HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-26, Page 57111: . :,i. ,...•
Santa Claus Is
Coming to Town
We have prepared with Uiftal galore.
Toiletries make excellent Oifts. We
have the variety. Your favorite Where. 'ft►
UuBarry, 1Lrrrfet-11uhhard-Ayer, Vita RAY. Beleanot I'rince",.
Woodbury's. Marvelous, (harden Court and ninny others.
English Soap Neveltier, M1tlgley's; �oduks, Brush, Comb end .Mirror
Sets, Stationery. Rolla 'Lawrie attire Electric Dry nhave r,-Fw•11pse.
Gillette, Segal. You are welcome to Iook. ' We esteem It a privilege.
itteeMeteeetegittVetetetteetg �C farm 1*WiJ taken over by Mr. Rhtttiuel
�' Swat. Mr. Swan, who sunt the suites
stuck of his getters' store to Jas.
"'T.. ... 1 \
11L LY()_ . Nu4.....0. -Tor ?ttls.a•,. 1,4
Malar, w o lately purcbraed toe ter
*Ideate of Mr. Benue it •'t . are weeI MILS. AiIA11 J31.Af1N •
ins there tip latter price et tide ,vele Jilucardtae ewe: tlr•tA41aw (Hahn
Kiss F7tJnel F'Inslguu, of k owe.,gataud. , I nee Margaret Jp)e.liellure), sevbaty
lu tb .1rvillnity. frltrmltl and nowt., ;.
las thlr vk•lrifty. yawrty of age, diellj••at Ir -r bow !beer
vele F'rldae ul j'.1: (Nucelpbe4
Mr. and Yrs. J. L. Richardson *pest
last week -cud las Toronto. Tiley we
y, Neves bee tk
,,gfitr • ?OVULAR -1017101E
dealt IOstapr a.Geld
,. a"- Wadi bl
Londou, :1Tov, 21.-Tramlc One , r
pAVrk Wbitty, of the °Atarn) hlghwsY
lee, has been transferred to Tree.
ton, atter prtrullfug hlgiuva)e In &Le
Las%tre dierrlrt- for the Oa all 7
One of"tOe moat porus Oliver/
iter uu
tSlb). The inmetitol : members of Wertera_OOtarlo, Whltty Nae feet.
l east a sol
were her lumpy are her h+adwud, ttree r�dmµr of Wardevlle,
ice umlwnttd t.y Mr. W, J. Patk, )t Hoyle, amenity dance was held to hid him faro
dlnultMtts, Mrs. frank Rte le of Huron Id
A IAtrn.
tuwash i Mr TI tylia ttninbe and well. He war presented w11L to to
(Nick Rene
GoR std
s few drops...
and you breathe easily
:again' Va-trosnot
• - Mars clogging mutes,
reduces swollen mem-
branes - brings wet -
r. w, t
)Ir. nun Mew• Chas. F:;Iiutt have late- Mrr. Johnutuu, both of Galr•rkh. and watch at the dance. come,rellef.
o sous,
and Fred, la California. 1 The bed/ during the reit' rad For the trot --
II user
well Vo.''L b a heavers Melbourne sad and Kra J. Gardiner of !!hater, with
(y Ind as.guteste the tatters aster, tw•
+herr. Ira MeleeMeleehu"wndi. and deitele
ter Verba, of Outlander, on then way
to .penal the wlut.+t• las ViorWa.
SmithMr. uud Mrs. Oliver mith and fam-
ily, of the 4th conewrion. Wort Ws-
wautreb, are moving tees ween to Rip-
ley to coneueuce work ou the dairy
has relieved thotsuuds 1.1 ac
fere, from Stomach, Bowel,
IJ'ver and Kidney trouble.
TRI -LAX w411 cleanse the Blood
and give you relief.
