HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-19, Page 1si e5Jto,�n1938uary t New Subuer1PUoas to The Signal for 11337 will include the remeinlug two months of this year. Subscribe now and receive the full adveutage of this offer. WOHTY-N1141,111 TEAR. NO. 47 COUNCIL REACHES AGREEMENT TELEPHOWCOMPANY And Work Will Begin in a Few Days—Ed. R. Watson Geta Skating Rink Afar tie statutory meeting of the Saws. ceiaell oa Wends, night, at - ;*Ileaw websdoti To tura:- 3110 C -11f-; the lfunelaI statement printed, the council took up other bualnesa sad gave It. approval of the Bell Telephone project to remove, re- place or reline poles In the east side of the town In its program of recLu- structlon. Work on the #30.000 project prob- ably will commence ilex, week. In- cluded in the program ee the removal of telephone poles from Hamilton and Kingston streets, and ,.0 East street from the Square to Victoria street. Poles will be placed on property lines where possible, and due consid- eration will be given walks, drives, watermains, eta., in the tlacing of'tbe poles. The work probably swill result is the inatallatlou, early next year. of a new switchboard at the -Beit ormce, and the elimination of the creak connections. la a comtnunlcatton N. 1.. Kilpatrick, representative of the Bell Telephone Company, wrote as fol- lows: "We will use ee much local labor as possible for trench, manhole, pole and touter holes i.cd tree trim- ming, paying for such labor the pre- vailing labor rate." The cost of tree triwming also will be borne by the Teleph• ne Company, but only that portion which affects the wires and cables. Ooutsdllor F. E. Bingham will sup- ervise the work, with Mayor H. J. A. leacEwan and Reeve J. J. Moser, wbo have power to add to their number. The matter of obtaining local labor for the work was left a Ith the chair- man of the special and pubec works committees, Councillor C. 11. Humber and Reeve Moser. Tenders ter Misting Risk In committee of the whole council viewed ave tenders for the Goderich skating rink. The tender of Ed. 1t. Weston was accepted for three :serious at $533 per season. lost year's pro- viso ill holds good, that public suds separate school children be .given two boors' tree skating one afternoon a week, from 3.30 'to 5.30 o'clock. L The eouneil wlW �- 4$s the proper Government department twftb regard CO Ttra7tRx 1111-3Td � 'I- tioual building on Newgate street to the militia. The matter, Is In the hands of the Mayor, the clerk and the chairman or the finance committee. To Inerease Corporation Wages "I think It was a mtatake," said Councillor J. E. Hut kiss, in open oo utsell, "%ben the t irporation low- ered, wages from 35e to 31k•. i am going to move that the prevailing wages for town labor be Sae per hour Instead of 30c per hoer." The` motion was ,ecoa'k'l by Deputy Turner urner and was referred to committee, to to takeu up at the re- gular meeting tomorrow night. Members of the court- ot-r.slalen passed on the $1,9(f8 Income 'trlx as- seaxment ' of the Goderkb Salt Com- pany, which had been entered too late -to be glared on the roil it was decided that members of the council abould Inspect the town stor- te the Mien shed at the wate-front with a Iview to ordering some repairs. Meeks Oidals Byaw No. 12 was panned. naming deputy returning oaken• and poll clerks Iu the twelve sutrdivlalons for the coming municipal elections as fol- lows: 1, MacEwan's garage. T. R. Wal- lis, J. W. MacVlear ; 2, H. Mitebell's store, Wm. Waite,W. T. McLean; a and 4. Graf's meat market, F. G. Weir and (nester Johnston, Fred Mur- ney and Wm. Black; 5 and 6, town hall, II. T. Edwards and Geo. Bel- cher, E. L. Dean and W. J. Buchan- an; 7 and 8, Rothera' wagon shop, A. Iflgldnaon and Wm. Mothers, E. J. I'rldham and A. F. $omersall ; 9, Snasel's lunch room, A. F. Sturdy, H. L. Watson; 10 and 11. McArthur's electrical shop, T. Pritchard and A. Rougyle, (bas. Black and John Whit- tingham; 12,,ldsiddle's house, J. R. Orr and J. M. Priddle. