HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 84'M - ray, November 19th, 1999 4211i1 . E ,.4.. GNAL •J- GODERICH, ONT. OBITUARY t.,;-, 1 MRS. WRY JANE PRANE Stratford, Nov. 5. -?be death so. furred in the Getters! uuxi4tal late uswla4' afteruoou.of li s. Mary Jane Prang la her seventy -sixth Sear. Yrs. ask Our Co#i Is bar, Fuels are 6e Town Scales` er drover --and dry' TRY OUR H. & 8. ANTHRACITE- AND BE CONVIVCED Our POCAHONTAS is screened and forked. No other town can boast of such reasonable Fuel prices. If vie quit tomorrow the price would go back -to where it slays has been -in 24 hours.' Buy our fuel and Save Money - Watch our Prices next week • HUCKI S & SEABROOKij*U 1 atch Advertisement Next Week M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors PHONE 384 Saturday Specials r Leg Lamb .... .... ib. 21c Breast Lamb .. ...lb. 12c Round Steak ... .... Ib. 18c Sirloin Steak . lb. 18c Wing Steak lb. 18c Ivan Roast Pork lb• 18c Pure Pork Sausage 1b. 18c Shoulder Ro't Beef lb. 12t c Choice Boiling Beef ... Ib• 8c Fresh Ham, Pork lb. 21c Pickled Tongues 1b. 15c legg's Meat Market WE DELIVER nesse 485. Haanllt.a Street. The ,baptist Church IP MY -REQ'. S. R. MCCLUNG, Minister- -11 Lim - "WHEN JESUS FAILED"m -7 p.- . "ACTING THE FOOL" RPDCIAL MUSIC AND SINGING F11031STRATFORD MME AND JOIN U$ IN OUR SPECIAL CHORUS 81\e;I\c. CHURCH NOTES The regular meeting of the Arthur Circle ot. Knoz church wlll be beld is the lecture room on Monday evening. hiaeemlise• i4=-tt-Steri ort.. -Meg As • 4... --Koss• aper on study book. The regular monthly meeting of the W .Y.S. of Knoz Presbyterian church will be held in the lecture room of the church on Tuesday. November 17th, et 3 o'clock. The program will be in ..barge et the president, Mrs. A. Tay- lor. Members are asked to bring their mite -boxes and calendars for tbe life -membership fund. HEAVY LOSS pc SHEEP KILLED A ;ttanley;titarilshtp collie, owner un- known,.lrae,killed by a posse of armed men last_week-end atter another raid hnd taeen made on sheep an. tele farm ..ui_Thunuls 'S lien. Slue Wate highway. In the rah: last week -end eleven sheep were killed by dogs bringing Mr. Snowden'. losses chi season to forty-four. All the deaths were attributed to a band of maraud- ing dogs. ' BRIEFS i - PULI BC N can Thursday, lkrv'mber 3rd. will be 110'111M or AN'\'1••U. MEETING.' Chapter apter night at the Capital The G:.derk4r annualCollegiate Themc' btiug of the mem-1 Theatre.comstruc t ' hers of Alexandra Marisa*. and Gen- I t twat will be bald Friday, ,December real Hosylul will be held in MacKay ' !'rang bad bees la MIME health for 11. been lecture room of Knot church. Hall uu Tuesday: Npvet,a4r 34thM;, , W memyears. Born u.wr -Exeter, her Remeetber St. Peter's bazaar, In the at $o'clock p.m, for res•Iving auuurl Walden name was Mary Jane Press- lhldfellowe' Hall. Weeneaday and reyorta• and other 11v.e nary business. estop, Her husband, John Prang, Thursday, November 18th and 111th OHA$. K. SMU\D1SRS, Secy. predeceased her by twet:ty•four years.Hut dimer, pans, entertahrmeut and} Mrs. Prang had resided in Stratford I huudrtds of primes. I Al'CTiONEERING fur the past twenty years. She was The Goderlch Towuship Hospital , a member of Central United church ',Auxiliary will meet ou 'Thursday. No- '1'1LOMAS GUNDRY, 11011ERiCMT and Rev. J. F. Reyeraft of that church 'veruber 19th, at 2,30- oslit k, at the will conduct tbe funeral service at the Lome of Mr.