HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-19, Page 5THE SIGNAL — GODERICH, ONT. .Vitamin Builders Nod is the that, to start protecting yourself from Colds and Kindred Ailments COD LIVER OIL BUILDS STURDY BODIES. USE THESE VITA- MIN TESTED COD LIVER OIL$ • Ayerst Cod Liver OU See, tee. $1.111 Parke -Davis Cad Liver Oil.. ... ire. tine flgttibb's (al Liver OU5k, $LN Mead's Cad Liver 011 See, 7k..-$1.23 Squibb's le•D ('ed Liver 011.... 75e. $14» Ayend MMD Ced Liver Oil .7k, $1,50 Wryale's Rat. Cori Liver. _The Ideal yesereumd Tarok, Rki hi Manila D, The timeltime Tsok. SIM Hahne OR Capsules, Each Capsule to equivalent In vitamin embed le 4 teaspoonful Cad liver Oil 56c, 11.11, 51.14 Aped A1phmsetttes, Emelt cap• sura eenta ni the lull Vlttpds ✓ eed et 4K t.sspu.etule .t Liver 011. 35 Capsules 51.0.. N Capsules 12.11 111 Capsules 13.54 F reest's Nees ('henskal Feed builds up reektassse. A median Tank and Builder ...51.15, 52.45 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE GODERICH PHONE 90 TRI—LAX has relieved thousands of out Levers from Stomach. Bowel. Liver and Kidney trouble. TBI -LAX will cleanse the Blood and give fou relief. Get the Combined Treatment at your Druggists. A a B. 54e Mei CAMPBRLIIS DRUB STORK TRI -LAX REMEDY LIMITED Termite. Ont. e Monuments , To those contemplating erecting a Monument: - GET NY PRICES BEFORE BUYING Cemetery Lettering a Specialty -All Work Guaranteed — Qialem Marble and Casae slerks Jena Grant, Clinton. Omt _ !gunroom. to Bali & Z.pte Ilse The Signal's Classified Columns HEADQUARTERS - -FOR-- FURNITURE and PAINT AULCRAPT PAINTS are high In gemlity and m w r price. You will find fir, Blass velum to our stock of FURNITURE and STOVES We positively save you tlsabey W. H. Blackstone "On the Broadway of Ooderlcb" AUBURN , Thanks for Relief . I COLBORKL TOWNSHIP . COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, Nov. 118. Contr.�butlon -Mr. aid Mrs, Ir Me Manor sad fam- •Lett.r in Acknowledgment Carrot Sent Recently to Saskatchewan lily. and Mr. and Mrs. P. Me•Mauus and I family, of Colgate. Sack., are vlsltlug ,.4with Mr. and Mrs. Allan McMauur. MIu Isabel Tyndall, nerse-lu-traln- Ing In Toronto General hospital, Is .pending her vacation with her per- euts. Mrs mud Mr... MrIviu 'Tyndall. The following letter has been re- Mrs. limber and Mrs. Ptrtridge, of Brampton, spent Sunday 'with Mr. and calved through Mr. (` 17. Asquith of Mr'. Dan Willis. A.ttbutn, In sekuoa•Iodineut of the ear Misr "leaner Tyndall, of Stratford or vegetable. and other articles sent Normal Scheel, spent the week-epd at recently from this JTalleylrtrkt to aIl*y her borne here: Mr. and Mrr. Wm. Mcllwalu visited Centre. Sark.: with friends at Blueva:e one day last Palley Centre, Seskatcbewau, week. November 10, 198(tw ----The--LadleaLAld in.. rt the home of Residence of Auburn, Out . and Vida- Mrs. Melvin Tyndall on Thursday, Ity. wheu they quilted a guilt. Friend., -1)n behalf of the residents Mr. and Mrd. ileo. Mlllluu are spend - of Valley Centre, Sask., and vicinity, leg a few days In Toronto. I wish to thauk yon for your contrl-. The monthly meeting •,t thei'.M.S. buttons that made possible the fete was held on Thur.day afternoon at the distribution of a euriot of vegetables, borne of Mex. Arnow Stoll. Mur, W. fruit, etc., at this,potnt. We were all Walter had charge of tile devotional more glad than you ran imagine to exe•rclses. Miss Anne Walter read get this contribution. the devotional leaflet. Miss Clark • We have all been fighting. with our then took ebnige of floe bwtn•ea and Miss Amelia Mcllwalu gave the first chapter. in the