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1936 PERSONAL MENTION !flax Jean Lawson left yesterday to spend the winter .E Lee ; Angeles, Callforuta. Me. S. J. Wark returned home Saturday night after a sxecessful deer hunting trip In Northern Ontario. Mime Gladys MacDonald, of buck - now, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. (,larenee MaeIbnatd, Cambria road. Mr. Tony Maejuris and Mr. /Item Trice*, of Toronto, visited Mr. T. Man- brie ao-bre of f Vents Cafe a•few_days iia, i.-ie„-Jaahee returned oa Tagr day from bla .bunttnr trip iu the north country, and veulwn dinners are now In order. Mrs, It. H. Mew, Mi,•Dunald street, returned home on Monday from a visit with her niece, Mrs. Belle Satalls- comhe, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1.. Hrert•ton and daughter, Frames, of Calgary, and Mr. and Mrs. E. iSoak, of Detroit, ate visiting at the home Of Mr. and Urs, It. Doak. MissItoTe Atlyene.librarian at the public library, returned em Friday from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. (Rev., W. H. Moss, of 1V:etlock, Alta., and at other Western reatree. Misec'e Jennie and Clara Sharman lett un Friday last on their return to their home at Italmota., Man., atter a month's vlelt with Mr. and Mrs.ZW, C. T'ridham and other r.•latives here. Mr. and Mrs. .artlsnr Murdoch and 'child and MINN Allee Hr. wn, all of De- troit, called on their relative, Mr. J. Cameron, on Saturday efteruoou on their way to spend the week -end at Lueknow. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wickens, of Toronto, Mr. Gt•o. Wickert., of David- son, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harries and family, of Stratford, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Allen. Mr. R. E. Young, of North Itay, visited his mother, Mrs. Thus. Young, South street, last week. and on his return was accompanied by Mrs. Young, who will spend the winter with him at North Bay. We regret to repo -t the Illness of Mrs. Tremblay with scarlet fever. Her son Hilliard took the di+case first, and Mrs. Tremblay nursed b m until she herself became 111. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. WINTRY WEEE-END Northwest Wed, with s Slight Fall et Seew, Midges Ckbseras Shiver A cold, blustery uorthwest wind gave Goderich a foretaste of winter last week -end, when rale changed to snow overnight on Saturday and roads and walks were made treacherous by a tight coating of ice. The cold wind prevailed an Sunday. with Intermittent snow hurries,"tile temperature dropped to 22 degrees. The nor' -wester assumed the propor- tions of a gale on hake Huron, and all day huge breakers pounded over the breakwater.. The steamer Scott pion, after which the Noble Grande I p�etn[ with Miss Grein were Kiss Mlmner managed to e'ear the harbor of thea visiting letlgees stake Mira,. Johnston.i gesbert Johnston was chem... He wor- entrance and 'darted for the bead Euchre was played, 'he winner. be- I Madeleine hIt.N., and the fol - of the Lakes, but the fury of the Ing Mrs. A. Starker aril Mrs. W. Doak. lowing nurses-itetrainin : Vest; Tabb, 1 Korai forced her to return after tra- 'The consolation awed was presented I Ruth Patton, Lulu Mild, Iola Willett, veiling fourteen miles. I Irene Graham, Kathleen l awforl and ! to Miss Elide Elder. 'Walter L. Badley, Recently Trans- -.::Table,• prettily decorate.: with 'mama Bernice Bond, Although roads of tesla town and I district were Icy for two days no ac'ci- In diver holders were arranged by a ferrel from Chatham, Was in PUBLIC SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT The annual comnieueement exercises of Central and Victoria public schools will be held In the auditorium of North street (-niter! church on Thurs- day evening, November 244th, commenc- ing at 7.45 o'clock. .t silver collet - Goa will be taken to defray expellees. ViSITING RFBEKAHS Members of the Rebekah lodges of HEADS HURON OLD BOYS, OF TORONTO Many Grain Carg Arriving at Har t w.t[TEit .t. Rt4'll.tN.' N -Well-known Goderich Old .11uy of 'To- ronto, who wan sleeted t'res(ideut of the Iluroa 4)ld-Boysi Assut•Lation of e_runt9 .11 Its.301111ai 'meet lug last week. The Association: is planning t0 take a big part In (iodericb'e Old Home Week next samtWK. $alt Moving Out for Western Canada—Busy Week at Waterfront The past week has bees a busy one at the harbor. Seven grain cargoes arrived, one vessel loaded wheat for Montreal, and two carl,'tc, of salt were teIpped out fortheWestern Canada .116 • Q 1.50 to/Jstan, uary c� \,•w Subs.