HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-19, Page 8B --Thursday, November 19th, 118S THE SIG — GObERICH, ONT. ASHFIELD • CHRUITMAIS ORAERK tem *ADN 81'00121 laid cuss 1, a11d lire, T. J. Lannon and Lya1 .fillEef Parkhill awe London friends re the weekend. E 10 upialNarga Ilamattl Street t: leer Pictures For Priers, Weddraja.lied all other Gift Ilkestslutel. :suttees,' give. tasty lasting pleswsre is a good Pkture. Beautiful Christmas Pictures W. have the very Infest In •'Photo Frames. Picture Framing our speciality. —3— Smith's Art and Gift Sure EAST ST. PHONE 1211 I "Diamonds and Hearts)' Three -act Comedy Drama under the ■tisplce...4 VICTORIA HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB La__.-____ MacKA Y 0a, THURSDAY Nov. sad HALL 1.9 FRIDAY and 20 at 8.15 p.m. Admission Adults 30c Children 15c Proceed. for Manual Training DEANS-- JOR RELIABLE, MODERN Dry Caning and Dyeing Free Pickup and Delivery 48 -Hour Service . G. W. LAITHWAITE, Local Representative PHONE 80 GODERICH Saturday Specials! PRIME BABY BEEF Round Steak lb. 17c Sirloin Steak Ib. 17c Wing Steak lb. 17c Choice Boiling Beef ...Ib. 9c Shoulder Roast ...lb. 12%c Pure Pork Sausage Large Bologna YOUNG POR,' Fresh Picnic Hams ..1b. 16c Lean Shoulder Roast .lb. 18c Fresh Ham Roast ...Ib. 21c Loin Roast lb. 23c Fresh Side Pork lb. 18c lb. 18c 2 lbs. for 25c LEGG'S MEAT MARKET Phone 488 We Deliver Hamilton Street vsmosmit BRIEFS I Rebekah rummage sale In Oddf- lows' liall Saturday. November 2141, at 1.'c) p.m. The Go terich Collegiate commence- j, peeut wIll be heli Friday. Decent11, In the lecture room of Knox churc Ilaserve December 3rd and* 4th see the play' 'The Strike of the fhurj Weenen'ts Guild" In St. George'.+ l.8 hall. Adwiesion Sec. ' The Victoria Hume and School is asking for donation. of old c tng, underwear, etc., :o e7 Made' Tor children attendient the eel Article may be left at the how e Kra F. 13. Riley, 6 Church street, Ili convener of the t'futes welfare mlttee. • • • ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Jas. T. Austin, who fyrme%lt conducted a barber .bop on Hamilloti street, takes pleasure In informing bis old friends and customers that he his removed to the Gsduich Beauty Par- lor and Barber Map, 18 West street, where he will be pleased to give ton- sorial requirements at the following popular prices: Hair Cit 25e, Shave 15e, 13..tpsa Lye up Facial Massage 35e u!► Seal. Massage Ise. br er 1. !pf • QUARANTINE LIFTED Dr. J. B. Whitely, Y.0 H., announces that the school, church end community hall at Hnlmeevllle, w•bh•h have been dosed the last two weeks owing to an epidemic of scarlet fever. will be re- opened next week. Thirty-eight cases of fever were reported In the town- ship, among the eleven adults being the Holmesville school teacher. There are now at least two cases of scarlet fever in Goderich, both pe- daloes being adult" a the one home, which ;s quarantined. GODERICH MARKET PRICES P Hens. 6 lin.. iers c!.., 12e. Eggs and Batter • Rue per dozen, 3l1c--40e; butter. dairy. lb, 20e; better. ereatiey, .. Live Sleek Bacon hogs, ewe., $7.50; beef. lb., 4c -5e; veal, 1b., 7e; lambs, lb., 7c. Grain Wheatper bus., 90e; -93c; buck- wheat, bus., 50c -60e; oats, 40e --42c; feed barley. bus., 55c -65c; malting barley, 1.3e -90e. Vegetables Potatcws. new, 90e—$I Flow and Feed Bran. inO-Ib. bag. $1.5.x; shorts, 100 - lb. bag, $1.6.5; Manitoba flour, 100.1b. stag, $3--$3.50. The Signal to January Est, 1908, for $1.5.1 to new subselebera. Come and get your share of these excellent baking needs and be assuredof excellent results . . . and at such low prices, too. - Red Bar iPgs .! 5 New Season's illistemmeat 2 lba..25 Quaker CORNFLAKES ! 