new e'itdy book, "Men and Women of the Far Horizons." At ..the close of the - meeting a dainty lush wan served by the hostess and her daughter. A1dIIlRN, Nor. 17. -Mrs. Robb was fu London tbe past week to are her son, who is In the hospital suffering from the effete of a xcrlous accident at his home farm, where be fell off the windmill: Mr. and Mrs. It. D. Munro and fam- ily visited . Mrs. Munro's dater, near Wxingville, on Sunday last. Visitors In Auburn over the .week- end were Mrs. Hindebrck, or Stret- turd, with her father. Mr Win. Doerr; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowe, of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Naylor: Mr. and Mrs. S. Medd anal Mrs. J. ('. Muss, of Wood- sts•k, with Mr. John Shedd. . A ,�ss�.h-areiv ui_.yt.ttw home of Mr. atrtYt�.T�ttat..lxlb'on. - Mrs.•Harry BeatWe and baby daugh- ter, Carol Susan. have arrived home froze e:ederkh hospital ; also Mrs. Geo. Hamilton. Mrs. L. Itatthby is recuperating at her parents; home after an operation for appendicitis In Clinton b.spital• Mr. •L K. Dawson and Miss E. Stotts were visiting Toronto friends the past week. Mr. John R. Rosa, re•.ently of the Rant of Cowmen*, has left fur the home of his parents in Beaverton. Mr. Arthur Yungbint, of Detroit, is vlaitios at—.the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yungb1ut- Twenty-three members of the Girls Sunahlne ()polo met in the Foresters' Hall late Saturday afternoon. They are taking up a course of sewing wttb Mrs. Sheppard as coach and Miss Sharpe an ■salntant. Mr. Geo. 1talthby visited his broth= er, Rev. Wm. Ralthby, of St. Thomas, on Tuesday of this week. Knox United chur.11 will bold its anniversary services on Sunday. No- vember 22, when Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Bruceleld, president of London Conference, will conduct the services at 10.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. On Fri- dly, November 27, a fowl supper will be -served and a, play given In the Foresters' Stall. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" The lawn mower which bad repgsed since Hal.owe'eu on the porch of the Barlow home on Newgate street, as announced In last week's Signal, was recovered by the owner, Mr. William 1 Bisset, on Saturday morning. back. to the wall, for k number of years, to save our farms and homes. Due to droutb and low prices for grata, this has been an almost impos- sible task, and to receive a (vide - button such as this one alas, makes us realize that we are not fighting atone) and heartens us for the years ahead i am sure that each of us has thanked (hoed for your help. May God whether or not Friday the thirteenth bless you. "'1-�=-elpio kyr HIr Ind. -161°n is caused Tours truly. FRANK GiLLii.AND. IS rM ]. THE 13th UNLUCKY? heitge4ee'e6e ix tryltg to decide by the Net that his hound dog gave birth to thirteen pups on that akte. Thbound'previous litter containd CHURCH NOTES __. - Ieleleen PuI!f.s 1. WAS A- VALUABLE PUP . The neater monthly meeting of the The black and v.hit:•'sp.aui.•I pup neater Mission Circle I.1 No.'th street t'uitetl which diel [row exposure ager r ducking 111 the harbor ehun•h will he held at the house harborInst we'e'k has Miss K. Bradford, 1'ra.'e'gar street, 00 been Weld [dell ns Lice owiwd by Jerk Tuesday evening, Novi. sae's 24111. Iteattie•. ('.Pt. town neert. The cog e The regular meeting of the is 'plug was rescues` Lc John Bell and two TF North street I•nitcd venlig ter. in a Moat. hn• diel In splle -burlier}-_ of resuscitation efforts. The pup was )•harsh wL. be Will Ijt the oweNor(f r �. •1„uL1a:-tn, lropt-R'trr}'red` Vert. .r