•rlptiat, Signal for 1937 will include the remetulng two uo,11the' of this year. Sub scribe uuw and receive the full :oh:tillage Of this offer, THE S11.NAI. PRINTING; c u t lete'F:D I•ubll'hera BAND BANQUET Aim& Merrittg .t (:.deride Mu.ieal Sedans, Next Thursday Nicht e Goderich Musical Society will this year combine its annual uieetlug and election of office -re with a banquet to be held at the Itrltleh h'xchauge hotel on Thursday ee-euing, November 30th. The town council, the executive d the Society, together with the mem- bers of the band, will to on baud and the general pmblk L Wilted to attend and participate In the meeting which will begin at 8 o'clock. The banquet is slated fur 6.30 p.m. Citizens in- trade. r, ern n te'reeted lu rite meeting may, If they trade. Four more ,easels are ex- wish, attelud the banquet, the cost of peered tomorrow, which will bring the which le (10 cents, It they will cum - turnover of grain for the week close munlcate witb the set•retary, 1). E, to the million -bushel mark. -- Campbell, so that arraug,:ments may be IN made to accommodate them. Society funds will be distributed to the band 'members duriug the banquet. Nov. 11 -Superior, 05,1x)0 bushels wheat, elevator; Massey, 14)5,151) barb- els wheat, mill. A good turnout of Interested dtl- Nov. 14 -Scott Mlsucr, 40,415) bush. zoos 1.. hoped rot, se asslstan a alit be ala torn, mill. required to formulate plans fur a good Nov. 10--Nov'adoc, 00.,.Ixl eau-hcls band for the occasion of the Old euro, elevator. Home Week next summer. Nov. 17 - Itrlcolda', 80,000 bushels E. R. Wigle, president of the Musical lax and wheat, elevalur; Geo. R. Chou- S"eiety, %ill preside at the Iatalttet. titan, 40,45x1 eau+bels corn, elevalur; - 11'inona, .115,Og0_bushels :srieat,...1... CHANGE LN LINER] Bl'SLNES8B the tire trucks arrived. Furniture and ealua',les were re- vatOr. _. - _- , Mel. Craueton is now e,peratltg the 1 . -_�, OCT t _ Thou. Swarte liver) and taxi business i waved l' willing yolnn aces., men ant us M.ntt I et. wtteadfur' rgt {{ tutneu. ars the firemen played three !tient Prow Goderich Satt C'ompwny: Maelwrld, wb4F carried on the bnstnese.jstreamv on the fleroely blazing root. Prestadoe, 112,000 bushel.. wheat.els for some.- time. l■ order to spikebNeacowls• woe sate of a num ,anus to Montreal. rumors to tbe-twetiltry, Mr. Swarts of wuwru who annual, e.cap9d Nar. _ lnlury from fading plaster ate water ran down from the attic, ruining walla, Mau West from GodeNcro Salt Com- busittaS14 which he hal beaded for !Fire Damages W. G. MacEwan Home Blase in Attio Yest�ardy Morning Causes Severe Loss Furni- ture Removed A fire %blob originated iu the attic at the home of W. G. MacDwan; Al- bert street, on Weduucday morning, re- sulted in damage to the! Clue resident-. which way approximate $3,000. The dre was diteov'ered by (Mae Rance, who was passlrb by. He saw .woke issuing fruw the red and rushed uucerewouiousty luta toe house, ring- ing 1u au alarm and railing Mr. Mac- Ewan ao Ewan from his work. Mrs. MacEwau was b'isy in the cel- lar and knew nothing of the lire until she heard the 'phone ring and saw Mr. Raper on cowing upstairs Mra. Johu Newcuwbe also nod 'ren the smoke and walked acres. the road t• offer assistance with several other wo- men and wen who getbcred about as WESTMINSTER GUILD Abouttwenty-tire members of he estatinrter Guild of Knox Presbyter. Ian chbrch enjoyed a octal evening 1 the lecture room of the church on Tuesday. Miss Barbels Thomson, convener