Get the Combined Treatnwtt at
your I)ruggtstr. -
A. • B. 51e each
Austin. on the nodal !Ann- He leaver War4avtlle for Tresteu
Used he
ed to Time, Helpdr
Presort Matey Cal -
urn �. u ur ng w
was Interred lu the Kin.ardtaa eel"' three and a half years he has patrolled Mr. and Mn. W. W. Ptraughan;i Mr.
tery, .the utters t
t l hes bang h igtiwy
Weduwwday to permit the nub*"of Tillman/111wFrlor to that, he was ,Mr. Qof Q. Killian; Mr. C. Young
her brother from British Columbia. on NO. 4 highway !rem London to (llamas. with Mr. a Ralthby.
tier.' Mr. Mutt, of Berrie, war the Rlgtnfiesld: Auben frlstadr of Rev. R B. Gude.clergymen in charge of the w•rvicrr. - of F.attview, learned with morrow of
• • • (Aker WbItty Ira native of God- his redden death os Sunday evealag
of Mr. ■nd Mrs. Leo Wilk- whlle be was preaching bb evening
THOS. A. YUMI1k71.L'TtiVl'di'P1: L.T.
. formerly of Ohl town Inn now 01
sermon In her new charge. Ile had
!A forcer resident of l oderir h, la
GODERICH -TOWNSHIP Muwgamery, Ripley, is soon moving to
the Oliver linear farm aur' Will re-;
the person of Thos. A. 1'ueteletltwalte,
before Inj t pie brother of Chief of Police It.
The lads 7 on
toe's (]erne•, w-111 meet at the'htome dairy Away tit
many warm friend, in ?inbuilt, wbere
- ---' ----- he preached ant for the Preebytsrian
Wali td! t•pritlg re ••mase u ,r e { PARAMOUNT church and later tor t* Baptista His
Ladle*. Aid, of Zion church T• 1'uelelerthwahte, at (i stirringmessages and *west mono will
d 1 farm apt Rlp(ey. bis home at Brantford
' of Mrs. Ilaytwy Walters on December Mr. Cecil Orser, of Detroit, is visit- ;Tuesday, In hie slxty-extb year. Mr, PARAMOUNT, Nov. 24. -Mr. and long be remembered.
Yrsat the
. John McLeod !/ v!■IUtsg h
R, at 2 o'clock. lug his parents, Mr. and Mss. Albert !Postelwilte, who moved to 'trent- eine Rymer and family. from Klutar- home of her daughter, Yrs. at the
Orser, thea week. I tool fifteen years ago i 10 rotor flee dine, were •recast vlrirarr with Mr. Smith, of Milverton, where the whole
CREWEMDunkin, FioreFiorDunkin, eho returned.employ of the l:o(•k:Omit ail
r. - was trod Mr*. !Parr kunst. family waM ill with measles.
lust week frobt. cuoduc:;ug (lasses at torn in Godcetlt4 r se•n ut Wm M'Irrr Itae Mncl)Hnald a1>bt .-te tttrk- Mr. end Mn. Gale visited their .
Parry Sound, North BIS :bird Muskoka, 1 Puetakomaite aa) bis wife Martha est w'tth Mr, xa(t.11r+.]iarYla t3aglMr-tdaUghter.'Dorothy to Stratford.
("RV"' ‘N°9.'"•-‘11r.Y. Sbaekte- left on Moeda. to -commence teaching' McBride. About tht,”_three verso son in Toronto.
ton b visiting with Mende in Toronto ••
home etvito.L' in a three -months i ago. be monied a Hayfield girl. who
and, etteesdtag the Bora! Falr
Yrs. Arthur Cook and Mies Mary ,
course at Pinkerton. 'purviews, with one son, John, of Cook spent Friday evening web Me,
Nide MeatrieTroleat a- sten[ a } The Ladles' Guild of lits raged An^ jui„troed. Alan onkyjvimr. ate three 'andYM. Archlg cbtlierua, KIp!ry Mrs.
nod Mlw. Ewart Taylor, I.ucknow. !meeting at the home of Mn. lough 1'urtekthwaite, of auderieh, James, at two weeks visit with friends In Ile i
- e c .
