HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-26, Page 1J $1.50to J nuary New SubecripUata to The Signet rot 19V will Include the remaining two month* of tura year. Subacstbe now and receive the full advuutage of ilia offer. $ 1 .J O t o/ Ja1u9ay New Subscriptions to The Slgual for 1937 will lucludu the-remalnlug two months of this year. Subscribe now and r4selye the full advantage of tris offer. , 411111111361111. EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR, NO. i 4 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1936 PERSONAL MENTION Str• Hlbou Lost I A WILD RIDE Nominations to Be AT THE WATERI''RONT I Another Hospital plea Helen Stewart, cf Beumliler, '• Fenner ti.de•rtrh Rallwaywaart iau ' Although seven! lord tlaDernreu • • Tax Shortage Case Held Tomorrow ha.e claimed tl~r�h,; n prem the gr•ap Addition Pro Shortage of .form prevented sall- lug for more than a week, the nets were scarcely worth the trip out in Left in Hands of Board -Klee the lake. Reddy Ma•'Dunald and label Bailie Elected to Board Jaen McLeod broaghttjn tbelr eels and the MacKay Bros.' outfits un Meonday. of Governors but the nets, which had been out since November 15th, were torn toad full of At the annual meeting ..f the Alex - More About the • THE SUiNAL PRINTING 00., L1MITieD, Publishers spent the week -end In 'reroute. Mir. E. H. Wlgk was at Toronto last' week attending a mcettng of the Council of the +College of Pharmacy. of which he la a member. Kiss Isabel Bissett end Freak Bir sett, of liamlltoe, epee: the weekend with their prefer, Mr. *act Mrs. Chas. Hewett, East street. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Lamprey at- tended the wedding of their eldest in Geo 'an Bas! Terrifying Experience -igtDevt1AwMnreb0fIoI,th,uwku war man. ----- Rumor Points to a Change in Ooun. Muslin Says He Will Hold a Public. Meeting to Ex- plain So& Things The meeting of the town council oe Friday night last- tbe last before the municipal nomination meeting -was • notable chtedy for a revival of dis- cussion of the shortage In tbe accounts of the former tax collector, J. H. Rob- ertson. Councillor Heckel. tart the ball rolling by enquiring It there bud been any communication from lion L. A. Cron with repird to an Iuveatlgation Into town affairs as reque.ted in a petltiou sant to him about a year ago. The Mayor assured Councillor (luck- Thur Shields. and Mrs. Shields. after With the unexplained -inking of the ins that Mr. Croll had not cawtmunl- an 'Owenee of more thea Atty years. 1 [[thou, seven more Liven were added ectad anything at alt to the council - to the toil taken by the Great Lakes In the matter. If be had, said the Seven More Lives Added to List of Lakes Casualties This Season up•rattd VIA the C.P.R. out of this to*u ul)uut ffteeu yearn ago, had a terrifying experience ca. Sundry worse lug *lieu, with his ['rental, Marti Dow, be rude a runaway locomotive A deploy of heroine such as has tor vie tali.., tic e$Ifltw reaching a been associated with seamen dovin 101) spend u1 sev'euty wlkw per hour. Thr wild ride bcgau abut two mile. daughter, OHeva, at Toronto, to Mr. through the years was exhibited by west of Bothwell, when ;he trate was ltu,s•el O'Neil, of tha:«'!.Y, on Nocrm-Captain Norman McKuy, president of hitting a *seventy -utile clip to make IaJI, toegluniug at 7.:tO *o'clock. ber 14. inlet tient. Ar they were running (tomos has It that Catudllor J. E. old line not picked up their Hera to the Owen Round Tnnspurtatloa Hoar date, having Heart flap one all told. Frank Bissett, *be Las completed at top aimed a crauep.0 *battered. !lucking Is as drip to the deputy- g y had under e rarbl•erttfon im- am) mix months' coulee in hair styling pang. when be stuck to the bridge of loosening a slderod which In [taro p g They stand to lore In We neighbor - are other adetltlun to the h.a.pltal build- boardand beauty culture, has taken a wad- the doomed motor%obl !Moe, of the raecewhip and that R. E. Turotr, the hood of 1800 if they usable to Bal p loosened other rods. Tire air pumpIng in ,oder h. relieve the premiere' tion in the new Lellar'e Beauty Salon L)ouentou T•ranrportat!i:.0 Company, up tine engine war cut off by the Hall 1*cNent deputy reeve, will contest the them. Ion the present