HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-26, Page 3MPsMans-:abeaw ‘""----alliellgpineginggernal10 zesty, NNW ASSISTANCE 'Here Is one of the many ways to which Tbe Signal renders valuable assis- tance to its readers. Ask about our Club klubetrtptlona with leading dally papers. also popular magazines. 14abotaedial &Mop Are Aawtsed wilmmesmesionmwm TEM SIGNAL PRINTING CO , 1-IMITE!), Publishers LW Craigie INemANCE sad REAL - ESTATE net Our Automobile Rata Phone 94 Gedarloh TheO.■.CareyC.I Fin, Accident lid Mater Cu INSURANCE Representative Loadou Life Insurance Co. Odce:—Maseak Temple,_ West Street, Oodertch Nelms HE, Malinger. T'hsas 315 Geo. Williams & Son DOMINION, PROVINCIAL sad MUNICIPAL BONDS lire, AeeidsaR AntsaseWls sad General lasaraaes AVMs OirTICE, NEXT TO BANK OF COMMERCE Phar 53 Gedirlds For Sok at Port Albert NMsb Weeded Cottage Lass HYDRO CONNECTION —Also Holmes In Town— AUTO, ACCIDENT and P'iZ INSURANCE X1.3. POWELL- r SNR m QODEEIL7 IF iTS Phibing, Heating -OR- Eaoestroaghtng WE HAVE IT Repairs for all makes of stoves or faroaces l'rompt oervke and reasuuable rates. John Pinder Pti.. 1!7 r S. Sas lil tt>_ Wet Street ELECTRIC SHOP Dupes of Older Man in Grain Theft Brothers Get Suspended Sentenoe —Pined for Driving Too I Past in Clinton Clayton and Milton Ligbtfoot, Me- Otlllvray townsblp brothers, aged twenty-one and nineteen respectively, on Thursday last were found guilty on charges of the thea of grain and re- ceiving stolen grain. The brothers had pleaded not guilty and elected summary trial by Maglvtrate J. A. Makins. Sentence was suspended one year. _. A warrant Issued two months ago 1. being held by polka fur Jim Gormley, aged thirty-three, named by the youths as the Inutigatur and • erpetrator of the theft of clue bags of grain from a building on tbe Gab roe township 'farm of A. W. lfltherlugton. No trace hae been found of the accused man since he made a down payment on a car at Loudon, allegedly using money obtained try the sale of stolen grain. Tbe youths testified Gormley bad told thee'be was collecting the grain on a ge debt, and they drove with him to the Etberingtou farm at 1.30 a.m. on September 4. *While driving in the lane,• Clayton •estiaed, Gorm- ley switched the car lights off and, working by the moonlight in the barn, filled nine sacks with barley, using his shoe, - "I did !sot help him. I stood leek and watched." said witness. "Sty brother was in the esr." "Wby didn't you' help Gormley,' asked Chown Attorney Holmes. "Were you afraid be was stealing?" Was a little Stgidsos "1 was a little afraid after we got tbere that Gormley might be stealing tbe grain," the youth admitted. Witness said Gormtet drove the car home, with the grain In the back ,eat, and the next day Milton Lightfoot drove with Gormley to Bennock. where the barley was sold for 514. Tbe pair tben drove to Lindon, where Gormley made an 518 down payment on a 540 car. He has sot beeu seen since. "1 didn't get any money from Gorm- ley," said Milton, 'just gas for the car." Referring to tbe taking of the grain. defence counsed asked Milton: "Were you suspicious of the transaction at all?" "1 asked Gormley if there would be any trouble over It and he said there would be no trouble at all, as be bad As 4 lona to.k. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1936 Hattie', "Tbey are lutelligent young •'1 realize it Is a serious matter for young men to be convicted on a theft charge," said His Worship. "I do not know what 1 can do for a boy who acted as did Clayton. He might Just as well have helped Gormley tilt the sacka Instead of staoding by. It wouldn't have made matters any worst. "As for Milton, all the evidence points in one direction, that he was keeping out of the way, afraid of be- ing mixed up in the theft. "1 will have to find the boys guilty. "Lt L going quite a way to impale suspended sentence. It 1s safe to say they knew the grain was being stolen. !!till they are young and bright -looking boys. , I will suspend sentence for one year. They mu.t pay costs of 512 each or spend thirty days In jail." A (ase trans CU t.n —Russell Fleet, Kltebet.er ,travlltng salesman, had a nice little back -chat with Chief A. E. Frem;in, of Clipton, wbeu the latter was giving evidence against the traveller on a charge of speeding through an intersection. •'I don't think 1 should have been pinched," protested the accused. "I wasn't going fast enough to get a summons. "When you pull into a town and slow down to ten mules per hour, it's practically a standM►1.," be appealed to the Magistrate. "Yee, It does seem llkt it, doesn't It?" returnee! Hie Worship. "If you get e'cryone that went straight through the !ntersectlon," Fleet addressed the Cbtet, "you'd have continuous court here." "•55 and costa, $8.35 in all." said SD Worship. But Fleet get the iaat word la. "That seems u iwf71 let through Cliotoo," be mumbled. as be dug in his. pocket. A Costly Lesson E. R. Holt's lntentious were all right, when be was tea:1311)g Myrtle Bes:o, of Clinton. to drive an automo- bile, but be reckoned without tbe eagle eye of County Traffic Officer N. Lever. Holt paid 510 and costs for permitting THE ELUSIVE PIG Residents of the Victoria Park dis- trict are .till laughing over the •pee taele, witnessed on Frtd•iy laat, of two men endeavoring to capture a pig which had es'aptd from lta crate on a truck. Young boys gathered and whooped eucouragement, calling signals and yell - Ing for a touchdown in true rugby fashlou as the men chased Use elusive "pigaklu" up and down the field. ,The game might have gone on for hours had not the farmer wbo owned the pig made a thrilling "shoestring" tackle as Porky attempted an end run. 1t was the first and hest down, for slthougb the pig made several pluuges the combloed weight :tf the farmer and the belpfdt bystander were sufficient to hold the line. It was a grand game while It lasted, and the participants, s'Ightly winded and dishevelled, were roundly cheered for their efforts by an -appreciative audbenee. GANG BMZOKEN DP! 1- P.Ilee Believe Artesia May Clear hp Reeeot Raids in This County Provincial police In thin county be- lieve that the armee at Loudon early Sunday morning of three men. charged with removing a safe from the ofil.•r of the Burlington Refluing Company, in that city, may result lu the clearing Up of four sage raids in llurou county In the last fevy weeks. " The men, Orme Wood.. Lyman E. Mitchell and Chas. A. Bell, were In bili a—ia -or center through tbe door of a stolen sate when police entered trte-elllar at Hell's home: _...__- Owing to tbe similarity of the method employed In the four thefts or attempted thefta in Huron county, police believed the Jobe were the work of a gang. They now believe tbe nucleus of the gang has been appre- hended. an nnikenaed driver to drive his car .t large number of articles believed and Mise Besse paid a similar amount to be stolen were found by police in for driving without a license. Daniel Rankin, of Forest, pleaded pot guilty to a chary of stealing a tractor and three plows, valued at 5800, the properly of James and William Down. of Stephen townsblp. He was Produce Company building at Drub - bonded in tbe sum of 51,000 until this mg, (Thursday) afternoon. The safes at Stewart's and in tbe foundry at Seafortb were opened` od FREDDIE EGENER SUPPERS the premises. tbe burglars getting next POR HIB OLD ALMA MATER to nothing In the way of loot. At Brussels the safe was taken bodily penalized. f.r . Palndng Treats t•ni- from the building and later smashed versity Oen! Pests open. The attempt on the sate at the London, )Nov. 20.