few day recently at the home of Mr. bars cbureb wilt hold U'etr muuthly brother.• Chief of Pulite 11. C. (.Cameron basing Just r.•turned from a
1 Mise little *wen. of 1)nneanuon I Strw'art vu l)etember ith. ' Hamilton, and Fletcher, of N hta ey. trait. '
visited un buoy at :!o home of I Mr. Geo. Hamilton is at It1)th as- ani was a member of the Pres -1 Mow Florence Ituul+,•.Ire, .:ud rnn-
NA1I OMITTED I Mrs. 11. J. Blake. ,,dsUug ou the dairy firm operated by hytc'rlsn church. Interment k to (es•elon, is spending' a few week,' with
la our report Wet week of the' Mr. Orville is riiiu tt.ade a trip to I Mr. IiI. Jubu.�toa. take piste at Brautiord this afternoon. i Mies Margaret Murray. v bei is not en
Maple` Leat Chapter 'unctions, at 1'bntbam out day last -.%leek. I Mr. W. J. Stewart hrryurcbaetd thel hlef l'oetektlrwaite and Mrs. Pus -; Joythg the best. of health.
promotedthe Chapter was preated with Mr. Gordon l'ougram and Gloria 1 fwd., hurl farm on the boundary be trlethwalte are 1ltotoc:ux to Brantford ; We are pleased To r'.rt Hee tlni y
tY ynl the funeral 'John Jamlcaon, although still tr,naned
its cbarter by the Provincial organ- 1 spent the past week -end 'ton - friends t d t'�Ilrornr wwu
hoer, Mink Lost, the animas of M•rs. In Toroutu.
11 !'a•nUaitl tlurued last JAMES HOW \\L
Z. W. Carrie and Hrn.,lt. Mcleueb- CARLOW. .
tin, • w iso were as the seed tattle with! -
the regent and Kew newt, were in-, i Gre•c county, al !!sone•.
advertently omitted. The ladles are i -. t' �� r "'mug ererpaut hospital tnattaeul* in the
both put regents of 'he 1,0.1).6.
as aNtl nU.1 all . In a t .
s ps• • • • to leek Is sUadlh 1n11'ren'IIg.-
• Miss Ct u JJ Mr. and Mra. Wm. M•'rHn were a visit at the home_) lir.- Ahir-n linterrIIIX Hirtxatcauetrl by cent visltore wltb' Mrn E. A. Ihretou
Geo, 1'eutlund, reboot inspector for - u heart ailment, vhf h neeeseltutrd Ii Kincardine. •
AUI,CMAFT PAINTS are high in
panty and law in prier.
Too will and first -crape values
In our stock of •
We positively save you money
W. H. Blackstone
"On the Broadway of (oderich"
AT $3.75
Made of all -wool cloth show-
n and moth -proof. Zipper
front. Blue, brown and Ox
ford grey checks. Snug fit
by adjustable strap at side.
Sizes 34 to 42. .
m Mrs. Kingsls•rry, e tI , Na43 r *t ug
W b ' ! HG' Hill koffed ler last tee )cars, Janres Holland passed'
Tia' a. ul aUltURN
•hunch held their 114111, 81 thanknl7e n her sister. Mr:, Role. Moen.,
"few . nwtly at ..... Ira hospital on Fri- -
Ing meeting las the tee/whip hell on bairns! t.. Nib• and will sprite a few ,hit Inst. INrrused, who sus In his \1'1:1'lt\. N.R. Wit. F.nu•ct fatter
Friday aftMwwn. M111* Amelia. Ma- 'rays wIfh her sister. %ire. F. $4- uss, a tiY ills!.
y)ar, ruses• W G. 114 hili +"u and Hnl •11 \l. leu••'.. Mr. anti Nit-.
I f 1114 eetilre�idt•ML am in charge whit" liapeeriu: ,rel n i.--"t'ken arm.
:� t'ha/ter ot�Aerkdenls.-N'r wem thug-soten years lig) from ht. ►sh- Fred 'Platter end Mr. and Nro.. Gee.
to the 1.1eret;, alis IIe1. 11 lets.,, Ii,?.L ii n -;lip home. where le• was Frednu sls,nt n .few day+ nneuGee.
eete.fInf,,,a.,..„.,,,,ties. is la• tavi-1ll an epidemje ul to ideal* I.rn• a`s+'u of til.- ta,ei.11.ury 11„llau,l •milli ii ,. Winter Fair t 'I'urventu.
