HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-19, Page 4_::��`C�: ;.,;:fir . �•. , .. _ i a arida", No(roasbee t9tb. 19M • Overcoats = 91 A good selection of ' Winter Over- , coats awaits you at this stole and at prices that will please you. Two Outstanding Values Mountain Fleece Druro-Knit Fleece $30.°° $25.® Very Stylish and Weu Guaranteed Others at $18.50 and up W. C. Pridham & Son - J Phone 57 Goderich THE SIGNAL - GODERICti, ONT. !Softball League 1 1• Has Final for 1936 Closes Business for the Year in Good Condition after a ( r ; At the filial tueetlag of the executive of the Church Softball in•:rgue held uu Tuesday night at the towu-heti, Russ Bloomfield, papular ev••tnln of the 10:S11 clamps. the Victorians, received the C. C. see trophy from 1'te.tkui C. H. numbs* 1 a bl hitt , ► he represa•utat(ves on the flue sports- f a e manship whleh was au outstaudIug and lead were thrown away whets feature -of the league this year. The both Keith Arthttr and Wally West - treasurer, 11ev. D..1. true, also cote brook `1nl,arl the goal entirely when KEEP THE CHILDREN HEALTHY --- Maple Leaf Bread and Buns •tour whole wheat (tread is particularly appetising. nutritious and healthful. and is nook with the finest Ingredients. MAPLE LEAF BAKERY BREAD, BUNS, P.t`TEl•, GROCi:RiI.S, BTC. ,s Diose ileW The liquare Attractive Clubbing Rates Available at The Signal Office Renew for Daily Papers, Magazines, etc., now Make Your Christmas Greeting a Personal One Portraits A Photograph of yourself in the most appreciated, of all gifts. Patronize your home Photo- grapher, where all work is guar- anteed. Make your appointments at Trussler's Studio Hamilton Street and•Square GODERICH Successful Season 1 - . G. C. I. NOTES The G.C.I. soccer team loaf its first chance ut the 'Hough cup on Thursday last through the terrible kicking of De field, following up a decision which fairy nuked with bad judgment. - On Tuesday of last week the locals held' Brussels. semi -Bautista for the Ifuugb Muir to a 1.1 Ile at Br.uuela, and the re4uru game was played herr tai Thursday. 1111l King, Bruassla centre, gave, his team an early lead abet he poked' one past "Weary" tlwleer (who is Mr. Humber e'ugratu...tcd toe leant DUNGANNON DU'NGANNON, :toe. 1x. -Mr. Bon• ald Peatlaad motored to Detroit ou Sunday, and was accowlatied by Mrs. B. J. C'rawfurd. wh'"e wit speed the winter months there, Mrs, E. Bubb stud Miss Fera spent a few days lust week cisltlug the furlu- era eons, Merles .and Juan Bubb, ofl Amberle, f Mias Belle Basra, who is emplolcd at Mr. Quaid's, Pon All•rrt, suff`er..1 n pore toot w heti a Ott, of cement tell uu It, requiting medical etteutbe'. Ara. sew, Free la visiting her daugle ter, Mrs. Neil McDonald, ald, laugside. stet u� t u t fleet three min-� Mr. U. J. l.. Early is aide to he up rtes. egala-afteF1ia�-14a-:Uassa_--_ A dhagduug ptue ensued and tl Sirs. Thos. Park spent the weekend with friends at %Vingha!u stud Listowel. The W.A. of the (lofted church is bedding their November meetiug awl tea at the house of Mrs. Nellie /Stewed t uu Friday afteruoou of this week. Mr. David Campbell, of Oklahoma. Uncle of Mr. J. 1). Richardson, tele- phone lineman. called to vlslt for a diy, beton- his return journey, after a three mouths' visit among trienda here 1tud at Fergus. Uuder the auspices of the 1)ungau- non Agricultural Soelet; a play, "Don't Darken My Leon" will be put ou by Teesw•ater players In 14e Agricultural Hall on Friday everniug, November 311ttj. Aherw'ards there will be a dame, the McKrnsie or:in-etre turu- ishlig the music. Jamie, Irnt1Mie.