HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-26, Page 4ti Amormsr• • - - - - • -• • ercoa S „ A good selection of Wintee-Over- &oats awaits you at this store and at prices that will please you. • Two OUtstaading ues Mountain Fleece $30 00 Druro-Knit t25Fleece 00 • Very Stylish and Wear Guaranteed Others at $18.50 and up W. C. Prisclham & Son Phone 57 Godericit, ,i0INIOR OLD. BOYS Bel from lisle Cow* !IBM Association at Toliallie ' a meetiug of t4e ellgettalladilikle • . 1 inniatittes of tbe.tinal/WWW410 The good ' gimes 'of Grdariehr lout CourtJunior %Amka chitof Tomato not be eprpriesd If on Tuesday mom • 00ERK,s, on: IATE DOINGS: 'Another Hospital ----- I, Addition Pro '7.•=a-tkle - (SI 0.1C. 1. Reporter) , Elsie -'Percy la son . I tT • on Nemesber 184$0.411krors were tactical tug twit the large* of the tows,are roP,M1)1011aulnigetar as ronoe• 1 covered with a shfty not lacquer. dent, Id Elliott. diatom; first riot- !l'Oledidl we art greatly mistaken, there presidia!? Keuneth Stanhary. 07zeter; ' will be "revelrylig elert"..on Mouday, second vice-president, Margaret *tra- chea, Brumeels; secretery, Amer .. _ _ f Coatlisafft 'treat- 'SPY 1/ tux ss.ocreit,anry toodansehe istraditanty31a .5. r,Tatd T. 4. Inamber tbe ass agreed to act as. tleceehma. air1 feel that that day of thsynit iVbe? lierlialsr with the other " op" of the hoard k%x•AUX AiCk) (1Y (IN -SON your hoepital Is la good hands. ientlen, itbsistant seeretar.t,• • • AL star tally anneal niet1,,elug, 1waa Mary ()maker, Minghtiner Treasurer. nudiannou 1.41 •huge sitersas iss-The seriously dreamt td oar Inc -talon that, At the cud of a %el' eujoyabie eren"2" a4:f- insusentuvjeretiji•ul:aXed"ilantlii4thaeclu'ultill:Vbaesti°rdik Robert Leiter, !Myth. higt'late Oiloher, the Juulor AMO. emoted ou every stile widurcyed of governors wore asked to iareatt. elation is formed wi.11 a represents- Audents, big and small, rich nod 'gate the poosibilities or being able to the teminittee from 'loll tOWII or ill- poor -all ardviug the same question: Inert:ails the accommodation. Their lage as follows: Three front-Godeg--.474aere baitiolutoa tenightr' We! judgment is that another door should tell; three from Clintan; three from eau truthfully say ter be tibia tup of thg_buttll There. wae fun at the children's Werth when, Miss Sullivan tossembled the youngsters to award the prize+, for tbe most freckled boy and girl. The boxes of cattily wont to Rita Kennedy 1111(1 John Seaforth; three from %%Ingham; two the moat popular ludoor sawhas wiug, thus to overcome the Inadequate from Brussels; two from Exeter; one Win the school 14 slum. and avail at the present heating full. from Myth and one flow Henson. The members from Goderich are Doris 11111. Clarence Laanau and Mar- lon Murney. A voluntary acting committee was formed early in the year with ,repre- sentation from the verbal., towns. and several enjoyable social activities were planned for the younger people from -Huron toutity residing In Toronto. The first meeting was In the form of a hooting party with an attioatianie of about twenty -live to th'rty. This was followed by a bridge, aud in the sum- mer a boat trip arrows the lake. In the fall a corn roast was held and in October a danee, with au attendance of over 