of the social committee, was hum and Superior are expected at the iu charge and was asslrted by' Mee elevator. The Ralph Eudd will be In Thetis' Lumby and Alex. Butler. A again tomorrow for salt. and the short business seseiou was conducted Superior also will clear with a cargo by the president, Miss Mary MacKay, of salt. and John Milia gave a report on the • • • young people's eonfereue a at Hamilton over the Thanksgiving week -end. Group games and coutesta provided a lively evening and re•freshmenta were served. more Mau airy years, although be no celIlugm and flours and furniture, bang— • les/Cr take. an active IlarC lags sod ruga. The roof of the brick 11s11datlg sats ,"'The D. B. Hanna Is expected at the a total lose, as aaa alaoot the entire mill Bowe time durtug the night with PINNED UNDER WTlIE attic. Considerable furniture was rt - 105,000 bushels of grain. anti the Dur- Wm. Lcumby, Jr., who has suffered moved by the volunteer, and stowed injuries fu many a �motorcycle• sinash- in the homed of neighbors. up, apparently is non safe even while Mr.' and Mrs, MacEwan and daugb- standiug about, "just minding his own ten are staying wit:i relatives. business." Ile was present at Flab- Another Run ter the rises er's garage at Saltford op • Monday %hes several wen were slsutantllug n Dr. J. W. Held was startled when about noon on Wednesday be saw dense clouds of evoke pouring up from the cellar' at his lovely home. "The Cas(1e." Ile turued in an alarm and the trucks made a last run, only to dlncover that the smoke was being blown from the furuaee along the empty coal chute to the bin and se into the house. LIKE THE NORTH COUNTRY Last week -end two of a band of five local young sten wbo have been min' - Ing in Northern Oatarto arrived 1n their home town. They are Bill Saunders and Bill Gardiner. The pair are working with Max Cormier and Murray 11' eettM tlE . Kobe Johnston's' nickel 4Th tvrenty male+ eolith of Timmins. The rigorous out- door life Is agreeing with the young men and they sta•ak highly of the ruggerl country, thinking nothing of the 24 below zero temperature they are now exp•rletc'ing. At present they are engaged in pumping out the lotto, which was Aoe.(.0 with water. They state a load of ore taken from the mine recently wag Mgkh grade. They intend returning north soon. M. C. C. DINNER -DANCE The dinner-danee of tt e Menesetung 'canoe Club has been advanced to Wed- nesday, Norember 35th, because of other events on the night for which It was originally axed. THEATRE -DINNER PARTY - Miss Mary Green, graduate nurse at Alexandra Marine and General Hospeal, was the guest of honor at a theatre -dinner party given, by ,lana Evelyu MacNaughtou on Friday night district No. 26, to the number of about I last Although Miss Green grad - seventy -Tyr were entertained by Goal- rih Rebekah Lodge No te) on Tues wteci on June ti, .h• had ]oat tom' " 1 la Yesterday 'morning and afternoon a lathe. skte husky decided to test dicer from Southampton, tended by hi. strength, and in attempting to lift the lathe on its stand, he dumped the 7(x1 -pound machine oa top of young l.uwby, who was piunesi to the floor • • • by our leg. Three lieu lifted the maehluery front him ind pe led him The sir. ltricold.s•, %hle.n war heat- free. lits leg, at[biugli ,jlalntnliy lly laden in port on Tut -!slay and draw- bruised, was net broken. - ing about twenty feet, was unable 10 turn for some time when her keel caught the obstrurHonr. which was dis- covered to be a ridge ut dirt and grate' 1 thrown up b7 the propellors of shpts manoeuvring at tite el vAtor. Thos. Babb and Spencer Irvine, of Gotlerlob, sought au obetructlon on the harbor floor which hau.ierc•d the muye- ments of freighter, at tie Mill leg. C. A. e. I I'Buc MEETING -'The (hIiiIri•n'e Aitt,Sia•lety will bold a public meeting next Wsolnesday, at 8 p.m.," in the Sunday school nom of Kuux church. Title will lie combined with.,. the prayer -meetings of the chnreiell. A cordial welcome is ex- tended to all to attend, SHOWER FOR 'oUE-uf---------.