fret N, at-S.oclurk. At the home r? Tknerim 511414 1sis-s RETURNS TO GALT George Oman, chief engineer at the Wester‘ Canada !'lour Mills for the last four years. has resigned, the re - Agitation to take effet. December 1. Mr. -Oman returns to tiotdle, Met1u1- lough, Babcock k,Wilt•ox. Galt, with wbk•h firm he was identified before' en.mlug to Goderlch. SUPPLY FOR POSTMASTER GALT the Monday Mrs. W. Ise, wife e.f a former postmaster et Southumptori', ar- ; rived at ttoderich poxtotlkr an supptyt for Postmaster John Galt. who has I tee _unable to attend tit hie- ufiir!al ; duties Thr several' Months' owing to t Itleexs. Mrs. Lee was appointed by District Superintendent W. J. May. of 1A.11dun, to take t•harge during the pre- 1 liristmas rush. The :cling postmis- trew+ia art experienced p. etch worker. i Mrs. John Ferguson. 33 Victoria street. T:\KF\ TO PENITENTIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Aasoe•k thin of North street John J. lluggard. S.:•(urth Inoyer rnitcd church will Is• held at the home who t(ae. nentene•ed t.• •!.ere your. lu of Mrs. A. J. Cooper. Hamilton street. Kingston Penitentiary for his part in ;( on Thursday. N..% cmt...r lith, 01 a 1 theft of nearly $150.tdllr (roto hold o'clock. ers of safety deposit boxes Itt ills of 0.., was taken to Kiat.utst on Vitil- ue+elay ley Sheriff Bold. Johnston. - KINGSBRIDGE 11 Is expe.ted that ta.reh.n G. Mae- - r Laren and Robert S. t lettbe-r, Torun- KINOSBR1DOE, Nov. lte.t Rev. to brokers who were senteuev+l to five Fathers Kelly, of London, Sullivan, of years at .King.ten oa-imilar charges, Clinton. and Nagle and Fallon. of God• .111 Is taken to the penitentiary the erk'h, visited Rev. J. R. Quigley here Itr•t part of tw•xt week. on Wednesday of hue week, Remem- brance Day. ; WITH MILITARY HONORS 1)r. and Mrs. J. A. Kasper and little ; Boa Jimmy and Master Eugene Hebert, 'Jelin H. Best of Setaferth Buried In. of Detroit. spent the week -end at M. ; . MaiUatld Cemetery J. O'Connor's. where their relatives of John harries• tbst, Seaforth lawyer St. Augustine visited with them on who diel at London on Thursday last Sunday. In his forty-sixth year. reef -Med full Master Jimmy McAuliffe, pf Loo- miiltaty honors at Ids fu):eral on Sun - dos, vfr(ted his grandmother, Mrs. , day afternoon, at Maitland cemetery. Mow, haat week, The funeral cortege. which drove We are glad to know that Mr. Jok. ...-„--oesiorth, was-e.eorted to the Kelly to getting along nicely after his .,It-;,h•ta of that town by the Meaforth recent operation in l:oderkp honpital. highlanders' Band. Mr. Michael Martin left. last week , Nearly one hundred veteraoa of Sea - for fort Colborne.' while his brother forth and Goderlch, wearing berets Ignatius 4. spending a while In Tenon- and medals, marched from the com- bs. tery gates behind the -coach containing Miss Frances Dalton spent a few the lady, and a firing equad of the days in London I ast_week . Middlesex -Huron Regiment vias in Mies Margaret Foley was home from command of 'Lieut. Duncan and Ser- i geoid Mel e0d. Members of the Bar I Assoc•tatton of Huron comity elan were present In holy. The graveside aervlee was conducted Illy Rev. Canon E. Appleyard, of Sea - forth, assisted by him ::un, Rev. R. Appleysrd, of Hixon College, London, after Which the 'veterans placed pop- pies on the flag -draped coffin. A sa- lute was fired acrem the open grare and Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Bugler Robt. Henry. Mr. Beat passed away on Thurs- day afternoon In the London hos- Goderich for the week -end. Mr. Frank O'Connor and daughter, Mr. Thomas O'Connor and Master Joe