100, at which the Association was. formed and the repreeeLlatire ciimodr- . tee elected. All young people restiling in -Toron- to who are former residents of Huron. ilaacbeo u tot, donated hv Kra. W A Uoultharst, won by the Plotters of EL Joseph'y convent ; $10, debated by W. A. Coulthurst. won 1.9 J. A. Ito.; $1U, donated by • friend won by Miss ;Benumb Hogan; $A, deayibil by friend% WOO kt Mt.. J, Huomy, hoz of can- dy donated by Mr*. P. ore won by Mr. .1. Munson; foot•ttoi, douste1 byMr. Mr. .1. Brophay, won by Miss Elaine %ately', pair of blankete donated by Mims K. Sullivan, 11 OP by Mrs. 11. Lamprey; cord of wood, donated by Gotierich Manufacturing Co.. won 147 ,' Miss 11. Iloitia: rug, donated by Mrs.! James Pbtlan, woe by -Me. D. Getters -1 •bary; Chrhotiniut cake, -donated by Mrs. T. 31. Cestelio, woe by Mr. George IlltUbl doll, donates by Mira Sullivan, -brain by- Mary AM; centdenk donated 32 Mime _Weld.. WOb by Mbar Beside Vaaabss• elate, debated by Wm. Reid. urdm 11111A0,1111C YOU* or whose parents were torruerly resi- t dents of the county, are eligiblefor membership in the Association. BCILNIKD RV HOT COFFEE Miss Ida Morgan. who Was severe. ly sealded ?while working -at the home of Dr. W. W. Martin hist week. is Previrical- 1 Protreasing fa Yore bly at her home, wIrre she WIlis cone -led to her bed. you Bite`feeeteed-hee-itaistiot-lasena-reben she eptned -yr iv/free- the boiling liquid coursing ever her legs. thinking -let seats,- sir 102 11,21lemr." _r tied; what do yen think -el itr _cors7-77110. he .bit's Stie-al think it's a great idea If i that you were pretty?' ou ask me." glele---No, he raid y 7 ou irere.''' • • • . We now ask your authorization ' -roe PluY's the tlY1n:;.."---.0r, at least.. to proceed, or otherwise. Many that is what theY 1.11 u. If such la times we hove been taxed this year the mom, we have "thialuo- aud -more for accomuoslation and may 1 wan title./ at the senoot• unnenee- you that as lieut. you know, is thy 11111 of .1)e- ;Hospital. %vitt. eor hal-hoe and the 114W - mother, and we have Deats galore for mini of two railroads, with surround - the publie. nut we lutist not give away !, lug tom nshIps, at the Intersection of any accrete. (we prowlu.ut highway, there ahoUld • • • be .areater hoseitallzatien. What is the school towing to? Illeaa We extend to the variants kindred me, uiy childreri, haye you heard the organizations and the public In ges- tates( news from- tbe Conti:11'10-1.nd -our sincere thwalos- foe their_ Fourth Form girls have challenged the valued asaistauee and to the staff for maidens of Third' Fort, to a friendly their determinist efforts throughout basketball genie, to take {Ave on the year in their severe duties. We 'lltursday afternoon atter school. 11e- are thankful for our revults. member the last time those two teams Mrs. A. D. Mclean ba -Tine resal101ed played? Fourth Form ..ou quite isa._ iter_tee on the levant tf governors. overwhelining victory. And there is Mies abet 'tattle was elected In ber la penalty ou game. The stead. Tbe appolirtinfut of Chas. K. losers are to wear red heir -ribbons, at Saunders as secretary. to succeed the eneral least an and a half In width. Whom are you bottles oil, WINS swintirrAsues ' Hugh Hill 111sla Grand Champion Gsernsey Bull tbe Royal Ilugli 11111, of l'olho‘tie township. who for some years has been building up a splendid herd of thlern...eys, sent his liner:me, bull. Mr.e.l.,111 Victor. to (Le 11. tat Winter ran 1IT Totnt., 'ate T. G. (7ontson. was confirmed. and the nomination of suAller member, of the board by left to the Women's Dote pilot Aaltitary. .' letter of appreciation of her ser - vies to the hospital o. 10 he rent to Mr, McLean Aineudeil hy-laws of the Association were apt a.