•-The : uutur loft - !lute held the November m.ettug at the ! borne of one ut the members, Miss '('ora Finnigan. Tb. )neetlag opened In the Usual way and after the regu- ; lar richly of business Miss Frances • Croatrr was appointed pre.ddrut in place of Miss '1h•rnl.r• ,tach, now of ,'Geslerk h. A piano a .'u was given '14 Miss Prosier and lunch was then Nerved. The member* spent the re- mainder of the time at she reeideuce of 1)r. Vokett and eajuyed interesting slides un the work dole for crippled children In le)nduu hospital. Silas Verne Anderson e71.•ndwl nn itteitatiuw _for the oext meeting at her place. �` hitt Pei�Te 11IiiR-''iTtt- 1F.}s:F , the United chur•h met f•,r the regular nn•rtiig Wednesday night of last week, with Miss F)velyu Curb•yt in (-hare«. , I After a hywu and praye-r by the had- 1er. Misw Claire Pentland read the 'Scripture Ieaewu. The topic.,„ -1.(111‘• and Wt,r." was driven by Ilugh Me - Whimsey, eitirensIlp onrrat•r the ' arst.ut a series on Peat -round War to • • be retried tbruuglwn; lir November meetings. After a business diem, *Ion It was decided that the Y.I'.1'. • ' avenue of this week le enn.r'lled, that all might attend Il* Y. 1'. aougrrsa at Nile oirWednrwlly 114:1.1 of this week. 1 ' Several:games and eon' •six were held before the meeting closed. 'h4enble so the hand. -11r. and Mr*. I Stanley Hughes.. of Tor. t.to, are vbslt• Ing the latter'% parent.. )Ir. and Mrs. D. 8. Errington, on the 6114 coins -Kahn ;of West Wawanosh. They made the trip by motor on Sun lr; and It ay- , peered very nl•e weather when they left Toronto, brit as .hey travelled • along they found the ',igbway very slippery and uaplessant to drive on. Near Arthur their car skidded sad turned nitride down !n the ditch. lir. Hughes was able to crawl out and re- lease his wife, who was pinned- be- neath the wheel. :,o damage was done to the ear and the occupants only a�,ed sbotk and required dry cloth. lbg. After a few bo irs rest, they wore able. to coati ire their journey. Dela* ailArt im r t ert,-The com- munity learned with A ep regret of the peeving of a highly respected edtt- sea In the person of Arthur Culbert, os Monday, November l&!. The de- ceased wart born In 11(8.4 to Mr. Thos, Culbert and his dice, formerly Mar- garet Ann McMauu.. nu the Lake Shore road near Sheppardton. Ile was the third of Ave sou., the others being Fred, of near Listowel, Thos. H., Ashfield, Lewellyn, of Saskatoon, end Nelson. of West Wewanosh. Floe sisters are Clara (Mrs. tam Swan). (Meer Wm. !Vireos/. K►_•lyn tMrs. Jack Errington) and Mabel, at home. De- ceased married Annie Jubustun, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston, twenty -fire years ago lot settlM en lot i., (oncesalon 6 Afield, where they lived eight years. They then moved to the 6th cou(ra:•ton of West Wawaaosb and remained there nine year*, bet eemlag tom o &lair term as the gravel road one mile south' of Dungannon. Four son(' were born to them: Eldon. McN111e, fierce,. and Laverne, all at home. --Mr. Cul- bert has been serving for the last tea Jenne as a councillor for the town- ship of Ashfield. He was a valued member of Dungannon United church and choir.. The funeral services were held at the home and church with the members of Ashfield township conceit as pallbearer.. interment was In Dungannon cemc,ery, '+ gratutated the lays. .alb ou their 'sportsmanship and on the flue brand of ball played, for width appreciative spectators contributed generously to the partiug Tutt. with the result Were W11-14 n tidy sum la the general 144.1+nut at the end of the se•seou. A 'lettent game was player) fu (k- ' toter fur Harold 1)oak. l'resbyteriuu !catcher who spent two) dale fu hos- t pleat with a ibrokeu nose and a slight taking penalty 1414*.. Wally tinnily redeemed himself when, with ten min- utes to go). he booted home the equal- izer