HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-19, Page 7y.,�,vvar�r Y. THE SIGNAL County and District 11 I socar The death of --Margaret Lorimer, wi- I limah et. M. lberte7 dow of Frederick Cook, Custom, ae Pearson M1" Cbesot7, well known carred Wednesday evening of tarn re•sWent of Tuckersmith township. died week In her eighty -seemed year. 84 .on '1'bureday last, at the age o seven - eons and three daughtere'ursine. ty-rix fears. Death was due to pneu- Iate Saturday night hist are de amnia. Mr Chesney's wile, wito pre- stroyrd the barn on the farm of Her- vey kn•nsta. 7th eu 'eseInu of Grey. Three horse.. perished '.:e the are, also chickens, pigs uud three eows. The death of Miss Mary B. Ccs icit, of Turnlerry, cx'eurred ;n the Wing - ham hospital on Sunday evening last. in ber thirty-fourth ye..r. I*-eatmd was the daughter of William John (lamphell and the late Mrs. Campbell, derersed him In 1933, was Annie May Straftoo, daughter of the late Mr. and Yrs. Alex. Stratton of Ocdertch. Three song and four daughters survive. -Waif Killed near Clinton . Two young men, Mervin Itatkln of Clinton and Kenneth Stewart of Man- ley township, while out hunting one day last week shot and killed a brash wolf. The anliwl was gray In color of Tunilerry Besides her father. and similar In all prints except else to two brothers and two .,titers ourvlve. the timber wolf. It tipped the scales Reeve DavWaon Again Bereaved at twenty-five p Beds. The hunters Amite Gra). widow of Wm. David- will 1w• entitled ter th• wolf bounty. A00, died snddenty on Ssedey -et-.her Hlg[ias--IWbk borne In Wingham, aged seventy-three The ('ranbrook none` was the 'gybe Year*. Her bus[wnd pitdeeeascd her uu Saturday. Ntecmber 7th, of the one mouth. and survlelug are Dee wedding of Jean. youngest daughter of daughter, Mrs. W. !Stephens o1 Mein- Mr. and Mrs. James Noble, Cran- treal, and one son, Reeve Fred David- brook, to Alrie• lligglm, only sou of eon of Wngham. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hlggtus, Orey Small Boys N Mime/lief township. Bev. Mr. Williams om- Four small boys, ranging from sett° Claud The tvuug couple will ve- to twelve years of age, have admkted breaking into a numb': of cottages at Grand Ik•gd and taking toys, balls and bats and other things of boyish inter- est. Pollee have recovered the stolen articles and the thefts are being re- ported to the county Juvenile authori- ties. Buried with Military Honors William Guy Jones, of Cliutun, who died Thursday mord% last after a brief iflueas of pneumonia, watt a re- turned soldier and was buried with military honors on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Auu Hudson. Itensali.e grand lyd a na- old lady celebrated h••r ninety-sixth I 1 of Clinton, and a blatktmttb by blit f trade. He is went -four Os'lsblsn. Had Agonizing Pains In Her Back Free from Pain Since Taking' Eluacben Like many other sufferers trout backache and rheuwatk• ailments, this woman decided to try Kruac•beu Salts lu a lett attempt to obtain re- lief from pain. To her purprlae, the pains did grow less, and In a few montha the backache had dlaapttt•artd. Having made eure of tbe results',• site now writes as tollows: "For about four months 1 had agon- izing pains le my back, and could nut turn In bd. During that time 1 tried Tallow; remedies, but obtained no re- lief, and was seriously constd ertng go- ing Into hospital. However, seeing a case similar to mine described n an advertisement for Kruahen, I thought I would try it, and was more than surprised to and the pair, getting leas. I have been taking Kruachen for four months, 'and would not be without It for anything. I must say I am free from those dreadful pains."