1 einin..l, R ietlete cW l[rt. )icitlt[j later. -thi.h w. 1•otaa---
to 1liI �ri, frnnt ++r+Rh`I't ut; auek•tlea- Will iNin be clime -at -thee an�+twll+ - and, Eliza ('haltuan. 'lie tnetit In (1 t _ r�.aud Wirt, ttF I l _-'inr7ttrL".
glnitfug w11•ietl.•+ 4erntt'buted vnrlou+ erleh' with a'Muthr+r. "Aral atii,. null1 visited his iste•r. Mee. 51 Small, wh„
u It
timer 1
t+afuful and "-wily. the
l .stir 1 the IUIIPf d:ort ,14110 .years ng"• and
to make
Bing o then bclpd_ Ainlpr.sut had t e misfortune to be home of and Itns bee" i11 fTii t reek.
to snake the mart{uR tucctber a areal RYfire tic ltavl es..l-at_;�lr_ �f..wro,..t;.:u.-.prim. harm blot A
*lilt M il.'ading. MIS- .inn Baxter; knocked over, and his As,t trurrytltYl.. atr�. Julul e'utt, itruee sir.rt J. Ferltttst»t bold to Tithnre', Mr.
duet. Mrs. 1'{Itdade and Mir* Beglab teY a cow. N"hil.; play' uF in tM• kali- .711,71' esu* tier tart of a 1::mil) f "Ix G. Bea PI bringing bubas • a 19;7 T. rr:e
ch.•u ut his hum•. J I rt -t again• !'ntkdune cur.
Ling. Remitter; Mrs. Straughan, Au. lues his hair lice uud GJt against llrr ' hHdaa•u, ntnl his +ol • .tarch'LIR rata I
bnru- led in prayer: +ren, Miss Mar- tier 1114 u_)n•phew. F:nn••1 Girch'• of Visitors In .inborn o,ftr the teek-
garc•t• Fer*ueon. Aul.urr : duet, Mrs. oven dour, emerging'rum•the cutout- tine b -iI. Qile by rliv.1, Mr. Ilm- plan e r Mr. and Nr*. D. Murray. of
ler With a ver) sore aro! 41-Idswoen Linwood. with t. J. Fe•rttnsuu:
radMcBride and Mrs.` M •rebs ('arlow ..... sbouWer. A errs unusual accldeb( !and. who esus 44 La, hr•nr, was well
rets. M Mrs. Pomeroy, Nile: Mut(. liked '.y M• etre!• of frietota nail ase- ML+v !!tart Turner .•f Clinton.
Mrs. McPhee and afrp. >t• Ilwaia. Nile; occurred when Mrs. , gated Pluck• uainuluee Ile was n dec4de•d uud Mr. and al:s.
at R. Tufm•r'r;
solo, Mrs. Mutton, ]arhnra. Miss frightened b a m.utst•, Ruse her SOD t bice tuenreer of W. George'', aLtu:h. . c: .
.After a short tutaerJl t•(rcice at the !bass+rl Mille end tans y '11'11!! aft
furry Rate lee address end spoke of such a spasmodic -.c jerk that 1l tracked lobo Mills; sire. Will Curter and
her work amour (,h.• Indiana: Mrs, a Inns• In net sboald.:a urs JAI Xray t.tttl-hors!,. ou at4nnlAy afternoon. Rev.
revealed.. Thi malas•• as yet limo not
daughter of MMewtII-.I. with err°. at.
Henderson rave the (-losing meatto f . Injorlr t a' ('alder culnluottrl a servkr 111 Newton': Miss 1 e rn
� and- fire. D. W: P«tewe!T-allle.-pro.