aet•ettW,udatlun. The Bail- in Hamilton. until the icy weir[. !lusted over his Ing rods and at the same Uwe the neecerhlp. So far its 1. known, Ree a It was a physical Impuaslblllty for meetithg left the matter In the hands Mrs. Margaret Tooker and sou, Mr. herd extinguishing his flares as the air hone euunrrtiug coaches and en- I Miser will again be lu the field for the the fishermen to gu out {o the late of the hoard, the project to be under - Eimer Tooker, of Silver Creek, Neb.,,ship mak lu Oweu S5uod Bay eerierfor their nets for a whsle week, ow - glue wry broken, autuw.aically apply'- I utter which he now boles. taken wlrru louts) tmedessary end when are vl.ltfng the former;. brother, Mr. Saturday morning. lug the brakes. The resultant joltIt is also eonslekred likely that lug to the severity of the westerly lnamx-hhl pr wpec•ta are Kati*factory. ae the braked este pulled back on the I Hurry L. Salkeld, who wade so good gales which blew at••a'It!p day after The {,rupas.al is to add .1x rootas- engiue snapped the comet -lug link and i a run in itis initial bid for municipal day. Monday Naw the lust let-up three double rename and tile. Angle the tooseued• engine sped onward, the I honors In Goderlch last year, will slyer Nuvemtoer lo. r,x'ms--ou the third story. It L estl- Ilalliug n.db wreaking bavoe with the lapin be, a eanelidat.. Other uwplr- I ' Vessel Movemente orated the curt will ht about e5,500. uiechitery and forclug the cxcupwuts I ants an N. saving their uu1Uneeuient* Two cargoes arrived from the head Thar ro,uu. %Quid be used fur the of rbc cab to cower its Corners for 'until the meeting toot .crow night. 'of the Irkaw uu Thursday (art, the gxeommorlation of nurse.-, freeing other protectsou. Other munletpalltkie in which nom-! Oaktou unloading 77,4)00 bushels of rooms for patients. The runaway eugin.f anally came 1lt,athrug will 1* beld•-Iou .cw reare the corn at the elevator and the 1). B. . jenaOciaf mamma to u stop and the crew, although sled-Iluw-nablin of AshWeld. Wets TAWS - en, were none the worse physically for nosh, East Wawetroeh, (ioderich emu - ship, Turmrherry and Hallett, and the village tof 'llcnsall. WIngham hill light, on Friday and louded 1,0011 tons hold IN noullnatlon meeting on Mon. ;of salt from the GAd,'i.h ttalt Com" day night next. I1Mny's warehouse. '1':.a' chip cleared on Saturday for Fort William, from ODUFEeeowe• 'Lime (.which paolut the salt will IN. -shipped the Line-up in Town Council • ' The municipal noeitloas dfor the town air Godeeich take- place tomor- row (Friday) evening, at the town muse. It will b. a .t►nler's work nt analra Hospital .t,sa•iatfon, bald at palrtng them. In all shout 500 pounds of trout were lifted. Angus MacDonald and Mac MacDon- MacKay Hall on Tucaky night, the president of the boar.! of governors, Mr. G. I.. Perseus, arnourxed that the GROCETKRIA CLOSES In shipping mishap.' dile year, bringing Mayor, It would have txen submitted Mr. Wm. Robinson, uutnager of the the total to forty-six. All semen to the council. Ware•ho j.e (iroeeterla, which be dear(, iuelutliug a yuuug woman who ConMillor Hutklns said he thought opened up on the uorti' side of the , was stewardess'4 . were residents of this was a rather lwportent matter. Square two -years ago. :res *old out [)wen Sound, Seven of the ten sur - It was ferriage that the. M'illister of to Mr. S. Thompson, of Clinton. The vi.vors ale, were Owen fennel men. Municipal Affairs should show activ- ity lu other places where money was mhtupent, to the extent of putting In a supervisor, acrd ibould pay 00 atten- tion to the petition -ubmitted from Gederl•h - -a petltion with ' Mxtp4lve denatures', ineluding •ieree of two members of the mune::. W W Held Public Meiling stuck and furul.