—Beneath a Scot- Wlrtgham furniture factory was futile, it coming to him for wages," respooded Ugh tam-o'-abenter a Western grad the aiders' tools heirs, inadequate. the boy. "I helped them load it In hides his bead in sbamc. and waits' for the ear." healing time to erase all traces of his The Little till Red Provincial Constable McCoy said a grief. total of 2.10 bushels of grain had been' In college corridors yesterday syn- a the raid. , The 'Huron raids were on safes at the Stewart glove factory and Black- ball's furniture factory, %Ingham ; the Seafortb foundry and the East Huron Fine Results from H. and S. Club Play Proceeds ot "Diamonds and Hearts" Will Give Start to Manual Training As a result of the enthusiastic re- ception accorded the Vktorla Home and School Club play, -Diamond., and Hearts," presented at MacKay Hall on Thursday and Friday nights of tart week, the Club will be able to proceed almost immediately with the outfitting of ■ mannal training class at the school. It was for this purpose the play was presented. More than tire hundred persons saw the play, which was under the direc- tion of Mrs. Robb. Wilson. 'Misted by Mrs. ,lieu. Johnston, With the excep- tion of Mrs. Wilson and Hr. Leslie Hanna. the members of the cast were graduates of Victoria school. The play was much better the 'we- asel night thau the first, the players being less nervous and everything go - Ing off with a swing that was lacking In the first presentatiee. Mies Gladys Shore had the lead as Bernice Ilalstead, w'h wa- being forced into marriage with a step- brother. Dwight Bradley, played by William Itlley. To es, ape his un- welcome attention"' and the eagle eye of her stepmother, Mrs. Halstead (Mid's Nanc•ye Clarke), she obtained employment as a country schoolmarm, with the asehee we of her young. sis- ter Amy (Miss Jean MacDonald) and a friend, Inez Gray (Miss Majorie Deer While boarding with Abraham - Barnes (Carlton Worsell) and his Sis- ter Hannah Mary Barnes (Mrs. Wil- son), Bernice met timer nephew, youug Dr. Burton (Glen Lodge), with whom she had fallen in love while at her town home. Bradley's creditors were pressing him, so to hasten matters with regard to his Intended marriage to Hendee (in order to obtain her property) he planted his mother's diamond pin among her effects. Bernice was ar- rested and returned to the city, but Bradley's ruse was a failure when she announced she would go to jail rather than marry him. Abe and the house nigger boy Sam- my (Billy Johnston) incriminated Bradley with darnagine evidence and be was led off to Jail as the thief. The part of the sheriff was played by Leslie Hanna and of the In'eetigwting attorney by Harold Wilson. Action began with the introduction' of Abe and Ilannab Iteroes In the second act and there was no let-up while they were on the stage. ""hey ledthe audience thre.ugIi a 'es .0 (b - carr of emotion. from gales of last near -tears anit appeared to do it stolen from Etheringem, but that he pathetic. students whispered the nameout any straining at effete bad no reason to ettepeet the boys of FY&'ddie 1 ever, now of Osgoode Fire Hall Is NoMore On Thursday -night ttetertalnment were responsible. Halt, and talked of lanes -bine a soft tletween acts was as -follows: Solo Milton stated that two days before scriptiou campaign to help him in h4 by Mr. S. E. Mebowell; tap -dittoing lug the grain was taken from Ethering- growing concern. After all, they said, Auburn's Pira Equipment Is Now' M• Mhees Ruth llrenn•to and Georgina Ryan; music by ltyat.'s prehestra ; piano selections by - Miss Itnrhara ton's be had driven to