• R ilei 1.111- and. ati-s
uuune'd tlw1 ioslietlun.
reported the extent u s ' '(t Gcvir e_rhur4h 4Yrre a Ross y Aaafo-3tr g11MLi1f 'Joderhh. with
miffed t Nwer tnrtF n roltMeher _feeler's
gathere7 to iKtd ilial• 1aMt Te . .
t wttto•r. Iljuriug her reuniter
wf 111I)unRannon I
Me Fes
United �wry 1t Is til_ the it November ford, Gavin Green, ',reek Clark and
toreting anti tea at Mrs. Nellie Stew-
art's on Friday last, with twenty -fee • • •
attending. After the devotlunal 0l-( • JUSF7t• M. S)SITII
erases, roll coil wee anse,ere by nam- I On Thursday last J4s('ph M. Smith,
(Ingu some "great woman" Mrs. W. A. of I.cThurstuu, who ueepheafferd a heart
1'ullert read tto• life. history of Fanny attack at i.ued:uuw• *tele on a holiday
Crosby; Dorothy It.r:d favored te'IA.tit Its which her was ci+.itit fnIends and
a cienu Bread n, and Mrs. R. A. relatives in llodericb� attd the dl,.trkt,
a)3Ink* l chi an account of the re- ,aar•11 away at Alexandra hospital in
nalrkab achievement. r.t Mins t`bn i
111841s. 1tIA Celia Pet tilted -seed an leo eighty-afth year. Mr. Smith was
article on "noted-woinei; of the year." born at 1)uugu0Rou, a sen of Mr. and
Kr*. T. It. Turner reed .'1 Miss Gruchy, Mnr•• James Smith, end lamed In that
the first woman to be ordained in the dletrirt until, after the death of bb
United Churt•h. 'Mrs. R. Moore ex- wife. Jath Watson, of Dungannon, he
tended an Incitation to her place for went to lie s:th 8 di tighter, Mrs.
�, the December meeting, alien election Robert l:ar.mnt►, of Leamington, lie
'of officer,. wilt be betel. 'l"he meeting was married about sixty ,prated ago.
"elated with a hymn and prayer by the !barer ri.it{t1R relative. df Nile, Blue-
; pastor, Rev. T. It. Turner, after welch vale and I)uugannen. Mr. Smith sprue
is 10c tea was Nerved. a short. time with his ,. pliew, Thos.
Transfer et Propertie•t-The follow- J. Ane wtA. of (!oder (•h. Surviving
inepenngraph, referring to a business etre four children. Mrs. Bosman, of
tran+ae(lun already m-•nt:ooed in this Leamington, Mrs. I'nderwooek of
column, it frown The Kincardine Rte- Wroxeter, Wm. Smith, of. Malta.
view -Reporter: .11r. Jatuee G. Mont- Mn.a.and Watson. Smith, of Purtidch,
gowery of Ripley and Mr. Samuel (Int.: aura two brutbe rs and two ids-
' Swan of Dungannon Intr. arranged a ter" -Win.. of Nile, John. of Bitevale,
transfer bt properties, +thereby Mr. Mrs. John \'l-•iurt of A*hdeld town-
• strip anal' airs. Thos. Begk9, of I)un-
i-D lllig en t Iced church, ,
George 'Wad-
You will enjoy Dancing to
"tt the ereidng of
Those who bare not heard this
r,•ar„ulll drilla nixed Orchestra
have a -treat In %tore fur them.
Admiwton : 32c, plus 3c tax
'Bethel Pentecostal
_-44 tetl'Tlt STREET -
Sunday. A am. --"Evangelistic."
.Tuesday;. R tr•m•--L'ur Milan
Friday. A p.m. -"Prophetic."
th u e•arI)e . stn 9+. Interment wa•
set ,110 ' badly.' (emeterc, the tAttlls•nri re being J. J.1 W..t, Meeting -Tho• %a..t. of the• rn Alfred TOblrntt,
the Baptist Church
-REV. 8. R. McCLUNO, Minister-
- - 10 f%m -11$LI 100E
-11 a.m.- -
``The Rec( )•ding Angel"
-7 p.m.- - -
-"The Personal Element"
Don't forget the Sing:Song.