-(Mrs.l B. e. Kruscbea is an excellent diuretic - that te, It belpr to stimulate kidney functions. When kidneys are re- stored to healthy, normal action, pole - side ou the tell couce'slon of (grey. onous waste la properly ell GODERICH, ONT.' - Newwi f the Farm Notes and Comments on Agricultural Topics • s Horsehoe Pitching Horseshoe pitching. the one Cana- dian farm game whi.•h is racy of the ruff, will reach Its climax at the Royal Winter Fair in the lest week I Su November when the singlets eham- plonship under the Dominlon of Can- ada Horseshoe Pitchers' Association will be decided. This lt. the recog- nised championship for the whole country. It will be {art of a four - night program of pitching beginning on Monday, November 1"•ird, aa,nd conclud- ing with the championship contest. First-class pitches are being prepared in the judging ring of the east build- ing. Th%lighting and general condi- tions are excellent. Rules and shoes are those of the Association. All events, Including rentor A and B doubles and elegy*, are under the au- spices of the yeti Winter Fair through an appointed committee. En- tries are reported to Seclude some of the most Interesting players to On- tario and some new talent is expected to be seen. • • • Potatoes and Corn mnated' the The Yield per acre of potatoes in blood -stream la purified, and you get Found head In Stable Ontario le afore the very tow yield of welcome relief from the dragging pains last year but considerably below nor - At the farm of William Snell• who lives cast of Dashwood, the dead body of bis brother. John, was found in the behind h Mon ThoradaJ'. -_ but when the weather moderates in 'spring the buckwheat should be dle- centnued. Once daily during wa- fer 1e often enough to recd, and fresh water should be provided at Lease once a day. SCHOOL REPOGT ' t•I'!Pt'Alit YION V --Betty Foster 00%. Jr IV -Blanche Graham tL'^,i. Itil- Ile Tigert Tl, Dorothy Tigert 111, Ilert Itougherty 00. Br. I11 -heirs McMll!ru 72c%, Jean Mc Millan 06, (airman Pollock 51: Jr. 111-lsebe•I MtMi1Itu 55%. 11- Doris McMillan 72%, Jack Gra- haw SKi. Marjorie 8111:,h 61, Elwin Pol- lock W Christens McMillan 57, Jack 'I'tgert.47. I -:-Marie Hawking, Flwtu 04111b. Senior Primer -Jim Graham. Primer -Dorothy Johneton, Mar- garet Tigert, Jim Hawkins. Number on roll, 21; overage atten- dance, 19.12'. D. E. WILSON. Teacher. CANADIAN EATING HABITS MAKE A COMBINATION SEED AND FERTILIZER SOWER AT LITTLE COST The sturdy Preston Fe rtilator bolts on to the grain hopper of your old seed drill and gives you proper placement of the fertiliser -down the spouts with the grain! Sows any maks of fertiliser. From $39.00 to i44•a0. according to sine. Spacial terms on early bookings for Spring delivery. Write for complete information. OTHER KAtTfERN S71•l. ra0011101 �m Th. Jsmwwas lino of�oal*is •qu reliable and oasnl+M fa risda. TitsLae orAlb-Roil cid roof)oeing sod 1ur i rPrida e e�tt•* Trw.. Berme soot• for fere+•• cost •durabic easy to. ooronRt ossa er.•t Meet poaular �-biilt berim is C.asda. lisbraiWaaig* Oslpa Ines', lessee, Osasls /.dews .