HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1936-11-12, Page 77t4
9 t:•;;x :s r ,i%+' :^ ei; .r1
County and District
It is exerted that Exeter's new
water supply system will be In operas'
Ilea next mouth.
Mr. and Mrs. William Berry, well-
knownvresideuts of the Briw4&d dis-
triet, on November 3rd celebrated the
fiftieth 4Lnlvenesry of tack wedding.
Robert J. Dickson, -an old resident
_ of Turujrrry township. did Novrm- 1
her 2nd in his seveea%-+TxlK r. elft
le survived -by his wife, two suns and
two daughters. -
Andrew Milker, na-said resident al
Howkk township' died tk•tolwr 314
at the home ut his nephew, Feil I'n-
derlrood, lu (Jerrie. ale ars- In -bis
eighty-second year.
daughter, Mee, Mester Ileudereon, of
1 MlWillop , '
Word has been ttetrtvt.d lig her re-
latltes ut Breanela of the Berth of
Mrs. J. IL Pall's, at h v' home lu To-
ronto. of heart diorite.•. Ikeerased
wag the eldest daughter of the Tate
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Mellusrrie of Grey
township. tier husband died lu 1)e..
t2Jn1* a lart._aYd. a asserted daughter
survives. 'Mrs. W. F'. i+ <ettun of
Bruraelr is ■ dater.
The death oceurnd at Clinton on
November 3rd of ISlimalieth J. Reid,
widow of Brigham Krlser, after ■u
Ilkwra of several in. utbs. Mrs.
Kaiser, who was In her eightieth year,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson, of
Itsborne, un November 3rd e•k•brated
their golden weddlpg day. They
were married fifty years ago by the
late Rev. Bolin Pletehe• at the brlde'a
home in ('shorn. and have lied In
that township ever slier.
Herbert C. Bender, of Zurich, died
November 3n1 after an illness of sev-
eral months as tbs result of a bead
Infection, which aeeessitated an opera-
tion which was performed 1n a To-
ronto hospital. He anti la his forty-
third year and 1s survived by his elf!
load several sisters and brothers. .
r After a lengthy Mass, Alexalldes
Roe died at his tome In Brume's op
November 3rd, aged sixty-two y rs.
Besides operating • farm . adjolning
the village, Mr. Roe conducted a Sour
and feed business until two years
ego. He is eurvlved by his wife and
one daughter. Kra. Herbert Hawkins.
A well-known reelsider° of Seatortb,
In the person of Alexander Stewart,
passed away at hie - limme kr -that
town on Thursday last. in him eighty-
. first year. Mr. Stewart was a na-
Mee of Wieland. but *Lent must of
hla life In anti around NraTurtL. ale
la survived by his wife and one
liver to healthful arousing taction, he torpid,
ou a iminate
the Mime of constipation and chronic
indigestion. You can depend on
this time -proven treatment,
Hli=.T-L1v.g Pills
Brophey Bros._
Ambulance service at all hours.
day or night
PHONES: Stere 126. Res. 217
J. R. Wheeler
panoral Meets, aad Fasbalmer
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
I' 110N ES
Store 335 Residence 355w
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Walter Dalton
Huron Old -Boy. Graduate
Godertcb Collegiate Institute
13510 West Warren Ave..-'
Telephone Oregon 8668
Hydro Electric
._.....-_. THE SIGNAL - (;UDERI*
*same asolita 'hlaves forted their way
Into the oit'e of Dr. W. C. Sproat and
stole a *mall amount of mob and soave'
Three Can 1. t'raaY
Three tars arere badly Irma•btd •in -a
a aeries of acddeets levo and a -halt'
tulles cart of *rebirth on No. rt high-
way one evening last week. Rob-
ert Carrick, of Clinton, driving
west, Iurt metro( of bis ear and ran
Into the ditch, the ear dually turning
over ou lir sidle. A wrecker was
culled and, ending 1t /Auld not move
tfe car. was returning to towu for
more help Wheu a car driven by Miss
Jean Sutherland, of St. Marys, at -
Itruaptinr to pass it, crashed into Wil-
tiamplcgwan, coaster/Milt traveller,
Stratford. McEwae and Carrick
were alone In their carr, while George
Thompson and Alt. Oralgle, tit. Mary.,
were passengers lu the Sutherland car.
None of tate participants in the crash
were injured. (filet Constable H.
wtlw-.boru h. Clinton awl lived in that Snell. Seatorth, investigated.
town throughout her life wltb the ex -
option of three yearl'.peal In Dr TOWNSHIP COUNCIL
OWL where her husband was la bust -
fleet. Mr. Kaiser died a ,year ego,
end one daughter, Mrs. Taxman of
Clinton. tvrvieew.