Do You Reali2;e
the big saving you can make in your fuel amount by blueing
COAL at $8.50 per ton?
Give ns a trial order and prove this. My -emttnnn'r1
tell me that they use four coal hods of Ford('olte to
place of five of other coke. This mear:s quite a saving
-one in five. Ford Coke burns similarly to Kara cal•l
Alun, we stock the Falaiolp Cont -('leaned 1'). & H.
. ~Anthracite, PooUIiiffa• A1b4f11s'i tit •
Chas. C. Lee
mons --•/OU 93 -KODU 112
enernT whore bitter++ in Uel oa • . h Ihners(utu.n, conducted
mo eWbrr Ripley
rattle. .h(' lacier will . W.turdac after'
1 more to Apley awe op •ate Mr. on - tem h.n, rel .elf)d.w ••
,gottnery's farm and dairy.. The ex- noon and the remain were interred
cbange ir. under a lease for a teem of at Greenhill cemetery, Lacknow. The
years. Mr. Moutgomery has been one pallbearers were T. J. Ander„oo, of
of the Ieadlne-Vtillnen' ort:be commun. Ooderlch ; I'ete•r McColl, of Luck'now ;
ley for a great many y -•ata, taking a John Foster, of. \..hf1Y'd townshi:
keen Intertest In Its affairs.- He has kirk Million, of Cldkorne township;
Smith, of Dineen/4s, and Thea.
Irrrn w worthy official of St. Andrew's Joerph Mt �. of NHL.
United' church end . cjialrmpn - of the - • • •
board of education. The removal `df 1 MRS. RoIFN W. WILSO\ _
Mr. Montgomery and family from our
midst will be deeply regretted. They 1 After spending a pleasant evening at
can be assured that the. beet d't5tietelaf-The St. Peters chan•h harmer on Thuile
their friend* accompany them to ?heir day evening, Mrs. John W. 1A'lleon,.
new home. Mr. Sw,tu eomc•s to 'Mir returned to the Godelith township
&Immunity highly recommended and home of her son Francke• Chleholm,
a )warm wehenne await. him here. where elle-Passed away quietly during
The Late Jos. Btalth,-The funeral tile night. Ur. W. F. Gallaw•, coroner,
of Mr. Joe•. Smitli was held Thursday who was called on Friday morning by
feral the Inane of boa niece. Mrs. Peter air: ('hieholm, pronounced death doe
Mr('utl, Laa•knnw•. Mr. Smith) who to natural causes, Kra: Witten, who
had herrn 111 for some time, pawed trait seventy-three year. of age, has-
awtry In -Gakrlch he+pltat. Ise was'Ine offered from bron.•I'{al asthma.
Mira on the :nth c•ooees-•ton of West Deceased, whose maiden name Wait
Wnwenteh and lived there until he was Sash .Auu Orr, was a daughter of
a prime man, when he:engager! in early iris!' r•ettleta, Robert etre net
' farming at "Itlnerale and Later at W. story Ann ik•Id, who She was riled in limierr
Ilelens. His surrtw,r•* are four lett township.f..
' eleldt•elI : ,VIII, of Menitole) : Watson, tied, tire/ to Alexander f`hlr•Indm.• who
'of Puglia -A; Alethe, Mrs. Rohr 'meted
J.hn Wllhirty 7441 a egso, then 14- 1
art Batman. or Leamington; (tar's, Mr.
Mr.. Underwood, 'ken' ,re; also a with the (':N.lt. at Louden hl wheye, he
pneeeed away In ,Mai ,ol
6rrrn Poor
Mario--- -
• Telephone 436
Spy Apples
Apple Cider -
Apple Butter
George Laithwaite
Huron Road TeL 001r31
I're The Signal's Claaataed Columna
glia•$ you style awl warmth
in rain or 4110N" at
lowest prier•.`
Rene"' or .ItInek
Variety of styles....$2.85
c'Nnttuuiir. it-cri►rt;Kn u. •$1.15
•• and tip
-tet tit -IL ntai ..... , . $1435
NWPrerd E. Knw rhtel, Prep.