*. Cuu. Bissett, Limon Greenwood Funeral Howe this after- road. noon at 1.30 o'clock. interment will The November meeting of Victoria be In Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Prang is Home and School Clue has bees poet- rsc Mitebell. 35 McNab street, at menoement exercises, which are being hose home site bad been living, and held on November 27. Garwtn Prase. of Brantford; two sin- Victoria and Central public schools Mrs, Mrs. W. G. Wllroa, of Gederkb, will hold their annual commencement exercises jointly on Thursday evening, November 26th. The change. la made from November 74th because of the municipal nominations on thio night. and Mrs. C. Luker, of Exeter; two Mothers, Samuel Preasestor and John Prosecutor. of Exeter. ..r MRS. ROBERT MCCARTNEY The death of Mrs. Robert McCart- BURGLARY AT BRUSSELS Der a wt4U-1116wn 'resident of Godtt-"-' _ aeim* occurred"at Alexandra -8ata.AM -Takes fres,et..t Muso s. Ere - hospital on Wednesday, Norember a dace C.. Sunday Night 41b, after an lllnces of about two What)* believed to have been a weeks. An operation was performed raid by at least four men was made'!' successfully on October 27th, but rev- on tbe Huron Produce Association t'LEARING Al'ETION SALE OF eral days later she suffered a stroke building at Brussels during Sunday 1119)1•SE FUR.NISIIINGS ANI) which in her weakened condition night, when a 500 -pound safe wig re- OTHER ARTICLES. moved from the once. The safe was found at 9 o'clock At the shop, Hawtlfbo Street, 0o4. Monday morning about fifteen miles erlck, on LIVE $Tt)OK ANI) GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to Rive satisfaction. --jtiLmeta' le nein dfa•annit CAW OF THANKS ma. OHAS. toxemia AND FAMILY, at of Auburn, wish to extend Ureir sincere thanks mad appreciation ,to their mai relatives, Mends and neighbors for their loud expressions of sympathy and for the floral tributes rent In their recent sad berearement, -•• nd-lelso-4e thows-wbu so-. kindly AUCTION SALE I11•' THE LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH and AMERICAN MANU- FACTURERS-. NOW ON DISPLAY F1)1t YOUR SELECTION Choose. Your Carl/ Early Cole's Book Store PHONZ 91 OOD11ZCH ti proved fatal. Deceased, ,whose maid- en nar>te was Elisabeth Anne France* Proctor, was a daughter of -the late CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1. W. MONTEITH, Chartered Accountant sit Ontario street, $tratft,rd, Ontario (Member F9rstbrook, McLeod & Mon- teith, Toronto, Ontario.) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1'.oc•tor of God- from Brussels ou the Hurou•Perth bor• SATURDAY NVVIAIlaLIt'14th i 1"E1'ERLNARY $l'*OIONj erich..township. After their mar- der at the Grey -lama township line, at 130 sharp: ridge Mr. and Mrs. McCartney lived I with the door sdrashe.l off and the Moffat electric stove; l'hamplou for some leers at Dcrrolt and Wind• earth box stripped of ut out $46. All I heating stove. new ; com' range, water- sor, but eventually they returned to It papers and book,.gere intact. • The front and high oven; laundry stove. Goderieh township and purchased the binges were smashed from the door, water jacket ; 'slither, cabinet : two Sperling farm on the ut line a mile ' obviously by a sledge -hammer. writing debts; dressers: Anode; beds; r : unit of Holmesville. • ides the bi- I Entrance was pined to the build- otinved husband,' deceased leases one`i i lay the simple expellent of slipping daughter. Mrs. Orville Bodges. and the night latch on the front door by s three sisters and two ,i -others: Min- Inserting a knife Letveeu the door springs; stretcher; dining table; small tables: Morris chair; rockers: dining and kitchen c• hairs; library table: /lifetimes ted, mattress and springs; Dlt. G. E. 111}}R$, V.