- ••FRONT PAGE" A post -nuptial re p:1 in honor of Mrs. Georya Twasnie Itormerty `leer i.aais sig R. ) w it>� at the home of Mrs. Herbert Cranston, William street, on Friday last. The guests, numbering about twenty, were gra:hull" lla-nureeet and their friends. The guest of hounr 'VIP seated he- ath an Inverted umbrella which was prettily decorated to pink and %bite, *lad -uspeuded from tier ceiling. Ilal- lWnne, hung from the umbrella, were used, ehtrwering the bride with R. JOHNSTON o IS MASTER mfetfl; then the uw'l retia, laden with *Ms, was •lowered. edit lunch- . plated /milting In "'Ick 4ince omt st day evening at Oddfeitows' Ball. Moss fall. Tim party of nine attended y Chrletlne McKenzie, N.G. of Goderich I At the election of officers of Malt- In was reeved, following a ttwat pro- 1" er the Capital Theatre and then enjoyed p R land. Lodge. No. .13, A. 1''. a A. ll., Pose! by Mies Ruth Foster, R,N., In 1 a dinner at 1Vong's Cafe. Thome C. ■ . eta -Agent Found at lite meeting firth*. lodge last' week, IL•hat( of the nuosee. ' The remainder. - Lodge, conducted a short bnatnese se t the evening was *petit playing bin- litariling Permutation by Little Lr t - : fle,m►�-kesatise- -- A striking departure In stage peer eutatlons !wally was witncwed at MacKay Hall on Friday night last when the London Little Theatre play,• "Front l'age," was enacted, .a the fleet of a 'wriest to be presented under the auspices of the Melts. Leaf Chap- ter, 1.0.1).1 Th.. play, a distinctly modern, rapid - tire vehicle, the work of lien lfeccbt and Charles McArthur, wen introduced am n repre'e•wation of a preen room In ihe.Driwh ill Courts Building. Chi- cago. lie brutal frankness of lang- uage,' lib•ratly garnished with exple- tives sever before heard ou a Guder- Dead in His Car stipful umeter. Other °ultra are and ether games. Thome. winning stage, was the mos; startling feu- . Wm. BIwet, L1'.M. ; E, C. Beacom, 'rizea were Miss Mildred Mcay, 1LN„ tune of the presentation; but this ra- S.W.; Rupert Hhset,,J.1V.; F. 1:. is Marie Shields, R.N., Mr. Edgar Meal upset id previous local ideate, Weir, chaplain; Gee. Ma"Vlcar, stere- (lough end 'Mr. Frank Clerk. while offensive to the majority of tary; R. (:. Reynolds:, treasurer. The -, conducted in Installation will ---=- ------r- those weal witnt•asitd the performance. r be C,1. supping AND Keynue did not ul.eure the fact that the work (ember. There was a tier attendance last of the players was superb in. its I tecb- THE WEATHER Poor Health and Despondent dints were reported. luncheon committee ander Mrs. J. C. Gudericle was.;far-,, fGo>ii - IICIA , oat4. �- Guests were preseni".from Clinton, $eaforth and Stratford. "snowed In," but mo'orlsts report having conte difficult) in travelling abort the codntryslde, drifted snow being the cause of many an unpleasant moment. ' H. T. Falwards, ('ht- lren's Aid la- ' alwetor, was stalled in a drift In Col- borne townmhlp, and was rescued by a yam of horses from .a nearer farm, and Dr. J. B. Whitely was•etuck in ■ drift near Ball's Midge. Some other Goderich people were forced to dig their ear from a drift on the Blue Wa- ter highway near St. Joseph. CONGREGATIONAL SUPPER RECEI%EB CILURTER At a 'luncheon at Hotel Bedford on Thursday last, at which members of the Maple Leaf Chapter, LO.D.E., were hostesses, the ('hapten received Its charter from Mra. V. Ernest, of Kit- chener, Provincial organizer of the 1.O.D.E. The charter wile received by Mrs. D. E. 'Campbell, regent, who re- plied briefly to Mrs. Ernst's gracltue ppeeeb. .. 