(ar.1 siONTesAL sad Toaorrro "We cannot, as a nation, be content (From The Wluntpeg Free Press) until we have Leeched the ultimaje The average Canadian family uses objective of every farm family own - three times ae much mtlk Ise tbe aver- age New Zealand family, but, on tbe other hand, 1t uses less butter and cheese and only about half as mueh - - meat. Although the people of this some- what cold northern country would really he expected -to eat a good deal ng Ire own laud." -Franklin D. Roose- velt. of backache. Imal. Total productlou is eetlmatedlot meat, the average amount con- t 14.500.000 haebels as c'ornpared mimed per person Ss only 137 pounds PICTURE WORT' $2 FREE with 13,1Y0,I" blight*" in 1935' and la year, while the average used per S011ll,(101/1 Zealand and Au•tra- stable, lying the cress, an average crop of around 1 ,e.reon In New Mon- day evening of leaf week. Coroner A handsome gravure photograph of { Ili. P. L O'Dwyer, u' Zurich, was H. M. King Edward VIII is waiting for buobels. The total Caradlan crop of Na. bout with balmier climates than eft 151000(1 buelx is is only slightly less llenadr's, are 7rti pounds and 2x13 called, and pronounced death due to a yonatyoardrttttgists apictureevery than a year ago. pounds respectively. Our antipodean beret seizure Deceased was not mar- home willprewdti frame- Free with Corn for enallet a was checked by TIM sed wear u r sr•' a bottle of Kruachen euu'sIua should be good at heavy work al production will -ports that test the athlete's !+care Salta- Sa l limited- yours new. to '_ 4�i,000 tuna as against 1 ht ventrnloth the purchase of the drought and tot V baud at { 8a1 PP Y amount I strength Five (;esw•ratieox Living 3.014,0(10 tons last year; Miry farm- i Ttte• ,,hove facts are taken from era to Central Ontariowill be bit by letatlxtica publlsMd by the -New &s- ate reduction in the y'odd of Vedder I land Government, which also show corn, as grate yields Ott ma farms n this eeetlen were alis) be lo* _ _e -telt£ nu"' ' gni r-• 1si ffa 111 o' od * norma met{ . of fluid milk Ibis wither, The Euro- pean was Minch more num- prone the feasters part of count- of Flooex: but In the areas where a i•oa He was In her fifty-third 7eai• LONDESBORO tire 0 00, hda on Friday. Iter buslrrud e � that New Zealanders( butter thele C Yr Irealr go but all of i ► 1^w nor bread more Zahn than do the peoplet one son and Iwo Mer family o eeves c%iTdren are tis- tAtNtrE ICOR(►. toe -1t Mra A' , rest ittllaln, Amer -stir -or -(,sue ing1 There are ah h;rty-nvt' grand- Ile Alien has rented her -bene i.. t- s� u oda. but that11r wheP It rumps eattag children. thirty-four great-grandchild- Ivillage and has gone to live iu toots t nestsaary to puichar c(c ren and ebietee•n •great -great -grand- don for the winter. an effort t p pine i v. oda. b our friendsIn Br'ltalu tale children. I Mrs. !Moor, of Mount Forettt. Is the first ptn•e. The average cornumptiou W �_ I Rues' of ber sister, lore W. l:ruud n wrnMrer °1 there is 11% pounds ,per year. as eronw tbfa fall *Fittest 11% n Canada.' At the tmerlottlb• Rev. on Tues- � son. ' We eat only half is much beef, day, November lode, 1G'v. W. A. Shop- Mrs. Smith, of Toronto, and her site I(►ntarl" and n the 7 S l(htoeP relatively. as the people of -Australia bent tuniti nid the marriageiSmith fare- ;ter. Mrd. T. Mason. of (indica,frieent and New Zealand-tboagh only a little mons uniting Agnes Jern Bmlth and a few days with l coudestarro frrrnds Vt rred instamwm In N rfo'k iv uuty, wrbere less than those 1n Britain ---and we C. ft' war of 1'',Tid l Wim I1 this . R. Mrs.drought was intens( borers were eat -Out( a jrsetlon of the amount of BACKACHE As well as rheumatism and lum- bago develops from uric acid left in the blood. by defective kidneys. Lasting relief comes when