$.', B.V.8c., VETS:RINAKY SI'P EON Graduate ut the University of To- ronto and Outeri° Veterinary College. Office at T. T. Murphy's, Hamilton street. Pb.iww: Lap YWI; reeldesce NOW. Irma - nie and Emily Proctor. Holmesville; and the Jamb. sour- bin; washing m,edlm,:-liolecrr_ _ !Mrs. J. 11. Lowery, Teenier;- Lewis The robbery was discovered by em- ash litter; cutting box; Nordhetmer DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE, 3AR. • !Proctor, Clinton. and George Proctor, ployeca and reported to the manager, piano and bench, a ar.,.class wenn_ NOSE. THROAT. LIONS ORGANIZE a tui Five Lions Clubs of this district 1 eonducted by Rev. J. W. Herbert of and County Constable Jack Ferguson, must be disposed of at once. aistaLt at Moorefield Eye Hospital were organised to form Zone 3 at a I Holmesville United church. of which with Chief of Police Gordon McDow- TERMS -Cash.• land. Golden tiquare Throat Hospital. meeting of representatives at Stratford accessed was a member. The inter:, of Brussels,. are investigating. _1_;1;h; we de *ON, Aisetioneers: Tsndua;--Eng• . -- - on Friday night last, So that poderkb. f mean -wait to Marittand; trmeterY• }:YES TE TED, GLASSES formerly In Zone 2, now is in Zone 3 ' ' • DORN / St'PPLIED 53 Waterloo 8trvet 11., Stratford- Telepbone 267. Next risk Bedford Hotel, Goderleb. Wednesday. November 25th, from 2.30 till 9 p.m. only. Holmeevllle. The funeral took place Archie McLaughlin. I Late House Sur Y eo �� ., meat In perfect condition., 1 genu New York iZEZ01\E 8 S afternoon. the -service MEDICAL being--I'rosiac 7 Ceast.{'ile ;'. .....MCGO�- TTleit?'Foods iFe nil .�,esi _ ` and UibtbalmF and Aural HoiijWtal, aa - with Stratford, Seaforth. Mitchell and Clinton clubs. Herb. Kaltting, of Seeforth, was the unanimous choice as deputyto the district governor. Har- ry Lambert, a Newmarket, who oc- cupied a place of honor at the meeting. About one hundred lions attended the meeting. which was held in the banquet room of the Y.M.C.A. at Stratford. Those attending from Clo.b•rlch were President F. E. Hibbert and Lions H. S. Griff, H. T. Edwards, l'. K. Smaller., Nelson Hill and A. L. Cole. Rte. Felly was in her seventy- eighth year. She was born and re- LOST -BROOCH, SUNBURST OF celved her education :a- Bore town` •pearls, week ago MAX Knoz ship, mar Toronto, and was married church. Reward. MRS. ROD: JOHNSTON. MRS. JOHN B. KELLY WRIGHT.