The Rural Voice, 1979-12, Page 8pound by mail from the southernU.S.A. Twelve years ago a 2 -pound package containing a queen and her retinue cost $5 - now the same package is $25 to $30. "Inflation has affected us too", he said. "I remember when honey sold at 2 pounds for 45c and now the empty pails alone cost 45c." When people come to purchase honey, they are also interested in how that honey was obtained. Rosemary Ferguson con- ducts an average of one group of school children or other interested parties around the apiary every two weeks. She is also receiving more and more invitations to speak at schools and women's meetings about honey, the earliest sweetner known to man. Thank you notes from the children are displayed on one wall in the honey house. "I enjoy those notes," Rosemary smiled, and pointed to one which said "Thank you for the honey, it must have cost a bit of money" and another that proclaimed "Roses are red, violets are blue, but your honey isn't as sweet as you." The Fergusons are quite content with Bill's chosen profession, which keeps them as busy as the proverbial bee. Mink A luxury fur BY ADRIAN VOS When driving from Mitchell to St. Mary's, many prosperous farms line the county roads. The well kept houses and barns show pride of ownership. On several of these farms there are odd-looking buildings. They are lowsided and the sidewalks are open to the air, and without windows. These are mink sheds where the cousin of weasel, polecat and fisher is raised for his valuable pelt. John Nairn, 36, and his wife Gail, with their three sons, Danny, 10, Brent, 8, and Greg 4, own two of these sheds, each containing cages for 1975 mink. The cages are in long rows with one mink in a cage. John Nairn is visibly proud of his mink and has reason to be, • for last year one of his mink drew the top price of $66 at the auction sale of the Hudson Bay Company at Pointe Claire, P.Q. All his mink are beautiful black aleutians. There are many other colours in mink, from the natural brown mink, that is marketed under the trade name "Majestic" to a pure white. Mr. and Mrs. Nairn have just completed a week of grading the mink to determine which ones are to be kept for breeding stock for next year. In this they have been assisted by a grader from Hudson Bay, who provides this as a service to mink ranchers. It is a big job, for every potential animal must be taken from its cage and the fur examined. The underfur must be thick and the outer fur, or guard hair, must be long and glossy. It takes an expert to do the grading. After all possibilities have been determined, they must be compared with the breeding record. PG. 6 THE RURAL VOICE/DECEMBER1979 John Nairn handles his mink with leather gloves The mink are handled with thick leather gloves and even then a big male may bite right through it. Since they are related to the skunk, they do have a gland that excretes a musky odour. The smell is readily detected when entering a shed. The Nairn sheds are 250 ft. x 30 ft. and cost $10,000 to build three years ago. Adding the cages at approx. $3. - a piece, makes for the cost of a shed and its furniture about $16,000. In addition there is a feed room and a pelting room needed. The feedroom contains a walk-in freezer, a large grinder, a feed auger, a mixer and a feedcart. The pelting room has a skinning bench; a fleshing machine that scrapes the fat off the inside of the skin with rotary rubber scrapers and a vacuum pump; cleaning drums to clean any outside grease off the fur; and different sizes of stretching boards where the skins stay until the leather has sufficiently dried. The breeding begins in March, when most females come into season. One male is kept for every four female mink. Breeding appears to be a violent affair, for the female fights wildly against the male. This excitement is need in order to release the ova for fertilization. In April the young are born. Everything around the sheds is kept quiet during that time for it has been reported that in a panic of startled fear some females have killed their young. The average litter size at the Nairn ranch is 3.7 kits. John said