the liver, kidneys and bowels are aroused to action by DR. CILASE'S Kidney_ Liver pills Brophey Bros. THE TRADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all hours. day or night PHONES: Store Illi. Res. 217 GODERICH • J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embalmer AU calls promptly attended to day or night -AMBULANCE SERVICE - PHONES Store 885 Residence 3,'[5w Hamilton Street. Goderich Garet a Mr. K. Jopling has moved into a sou motor Afterwards the ',Tidal part! matron .a lamb-eonsuuwit In •'tie motored to the Dome of the bride's 1 Allen's house. Yr. M'redtv8heorDrooke `�I llla,;autt One dr uumen,ur no southern �®felons, Dat Canadians' Mint, lire A. liroadfwot when• the !having bought and ••, are toed of pork, Lam and baton. We wedding Dreakfaie was nerved. Mr. !house %seated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe -Effects, of UrotiRht (tit poaods per person, am eRe14r t and Mr's. Wanless will reside ttmpor• II ling a number ffrom Is,ndesboro i For the first time in many years 117 pounds la New %ealand. 19 pound+ arils in Seaford]. attended the funeral of the late I)r. ; a large {ort of (ltd Ontario was Ylafted ,n Australia and 46 pounds in Brit- ( hlisha WOW 1 f Jtt th ire will be much tD • u aevtre drought tact sttmoter. The sin, Canadians also have a taste toed deal more Death • .Hliaba Higgins, a native of Raylkid• Milne, o y leek f I d eat a s t d t any years of the mlaacd by bh meat ismdemtooro mo,4 obvious effect of this ae o for Wu try an NATIONAL friends. !rain baa been, The bride, according to a writer on etiquette, should be on the left side of the gtotnn. And the latter, if he Is wise, keeps on the right side of the brides mother. • CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES (Midmu a Far.. Adult. lc.. Childers tat.) ---,from G�ODERILH%and to adjacent C.N.R. Stations Fri.Nov / to Wbltlry, Oshawa. Ruwmanvtlle. • f Port Hope, (arbours,. Trenton Jet.. Belleville. Napanee. Khrtst"n, llanaaioque, Itrue•kvllle. Prescott. 'Mortfahurg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Linder', Peterboro. (ampheliford. Newmarket. Allendale, Peuetang. ('ullingwood. Mentord. Barrie. Orillta. Midland. Grave'nhnnt, Bracebrldae, Iluubvllle, Callander, North Bay. I'arry Sound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line int Twills - kerning A Northern Rly. ; Nipirsing Central Rly. ; KaprtskasinK. fswgtac, Geraldton. Jellicoe. Beardmore. Sat., Alp to Brantford, Chatham. sat., Nov. 28, to Toronto ('bcrtley, CUnton, Denrham, Exeter, Fergus. Goderich. Guelph. Hamilton. Hanover. Msrrlston, Ingersoll. Kincardine. Kitchener, 1.erndon„IJstowel;•Mitchell. Niagara vote °wee doom!. paisley. Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin. St. Catha- ekies. St. liners, Starnes, Bnulliititi 1Valltet ton. Murton, %%Ingham.QQWoodatcs-k, and Sat Nov. 28 1•'s•nity bi•tweeee iatpartamt Stations at which •v Excursion Tickets are sold -Ask Ticket Agent Fur Fares, Return Limits, Train hdormatb°, Clete, consult merest Agent. Ste Handbill*. for complete list of destinations. T1005A. ATTRACTIONS - TORONTO - SAT.. NOVEMBI li IR ART GALLERY Of 'Ir)lU)STO- -Exhibition of paintings by the tanious artist VINCENT VAN l0O011. le'reetrh Paint Imprwssioulst. • Thr show lug Includes em•h mnsterpiee•ea as "B1tNFIAiWERB,',' "BIIIiKIG AT ARLES." •'CYPIIIVISSEt1." "HAYBTACKB." , Been by 11t0Aoo people In Chicago In a single month. NATIONAL LEAGUE IlO('KFV Toronto ••Maps Leafs" vs. Montreal ••Canadine." but a rswl enc or m last wee at the died 