'The tables were attractively decor- ated in purple and gold. i.O.D.E. col - The members of the Woman's Assn- ore,'hk•b echiene was carried out elation of North street United church r9 vases of lovely flowfer,. were the hoateeses at a congregational 1' At the head table V,ith the regent supper on Thursday night last, In the srhootroonn of the church. Mr. Ganott) Woreelt, Jr, Introduced and Mrs. Ernst were air . H. J. A. MacEwan, Mrs. D. J. Lon', regent of Ahmeek Cha freer, LO.D.E., Ml . liklitb tl}1 jgj irlaulrfasutri bit` for the time of year whin 12 degrees was registered ou Wednesday night- A trace or idea on Burnley was ti+ lowed by halt -an -inch on Monday. Temperatures of the last week and of the corresponding week of last year were as follows: - ' 1936 - 1935. -- Max. Min. Max. Min. Thur.,, Nov. 12 .. .47 :ta 38 34 Fri., Nov. 18 " 44 :tc 37 32 Sat., Nov. 14 ........44 40 3M 33 Sun., . Nov. 15 43 29 37 34 Mon., Nov, 16 33 2,4 38 33 Tues, Nov, 17 47 :t4 38 34 Wed., Nov. 18 46 18 40 :14 Ft% days after he. had taken oyer .\ meeting of the 'Ord Home Week els duties' as C.P.R. station agent committee was called for Monday even - here, the lifeless ,body of Walter L. Ing, -but tie Tin1sn..• *T Sot 7atts- Radler, aged dity-ave, was found' factory -partly owing to the fact that - e ....mil was nlee,lng the woke slumped over lfi� �ibell Tri �ti coupe the taws • 4n the pallwiy freight shed, the motor night -and adjourumeat aas made to s1111 running and a home carrying next !(onlay night, at S o'clock, at poisonous carbon monoxide fumes the town hall. _ from the exhaust pipe to the interior 14 Is hoped there will be a full at. of the closed I•ar. tendency next Monday night, as tm- The gruesome (Recovery was made portant businesre will be rep far, Culla at 8 a.m. Saturday morning by Ar- sideration. thur Ilcevers, ('.P.R. enployee. A. HWin . Taylor, coroner, stated it sa- . - HURON CHAPTER ELECTI3 a 10/1111 east of suicide, and there (bakers of Huron Chapter, No. 30, re pleated on Tuesday night would be no Ingneet. On a small R.A.M., de HOGGARD CREDITORS writing pad by the steering wheel was -as follows: /AMIN'e Mael)onald: Z.; written merely "W. L. Badley." Nelson Hlll, il.; John Pens, J.; W.11 Refuter Seerrltke Hid nye GuarantyThe garden hose was well tied on McMillan, ILE: H. C. Dunldie S.N. the exhaust pipe. and the other end J. H. Vrvoman, treasurer; M. J. Mnf -of the hose was held under the dead lie, 11.8,; A. Kaitttng, O Aj Ruhei men's arm, being taken in through Bisect pre•Ided. The Officers will be the door of the cat. It was not de- Installd on December 15. Nutt prin- terminad how long he bad been dead, ciliate, under Rt. E:x. Bro. 11. B. M. bot one nuthirfty etnto d the car en- Tlehlarne, D.D.(I.M., cs,11ferred a de - gine would idle all night on It 'half- gree, after which a luncheon was en- joyed. " Trust Company the following numicrs of an intereet- Roberts, Mrs. J. A. (Graham, Mies John J. ltuggard, of Seaforth, who Ing and enjoyable program: Piano 1 Jolla Levels. Miss (lttharine Lewis, went into bankruptcy after being sen' duet, Misses Olive and Agnes For- Mr.. 1'. A. Reid. Mr.. W. A. Coulthnrst, tented to three years In Kingston Ater; sog, Catharine Snyder; vocal WW1 Mlle Tye. !fins Laura Salkeld, Penitentiary for the theft of clients' duet, IIs$. 'Helen Ian' and Mr. 8. E. Mrs. 1 C. Beacom, Mrs. A. H. Taylor, Moeka and Donde, on M•,nday morning Melo%cI piano sola, Edgar 1'rirlham; MIA's Ann Wurtele, - gave every assistance to his crsslitors silted gasoline tank. Tile she..Ldoors duet, Palma Player and Mary I'rid- - when they appeared before the local were locked. ham; recitations, ,lean llchkowell, Joan NEW LIGHTING PLAN master, Judge T. M: Costello, on auhis hotel, the Bedford, sinee the norm - Mn. Molloy had not been seen at Scott, Avis Warren er, leinald Scott, application for the recovery of bonds Shirley Freeman and Yvonne Sheer - down : also m•ven,1 gel"rt toils by fhe school or•heetre. Mrs. Rohn. Johnston was in charge of the program committee. 'TWAB FRIDAY; , AY' THE lath .- *lustre year. min. Alt'ough J. E. Hernwell Is not sup- The plan. which wan gel aalde for Missourl.Monrirch 1s yrs. Acidly worth- Elmira, Port Hope a F Chatham: He- ---,t9.e by nature. he oas given eau.