Injured' by Ramat.ay Tesco
Wher a team he w•a• hitching in
the barnyant ran away, John H.
Storey, McKillop tpwnrblp farmer,
,wan serlougl/ Injured. He was tak-
en tis the lishiforth, hospital, where it
war found one of the vertebrae and
also some ribs were .broken, and he
' was placed in a planter cast.
_ -Here's the Remit for ISM
The record for attendance at a Cowl
supper In this (owno. at leant for thla
M1J tars
Quick, dean and
The Hydro Store
Square Gocleric h
The tn'Wnehl 11 i H t
p couuc met a o toes-
vIlIe on Monday, November 2nd. Judge
Costello wrote 1 Meda
Her Hands Were
All Out Of Shape
In Grip' of Rheumatism for
15 Years
Hefe is a letter which shown the
value of { rsevering w a h 'Cruet -twit :--
"For almfut two years 1 hardly went
out, It was such a paruful effort to 1
walk owing to rheumatism. My hands'
and feet wet* the wort affel't4d. 1
was unable to walk without a cane.
1 read so much about Kruschcn. I de -J
tided to try 11. I was three months l
before I felt any better, but 1 kept on
and since then I have I. lip.. wadi.
never used the sane. Lily hands
were all out of, shape. but they are
alumna normal now. Of course I
News of the Farm
• Notes and Comments oat]
Agricultural Topics
Bladtl�ted Weeds
I1 it believed that eighty per twat.
of the limey varieties !sf weeds now
fuuud In ('anac111 were introduce) into
this country from Earope, principally
through the medium of Imported read.
With the objet- ole t 'seeking the
spread of tome of the more trouble -
twee wecdv already tr.t:sbllshel� and
ill prerenilug the lutioiluetlou Into
Cauada et had weeds from otber
couutrler, a "prohibited 'let" of weeds
has beets Included lu r recent rev'•
slum of the regulation• under the
Seeds Act, and It is win unlawful to
could not expect to Ret better all at atilt in llsuada Guy sed cueteluing
once, as I had aufterel for fifteen.' the reeds of "prohibited •'cede."
years before I started oh Kruach-n." 1 This "prohibited 11.1" as et present
-Miss) A. L. . constituted ipeludes fieke,,, Apil.weed,
.Rheumatism 1a frequently caused by dodder. Johnson graze, hoary cress,
an excess of uric acid -i. the Wood, !leafy .spurge and Rwriaa knapweed.
It you could see how Kruachen dnll.I Field bindweed and dodder are al -
these uric acid deposits, then dlnaelves , ready established In Canada, but In -
them away altogether. you would ' feetstlurw are limited to particular
reit tg o y, No- agree that the Krusehen treatment I Iocatitire. The other weeds of the
vember 2, for court , of rerktion Its should bring relief In cares of thee. prohibited Ilat." If at all known In
Holmerrille to add names to the rot- watirm. Canada. are present to only a allgjyt
en' lists. l extent.
Wlndeor Salt Co. wrote regarding NEWSPAPER AND RADIO 1
YOt/R . `
Thursday, November lltI. U -7
Last s.asmer'sdrought and blistering weather
spoilt many shingle roofs. Re -roof with Tite-
Lap or Rib -Roll, the durable metal roofing that
fore on right over your old roof! Comes in
ame sheets, easy to handle. The end laps ate
so t 're almost invisible. Rib-RollroOF
ing is ftp they're
suited for oar I1��t
tr.m.work Witt not wa shank, curl or
bele.. geed ridge and rafter measurements
for estimate and full instructions.
Juntas ',y 1' .�.Lry F.qutoms.t
.• As ue. w' "�.Iwa.ew1 prae0.
an....1nueienrk..1.' hum/swar-
►an•M.1 suer ehw•hr.
nor , Write
toe .0 nple.- slder.
Ths Pr000a Psetilater Is as
lasommaivs e..srbmeat Inc
snorting s'.sl drill whim nasalise
[states oombinauon red mal
/mWiwsewr. Niro tertlarr
site seed. awl Inc beskdet.
�_ she at
some even heavy In peg.. Pttt.`aow staking satI.taltory growth. fe Ts'
breedings are expected to show a re- moral of a pet -restage of Hoe trees
duction from last year. will Improve growing eonadltlol(s ena-
The value of field r. op productIon slderably. bows of the lits valuable
In Ontario, notwithstanding a decrease species, (*nuked Mia, dead trees and
NI volume of output• will be higher theme latected with decay ANN be
removed ■td the rtra.akt sewed trees
of the (sure entombs- swims left
to grow Into v.lcaa1Ne timber tress.