1V(dn* da of ! last week at the home cd Frim though. ter, Mrs. Arthur Fitch. Delmore. He was In his eighty-seventh year. For a number of years he lived in Turn - berry and Morris townships and then for some years in Wtnglsm. Since the lural College, "farmers n some death of his wife 18 1902 he had lived I Toll, of Blyth, gave a very instructive ; turns (othe Province have been ex - sone his daughter at Delmore. Three 1 and interesting address with slides. sone and three daughters survive. I Mrr+. E. Adams gave a splendid report ! perienctng difficulties; because the of the convention bele: at Wiarton. ; feeds grown on their •farms aro too i)eath •1 Zurich Resident I Miss Isabelle tion sang a Pleasing low In the essential minerals to matrr solo, after which Miss Brigham, of talo healthy. stock. Animals show Clnton, gave an interesting sketch of symptoms of mineral deficiency troubles Institute work done n the Indian re- by depraved appetite, I.e., ehewing serves. !bones and sticks, lack of thriftiness, !decline in milk product.on, and breed- _1._._TOWNSHIP COUNCIL i ing troubles. An analysts of 105 samples of bay drrl from different farms In Ontario showed p apt She is pttrvtvtd by e to °sh1IP until met In Holmes- that the protein contert ranged from six sons and two deugotere. • thirteen The township council tact Is Holmes- 5 per rent. to 21.7ci Per mut. s while grandchildren, twenty great -grand- 1 sills on Monday fast. (Y rrespendertce celetum content from .2? to 3.91►, children and our great Rreat-grand- I was received and dealt with as 1o1- the phospborus content ranged from child. lows: Canadian Mother Craft So ' 06 to .22. According to recognised Celebrate Tittle (1•Idew wedding 1 dely : re action taken. Hon. I). A. authorities on this' subjeet her should Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consttt. well- [troll, re Niagara Fulls, etc., 51.4. contain at leapt .16 per cent. pbosphor- li of course, the curtail- than the New Zealanders. CANADIAN Woenea's iitute a MeelThr-Thr tether of crop yields, but there were I Just hew we compare in regard .tri Women's splendid le met on TtaurMrs.sdaY other obvious g effects' whish w with a splendid attendance• and Mrs. mo obvious during the sirs s E. Adams, president, in the chair. are eh owing up new. Atter are ins, a splendid program was given. Dr. , O. McConkey of the Ontario Agr1cul_ were not potatoes and spinach tbe ,fury dotal • pi11s but not teff. --- - Aft thebusiness part of the meet-( According to port made by Prof. old on Sussed reeldeatr rah tofoved an Zurich. old and reaps Deceased, who was n ber eighty- - eighth year, was a native of Ger- many. She was twice married, arse I to Henry Steinbach and after hie b toJohn C.Kalbat•lsch who aL u redecea. r - Walter. Dalton UNI)RRTAKER Huron Old Boy. Graduate Ooderich Collegiate institute 13510 West Warren Ave.. DETROIT, MICH. Telephone Oregon 8668 Hydro Electric 1_ - known residents of the Denmand+s I pia. celebratedheimlwf r 110th we ddire- ng annlvereary OD T. It. Patterson, county engineer, re us and .7 of ca c um. drainage. referred to the Reeve. De- i The above survey shoed that some pertinent of Municipal Affairs, re in- , farms are producing hay 'whish 1s r..feln then *sired the congratulations of many come tax, entitling those paying $15 four time( Metter In p IIII friends----afterteem*" In the neigh- te 1e entered for.muatcttal votes• this hers, and that a considerable per- d Mrs rbeing the clerk's problem not g re ventage of the hay Is taw lete•ke-•4 r to