•41 alai tharka tendered to Mr. and Mr*. .J. It. Reynolds for their work, In connet-tion with. the revision. /litter votes- of thablis were to ' list, week 'anti eon fl*'kweepstakesh his Hasa araltutt strong competition. tlEteentfitatEteflteletfltfItCMCCOMILICOOLACKV z•VVVVVVOLINETIrt:;111-1.11...1::::: ::(4.1%.,-.1:1:-:ljtia%.- Jtiolgt4 the senior ricateptivu buLl and the gintid champion Mal. 1114'. • ,11111 18 !Wing voogratulatt•I on oide. on his 011111.4i it. competition want the foremost erseders of the liomiulon. Ills keeneat eompetiters Vnere breeders from Nova Scotia. Chrisimas Shopping Season Opens • . Kielce A A Beautiful and Attractive Merchandise that will make lovely Gifts for your family and friends 7 HOSIERY 'Weldrest! Pure Silk How. Sheer and Service weights. Clear and dull finish silk. Attractively boxed $1.00 Pair EW-- GLOVES Large voriety in kid, fabrics and novelty wools. Styles that are new And different Priced 49c t° $2.95 pr. WP.,PPIPA, ----7803regift • Satins, crepeand chiffons. thade-tip in attractive Ascots.' Pastels, high colors, and black and white combinatimut $1.00 t° $1.95 FLOWERS Violeta in different '•ettades• of mauve. Gardenias in all cot. ors. Novelty Flow • era. 4 35c to 75c each Dresses with a Royal touch-- Bead embroi der, on sheer sheers, silk braids in intricate designs. metallic and lame touches. Smart ly made Dresses of individuat.design. some- . nd different. Regular and half - sizes in high es, navy, Colors navy, brown and bleak. Dressing .Gowns WINTER BOWLING 106/1 Limn Keeling Club Will Menage - ley Game for tbe Winter ti Th.- God. Lown Bowling Club ha. gone into the a:nt..r ',ranch of sport. protest P 111111 has been talked 41 ver for some wecks. and has leg !cased the Royal bootleg alleys ou SV, -,i street from 11. 1. Lloyd. Ar - N rungemeuts were comp:cosi at a meet, ing on Friday night. Fred flunt. preside's( of the Lawn Bowling Club, will pretide over ar- .rangements fur leatru,s' ilorfng the winter. The spacious !Witting 114 now being carefully redec ,rted and a • grand opening Will he held on Tues- day night of nett week, with fowl oriseiv. I Jack Annat. the golf "pro," will manage the alleys. Mare, satin aotTRIRR61, attractively made in tailored styles. Colors blue,. Wipe, roe. and gold CHILDREN'S WEAR Toddler's Silk Crepe Dresses. hand smocked yolFes, puff sleeves. in colors --maize and t ea -roe. Sizes 3...7.. Sizes 4, r; 6 $3.95 $1.49 $1.89 twittlegit" Men's GLOVES • SHIRTS Fine leather -Gloves' styles. Linen Gloves, warm and- ivell-fitting. $125 to $1.95 Pr -t• Wear tetmetoctiE MUFFLERS 'Arrow' Shirts. New Imphrted Wool Muf. arid distinctive pat- flers iti bright -pats„ tern: Aftselted-and- ferns. also quiet de - separate collar( The signs Shirt -that give4i-every o.)