A second growth *suede will rgalre
a thlnulag every fifteen to tweet's/we
years and (Inc wtertal that le takes
from a Aileen to twenty-five acre
woods has abpplRd the •.rdlaary farm-
house with suS-Iest '.aTe*sod for
• e e than last year owing to the rime 10
salt fur loads, but there teing plenty (Co11inlTw•cud Enterprise -Bulletin► 1 Crap Summary • priers. Tota( tirleek urn' revenue
et salt. clearer boas° no actin wu Over -in the United Staten the Ise- j Latest reports from reprelentathei wilt sow' $how• en Impruycme•ot.
takes). Bylaw No. 8 was passed, met- publican headquarters decided they show flat the winter tend situation ' ' '
alai Friday, November 27. at 1 pad, would do their campaigning on the Is lest, favorable than a Year Gaon 'Cutting the leurlw..d
for nomination day and Monday, De- air. Soon complaints were rewires jI The total production of oats, barley, The farmer who Is fortunate lu owe
cember 1.' if an election be held, for that the speeches were not being heard. spring wheat ,and mixed grains Is a *oodlot will he rutting for reelected
polling at the tullowing placer: the listeners not Hateable ln. Real- estimated at 112,:11r2.1ea►. bushels or fur the next winter soon. More ow•n•
year. seam tx abllsheil by for crowd No. 1 ward, at Commas Hall, men. 'sing this, In one Stats. for example, nineteen per cent. I* -1,e the figure of ers each year are giving consideration
which turned -cent for the annual sup- 4-.J. E. Johnston, ling./). ; IL MCIl-
pnrr of the Lutheran cl.ugngatlou of wain, clerk. ,an appeal was made to the newspaper%'t_WTe%1•Wrl bushels harcewtel u year to the fueleood ruttier fir they real- ,
Zurich... A total of to. people Were -No. 2. nouns. of H. Stutd to run a boxed bold type arnounee-1 age.. Tiie •vild of buy and clover ire• that tags amount --of tarn►- Gust _ K Trees that are' rhadlag and la-
y -H. Slur- meet on the frontoro
fed. Thio la slightly below the num- dy. L.R.O.; William Mc('abs, clerk. page1 ,- transmits-
the N.4 and lora fur fodder Is place{• will he revived furl the scale ID teetering with tMr �row.n Of Inls„)a
station• and the time of the _transmis- at ts.Ileistiou tuns as ...flutterer' with )curs to cure is largely' determitel neral them.
fher that. r+trnckrl Irrt year. Aft. No. 3,house
of G. Hopw n -Jas, min. Nothing doing. In language IUt11.tYal annus In 1935. u decline of ou the uanagement Mat is given to Trees are ruined 'often by large
}I yrox1 awls1y � furl wan rwsttt� luuag. 110.1t.0.-; w Th.!Judie, udie, ehetk. more forcible than P '1 (U).1'.
. 275
iilsd`nerved'. No. 4. housriir1V. 11. 'obi --V4. II. directors were told what's whet. They
L Kisser's Nen (`eaam-icy Building Lotto, D.11.0.; I.. Anderson, clerk. learned that if there were 10 be
Work en the tubi cummuully build- No. 5, honer of 11. Md'artney--1L I .,Gait" they week' nut lav the nrW11-
not. a
Werk. Illp.•I - Co. of Preston re No. t�. Inuits of `H. -Row s=7l
KI •h hen I) R t► 1 the tum- Nfur7. 'The p.lblle de
scull o•n n r . rs to orad The Isus-
Tbe site is on the fel: fair grounds Monday. November lei. bolag tate •last 1 INC tosemster DU 11n' air in %hut .sit al-
landthe_bullding. is -vide. being used meeting of the flowal year, all pal most before he slrikr.t a rtrk1s-' Op
as the, main betiding for alis fall (1i, seeds should be sent to before the 'the other hand. the net -simper le -read -
will Is- utilized as ■ riak ami a gym- meeting. ■Ian all aeounta. •The fol - ,by the fireside In the .,:d armchair.