184....1 OVALTINE Small Med. Large sec SS* Iec Kota SALMON 3 Tms .25 FRY'S COCOA Tinb .19 Aa.t Jena.. Pascals. FLOUR Pkg. .1 5 OY Coleay Maple Syrup R16 -or. otel, .44 ICING SUGAR CURRANTS 29c 2 x•..15 2 lbs..2 5 PUMPKIN --iIIlervlati r .43 EGGSFresh Med. Grade dos 37c BAKING PDR. DOMINO Tiob .17 aRewstre.'s Ceakig 1/3 -lb Cake WEDDINGS GEMOMETTE-STEN' ART 4 quiet *editing was .ulemulsed at Bl. Ktehael's Cathedral, Toronto, on tie May, November 7, wire Miss Ivy tel let, only daughter of Mrs. Ruby St t;tt. was united In marriage to La "Leh sou of Mr. and M ooh Geromette of Goderich. *Re . John Fullerton performed the cerenteny• • • • ANDERSON-1:I1UNT .t wedding in whim wavy Goderkb people are Interested took place at It. Marys, Ont., On November 11th, when Mee Marion Grant, Jaughter of Mrs. Barbara Grant and the late David Grout of that town, bovine the bride of Wilbur F. C. Ande:von, of Ottawa, son of the late Rev. James A. and Mrs. Anderson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. B. F'aruey at St. James church. The bridegroom spent his boyhood in Goderich, his father being the well -loved and well. remembered Waterier of Knox church. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will reside at Ottawa. . • • ALLI ON-1411EPHAW) A quiet fall wedding was solemnised at Pine River on Thursday evening last, when Mies Margaret Esther Shep- hard, daughter of Mr. Chas. Shephard, Newgate street, Goderich, and the Late Mrs. Shephard, was u.:ted lu mar- riage !lrGeorge- -Hkktey Allison -40m youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ' .Ulieon, Cameron street. Goderlcb. The youug couple motored to Pine Ricer from their homes here, to b* unihvl In marriage by Rev. J. C. Nich- 1 oloou. The newlyweds Spent the week -end In Goderich and then mo- tored to Windsor, where they will attend two weeks. They will return to live iu Goderich. OBITUARY FOR SALM MIIi(. JOHN PU'RVE8 Frk.4 C 1n Goderich learned ty'ltb IMPS of the death of Yrs. Margaret !l. McIntosh Purves, wife of Jules Perms Purunto. which occurred' late Sunday night at the ;tome of her daughter, Mr'. A. G. H, cry, 341 Craw brook avenue, Toronto. Yrs. Purves was a resident of lluderieb for about twelve years and wee an weave work- er In North 4reet Fulled church. She had been In 111 -health for some flue before her death. Mrs. Purees Is survived by ber hus- bend, one daughter, Mrs. Hovey, and one eon, Jack 1►. Purves. of the edi- torial staff of The Canadian Obeerver, Sarnia; one brother, James McIntosh of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and two sir ters, Mlssee Jean and Christina Mc- Intosh e-Intosh of Kitchener. Born In Scot- land, Mr.. Purves came with her par- ents to Toronto, where she spent her early life. Atter llvitg In Goderich ter some years she removed to Strat- ford and later took up residence with her daughter In Toronto. The funeral took place at Toronto on Tuesday afternoon, the 'service be- ing conducted by Rev. II. a. Clugston, et Manor Road United 'Luree, assisted by Rev. C. C. Washington, ut Fair- lawn Uultdd cburch. Toe pallbearers were five nephews, Robert Melntpsh, John McIntosh, Ion Brown, Dr. G. V. Morton, all of Toronto, Allah McIn- tosh of Hamilton, and a sonrtn-law, A. G. Hovey, Toronto. Interment was In the McIntosh plot at Mount Pleasant cemetery. Relatives from a wase who attended the eluded Norman Puree., of St. Paul. M(nn., Jack Purves of Sarnia, Miss Elsie ilclntostl of Sieustead, Que., James McIntosh of Niagara Falls. Mr.. De G. McIntosh and Ms +e. Jean anti Cbrlstiue McIntosh of Kitchener. • • • BELL -i TRANG - Tbe marriage of Mies Rose Innes Strang. eldest daughters of the late Dr. H. I. Strang and Mrs. Strang of Gud- elch, to Mr. Frederick H. Bell, B.A., of Harrow, Ont., was solemnized by Rev. F. W. elilmour, at Elmwood Pres- byterian church, London, on Friday afternoon last. The bride had re- cently returned to her home here after spending nearly two years in Europe. The brldtgroom was a teacber on the staff of the Windsor Collegiate In- ,etttute until his retiresome years retirement some Miss Mabel Strang accompanied 'her sister at the wedding ceremony. lir. and Mrs. Bell are epeuding a abort ;time at the bridegroom's bome at Har- row before going to Florida for the winter. • . • CR0814-WAY I The wedding took place at London on Saturday, November 1 ttb, of Gladys Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva I W. Way, Kippen, to John Robert ;Cross, B.A., eon of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Crow of St. Thomas. The ceremony • !was performed by Rev. Mr. Olmsted of }erten street Baptist church. The bride wore an autumn eoetnme of brown triple sheer crepe with matcb- a¢ accesenilee', and a eelckn Marina crest bandeau, and carried bronze Per - net rosea. They visited) Detroit and the Border Cities on their honeymoon trip and will reside it Highgate, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. ('res are beth regio_ tered teacbere In the i'rovince of (en- teric., Mr. Craw being a high school .pecialist in ',cleave, mnthema sad language., _.