin.INtrufe. In enty of •alterl. rtpldly lilt water sur about eight m111111..4,flea drnin. And Id' Tell The Y.l'.1'. will hold their annher Iter fttq, at 2 p.m. SEE THE LATEST STYLES t pry on Sunday rten.ng. November WM RA141rdW8, (lark. ELECTRIC• HEATERS ._ zo, at 7.311. Rev. R. B. l7nmming. of ' - i Salford, will ire the epnrker,'wild eta- •--•WOLYI-,S IN THE PENiNRIIA ON i)1SPI.AY BY LEADING Tuesday evening. Decent/ter 1st, a ., el In said that One 1 enter making DEALEB8 AND AT pa) ent Merl, '.The N.d'h' ()Menet,” ble headeiterters sl To'ermnry has will be presented In the township hall the -pelta of four wolves whk h he • try i1enmiller Y. P. li. claims to have shot In the peninsula gi The Perreshyterlan Suf'i•y achoal slid ;it: themthe Isat few days. This would {% ro Ston hold their ('brlstmsa entrrtalnment nn onet to Ulat writes ere mnro' nnmer- J _�y1egdry rvrnlnR, 1►rc'u il'er 22, In the one than trued this fuse, snd et tl ere Tll I hall. to no ("lewd season for Melo' animals 4 c*, u:e.(td rborteeing, en{nn•, salt, a delve has Leen made by mp filo tnwnah p 1 a r ka and wily rhopp en rile SquQTe God erieh . + u i Profs'sail-_ "Tomorrow I'll Ie, fur'' farmers In an ende•vo r'ean file in an evolnturo,•• out of the ;entre-ell, n.• they s • s Voice 1 from Net row) -"Oh, curt out , mmur to farm yaMr Kincardhle the .stal.oy hualntledt _-. -- _ I dew's. - ,t •rttr'..,ir.ea gal len tight For larg- e- Moot•. "11kt flirt and turkeys. use •r+1rt'o11'11.� Mrgsr qu 1t.tltlea of the a ole Iggtsrd eats. 1 e What could be more compkte than a combination offer that gives you • choice of your favourite magazines — Sends you your local newspaper—and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year—Why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means a real saving in money to you? TAicE YOUR CHOICE! ;OFFER NO. 1 OFFER NO. 2 -One Magazin from Three Magazines From Group 1 and -One Group 1 and This Magazine front Group Newspaper 4 and•This Newspaper " USE THIS ORDER BLANK Please clip list of Mogaxlnes after checking Publications desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: 1 enclose 1 • Please send mq the magazines checked with • year's subscription to your newspaper.____ •b • NAM! ., STREET OR R.R. TOWN ANT) PROVQ1I'„$ tel♦ As. * ♦ 5411•• Q /mat• � • • • l yr. Pais' Mak ales - • Int p cr.- Hlrtlarl s ud Hem Napalm • • - l yr. p Nulty Mu.(52Issals$)1 yr. C'_ 1yr. [j Porins' Mayans— 1 yr. ❑ Tree Story • - .: • 1 yrs Q Saeeohd 1 yr. Q Holme & Gifts • - This Offer Fully Guar- anteed—All Renewals W i pe Extended. E SIGNAL. Goderich;Addretia: T �Ont.