Condon, of Detroit. Spent the week- end at Mr. Michael Dalton's. Mr. Sproul and son, of Wingbam, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Connor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, My. 14. Johnston and Miss Rita Foley, of Ooderleh, visited at Mr. Ed. Foley'. on Sunday. Mrt. Moss Is spending a few days erlcb this week., .sea .alas w theMill oss Wisest tail Bt.. Ribbon mead vhd caMa.sw adest=istil 'set t, guaranteat by WIESTIflGHOUSE $7650 -Hsu Tatr. dyes . EASY TERMS TO SUIT TALBOT„ CORNISH GODERICH ONTAR to SAVE MONEY By burning Marne i)omestic Luttlp Coal in your fnntace, Quebec heater and range. Customers who are using this Coal say that.they like it Netter than Poeahontaa. Cash Price ---$8.50 Barn Ford Coke at S10 50 pe;hton d live The above Coal and Coke have been hroiight in rill hniit and tie saving in freight is being planed on to the consumer For liarellt•are, i'ltlmbing and Hnstinir, give tt+ a call All work promptly attended to apd fully guar;steed. Chas. C. - Lee Y)11, YARD AND STORE AT 1iARROR Delightful ! the word ter these New--= Willard's "SNUG -ARCH" SHOES $3,50 to $5.00 OTHl RS I$2.98 to $9,00 Lowest Priers on Goodrich Quality Rubber Fe.otwear was In his forty-sixth year. ills was horn at SeafortIt the eldest son of the late J. M. Best and Mrs. Best, Ms mother being the former Miss Ads Hardee of Ooderleh. He graduated from tAsgoode tall, Toronto, In the spring of 1915 anowept to Landon to take a military 1%ourse, gaining the rank of captain. He then enlisted as a private In the 101st Huron Bat- tellon and went overseas, being later transferred to tbe 57th Battalion. with which be servei in France un- til 1918, when he was wounded and war Invalided home. Returning ,10 Serforth he became a partner to the law firm with his fae:.er and was highly regarded In the district be. cause of his ronede.rate, kindly dls 1117T -thin and honorably business prtin- c•Iples. In IO'22 he ...as onkel in marring.• to Miss Dorothy Morsori, yeiungest delight,r of W. C. T. 'aurson and the late ..Ir,'. Muraon, 1•.r417e01r mflunrcr ..f the rkafort.h Manch of the Mink of tV.mnu•ree, now of Tot ...to. 114' was a member of St. Tho mei' Anglican .botch, Mem fort h. also ..f ib" forth iota net] of the Canadian Lrgleefi, awi a former member of the Lion/ Club. Survivingg are his widow .and an only danghfre Miss Battarn !teat, ab.o one brotlrer, Itttss•I M. Ile -t, of !thee- ; raeii bridge, And two sisters. Misses 1.11. and %erda Ire -t. Tnronlo. *lest a grotlntag of new Shoe .t -hew! ♦mt'll Inca their v.rletr a ^•^••agar' st^1'ne,thst makes theist look as though their hilly h. n .ortt,rl. *'••r th-t is )tet etre of thir at- ' ••• fel twos ! Courteous seer lert Ar+f'- Ter nwr!»t and Red gelwl 11.w,e i Sh•w fur ChUdr•n. KINGSBRIDGE HALL Monday, Nov. 23rd KENO OLD-TIME PARTY OLD -THE ORCHESTRA DOOR PRIZES Prises for Step Dancers ADMISSION 25c 4 ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER AND PROGRAM' YiekN Stmt UMW EMM M. L TOiBD�Y November 24, 1936 Supper served from 6ao to a Admission ani and �x PROGRAM[ Viotlrie Street Unttei Cltrel W. A. i TUESDAY November 24,1936 Supper served 0.30 d Admission b0c Z6c Bethel Pentecostal Assembly - -64 SOUTH STREET -- Sunday. R pm.--"Evaegellatk" Tutuday. 8 p.m.-- "Christian Tearhtug.” Friday. 8 p.m. -"Prophetic." Paster -IL J. UNUERHIL. I:VE:RYoNE: WE:Le'OMF CARD OF THANKS We wish to thajik all who contributed in any way in tusking our 1936 Remembrance and Poppy Days the success thcwere. Branch 109, Canadian Legion, Ooderich 7he Baptist Cly u r cfz HBV. S. R. MezCLUNG, Minister -- -11 "The Worth of the Individual" —7 p.m.