+hings were removed by) The ship carried 194 loon of map - Mr. Thompson this week to the prem- , pilew and ott and was 001 oce*kwdad their thrilling ride. Wes he will .x'cupy at Clinton. Mr. i with t4at cargo. Se••ond Mate How- Mr. Mureh 1s well known In Goder Hobtnsou will remain here, at Mast and Allen, et Owen Sound 14 sstrvtvor, where he spent some years. A for the winter monthr. I who was at. the wheel at the time of daughter, wbo was killed lu au accl- the catastrophe, was um.al.ie t, explain what happened. "We had ju:•t comae off the ranges" he Bald "when Cap - ESCAPES INJURY Miss Margaret Redditt, of Goder- lch, who is teaching at oaken(. High deut three years ago. was the wife of Martin Price, of Detrol', son of George ('rice of Gode•rlch•\o. O31, LO.0.1"., t• l ~' the c=au(lan wean. In lila aaddles,/ to the meeting the Lala McKay Nnld 'Port a IstUe,' the*i - _._ 1 _ Huron Lodge, � The Superior arrived at the eleca- l,ro„Ident referred with feeling to the "1 Intend to have a ped.lie meetingStartNrrrd a little,' The directions _ ultlllg on a social r1'euiflg after the (lScftoof, narrowly escaped lnjnry while ; , 0. A. S. MEETING regular meeting on Monday nano. All i There are some things. that 104'em mss-' when the car In which .4.e was riding , bring her back she never came back. terlowl 10 me, and there are some "truck another car. Mita Itedditt was ' She lust. didn't anmet and the ucxt things I want to expiate to the people," en route to the Winter Fair at Toron- I thing we were In the water." mid Mr. Hut -kite.. a !to with three other teachers of the 1t was to ire the last trip of the Ccaenclllor Humber obeerved that I High school staff. The car was arta_ Mated NW for the season and that,. no doubt Mr. Croll was • busy basal lea by Mles Grace MacKay, who eft probably, war the reason Captain Ka took over from Captain James but to a tetter directed to Mr. Width's �� injury, as olid MIs IteddUt and McKay - be stated that a complete report would 1 Mias Dorothy Lyle, but Miss Madeleine Agnew, who went alone as fire mate. he forwarded to him or to the cone- I Armour was taken to Toronto General The rescued, who experienced a et1. A lot of people were blaming , hospital with a badly gashed forehead. I harrowing two hours in the water be - Councillor Hucittus for reusing the _ - -_ fore reaching shore, are suffering trial (of the former tax collector) and ! BURGLARS FOILED for nothing coming of k. Auditor , Although thieves early vunday morn - Hanna discharging' 104,000 ►Nu.hrls' of ese �nauetut stateweut, pretested wheat nt the Mill. by the trtat*tter 1, 1. Nicol, showed The sir. Ralph Budd made port here, expenditure* of $17,:►41 4,; for the year ended September :krill lust. Heeelpta, including 1'rovlucial, euunty and town grants. and etabowuN•n' Income, were 117,29'11.44 for the 4011x• (period, leaving a smolt tkticlt. W*lIttnp with a miltedveargo of doss by death of three active and and unburden myself n this matter driving to Toronto on Friday last, ware followed but were I tried to mcmlrery ore urged to turn out, and 149,000 bushel.' of barley, 12,000 hush- crlueel wawba're of lir hard during Rev. 44. K. \ic('lung Slakes Stirring visiting teldtellow•s will be welcomed. Iib of wheat and lo,uu0 bushels of the past year: Mr. Gorge Williams, acra'enipgs, amnd ml Ten rdny the Algu- Mrs. Kathleen Dorton and Mr. T. G. Appeal in Behalf of Children I .teel was relieved of 90,tNN) ►pusheIo do[ Couuun. Foch one of there, Mr. Par. A meeting of tree Chlldien's Aid So- MRS. ANUERTON BREAKS ANKLE w'hvat ut the elei'atur sons stated, war greatly imbibed In the rlcty, held lu the lecture room of Knox Mrs. .t. W. Antlered], wife of the I The Hobert 1'. Durham, after bung, operation of the• hole as tbey all Pree4,yterlan church last night, was (rganlet and choirmaster of St. i storm -bound more than thirty Ileum, gave much Una and attcnttoa to its well attended, the teeth churches has- George's Anglican church, was taken arrived at the Necator here this morn- alralr*. Ing given up prayer meeting. nu that to Alexandra Iwoseital this (Thur[ ' hog with ,htaut 100,[1(10 bushels of The addre s by the president, G. i. those Iutereerted in the work of the day) aftermxon after hreaklng her I wheat and Bax. I'ara.nrs, *DR as tollor.,: Sode(y might attend. .The president, ankle 1n a tail on the icy sidewalk ou I The Superior Is exp..test tomorrow i President's Address Rev. J. H. Barnett, was in charge. North tercet. The unfortunate asci to take cat a cargo of salt. in accepting the treasurer's report A stirring addreset was given- bq Rev.. R. McClung, vice-president of Long's report *bowed further e=wes of Ing Rained entrance t' fir rear of the reputedly seaworthy, and hada sur nye Seoc1et , In wbk•h he appealed to moneys paid to