from a headout by Joe O'Brien on Herb. )Lady's corner kick. ' -The only threat atter that was wl-en "Weary" got lila finger. on t'oach't'. Hemingway's angle shot. to divert 11 last the poet. At any rate, the game ended on another I-) score. ' concussive, toe result of being struck Then comes the error in Judgment, !by a pitched ball. Salo of tickets n-1 for the G.sierleh lads agreed to decide stilted most gratifyingly L1 the /cal- the winner% with Eve kicks on goal- , izatlon of $2.5.15, which• uu motion of an unheard-of procedure, and most un- 1 J. D. Middleton and Woe, Blawfieid, fair lo the goallels, as 11 - was quite will be presented to Doak.dark at the time. The executive had au Doak.,, dark However, the locals were Just gyp, task to perform as a result of the ping themselves, for not only were the sale of tickets for the fund. sue Brussels lade better kik-kers, but their player who admittedly rescued $. , goalie matched We, As, fret asa111ss ter the Asir of tickets Turned ill only 1 -Wears" $wlger's ar,''Ti1 four -- one dollar. He has refused to turn • truly a most .regrettable dlscrep,,iwy. }In. the remainder and +e,, un t01,11011, Canoe the kicks. $wlger stopfped II before the meeting. he nits been di.- one In three and tae fonrtb also went Iqualified from taking'-yyrt in the . in -three goals ear of four Nbotx. Church League until the mat:eer is , Theci,sterh•a kicks': The first -1 straightened our. The amount. if wlnt oe'er tier har,.-fief• second went received, will of yours.' be ghcu to i wide•, the third wait in and the fourth Iksak. , went wide. 'fillets Rruseela the game. it was der•itled to Loll an eafLY or- ' As for the game Itself Hruase•ts ap- gsniattiass_assso K,„A t _re•a + it %aced to ibe edger 1n team play, wits left with the pte.s'dcnl -ha-��� 141the=j It !bt.! bare•,'r"ii`rTe tigi u.-1.4 pWnetrats• the- ssr•retar4. A. S. Taylor, to arrange the thslerich backfield, of *bleb a strung date,, bulwark was lLach ft. E. 'ht'ami'y.. The harmony -of Mr o'agne this year 1 Time and again Tw-ateley ,broke Up I wit+ Iht. ennsx• of you<iderable cur.!• , dangerous rushees to lead oo counter- med. and the boys are drtermluel it'iettacks. ' will be the ,.amt. next year. Int -idol- Add to the grief the fact that (I.od- tally, they are looking forward to im- -erich was outweighed at least fifteen 1 pvrtaut changes next year, to include Pound- per man. Thus did (bider - :a vastly improved diamond with pos. bell•% suls'rtor- sped, sd by J.,r i slbly bleachers. Entry of 1111 all-star Io'Itrl•n;atot Pupcbo ('raig, prove it - I team In the e1ntairiu An.a tear S„itlalll _,•If a:stbefi ..-1 Josef. :Association also will be considered._, ,' Thi- tii;-a teams were very evenly ! Before adjournment :, unanimous .111atch.l and It was a pity a third tote of thaaJs w -as trndtre,l the presl- game could` nut hs. }� 1 dint, treasurer and secretary fur their + Thos,, Bowler was h"1 ogee•. work towards a successful season. The teams: Team captains present were Win. ,Brussels Gosl•rich usepon*ld and J. D. Middleton. of ti. Gibson final W. Plwigrr Knox eburch : R. Bloou.tlrld, of Vie- J. Bryan,. r.f.h J Barton torla street I'oiterl eburch : 1.4,1. Riley, ' SV. Ni,s,t /e,f,b, Georges church; :Stewart Geri?, H. l'earwo of the Itaptlst church; Frank Howell. W. Bigek of the Foresters. and ,111u Johnston. .1....Luwrk of Raeebler's. tKlug S. Stiffer Di SURROGATE COl'RT W. Boland A contestation of the estate of the ('. Hemingway late Elisabeth Navin... of Colborne C. Baker township, In which evidesrt'e was heard on Tue.idny morning in Surrogate AT TORONTO BRIDGE TOUifNElf i Court before Ades. T. M. Costello, wan Although the Goderk•h Bridge Club i adjourned eine die at 1 pm. Tuesday