• _... • • • ('OLBORNE -UA\ MAN,.-. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ihtyman, Kippen. was the scene of a pretty wedding on 8srurday, Novem- ! ber 14th, when their only daugtter, !Beatrice Elizabeth, was united ._ln imarriage to Mr. Edwin Keith Col- • , borne, .on of•Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Co1- Iborne, of Goderich. Rev. E. F. Chand- ler, of St. Andrew's United church, Ki c,. • n, officiated. Tee ceremony oo pace at high noun. 1'6e chilli- ,ing•brlde entered the room on the arm of her father, and too'. her place be- neath an arch of evergreen decorated with a large white bell and ferns, to the strains of the Loh. ngrin Wedding March played by her (opsin. Meta Velma Squire, of Exeter. The bride wore a petunia chiffon velvet tunic frock trimmed with wllver and a match- ing turban with nose veil, and silver slipper' completed her costume, Tbe bridal couple were unattended. After the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining -room, which was issu'tlfully decorated to green and gold with white. The table was centred with the brides, cake and a *lever vane of yellow chrysanthemums. Guests numbering twenty eat down to a sumpluunts hot thrice, dinner Nerved by thret•eltlrl friends of the bride, Miss Gladys Jarrot, Miss Eine Dayman and Miss Olive Smith. Tbe bride wn. the reclplent of many beautiful glfta, among whteh were sev- eral cheques. The groom's giet to the bride wan a sterling never bracelet and to the planist a silver bonbon dish. Later Mr. and Mrs. Colborne left amid a shower of confetti and good wishes. for an extended trip to Brantford, Windsor and Detroit. The hridea travelling drew. wan a two- piece red wool silt. Phe wore a brown fur eoat, silver hit and brown accessories to match.,On their re- turn they will residIn Goderich. The many ff%nde of the bride and groom join in extending to them beet wishet for their Wore happiness. ' atr•- - AUSTRALIAN SULTANA Raisins .lO. Recleaned Vale.. 'festive ..ea Nov. 21st. Lyon's L- A PerJectww LEMON OI )4 Ib. Pkt- 30e 12 -os. bot. L - 1St Bulk ROLLED OATS - - Ro. fen Red Maraschino CHERRIES 3 -oz. bot. 104 Good Grads BROOMS • - each 331 s X X X X Q.ek.r Brawl Whtta Sethi iour 141. 1 •99 WHITE CELERY HEARTS 10c "" 67 Bag ri THE START OF A GOOD MEALI • EXTRA LARGE HEAD LE1"TTII01 8c .aeli s ,;re lir F 1 Ekt4, d SIbR.i.-11TRANrI \t F,lmwotd Pres- byterian church. IAendnn, Ontario, On November 13th. by the Rev. F. W. Gilmour, R.A.. Ito.* Inn.., deugbMr of the tate D►r. and Mr.. ((ugh intim Strang, of feeler -lets. to Frederick H. Bell, B.A., of itsrrow, (Lirfhrie•-. A MASON--SillePl1A RD.—At Pine River nn Tbnrsday, November 12, IIMMI, by the Rev. J. C. Niebolaos, Margaret /hither, daegliter of (rhes. HOUSE PVR SALE.—TWO.8TORY brick bowie uu esebvu street. Fight rooms and bathroom. good location Would exchange for Iatugalow or Cut Use. Apply at SIGNAL. OFFICE. TO REN? r,OR RENT.- t,X)MFORTABLiO MOD - a /MN house. Central. Furnace and conveniences. el. W. HOWELL USE TO Its NT.—F'1tAllee MOD- ERN conveniences.- Garage. PL - ton street. ' Avallable for December 1st. FRANK MARTIN, Tellor. VETERINARY SLJIGEON DR. G. E. MYERS, V.8.. VETERINARY SURODON Graduate of the University of To- ronto and Ontario Veterinary College. Office at T. T. Mnrpay's, Itamilton street. Phones: Day 206; reeldence 24OW. AUCTIONS/M NG THOMAS (WN'DRY, OODERIOII, LIVE 91100K AND GENERAL AU(TIONEEet Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' save notes dieeounted. WANTED BAYFIELD HAYFIELD, Nov. 18.- Mr and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer and Mr. and Mn. Roy $eo4chmer spent the week -end in Det colt. Mrs. A. R. Seeds, who conducted the Lakeview .betel during :he past lion- mer and fall, left on Sunday to spend the winter In Toronto. On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett left for Florida for the win- ter. Mrs. Weir, of London, 1s visiting her slater, Mr.. J. Tippet. Miss Lucy Woods, who i.a visited Rev. and Mrs. Paull. at Windsor, the past two weeks, returued home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Madsen and two children, of Lopdon, spent the week- end with Mrs. J. D.ri.on. Remem1raere Day.