— "An Olde T yme Meeting". CHORUSES--t—HYMNS—t—TESTIMONIES "s . GROUP !-- SEL ECT ONE MACAZ/NE WiLT .ARD'S OOT SHOP,' Q11'ard R. KA M.I, AO. •I HIV -- .,sail& aIIMIAi1E y I THIS HURON COUNTY. PIG IS CLEVER )Start; -''tnv. 477-4 4•(446---- WaUU.r. Grey townshlp farmer, now' dew•sn't belleve pigs ere stnpl.l. Weiler had two Bowe whl,.,•h had the run of. the pasture and orchard 'Hoot the Wm. When one started to stray, Weller shot It TO a pen In the shed • One dlty• seeing the remaining +ow enerzinit apple*' ld5hwr womb. n • became eur- lon,•, and ;followed Ik•r, to dlscortr she woo carrying them to the whleh w'a+i 'Mut In the ,.eq and drop- ping them fkrnwwb a hole In the wall. What could be more compkte than a coenbin•tion offer that gives you • choice of your favourite magazenes — Sends you your local newspaper—and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertainment throughout the whole year—Why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means a real saving in money to you? TAKE• YO1$R CHOICE! OFFER NO. 1 ' OFFER NO. 2 One Magazine From Group 1 and One Magazine from Group_ 2 and This Newspaper Three Magazines from Group 1 and This Newspaper SELECT ONE MAGAZ/NF O Liberty Mag.(521ssees)1 yr. ❑ Joie 1 yr. ❑ Parents' Msw • - 1 yr. ❑ Tree Story 1 yr. ❑ Seradaad 1 yr. D Hass & Garde. - - 6alo. USE THIS ORDER -BLANK Please clip list of Magazines after checking Puplieationa desired. Fill out coupon carefully. Gentlemen: I enclose $ Please send me the megatines .hocked with. a Mar's subscrtrptbn to your. newspaper. NAME STREET 0R 4111. TOWN AND PROVINCE E..-_51GNA S!P?tUttt+l � 1.;.4 .r ,,. .,'1. ii •7tltiR iicgA Vt.- oderich nee, ,...- Fes`- - '" ttth.;Y 1. Hibbsrt's* . ,. ,m EXTRA Advance Showing and Friday,Saturday,MondaySee .. The most beautiful lingerie ever Tailored ea differeut with beauty 2 -PIECE PYJAMAS Paul love!) styleo in aelfr•untrasting Sale of made. . and style. A[ 4Hibbt's SPECIAL Yelvasuede Christmas Lingerie our unigpe uloto display iquewi Veloasued. ! •-- Velvasuede ! The Lingerie tb.t is always so well werth while. --STYLED BY CECIL E — ' GOWNS Lace—trimmed aad tailored In • several el ilt t1 - 1,95 colors. Price + These Pyjamas and (lawns are eallepkane ks•vldselly begid fur CI. wrapped TAILORED PANTIES AND BLOOMERS 111 dace, In white and tea rose, pair CQ- 59c, and iiaas SLIPS • 1 Canada's beat fitting and best wearing Slips with adJnatalde straps and built-up shoulders. White. tea new and black. Each $1 4 ) and $125 Every' Velvastiede Garment Is tailored different, osis ,swum.sar.eecJar haw node fullwlaed and guaranteed no -run material alld we wilt ehrertuUy rel lace any garment pot entirely sr t lafactory. ASK FOR A CONTEST SLiP WITH EVERY GARMENT. Sorb only .a. 11:. Y All pow re aro.tisar,masseddotewa'a!sosardeaaare*N. .:q 'ill en set es morn es •Asst es ever ' rb•. so Mea Matt PIM”. • ar bsae•Iared. sur act eV. YOU MAY WIN A rum Hibbert P 86 e e r RETURNS TO GALT George Oman, chief engineer at the Wester‘ Canada !'lour Mills for the last four years. has resigned, the re - Agitation to take effet. December 1. Mr. -Oman returns to tiotdle, Met1u1- lough, Babcock k,Wilt•ox. Galt, with wbk•h firm he was identified before' en.mlug to Goderlch. SUPPLY FOR POSTMASTER GALT the Monday Mrs. W. Ise, wife e.f a former postmaster et Southumptori', ar- ; rived at ttoderich poxtotlkr an supptyt for Postmaster John Galt. who has I tee _unable to attend tit hie- ufiir!al ; duties Thr several' Months' owing to t Itleexs. Mrs. Lee was appointed by District Superintendent W. J. May. of 1A.11dun, to take t•harge during the pre- 1 liristmas rush. The :cling postmis- trew+ia art experienced p. etch worker. i Mrs. John Ferguson. 