had entries in the tests. of fours and 1 for the presentation of argument. open pairs play at the annual tourney I The plaintiff, James David Nista,. • •� of Heat Wawanoeh, rtepon of de- eeased, sought an order for $610 for the maintenance of the late F:lisaheth Nivins for 122 weeks from 1030 until the time of her death. The plaintiff stated there was a rantiief agreement PHONE 187 that lire. Nlvina esheuld pay for ber kelt, wllble residing at his home. a skrded $100 by Judge Costello. i.f.h. C. Anderson ('.h. K. Arthur 7.a. W. (halg 1.4. is E. Tw•amlry c. J. (tra'.a 1.r. J. O'Brien 1.1. W Westbrook o.r. 11. Iiolmau 0.1. It. Moody L L ' � f 1 , (h, Wednesday Mr. ',firkin was w ,•rc..... At the regular week*; tourney on Toronto Wblrt (flub at the Royal York hotel last weekend, they were not amneg tete relaaera_. One team represented Ooderich, be- ing composed of Mrs. 1. D. E•ntmah, WS. W. F. Saunders. las, flume and 1'. F. Carey. Bre. Kansaan and Bre. Saunders qualified for Lee anal sound in the pair play on )Saturday, but were later eliminated. • • • ES -Smart New Dres ee_ Jurt-..Arrived ! The styles are the sort you see at parties, dances - with swinging lines and a f$stive air. e. FABRIC'S THAT ASH - Dlitirft'RENT-iri- descent weaves, glinting crepes, stiff metal- '{ Prices $6.95 up lies. Styles for Matron and Miae rt ail r d the nen• colors. 4 SALE on Fur -trimmed Coats AN INVESTMENT iN VALUE! 40 SMARTLY USED! ALL -WOOL MATEUTA1.E)!- STY.4 _THAT ARE NEW rAAiD SMART! COATS REG. $24.60 to $28,60 Stile Price $19.95 Velvet = TOW E S .. _ New Millinery in hand -draped silk vel- vets. Metallic trimmings, The smart and comfortable Hat for winter wear. $2.9 5 1 A Few Christmas Arrivals ' HANDKERCHIEFS Lace Hanky with linennth ' 29c eacHand-drawn Linen in white each 9c,. 1+405-9 Colored border Linen Hanle each SKI -SUITS Warns, wool blanket cloth Ski - Suits, smartly made. 8k1 -pants, in colors navy and brown. Rises 10, 12, 14, 16,_18, 20. Men's Overcoats 41 50c MSc Now is the time to buy your Winter Over- coat at Great Savings, Good cloth'* and well made. Harry - more cloths in plaids and monotones, silver - tones and tweeds. BUY NOW AT REDUCED PRICES CORNFIELD Monday night Freak Donnelly aad P. F. Carey were the whiners, with peas 30%. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ag. Jobns4ou were eeeond with plus Al Twat 110Y11- Iapsrtana wait fu tate Levy Fatally (aegis la Califon& '•Sir. sad Agra. M. R'allace -Horton (Jesek Levy) of North Hollywood an- nounce the birth of twin sons, Mon- day. November 9, 1906' at Physicians sad Surgeons boepltal. Mr. and Mrs. John Levy of 020 Purtola are the maternal grandpareatae' This anndhneement In Or Glendale I('alfforala) News-Prews will •be of much laterest to friends of Mr. and Mrs. Levy and their family, who -be- fore then' brawn! to ('3'llfor•la were well-known residents q( Colborne town- ship. The mother of the Livia* to their youngest daughter, and they are their are grandsons, and doebNess ire the objects of much love and pri In the family circle. The Signal vends cc;lgratulatloaa to all concerned. CARPET BOWLING i. 0. L and legion Increase Their Lad In League Coated The L.O.L. and L(•gl..n teams held the top places In the (i.ederk•b Cwrtfet Bowling League after Monday's -War. Increasing their lend 111 two games, and the only change in the standing VI ns made • by the %%.•t,,rtane with a move front Atilt to th{r•t pace. C.O.F. tt•iunt. lost all 'fuer ,I110** on Monday -ail alaluat unprce•edent,»I occurrence. The result of Monday:, games: Band 16 C.O P'' No. 2 ,...12 i. 0.1.. , 19 Band 9 Victorians 12'(1.1) v. No. 1 e LOT.; tt Legion ' 11 ('.Olk No. 2 ...,....R Legion '...7 14 (1,0 ys\ j4o, 1 ....6 The Matdltlt W I. D F A Pts. r o.L. 6 0 e R9 42 10 Legion '7 ..., 4 1 0 56 4<t R Victorians 2 3 0 4? 