maintain beel- borhood for many years. Mr. an Consitt retired to the village of reek*. Ben- gali.' where they now res• have a family of three: Rummel, on the farm; Mrs. Robin McAllteler, of the Parr line. and Mrs. Clarence Park, of Blake. • Scott-.Beattle .. At the manse of Duff's United chnrt'h, Marriage twain msol mole 0 Saturday. of marriage Helen Janet, only daughter of William Beat• tie and the late Mrs. Beattie. to Rolr ert McMillan Seott,'only ano of Mrs. t(entt and the late Rotsrt Scott of itrnsselx Rev. G. E. Morrow offi- ciated. After the ceremony the wed- ding dinner wail scrv41 a1 the bride's' home. After the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Scutt will reticle on the groom's farm In McKillop Mrs. Oliver L. Pettydied s at Pbier Mrs. Oliver 1.. Petty November home in flay township on 3th, at the age of seventy-five* years. known in the Iien- loll TM WILLY TALL I(IOHT USE AN Electric, Heater WARMS ?E1 ROOM IN A FEW MINUTES • mien done. en Mr. J. W. Salkeld wrote ie--a--slat' thy animals. - min vert on the Blue Wuter Lighwayitlle- Where drvngifl o eciiii- clerk was instructed to write -tbe oral deficiencies wilt be 'move acute Department of Highwafs during the comieg_�later:- �tt Permission was given to Mr. Jam. probably contain Isms phnspbor°e than Lockhart and Mr. A. tndclough to cut usual, and it will he a wine precan- and remove those trees adjacent to tion to start feeding •a recognized Min' their property. Mm r. D. Gllddon was eral supplement early In the stable reappointed retool attendance officer feedng period to pn'rent trouble and Ifor 1937. Mr. F. Cingland sent a loss. einem.. her one dollar, being payment Ij a men' • • ' 1n full for the road allowance sold to 1 Mico injure Or'rhards 'John Mulholland. 1 One of the greatest barnrdn to the The following account.' were paid: growing of an apple orchard la the Council membe•ra, attendance at board, danger of girdling by mice. Title 1e. $171; M. C. Jordon. relief account, eep 'tally true in orchard's under rod $4,43; Municipal World, 'supplies, culture, although even oreharde under $34J(8; II. Sturdy. collector's salary, clean cultivntlon are frequently 51114' $100' H. 1.- linikeld, :reasarer's eel- feet to considerable damage from this• say, $1004 A' G., Thompson. clerk's ,•sums. The amount of damage vansed aalarjr, $130, also poetise,. $10.32: Alex. by these anlmele varies greatly from Spence, hall rent. $(10; F. J. Trewar- yenr to .t- r. depending largely neon � -use of church sheet. $.1; D. t:. their ttvnitnlde Supply of food. (lltddon, dog, tat t reit, 72; Board of _ t:alvan!r d wire "e nv ti makes the Deceased was well Health, 1(1410.; Reeve. clerk and ■e• inn•I eRe•11c4' pr"te•iion. The In'tlnl toll district and was an attere mem-Health. selectlus' jurors, $10: John Met Lot high. hnt ns it lee. to be pla.eel Act .of St. Paul's" her Laa ehufcb, I IlarrU, w;teepeer. $41.73: - 1). news` sed sr III last for a 'ares stdlda 1,e tiitiWf IlensalL 'Mildew her LaeMnd; eAe Ol�ddun, *Wool attends 1,`i10; etrmher of rears. It will he found_ John, three onto and fnnr dauRhtcr's: vea.her, ..13. elettrer In thr'iwneTIM. TEft wife John, aoPeclOtetldent, 1Ky _. of on then: Ge 941 of is.' . 