33 Victoria street. T:\KF\ TO PENITENTIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Aasoe•k thin of North street John J. lluggard. S.:•(urth Inoyer rnitcd church will Is• held at the home who t(ae. nentene•ed t.• •!.ere your. lu of Mrs. A. J. Cooper. Hamilton street. Kingston Penitentiary for his part in ;( on Thursday. N..% cmt...r lith, 01 a 1 theft of nearly $150.tdllr (roto hold o'clock. ers of safety deposit boxes Itt ills of 0.., was taken to Kiat.utst on Vitil- ue+elay ley Sheriff Bold. Johnston. - KINGSBRIDGE 11 Is expe.ted that ta.reh.n G. Mae- - r Laren and Robert S. t lettbe-r, Torun- KINOSBR1DOE, Nov. lte.t Rev. to brokers who were senteuev+l to five Fathers Kelly, of London, Sullivan, of years at .King.ten oa-imilar charges, Clinton. and Nagle and Fallon. of God• .111 Is taken to the penitentiary the erk'h, visited Rev. J. R. Quigley here Itr•t part of tw•xt week. on Wednesday of hue week, Remem- brance Day. ; WITH MILITARY HONORS 1)r. and Mrs. J. A. Kasper and little ; Boa Jimmy and Master Eugene Hebert, 'Jelin H. Best of Setaferth Buried In. of Detroit. spent the week -end at M. ; . MaiUatld Cemetery J. O'Connor's. where their relatives of John harries• tbst, Seaforth lawyer St. Augustine visited with them on who diel at London on Thursday last Sunday. In his forty-sixth year. reef -Med full Master Jimmy McAuliffe, pf Loo- miiltaty honors at Ids fu):eral on Sun - dos, vfr(ted his grandmother, Mrs. , day afternoon, at Maitland cemetery. Mow, haat week, The funeral cortege. which drove We are glad to know that Mr. Jok. ...-„--oesiorth, was-e.eorted to the Kelly to getting along nicely after his .,It-;,h•ta of that town by the Meaforth recent operation in l:oderkp honpital. highlanders' Band. Mr. Michael Martin left. last week , Nearly one hundred veteraoa of Sea - for fort Colborne.' while his brother forth and Goderlch, wearing berets Ignatius 4. spending a while In Tenon- and medals, marched from the com- bs. tery gates behind the -coach containing Miss Frances Dalton spent a few the lady, and a firing equad of the days in London I ast_week . Middlesex -Huron Regiment vias in Mies Margaret Foley was home from command of 'Lieut. Duncan and Ser- i geoid Mel e0d. Members of the Bar I Assoc•tatton of Huron comity elan were present In holy. The graveside aervlee was conducted Illy Rev. Canon E. Appleyard, of Sea - forth, assisted by him ::un, Rev. R. Appleysrd, of Hixon College, London, after Which the 'veterans placed pop- pies on the flag -draped coffin. A sa- lute was fired acrem the open grare and Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Bugler Robt. Henry. Mr. Beat passed away on Thurs- day afternoon In the London hos- Goderich for the week -end. Mr. Frank O'Connor and daughter, Mr. Thomas O'Connor and Master Joe Condon, of Detroit. Spent the week- end at Mr. Michael Dalton's. Mr. Sproul and son, of Wingbam, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Connor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, My. 14. Johnston and Miss Rita Foley, of Ooderleh, visited at Mr. Ed. Foley'. on Sunday. Mrt. Moss Is spending a few days erlcb this week., .sea .alas w theMill oss Wisest tail Bt.. Ribbon mead vhd caMa.sw adest=istil 'set t, guaranteat by WIESTIflGHOUSE $7650 -Hsu Tatr. dyes . EASY TERMS TO SUIT TALBOT„ CORNISH GODERICH ONTAR to SAVE MONEY By burning Marne i)omestic Luttlp Coal in your fnntace, Quebec heater and range. Customers who are using this Coal say that.they like it Netter than Poeahontaa. Cash Price ---$8.50 Barn Ford Coke at