00 4 C.O.F. No. 1„ 2 3 A 46 611 . 4 R.O.F. No. 2 1 4 0 46 Mt 2 Band 1 4 tl 61 flit 2 (lames far November OM mar. lt'tE r-vtr. 4sa�elr N1- sena moa. No. Victorians vs. c.i"l.V, mo. 1.0.L vs, C.O.P.No. 1. n* logirye Beet ' - u are Invited to shop" -- Phone 418 Aiwa - $10 Reward for any ewes-ot cal- lous which cannot be retrieved by the stew w•lo1111flc LL/IVIES 1(1!YM(ILA• TED C'OItN HALVE. Thls new alive dese'nsitisuM enrols and callouses with the first application. ("all your drug - Oat today and order thin WONDEIt- FI'L HALVE, 40e. i,loyd (74mical Lalaratorige. ' For sale at ('ampbeita Drug Store. 1 ONs MORNING PAPER EM !a Teraste aaftr44-alalic Bops TheOat Mall seal IOarpire Clommcn.'iug pert Monday, Tbrouto will have only use morulug paper, the ` p ubUahers of The Globe having pur- .'haatd The Mali and ))mplre, The paper will be 'styled The Globe and rMill. 1t will be independent in poll - 'tics, but "will etre gene.al tupport to Governments • le power whether Con- srrvativt or Liberal." A FLAY and DANCE h1 leo• Dungannon Agricultural Hall Friday, November 20th under the auspices of the Dun- 51111114M uo51111114n1 Agrieultural $orlety "DON'T DARKEN MY DOR" a Comedy in 3 Acts. presented by Tee ttivater Players. commen- t -tug at x.15 p.m. ' Admission - Adults 25c Children 15e Dame -Altterse Geode 25. Ladles Free Per 1tdigestlm. tis. &Wily and all ttliarsi usable -flake GASTRONOX S T O M 11 C t i P O W D E R Bald at CAMPBELL'S DRUG The Studio Couch IS THE IDEAL ARRANGE- MENT It can be u as chesterfeld or In • moment can be converted into a double bed or two single •beds. A wardrobe compartment can be added at • ellgbt addi- tional cont. A llrlagroom and bedroom combined. You may choose your own covering.. a J. R. Wheeler ?motorist Director and Antietam Dealer . NnmStee Street, Welch PHON E8 : Store 335: lies. 355 Goderich Old Home \ leek August 1--7, 1937 I'ersuus who know of G(slerlrl (1d lfAors'ur Girls at a di•tene• ate Milted to till lu the name and a•idnwaa below null (nail to - -----=Ds. W..11 Callow. Goderich. Ontario .. NAME . .%1,!'Itt:Ss . This will enable the Committee to se•ael an is)ritatiou hs dor cea)',.e YOUNG KEN YOUNG WORN 'THE HURON COUNTY BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE INVITES YOIT TO ATTEND 'at 1 SHORT COURSES in AGRICULTURE AND HOMF ECONOMICS TO BE (HELI) IN AUBURN, Nov,. 24th to Dec, 18th, 1936 For further information and a complete outline of -these courses, write: IAN MaeLEOD, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, CLINTON, ONTARIO Now -Barbara Staawyok and star east, in "The Bride Walks Oat.' Hoot (libido and Berry Grey, In "Powder Plante Range." MONDAY, TrISDAY sad WtDNEBDAV- MYRNA LOY, MAN HARLOW and CLARK GABLE Triple starred In a four-star epeeist. Rated es an ontatendlnf et - `W "Wife vs. Secretary" THIiRBDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY- ' ROBERT TAYLOR and LORETTA YOUNG A sensational team rq a brilliant new romance "Private Number WITH PA'S*' KELLY AND BASIL RATHBONE ss Matinees Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays at 3 pea. ('oming-Freddie Bartholomew and Victor AgeLsglen, fa el •'11110FF.nS1ONAL SOLDIER." Specials for Saturday - BEEF - All Steaks Ib, 180 Rib Boil Ib. 80 IAMB Lep Shoulder Chop, lb. lec • -VRAL- Rolled Shoulder ib. 18e Stewing Veal Ib. 12c , -Trash and tlured nab - L • moemommammimm Special ! Special ! Chestnut Coke a $10.50 a ton Range Coke - $10.00 a ton Pocahontas ias (Egg or Stove) Y $11.00'`, Me, $10.00 Priees quoted are for OUR ONLY and are subject to change , ' 'without further notice. • ---_ CALL The .Company. Ly PHONE 96-W ALttlltt? S1'