I.ucan with I'twas Freddies efforts •.n behalf of his Gormley and sold seven sacks of grain good old alma mater that brought for the older man, reelvfig 1 1 $11 -which ' his shame. h l b bl t the t h Auburn '23 1. The little old reel humorous skits by Harvey HtUee, of Bottaed,, ito . a _ 'shout s Building 'I'Iwmw,n. tin Friday night the su- pe gave to Gormley. Ile explained 1 The FSXener retreat t,eneatb a Seol_ lienee was entertain." with songs and that Gormley was lavas[ at t e r one Hell tam, . compare e o os sic , Nov. - at the time. The motherless boys 1 hiding bis bead in the sand, is a fire hall whkh has stood for some fif- Auburn. accomparuiecl by Yrs. R. were living alone with a yuunger broth- matter of cuaccalment.tears on the main street of Auburn, Phillips, and piano selections by MIss er, their father being away thresh- Freddie, It seems, asy y riated by two Mary Howard and Mies Helen Arcber. ing. The boys had known Gormley old Haront-Tony Eaton and Ken and which has been preveniltt, from The members of tie Part gathered about five years and were aware of Hunter—and three present members of falling over only by the -support it has In the basement of the hall for refresh- tbe fact that be had a shady repute- Huron College, succeeded in painting received from a big tall elm tree, has ments at the conc•luslnu of eaeb.per- r formance. Mrs. M. J. Ainslie, Yrs, - - Varslts'a _E I ,Poets . b€3 1t_S r.Western's _,. "There is no dispute of the facts,' last big game. Outside the etidium said IYank Donnelly, counsel for ac- be let it slip that be was one of those celled. "It Is merely a.matter of in- responsible for the job. Freddie tent. It la true there were suspicious merely mentioned It In c(nfdente, bat eircumatanes, but the boys didn't real- the men In wbom he confided were Ise the seriousness of Ibe offence. it Varsity supporters. is quite a serious charge, and 1 em Too late, Egener attempted to es - asking only that they be given the cape. He was whisked off to Hart herself of any doubt." House, where his head was shaved. "I am not caking ftr severe pun- And thus It Is that Freddie and his ishment," Crown Attorney Holmes WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of e11 kinds Estimates gives en applicatiae FRANI McARTHUR telephone 82 Goderieh tam are Inseparable. Where Freddie - stated, "but I think the boys' story of goes, there goes the tam, indoors, out- lnnocenc•e shout(' be taken with a doors, - • r grain of salt. I do not believe they Tbu. U ia, too, that throve, the stole for profit. Tbey were just plain haus of Western lbs studento sym- wtupid.' pathiae and plan material aid. The -They were the tools for this man subscription objective Is comparative - Gormley," interposed Mr. Donnelly. ly little. The longer they wait, Ube "i think be unduly inllueoced them. lase they'll need. The ..'ea?—one I believe they were victims of circum- bottle of hair restorer. stances," — "But they are not fools," said Mr. Goderieh people, who know young F:gener web. be beln,t n nephew of Mayor MacEwen, will have a chuckle over this story Kea Hunter also 1. lips now resides. Th. 'nee was put ■ /}oherlch boy ; the story does not Into the well on James Medd'e pro - petty. The story Is told of how, at the time of the flre. one fireman turned the hose accidentally od a belper, knocking him (.omplctely fbe store. The old fire hall w'ts front time to DONNYBROOK, Nor. 23. --The re- time used for several pmrpsoses. lin gular meeting of the Y.P.P. was held ass' occasion during .1 celebration, a on Friday evening, with the president, man Isr•oming IMoele'•tevl lweame n Mr. J. A. Thompson, presiding. The nuisnn,•e. The fire hall Wati used ns t'tpture lesson was read by Miss a lock-up. Feeling certain that the Margaret Jefferson and the topic was man was in safe getarts•r., the enthort- taken by Mr. Kennett! Campbell. Res. ties Joined the fun on the flats, but H. Wilson then. Lave a &bort address to -their dismay they found when tate, on some of him ercperlenees In Bruce returned that their prisoner had es - Peninsula. The meeting was elosed coped through the wir low. with the Hlap■h benediction. 