nasiuw. It will he of concrete and. 1lowing a.rounts were paid: Alex. advertising ret•eiving its full share of
4.'1 c..nrtructlou. hours, sheep claim. 88; Oliver Weigh, 'guts and direct at tela inn. It is
Carey-4lav1f1 sheep claim. 87: J. R. Niddl•lun. sheep drier to the people. r'•mainv welsh
era Tue•wlay. November ant, at the','laim, 841.:14); Milton Steep. sheep claim, ' them longer. hence has the greater
Rev. C. le.Cherub of llur Nagleaof,/:Mounh c ct ousin M. 41. Jordon, relief11. Lobb, s* sum. 89.in; but Its e. 'Indio
lty Ihaa alreadys n f noul es.- w-
of the bride, olticlstel at the wedding D. E. (iliddon, relief occoutlt. 82.50;' las worn mR. Wht!.. 11- 11,sefuluees*
�.d Mirr Itlt■ Mary UlrOla, daughter loan to telephone syi cin. $450: sup- for some purism.... i.- fully rer+e-
of Mr. mal Mrs. Jameb INavin of erintendeut, tel vou'M r Nu. 12, nisei' it las yet tstler'c failed to f111
1 r:trilla, to John Jorepb /'wn•f, moa ltt61A1. (Inc plate of the press.
1 of James (Grey and the late Mn. Council then adjourned to meet on I _-� _ ^_ __
1'arey. Guests were prevent from Monday. November 18, at 1.30 p.m. 1 Bea light, and do wet try
Detroit. St, Marys, Stratford. Goder- R. G. THOMI'SQN. Clerk.' so.-Lwvater.
itg--rt-F,raiw.rar •,aw.u..-d TIS-Mc('ariney. D.R.O.. W. 11 IoW., clerk lwtars and they were It 1
the lontrarturs.. at the figure of 84, c rry .. to.aden. clerk. list . hut f f
Ihir's-en ler .cul. hoot crops an• the wood% DOW. trees. Many of the a.tdded tree. die
slight I) _Wither. Fie:l..-iiilip-tt-i•i..-_arm +_.-`trees whew rrmovit will--twowile- hatausawwle_.t1niiy_.Are_.u»t receiving sof•
1pyy _upev-uly distrlbnurl this renown future griWlug coudilimis should be.I4Mient - auullghl. The leaden of
and vary widely from :ata to farm, reit-tied for cutting. It may lake a I evergreens are *hipped and the decid-
es well as from one M•••t h.ts of the PLS'.- few Illi - longer 0e .Ilt the w .cn1. Iollt nous trees grow crooked trunks.
does nom-Tv-'Ratrt'AR-- • ba,c-,ywse.dlate. aad_ atra�_.TJtC..lance. sound tray -•s should_,be
lent I.a.turag.' 1..801111.1..801111.1ev1111.1e std: us
fall. mac.* 111117 1e• hired cheaply during Ib.' win- a xerl *IllIn order \ to revive the high-
comities •111 ltkcly ret through the ter season'. often Os, fuelwussl way e4 finaneist returns. Many farmers
ich and Simcos.
At thee- F)gmundvflk' Chisel church
' manse on Saturday It -r. W. A. Sln•P
' herd aolemnlxed the narriag- of Alice
Maud, eldest daughter of William
iThompenn and the tat. Mrs. Thome-
own of Tucker/milli. 4.5 Edward James
lloyen ii - Aspirin. Muskuks. After
the ceremony the wedding dinner *seas
sorrel at the home of the bride's
father. and later Mr. and Mrs. Hoye*
left on a sheet-IA6Py7Dr.-on trip- 'Flsey
*Ill reside at Amalie '4lus k oka.
Death of Mrs. W. T. O'Neil, (Rata.
/'lio4Au has ktelau Irl! and esteemed
1 resident t11 the death of Elizabeth
1 l'luutstel, widow of William T. O'Neil.
Deceased was in her eighty-first year
slat was born at Merritton. but since
1 her marriage had, lived id Clinton.
1 Mr. O'Neil died eight ,stars ago.• Sur-
viving are four daugbtets, Mlstees Del -
la of Tortoni°, Jewic of lsondun, Win-
' stirred at hofae and Mra. (Dr.) 1►. E.
Boss of lea Angeles, Calif., and one
son, W. Earl O'Neil of Ilallfax, N.S.
' MMCowmn-Eato.
At the MAIM. of Lug's United
church, McKillop. oh Saturday last,
Y■I..,t bushel Eaton. ,taughoer of Mr.
and Mrs. George Fitton or Winthrop,
was united W marriage to Peter L.
Mctowan, sop of Duncan Mcl'owan
and the late Mrs. McCowan of Rox-
boro. ' iter. �4J- i(:-itnrw+r--eMelated:-
The wedding dinner was served at
the home of the bride's' parent..
Atter a trip to Toronto and other
Eastern centres, the happy couple will
reside on Ibs bridegroom's -fifth at
Parish Pawl Seriously Wand
A car In which a number of young
people were routing front lohdon to
attend' re66r.•b !supper 11 Zork•h be-
came uncontrollable uu the Herman.