• satisfactioatia style, White cilpe silk wear Rad appearance. • &WIN ,frinto ends. Em.,roidered $1.95 uP Aniliala if desired. - SOCKS Penatan's All Wool .140eks. A large range' of patterns in albwohl and silk and wool. The i,Ioa 1 a itt Ma' fill gift 49c, 75c Men's Overcoats Now ig the time to buy your Winter Over- coat at Great Saving*. Oevreoativeladl. of the finest oloths- Good 4allerion nii.l at priees flit ought not to miss. See our Coats. A. CORNFIELD Op .'Shop where you. -are invited to shop Phone 418 ( -mil -1.-----,1- The Square ittetwilefalgteCottoctettrtcmtglitettattreweitileittitchgte 40,1cazzIwk BOWLING With a four point 4.4' over the Maple beets lard nigh,. Doug. Gra- ' haMe Go Getters toot Elie lead In tbe hooting league at Dr. 9nan'a •Ileys, which opened up lase week. The three -men teams bowl fiv.e nights a week In order to give the ten testae ono game per seek. The schedule, hich opened on Monday of last seek, conclude-, on Mit-nary 1st. after whIeS! !lino anti third, second and fourth tenor( will (melt the p'eydowas for t The teams and eaptalmi are as fol- lows: All titers. M. N. MacDonald: Do Getters, Dong. Graham; Hoose +03 -cid, Wallace McDougall; King Hos, 1 Ertel Mot : (Anna Vie. Bennison laittry Strikes, CBE McManus; Maple Leafs. !tarry Johnston: Maroon., Al- bert Taylor: Tigers. Flay Drennan: Toilers, George Baechler. Tlie Fitaieling _111!_sirs. Parpions (led titynoldie-lor their Mont attention in -the affetro uaberof tbeimmitost;tittoal:b.•tosuowniendthe auditor,tn--r el taff; and to (be' boani t4 governors 11.1. a wbO10. • ...BAZAAR CONCLUDES Eurresaful'Event at Initifrilows' 11.11- Draw au Therulay Night The St. Peter's char •:i bazaar. held at •Ilie 9.1tItellowar on two nighty, of fast 'week. came to • -ueressfulyoa- elmsjon ou Thursday ...gin. hem, was se, usual, a Inver tcpular gaine.! tbe. wheel -of -fortune whirled nerwrily, aud the faucy-aork, estitly and other booths all hailltheir patrons The many guests e'er/welcomed by floc K. .1.- Pbel.in, chairman of the bazaar. assisted by Misr...Mary Lacey and &Ks. W. J. 1,,1111A, 1.11111%P114.n. of the supper. MIs May Griffin was t lie ea pride treasurer. 'rite hall with its attractive shaded lights bad the apssearante of a huge gift atiop. Booths we,re.aranged down one side and •erneeDie coda of the (init. Each bad its vases of chrysan- themums In mauve and yollow, and °tier amnion' Meyers added color to the scene. At the fancywork booth, in *dilatory to many other fine a:Griew 'witleb aroused idttrest. there vas a collec- tion of tore made and donated by Mrs. Thos. Hebb. Thefte were much admired and found ready gale. A llsreesitery Christmas cake made sod donated by Mrs. T. M....*ckteno shared luterest with a beauti:u1 handmade wool re; donated by Mr.. James Phe- lan donated hy Mrs. W. A. Coulthurfalu,st.• A beauty doll dnnated by Miss K. Built - Ina McKinnon. was a much sought prise. There were ato ,a „beautiful and two lovely quilts donated by Ant Oesminette in Mrs: __Bistitta Tba ladles in charge of Ude booth were Mrs. W. A. Cotaliarat, MIMI Y. Dor an. Mrs. 