* later eonaideration, revealed an at- lea. today. ( was In, the employ of the rnllway Stocks were allocated by Judge Coss about thirty -*l1 yearn. - lie was born fella as follows: To Vie. rHid,+at Elora, �-�r• - $1,(01 itspubltc• of Peru bonds, 1,4171 j SurrleEa-beidaSel"1Taltift -frormerty aha -e- Missouri Monar.A, 145, slamNs( Miss Mnbel fret, of tnaateall. who Rolm Monthray, 42(]0 Northern Oa- s -n• welting at Chath•tn• for her hos- tsrlo Building bond, $all Quebec Apart-' bond M get establfmhed here, are fair ment bond; M John 11 slab, a total of brothers and three .esters They are S1,6110 In IJneb a Apartment bonds; 10 i George !Wiley. 1'. P.R. eeent at King - Waiter G. Willis. $(510 :n Ib,auharnol. I soon, formerly of Gottlieb: Harry' Power ('orpora(lon lams ; to W. J. I Rndley, C.1'.R agent. at Uldlend ; Ar- Mclntns)i 11)0 Republic of fern ; to thnr, vie -president of he Mundell the l'efer Daly estate, $1,000 In United I F'nrnitnre Company, Elora. and Frank. State!, of Rras11; to tht A. A. Cdth111,who Is In the Welt with three deters estate, 1My,000 In-Ultp.. ,...&&Itl;oge The remalne were taken to Inger- epee tt.G(10.Z, •t4 . —Nei.- rata, tot _interment _941 11cih'y atfer- timet hoods,.- -noon.. e Waits Commission Receiv es Propose- ., flan from Toronto Concern At the regular meeting on Thurs- day night last, the polite ul(littes comaile,1ln examined n 'proposed plan of a lighting syetem for (bort Howie Park. forwarded by the l'owcrlite 1A• - vices Company, Toronto. it was this o the h n erected the i t i firm that R taken from Hugger(' SO office and held day meal on Friday. by the. Guaranty Trust Company, of in his short time here he favorably 11'lglssr, retelvers fol the estates Improved his fellow-ewploytes, al- The result wax that six credttors.'though It was obvious at times that one of whom wag'(Idggard's wile, I he woe despondent nt and in very poor Mrs. Minnie lluggerd, were allotted, health. He feared he wall suffering stocks held by the receiver company (from enneer, antl he had lost twenty In the1uRRand e,trets there tPxasndae�tithe hatsix mamba. . ttm Ina only 01 share, of MrinuurF Before to edc r kh. sieves- Monarch, w be ehanscl among the rasa- ,sor to T. G. ("mown, who died on "lep- ers of bonds valued at nearly $150,000. I tewber 27, 'Mr. Hadley max agent at to wonder after sn strident of which tractive star-arrangeuu'at of sixteen be was the victim on FrldAy Met, the ettkntNtrds In the parks by wbk'b there lath. ...,:le would to eight lights' on the outer Ile had been worklu,t arrant day* rink of the walk about the court house *tearing down a bonne near Verna, and one- standard midway between much against his wife's wieWue, elle court house and roadway on each of being afraid he might fall from the the eight paths. The sitar• was pate beano' and be seriously injuredmated at ahAnt 61,(115). Alt vadat well, however, and the job The commission received Inenranee was eleaned rep on Friday. Mr. rerttfrate. of $l0,000 *20,000 pnhlke liability and $2.000 property damage nn the Hydro plant to October 31st next year. Mr. A. M. Robertson! 111111 • • to '...;.:: *OM = maw, bar**** wens -gees= 81* bed for two d . Harnw,1I was enpervlslnk the loading ..;, of teae last beams on a truck when .ne slipped and struck him. knocking him Into the open cellar. No -bones epsx vcs+ea .e:fit; KNOX ('Ht"R('H W. M. 8. A well attended meeting of the W. M.S. of Knox church was held on Ttaesclay afternoon. Mrs, Albert Tay- lor arranges:1 and presidt,i over au he terei4tsg program. The Scripture lesmon was read by Mr/.. 1U. J. Wal- ter, and four Mori strayers were of- fered by the following ladies: Mrs. -M.dnneat lire. G, Mese', Mtge MOT' don and 'Mrs: Weir. The following nominating committee was appointed: Mire, M. Melhinald, Mrs. Weir, Mrs, Cleveland, Mrs. Whitely and Mrs. Mc'1'hall. r The offering 'xaa dedicated 1 pareutly attired In Mottling similar to by Mr+. ancicrson. Miss A. Me1)on- that a flrsman would wear. They be - aid, the supply secreta.