1'rONi "."' VIE SWARM
ae /ee4e
Hot Naw fan la !roti► whit PROVO tldwaita. Mlssmsii+t Inasiay • 44 OFROal 11100MS ..114•0 coo Ma 46401 I tea 1
' brother and two sorters: i111l,.4 L -Nice,
Mrs. T. itegley, Wert Y.Awanu• , ant , Surviving ere ace "ohs and tw•/11stye
i Mrs. John Sirens, ShepT•aMom. HM ; tern by her fir4 marriage: Joliw'1,
wife, who was -formerly Jane Watmon, Chisholm, of (Pelee' h ; i,en tint!'
els•:er 0 Mrs. J. Arxler:ern, Dungannon. Francis, of Goderieh township: A,,,'-,
I aor,ed Sway many years.ego. Anr tin. of Fittnwa. and William. of ('al' +
!Ing Coe nervy* Mrs. Philip /newer:Cerry: Mee. Irvine Itfd.'ftand, of Ood'
sang a solo. The.peillhr'arern were a 'rich, and Mew. Lorne Finnegan, of
I nephew, Tho.. Anderson of. Goderieb, 1
tern t tt'ht.h 1rd. iep bhl1lnt et IheslArwN 1
t pen tSrrt newleresee-siele
I ter, Theo. McPhee. Ed. Killian and War. Mr* Patrick Dean, 0? ,N •
1 Peter Mielin. The newerhearer'were`, 'eh, is It alrter. tons rare wt M.
'Pleb McCall, Orville and Harvey Me- Retllwlem blob ww*U
.Ghee and Win Sproule. Friends at. Peter's church on Monday mnreIn3 h7 t
'"tended from Ripley, Rloevale, Wing, 1 Rev. C. F. Nagle. sof interment' was
M' 6a .'r(eh, Itbeppr don, ilI(ntsll- ; In tyre Colborne Korean ('etholie Cease-
1ler. LeaminRtdp, Belimn• e. Pt. Helene' eery. the patlbeerere 1►efne Johq Pow- -
and Dungannon. interment wee la rhy,�D. i.npse'e J, gl• M. (Enrico.
• I (ireenblll ('e -a tety, Ddi'know. - a 1 Frank Donnelly,
v Anil!
nut Oft Tomer, The sore end dah3h- I
1 C The •!goal's Advertirtag Colosimo ' fere were all here for the fooerat•
Thu oar absetrated N Sure T•napbuse Sedan. Illy, retail at factory, Tilbury. O01.
'1. y
with the New Selective Aotemate`ic Shift. -
They're here toda ! The-eompletely new
" 1937 Hudson Rnderraplanesl Longer .. .
lower . wider! More power! More room!
New interior luxury that will "amaze you.
Widest seats any popular priced"oars ever
hail! "Cars that almost drive themstllivpt."
.. with Hudson's new Selective Automatic
Shift, an optional extra. Come in and see
these beautiful new Hudsene and Terra-
' planes • .. take one out and drive it .. .
and we're sure, you; tpo, will decide to step
ahead In a completely, nese' 1937 Hudson
or Terraplane 1
'h ey, Ontyie .
I I'/ lnrA ,•A••11.••• -e411 sod owl
plus (,e••►nn••wt T..
•bei. total IOU f« th•
ar•tn••• loupe. retail
or TUhrrv,Jr..lyhi mod
1 license rusty users.
/It awl 11e-Ie...•h..la•s•-ie1
•..d 122 hew••/•.•••
=1065 .1...rw•Nwt7 to
r.I.ltlrrt l«th.
rale••• fir/•, nresU
at TUAwrr, r.taAt
•wdlrea•w•• - swum
GOD - RICH Hudson. Terraplane N'otnrs
Phone 632 J. E Mason; Mgr. 6 Elgin Ave.
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"al". ' 'F'IitM6.*�l► ag �WF,t ow •£' -...In' ."p. or . «.n.. +tore'.,..n.a,,,aw•se•+•r+'^"virg ..., ,...
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