'I'. M. Costello, Mrs. D. M. toltrien. Mins Cattle O'Neil and Mrs W. J. Chistoolim. cringe of Mimes Marie Baechler Theresa Crawford and France, Car - The attractive candy., ho, ift..h.7is In_ imeky strwee Oars Poi4nts penwr. The (linden's and art • booth. whit- tle Getters ' • AI 4 Its dons and toys, beautiful pictures.. Tigers, a All Stars' - 3 large and small. and the "fishpond,' The prize for the ;digest funny presetrt reel' evening want to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Chlsaadm and Mr. and Mrs. , 1.4.1041cm.. The pastor. Rev. C. F. Nagle, and members of St. "Petei'. church are grateful for the lawny d4avattons, anti for the patronage accorded the bazaar -by citizens of ail denominatkma Week -end Specials ! - Itt:Elo - Rolled Rib lb. 19c Rib Boil lb. 8c -PORK- Ham or Loin Roast lb. 20c Shoulder Roast . lb. 18c - 1ANIII - Leg • lb: 20c Chops .Ib. 25C KA bast i g Chickens lb. 211e 1.paili•lovaiple. tor Rohsors'Wil ii.‘miurox STREET Free lfelivery Phone :it; k POCAHONTAS Egg or Stosa-..Ati I .. AA qi l'i.K TON, SURE:!) Egg or Stove # 1 Ut 1 A nWn A l'EK TON. ...1101ELLED POCAHONTAS Nut sue, per ton CO CA Cfleatnut Coke, ton $1030 Range Coke, ton $10.00 Priers quoted are fee C %SR ONI.1 and 'subject to rhymer %Minot notice. / / The Dean Coal Co. Phone 95-W Albert Street Huron, Lodge4 No. Independent Oitte • - of CkhlielloWs, will hold aSe4aINvening on Monday pest, November :141thi junordiatoly after tim IteguFae Sleetinit- Prigra wilt be given. • AU l nt1 rt and Visiting Members invited. - GBORGE BOWRA, N.G. RUPTURE If you are one of the many af• Meted wIty0n1t Inveralgete the merits of the ARMSTRONG Patented 4pplianoe Billings Bridge, Ottalii. Oct. 12/21. ti. n'llOM IT MAY CONCERN: I make the following state- ment for pubIlleationreunite tu toy experience with rupture •nd truswii, fitted by experts. hoping that it will benefit others. Some years ago 1 Was rup- tured very badly owing to heavy work. 1 wore trusses' for a loess 41100- --they proved very utisithe factory. Through advietf front a friend I had an -Armstrong Pat- ented Applianie adjusted' •sii ui IT CA I '8):1, A COM P1.4)T1) 1111140.. It 1. &taunt__ than ten years shier 1 stopped wearing it. Ituring all thew years 1 nave worked. as a general Nil in -wager and Eas weakitessur_syminom4:Or-rruPturP• I sin woe sixty years 01I -Mid- fr,go exte•flcre•C the Aria - torero beet and he -knows now--tas„,•djoat .1t. am willing tot -walrus this at any time. • .S10. y TI14/14. s Illay, Que.. Nov. Itah, I1V.2. r. J. 1.. Arinst rime. Specialist, ,Uttitwa, • ,1 presume you will be 'teased to knew that the appil. Alter 1 ree..dres1 from 3.a, , piptely elITCOI DIP of a had nip. tiree---E-han__from rhildhiroil. 1 have not 'worn It ne any otTtir during the last eight years. You ,•annot imagine bow thankful I Im (is get Cured. 1 am sure litany of my se% ar.r..satffcring 11, N similar way. I would ;Ike 1. 1.-1 them know where to get ,•111•,si. Therefor.. you Ina,. us. 110 11111111 %%WI, I1* sl,,s*. in view. Tsars respectfully. ISO Mrs. Sadie Stevenson J. H. ARMSTRONG 14PECRLIST , of 1,41,1ri. I int twill be at the BEDFOKI) HOTEL. GODERICH TUESD.11, DECEMBER tat Coll early for private eousulta IUD and personal ,1, tratIon. No chaos,- Pliait-,,N,•r ..... • 1 1 • was a most interesting piece for the House of David 1 Mous - • -- ea lehlPdren 'Flynt Was order the viipet- i *talon of Mime Kathleen A. Sullivan, Toilers Kim Pins Maple Lerner Maroons +who was