1t was I A sitting of a coort of law was at decided to hold a Chris:mas tree and one time held witb a justice of the concert on December 22. peer. In charge. Til! last fire for Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robinson and which the engine was run out was Mrs. Geo. Naylor are visaing friends that at Charlet; Asqultrs planing bill. in Toreeto. -- • There aro those tanks ;a the etll A very neemistal short course In eseh holding some 330 barrels of sa- ebsars. of 18. . 'i- Institute was ter. One la tdtuated at R. J. P8h- held during the past ore -Plc id Dotal- Itps', one at Art Ferg"son's, sad 18e brook school. v third at the school. TM ire dell r --- which was on the old blacksmith strop Smart Shoes For the Boys and Girls who are st now attending the Fall l est n. terni`at school 01101111111118b, We are now offering the greatest 18ia"Ta good. reliable Footwear at price. that are away below the present manufaetnrerspriers Slippers Footwear of all styles 1 Oxfords, Strap 1W4N18 ANDYALLTTHA REQUiRE 1 gm fl ABS M MOW I..geet our seek and let as AIM Ify. w I • values wee are etartng — t . t: GEO. MacVICAR The practical Shoe Man NORTg SIDE OF SQUARE GODERiCH, ONTARIO MCI iimiwispalimouiver torten down, and (8. fire eo lne Rsh1. Darr and ]int. D. Worthy were purehascd about t e ea n c$a - . building was put up and augmented in On Frldal, night Yrs. Wlls..n and later years by a chemical engine has Yrs. Jolneton were prevented with -transferred to the new combine. beautifel 'snafu's of 'mama. In behalf tion tire hall and1g Fgbc lathered on of the Home and arhoei Club, for their _ tbe north side of Main street be- work in the preparation of the play. tween the Canadian Bank tlf Cont. Mr. R. Stonehouse, principal of Vic- meree and Dr. B. C. Weir's ofihee. toric school, tbauked tile cast for the This lot, purchased from Nelson Hill, was' air years ago the scene of the most . r•.t tire dlsastrotre Anhnrn has e'er arltncsaed.+ The older resldenti .of Ilia' dlatrkt recoil the drat time the fire engine were out. Rev. Ro8.tt Henderson was preacbleg in the Presbyterian • The congregation was just CONFIDENCE H nue could always be sure ut ultimate results, the uncertainties of Job Printing would be eliminated. PracUcal experi- ence suggests placing youi confidence In The Ybgual. Repeat Orders Emit c..dierratl.q EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. 48 Greater Values! ALL THIS WEEK Shop and Save on your Yell re- quirements sew CAPS, ETC. ALL THIS WEEK Special Values • —IN— MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, WINDBREAEERB,VERA OLT. MI , PANTS, TTS, su yy M.h sM 1 Ladies' Christmas Gifts in Lingerie CELLA/SUEDE BLOOMERS AND PANTIES, SLIPS, GOWNS, PYJAMAS. CHILD'S VEST AND BLOOMER BETS. Visit our be to 51 Department of Christman Toys, Novelties New Goods arriving daily it's Variety Store ST. GEORGIC'S CHURCH CHOIR At the annual meeting of the choir of St. George's church, on Friday last, Lt. -Col. A. F. Sturdy was named presi- dent, sueeeeding Robert Henry. Other officers are Rev. A. ('. Canter, honorary president ; Mise Phyllis Lawrence, vice- president: Miss Oladya Shore, secre- tary; Mimi Audrey Welland, treasurer; Prof. A. W. Anderton, librarian; Har- old Taylor, assistant librarian; Mrs. 41. Palmer and Mrs. E. D. Brown, ottoir Soothers; Harold