the collector and not premises at Clinton occupied by Bali ...enol season as a pa+eenger ship In the public to 'rapport tee Society. He credited un lbs roil. The Govern- & Zapfe, furniture dealers and fun- 1934, with Goderlch a port of call on urged that the unfortuuales who come mint had bad Investigators bene and :era( dlrectogat it la uelfeced [bey were. the Detrolt-Sault run. under the care of the C. A. S. he given had the petklon asking for an Inve.ts- I frightened iway Ip the 'nide of their - e helping hand fnetead of being ostre- Kingston Penitentiary :o commence a three Dips to toy tap erre, but It is 1 ,.noun of les* dopa' stay o[ patients, gado., and be 141014►K some action raid, presumably by the regular patrol TO d DECEMBER 13th r4seol, and Illustrated his appeal by re- three-year term for Ib. theft of fends not known how many will tie up at ,and otherwise on accoant of kapott- town• be taken to clarity (binge. The of Chief of Police FTewisn. Workweu now ere?*tt[t►g the flnW► !erring to etre Saviour., method of from hi. cNents, has b•e t disbarred ivy 1 the elevator. :Kibbe collection*. The grants are town had Yost a lot more money than It may, however, have been some lag touches 'el the Free Methodist dealing with enrh case*.. an order made by the registrar of the clout ar usual, via.: Town of (Joder- le received from the boating company. ' tying elan that frighterell the woad- .chard, building at the teener of Park Ala members ocebea fo, ml clergy pre- Supreme Court of Ontsi lo, on motion! A CURIO ; a•h, 1eliilii.�duatJi ut Huron, 4650 ; Pro- Councillor Hoskin referred to Judge ' p,e burglar., for they entered a shop awl Victoria streets, and the pastor, sent gave short prayer.. ot.the benchers of the Lew Society of i Mr G. �'. Hotm•t Aar • tnrlo !n t•inci 3 allowance, E{,731a. Memtu•rehlp- Mr. A. M. itota•rtsun, secretary of Upper (`,nada. The hem -here' dls- the form of r p•w,y, shuprl t^ a 1 were do'w'n about 150. the Society, outlined the work of the c•lplinary committee foetid that Hut- I h•n4ttt of one and a-helf invitee and In your statement of assets and lis - (Society sine It 111we under the neve gent was guilty of conduct unlacom width of three-quarters ,-f an lach , on lolllties you have a plant, after depr - chatter last April. AUhough now op- Ing a barrister and. solicitor, "1n that wile), the Ten ('omma•slnmentr am In elation, valoid at $02,000, on which IR erating as an incorporated body. It he stole *ecurlties, the property of his scrtiarl. The w,uvenlr W a RIR from_corticol the following lslvrance: Fire, had k the nslt pity I k the The t li lies wa made poasfbk' still retains Nose relatiotu.hlp with the .((cuts, and win' duly concreted there- I his sister, Mrs. .Owen-. in l'hicago, carried holler casualty, 15,000; e1e- of having the man I.:ne former col- • door. It was a.cer:s:tred the mar- througl. a IN'yneet of :Le late John county. The flnrnee and shelter mm- fore and sentenced to a term in Ito- I valor indemnity, 1.i,00u 11Q,00; hos- show ► arrested; etre rate yens badpt I Mu io made Up of member! of the l OMMENCEMENT TONiGHT l,auudera had not reached( the front rt Mflltau. m pal.+ogment. pita( servttie indemnity, 45,000415,000. showers their conBdknre in him by ♦ --Victoria and Central piddle schools As your statement l' low,, 0tive ekntlnR him at etre herd of the polls The [bird break -:a at Clinton dace CHiEF ENGINEER AT MG llfilii ON THE SI;IPPERI IHIGHWAI rwi%l hold joint .c�.nfinemceml•nt exe•r- of the store. Xothiu was stolen. executive and thr9e members ofhie enmity council. � tiny+' your stat seer was 0,, cul gain. "They exsect somethin[ of me and I Freda was effected on 'fu.'*la night��" ' else* at North menet United, church aathat Friday y .lames F. Smith, .o. mealy with Treasurer A. 11. Ktr*kine -repeife An icy highway tu••k it., toll In ' fi,IDri lust year. The number of foa- intend to gine wy expleoation to the when' thieves gained en•rance to the the Ford Motor Compent nt Toronto, the core of operation from April let witaor motor mishaps on Suwlay night. Itnatght, when torllre 'e otrd cconae-I Heats treated was 32S .Heal•*t 522 people." °dice of the Mustard Coal CempanY I who ha•e been aypotnt.vl chief cued' i'tb t.trsmdoet•--241b this ppeaY wu when there were two r,s kknl*, cutive year, the Robert Park memorial ' Iasi year. The total cash rasirlpea:.. Deputy Itecre Turner +old the town and attempted to fore, open the tete. leer of the local Mut of the W*•stern i 7311. This coast, raid Mr. Erskinei h 1*, - eilnls wife be prPssmiid frr tare btry*. was out 1:'i($) on the snorter. "Mr. V e 111 cirexk, on a half -tine. 4relch in entre 112.073, against 111.2lfast year. Pollee report It wee an Amateurish I Canada Flour Mille Co., sue•.