—Remembranee Day was observed In 1'aydeld with a brief service at the cairn in the Square, conducted by Rev. R. Y. Gale and Rec. W. G. 'Bugler. The 'chorale children and war veterana lined upl before the ealrn, with vlllagerw as- sembled behind, and Rev. R. Y. Gale reed a Scripture lemon and offered prayer, after which ertetbs.AO pop- pies were plaemi at the base of the cairn. Mini Maude St'rling presented the Provincee Government wreath and Mr. Y. Ross, village trustee, the Municipal wreath. Then followed two minutes of silence, after which was read the list of those slain to the Great War, and prayer was offered for their peaceful repose. The fol- lowing names are inscribed; Utes. Harvey Currie, Kenneth Currie, Ed- ward Adley, Robert McLeod, Arthur Clarke, Wilfred Toms, Allen IdeDon- a1d and 't`adet Victor Evans. Tie eklidven --sena "God Save the King" and Rev, W. G. Bugler, who took ebarge of the service, gt IV' a flee -m16 - ate exhdrtatton to greater service and sacrifice to keep'faitb with three who died for an ideal of peace which we bare %battered by our 'elfish greeds and hates. The Nervke terminated by analog "0 God, (fun llelp in Ages Past," and the bteeaalr.g. Satiny Meryl/gm-At Rt. Antiteew'e United church Oa Suodny lack the ming He hose as his subject "Repentance" en +tremed the thought' of repentance forwards Gal and won- dered If due plate was given in Ca'b dian life, In politics, society. bushiest and even relIgfoll. Is not our repen- tance more often the result of our woe than of ouren? In.tpe evening the serrice was keenducted by the Sal- vation Army, with Captain Bonner, of Clinton, to charge, °misted by Ad- jutant and Mr*. McTavish, of Lon- don. The (bptaln made a fine appeal to the people and created a aplendld spiritual atmosphere. Mr*. $rT'av- lah 'gave a most Iatetesting aeconnt oil her life and work in butte, where she and her htt4bend :glared for fif- teen years. She gave a most touch - Ing pietnr'' of the conditions of the hone life• the climate, food and re- ligion. of the people, the hardships and suffering which they endure, mak- ing nN all maitre more fully our teeming.. here and awnkening u% all to s greater interest In the cause of mla*Inns. The Adeiitant followed with a graphic story of hi* life and work among the lowest and criminal MMAAR of India. He told or thee being changed and wot4tover forleerlst amid almost hopeless conditicr,s. There «Rs a splendid attellance and the offer- ing went In slier of the Army. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS j. W. MO4T111114H, Chartered Accountant q9 Ontario street, Stratford, Ontario (Member Flrstbrook, McLeod,! Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) AVIATION AND MARINE RADIO OPERATING We •r. r' -'t'. 1a re ann.&r • law mor• cora MVP ter tr atnM in E. emend y the Dom .nt tea tet mad 2nd .o nrer•tix. nod/ Csmadis. ee /with and ch., tea th plea tea, r.. .r. get 'l_ n,I. Y_ '.Ire:. • e' • IMEIRGRADUATIN NURSE. -puha. VUtake ease. Rates reasonable. BOX 18, SIGNAL IAN WANTED FOR BA.WLEIGII route of S00 famtlleAt Write today. RAWLI)IG11'S, Dept. ML -2'16 -14A -K, MAI treaI. MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FOIRSTER, EYE, DAR. KOBE, THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as- sistant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Eng. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED '13 Waterloo Street 8., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford Hotel. Goderich, Wednesday, November 25th, from 2.30 till 9 p.m. only. 4 PUBLIC NOTI(S NOTICNOTICE OF ANNUAL MBDFLMI. E The annual meeting of the mem- bers of Alexandra Marine and Gen- 4ral Hospital will be held In-Ma.Yay Hall on Tuesday, Nocet„rer 24th, 1986, at 8 o'clock p.m., for receiving annual reports and other necessary business. CHAS. K. SAUNDERS, Secy. HURON COUNTY (T)t'NCIL The next meeting of Huron ooanty Council will ,be held is the council chambers, Court Home, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, December 1.t, 11936 at 2 p.m. All accounts, note•. of deputations I and other buaine's requiring atten- tion should be in the herds of th County ('lerk by Noremlwr ?Nth. J. Y. ROBERTS. C,,unty Clerk, Godericb, Ontario. P -NOTICE TO CREDITORS e cardlne; H. G. J.rmuth, R.11. 