-In Wingbain The death of Sarah Elizabeth Col- gb hospital, on loton, wife of John B. Kelly, superin- Monday, November 2,1936, to Rev. l tendent of public -utilities, occurred on and Mrs N'rrgbt of St. Friday evening at her home on Light- Helens, • daughter. Nb - house street. Though Mrs. Kelly DIED had been 111 for two years and it KELLY -1n Goderich, co) Friday, Nb - was known that reosery was 1m- *ember 6th, Sarah Elisabeth Cello - possible, the news of ber deatb created ton, Delayed wife ,r John B. Belly, a wave of sorrow and of sympe,tby in her 78th for the husband who has been so fre- quently bereaved In the last two Years. IABP OR 1O11ND __.. Aylmer 12 -ca. Bot. CHILI SAUCE • 17tt Aylmer Fancy Na- 2 -b( -Tin GRAPEFRUIT - =k - Aylmer Choice No. 2 Taut - WAX BEANS 2 for 1114 AA Royal Anne No. 2 Sq. Tin CHERRIES - - 1St AYLMER Specials EI.etiee for November 12th, 13tk mad 14th Aylmer Jai. Peas 19 No. 2 Tins • SOUPS Tonto & Vegetable DE ylmer R�$-os. Tin 100 lmer I.yleas Feats - 2 Tins 1!t Aylmer Fancy 3D -oz. Tin CORN -ON -COS - 23* Aylmer No. 2 Sq. Tin 'mai a cARROTs - 14t 3 m-.2 Aylmer Assorted Soups Except Pure Chicken 10% -oz Tin r AYLMER Peast SieveCUice No. 2 White Corn NTo. Choice No. 2%, Tin _ Tomatoes Ti • 0 lisrirJ Quality Peas Tm .10 No. 2 Tan Tins GLACE CHERRIES - WHOLE PEEL - WALNUTS, Pisces - ,�- _ TOMATO �"� Ayhner TOMATO JUICE ASPARAGUS Aylmer Fussy RASPBERRIES DATES N"' Se"°n'' • TIPS Ayki.ar ' .CATSUP -12-oz. 1 Rot. m Ib. 43* lb. 35* Ib. apt MW Cassias CHEESE b..17 ARTIFICIAL EXTRACTS - 2 -or. Rot. at SEEDLESS RAISINS - - 2 lbs. �e MIXED PEEL - - ' 8 -os. Pkg. Ise 7s Tin S's Tin HYs Tin CROWN ar BEEHIVE Corn Syrup - .17 .39 .75 iineapple Ask about the five free tart given away by CHIPSO Large 1'kg. .19 stied "• Crushed Tid-Bits 6 FANCY Quality 16 -oz. Tin . NEILSON'S COCOA 54 -lb. Tin .19 Good Housewives! Buy your Oxo cubes In "10's" instead of "d'$" You'll Ind these helps to cookies At all Dominion Stores. CUBES flftytbree years ago, tiling In Blyth before coming to God. rich in 1898. Three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Kelly WANTED celebrated their golden wedding. Surviving, besideee the husband, are MAN WAN FOR RAWLEIOH - two sons, Basil L., of Toronto, and I route of famllle- Write today. Joseph C:, of New York, and a dough- RAWLIDGH'S, Dept. ML -216 -SA -K, ter, Miss Helen, at home ; also a its- Montreal. ter and two brothers, Miss Mary Jane Colloton, of Stratford; Richard Collo- WANTED, -USED TIRES. LIB - ton, of Saskatoon. and W. J. Collo- ERAL allowance made on your tom -cif -Los Angeles. Two daughters, used tires for new Dominions. • arra H J Strickler, of_lew York, and BEEPER8 SERVICE STATION _TENDERS WANTED TENDETENDERS WANTED. RS Tenders for the leader of the God- ericb Skating Rink for the coming winter season will be received by tbe Town Council up to six -o'clock p.m. on Monday. November 10th, 1966. - Publie and Separate School pupils to have free skating one afternoon of each week from 3.30 to 5.30. Tenders for one, two or three years will be considered. No tender necessarily accepted For any further brenrmatlon apply to J. J.'MOSER, Chairman of" Public Works Committee. L. L. KNOX, Town Clerk. Mrs. Fred T. Crafgle, of (ioderlch, • predeceased her in the lost two years. TO RENT The funeral service, conducted at St. ter's church mr Momlay morning COR RENT.--CY)MFORTABLE non - Rev.Rev. lather Nagle, assisted by 1 gN hoose. Central. Furnace and Rev. Father Quigley, of Kingabrtdge, conveniences. M. W. HOWELL. and Rcv. Father Fallon, of'Goderich, was largely attended. interment was DOUSE TO RENT.