•.•dace ; mom: 14'. favorably telt' that of pre- Goderlch. I Tire wfnraers thin yvev "lit. James Til. were co+(Per (again per day was 12.ar. 67, ()roll should give use the retort be• j„p, the hinge. being smashed off and 1.(ieurge• oaten, arrived In Guch'rich 00 el ears. Peri -facial Constable P. E. McCoy I livens, of 1'iclorla whuol, Hud Jrmtr totaling $2.49 fur the previous year. promised." ettt•nrptw being made to pry open the Monuay to take over the job. Mn 1 All phneea .f the work were outlined was called to lavestl;WU• an accident Mcllwatn, of .Centra: school. Our revenues have been materially The Itlnportant QtTsfierr door with a bar. Tlo• safe etitt*iued�.L yytp ,u, wIw resigned w return to a mnrlw•ly by Saperintendrnt 11. T,. Ed- ue.r the C.N.H. crowing on blgbway Tyr In charge are entertaining a decreased In the town and. county Mayor M:u•Rwan--" ---We know far paper* and bookie but no carb._ a_,,poe ion he formerly held *1te Goldie wards. wee gave the number of call last-minute hope that VI. tor LaurlAtoty 6 more about the matter thin Mr. CroM,1 It was the ..coat hue. within a,IT 1411. t3 end when he war returning to [nuts, which makes It c n.iderabiy • McCullough at Galt, is remaining ;end interviews he has undertaken this bra home he ea umr filen another asci -?demos at the medals, will IN* abbe to licence to reale.* our .ktleilla,* ' deer Time important glmestlon 4 ?Air tiles.'* had ta.i iesh iia' pmmis.A• with lir. Smitlethis week. He prole year. There are sixtt-seven warden! I Ti gicesent' - dent, at the iMerres•tion of Elgin (hath seriously entered our rials whether we should {oared in a rill', `-71;7A-Z--R-- DANCE _ +i,_bly alll leave for Galt next Recon. I the Soci••1y in t1.' lrbnnty and Mx Inverwe and Toronto screen. F'eryr c�rai in taking away our vice-chairman and Aust roe the recovery of the halapc'e. I M. 0. 0. D >irR_DANCE I ehildrw.. hofs and girls, in the shelter. 'tlgureti la the armies. "CRANKED" FIFTY YEARS Councillor Huck ins spoke 01 two. men - THE WEATHER ---<---- chairman of gave u M. George WIl- from tete .trflubonding mmpan7 �^ were The first mildew ere uncal when 14ms, who upstunttdly of. h1. Sere Ott the time of the trial) with a -Brilliant B•dalsaeniwt Leet 1Wdt Ttemp•rature+ of the Inst week and COLLECT WOLF BOUNT' Thos. Anderson, returning to hie home Jobi. S. Platt Will Have First Tek- experience, judgment aqd guidance 1n of but -were not- *eked- at Memoir Te epk of -the __corresponding -week of -list -veer, I on Cambria road,. a(temp,cd to n,s,. n phone on the New fiysten the .several matters of tuyestt)ent and to testify. I t R Ma1938 1935x Min. Mas. Min. to 1nAI vhaek'eiofna 110., w7s•nt into the preliminary work le the Bell Tele- "'"-TAnir num WIT t a -meta' r - ttnt"' ieieetle ' R Cirenrlllor Humber •tttprets.ed tlre.,]LaMpic Tt�yle, where the Menxeetun Co County pl, meaCum Company's , \Ionnemv ,It 1• of Mia lT� if, Horton, who Aar maty ybegan I 3 opinion that the tritL'watr "a perfect !Canoe Club was bolding it,. enamel Merwin Tatkln, a Clinton, slid 6ear f t y'' a Old p yYear was a valued member of the dinner dnlxe to inaugurate Ore Club's ., Nov. 19 iii 15 42 38 I chum, Kennett stews/0. d ILR. 0, 1 by Wm. Saunders anal dr;ven 1.c INN eluding the ln.4allatkon of "ventral'.1+boii'd, partir i1 of the boof+e_ed _ 4ase!' Fri., Noy. *211 47 3i �2 . 89 MaaKey. No one wean hart enrF .yam I enlace, which had to do with the Ir The Mayor oti*erced :het the town s.N'Lel OWN 4011. )tvrl. r+ of the t'h/o Sat., Nov. 21 .. 47 31 39 32 Clinton. received a 30 -bounty from i•11l•rgv,': otherwise known as the com- atrd th!