S10 50 pe;hton d live The above Coal and Coke have been hroiight in rill hniit and tie saving in freight is being planed on to the consumer For liarellt•are, i'ltlmbing and Hnstinir, give tt+ a call All work promptly attended to apd fully guar;steed. Chas. C. - Lee Y)11, YARD AND STORE AT 1iARROR Delightful ! the word ter these New--= Willard's "SNUG -ARCH" SHOES $3,50 to $5.00 OTHl RS I$2.98 to $9,00 Lowest Priers on Goodrich Quality Rubber Fe.otwear was In his forty-sixth year. ills was horn at SeafortIt the eldest son of the late J. M. Best and Mrs. Best, Ms mother being the former Miss Ads Hardee of Ooderleh. He graduated from tAsgoode tall, Toronto, In the spring of 1915 anowept to Landon to take a military 1%ourse, gaining the rank of captain. He then enlisted as a private In the 101st Huron Bat- tellon and went overseas, being later transferred to tbe 57th Battalion. with which be servei in France un- til 1918, when he was wounded and war Invalided home. Returning ,10 Serforth he became a partner to the law firm with his fae:.er and was highly regarded In the district be. cause of his ronede.rate, kindly dls 1117T -thin and honorably business prtin- c•Iples. In IO'22 he ...as onkel in marring.• to Miss Dorothy Morsori, yeiungest delight,r of W. C. T. 'aurson and the late ..Ir,'. Muraon, 1•.r417e01r mflunrcr ..f the rkafort.h Manch of the Mink of tV.mnu•ree, now of Tot ...to. 114' was a member of St. Tho mei' Anglican .botch, Mem fort h. also ..f ib" forth iota net] of the Canadian Lrgleefi, awi a former member of the Lion/ Club. Survivingg are his widow .and an only danghfre Miss Battarn !teat, ab.o one brotlrer, Itttss•I M. Ile -t, of !thee- ; raeii bridge, And two sisters. Misses 1.11. and %erda Ire -t. Tnronlo. *lest a grotlntag of new Shoe .t -hew! ♦mt'll Inca their v.rletr a ^•^••agar' st^1'ne,thst makes theist look as though their hilly h. n .ortt,rl. *'••r th-t is )tet etre of thir at- ' ••• fel twos ! Courteous seer lert Ar+f'- Ter nwr!»t and Red gelwl 11.w,e i Sh•w fur ChUdr•n. KINGSBRIDGE HALL Monday, Nov. 23rd KENO OLD-TIME PARTY OLD -THE ORCHESTRA DOOR PRIZES Prises for Step Dancers ADMISSION 25c 4 ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER AND PROGRAM' YiekN Stmt UMW EMM M. L TOiBD�Y November 24, 1936 Supper served from 6ao to a Admission ani and �x PROGRAM[ Viotlrie Street Unttei Cltrel W. A. i TUESDAY November 24,1936 Supper served 0.30 d Admission b0c Z6c Bethel Pentecostal Assembly - -64 SOUTH STREET -- Sunday. R pm.--"Evaegellatk" Tutuday. 8 p.m.-- "Christian Tearhtug.” Friday. 8 p.m. -"Prophetic." Paster -IL J. UNUERHIL. I:VE:RYoNE: WE:Le'OMF CARD OF THANKS We wish to thajik all who contributed in any way in tusking our 1936 Remembrance and Poppy Days the success thcwere. Branch 109, Canadian Legion, Ooderich 7he Baptist Cly u r cfz HBV. S. R. MezCLUNG, Minister -- -11 "The Worth of the Individual" —7 p.m.— "An Olde T yme Meeting". CHORUSES--t—HYMNS—t—TESTIMONIES "s . GROUP !-- SEL ECT ONE MACAZ/NE WiLT .ARD'S OOT SHOP,' Q11'ard R. KA M.I, AO. •I HIV -- .,sail& aIIMIAi1E y I THIS HURON COUNTY. PIG IS CLEVER )Start; -''tnv. 477-4 4•(446---- WaUU.r. Grey townshlp farmer, now' dew•sn't belleve pigs ere stnpl.l. Weiler had two Bowe whl,.,•h had the run of. the pasture and orchard 'Hoot the Wm. When one started to stray, Weller shot It TO a pen In the shed • One dlty• seeing the remaining +ow enerzinit apple*' ld5hwr womb. n • became eur- lon,•, and ;followed Ik•r, to dlscortr she woo carrying them to the whleh w'a+i 'Mut In the ,.eq and drop- ping them fkrnwwb a hole In the wall. 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