14.37.23. - nht,olfihe cine into pee-em_Itif!' esuonRh Wllltam, on the hgmes" VI Mr".'1SIsi! = -.meeting then adjmtrned to ►1e' to eneirele the frtinTt _ltd leave roam Dlsett, of hayfield ; jet re, T. conDs-4 Of sa We! ('bar!e+.litceni:,ot ember 13. at 1.'40 p.m , for exto*nmlop of the 'rant: has- thel , . , . -The Board of Health also beld a ince grows. The lower irnd' mhnnld tlleforth, and Mise vette. at fiot meeting: Dr J. 14. W:.Itely presetttevi he Burris. about one i leb Jib Ace p041. Car BkNe ink [NteY his fiftieth Vilma! report, which In- in nrd('; to prevent mice from work - eluded his statement that the semi l.1 ing nn4srtteath, fever epidemic has r.bated. Although It was of a mild forte, the Stier ef- 1 Turkeys MhJttW iSter 1M slue recta *ore 111 some eaa,'s gaits 'severe. ' Breeding Otherwise 0oderieh tnwnehlp has a aged to *mope dprine the. wintet � good clean record. months but allowed�roi ly Ael^!f R. 6 i'BOILLPPION. Clerk, ' dnrtni. ••the ib „ice for' a et night la a • yip e • • clean and i A 'merlons act -Went occurrll, Sun - Quick, 1day night on McCormick's Hill, a short distance nut of W1ngltar°, when a car economical • loc•c•°pled by Mr. and Mrs David Hut- - eblson and len datrgh:er`, of Wing- . ham 'skidded on the icy. rond and overturned In an eight-r'srt ditch par- . i t/ �E THE LATEST STYLES IN 1 filled with water. The mese 1 pants were pinned beneath the car for IILNOTRIO HEATERS scone time untll Mr. ltutrhloon, suf- l 1 tering from head k,jur.oa and cuts, ON DISPLAY BY LEAi)INO Ierswied from under and ,htnlned help , E. J. rove. lyoe Guelph. Provtnelal apiarist. vide •IOM's from wind. D1lAh$R$ AND AT of a nenrby farmhnoee. Ar end Mrs. land George Neil of Tare. The nfl1- pnm•e 1•' oris• sn't•hte. • Nor . bnnre r _ sl l lutchl.on were taken to the Wing 1 eers, as follows. were •IL Telde tett': tnrkecs with hen/4. of IR "Wed AM.**. ham hnspital,•the latter neving a deep H r Irlenta Dr. Dyt•e and Ince hpeonse mots which later Aet"Nnp laceration on her leg. The girls were e IIyiIo ore anlnnired. The els was ked TiiitoUsi ___ Se t° steep!" go • pavex .1 I can L7 µteep a" y�� sit a • • `�' trtltent been'[ a Yeataps c, a hula bee happy to hear your voice. Y ew secs sizer Aoyrecent one would becorie fl '4'sc;e n,t lonely " ,1 0n ('t'mQsn� t, s° oy at publication • l forte Cel the 'Tele1 is 1►tele sche' is th ea Mother or s -- "Alone • letter re iitht: it rota,little this little sins it. P°ber ' trey thinl•inA of .little to aleep•emari you e ewe t'in toot i 1 sew loot. lvert `lo Dun a Sidi.. •t tor" Now t estwile .: - ex►oIort sea "bor y your eavert heel a X11 betB0111."(*pnyo> relief. Ile Tat npirelst �1wn►' '71 N tsuy sU AY. Often an rsten are cs ALL DAY after ortrl(..tp er` I nN eQ, ♦e -r e ' 1 psi►• sin mt raw horn or ekree• ' shed. They - `+ ' 1 the absence of the president " l'le aeoatd ant tee Eers� 1; 3 Toriener'iy I of tl c affern oe n sere Dr. plate hint my Minding °In that will re - Nell Meeker!' ovale. 0714 corse Teti } Beekeepers Hon Vee* Nell ; premldeld f'1a{eneP nowt'. In- Into ^neo ere almost Imre to fellow ton; vtu�prtIMent. E. 7'. Elope, Znr 7htrtng the winter .Milts the 1res'd -Soh: r.,,•r. /ry-ireasnrer, T. A. Her tr Ing tnrk♦ee should Meeh* stye limped 1 Ibins. ,t'llatnn; dlrvrtorm, Nelmnn Mit- ratlnn•. e• thee Fres• w tendency M fed. Hal'A If well The Minna! etpeing of the Iluron ch•I1. stow♦1 ; Wllltam i1 14. 1c°' ts.r•mn• over fat w• Beekeepers' 'LI . *eetatteM :Lah R. /4 (MIFF. Ari wldn pants ,jaeoh ittatt•rer Snrteh • S. tenon aheald a Rt• en n pr°�erenc•e .�.....�._ 1. (Meaty MOM esu [Member a sm et;sadaae., TIM rk•-psesl- i mat. 11. 7'. WNW Nosh ; J. 1t. MaeyE►th. -siaaA di arDaffi vain_ .vkbwmial �i•wi� vi ♦ ear . •.v. ..4 Clinton, of oat. w t end hnr er. Zmich. tltttka watt, daring the mold months, • eetA;- "ir rest -see• ,«e..-:.. A 111. N•lik