1. Born- holm. Polley -holders can make all pay- ments and get their card., reecipted at the Royal ]tank, Clinton: ('aloin Cutt'a Grocery, leimpeon street, Gcsierlcb, or J. H. tteid's General Sere, Rayfield. BOOKS vo. Christmas Gitis Bring our hat to es with enelosur'e cards, and we will mail any Fiction or Religious Book in Ontario. This see* you a lot of Worry. Cole's Book Store PHONE 91 GODERCH IfitgVIVICCWOOPetelelele LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMIES, Barrister, Etc. Office—Court House, Goderich. Telephone 35. DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor Office --Hamilton Street. Goderieb, Telephone 512. ERN EST M. LEE, Barrister and Stuleltor Sun Life Building. Adelclde and Vic- toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Eosin 5301. DRUGLESS PRACTTTIWNEs f H1RO!'Rd(7POR AND DRUGLESS r THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 »iutpped' with electro-magneticbaths. Electronic electric- treatments and chiropractic. Cbrenie, organic and nervous diseases. Lady In at- tendance. Once hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only,'or consultation may be had by appointment. Monday and Thursday at Mltebell. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and ones---4'orner of South street and Britannia road. INSURANCE. LOAAB. ETC. cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE 0O.—Farm and Isolated town property insured. Overs --Alex. Broadfoet, Presldent, Seeforth; John E. Pepper, Vlce-Presl- dent, Brucedeld ; M. A. Reid, Secre- tary -Treasurer Seaforth. Directors—Alex. Broadfoot. Sea - forth ; Jame* Sholdke, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londeaboro; George Leonhardt. Dublin; John E. Pepper, Bruceaetd ; James Connolly, Goderich; Mouses Moylan. Seeforth: W. R. .trchlbald. Seefortb: Alex. M'Ewiug, Blyth. Agents—W. J. Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton; James Watt. Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Itruerlleld ; R. F. McKercher. R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin - )t yricE Tb. CREDITORS.1I N TIME ESTATE OF ALFRED COR NELL, DECEASED. Notice le hereby given (bat all per- sons having any claim or demand against the estate of Horace Cornell. who dial on the 2nd day of June, 1903. at the Town of l;4sapleau. are requlssd Reber lie 'f Ar Yiemile or deifter re T e Trunta its Guarantee Company Limited ■t Brantford P.O., the admin- inatrator of the estate of the said de- ceased, their name and aderemea and full particular. In writing of their claims and statements of their ac- counts and the nature of the securities, If any, held by them. And take _notice that after the 20th day of December next the said ad- ministrator will proceed to dt.tribute the aaeeta of the said de(weed among the persona entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which %aid adualuietriffeCstall then have bad notice, and that the administrator will not be 11.81. for the s.sets or any part thereof to any person or persona of whose claim the avid administrator shall not then hare received notice. Dated this 16th de? of Noveeber, 1936. 1.0F1i'S E. DANCEY, 8olkitor for Administrator. Alexo Alberta Coal $11.50 Hard Coal, all Meg $12.50 $10.00 $11.00 -- X10.00 Pocahontas Coral. Coke ..Weliavi now sheds and will be carrying i eteck of all•klnda of Cdal. Support the men responsible for the eh.apest fuel prices to node - rich In 25 years. Hackies & Seabrook Phone 387 Ooderich ----- MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS The Nominations for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, Six Councillors, for 1937; One Water and Light Commissioner and Four Public School Trustees We 1487 sad 1938, for the TOWN . OF GODERICH WZl.)<s Xl ald%D nal TOWN HALL, ON Ole Friday, . November 27, 1936 Commencing at 7.30 p.m. In ogee a poll is demanded, voting will take p$sos on JrM MONDAY,e DECEMBER 7* 1*3e .t e.ewtst+