(r ladies, 'to the numbed of . , (Soupy Treaatter A. El. F:r*kine on age Ra« r11R't, being confirmed t^ battery sywtenm .which will dal, terror operatiow of the plant ; the*, as- crumpledcouncll had nothing to do with the ,oer one hundred, Keno xnstel tier Sun., Not. 2'2 y 33 ° i Tuewdny for tie pelt of a wolf t'hpy fenrrlvre on bulli otlri' and away with the crank-be,l contact with Ialty, one Ot the most valued members tete(. Mon., Nov. 23 ....,,'JII 12 J1 22 Councillor Ha Nobwly was to table. In the assrnrey hall omni er killed last week while hunting three edamxRed steering gear on the car chic- central olnds•. we have had, Qtr could !pope to hon, • blame but time Crown." I joytd A luscious turkey dinner. Songs �" Nov. "" 15 I entice ?Pori the mouth of the ilaydIeid 1 en b> MacKay. • Th.' first unit un der the new system I Mr, T. G. l.'+,anon; who dcteai ae seer '- The dlerbal•lon wax dropped at *41.o Meakin at111it1_to the tear Wed„ O. 23 Cars from Mitchel ,end Clinton e, 1„ is, Iu,gaUcd lu the home d John I tory taut! the formation of the *ion y *Met - bp -Chas. _._-__ :_....•_ctie Rhrr. . Tbe pelt has been seat to,To }a1 Aarpelat print and the council went Into con -1 ere d the diners. later the -r SLIPPERY ROADS MAKE TROIBLE it^oto Ko that. time ttNln3 encs receive wire Involved In the wooed nd, tthek; plat Tii`re r Ruittu•! mi. --n . At 'k i was de11* "III10," at wp oI In which was co hlereble dam- Sewih.,4rvset Thee :alt4fp: work- nevermlttee of the whole. 1 s ire , Ithe forty per cent, rebate from the °t` lmeing the oldest contlnuiipe telepilritme i ccs will ttr._furgntte•. The*. All the members were present. 1 two-hour play, the Prlreer' Iveeee_ n When it was una.hle to get ,'.j 'cent Govern nt. i age. Both carr even around 'On the mfr-rorllie•r In (irakrlch. It was in A letter from the aecretary of the I• be Meat ID. D. Mooney and Mr.. W11- tra tion on the Icy atelier of ',harbor I The fent wolf )wants pnid out of 'ley highway, and Lloyd Sehoenhals, 1*440 tint Mr. ('lett had time teleyhur,t, breaches hire been mtut'-bey--rte oint- GodPrtch Musical Society extended anJ Ulm' Bisset, the coins'.:anion await --bill road ow, Wohre�sday morning, • the Ireasurer'r office e herr was In 1933, I an .av tttwtut of the (vllnt„n ear, w'AR Ilmstalhvl-in hlr uttO' at. the ['lett reit melt ut -a Gvd_erieh Doff' Mr. LJ. W. invitation to the eounell to attend the- dig to tiro. A. J. s'u"iy and Mt. liege .hell 011 trailer *kidded back- Ito Fritz Gemeinhardt, of Rayileld. At teat on the fate by Rthultered alas.. Leak when' the M*Itheral Rolf coarse I Craiife, as chairman Of finance: we band banquet on Theft.+Any evening +[ Howard .McNee. wards 1:00 feet down the bill wl(h ; nt time the prlce'on a wolf wax 125. I Crumpled fenders, a broken window 1„,a.is. (alien it, was remocrd to hIR I have been fortunate In securing the this week. The le 4 item on the program was brakes locked and barked over the' Int hunt of the refloat youths. was or two and body deal* were (4141ex-,on Yfrturla atn•eet. ,Rovers of Charles K. Saunders as Appreciation of the Invitation a dancing, which was enjoyed to the sidewalk to erne to rest against the � vt'llsatik, to Ray the leaf[. Thep j tent of the damages, to. the ears'. It IR expected' the project will 1.e I (Continued on page 4 i txprPeFwv1. and as many as p►srtMld' hair ill tee Illack.+t^nv orchertra. sloe of the hill. There was no dam- 'darted Mt with dolt' and light am- mpleted.by•April let °ext, ut which the nwmh re *ill attend the hangtalf. The Club committee In •herse of tit! •ge. The truck safely made the tits- � monition to hunt fox. hot were vide- I t; A. 1. P. A. ILLY time there will he a lilt(. .cnonohp1 FIRE IASPECTOR NILR6, Extension of Tows >la�ie• .sent. which was unanimously voted cent on a second try after the rued�ttycked wheat their .1 gR twared a tin Tuesday night Albert Shore, io mark the 4Nca,AOn. 1 Interested psleetrlans rmdoristerod A letter from Town I oItcitor D. It a great aueeea were Ernest J. Prld' was "ended. I rabbit into a' thicket. The toys im- : president of the A.l' I' A. of St. The men' un Mbmlar began the Isle' shoppers gave up their I ',mediate plans - :•fatrn wi. with reference to the pro- ham, A. L. Cole, W. .1. Raker, H. J. An unknown driver enc.ed up against , mediately gave chase And were bent-' George's. chnrch, welcomed more than and nn!kergre )d cable work 011 East , oft Tuesday afternoon to watch the lo-, 1" to lxtrnA the bgeesdltkw-wt the Geller and Ja+. W.