Blackstone and Willard Knecbtel, cowl:Mora; E. D. Brown, press secretary. . Rev. A. C. Calder, who presided at rbe meeting, welcomed seven new mem- bers to the choir. The members of the choir are now busy rehearsing Dkken.c "Christmas Carol," whicb will be presented the week before Obristm is. • Refreshments prepared 4y a commit- tee under Mi.c Agnes Campbell were served at the close of the meeting. Winter Clothes THE NEWEST STYLES They are here for your inspection EVERYTHING IN MEN'S WEAR Chas. Black 3 East Street and Square GODERICH ,hurt b singing the last hymn, when the fire bell, w'hleb was hung on Edgar la1w- son's tarn, rang furiously. By the time the hymn was ended many of the members had left hurriedly. The fire was in the partition in the house of Hank Itradford, where Ezekiel I'bil- say why hie heavily Ceatehed dome did not receive the sane treatment. • DONNYBROOK "National and world problems re- main the same beeanse the root prob- lem human nature remains on- snlved Frank N. D. Buchanan. part they played in the obtaining of funds for manual training at the school, Yrs. Robt. Bisset, president of the Club, alio- Thanked file cast and re- marked that the • proceds from the playwouldfinance the purchase of initial equipment for manual training. " SUPERIOR ROUGHS IT Staunch Strip Comes Through TerriSe Gale on Lake Superior The pa, Iwge freighter aid grain- ' carrier Superior ICAptain 1)attun Hudson) made port here on Sunday morning after battling suceeadully a storm on Lake Superior which was de•+rrlis'd eabeing the wort in sev- eral yearn. About twelve hours after leaving Fort William for Sarnia on Thursday lent, with a deck cargo of 700 empty oil drums, the Superior ran Into a ter- rific gale which poured tons of water toter the wallowing ship. Moorings were torn loose and about one hun- dred tercels went overboard, and wa- ter poured down companionways as the ship wal buffeted by the gale. She suecesafully weathered the storm and crept down the American tilde of Lake Boron, more or less pro tecte•d from strong winds wbleb remained steady for several days. The 8gperinr madd the trip safely enough and reached Goderlch on the return trip to take on a cargo of salt. ECZEMA SAW= lt bob new need ass stable by Edger Lw_ c!•akin,amsw spoca.r eaerans son, bad been there for some slaty sads(kwekf. A,«earldedseem nor'' sod has now been I ranlifeiftib Dr Chase's Ointment the new fire ball. .. , w E irorate Tom. wt... sari Liu :. R +a. s- At w *ret .t.• of a cold go rapt M yew amidst. soy a abase♦"'. ai (MOVB'S BROktO QUnfnII. ittart takes trr tablets two r . ti... Orove't will clack (bat cold ',Elis 34 bsoa. W 7a SRIIVES;:: f Prices Tel r Drugstore Merchandise I that Sell Prices 27th November to 4th December—inclusive HAND LOTIONS Wltele Hand Creast 23e Hind's Heeey-Al- mond Cress. 21e --idRI•SCHEN SALTS • Tt• Wveetlsed efier He - WHITE LINIMENT Lege bottle 2!e CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PII11B 23e PLATING (ARDS Park, 3fe CERTIFIED TOOTH PDWDI:R 23e PRB$TON?B -RAT • POISON 23e WILLIAM'S PINK PILLS ter Ings erased blood Res 45c JUNKET T 2 alms. fes HELLEBORE 18.40e SALT rwra € 1b. 15. ()LAICHER'S SALTS 4 IM. for 23c ITA.N1A TOOTH PASTE, 4fe HO1EHOUND CLNDY 1►, tie (COUGH SYRUPS Roberts .. .36e C'hase's 3.5e, 73e %hate Pine Ter .. .35e, Ser WAMPfILIC 8 COD . LIVER EXT. The Winter TISIS 51.10 a beak EPSOM.SALIM* Iloward's' EtttRW Tina .. ler. 114 OVA LTINE For NenenimeamMlepallhse Is rieh to nutriment, spew tally required for newts. aft Meek between orals and at bedtime. 3 alias 38e, 58., Me a JU3Y DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE r Ladder's\ Dunlop's Campbell's Wigle's -oAgakar. Dneg.1... Dna. *tore Drweal.r• , .r......iproi,._ .bas.. µ .