-F11AME, MOl)- In Colborne R. C. cemetery. The I1ERN eonrenlenee.. Garage. P1. - honorary pallbearers were: J. W. ton street. Available for December Oraigie, Dr. A. H. Macklin, Dr. W. 1st, FRA`-( MARTIN, Tailor. F. °allow, Dr. J. B. Whitely. D. J. Currie and John Sparr; d the ac- , 1!!OR SALE an tire pallbearers, J. W. Fraser, J. B. Reynolds, L. L. Knoz, Dr. J. M. Gra- fid, Leon Dtrg- 1l of Vritford. - Atsoeg tie" profu- sion of beautiful floral tributes, indi- cative of the esteem In which Mrs, Kelly was held by a wide circle of friends, were wreaths !rob Hydro em- ployee. and the public utilities com- mission. HE SHOULD KNOW Russell T. Kelly, beftlre the Cham- ber of Commerce In Midland, urged the cultivation of the trading area and to the course of tis address be said, "Every advertisement, whether of local or outside Arm, is an invita- tion to these people to buy there." Further, "while a large aflmber of To- ronto newspapers come Into a town each day, it is the local newspaper whieh governs parchasing locally." Being in the advertising agency bosl- nese, Mr. Kelly, 'peaks from Brat -hand information. - GODERICH_ MARKET PRICES Peelers ' Hens. 5 lbs.. 9c; hens, 4.5 lbs„ Sc; hens, under 4 lbs., 7c. Eggs and Better Eggs. per dozen, 20c -40e; butter, .tairy, ib., 20c; batter, creamery, lb, Live Stack Bacon bogs, cwt., 97.00; beef, ib., 4c -5c; veal, lb., 7e; lambs, Ib., Tc. �..1 Grab Wheat: per bus., 90e -95c; buck- wheat, bus., 50e-41 e; oats. 40e -42c; Mirky, bon., 66c -$5c; malting Vejetekies ibtatoes, new, 96c-91 Inner NM Fes - - Bran. 100 -ib. bag. 41.50;shorts, 100- /b. -93Ao; Manitoba flour. 100 -Ib. $10 Reward L`OR SALE. -FLAW POINTS. BUY i' Points for ��.>Z19lAa-al t3 ICE STATION__ Phone 40 Oodertch: Ont. COR.SALE.-QU IRBC IIEATER, AL - ii MOWT new ; one pail tube skates and hockey loots; six lots In Menese- ting Park. Apply SIGNAL OFFICE. HoUSE FOR SALE. -TWO-STORY brick house on Nelson street. Eight rooms and bathroom. Good location. Would exchange for bungalow or cot. tage. Apply at SiGNAL OFFICE. LOCAL DUDLEY E. HOLIES, Barrlster, Btc. Once -Court House, Goderteh. Telephone flQ - DOUGLAS R. NAIR-\, DOUGLAS and Solkltor Office -Hamilton Street. Goderieb. Telephone 512. L'RNEST M. LSE, �' Barrister and Solicitor Sun Lite Building, Adeleide and Vic- toria Irtorla Streets, Toronto 2. 'Telephone Elgin 5301. DRUGLESS PRACTI IONfi I'Hlltl)I'RA(TOR ANI) DR'C't LIMS �{e� THERAPIST Godericb, Phone 341 COURT OF REVISION a''t• wirh elerrro-msgaetk NOTICIr 18 HEREBY GIVEN that a Court will be 1eld, pursuant to The Ontario Voters List Act, by His Honor the Jude of the CouuEC»'�oar+ of. tit! Guar e� Flnr -at ill! Cour hatha. Electronic electrk• treatments - - end chiropractic. CLr'nk..orgaalc and nervous diseases. Lady la at - Residence. Office Muer 2 to 5 and 7 to K p.m. on Tuesday, Friday aod 8at- { urday. and on Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. only, or copsaltation may be bad by appointment.. Monday and Thursday at- MltcheU. A. Ny.A7KINSON Re sldence ,and oflles--Corner of South street and' Britannia road. LNSI'RANCE. LOANS, ETC. °ri trAit7Pitt�TUAL mut MOUS llotise Gcelertch on Friday the 20th � assast day of November, 1936, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine eomplalrts of errors and omissions In the voters' list of the municipality of tie Town of Goderkh for the year 1996. - Dated at Oodericb the 3rd day of November, 1966. r.. I. KNOX, Clerk of, 1* Municipality of the,,Town of cb. COUNTY OF HURON----- ' Treasurer's Sale of Land for Taxes ..By virtue