-1FncVlcar. a tel hone pole on Kingston *treet lag, *be bush when a wolf trews! Info; one hundred member, or ow d,ti.,10, street, Victoria rtrr?t and e'audorle calx Ilre brigade •[tach live lines of .ttbe same morning, when hie car got view, When they recovered from their •; h?anchee of the A.Y.i' A tLrouEhont 'Yeyd. bene to fit -draft* atetwal, the - stare -, losers. Me. NTat[n'e opinion was t• `1101 of coulee( on the slippery y1 -II-, RBrprie- both tan.", tired and hit the iHtP Deanery (t Itunon. at Pt got hrrin(<,i, _plrY the streams intSourt House role-hent--war-ve-ledulf--a> + would he by apeelaI art of Paella-� TREASURE TROVE !1 'filmic --dinette wad wy,lf. , abler mllaprPrl. They were et the piriith hill. The rrrrarion wM The dict ler New- land 7�.kap'-erne eh. meat. malt _ taking no Arens•..' and each pimped I an invitation get-togeteer at wht('h I lit ..f the lire upderwrittrs. The Mayor wggeatad some steps that two men .hepta Into the !alien animal Atte memtorntM of the Go•4•rich branch �✓ THIS DULL TOWN s /►VN R 1M Axl' SUPPER , before venturing near it. ,' were hosts. The visite:'. rep rettenterl MAY CHAN1`G* *DATES greatly from cold and exposure. Irhe. kltbou was a trim little craft, drat occurred at the door of Dr. A. H. Prospects for Winter Fleet of the financial result. of the hospital Taylor's offer near th. Square. I Although 1t 1s too early to make a i t„r {east year, I might sty that definite statement as tb the preamble I the number of patient.. tr•eeted, 61118, HUGGARD DISBARRED 1 cis. of the tinter fleet this year, of- I is m iahtly more than the haat year we John J. Huggard, former Seatorth 11kiuts at the harbor say It will be I have had, that la, 1936. The receipts lawyer who last week was taken to I small. The W.C.F.M. , Is expecting I are down about 1!2,000, partially on se- Costello's ''tattling' remarks regard- ,containing a number of ...Aline, which Rev. H. A. Mellott, confidently expects tog the Johnson audit. 11 the audit myreely would h e wotl.:ng to ragged the Bret server will be eonehrctad wee no good to the court It was DO1mary.a, therein on 1)ecemtw• 13th. The gone) to tM• town, although the town i The thieves gained entrann• by foundation of this compact little place had paid for 1t. Ile (Councillor . apasbing a window in the leek door of worship was laid only two months Hut-kin/0 taken responsibility of the shop andthen un oc ins ago. .e building s • coold'be taken tb peo;•_ct the town a interest,' at the harbor, Rod the colt- Thirty -tire years ago three spinster More than four Mm,lrrvl poer*eas eu- Th, Meas[ was • large gray btu*h Barfield, SPA forth. iSrlsw•la add • letter wen referred to mm -Judged moved Into an zp*rtment on joy& t114' annual -e supper and wort. and by the teeth ;t was jwlgeef WlnRham. With Mr. shore on the -Nothing doing In tl.l. noon," ,did the Square. Soon atter, when sen- concert at Vicb yrreet. 1'ultedtform were the aresldeu(R or vbit• we hear somcnue wy? Proposal from Tervwli airfare Sid e duce of the whole council. to 1.P an old one. iia t• Hama Weds Ihnieutive ,%1 It ettloro t.ir tlulldlnR per 1. friends had called. the sisters ,gannet on Theadap betting under the Wild lite am(tMt the Lrgel an[mnla Ing ses•iMle*. Phe rciortr•r s gots amok would till were sPM to the fire inmmittee: F unci two bills on the Boor, cone -Qui- stnepi•e. of the Women's Aeso:latlon, s'0D) to M• getting.rrrre plaatlfnl In . Rash of the vtalling branches eon- a different story. 'Take this week At the niss•titrg of the tial Horne shlnglInst dwellings of Chas. Seeger, lar bill and a twenty-BcP oe•nt "shin- of which Mies ICcrtI u 1' Worthyis Heron count[•, for *Ores psevlenwly ' tribntcdP towards an enntertaining pro- for example Mirk exeentivc fen Mondayme6t, a Llfhthnu*e tenet : Mr.. Watson. St. plaster. ` Tiley tacked the money In president. heti Man reported at; Renmlller and ;Ream es follo*R: RenforIti, coca( Mondayter•tlnR of *1,P Old Home 'wowed' from the Huron old !loyal of Georpee (trwwnt; ]era. Hlaston. Brn•e a parse to await word from n claim- The pastor, Rev. A R. Moorhotiee'Grarwl fiend, and Oi►ilAiet i►ati kitMt' dnef hr Misses Huth Fox neat Mary Week Pxecutivc, Toronto for a change le the