assisted by Catharine Graf, 0 '0 Mary Ahl, JetTriv and Elaine -0 • Johnston. The "country atore"-wa's nnder the management of Mrs. Ed. Lynn •nd CARPET BOWLING ' Miss .tnnic Moser. Dinner was werted Duni two long No Change in Standing --1- 0. L and tahlerreentred alit) tsr hatigeta 14 logien in lend " in (live dmf yellow•11111 lila and yellow There was no thatair _1k/be Phltal- candles In silver isokiets.. The tables lag ef the GOtTerich Carpet Bowling were in charge of Mks Mary League as a resmit'af-M,',•1011'., 100. and Mrs. W. J. yming ‚ss.I.lcsI ly the Grange Lodge and la.glon rea-ns n eery of giri. ii i?nmscuinte white holding to the top rm..: with twelve smock. and handeairs. The top's points. each. The vi.-torin119 IIPTP waltrioaies 1 nehldfI the Mis•ies ileten six points for third and the II.- raw' Ed na 11„ga pinnte, three tryst's. or. tied with Therese' Delaney, Giscc Harris. Batt - four points. lush Rogan. Mary Gr.we, Jean Clair Games on Monday r,00llted, aP fo'.- holm, Kathleen Crowe and Gin lye DISTINCTIVZ In eppeerenc• he M.nYasee . . . this NM 1937 Tose insinghcoms is the hit the seesaw Neer it . . tun* it . . . rod bore why every blouse nods a WESTInGHOUSi TALBOT & CORNISH GODERICH ONTARIO 4.Caprtal • Foley. The dinner was In general 20 170.F No. 1 ... charge of Mrs. P. firm', Resisted hy Vietariono 21 c.o.r..,r49. 2 „... 3 Miser Fitapieton, Mr's 8 Smith, Mrs Bagel Cell.F No. 1 -.13 John Chl.holm and MI,. allonrke. C.O.P. No. 2...:-............ 7 The ladies smoke In highe,,t or .1,ve itt Vieglint 14 Tkrortan 5 the awa....tanee given them hy logien sow MeNevIn, and the atomisers of Odd - fellows' Ball are to he congratulated 'Lon having early ellieleet 4-ere4amers. 1. 6 rile 74 12 Mr. and Mrs. MeNevin. 6 .1 03 117 12 Keno and the whet of fortune. al - S 4 rs 31 fl ready mentioned, had many patr and another entire. of olessure, espe- cially for the yoting people, was the fortnne-telIlmt pallor presided over hy Mote Mellemald., who In her kind- le-Art*11 manner 641am-ell eneoirrege- moot 1 !point.. The draw rattle on Thnrwlay night. by Betty Lois Webb, resolted bor.; -ail ver wit re, doon fed hi- a tylangLapc Ity Rev Esther .Nyta/f, • -'•-,,,...11111ft• Legion Victoria.* Bast 2 " 112 101 4 co.P. .NC 1 if 71 ten 4 C.O.P. No. 2 jeufiliwtylngt 4 Gearewter Lab. vs. Yletertia• r.o.r. No. 2 ra. Band C.o.r. Nn. 1 re. C.O.F. No. 2. 0.0.r: Na f V 1.!e1oo. .I,. vs, Legions WeerliOnem,m- NorthorfaRearic SOUND SYSTEM Theatre Phone 47 Goder ch 11 venlig mid Itole-rt Taylor. In "I'rivate `sitinlow' r MOND.11*, TtlEt4DAT sad WSDNS140A1- itedd1e Bartholomew and Victor McLaglen A grand adv. Mitre Is centred around Iso King '10.1 rtigtee,1 hotlygn tril Gloria Pleuset, reendener Collier and ('. Henry Gordon, 10.0.1 the stipeertIne ra-d "PROFSSIIIONAL SOLDIZZ" T1111R81).t11 NIGHT ONLY-Aluneek *ht., Caleb Lombard and Ir MarMarray, is "The Prisons Cam Acmes." nustiTa atTlIR11.1V- Miele Peat', Program' Irvin S. Cobb and Rochelle !hullos., Anserlea'o, ranking humorist in s lovable piece of drollery P..176.1 .'EVERYBODY'S OLD MAN" George O'Brien end 4. keine Ware. present; a new and exciting yarn "WHISPIRINO MTH WW1 AGM*" listitiees Wednesday, Saturday sad Holidays .01 X 0141 Coming - 101, Yearele. In "I Frinnel Stella Parrialr