of a Warrant issued under tbe band of tbe Warden of the Coun- ty of Huron.and having ttie Seal of the said Corporation attached, bearing date the Eighth day of July, 1936, and to me directed, commanding me to levy on the lands hereunder enumerated, for the arrears of taxes respectively due there- on, together with Costs. Notice is hereby given that In accordance with the Assesrtlpeit Act, I shall proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands, or ao much thereof.es may be sufficient for the payment of the tazef1lrtreen, ttplesa the mese be sooner paid. • The sale will commence at the Court house, Ooderich, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 8th, 1936, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon. A. H. ERSKiNE, TrettttuLrr Huron County. ooderlch, August 18, 1936. ASHFiELD TOWNSHIP Name - Description Years in Arrears Taxes Wm. miernifhani N. Pt. Lot 15, Con. 13 19Yt-4-5 942.96 Katherine O'Connor 8. Pt. Lor 6, Con. 6 1983 15.78 coma: it TOWNSHIP James Steele Tota 44-45, Saltford 19M-4.5 11.04 1.88 12.92 lames Foley .Lot 9, L.R-:W 1933-4 140.00 5.10 145.19 Robert Wilson Pt. Lot 4, Con. 1, W.D. 1931[-4-5e9.1 17.18 2.08 19.21 Owen Moore H. 9, ton. 0, E.D. iS'dR-irT__ .118'x_._ ..800 " 9 Costs Total 92.87 $45.68 2.00 17.78 H. e. Leach ............ ...T.M $8, B.W.Bss Con. 1 1968-4-3 6.32' 1.85 It H Hill i„ Lots 95.22, B.W.B., 1 1068-4.5 19.04 2.10 Lot 56, B.W.B., Con. 1 1988-4 . 4.44 1.tt6 Pt. Lot 22, Con. 1 - 1963-4 16.90 2.00 GODERICH TOWNSHIP for any earn nr cal• . Dleksoa )Qpm which cannot L. Matthew. he rewoi•ed by the new scientific 1.1.41VDN TIHYMOLA• TED CORN SALVE.. 'This new salve' deaaasTtlsea corn' and eallooaea wttb the drat application. Call •your drng- gtat today and order this WONDRR- FUI, SALVE, 448. Lloyd Chemical laboratories. For sale at Campbell's Dry Stem - _ ... _ 8.17 21.14 6.29 17.90 - Adjourned Bale, 1f necessary, will be held on Tuesday, December 15, 1936, at the same hour and dace as above mentioned. . All Iota as described above are patentibd. - .r A. n. =Sum, ' - -Ossasases.>Saca•..Oosstr.. Treasurer's Ofee. Ooderkb, August 1S, 1998. Published/is oaterls-1aMtW. Mtb Irak a•►1.ae‘+1 s -- ASCE CMI. -Farm and Isolated town property insured. Oflkrra--Alex. Btbadtor.t, President, Seatbrth; John E. Pepper. Vice-P»sl- dent, Bromfield; M. A. Reid, Deere tary-Treasurer, Seaforth, Ilirectors---Ales. Broadfoot, Sea - forth ; James $boldice, Walton; Ws Knox, Ipndeaboro ; George Leovbardt. Dublin; John E. Pepper, Brumfield: James Connolly, Godeticb ; Thomas, Moylan, $esforth; W. R. Archibald. Seaforth: Alex. McTflwing, Blyth, Agents --W. J. Teo, R.R. 3, Clinton i (James Watt, Blyth; Jobe -E. Pepper, R.R. 1, Bruce:Mid ; R. F. McKereber, R.R. 1, Dublin; Chas. F. Hewitt, Kin- cardine; R. G. Jarmuth, R.R. 1, Born- holm, Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards recetpted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cut['. Groeery, Kingston street, Goderich, or J. H. Reld's 'General Store, Rayfield. Auto Supplies Hot Water Heaters For Coupe or small car $ 8.75 )Iedinm site $11.75 Larger else $14,75 rimitmo o1T tJ' 1, J [DED Defrosters $1.15 FLOOR MATS 41.91 es 1NNiR TiTE ....from 4e fest up WINTER ACCESSORIES OF :tl.l. KiNDS -Stitlafaetien Guar.nte.d- PHONR 40 Betters' Seriice SIstiM 00R111Z1 HAHILTOM IT. , AND HIOaWAY A :t•: t.1