d.1te*, in t etN,P. end for garage at Dr. J. M. pot and scop f(tRot shoutIt. presided during the program, which by a dog near Anhi,rn The dole did Holme*. and Vero solo, "The hells 'Flue/day llosl.ital A....elation etatio an- order that the civic hotohty . %nam[ F1eltFd., Ligtvthouse at'eel. last week -end they were moving began with an address try Rev. J. F. front its Injuries. A sidlleat atm was I of St. Mary.," by Mies ,Io.ephlne 1:dge, nnnl meeting. SnpIN•r et Victoria' ' nal t may be the last 4..y in- ••ad of -' .. An akeleafbn from A. E. Colborne MR. effects from the ap•trtreent which dieycraft, of Stntfurd, ,h forme? mine wen In the Pinery 'tont§. of Grand ; in a heti all Joined. lu the claret; etr,et ['tilted church. 11a• first of the a eleohratk,n, a .. eon- Direreen of Victoria street f ra•h, tither I iirnsnweiij muds( madiu+t by Mks ♦ 3. wedue+wlas- MettesMnr,g ram* (Tub eldend. Derb+ton w•a+ neo . e to , o wslaum.. Meeting of CT ilaroD'e the nassomeeldnR- at whichrepretPenta- • tax, an he was In hualnPee ery..Hfie,'i%'6 tber t'41 OP it d the forRtttten items .,t, the peoteeli a*i?r'1'7rttatkiflit f'ileytwan, tdvrdmmtMn'Pd'hy of monilia. was referred *0 the enewee. parse with Its tittle hoard of money. by !toward Aitken, violin sN.rtlon* CAR LOCKED Araham: it,nylfeel, coral Anet by Afy( Soe1ety. •Wes the horse• racing aws•fatloa Tt* MIM now are aeone or leap by like Mabel Brownlee, .olos by Mrs, The • frdlrorn. towns!,ip mall was l Mlseew Muriel ends 1,111' an Elliot. di* 1'ttnrrdap -- Goderlch SIu*Ic l 11oclety are aesltavt to be pregen mmnm d tt ce. A letter from CFRT1 hrooeAoa*tintR curios, for the doljir hill la a Tkomin- E. Cranston of At. Ear, R, Mia Muriel held' np for soma ftttite ..n WPrfinee•Nny I (ecrmpwnesl by firs, W. G. )!Inhee; anneal me,tlnR and humane .--Pate, B. H. Met'resth, pwnn.{,wnt member rotation asking for data weeding the Ion of Canticle bane nt Rte WilfredI Moorhens. and Mr. Ralph Ilvncferson, morn�}R when fire mad. -carrier. Atdon Winghanm. fte.'ordion solo by Mita Cora. 14e whool .'ommeneement. 4 . Of the Huron 4V1 Roe: Aaao.-tatJoo rtlwn and a brief memoir.. from from file laurier's time, dated Mareb a1.lime. and a duet by Mise M,,nrhmee and , Allln, ,sled A. T. iwmh. of ('olhorne Mair. Friday - Muni 1pa1 n.eminntt(ii evict n� Toronto, was added to the extern- Mayor. 40 heIn a two*Acawt on The fare of the b111 contain,/ a central Yr. Ilenderron. Ae*'•mpanl*te were towrishIp, )(Mend fender.. stele driving ' Her. .\. (•: ('alder, of Nt. George's Ing. (lite. e, ti • TltMatt*,r. `(nom • r 24tH, woo left In pk•tnre of iumberjaek.4 etralning et yrs. Elliott, of M1t1.. ;. who also 1 along near Cnllrnrne renwtwry, Farb ehureh,, end Rev. W G. hurler of dtas•- This takes no mune of the e tf iia The Toronto Old Moya prep.).* a tlr batiks, of Ch eve-. loge with PP, 414,11, flanked by pictures pleyorl'weceral relecNom. and Mina' driver was she'd of the /now elite( , fleh1, ('*non E. Appleyard of Seef(rth chnrch and mnetoty meetings. p Vats brine np the 444141 Highlaveless hand, AM almpjkwfMn rnm Mrr. Chea. R. of Turd *nd lardy Aberdeen, with a M„orhfne. I ditch and paid fiver cierit attention and Rec. J. GraMm of itn,wels all social gatherings, ptetti*c theatre, sod and they promise a big r.preaeLewt$ all tar - Mild for 9* prmr*ltlon of relief otlke'r pleture of the (maw* Parliament The event was a distinct memos and , to nneoming trotter, *ith the result epoko briefly. other' affair*. from the city for the holiday weeh- y NMa out to the .4w*'imI ,1ommlttte. Iwmlidingre nn the revere, aide. on Wednesday afternoon the remain- , their ear. crashed, smashing front I The hoot. end Are/homes then *erred Yes, there t* "something dotes" Ili awl, eap'ct*tlp It the date* are ir- .....-.rderin-."mined dated October The '•hhlnpta*$et" 1* *fill otdtk,yhTI lag fowl we* Peeved 10 a large nom-' wheel* and fenders sod bending the' a flee Innchwon. Otte %bleb dancing Go4Prl4•h every day of tb! week 0 roma! to bringthe moire vreear•,4. • (Continued on page til log dated 51*wh tat. MO. .. �`ec.(1.r'bo.l camels 111=10 A ltlln's car. ►win.ajuy.d,In Nal-�raii, iy(u want And tt. f_ jvrttitin the cedMntfon-perloa• 14 40`,, I * y OWN* �E s*i.r`rc*+, rcr., . - �;et i 7Iy . ' 41111 od - -•t *.1 4'