Zurlcb mad soul turned over sev-ral
'times all Ids occupant% but one bring
thrown out_ Paul Ile-ar-Me-drhMr,
was 11* only one seriously Injured.
Ile was' taken 'the ewn,e .'.ening to
Victoria hoppltal, lond..n, where he
underwent au op•rntlon for Internal
Injnrlra. • The ear will badly dew -
aged. 'Young 111.1, wins is the 114.11
of Mr. and Mra+. Andrew 111.-w of Zur-
Till, -is .so mordent of (Inc Western 1•nl-
- Death of Thomas Daly, Naaforth
Thomas Daly, a plc carr bttrinees
man of Seaforth, diel el his 1101ne in
that town on Noscmler 4th, it the
age of eighty -peen years. -Al the
time of his death hr WWI the oldest
gatln• resident. of Seeforth and F:g-
ifideille. Some years ngo he lord
him sight, belt In spite itt-rtie be Wel
able to Iffeel tate friends, rw.tgntsing
them by their - volrrs. Ile Was lei
the 'Rrsnery buslrweas from 140(4 -until
AMSC. Ills wife died wen* yearn ago
and he Is serviced toy one eon. John.
111: (lay-, -ef Seslrttb. wad -tore. drugb-.
teras Mrs. B.. 14. &Connell, of De-
troit Hes. F', Ih %-,'aux and Mrs. P.
hills, of Iteaforth .
Thieves at Sambrih
For the first time Ie a number of
years -thieves have been ally. In
Sealorth. At the Ile!! Ids gine It
Thresher Co. plant It we. Mand that
a large hole had been w.alle Into the
malt whish adjoins the shop. lir
lice Inre••1Igmted and it was found)
that entrance to the office had been
mods by lseatag a rear Mor. Ts -
successful attempts had"t+een made to
enter . i te2vaalr tfola Tuts >s*e- glee,
After all their hard work the thieves
were able to fake oily a small amount
of rash thjt was In the vault. The
to seem
winter with their preeeeut soplpily. of be se urns and the wo.uilut will 1a• allow trees in their woes'Iot to decry,
Tenetual ' _tntf-ronatdt ent+te tpu rme-te- i norms vofusMr. e -who w•ouldl- sawmldes themselves a61tL-
of grain will have to he pllreha.d. The lollu44tug 1)pw o: trees may he less If the grain and hey crops were
With presette•prlt.•.r "1 1. -t (11111' r-moc.d in an 1rupn.vewent curling allowed- to deteriorate in the fields.
pod hogs at loner Iev,•l• thus 1441-10' and 11-.e1 •4111 yield u sourkterabte Many, in the past have not Boned-
Ibe ago. farmers a 1:1 find it neve- :upount of fuetwlasl. .ereF• the wrnwilot an asset, 'writes* the
..os -r) to chum[- their feeding habits or 1. Dead trews. revenue from It has Igen small, and
r. duce lice stock number, rather than 1. Tres with pertly dead tope the reason for the low rewros is that
purchase grains for fcr••1' which have a. I4•.syed trees Ind those In- no trees are cut w11e,.. they are dead
nd'aucel fr fifty to--01-uly-torr rested with luwr•I4. ..r /lpfe•tive.
per rent. in { price during the past fete 4. %Vent trees. - •; Cate rhuuld be taken' to ;4 -elect
usent- arla•ra h.n.e rest rifled Trees of the le* s'a;m l,- .14'1e11 till' small trees. Damage may be
their punpaae of feeder cattle this .1 id 1s• removed frons the et e4Hot_ eliminated largely by rare In felling,
fall and shortage of grain and higher :4. Tliuul11gr. !4-4154441 grwatit stands and a road systrm Is essential In or -
prices have already resulted in the require thinning. There 1' often der that the tragic with teams will sot
trarketing of a Targe puddler of scow... stagnation and few of the tura are 1* all over the woods.
ING EXTRA FOR IT... buy it at the Blue
Sunoco pump. This year's Blue Sunoco
has been careftjlly, deliberately, built to give
you sure-fire, instantaneous starting all
winter long. And it stays started, too, -ready
with lightning -lilts acceleration, bila .test.. __.
action and economical long mileage, made
doubly economical by its regular gam price.
This winter -when it comes to dependable'
quick -starting you'll come to Blue Sunoco!
r _ Dt.ALLIO tt GODt.ItICH
Hamilton Street
IN ievic._rt
Britannia Road and Blue Water Highway
fifi rii.
KtnYtston Street