[y, asked for 'ley'', a• a result, it wield be that jft* fn, -tie 4sbrietmaa.ltel for Ulrtle of Titres, who occupied this madden school and Moe. J: 11. Barnett made on the tug. s"om. Interesting remake about the Thu hotly sari Alerts, ret by John Itfememberahlp fund. Hra, Herald Itcresfnrd, Southampton, on the shore reed eh article on the young women of Like Huron, abort a mile north , of the church and a leaflet was read of Ode town. It win remo,ecl 10 the, Its MIs' 1.. Fere-mon. Mrs. 1). 2. 1 undertaking parlor to Herbert Hat - '?ase M a graceful manner gage a liner, and officials of 'ease 11'allacyhurg clear, inspiring report. of the hoard' MAOpny were notified They gala a 'meeting held le Toronto,'re•vealtag a reneeaentative would be -tut here In enn.eerrated spirit of true devotloa tilt efort to petaMtah 'dentlflcation. among the board member.. The meets' .The body was frozen stiff. It ap' tttpt rtn ed01401e-Wewese.14.•Msa. r Be. patuatle- heft not bees long iq___tila Itarpett e lddtelltwe' Hell ander the auepteey tine ('atholli• Women'. League cetyl direction :of Mrs. H. L'helen. The tear, with supper, 1s ' Tali "2d6s limed tonight, . when .a draw_will Anwmg those assist ng during the westing were Mime* Mary and Mar- r. ro Unfortunately the stage was ad quate, but here again the force with which the play was carrltel overrode TGe obstacle: ` With regard to (8e theme -it wM ruse of the.aurvival.._ot .be sharpest - witted, with a group of newspapermen fighting tootle and nail, at times al - tine Helmsley, Mary and Resale, Tobin, 1 most literally, to scoop 111.0 another oa hire l'age and Theresa Delaney, at the 'tor) of the hangtnn s of Oe Earl - IP keno . booth; D. M. O'ilrlen and Wllllnm., a harmless, fearful fanatic, any. Wieser at the v'heel of for- who had been couvicte.l of murdering ne; MiAnnie Moiler ant Yrs. Ed. a pelieman. No quarter Is asked yon at the "country store" MIss or given by the reperttr' and no e9- `arrie (Pisa!!!, 'Wm. 11„ M. 'O'Brien fort is made to hide the sordid, seem, Jt114 M1,01Ilvan at the fancy Work- Ado nY ilfe. ' (craft and pietiesl rnr $toot h ;-.Jilesea Mark Rambler and Theresa OhIsholth at the candy coon ter1 and Mies Stdliven it. Ai .'of 138 Rah pond. -ibrppEr, taM.iwavad.lenisr the super- vision of Miss Mary Levey. - -'MLY:BE TUG FIREMAN v Bdy' Wa*heil .Umhsrte stens ticledlwnlp- ten May 11e (rem Inst Tug Southumptim, Noy. las.-- A body noshed ashore near heti today le be- lieved to Ise that of Peter Titus, of Sarnia, fireman fin the tugboat Fred- erick A. Lee, which disappeared la Lek.. Huron early Friday. Titus was oho of OW. neo engaged by the •Wal- lal'l'burg Saud & Grave; Co. to return the tug 11, Its winter heedquatters at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. There were nu tnatka of identifies - tion in the baby or In the clothing, HOP could anything be learned from a life bell on the remain However, - residents here said the man ares ap- ruptiun are eonvineing'y portrayed, with the newspapermen playing no small part, and the ruthlessness of (; hleagois -Id 1001 11109 1s mc•r-i Ines-ly depicteal. . stn the chole, It Is safe to say that "Front Page" will be talked' of la Godwrlch, from various angles. �. many moons. 11 HIGH FINANCE Sanford, the "Blydseyii Cetera' of Huron :amid', may 'not be a thriving metropll', but an idem that, has -Al-. bert.fs scrip backed off the maptwat worked out by budding flnenelal sitar lump* Inst week -end, - It at least kept • goo! none3 In ,lreulaolt t and every- body 1e happy. roue r a It ail began at n l , , n inherit). • 'shoot," when Wilson NiCr'atb, armed with his trusty 22. w ret a Ilve duck. Net being a doe k fnn.'l,r, ha moll It to Bill Lumby for fifty- gents. 11111 Ilevided he might do. w. Ise thane break even, SO he wild OW squawking Ilyd to Heetor Ktngsweh for beFee- hut • Ilector had an loci sod put it into practice by grille' fifteen ticketa the meek for deer -lite each, see. ting himself a quarter • To resume, 11111 !Amity iron the bled anti promptly mold ft to KingsweR *see - more for fifty (cola. When the toys dirtily decide wine won. Inst or broke eveeu. the dusk Mid. Ic XIII go Into circulation aisle. By -(hg.wlty- who did We. :f Abe